When cigarette addiction appears. Stages of tobacco addiction. Stages of quitting cigarettes

Nicotine addiction is like addiction to drugs. It is a complex combination of biochemical reactions in the body, learned behavior, social and genetic factors. That is why, in order to overcome the pathological craving for smoking, nicotine addiction should be eliminated comprehensively.

What is nicotine (tobacco) addiction

This term refers to a complex of cognitive, physiological and psychological phenomena in which the use of psychoactive substances becomes for a person greater value than other forms of behavior that had previously been a higher priority for him. Basic feature such behavior is a strong (and sometimes irresistible) desire to use psychoactive drugs, tobacco or alcohol. It has been scientifically proven that returning to their use after abstinence leads to more rapid development other symptoms of this syndrome than in people who are not affected by it.

Properties of nicotine

The supply of nicotine to the brain causes a feeling of satisfaction, and smoking helps to maintain mental activity, cheer up. Therefore, trying to get rid of nicotine addiction is stressful.

Getting into the brain, nicotine is able to provoke the production of dopamine - the so-called pleasure hormone. This is what leads to addiction. Repeated cigarette use increases the number of dopamine receptors. Accordingly, to maintain the same level of sensations, an increase in the dose and frequency of nicotine intake will be required. After the effect of nicotine wears off, there is withdrawal syndrome(or withdrawal), and the person needs another cigarette. Thus, there is vicious circle: how more people smokes, the more he wants it and the more difficult it is for him to get rid of tobacco addiction.

Complexity of treatment

One indicator of how difficult it is to quit nicotine addiction is the difference between how many smokers want to quit bad habit and how many of them achieve positive results. Studies show that about two-thirds of smokers seek to recover from smoking cravings, but only 7% succeed in doing this with the help of willpower.

Smoking Behavior and Attitudes Study 1 conducted in 2008-2009. showed that 26% of smokers surveyed had attempted to quit smoking within previous year, and about 21% of smokers tried to get rid of tobacco dependence in the year or earlier before.

The difficulty of getting rid of nicotine addiction is also confirmed by the fact that some smokers cannot recover from it even after surgeries due to smoking-related diseases. Thus, statistics show that about 50% of patients with lung cancer after surgical treatment pick up cigarettes again 2 . Approximately 70% of patients undergoing heart attack, start smoking again within 12 months 3 . More recent research confirms that heavy nicotine-addicted smokers have difficulty quitting the habit even after learning that continued smoking is life threatening 4 .

Symptoms of tobacco addiction

Constant need for smoking. The main symptom of nicotine addiction is the regular need for cigarettes. The vast majority of smokers smoke several times a day. Another indicator for determining tobacco dependence is the time elapsed from the moment you wake up in the morning until you smoke a cigarette. So, in 2001, 14% of smokers lit a cigarette no later than 5 minutes after waking up. It is noted that long-term smokers who use more than 20 cigarettes a day are much more likely to feel the need to smoke immediately after waking up (32%) than those who use less than 10 pieces (4%) 5 .

withdrawal syndrome. Withdrawal syndrome is another indicator that speaks in favor of the need to treat tobacco dependence with nicotine drugs. It develops immediately after quitting smoking. After stopping the consumption of cigarettes or reducing their number, a person develops a complex unpleasant symptoms: irresistible craving to cigarettes, anxiety, impaired attention, irritability, increased appetite, etc. To reduce or eliminate the manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome, you can use nicotine replacement therapy drugs: chewing gum, tablets, translucent patches or NICORETTE® spray.

Nicotine addiction and genetics

Scientists have found that predisposition to tobacco dependence can be genetically determined (CYP2A6 gene) 6 . The study showed that people with genetic predisposition are more likely to become heavy smokers than those who do not. They are more addicted to nicotine and are less likely to stop smoking cravings, even with treatment. Carriers of the corresponding gene are not required to become smokers at all, but they have an increased chance of becoming addicted to nicotine.

Smokers with a mutated CYP2A6 gene tend to smoke less because nicotine is removed from their body more slowly. smoking people with a normal gene, on the contrary, due to rapid elimination nicotine from the body, are prone to more intense smoking. It is much more difficult for them to get rid of nicotine addiction.

How to reduce the health risks of nicotine

Cigarette addiction is caused by nicotine, which is part of tobacco products. However, the main harm to the body is caused by carcinogens and toxins contained in combustion products and tobacco smoke.

Nicotine in pure form does not contain harmful impurities and can help in getting rid of nicotine addiction. It can help you cut down on the number of cigarettes you smoke or stop smoking. certain time(for example, during a hospital stay or a long flight). Nicotine in therapeutic doses can reduce cravings for cigarettes and alleviate withdrawal symptoms. The use of nicotine replacement drugs helps to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes smoked, and subsequently completely get rid of tobacco dependence.

3 Stapleton J. Prevalence, cessation and relapses in smoking. Statistical methods in medical research 1998, 7:187-203

5 General study lifestyle, 2010 National Statistical Office, 2012

6 General Lifestyle Survey, 2010 National Statistical Office, 2012

This is what from healthy person personal life can deteriorate, many serious diseases (including fatal ones) develop. People who smoke daily are wasting their money and harming their health. With all this, not only they suffer, but also those around them. Is it pleasant for a non-smoker to communicate with a smoker? Of course not. Smoking is a terrible anti-social habit that needs to be eliminated as soon as possible.

Why do people still smoke if the harm of tobacco has long been proven? Someone smokes for some mental reasons, and someone because he developed the strongest nicotine addiction. What it is? In principle, it can be called a real disease, along with alcoholism and drug addiction. To get rid of it on your own, as well as from the other two indicated ailments, in most cases it is very, very difficult.

Nicotine addiction is a disease that cannot be started. There are not so few means designed to combat it. Let's consider them in more detail.

It is worth saying that nicotine addiction happens:



Physical dependence refers to a state of the body in which there is a habit of the substances contained in tobacco - primarily nicotine. As in the case of drugs, after the next dose, a nicotine addict experiences some relief and even pleasure, but very soon it disappears, and withdrawal begins.

Tobacco smoker gets pleasure for the reason that nicotine affects certain parts of his brain. Unfortunately, the impact is not only on him, but on the whole organism as a whole. is detrimental. For this reason, a person who has developed a nicotine addiction experiences severe discomfort. Many people are weak and simply cannot survive the terrible state associated with the lack of the substance to which they are accustomed. How long will it take for everything to return to its normal, natural state? For a long time, however, strong physical nicotine addiction will disappear in about one to two weeks.

Let's talk about psychological addiction. Immediately, we note that it is much stronger than the one described above (there are exceptions, but in most cases this is exactly what happens). It is connected with the fact that a person simply gets used to smoking. He enjoys smoking anyway. Often this is due to the fact that for him to smoke means to retire and redirect his thoughts a little in a different direction - that is, to step back from reality and relax a bit.

Some claim that a cigarette helps them think, relax, rest, and so on. Habit is a strong thing, which means that it will be very difficult to overcome it. There are people who smoke only when they are nervous, drink coffee or drink alcohol. There are those who touch cigarettes just to emphasize their own unique style.

How to quit smoking? This question is difficult. First of all, we recommend that you stop entertaining yourself with the hope that you can quit smoking any time you want. Here, as in the case with, first of all it is necessary to admit to yourself and to people that you are sick.

How to quit or an adult? The best way- Convince yourself that you don't need tobacco. If you can really believe it, then you will never return to this. Other means and methods are not so effective, since the probability of relapse is too high.

In terms of addictiveness, nicotine is only slightly inferior to heroin, but leaves behind almost all other drugs, with the exception of some methamphetamines. The addiction of the body to nicotine occurs approximately from the 2nd or 3rd dose. And with each new dose, the strength of dependence increases.

Nicotine addiction is one of the most severe forms addiction. The effect of nicotine on the body is extremely destructive and never goes unnoticed. The main consequences of long-term tobacco use are diseases of cardio-vascular system, oncological diseases and respiratory damage. The power of addiction to nicotine is such that quitting it often becomes an almost impossible task.

Nicotine supplier

The main and, in fact, the only product containing nicotine in doses that can cause addiction is tobacco and mixtures based on it. The tobacco industry produces its products in the form of smoking tobacco, chewing and snuff, moreover, most of accounts for smoking tobacco. The content of nicotine in tobacco is so high that, in fact, it makes this plant poisonous. 20 grams of dried tobacco contains at least one lethal dose of nicotine for humans.

The physical effects of nicotine

Addiction to nicotine occurs not only on the psychological, but also on physical level. At its core, physical addiction is a change in the working functions of certain organs. Nicotine, like any other narcotic and toxic substance, first of all, provides pernicious influence on the brain and very quickly causes a clear violation of its functions. There are rumors that the human body itself produces nicotine, and when using tobacco, they say, the secretion of nicotine stops, and it is because of this that those trying to quit smoking begin. These rumors are very far from the truth, because human body never produced nicotine and is unlikely to ever learn to do so.

It affects the body in a completely different way. He seems to be cheating human organs, creating in them an erroneous "opinion" that the life of the body without nicotine is impossible. In fact, when the level of nicotine in the blood decreases and at the same time the effect of its action decreases, the body simply returns to its natural state. Increases sensitivity, dulled by the action of nicotine, improves vision, hearing and taste sensations. But, at the same time, the so-called "cancellation effect" occurs. During this period, the body simply begins to heal from the poison that has penetrated into it.

Mental effects of nicotine

However, with all this, the main burden of nicotine addiction falls precisely on its psychological component. Without a doubt, the use of nicotine causes a kind of pleasure, euphoria and a lot of after-effects, most of which are still rather pleasant than unpleasant. A person tends to become attached to everything that gives him pleasure.

Due to the effect of nicotine on the receptors of the brain, the person who uses it quickly gets used to the state of drug intoxication, and the change physical condition the body as a result of a lack of nicotine in the blood causes purely psychological discomfort. Actually, it is this complex of influence on the sensations of a person and on his consciousness that forms a psychological drug addiction.

Nicotine acts on the human body as a psychoactive drug. It causes mild euphoria and briefly increases mental activity. However, the effect of nicotine on the body is extremely destructive and very dangerous. According to the number of diseases caused by it long-term use, it is superior to any other narcotic or toxic substance. But, despite this, it is the only drug legally allowed for circulation and use.

Addiction means that a person is unable to stop smoking tobacco, even though they are aware of the consequences for their health." />

Tobacco addiction occurs due to the physical addiction of the body to tobacco products, namely, to the nicotine alkaloid contained in them.

Nicotine addiction means that a person is not able to stop smoking tobacco, even if he is aware of the consequences for his health.

While nicotine "attaches" the smoker to cigarettes, other substances contained in tobacco have toxic effect on the body. Smokers are very high risk cardiovascular disease, obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke and cancer.

Nicotine causes physical and mental effects which temporarily give pleasure to the smoker. Pleasant sensations make the smoker pick up the cigarette again and again, leading to dependence. At the same time, nicotine withdrawal causes a complex of unpleasant symptoms, which are called the withdrawal syndrome.

Reasons for nicotine addiction

Nicotine is very addictive. It increases the release of special brain substances, mediators that regulate mood and human behavior. One of these mediators is dopamine, which makes a person feel great. The desire to constantly get a dose of dopamine is essential part habituation process.

Risk factors for nicotine addiction.

Most smokers acquire this bad habit during childhood or adolescence. How earlier man started smoking, Great chance development of nicotine addiction.

Children who grow up in a family of smokers are more likely to become addicted to nicotine. The same can be said for children whose friends smoke.

Genes also play a role in the development of addiction to nicotine. Modern research suggest that the likelihood of nicotine addiction depends on the heredity of a person. Experiments have shown that some people do not enjoy tobacco much and they do not become addicted. For others, addiction develops very quickly.

People who suffer from depression, schizophrenia, and other mental health problems also have a higher risk of addiction to nicotine.

Symptoms of nicotine addiction

Signs of addiction include the following:

1. The patient cannot quit smoking. This is determined by the presence in the past of at least one serious, but unsuccessful attempt to quit.

2. The patient experiences a withdrawal syndrome with an abrupt cessation of smoking. The withdrawal syndrome is manifested by irritability, anxiety, bad mood, inability to concentrate, depression, severe hunger, insomnia, constipation or diarrhea.

3. The patient continues to smoke despite health problems. Even because of heart or lung problems, addicted people do not quit cigarettes.

4. The patient reduces his social activity and rest in order to be able to smoke. This is manifested in the fact that dependent person Stops going to your favorite establishments where smoking is prohibited. A person may even limit contact with friends who cannot tolerate tobacco.

Treatment for nicotine addiction

Let's make a reservation right away that few smokers can quit their habit the first time. Therefore, the presence of one or more unsuccessful attempts in no way should upset the patient and deprive him of his enthusiasm.

Despite the complexity of weaning from nicotine, the benefits of this case are obvious. American experts say that smoking is the very first cause of death among those causes that can be prevented. Smoking on this sad list leaves behind alcohol, drugs, traffic accidents, murders.

The benefits of quitting nicotine are felt not after decades, but almost immediately. Within 20 minutes after smoking a cigarette, the smoker's heartbeat returns to normal. After 12 hours, the level of toxic CO gas in the blood returns to normal. Within 3 months, lung function and blood circulation improve. After 12 months, the risk of a heart attack is reduced by 2 times! After the next 5-10 years, the risk of stroke in a quitter will be as low as in a non-smoker.

For the treatment of nicotine addiction, combinations of drug and psychotherapeutic methods are most successfully used.

Medicines containing nicotine (replacement therapy).

These drugs give the patient's body what it needs - nicotine - without giving toxic ballast substances. The dose of nicotine is gradually reduced, until complete weaning (removal of dependence).

These drugs are available in the form of lozenges, chewing gum(Nicorette), patches (Nicoderm), and even nasal sprays and inhalers (Nicotrol). In the United States, the latter two forms are available by prescription because they are not considered as safe as hard candies and chewing gum.

There are also preparations with alkaloids that are close in action to nicotine. Among them on post-Soviet space Cytisine (Tabex) is well known in the form of tablets.

Many people mistakenly believe that nicotine substitutes also promote cancer, but this is completely untrue. Cancer can cause toxic substances released when tobacco is burned.

Medicines without nicotine content.

Other drug groups for nicotine addiction include:

1. Bupropion (Zyban). This is an antidepressant that increases the level of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, the production of which should be "spurred" by nicotine intake. Bupropion helps you quit smoking as comfortably as possible. It minimizes the possible weight gain when a person quits smoking.

2. Varenicline (Champix). This substance acts on nicotinic receptors in the brain, reducing withdrawal symptoms. Varenicline also reduces the pleasure of smoking.

3. Nortriptyline (Pamelor). This tricyclic antidepressant has shown some efficacy in quitters. In the US, it is considered a second-line drug in the treatment of nicotine addiction.

4. Clonidine (Clonidine, Katapres). This blood pressure lowering drug is sometimes used in the US as a second-line treatment for nicotine addiction when other drugs fail.

Counseling and psychotherapy in the treatment of tobacco dependence.

In many countries there are special telephone lines where an addict can get help and advice. Individual and group programs have also been used with great success to help overcome nicotine withdrawal.

In the United States and some Western countries, special free Internet sites have recently appeared where patients can find support, as well as useful information. One such resource is the American becomeanex.org

Let's just say that few smokers can quit their habit the first time. Therefore, the presence of one or more unsuccessful attempts should in no way upset the patient and deprive him of his enthusiasm.

1. Do it regularly physical exercises. Loads help to distract and improve your health.

2. Wait out the "withdrawal" when you really want to smoke. At such moments, take care of, for example, washing dishes or other chores.

3. Don't give in. You can't justify yourself with thoughts such as "One cigarette won't hurt" or "I'll only smoke one to get through today." This is a step back in your program!

4. Talk to someone who can support you. It can be either a psychotherapist or best friend friend, relative.

5. Be realistic about how much time and energy your plan will take. Get ready for the challenge. Try to write down your schedule.

6. Eat regularly and properly. Turn on the menu more vegetables and fruits, drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol!

7. Avoid risky situations. You need to know the specific moments because of which you are drawn to smoke. Avoid people, places and provocative situations. Your goal is worth it.

American scientists studied the behavior of smokers and found out the following risky moments that most often push a person to smoke:

1. Frequent breaks (smoke breaks) at work.
2. Rest after a hearty lunch.
3. Drinking alcohol.
4. Long conversation on the phone.
5. Stressful situations.
6. Smell cigarette smoke.
7. Long stay behind the wheel.

To avoid the development of nicotine addiction, you need to be especially careful in these dangerous situations to occupy yourself with something else.

Complications of nicotine addiction

Tobacco smoke contains over 60 carcinogenic compounds and about 4,000 others harmful substances. Smoking harms almost all organs and tissues of the human body. According to statistics, more than 50% of those who smoke for a long time die from the consequences of smoking.

The effects of smoking include:

1. Lung cancer.
2. Cancer of the esophagus.
3. Cancer of the larynx.
4. Kidney cancer.
5. Bladder cancer.
6. Cancer of the pancreas.
7. Leukemia and other types of cancer.
8. chronic diseases lungs.
9. Stroke.
10. Myocardial infarction.
11. Other circulatory disorders.
12. Premature aging.
13. Female infertility.
14. Erectile dysfunction.
15. Complications during pregnancy.
16. Birth defects in children.
17. Frequent colds.
18. Emergence diabetes 2 types.
19. Rapid progression of diabetes.
20. Violation of sensations (smell, taste).
21. Risk to the health of relatives and friends.

Konstantin Mokanov

Some smokers behind these excuses hide their addiction and an elementary fear of change, and some even believe that they just need to want and the problem will disappear by itself. But it won't. Smoking causes dependence on cigarettes, which manifests itself differently in each case. And even if there is a desire to refuse another puff, a person is faced with a number of problems of a psychological and physical nature.

Physical addiction to cigarettes

Already the very concept - nicotine addiction, allows you to understand what is meant by it. Getting used to getting the next serving harmful smoke occurs gradually and over time the human body adapts to work in a similar mode, starting to experience severe discomfort in its absence.

The thing is that nicotine is present in the composition of cigarette smoke - a substance that is classified as a nerve poison and which in its structure is similar to acetylcholine, which is responsible for providing normal functioning brain. The excitatory effect of nicotine and acetylcholine, which they have on nerve cells, essentially the same. And over time, the body, which gets used to receiving an artificial mediator from the outside, reduces the production of a natural one, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity to acetylcholine and, as a result, efficiency and vitality decrease.

All this leads to the need to receive the next dose of a substance that acts in a similar way on the nerve cells of the brain. And since the body itself is no longer able to cope with this task, a person fills this gap by dragging on a cigarette. Numerous studies in this area have shown that nicotine dependence on cigarettes becomes stronger over the years and even the presence of strong character will not relieve a person who has decided to abruptly quit smoking from physical discomfort, which is called nicotine withdrawal.

Psychological addiction to cigarettes

If the cause of development physical addiction from cigarettes is explained specifically by the emergence of the need to receive the next dose of nicotine, psychological dependence is a much more multifaceted concept and therefore it is impossible to find one general definition problem that would be suitable for all smokers. Indeed, even if necessary individual approach, there are some of the most common causes that lead to the occurrence of psychological dependence from smoking.

The desire to reduce the feeling of discomfort. The development of physical dependence on nicotine leads to the appearance of psychological and vice versa. Without even realizing it, people want to prolong that feeling of excitement that occurs after the next puff and strive to avoid the depressed state caused by a lack of nicotine;

Way of self-affirmation. Whatever smokers say, most of them smoked their first cigarette to demonstrate their own "adulthood", or they were driven by the desire to be like someone they chose as their ideal. It has long been proven that a large percentage of the younger generation who smokes are people with a mass of complexes who try to hide their lack of confidence in themselves and their abilities by such behavior;

The ability to relieve tension and avoid stress. Even from infancy, it is in our minds that in order to calm down a child needs a pacifier. Having smoked, a person gets a grown-up version of a children's “sedative”, but in addition to changing the form, the content has also changed in it and, giving the opportunity to calm down, the cigarette is even more addictive;

Burning as a ritual. The cigarette becomes a part of life. A smoker simply cannot imagine what morning coffee can be like without a cigarette and how one can skip an afternoon portion of tobacco smoke;

Ruling as a way to avoid unnecessary communication. Getting into a company where there are no people with whom they could be found common topics for a conversation, a cigarette will help to avoid an awkward pause;

and hundreds more reasons.

withdrawal syndrome

Irritability, insomnia, nervous tension, the inability to focus on something specific, there is only one thought in my head - to find a cigarette and take a drag - those experienced smokers who have decided to give up their addiction and quit smoking. I must say that the withdrawal syndrome manifests itself very individually. It happens that a person with great experience, who smoked 20 cigarettes daily, can endure withdrawal syndrome much easier than a novice smoker with a labile psyche, who will feel all the consequences of quitting, both psychological and physical, such as chills, dizziness, aches in everything. body, nausea, suffocation.

Of course, to cope with all this, although not easy, but quite real. That is why experts say that a person should come to the decision to quit smoking on his own, and without own desire achieve any positive results fail.

If you cannot overcome the problem on your own, you should contact the professionals. First of all, you need to determine how strong the attachment to a cigarette is, and the Carl Fargestrom test will help in this, after passing which you can independently determine the level of dependence:

  • You can't do without the obligatory ritual of smoking a cigarette right after waking up with your morning coffee;
  • The slightest excitement makes you inhale the salutary smoke;
  • Knowing that smoking is bad for your health, every time you set a date when you quit smoking and every time you put it off.

These statements indicate that your addiction is strong enough. But even with very strong dependence giving up cigarettes is quite realistic, the main thing is to approach the process reasonably and consciously:

  • determine the level of your addiction
  • think about what scares you more when you think about quitting - physical ailments or psychological cravings
  • think about why you need it and what you want to get by giving up cigarettes (the article TOP 10 motivations to quit smoking may be useful)
  • read relevant literature
  • choose a method, way or aids, which will greatly facilitate the process of throwing (for example, Diaz inhaler cigarettes, the Zakharov method or Zerosmoke)
  • set a non-smoking counter, keep a diary and keep track of all your actions (tip: you can register on the forum, where you will receive both your counter and diary and answers to your questions, as well as the opportunity to chat with the same “throwers”)

As you know, there is no universal formula, one thing helps one more, another another. But such A complex approach quitting smoking definitely increases your chances of quitting on your own, permanently and without much pain at times. And who is aware - he is armed.

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