Return the lion after a long separation. How to return a Leo man and make peace with him after a quarrel or parting

Separation does not make anyone happy, especially if this separation was due to stupidity or misunderstanding. Want to get everything back, but don't know how? Nothing is impossible. If your man is Leo, then we must remember that he needs a woman who is admired by other men, but at the same time she never doubts his superiority over herself. The Leo man does not love, and he does not know how to apologize, he must make certain compromises with him. Therefore, you will have to make a lot of efforts to understand how to return the Leo man.

How to return the interest of a Leo man?

Leo does not like conflicts, and therefore, in order to find out how he is, it is worth working on yourself and learning royal calm. Try to admit your mistakes and challenge him to a frank conversation. To return the Leo man, you must, first of all, change yourself. It is necessary to change the appearance, in which sensuality and impeccability must be coordinated. Perhaps you will find yourself in a common company, and then you should behave in such a way that the men around you are crazy about you. At the same time, you must be even and calm so that no one suspects you of frivolity. Try to make a light compliment to your Leo man so that he feels both your respect, yours and independence.

Take advantage of his weaknesses

In order for everything to work out in the question of how to return the Leo man, psychologists advise: you need to play on his pride. Lions are very ambitious and therefore subtle flattery, or rather sincere praise, will help your chosen one. feel on top, he will be supportive of you. And such a Leo is a romantic. Play on his romantic feelings. Leo does not tolerate criticism, does not lead to pity, therefore no reproaches, no tears, only detachment and behavior full of dignity. Maybe a slight regret about the quarrel that happened.

How to return the love of a Leo man?

It’s easy if you don’t expect him to admit mistakes, apologize, but help him get out of the situation with his head held high. But at the same time, you yourself will not humiliate yourself, repent or ask for forgiveness. You can only casually mention that the quarrel was not your fault. But at the same time, you continue to love him and would like to hope that his feelings have not cooled down either. Remember that you must match your chosen one both externally and internally. And then you will not have a question how to return the Leo man after

Everything was great, but suddenly the beloved man Leo left? Or maybe you began to quarrel often lately, then Leo admitted that he wants to leave you? Definitely it's time to re-conquer your loved one. Moreover, the Leo man is a real prize, you can compete for him. The main thing is to act wisely, in a cunning way.

  • Leo is confident in his own exclusivity, so your main weapon will be praise, flattery, praises in his honor. Do not skimp on boasting, tell the Leo man more pleasant things, exalt him. He will surely like it and he will want to spend more time with you.
  • Don't blame Leo for the breakup. Even if it really is. Now is not the time to re-educate him, your task is to return your loved one. No need to enter into conflict, be gentle, soft and affectionate.
  • Stop criticizing Leo. Even if you want to point out some of his shortcomings, you should not do this. The lion cannot stand being scolded, reproached or taught. He immediately wants to run away to the other end of the earth, just not to listen to lectures.
  • Remember that Leo is very ambitious, for him in the first place- his work, career, personal life, he takes second place at best. Do not try to explain to Leo that he is wrong. So you will only piss him off. Do not interfere with the Leo man to achieve his goal, do not demand to pay more attention to you. With such behavior, you will only spoil everything, and Leo will make sure that he did the right thing by leaving you.
  • Keep in mind that Leo is a great optimist, he is used to looking at life positively, confident that everything will work out, and any adversity will bypass him. Never escalate the situation, no need to complain about fate, look for negativity in everything, focus on the bad. Find the good in every situation. Leo will not live with a girl with whom he is not comfortable, she should charge him with positive energy and bring joy.
  • Do not pursue Leo, show that you value him, respect him, love him, but you will not humiliate yourself and run after him. He himself must make the final decision. Behave with him a little detached and indifferent.
  • Leo appreciates the loyalty of a woman. Let him know that even after the breakup, you were devoted to him and did not even think about dating others. It will surely impress him.

What should you become

  1. Spectacular, irresistible beauty. It is important for Leo to be proud of his woman, he wants everyone to envy him, dreaming of being in his place. A girl should be truly luxurious, chic, a real queen.
  2. Strong. Leo is very attracted to self-sufficient women who know how to make decisions, reasonable and wise. Do not be afraid to change, the Leo man will look at you with new eyes.
  3. Unpredictable. Try to make sure that Leo does not get bored with you. Change your behavior: become more relaxed, a little haughty or a little mysterious. Look at the situation, the main thing is not to be the same as usual. Surprise your man, you need to shake him up so that he realizes how extraordinary you are.
  4. Bright, purposeful. Conquer Leo with your manners, manner, behavior. He must understand that in front of him is the best girl, exactly the one that he needs. Convince Leo that he will be incomparably good with you.
  5. Feminine. The Leo man likes true Women, soft, kind-hearted and generous. Leo himself is a kind and noble person, and he is looking for the same girl. Be an affectionate cat, gentle and cozy.
  6. prudent. Demonstrate to Leo that you know how to control yourself, behave appropriately. Do not try to burst into tears, hysteria or say something to a man, this will immediately push Leo away from you.

Be confident in yourself, do not doubt success, prove to Leo that you are ready to change.

Praise him often, do not try to criticize. Promise that you will have a wonderful life together, full of joy and happiness. You will definitely be able to return your beloved Leo!

The main thing about Leo. His chips. Character. What to prepare for a girl

The Leo man is cheerful, vain and rather selfish. Leo is proud, full of self-esteem, craves power. He always strives to be the center of attention. Leo, of course, has a retinue that idolizes him.

A man of this sign cannot live without praise, he needs compliments, like in the air.

The character of Leo is such that he is a very positive, cheerful person. And also kind and generous, self-confident and imposing.

He needs all the best: a woman, a house, things. Leo agrees only to luxury, chic, brilliance, something in between will not suit him. He loves to impress others. Most of the time he is in a good mood. The Leo girl is looking for the most beautiful and brightest. She must arouse the admiration of others with her beauty, intelligence and manners.

Leo courts exquisitely, he is generous, passionate and unpredictable.

Living with this man is interesting and exciting, Leo is a calm, reasonable and cheerful person, an excellent lover, a wonderful husband and a wonderful father. His family will not know adversity. The main thing is to constantly admire Leo, exalt him, never argue with him or scold him. The Leo man is the real center of the family, everything revolves around him. He will make all the main decisions himself, up to where the wife works and whether it is worth doing it at all. For the family, Leo will try his best, his wife will never see him idly lying on the couch or depressed. He is not inclined to fall into melancholy. This person is a real sun, next to which the household will be warm, cozy and good.

Aries woman

To return Leo, the Aries girl needs to leave her commanding habits, become more patient and soft. Aries are too focused on themselves, a woman of this sign will be able to restore relations with a man if she turns her attention to her beloved, begins to praise him more, sing praises to Leo;

Taurus woman

In order to return the love of Leo, Telchikha should become less stubborn and adamant. In addition, Taurus is prone to edification, which can simply infuriate Leo. She also needs to learn to listen to the opinion of another person;

Twin woman

For the return of Leo, the Gemini girl needs to learn how to monitor her mood, which is usually very changeable. In addition, Gemini is always striving to correct her beloved, as she believes, for his own good. Leo does not need this, he is sure that he is already perfect, and that he must be accepted as he is;

Woman Rakina

To return the beloved Leo, the Cancer girl needs to get rid of the habit of constantly being offended. Cancers are also too nervous, shy and cowardly, all this irritates the regal Leo man. Change your character, the only way you can hope for the revival of your relationship;

Lioness woman

She will be able to return Leo if she ceases to claim leadership in relationships, and also considers not only herself the center of the universe. The Leo man needs more attention than any other sign, do not forget about it. In general, they are both charismatic, bright and spectacular, so it will not be difficult for the Lioness to return the Leo;

Virgo woman

Virgo needs to get rid of the obsessive desire to analyze and criticize everything, her grumbling makes her way to the liver. And it also seems that she lacks passion, but this is not so. To return Leo, she needs to become more open, not be shy about anything in close relationships and praise the man more;

Libra woman

The Libra girl needs to try to become less intrusive, otherwise she will never return Leo, he does not tolerate annoying women. Cling less to a man, do not get him. And Libra also craves attention, in order to return Leo, she will need to learn to put her beloved in the foreground;

Scorpio woman

In order to regain the trust of a loved one, Scorpio needs to unlearn to constantly speak barbs, to be sarcastic, she can very much hurt the pride of another person, this will not work with Leo. He appreciates only that girl who does not skimp on praise in his honor, and does it sincerely and regularly;

Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius girl needs to give up the desire to be the main one in the relationship, this is the only way to return the Leo man. And she should also pay more attention to home and life, Leo does not tolerate disorder on her territory, in his opinion, a woman is obliged to maintain comfort;

Capricorn woman

The girl of this sign is sometimes too unceremonious, saying in her face what she sees fit. In addition, she tends to complain about life, and Leo can not stand it. Try to change your character, otherwise you will not be able to return your loved one;

Woman Aquarius

To return the Leo man, the Aquarius girl will have to overcome stubbornness and intractability. Sometimes she's just unbearable. Leo needs a softer girl, non-conflict and kind-hearted;

Rybka woman

Pisces will succeed in returning her beloved Leo if she leaves in the past her habit of itching, prodding and harassing her partner, trying to bring him to the ideal. But after all, the Lion, the king of animals, is already perfect, we must not forget this. And criticism of the Rybka girl can get on your nerves.

How to return Leo if we don't see each other at all

You should not look for Leo, call him, try to set up meetings. Leo cannot stand annoying ladies, he seeks to hide from them far away.

Even if you don’t see each other at all, nothing prevents you from trying to become a luxurious woman, because this is exactly what the Leo man needs.

Take care of your appearance and bring it to perfection. What if you accidentally run into on the street or visiting friends? Then Leo will see you in all its glory, if at the same time you are slightly cold and inaccessible, then he will wonder if he did the right thing by leaving such a sultry beauty.

Even in separation, do not think about others, the news of your adventures will immediately reach Leo, and then reconciliation can not be expected. But if you remain devoted to your beloved even after parting, he will definitely appreciate it.

How to return a Leo after a quarrel

Are you worried about how to make peace after a quarrel with Leo? The first time after a quarrel, do nothing, let yourself and your loved one calm down and cool down. After a while, three or four days, try to call him for a conversation. If you feel that you yourself are to blame, then be sure to sincerely apologize. If you think that the fault is on him, then just keep silent, you should not procrastinate what happened and express everything that has accumulated.

During the conversation, by all means, be affectionate, gentle, soft. Say something nice to Leo, praise him.

You can joke a little to defuse the situation, after which Leo will not be able to be angry with you. Do not drag out the conversation, having calmly discussed everything, agreed on employment, then retreat. Leave Leo alone, let him think about you and your relationship. This is enough to get started. Then, most likely, the Leo man will want to find you himself in the hope of returning your love.

The man of the zodiac sign Leo is ambitious, proud and wants to dominate and command. Getting him back after a breakup is not easy. You need to try to become indispensable for Leo. For starters, you can just agree to friendship in order to be closer to him. Get better, get better. In addition to appearance, do not forget about inner self-confidence. The Leo man is truly attracted to strong women who are full of self-respect. Do not criticize Leo, do not point out his shortcomings, be positive, energetic and cheerful. You also need to be a bright girl, interesting and unforgettable. Such a woman delights him, and Leo himself longs to win her.

Answers to some other questions asked

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How to behave with Leo?

You don’t even need to dream of equality with Leo. The woman, of course, is in his submission, the leadership of the Leo man is not even discussed. You should never argue with Leo. More boasting and pleasant words addressed to him, and men will turn mountains for the sake of their beloved, throw the world at her feet. A woman should simply shine in society, Leo will not even look at an ordinary, unremarkable Leo. This man is a big owner. He must be sure of the fidelity of the chosen one. Every minute Leo will control absolutely everything.

The Leo man is interested in such women who need to be conquered. He is the king of beasts, a hunter and wants to seek a woman himself. Be bright, outstanding, interesting and impregnable, believe me, there are a lot of willing simpletons around Leo. Do not forget about admiration and flattery, the Leo man loves it. Do not show helplessness and defenselessness, Leo appreciates strong women. Be kind and generous.

How to understand Leo?

Leo - proud, conceited, loves to command. Any disobedience will anger him and awaken the beast in him. He loves to be the center of attention. This is a wise, reasonable person, able to lead the crowd. In addition, he is kind, noble, generous, a real king. In fact, it is worth listening to him, Leo is very smart, insightful and prudent.

To answer the question: "How to return the lion?", A woman must first analyze her relationship. After all, in fact, maybe it's not worth returning it? Of course, the Leo man is a very eccentric person. His power and strength make a woman against his background very fragile and defenseless, as it should be in reality. In his arms, the representative of the weaker sex feels completely safe. Leo is very hard to forget. All men after such a "king of beasts" do not seem strong enough. But, despite such a royal position, not every woman can get along with a lion's ego. There should be a queen next to the lion, but the word of a man is always law. Therefore, in order to coexist peacefully in a couple, a woman must be completely subservient to the king, but at the same time not lose her "presentation", stand out from the crowd.

In addition, being paired with a lion, a woman must weigh her every word, every deed and look. She can, of course, express her point of view, but if her judgments completely contradict the opinion of the lion, then it is better to remain silent. Also, lions love smart women, but the female mind should not overlap the lion's. Thus, a beautiful, persistent, spectacular partner of a lion must have wisdom. Only this quality will have a beneficial effect on the duration of their relationship. And if the lady, after all of the above, continues to want to be close to the lion, you need to think about how to make him come back. To understand how to return a lion to a man, a woman must independently. After all, only she knows what her man is like, what his strengths and weaknesses are.

So, you need to go through his weak points. Almost all lions are very ambitious. So, you need to build the situation in such a way as to express your admiration for the lion. And even better, if thanks to a woman, the lion will receive universal recognition and praise. Here it is necessary to show all the female cunning that the female sex can be capable of. If the goal is set, then, as they say: "In love, as in war, all means are good ... " Flattery is one of the proven means from the instruction called "How to return the lion man?" Therefore, we must try to sing odes at the most successful moments and praises to his beloved. A woman should completely exclude critical statements from her communication with a lion. Now the moment has come when the Leo man must be right and perfect in everything, even if this is not so.

But, despite her suppleness, a woman should not look unhappy. This, on the contrary, can scare the lion even more. Therefore, one must be in the middle ground: on the one hand, indulge the king in everything, and on the other, still be removed from everything that happens. A lion is a person who needs to be thrown some bait, that is, to be interested. His gaze always falls on the most luxurious ladies. So, a woman must fully meet his requirements. At any reception, dinner, a female representative should outshine her rivals and have a lot of fans. Looking at all this, the lion does not want to have another. His companion is simply obliged to be the best. But coquetry with other men will not at all arouse his approval, but most likely will provoke rage and indignation. So, flirting is needed only in moderation.

If a woman behaves in this way, it will not be difficult for her to return the lion back. And all because he chooses only worthy companions. When a woman believes that the lion is to blame for the breakup, there is no need to tell him about it. Regardless of who was the cause of the quarrel, this burden should not be placed on the king. He does not like to admit his mistakes, even very obvious ones. Therefore, a woman must endure this moment of humiliation, gritting her teeth. Otherwise, any hint of the wrongness of the lion will cause a lot of indignation in him. He may even end the conversation in a very rude way. Pride does not allow a Leo man to be guilty before someone, and even more so before a woman. For him, this is the highest degree of infringement of himself as a person. And if up to this point he has not apologized, it will be extremely stupid to expect changes from the lion.

The first step towards reconciliation, taken by a woman, will be perceived positively by the lion. Despite his strength, in terms of quarrels and scandals, he is always afraid to approach first. Therefore, if the lion still has feelings for a woman, her act in his eyes will look very worthy. But there are things that are not forgiven by lions. These include treason and betrayal. Leo will never go to bed with a woman who has preferred another man to him. Despite his feelings, he just won't be able to look at her the way he used to. Therefore, in this case, a woman should not come up with her apologies and repentance. For a lion, such a female representative is no longer a suitable option. I mean, she's no match for him. Lions do not forgive criticism in bed matters, so you do not need to openly express your dissatisfaction with them.


Try to play on romantic feelings. The Leo man is a romantic with a light character. To win him back, you can try a series of touching tricks: a candlelit dinner, a small souvenir, a sexy outfit, an offer to take a bath together. If he still has feelings for you, then these tricks should definitely work. If you do not see him, then you need to arrange a "random" meeting. When talking with him, you do not need to cry and humiliate yourself - next to Leo there should be a woman full of dignity, and not a crying and lamenting hysterical woman. Just let him know that you are very sorry that you are not around him at the moment.

To return a Leo man, you need to understand his character. Know clearly its strengths and weaknesses. Particular attention in relations with him should be paid to flattery and praise. Do not skimp on kind words addressed to him. This is the only way to turn him into an obedient and affectionate kitten, ready to move mountains from the sky for you.

If you want to return a Leo man after a breakup, then pay attention to your behavior. It is useless to fight for leadership with him. No need to criticize and find fault with him. Next to the Leo man, a woman cannot be the main one. This is the basis of a relationship with this man, if you are not ready to coexist so close to him, then it is better to leave him alone. Don't hurt each other. Constant quarrels based on the struggle for leadership will sooner or later destroy your relationship and leave no trace of past feelings.

If you decide to return the Leo man after a breakup, then you don’t need to run after him and constantly remind yourself of yourself. The lion is a born hunter. During a quarrel, remain calm and indifferent, but always let him know that there is no one better than him.

Do not play on Leo's feelings of jealousy. He does not tolerate rivals next to him, so if you start showing him that you have someone, then this way to attract his attention can turn the Leo man away from you forever.

During a fight, don't pressure him. Gently and unobtrusively make it so that the thought that it is time to restore relations with you comes to his mind.

Even if parting with a Leo man literally breaks your heart, you still need to keep your cool outwardly. The initiative must always come from him. Do not force things and try to gently let him know that he is the only one for you.

To return the Leo man, think over your every step and in no case do impulsive acts. The most beautiful, wise and intelligent woman should be next to him so that all his friends envy him.

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According to the Zodiac, under the sign are men whose birthday falls between July 23 and August 23. This is one of the brightest signs of the zodiac and the woman who has experienced the power of his feelings will not be easy to part with Leo. If you are in a quarrel then return love Leo will be quite difficult, but still worth a try.


Lions are proud and take quarrels rather hard, because they consider them a manifestation of the fact that you have ceased to admire him and are ready to stop loving him. But this sign constantly needs love and admiration, and from their absence experiences real physical torment. Therefore, if you do not want your beloved to find solace in the arms of another woman, you should not pout for a long time and it is better if you yourself take the first step.

Wait for some time so that both you and him will be offended, but do not delay reconciliation for more than 2-3 days. You can come up with any reason for contact and not show your remorse if you do not feel guilty. Leo does not need yours, but he will appreciate that you want to communicate with him and he will be ready to forgive any offense if you mention any of his virtues in a conversation, as if by chance, as a matter of course. He will take even an undisguised compliment for granted, he will be pleased with it, even if he himself does not realize this.

Have you been under the spell of a Leo man? Have you already managed to conquer this "king of beasts", but he unexpectedly left you? Or were the disagreements long-standing, he did not immediately decide to leave? In any case, you urgently need to change the tactics of behavior, get as close as possible to the standard of your loved one and take into account all the mistakes made earlier. Only in this way will you be able to return the Leo man, to win his trust and love again. Be faithful and faithful, energetic and unique, become the only queen on earth for your chosen one.

You must create an unforgettable image, behave in such a way that Leo does not even have the thought that there is someone better than you in this world. Your communication skills, the ability to restore relationships, and establish contact will also play a big role. Do not blame your beloved man, do not look for his shortcomings, and in no case do not shift the blame for parting on his shoulders. Even if it really is. Surely there is your fault in what happened, and the main task now is to return the Lion, and not re-educate him. Pay attention to its merits, remember your goal and get down to business!

Conquering the regal Leo man again
In order to win over your beloved Leo man again, you will need to get to know him better. Start with an analysis of your life together, his habits and interests, demeanor. Try to remember all the character traits of your chosen one, pay attention to those features that are typical for most representatives of this zodiac sign.

  1. Ambitious. For a Leo man, work, his career and successes, important things and new ideas, their embodiment often comes first. It is likely that for your loved one they will be in second place, and third, and fourth ... Just don't be upset and don't try to convince your Leo that you are more important, and family should be a priority. You will not be able to change it, and your reproaches will surely cause irritation. The main thing is that you are interested in him. He will love you, be faithful to you and provide for your life perfectly.
  2. Optimistic. For your Leo man, the ability to look positively at everything is of great importance. He strives for brilliance, beauty and joy, appreciates healthy humor and the ability to overcome difficulties with a smile. Do not immerse him in a negative atmosphere, learn to present even bad news with a share of a joke and immediately indicate the pros, a possible way out of the situation. When you talk about parting, convincing Leo to return, focus on the good that awaits you ahead.
  3. Touchy and conceited. Your loved one cannot be reproached, blamed, frightened. Do not try to threaten him or emphasize his guilt in breaking up, do not talk about his shortcomings. Why do you need it? Even if this is the true truth, the meaning of your words will still not reach the wounded Leo. He needs a woman who will be able to imperceptibly guide him on the right path, give him energy for improvement, instill self-confidence. Remember that criticism hurts Leo the most.
  4. Jealous. Real legends sometimes go about the jealousy of Lviv. Among all the representatives of the signs of the zodiac, it is the Leo man who values ​​​​fidelity most of all, is able to fall into a rage for the most insignificant reason, if he suspects that at least the thought of betrayal has appeared in the woman’s head. Learn it. Even when a lot of time has passed since your breakup, you may well impress your loved one by frankly saying that you love only him and are faithful to him.
  5. A little arrogant. Yes, arrogance is characteristic of most Leo men. He probably won't be surprised when he finds out how much you love him. He appreciates himself, likes to reflect and talk about his advantages, positive character traits, and remember successes. Don't let that bother you - you love him too. Get used to this feature of your chosen one. Remember that it is impossible to doubt its merits. Even if it is necessary to point out a mistake to Leo, this must be done as delicately as possible.
  6. Communicative. For your loved one, having a large retinue is of great importance. The Leo man loves to listen to compliments, he prefers to be regularly convinced of the strength of his authority, charm. Do not disturb its harmony. If your disagreements were related to the excessive sociability of Leo, be sure to draw his attention to the fact that your view on this has changed dramatically. You must accept it in all manifestations.
  7. Kind and responsible. Often, women in love with Leo men are annoyed by their desire to constantly help someone, to rush to support at a difficult moment. Yes, Leo is ready to give advice at any time of the day or night, to help out financially, to go into conflict for the sake of another person and his interests, if he considers it necessary. Your loved one is a kind person, his ability to sympathize and respond to someone else's misfortune can just be the key to your reunion.
Try to study the Leo man, be sure to find at least a few reasons why he could leave you. Change and improve for your loved one in order to be able to return him.

We return the Leo man: we become strong, feminine and extraordinary
You have to show all your best qualities, demonstrate strength of character, but at the same time not lose the ability to be feminine and fragile. You are faced with a difficult task, but you will certainly cope with it if you catch the harmony of a combination of slightly contradictory qualities.

  1. Strong. The Leo man appreciates strong, reasonable and restrained women. You should show yourself smart, strong-willed, able to find a way out of the most difficult situation. Do not be afraid to change for the sake of your loved one - he will appreciate your character, look at you with new eyes.
  2. Feminine and fragile. Imagine that you met your loved one for the first time after breaking up. You need to be prudent, keep yourself in control. Don't let your emotions get the best of you, behave appropriately. At the same time, your manners should give out excitement, vulnerability. Leo must appreciate your strength of character, but understand that in front of him you become fragile and vulnerable, in a sense dependent on him and in dire need of him.
  3. degree of openness. Everything here will depend on the personal qualities of your chosen one. The fact is that Leo men have different attitudes towards the sincerity of women. One will like a frank conversation and touching confessions, the other will be subdued by the desire of a woman to hide her vulnerability under the mask of a proud and slightly offended queen. Consider the nuances of your Leo character.
  4. Non-trivial. It is advisable not to behave predictably at a meeting with your loved one. It will be difficult to return a Leo man if he begins to anticipate your every word and gets bored after five minutes. Think over your conversation. You can evoke unexpected emotions in your loved one, behave atypically: too calmly, more relaxed, very frankly or a little arrogantly. Assess your capabilities, choose a more suitable option, create an organic image. Just don't let Leo get bored. Banal scenes with tears will have to be completely excluded. Too weak a woman will cause Leo pity, but not love, and tears with reproaches will irritate him.
  5. The problem of betrayal. This is the most serious obstacle to restoring a relationship with a Leo man. If you are convicted of treason, it will be extremely difficult to return your loved one. Try to convince Leo that you have already realized the mistake and never repeat it. Soften the banality of your promise with a fresh look at existing causes and effects. Try to explain to the Leo man how close and dear he is to you, not just as a loved one, but as a person. You are guided by him, appreciate his attitude, so you are ready to completely change and overcome your negative traits.
  6. Bright, unique and purposeful. Now your goal is to return the Leo man. Show your loved one your ability to achieve your goal in this critical situation! He will like your energy, swiftness, unexpected solutions and an original approach to the problem. Conquer him with manners, behavior, manner.
Be just a queen for your beloved Leo man. Do not doubt your victory - your confidence will certainly be transferred to him.
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