The best plugins for Photoshop: how to speed up and optimize your work. Photo filter in Photoshop

Tool "Photo filter" (Photo filter) mimics the effect of color filters used in traditional photography. Usually such filters are installed on the lens when it is necessary to balance the temperature of the light. If you use this technique carefully, you can evoke color associations in the viewer.

1. Applying a photo filter to a winter landscape

This example will demonstrate what a cooling filter is used for.

Duplicate the layer Ctrl+J to add some juiciness to the photos, change the blend mode to Multiply. Lower the transparency level to 50%. We use a photo filter, for this Layers – New adjustment layer – Photo filter (Layer – New adjustment layer – Photo filter).

Select a filter in the dialog box that appears. Cooling filter (LBB) Screen.

This filter balances the color temperature of the original image by correcting the white balance. As a result, we whitened the snow and emphasized the coldness of the winter landscape.

2. Sun through clouds and trees.

Chiaroscuro is the main form of tonal contrast, which, by conveying the ratio of tones, largely determines the features of the image: its structure and areas that attract attention. Blend modes combined with an adjustment layer Photo Filter can create soft chiaroscuro, which can only be achieved with the function Levels difficult.

We open the photo. Apply an adjustment layer with a photo filter, . In the dialog box that appears, select Warm filter (Warmingfilter) . Blend mode for this adjustment layer Soft light (Softlight).

This action darkened the image, formed the shadows and strengthened the light source.

3. Sepia

The photo filter function is quite interesting to use in combination with each other. Such color correction is carried out to change the atmosphere of the frame. For example, filter Sepia combined with filter Under water (Underwater) imitate an interesting effect of "a snapshot from the past".

We open the photo. Apply an adjustment layer with a photo filter, for this Layers – New adjustment layer – Photo filter (Layer – New adjustment layer – Photo filter). Select a filter in the dialog box that appears. Sepia. Create a new adjustment layer. Select a filter in the dialog box that appears. Under water (Underwater). We do not change the blending mode.

In this tutorial, we'll be experimenting with several Photoshop filters. We will look at how you can create dynamics, depth, including two typographic effects with simple steps and filters. So let's get started!

Final result:

First filter: Blur

The first filter we'll look at is the Blur filter, which includes Motion blur(motion blur), Radial blur(Radial Blur) and Gaussian blur(Gaussian Blur). These filters are essential tools in your toolbox. With these filters, you can create motion, depth and other effects!

1. Create a hazy text effect with the Motion Blur filter

Filter Motion blur(Motion Blur) is used to add dynamics, and we use it instead to distort and create hazy text.

Step 1

Open the original image of the mysterious forest in Photoshop.

Duplicate the text layer and then go Filter - Blur - Motion Blur(Filter > Blur > Motion Blur). In the settings window for this filter, set Corner(Angle) by 90 degrees, and Bias(Distance) exactly until you see that the text begins to blur vertically. The offset setting will depend on the dimensions of your original image. Reduce Opacity(opacity) layer up to 50%.

Duplicate the layer you just applied the filter to Motion blur(Motion Blur) and then apply the filter again Motion blur(Motion Blur). This will enhance the current effect and further blur the motion blur effect.

Repeat the action one more time.

Step 3

Now we will do the same, only this time we will set Corner(Angle) to "0", so the motion blur will be horizontal. Again, the offset setting will depend on the dimensions of your original image.

Step 4

As a final touch, we'll duplicate the first text layer again and then go (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur), set a large blur radius. All we want to do is add a big but soft glow to our text.

Now, to add a glow to the ground, we go again Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur), set a large blur radius. Change the blend mode to overlap(Overlay).

Step 5

Create a new layer below all previous layers, but above the background layer. Using a large soft brush with a dark pale green color (#243a37) paint behind the text in the center of the forest image. Change the blending mode for this layer to overlap(Overlay). This is done to make it easier to read the text.

Finally, create a new layer below the layer you just created. Do the same, only this time use a light pale green (#a7e5dd) as the brush color, and change the blend mode for this layer to Lightening(screen).

2. Adding Dynamics with the Radial Blur Filter

Filter Radial blur(Radial Blur) creates a more natural sense of dynamics than a filter Motion blur(Motion Blur).

Step 1

Open the original image with feathers, select some feathers. Copy / paste the selected feathers on our image. Position the pens behind the text, and also above the text, in the foreground, middle ground, and back ground.

To add some depth, the feathers in the foreground should be slightly darker than the feathers in the distance.

Step 2

Next, using the tool Lasso(lasso tool) with medium radius Feathers(Feather), (the radius of the feather will depend on your original image, just make sure there are no hard edges, this will be enough), first select the fluffy tips of the feathers that are located in the foreground.

Now let's go Filter - Blur - Radial blur(Filter > Blur > Radial Blur) and in the settings window for this filter, set Blur method(Blur Method) on Annular(Spin) Quality(quality) The best(Best), and for quantities(Amount) set to the smallest value.
Again, the quantity parameter will depend on the dimensions of your original image. If you don't like the result, just undo the action and reapply the filter with a different blur value! If you don't want to create something too extreme, then just add dynamics to the feathers that are located in the foreground. Next, do the same with the feathers that are in the middle ground. To do this, you will have to reduce the feather radius when selecting with a tool. Lasso(Lasso Tool) and also reduce the blur radius when using the filter Radial blur(Radial Blur filter).

3. Add Depth with the Gaussian Blur Filter

My favorite filter is the filter Gaussian blur(Gaussian Blur) which adds depth to the image. This filter helps to give the elements of the scene a sense of dynamics and makes it incredibly easy.

Step 1

With a tool Lasso(Lasso Tool), select the feathers in front. Let's go Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Set a low blur radius. Again, the blur radius will depend on the dimensions of your image. The radius should be such that it is enough to blur small details, but at the same time the general shape of the pen is preserved.

Now select the feathers in the background to also add a light touch to them. Gaussian blur(Gaussian blur).

Step 2

When working with a filter Gaussian blur(Gaussian Blur), I often apply a slight outer glow to the objects that will be blurred to give the objects more light and blend better with the scene. Apply a layer style to the feather layer External glow(Outer Glow). In the settings window for this layer style, set the blend mode to Soft light(soft light), Opacity(Opacity) 50%, color white, and the size(size) approximately 25 px (or more, depending on the dimensions of your image).

Now add more feathers, duplicate the layer with feathers, flip it horizontally and vertically. Remove individual feathers so that there are no repetitions.

Finally, to add depth, with the tool Lasso(Lasso Tool), select the trees and the ground in the background of your image.

And then we go Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) to add a slight blur to the farthest corner of the image.

Second filter: Distortion and Liquify

Text on the surface of water ripples

We use a combination of two filters to create a more natural water ripple effect. Although Photoshop has a separate filter ripple(Ripple filter), best used as a complement to a more powerful tool Plastic(liquify).

Step 1

Open the original water ripple image. In the center of the image, type your text in bold, large size. I used the font "Sitka".

Step 2

Rasterize the text layer, to do this, right-click on the text layer and in the window that appears, select the option Rasterizetext(Rasterize Type). Now select a tool Transformation(transform tool) to apply perspective(Perspective). Stretch the bottom anchor points of the text horizontally.

Don't forget to check the box Advanced mode(Advanced Mode). You can turn on/off the mode Extra options(Show Backdrop) if you want to see how the whole image will look like. Using a medium-sized brush, slowly brush over the text back and forth horizontally. Try to make the text distortion repeat the distortion/shape of the water ripple.

Translator's note: parameter Advanced mode(Advanced Mode) is required in order to see the full list of available tools.

Step 4

For additional alignment of text with ripples, let's go Filter - Distort - Ripples(Filter > Distort > Ripple). Parameter Quantity(amount) will depend on the dimensions of your original image, as well as the shape of the ripples on your water surface. I just added a little ripple to my text. The size(Size) ripples must be set to options Medium(Medium).

Step 5

To improve the alignment of the text with the water ripples, change the blending mode of the text layer to Soft light(Soft light).

Duplicate the text layer. Next, double-click on the duplicate layer to bring up the window layer style(Layer Style). Set the sliders for the parameter Overlay if(Blend If) as shown in the screenshot below or something like this. This will bring back a slight glow to our text.

Now duplicate this layer.

Step 6

To merge all the elements together, create a new layer and with a very large soft white brush, paint a bubble in the center of the image, change the blending mode for this layer to Soft light(Soft light). Reduce Opacity(opacity) layer to about 40% -50%.

Create a new layer on top of the previous layer and use the same brush, but set the brush color to dark blue (#001528) on this one, paint over the corners of the image. And finally, add an adjustment layer Color search(Color Lookup), select the “Soft Warming” option, layer opacity 50%, and then add another adjustment layer Color search(Color Lookup), set the parameter “Foggy Night” layer opacity to 85%.

Translator's note: options "SoftWarming” and “FoggyNight” are located in the option menu 3DLUT file(File 3DLUT) in the adjustment layer settings Color search(colorlookup).

And that is all! I wish you a pleasant time working with filters that have unlimited possibilities! Share your work. =D

Final result

Hello friends! Today we have a review lesson on photoshop filters. You will learn what standard filters are in Photoshop, what they are for, and how to customize them. Let's take Photoshop CS5 as a reference.

First, let's define what filters are in Photoshop. Filter is a tool for changing an image. Change can mean blurring or sharpening, styling, embossing, changing colors, and much, much more. All filters are presented in the corresponding Filter menu:

And, pay attention, in the screenshot above, the standard filters are marked with a red frame, the blue ones are downloaded and installed additionally. Today we will only talk about standard filters. There are a lot of additional ones. Some of them are paid, others are not. Soon a section will open on our website in which I will write reviews of the most interesting filters and add-ons for Photoshop 😉

Well, let's start!

Photoshop Artistic Filters

This section contains 15 filters:

All filters in this group are designed to simulate various drawing methods. Click on any of these filters and a detailed settings window will appear:

In this window, you can not only configure the selected filter, but also switch to another filter from the current (or even from another) group. However, not all filter groups are presented in this window; some have their own interface. We are now talking about filter groups such as Blur (blur), Noise (Noise), Pixelate (Pixelization), Render (Rendering), Sharpen (Sharpness), Video (Video) and Others (Other).

Now let's talk about each filter separately.

Colored Pencil (Colored pencil). Simulates a colored pencil sketch:

On the left you see the image before applying the filter, on the right - after. The colored pencil filter has 3 options:

  • Pencil Width (Pencil thickness). Adjusts the thickness of strokes.
  • Stroke Width (Dash pressure). Simulates a stronger or weaker pressure on the pencil.
  • Paper Brightness.

Cutout (Silhouette). Simplifies the image to silhouettes:

Has the following settings:

  • Number of Levels (Number of levels). Determines how complex the silhouettes will be.
  • Edge Simplicity (Edge Simplicity). Adjusts the detail on the edges of each silhouette.
  • Edge fidelity (Rightness of the edges). Specifies how precise the edges should be compared to the original. The smaller this value, the more conditional the edges of the silhouettes will be.

Dry Brush (Dry brush). Imitation of drawing with a dry brush:

There are also only 3 settings here:

  • Brush Size (Brush size).
  • Brush Detail (Brush details). Specifies how much detail to keep.
  • Texture (Texture). Adjusts the severity of the paper texture.

Film Grain. Superimposes grain on the picture, which appears when shooting video on a film camera:

  • Grain (Grain). The amount of grain in the image.
  • Highlight Area (Brightness zone). Increases the brightness of the final image.
  • Intensity (Intensity). Adjusts the previous parameter and sets the intensity of the highlights.

Fresco (Fresco). "Zakos" for fresco painting:

The settings are the same as for the Dry Brush.

Neon Glow (Neon glow). Creates a neon glow along the outlines of objects in the image.

  • Glow Size
  • Glow Brightness

And you can also set the color of the neon glow.

Paint Daubs. Creates the effect of a smeared picture.

  • Brush Size (Brush size). Already familiar to us parameter.
  • Sharpness (Sharpness).

You can also set the brush type.

Palette knife (Spatula). Imitation of an image applied with a spatula.

  • Stroke Size (Stroke size). Adjusts the size of the stroke around the edges of paths.
  • Stroke Detail (Stroke detail).
  • Softness (Softness). Smoothes the picture.

Plastic Wrap (Polyethylene wrap). It creates the feeling that the picture is stuffed inside a plastic bag or film.

  • Highlight strength (Strength of highlights). Determines how strong the polyethylene highlights will be.
  • Detail (Details). The level of detail of the contours.
  • Smoothness (Smoothing). How smooth will the highlights be.

Poster Edges. Enhances the contours of the picture.

  • Edge thickness
  • Edge intensity (Edge intensity). Enhances the relief of the edges.
  • Poserization (Posterization).

Rough Pastels (Pastel). Pastel drawing effect.

There are quite a few settings here:

  • Stroke Length (Dash length).
  • Stroke Detail. Determines how strong the strokes will be.
  • Texture (Texture). Allows you to choose from 4 textures: brick (brick), burlap (burlap), canvas (canvas), sandstone (sandstone).
  • Scaling (Scale).
  • Relief (Relief).
  • Light (Light). Allows you to select from which side the relief will be illuminated.

The Invert checkbox inverts the relief.

Smudge Stick. Smooth, soft image effect.

  • Stroke Length (Dash length).
  • Highlight Area (Brightness zone).
  • Intensity (Intensity).

All these parameters are already familiar to you 🙂

Sponge. The effect of an image applied to a sponge.

  • Brush Size (Brush size).
  • Definition (Clarity).
  • Smoothness (Smoothing).

Underpainting (Drawing under the surface). Creates the effect of drawing under a given surface.

The settings here are the same as for Rough Pastels, with the exception of Texture Coverage, which is responsible for the degree of texture coverage of the image.

watercolor. Watercolor painting effect.

All these settings are already familiar to us.

That's where the art filters ended. Move on!

Blur filters in Photoshop

This is an interesting and important group of filters. All of them blur the image in a certain way. You will most likely use the filters in this group quite often, so it is useful to know which one is responsible for what.

Average. Determines the average color of an image or selection and fills it with it.

Blur (Blur). Blurs the image. Has no settings.

Blur More (Blur more). Same as Blur, only stronger.

Box Blur (Cubic Blur). Blurs the pixels closest to each other (it turns out that the image is blurred as if by squares). Allows you to get interesting effects. Good for creating smooth transitions and backgrounds.

It has one parameter - Radius, which determines the strength of the blur:

Gaussian blur (Gaussian blur). The most commonly used blur type. Unlike Box Blur blurs the image smoothly.

Also has only the Radius parameter:

  • The Source value just sets the source on the basis of which the filter action will be built. It can be a plane, layer mask and Depth Map (Depth map).
  • Parameter Blur Focal Distance (Focal blur distance) sets the blur strength.
  • Shape (Form) sets the shape of the lens (from triangular to octagonal).
  • Radius defines the radius of the blur.
  • Blade Curvature (The bend of the blade) creates the effect of bifurcation of blurry objects.
  • Rotation rotates blurry pixels.
  • Specular Highlights (Reflecting light) determines using the value Threshold (Sampling) the number of pixels reflecting light. And the Brightness value sets the brightness of this light.
  • Noise adds noise.

Motion blur (Blur in motion). As the name implies, it creates the effect of movement by blurring the picture.

There are only 2 options here:

  • Angle - the angle at which the image will be blurred.
  • Distance (Distance). Actually the power of blur.

shape blur. Shape blur:

Choose the shape and strength of the blur.

Smart Blur (Smart Blur). Blurs only areas close in tone, leaving sharp and contrasting transitions untouched. Sometimes it does a good job of masking minor defects in the skin or other surfaces.

  • radius. Blur power.
  • Threshold. Specifies the area to be blurred. The larger this value, the sharper areas will be affected by the filter.
  • Quality (Quality).
  • Mode (Mode).

Surface Blur (Blur on the surface). Stripped down version of Smart Blur.

Here we have analyzed the second group of filters. There is already enough information, and so that you have time to digest everything (and I will rest for now :)), I am finishing this lesson. Continue reading at. Stay tuned! And good luck with Photoshop!

Alien Skin Collection- a collection of plug-ins and graphic filters for Adobe Photoshop, Elements and Lightroom, which will be useful for both beginners and professional designers. With them, you can easily and efficiently process or decorate your images, change photos by adding various effects.

System requirements:
Microsoft Windows: Windows 7 64-bit or newer
An Intel Core 2 processor or compatible
A monitor with 1280?768 resolution or greater

Adobe Photoshop CS6 or Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 or newer
Adobe Lightroom 6 or Adobe Lightroom CC 2015 or newer

Torrent Plugins and filters for Photoshop - Alien Skin Software Photo Bundle Collection 05.10.2017 in detail:
The distribution includes:
Exposure X Bundle
is a photo editor and organizer that combines all Alien Skin's photo editing plugins in one product. The core of the suite is Exposure X, a photo editing app, plus two additional creative apps: Blow Up and Snap Art.
blow up- plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, Elements, Lightroom which enlarges images up to 3600% without the appearance of step artifacts and glows. High-quality image resizing, better than bicubic interpolation and while resizing the image, maintains smooth sharp edges and lines. The program includes advanced features such as photo grain management, special sharpening for enlarged images. Blow Up can work in CMYK, RGB, Lab, Grayscale, and Duotone modes, copes with processing files that contain several layers (it is noteworthy that they do not need to be flattened), and works with 16- and 32-bit images, including including RAW and HDR. The plugin has the ability to save a new image as a separate file when the original image remains intact, more efficient than Adobe Photoshop batch processing, easy to use.
snap art– the plugin contains a large library of presets that give you the opportunity to create paintings written or drawn with oil, charcoal, watercolor, colored pencils, pen and ink, pastel crayons, as well as in the style of comics, pointillism and impasto with just one click layer) on a different basis: canvas, paper, etc. The program can work as a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop and standalone. Snap Art offers over 200 presets in 12 basic styles. When creating a picture, Snap Art takes into account the contours of the objects in the original photo, so that strokes and strokes fall naturally. In each preset, you can adjust various effect parameters, as well as image tone, lighting, vignetting, and the type of canvas on which the effect should be applied. In addition, you can create and save your favorite effects as custom settings.
Exposure X- standalone program and plug-in for Photoshop, Lightroom and other graphic editors. Designed for true connoisseurs of photography and will allow you to change photos by adding various effects: imitation of a frame from a feature film, simulation of shooting with an analog camera, aging effect, film grain effect of different types. The program allows you to change the exposure to your taste and recreate the features typical of films from different manufacturers: the bright colors of Velvia, the rich blacks of Kodachrome or the sensitivity of Ektachrome. Two modes of operation: color film and black and white film. Full support for 64-bit systems and versions of Photoshop. Many built-in presets for quick results, and many other features.

Treatment procedure:
1.Install plugins. Do not run.
2. Copy the patch keygen to the folder of each plugin.
3.Run as administrator.
4. Apply the patch, then run the program.
5.Select "Other activation options"
6. Use the data from the keygen to activate the plugin.
For Exposure_X3 and Exposure_X3_Bundle, please use file replacement from Crack_for_Alien Skin Exposure X3 folder

Software versions:

Community photoshop, which has absorbed a huge amount of resources, tutorials, tips and methods, .psd files and even actions (Action), resembles something like a box of good chocolates. But there is one area where all this is so lacking, namely free plugins and filters. Of course, Photoshop has long been the best example in the development of graphic editors, and with each new version (the most recent version of CS4), an endless number of features and add-ons have been added to the program. As a result, it has also become likely that there is no longer such a strong need in additional free plugins as before. Or did they just ignore it?

Standard Photoshop plug-ins are amateur photographers' best friends: take a couple of shots, fire up Photoshop, add a few filters, and voila, you've got a reasonably professional shot. Professional photographers, on the other hand, use plug-ins as a basis and only then adjust and add filters in order to emphasize their own professional nature of photography. Plugins are, in fact, a very important and overlooked link - which brings us back to our initial puzzle about why there are so few free plugins and filters? Do you know the answer to this question? We are not.

In this article you will find some free plugins that are very old, but don't be alarmed - they will work perfectly on all versions of Photoshop, and the effect they achieve is as in demand as it was at the time they were developed. If you have spent a lot of time looking for an easy and convenient way to apply effects to your images, then this article is just for you.

3D Shadow

With this handy plugin, you can easily create 3D shadows of various objects (Letters, numbers, shapes, and so on). All transparency level settings, perspective, color and shadow positions, XYZ directions and many others are placed in one convenient window.

AAA buzzer

AAA Buzzer simplifies your image by keeping the edges sharp. Works quickly or slowly, depending on the settings.

Absolute Color

Absolute Color is a palette of shades in the form of a circle, divided into 6 parts of 60 degrees. Select any color segment and it will limit the hue of the image to that color.

B/W conversion

Plugin for converting an image to B/W. It gives you complete control over the red, yellow, green, cyan, cyan, magenta and intermediate tonalities. The user can increase the supply of each color, or reduce everything to white or black, without affecting the rest of the colors at all.

bad dream

Bad Dream gives you the ability to create color solutions that would normally take hours to achieve. In addition, it is possible to add the effect of softness and nebula. The end result can be very pleasing.


The filter transforms the image as if it were carved in bas-relief. This effect is achieved by setting a certain lighting to accentuate the surface relief. You can make the image look like aluminum foil, forged metal, or edged stone. Also a plugin to convert a photo into a sketch drawn with a pencil.


This plugin allows you to create types of colors like army camouflage, or animal skins. This plugin creates solid images, which means you can use them as textures for 3D models or background images on website pages. You can also use them as a pattern for clothes.


With this plugin you can get the effect of oil paints. There are only 4 sliders in the plugin control window: Creativity, Exuberance, Attentiveness and something like Moodswing.


Chalkaholic creates a chalk or charcoal effect with a distinct artistic style. This makes it possible to create unique artistic implementations. This plugin will be an important addition to any artist's collection.

circle to square

With this plugin you can turn any circle into a square.

Cloud 2.2

With this plugin, you will be able to create whole images, like clouds in pictures. You will be able to control the levels of blur, contours and lighting shades.

Color MegaMix

Color MegaMix easily changes the colors of any image. The control consists of 2 columns of colors: 8 original colors and 8 of those to which you want to convert the original color. Taking into account the data set, the plugin will completely convert the entire original color of the image into the one you specified.

Color Replacer

This filter acts as a color substitute. This function is similar to the standard Replace Color command in Photoshop. However, this plugin is more flexible in handling, since you can separately select the source color and also specify the color you want to convert the source to. Moreover, with this filter, you can fill the gray areas of the image with an arbitrary color, which can serve to restore color in overexposed areas of the image.


This plugin comes with 20 effects for editing the color value of images in various ways. You can use it to fine-tune your digital photos or experiment with possible larger transformations. All effects are fairly standard, but they can be useful with regular use.

Contrast Balance

Contrast Balance enhances the standard luminosity/contrast filter and divides it into 4 constant/contrast parts using these 4 ratios: white-black, red-cyan, green-magenta, cyan-yellow.

Contrast Mask

This plugin uses a contrast mask to reduce the overall contrast of an image while bringing out detail in both bright and dark cases.
The black and white negative of the image is blurred (blur radius controlled by the slider) to avoid sharp edges, and then covered with the original image, darkening the highlights and lightening the darks. The density level of the surface layer is controlled by the "Strength" slider.

Craquelure 3D

A filter with which you can create a rich assortment of cracked lacquer effects, which is extremely useful in creating various abstract textures, decorative surfaces and building materials. You can control two separate cracked effect layers and achieve a huge variety of texture effects, from etched metal and silk to fused glass and water ripples.

Curves Plugin

This plugin can implement 8 predefined and interesting "curves" inside your image. The plugin's interface shows several presets with curves - choose one of them and you'll be impressed with how it will show up in your image.

Depth Dither

DepthDither uses 3 ways to give your image a look that creates a continuous effect if the color is below 24 bits. Just like Photoshop, it offers a choice of diffusion, and options for applying noise to textures. You can also specify the level of color depth, such as 2 bits, 4 bits, and so on up to 18 bits - this is the main difference from Photoshop. The latest version of Photoshop provides up to 256 color modes to choose from.


This plugin has been developed in order to digitize position data on large images. By clicking on the received information, you save the coordinates to a text file (CSV). These coordinates can be used for further analysis. The picture below shows an example of an analysis based on the information obtained with this plugin.

Dreamy Photo

Dreamy Photo gives photos a soft, romantic feel. This effect is indispensable in enhancing ordinary photographs, digital camera shots, and in general - for any image to which you would like to give a feeling of warmth.

Edges Fx

This plugin is mainly used to define the precise contouring algorithm (precise) for applying the following effects: Colorize, Erode/Dilate, Sat Boost and Sketch.


This plugin comes with 20 effects to make serious contouring and color modifications. This plugin is best used when experimenting with improving the stylistic appearance of photographs. Also interesting to use when creating texture effects.

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