Types of bath brooms and their benefits. The best brooms for a bath: which one to choose and take a steam bath in the right way

Broom made of birch twigs is very soft and has excellent massage characteristics. It will help with aches and pains in the muscles, heal small and wounds. Also, such a broom will improve the condition of the skin - it fights well with black ones. It is also useful for former smokers because its aroma cleanses the lungs well.

Fir broom for a bath

The aroma of a fir broom will help cleanse the nose and throat of germs. It will improve blood circulation and relieve nervous tension. It has one drawback - it is very fast. For this reason, the needles fall off. That is why it is not recommended to harvest fir brooms for future use. Try to use a broom made from fresh fir branches. Do not be afraid, he will not prick.

Experienced bath attendants advise not to soak a fir broom. Simply rinsing it in cold water will suffice. So fir will retain all the beneficial substances.

Oak broom for a bath

A broom made from oak branches is strong and a bit stiff. It absorbs sweat very well. Such a broom is useful for oily skin - it narrows enlarged pores, makes the skin matte and a little dry. If you have skin problems, you won't find better. In addition, oak leaves abound in essential oils that help keep blood pressure normal.

Broom from currant branches for a bath

Currant broom, although less durable than oak or birch broom, is very fragrant and good for the skin. If you want to have an aromatherapy session in the bath, pay attention to the currant broom, but you won’t be able to whip it enough.

Linden broom for a bath

Linden brooms relieve headaches and kidney problems. They amplify remarkably. Another feature of the linden broom is that it serves as an antipyretic.

Nettle broom for bath

If the soul requires something unusual, then pay attention to the nettle broom. He is in high esteem among the most avid connoisseurs of the steam room, who know a lot about the bath. When using this broom, there is a slight tingling sensation, which some even find pleasant. After exiting the steam blisters, there will be no pain on the skin. Nettle brooms are good for rheumatism, joint pain, sciatica, to relieve nervous tension and reduce pressure.

Experienced attendants It is advised to soak the nettle broom in boiling water before using it. They need to steam only after the body is thoroughly warmed up.

Bamboo broom for a bath

A bamboo broom is a real bath exotic. They are great for healing massage both in a Russian bath and. They stimulate blood circulation, relieve tension in the muscles. Massage with this broom should be started only when the body is sufficiently steamed. At the same time, the broom itself does not need pre-soaking.

Eucalyptus bath brooms

Eucalyptus broom must be soaked in hot water for 1-1.5 hours before use. If you lean such a broom against your legs and face, the cold will immediately recede. It is also useful for pain in the joints and muscles, neuralgia.

If you do not have a eucalyptus broom, experienced attendants advise you to take any other broom and soak it in water, where a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil have been added. The effect of using such a broom will be no worse than from a real one.

Mixed bath broom

You can choose a broom for yourself by mixing branches from several trees in it. Bath connoisseurs like to make brooms from oak, birch and linden branches. They consider this combination to be the most optimal. You can also make a broom only from conifers different types. For example, take branches of fir, pine and juniper.

Steaming in the bath is not only pleasant, but also very beneficial for the body. Under the influence of moist hot air, blood circulation is accelerated, the pores of the epidermis open, through them and other harmful substances. A broom is an indispensable attribute of the Russian steam room. It is connected bundles of dried herbs, tree branches. Venichek is harvested from various plant materials: birch branches, wormwood, oak branches, nettles, eucalyptus.

The benefits of a broom in the bath

Dried branches and stems of trees and plants contain a lot of essential oils, phytohormones, vitamins and minerals. After steaming, the leaves are able to give useful components skin. A broom performs a full body massage, it has a relaxing effect on the body. Essential oils contribute to the acceleration of metabolism, prevent premature aging.

Phytoncides have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. If after a steam room with a broom to douse cold water, then the vessels narrow sharply, the cardiac system trains. Blood and lymph flow is accelerated, water-salt balance the body is restored.

When patting with a broom, the effect is obtained, dead skin cells are exfoliated. The epidermis is renewed, becomes smooth and even. The impact of a broom improves the functioning of the joints, helps with radiculitis and arthritis. Oak products are effective.

For the male reproductive system, going to the steam room with a broom is effective procedure. With a nettle whisk it is possible to improve the work nerve endings, vessels in inguinal region. As a result, improved sexual function, problems with premature ejaculation. The antibacterial effect of the broom is important for men who are promiscuous.

Massage with a broom reduces muscle tension, relieves their hypertonicity. As a result, the pressure on nerve cells spine and back pain. After the steam room, the level of sweating increases, this contributes to the removal excess fluid and weight loss.

Birch broom for a bath

The most common in Russia was a broom made of birch. Bath procedures with it are recommended for respiratory diseases. Birch aroma improves the work of small alveoli of the lungs, bronchi, facilitates the discharge of sputum, improves ventilation of the lungs. Birch leaves contain tannins, flavonoids, vitamin C. They increase sweating, cleanse the skin of toxins, accelerate metabolic processes. Natural Ingredients have wound healing, anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic effects.

You need to cut branches for a broom on Trinity or after it. The day should be dry and sunny. After the dew dries, the twigs are cut and fastened into bundles. Weeping young birches are better suited for harvesting. They have thin branches with young leaves.

The brooms are dried first in a draft, after a week they are laid on shelves in a barn or dressing room.

The bunches need to be constantly turned over so that they take the form of a fan, and not panicles. Thicker branches are placed inside the bundle. Birch twigs, when harvested correctly, are particularly soft and flexible, they retain a maximum of useful substances. You can use a broom in a bathhouse twice.

Oak broom for a bath

Fragrant whisk of oak twigs is useful for owners of oily skin. A large amount of tannins in the leaves provides an antibacterial effect. They increase the density of the skin and make it smooth. Small pustules and rashes pass faster. The production of sebum is normalized, the greasy shine is reduced. Phytoncides, flavonoids penetrate the epidermis through the pores, improve vascular tone and the state of the nervous system.

Harvest oak branches for a broom in August and September. The broom leaves are large in size, moderately dry and dense, they are easy to catch up with steam. The broom is durable and can be used in the bath 3-4 times.

Eucalyptus bath broom

Brooms made from eucalyptus twigs are regularly used in the Caucasus. The leaves of the tree contain 1-3% essential oils of the total mass. Pairs of eucalyptus are recommended for colds and viral diseases respiratory system, throat. The brewed broom should be pressed to the face for 5 minutes and inhale the steam through the nose. The water in which the broom is brewed should be moistened with walls and stones in the bath. So the aroma will spread better in the steam room, the therapeutic effect will be maximum.

The most suitable month for harvesting twigs is August. Eucalyptus branches are thin and flexible, the broom is weak. In the steam room, you have to make an effort to steam. To increase the usability of eucalyptus brooms, birch or oak branches are added to them.

Nettle broom

From stinging nettle you can make a healing broom. The plant contains a large number of formic acid, which helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Raw materials should be mature plants, cut in dry weather and well dried. The bundle is knitted small, it is very important to properly prepare it.

So that the plant does not burn the skin, before the steam room it is soaked in turn in basins with hot and cold water. If you want the nettle to burn the skin, then use only a basin with hot water and soak the broom in it for 1-2 minutes.

Nettle bath is recommended for the following diseases: sciatica, gout, back pain, rheumatism, skin rashes. The wound healing effect of nettle is used when boils appear on the skin. Normalizes after nettle massage arterial pressure, stress and nervous tension are relieved, the skin is cleansed, sleep is normalized.

coniferous broom

Coniferous brooms are used by people who visit the bathhouse regularly. Sprigs of spruce, fir, cedar contain many phytoncides with antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Here are the special properties of coniferous brooms:

  • Juniper whisk is effective in combating diseases of the respiratory system, lungs, radiculitis and diseases of the nervous system. Massage will improve performance digestive system and intestines. But for delicate skin, such a broom cannot be used.
  • Fir and cedar products are indicated for the treatment of diseases genitourinary system, kidneys, with viral and colds, rheumatic fever.
  • Spruce helps with colds, coughs.

It is allowed to collect coniferous twigs for brooms at any time of the year.

You need to choose young lateral legs with delicate needles. Freshly tied brooms must be steamed with boiling water before use. It is better for them to bathe after the second call, when it has become elastic.

How to choose a broom for a bath

When choosing a broom, you need to proceed from personal preferences and the desired effect. If you rarely go to the bath, then birch or oak will be optimal. For experienced bath attendants, nettle, coniferous products are suitable. After the first massage session, it is necessary to note the reaction of the skin to a particular type of twigs in order to prevent allergic reactions. Mixed brooms have the maximum therapeutic effect.

The finished broom should be well dried and tightly tied. Its branches should not be too long, brittle, thin. Products 45-55 cm long are considered the most convenient. Such a broom is inconvenient to use, you need to swing hard, which will quickly tire the attendant.

Shake the broom before buying. The product is worth buying if the leaves have not fallen off, do not have plaque and mold. But the best broom can be made with your own hands.

The bath has long been considered a symbol of health and longevity. Our ancestors did not yet have all the benefits of civilization and bathed in a simple Russian bath, so one can only envy their health and fortitude. Steaming in a bath means healing your body. Steam helps to cleanse the skin, promotes the removal of toxins and toxins, and rejuvenates the body. To enhance the benefits of the bath, you should use brooms. What are the bath brooms and what are their health benefits - we learn from our article.

What is the best broom for a bath?

First of all, it should be made from natural materials. The most popular bath brooms are oak and birch. Brooms made of bird cherry, fir and juniper are not inferior to them. But first things first.

Oak broom for a bath

Oak brooms are great for people with oily and problematic skin. They are also good for skin conditions. Essential oils in the composition of the oak broom cleanse the skin, moisturize and nourish it, and also normalize the production of sebaceous glands.

The benefit of oak brooms is also that they help to calm nervous system, relieve fatigue, stress, improve mood and sleep. Normalizes the work of the heart and circulatory system, skin problems go away.

oak broom

Linden broom for a bath

Increasingly, people use birch and oak brooms for a bath, although linden is not inferior to them in its miraculous properties. It has excellent diaphoretic properties, thanks to which the body is well cleansed. Vitamin C contained in linden strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to various diseases. It is good to use a linden broom in a steam room if you have symptoms of a cold.

Linden flowers have a positive effect on the skin condition - small wounds, abrasions go away, the skin heals faster, elasticity and healthy color return. Linden also calms the human nervous system.

Eucalyptus bath broom

A broom for a bath made of eucalyptus is simply indispensable when respiratory diseases especially for cleansing respiratory tract. The smell of eucalyptus perfectly kills microbes, improves breathing, relieves the nasal mucosa from pathogenic bacteria.

Eucalyptus broom normalizes blood circulation, relieves pain in the joints, heals cuts on the skin, bruises.

Eucalyptus helps to relax and switch attention from difficulties, worries, problems, calms, puts thoughts in order.

Juniper broom for a bath

Juniper broom has excellent bactericidal properties, helps fight high body temperature, if any. high heat not recommended, 10 minutes is enough.

Juniper broom heals wounds on the skin, rids the body of toxins, removes nervous tension. Specialists first warm up well, and then use a broom, so the body will get more benefit. The juniper broom is quite pungent, so it is better for them to massage with light and quick movements.

Fir broom for a bath

A fir broom for a bath is able to strengthen the immune system and kill all microbes in the air.

If you regularly spend time in the steam room with this broom, you can forget about colds for a long time. Fir contains healthy oils, which, when exposed to steam, get on the skin and penetrate deep inside, providing a curative effect.

Spruce broom for a bath

Spruce broom belongs to the coniferous species. He copes remarkably with wounds on the skin - essential oils, getting on the body, quickly heal them, and steam from spruce branches helps easy cleansing.

Many women use a spruce broom to combat body fat. With regular use of a spruce broom, you can forever forget about cellulite and say goodbye to extra pounds. Fats under their influence begin to be burned more actively, the skin tightens, becomes even and elastic.

After using a spruce broom, it is better to rest for a while, wrapping yourself in a bedspread.

Bamboo broom for a bath

A bamboo broom is somewhat different from our usual understanding of a broom for a bath. A bamboo broom is a combination of several bamboo sticks, it is quite rigid, but at the same time its action is very effective. It is able to cope with pain by pulling it out, therefore it is often used after serious complications. Massage with a bamboo broom should be carried out carefully, the impact force should not be very strong.

Bamboo broom also has other useful properties - the skin condition improves, excess weight and skin problems. In addition, bamboo helps to cope with stress and depression.

Nettle bath broom

Surprisingly, nettle contains an incredible amount of useful trace elements, such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and mineral resins. Due to the presence of formic acid, nettle broom has excellent wound healing and tonic properties.

Nettle copes well with skin diseases such as acne, boils, psoriasis. The smell of nettle has a positive effect on mood - bad feeling is replaced by good.

As we see positive properties it is difficult to overestimate a broom in a bath, especially if it is a bath with a wood-burning stove. In addition to the above types, there are bath brooms that are no less useful and healing. These include brooms made of pine, aspen, cherry, currant broom. All of them have pleasant aroma well tone the skin and treat respiratory diseases. It is best to knit them in early summer. Which of these brooms is better - you decide.

Birch broom for a bath

Birch broom for a bath - one of the favorites for bath procedures. Birch broom fights with acne on the face and skin rashes, perfectly cleanses the body of salts. Very often, experts recommend using a birch broom for those who have kidney problems.

Birch broom treats and is the prevention of bronchial asthma, has a beneficial effect on the lungs. Also able to treat cough varying degrees gravity.

Experienced doctors know that taking a bath with a birch broom guarantees recovery from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For women, a broom eliminates figure flaws, skin, and even stretch marks - they become less noticeable.

Birch broom

How to dry and steam a broom for a steam room?

There are several secrets on how to dry and store bath brooms. But first they need to be prepared. The simplest thing is to buy it. You can do this in the online store, or buy it inexpensively in specialized places. However, in this situation, you cannot know how high quality it is and where the leaves were collected for it.

The rules for harvesting a broom on your own are simple: branches are cut only in dry weather in the morning, it is better to choose a place away from the city. Ideal - in the forest with clean air, there is less dirt.

Rules for drying a broom for a bath

  1. Before drying a broom, its leaves cannot be washed;
  2. Branches for a broom must be partially cleared of leaves;
  3. It is best to dry the broom in the shade.

You need to fold the leaves of the broom with a bend down. Dried brooms should only be stored where there is no sunlight, otherwise there is a risk of overdrying. From this they therapeutic effect loses power.

Rules for steaming a broom for a bath

There are some differences in what water to soak a bath broom in. Fresh enough to rinse warm water and leave to dry, and dry is usually rinsed and kept in water for about 20 minutes. Hot water only suitable for very dry branches.

So that the bath is filled with aroma medicinal herbs, do the following: the broom should be soaked in water for 11-12 hours before the bath, and then wrap the leaves in a damp cloth. With this method of steaming, the broom will last a long time and will not lose its properties. The remaining water does not need to be poured out - you can spray the stones in the steam room with this water and use it yourself.

How to steam a broom from the refrigerator? Rinse in cold water and apply after holding over the stones in the steam room.

The above methods of zaparka retain tonic and healing properties leaves, and steaming with him in the bath will be not only pleasant, but also a useful pastime.

How to steam in the bath?

In order for the therapeutic effect of the Russian bath to be achieved, you need to bathe according to the rules. Ideally, have two brooms, massage with them should be easy and quick.

The temperature in the steam room should also be controlled. If it is very hot in the bath, then waving movements with a broom should be performed carefully, and, conversely, at low temperatures, you can swing the broom more actively.

The bath broom should not be allowed to be dry, it is better to moisten it constantly. Warm or cool water, or the one in which the broom was soaked, is suitable here.

All massage movements must be started from the back area, the skin must first be warmed up. It is not necessary to quilt them strongly, this can only cause harm. Experienced bath attendants know that to begin with, you should fan the broom from the legs towards the head - this is how the body gradually warms up and prepares for further massage. And only then move on to other actions.

There are several types of bath massage with brooms:

  1. Stroking - with light movements, a broom is driven over the body, starting from the feet, ending with the head;
  2. Compress - combined with stroking - a broom should be pressed against a certain area of ​​​​the body, for example, knee cavities, calves, buttocks, back;
  3. Quilting - light movements with a broom over the body, resembling "strokes", alternates with stroking;
  4. Patting - it is good to perform with two brooms, touching the body with quick and precise movements, the broom is fixed in one position;
  5. Whipping - echoes the previous type of broom massage, only after it is used immediately stroking;
  6. Rubbing - good to use after bathing procedures, the broom is easily pressed to the body with your hands and moved in different directions by rubbing the skin;
  7. Poultices - the same as a compress, but longer in time, effective at high temperatures in the bath, adjust the heat to the body;
  8. Stretching - brooms "stretch the body" in opposite sides, one broom - moves the hand towards the legs, the other - in the opposite direction, the technique helps well with pain in the spine.

Using these types of broom massage, you can get rid of many health problems. However, they should be used before warming up your body well. It is better to do this in the second entry into the bath.

The benefits and harms of the bath

Our Russian bath has been famous for more than a dozen years due to its beneficial properties. Let's dwell on them.

The health benefits of the Russian bath

What is the benefit of a bath with brooms for health? bathe - lovely way get rid of many diseases, namely:

  1. Pain in the joints, back, muscles;
  2. Violations in the work of the vegetative system;
  3. Headaches, migraines;
  4. kidney failure;
  5. Cold symptoms, cough.

In addition to the fact that the bath is able to get rid of many ailments and prevent illness, it also has a positive effect on the emotional background of a person. Fatigue, nervous tension, stress disappear. During depression, some doctors advise taking a steam bath in the bath, as it helps to cope with despondency, bad mood. Together with the steam in the bath, all bad things go away, thoughts are cleansed, and the spirit becomes healthy.

In the bath, you can and should use cosmetics. Essential oils, scrubs, peels are best suited for these purposes. Their use tones the skin and relieves it of keratinized areas. After the bath it is very useful to drink hot herbal tea thereby replenishing the loss of fluid in the body.

Bath brooms reinforce healing action pair. Their aroma has a positive effect on both the skin and the skin. internal state man - the fresh aroma of the leaves improves performance and relieves fatigue.

Despite the many advantages of the bath, you should bathe for no more than 15 minutes. For some people, a bath is contraindicated, because instead of a positive effect, it can be harmful.

To whom is the bath contraindicated?

There are a number of diseases in which a visit to the bath should be postponed:

  1. Heart problems, circulatory disorders, you can not go to the bath after suffering heart attacks or strokes;
  2. Severe lung diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis);
  3. Epilepsy symptoms;
  4. Oncology;
  5. Caution during pregnancy and lactation (steaming is not recommended).

In the bath with caution should go to people aged, with diabetes, as well as small children. If there is inflammatory processes on the skin, then the bath can strengthen them - therefore, the trip to the steam room should be postponed.

Before going to the steam room, experts advise not to lean on heavy fatty foods- this increases the load on the work of the heart, and high temperatures in the bath can aggravate the situation. You should steam in several visits - it is advisable to take short breaks of 3 - 5 minutes.

In order for the effect of steam procedures to be higher, after the steam room it is best to plunge into cool water, swim. It is great if it is possible to combine a bath with a pool.

Another nuance - no alcohol in the steam room, for the same reason that it is hard for the heart to cope with such a load.


I think that there are no people living on Earth who can imagine a bathhouse without a good broom. It is not for nothing that our ancestors and great healers considered this bath accessory as the best remedy for various diseases. It really is. The fact is that they knew well what power each of the bath brooms concealed in itself, what or what herbs to add, to combine with one or another broom, so that it would bring us the maximum healing benefit and make us emotionally satisfied. Also, individually, we can tell you about which ones are or which ones.

Bath brooms are different. Many do not even mean that there is such a huge range of brooms. The main raw materials for their manufacture are branches of trees, shrubs and some herbs. Main Feature The raw material for making brooms is the flexibility and smoothness of the branches, and definitely the smooth leaf, so you need to do it right.

I will not be mistaken if I say that a birch broom is known to everyone, regardless of whether a person likes to bathe or not. It is no coincidence that it is called the "king" among all types of brooms. However, many people are interested in the question: “What are the brooms for a bath besides birch ones?”. Let's try to understand this issue.

Since ancient times, the most common are birch, oak, eucalyptus and juniper twigs. However, many lovers of steaming are happy to use brooms made of ash, linden, maple. It is very rare to find brooms made of walnut, currant branches, nettle, wormwood.

Experts who know a lot about brooms and are well versed in their properties add several sprigs of various medicinal and aromatic herbs to them, such as tansy, wormwood, mint, lemon balm, fireweed, yarrow, hyssop. Due to the fact that basically they all germinate in gardens or near them, it makes no sense to arrange separate “crawls” into nature behind them.

Such a wide variety of brooms, of course, raises the following question: “Which broom is better for a bath?”. There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since each broom has its own advantages, and is intended for the treatment of some special number of diseases. Take into account personal preference for some certain kind broom.

  • Let's start with birch broom, as it ranks the highest in terms of popularity. First of all, it is good because it has a mild, but at the same time deep cleansing effect, helps to remove salts and toxins from the body. This is due to the fact that its sheet, like an adhesive plaster, firmly adheres to the body, absorbing sweat, and falls away from the body along with it. He is an excellent "doctor" for people suffering from kidney diseases and especially, bronchial asthma, as it promotes the excretion of sputum, expands the bronchi, improves ventilation of the lungs. A birch broom for a bath can be purchased from people who are engaged in their preparation, or you can, and even better, prepare yourself.

  • oak brooms it is not so easy to prepare for a bath, since this plant is not as common as birch. However, medicinal properties these brooms have more than enough. They are indispensable for skin diseases, sweating, have an anti-inflammatory effect. He acts in opposition to his friend - a birch broom. First, it is stronger than birch. Secondly, it is more convenient for them to blow steam, as the leaves are wide and dense, this is a unique opportunity for fans intense heat. Thirdly, it is not able to absorb sweat and soften the skin, but it uniquely thickens, tones, makes it supple and elastic, since the leaves and bark contain a large amount of tannins. The use of an oak broom is recommended for people with oily skin and often suffering from skin diseases, hypertension and heart disease, due to the fact that it perfectly calms the nervous system and lowers blood pressure. It is impossible to remain silent about the fact that baths using oak bark are popular for treatment. female diseases and bedsores.

  • , ever since Ancient Russia, was not inferior in popularity and medicinal properties to both birch and oak. However, in modern time they are rarely used on their own. Most often it is combined with other raw materials. Looks like people began to forget that linden is a wonderful doctor. It can simultaneously relieve headaches, help alleviate respiratory diseases, be a good sedative. With colds, she simply has no price. Linden tea with honey before going to bed replaces all modern expensive medicines. Linden broom is an excellent diaphoretic. Massage with a linden broom is an effective gymnastics for the kidneys and urinary tract.

  • If you are a lover thrill, you will surely like it coniferous broom. The range of coniferous brooms includes fir, cedar, spruce. Due to the fact that the procedure for soaring with such brooms is not very pleasant, one might even say cruel to the skin, there are not so many fans of using such brooms. However, if you process this broom correctly and wisely, you can get a lot of pleasant sensations from its use. Secret painless procedure communication with this broom is quite simple. For half an hour, lower the broom into boiling water, then rinse with warm water. However, it is necessary to prepare not only the broom, but also the skin of the body. Within ten minutes it must be warmed up in the steam room. This is due to the fact that the skin will warm up, become more elastic and more calmly perceive the light tingling of an already warmed broom. First of all, all types of coniferous brooms are considered natural antibiotics. Mainly applied in fresh. But the best properties has a spruce broom harvested in May-June, since at this time they have the largest number nutrients, and besides, young, soft branches are more pleasant to the body. This is especially true for those with sensitive skin types. First of all, it is an excellent and effective prevention of colds and infectious diseases. With their help, circulatory diseases, radiculitis, joint pain are treated. Their role in the treatment of neuralgia is invaluable. The most common are fir brooms.

  • - a unique broom not only for its medicinal properties, but also for appearance. Improper use of such a broom is fraught with negative consequences - you can easily injure the skin. First of all, this is due to the fact that it is prickly and rough. However, if you find a common language with this broom, then with its help you can make a wonderful massotherapy, contributing to the treatment of radiculitis, neuralgia, gout, rheumatism. Due to the presence of a large amount of essential oil, juniper has amazing bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It is this property that makes it possible to effectively use it during influenza epidemics and colds. The most important and unique property juniper broom - prevention and treatment of allergies of any origin!

  • has become widespread in recent times. This is due to the fact that experts have identified its healing properties, which have the ability to relieve pain in sciatica, neuralgia, bruises and bumps, sprains, muscle inflammation. AT modern therapy eucalyptus inhalations are widely used, which have a similar effect if performed in a steam room with a eucalyptus broom. These inhalations help with respiratory diseases. Invaluable help from such a broom is received by patients with skin diseases due to the content of tannins in them. Often lovers of bathing procedures mix birch and eucalyptus raw materials, thereby getting a birch-eucalyptus broom.

Let us turn to those types of brooms that are not at the peak of popularity, but have excellent medicinal effects. Such brooms are used in some cases, with exacerbation of any diseases.

  • - the first assistant in the treatment of rheumatism, sciatica, gout and arthritis. He was remembered when articular pains appeared. Before using this broom, you need to make it several times cold and hot shower(from hot water to cold and vice versa) - this will prevent burns to the hands. However, it may be necessary, especially in rheumatism, for the nettle to heal with its "biting". In this case, it is recommended to lower the broom into boiling water for three minutes. It will be possible to use a broom only when the skin itself also warms up. The very process of soaring should be easy, smooth, stroking. Therapeutic effect nettle brooms due to the fact that the stinging hairs of the nettle contain formic acid, which improves blood circulation, tones, strengthens the body. Nettle is often used as an antiseptic, wound healing agent, for skin diseases. For best effect take young nettles, briefly soaked in warm water. When soaring with such a broom, there is a feeling of a light, but pleasant tingling. However, the procedure is worth it - the skin becomes ruddy, elastic, clean. Massage from such a broom is useful for diseases of the kidneys and liver, is therapeutic and prophylactic with atherosclerosis.

  • in terms of properties, it is in many ways reminiscent of birch. It absorbs sweat well, with the help of wide leaves it perfectly draws out toxins and toxins, harmful substances that are present in the body in large quantities. Due to the fact that young maple shoots contain alkaloids (potent biological substances), tannins and vitamin C- this contributes to the fact that maple brooms have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent; effectively heal wounds, disinfect them. If you manage to pick up young branches with large leaves for a broom, then this is a unique opportunity. Such brooms combine the properties of both birch and linden.

  • Another broom that resembles birch in properties is alder broom. Like birch and maple brooms, its sticky leaves adhere perfectly to the body, therefore, it absorbs sweat relatively well, removes toxins and toxins, and has a beneficial effect on the skin of the body. An alder broom is also valued for the fact that, like a birch broom, it is included in the category of quite durable, it can be steamed for several bath procedures. Healing properties come down to prevention joint diseases, musculoskeletal system. In case of heart disease, it is recommended to lie on a shelf on steamed alder branches or light massage alder broom.

  • The next type of broom deserves special attention. Since the tree from which raw materials are harvested was considered a sacred plant by the ancient Slavs. As many have probably already realized, we will talk about hazel brooms. This tree has healing properties and bark, and leaves, and fruits. The only nuance that is not desirable to miss is that it is necessary to harvest hazel branches during the period when they are young and with wide leaves. They will be more durable, with a large supply of medicinal substances, well catching up the heat. The bark contains a large supply of tannins, the leaves contain a variety of biological active substances. Therefore, the healing properties of such brooms are as follows: treatment and prevention skin diseases, wound healing functions, perfectly improves metabolism, especially indispensable for patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.

  • Ash broom- one of interesting varieties bath brooms. This is due to the fact that the plant itself is poisonous, but with proper external use, you can get an effective healing effect. This is probably related to specific properties toxic substances. As you know, many pharmaceuticals external use contain toxic substances in minimal proportions, as a result of the action of such substances - improvement or even recovery of patients. Let's return to the properties of the ash broom. The range of their properties deserves close attention: anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties, a good hemostatic agent, a high-quality antiseptic, massage using this broom favorably helps to alleviate radiculitis, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, spurs. The process of soaring with an ash broom is indicated for respiratory diseases. At the same time, inhalation of vapors of heated ash leaves gives a great effect.

  • Bird cherry broom has its own characteristics. Its branches are not as flexible and biting as those of birch, ash, alder, but they are not inferior to them in terms of healing properties. They have the most unique bactericidal and disinfectant properties of all the previously listed brooms. Since ancient times, all parts of its plant: twigs, buds, leaves have been disinfected for drinking water. To do this, it was enough to withstand the "bird cherry cleaners" for several hours in a vessel with water, and one could drink such water without fear and doubt. Also, this water was used as sterile for washing wounds. Steamed with hot water, bird cherry broom emits a soft and fragrant aroma, reminiscent of the smell of ground almonds. Steaming with such a broom, it should be remembered that you should not get carried away too much with it, since it contains a large amount of phytoncides, which, in turn, with moderate use, have beneficial effect on the body, and with excessive use can play a bad joke. Most the best option- this is a combination of bird cherry branches with branches of other trees, that is, the creation of a mixed broom. This will bring more benefits and good impressions from the process of staying in the bath.

  • , first of all, is excellent remedy for air disinfection baths and steam rooms. This is due to the fact that mountain ash emits specific volatile substances that are detrimental to many types of fungus and bacteria. This antimicrobial property has positive effect and for a person who likes to bathe with this broom. The broom itself, most often, is flexible, soft, biting. By right, you can add value to the main antimicrobial property preventive procedures with hypertension, atherosclerosis. However, if you attach a sprig of tansy to this broom, you can get a wonderful and wonderful tonic - refreshing remedy. natural origin which will lift your spirits and give you confidence own forces. The only "but" in this matter is that the process of using such a broom, due to its strong stimulating and tonic properties, is best done in the morning. Otherwise, you may find yourself hostage to an insidious lady named "Insomnia".

Video about brooms - oak, nettle and rowan

Video about brooms - bird cherry, maple and aspen

Video about brooms - raspberry, alder, willow, lilac

So, information about various types of brooms, their useful properties, individual characteristics, is disclosed. I hope that she allowed you to see that the Russian bath with a broom is a wonderful opportunity. beneficial effect on your body. A properly selected broom will make the process of staying in the bath useful, enjoyable, and most importantly - effective in relation to one's own health. In addition to the fact that a bath with a broom can be wonderful beauty salon. Rinse your hair well with the water in which the broom was steamed. This procedure restores hair roots, makes them smooth, manageable, stronger and eliminates dandruff. For this, infusions from any brooms are suitable. And some infusions contribute to giving the hair beautiful shades.

Photo from Tyatya.ru

Bathing in the bath is ancient tradition of our people, which has more than one century. Every second Russian has experienced this pleasure at least once in his life - to take a steam bath in a calm atmosphere, to relax his soul and body. In this article, we will talk about what Russian bath brooms are, describe their types, shapes and varieties, healing properties and features, and also teach you which accessory is better for you to choose. We hope that our article will be useful to you.

What kind of brooms did our ancestors steam in the bath?

The tradition of bathing in a bath with the help of well-known accessories dates back to our ancestors, the ancient Slavs. In those distant times, a hut made of tree branches and covered with felt usually served as a bathing place. The selected type of wood directly affected the aroma and incense during the adoption. water procedures. What to bathe in the bath, determined experimentally. Over time, the choice was stopped at the species already known to us - birch, oak, linden, alder, juniper, nettle. The properties of these materials played a paramount role, as they helped to get rid of existing ailments and significantly improve health.

What are bath brooms: types of forms and types of impact

These accessories are very different - deciduous, coniferous, herbal, mixed. Each of them has its own unique healing properties.


Among the hardwood types of fixtures for the steam room, birch and oak are the most common. They also form the basis for mixed varieties.

Photo from dachnikof.ru

Coniferous species

They are not as popular, and for good reason. Spruce or fir needles can injure the tender and sensitive skin. Nonetheless, coniferous trees have a number useful properties that cannot be ignored. While doing simple rules handling such accessories, their use will bring only a positive effect.

  • Juniper is a unique natural antihistamine. It is used in the prevention and treatment various kinds allergies. The essential oils that make up the branches and needles of this shrub have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Massage juniper product helps relieve pain in neuralgia, gout, rheumatism and sciatica.
  • Fir, like all conifers, has a pleasant aroma. It well relieves nervous tension, accumulated fatigue, contributes to a surge of strength and energy.
  • Spruce and cedar improve blood circulation processes.

Be sure to steam coniferous brooms in boiling water before use. Hot water will help soften stiff needles.

Mixed and herbal

Photo from www.kompanianeptun.ru

Not all trees, shrubs or herbs are suitable for use. Some have too thin leaves, others have hard branches, or even sticks, others crumble and need the support of stronger rods. Therefore, another variety has become widespread - mixed. Usually the twigs of grasses or shrubs are attached to oak or birch. The following plants and trees can act as constituent components:

  • Bird cherry - it has a disinfectant and bactericidal property, releases phytoncides useful for the body, which help improve vision, calm the nerves and kill harmful bacteria.
  • Currant - helps with colds.
  • Rowan - has an antimicrobial effect, fights fungi and bacteria.
  • Mimosa - soothes, relieves nervous tension, anxiety and irritation, anesthetizes and heals wounds.
  • Kalina is good for allergies.
  • Ash - has a hemostatic property, relieves pain with spurs, rheumatism and radiculitis.
  • Hazel is used for ulcers, varicose veins and diabetes.
  • Poplar has antimicrobial properties.
  • Wormwood well disinfects, tones. Her pairs improve memory.
  • Nettle helps with joint pain. Its leaves contain formic acid, which improves blood circulation.

Mixed products allow you to enhance the effect of the healing properties of the herbs and trees included in it and get the maximum benefit from them.

Individual features of brooms

Trees, shrubs and herbs from which bath accessories are made are different. Therefore, they all have their own individual characteristics.

Photo from the site Let's take a steam bath!

  • Conifers should only be used fresh. Two weeks after cutting the branches, the needles fall off. So that the bath attribute from fir, spruce or cedar does not scratch with its hard needles, it must be lowered for half an hour into a container with boiling water, then they will become much softer.
  • Hazel must be harvested young.
  • To weaken the stinging power of the nettle, it must be alternately placed in hot and cold water.
  • You can use coniferous and nettle only when the human skin is well warmed up.
  • Bath attributes, including branches of mountain ash or tansy, in evening time cannot be used. These plants have a strong tonic effect, invigorate.

What to bathe, it is up to each consumer to decide independently. We can only give advice and useful advice to help you make the right choice.

  • Pay attention to the shape and type of the product, which would be better to use, massage, catch up with steam, fan yourself.
  • The bath attribute must be strong enough to withstand the entire bathing process.
  • If you want to improve your health, choose products with healing properties that are suitable for your diagnosis.

Good to know

Bath brooms, which include sprigs of viburnum or juniper, help relieve allergy symptoms.

Whatever devices you choose, a visit to the Russian steam room will in any case give you real pleasure - it will help relieve fatigue and nervous tension, which are the result of modern city life, and will have a beneficial effect on the skin and the human body as a whole.

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