How to soothe a burning sensation from stinging nettles. What to do with a nettle burn and what remedy to use

Many people on their weekends or holidays are very fond of spending time outdoors: in the forest, in the country, near water bodies, etc. Such a rest has a great effect on the state of a person’s physical and mental health, but such a pastime also has negative sides - all kinds of damage. One of them is nettle burn.

  • Hogweed burn: treatment, photo
  • Celandine burn

The thing is that such an area often becomes a habitat for nettle plants, and their interaction with human skin causes burns that manifest themselves as unpleasant symptoms and cause a feeling of discomfort. This happens because the villi of this stinging plant cause inflammatory reactions due to the content of such substances:

  • histamine;
  • formic acid;
  • choline;
  • serotonin.

Also, such injuries are often accompanied by an allergic reaction, which significantly worsens the general condition of the victim and can lead to unpleasant consequences.

That is why every person who loves to relax in nature should know what to do with a nettle burn.


Such "natural" burns can be diagnosed due to the presence of the following signs:

  • burning sensation at the site of injury;
  • the appearance of severe itching;
  • redness of the skin;
  • the occurrence of slight swelling at the site of injury;
  • the formation of "pimples" of different sizes.

In some cases, such an injury is accompanied by an allergic reaction (most often this occurs in children) and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature of the victim;
  • the appearance of a feeling of weakness;
  • the formation of swelling of soft tissues;
  • increased heart rate;
  • the occurrence of shortness of breath.

In a situation where the above symptoms appear, immediately visit the nearest medical center. institution, otherwise the victim runs the risk of acquiring unpleasant complications.

Treatment Method

You can treat a nettle burn at home using folk methods or pharmaceutical preparations, the main thing is to adhere to all existing rules of therapy.

First of all, the burnt area of ​​​​the skin must be cleaned of dirt and dust present on it. To do this, any sterile tissue material is wetted with water, and the irritated surface is thoroughly wiped with gentle movements. Next, you need to remove nettle hairs that have stuck into the skin. This procedure is performed in two ways:

  • the first method: adhesive tape or other adhesive material is applied to the damaged area, and then carefully peeled off already together with the villi adhering to it;
  • the second way: the earth is mixed with a small amount of water and applied to the injured area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin until it dries completely. After the resulting paste has dried, it is carefully removed.

After each of the above methods, the injured area should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, as well as salicylic or boric alcohol.

In order to neutralize formic acid, it is recommended to use ordinary baking soda. It is mixed with running water to the state of a homogeneous slurry and applied to the inflamed area of ​​the "bite" until completely dry, then washed off with cold water. Also an excellent alternative that can stop the action of ant poison is a solution of table vinegar, as well as laundry or ordinary soap.

Cold compresses, which are made from the food in your freezer or cold water, can be used to reduce pain. If you are far from home, then to eliminate inflammatory reactions and pain syndrome, you can use the following plants: plantain leaves, sorrel, balsam or horsetail. Also, these "natural" medicines help to quickly and efficiently relieve itching.

The aloe vera plant has an excellent soothing, antibacterial, anti-allergic and analgesic effect. Burns can be treated with both its juice and pulp.

If the pain or itching is unbearable, then the affected person needs to go to the nearest pharmacy as soon as possible. There, a qualified pharmacist will advise the necessary medications that will help eliminate the unpleasant signs of nettle injury.

If the affected area does not begin to recover within a day, it is recommended to visit an experienced doctor.

Nettle Damage Benefits

If the burn is not accompanied by an allergic reaction, then it is even considered useful, because:

  • improves the process of blood circulation;
  • prevents the development of diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism;
  • reduces or stops the present inflammatory reactions in the body.

Nettle burns: how to treat and should I see a doctor?

Nettle - belongs to the Nettle family, a genus of flowering plants. Most people remember this herb as a burning and painful plant. Of course, this is not all of its properties.

This representative of the flora has a huge set of useful qualities. Even in the days of ancient medicine, the famous doctor Avicenna used it in his medical practice. Answers to all questions about this plant can be found by reading the material below.

Burns and itching from stinging nettles

After contact with nettles, burns remain on the skin, which bring discomfort and aching pain. Why does nettle sting? To answer this question, you need to consider the plant. Stinging hairs with very small bubbles of a burning solution are located on the leaves and stem of the nettle.

Upon contact with the skin, they burst and, falling on the human body, cause burning pain. Itching is an addition to the burn. Itching is caused by nettle villi, which remain in the pores of the skin and irritate it.

These discomforts can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Burn and mild itching. With such a lesion, pain brings discomfort and nothing more. They do not cause much pain, and the visual focus of the burn passes after a short time.
  2. Severe form. Do not be afraid of this phrase. Just with such a lesion, the burn causes unbearable pain that requires therapy.

INTERESTING FACT! It has been proven that dark-haired and swarthy people are less sensitive to contact with a burning plant. Blondes, fair-haired and red-haired people, on the contrary, are more difficult to endure such troubles. And burns take longer to leave the skin.

Nettle itch in children

Children suffer greatly from interaction with nettles. This is because children's skin is not yet sufficiently formed and is most susceptible to external stimuli. In addition, children cannot tolerate the pain and itching from nettles.

Do not forget that for any child, such an acquaintance is also stressful. Therefore, in order to relieve moral and physical stress, you should not panic and run to the doctor, it is better to try to relieve itching at home.

Here are some of the ways that will answer the question of how to relieve itching on the skin of a child:

  • A solution of water and baking soda. We take these ingredients in equal proportions and mix them. With the resulting mass, we process the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Missing soda? No problem! Take ordinary salt instead.
  • Clay. You can use both cosmetic and natural. If you use cosmetic, then make sure that there are no additives, dyes and other chemical ingredients in the composition. Clay should be fixed with a bandage or any other means and left for a short period of time.
  • Apple vinegar. Just wipe the affected area with a cotton pad soaked in apple cider vinegar.
  • Plantain leaves. If the contact took place on the street and there is nothing at hand, then this method is perfect! Just find a plantain, wash its leaf with water, remember a little in your hands (so that the juice comes out) and wipe the burn. You can leave the leaf on the itch until it finally passes.
  • In the first aid kit, you can look for "Menovazin". It contains camphor mixture and boric acid, which will help relieve itching.

Nettle burn in children

Children are so curious and adventurous that often these searches turn into nettle burns and related troubles. Although a nettle burn looks scary, there is no reason to be afraid. Even in the absence of first aid and therapy, it passes quickly.

But if adults understand this and can tolerate pain, then a child cannot wait even a couple of minutes. A heightened sense of pain requires immediate action.

Help relieve burns

  • Liquids containing alcohol. You can even use regular vodka. It is enough to wipe the sore spot with a cloth or cotton wool soaked in vodka.
  • Gadgets. The simplest recipe is water mixed in equal parts with 1% boric acid. We leave a piece of bandage or cloth, previously moistened in such a solution, on the wound until the pain completely disappears. If necessary, the lotion can be repeated.

Unfortunately, even children are prone to allergic reactions. If such a feature is present in the child's body, then lotions alone cannot fix the matter. It will require therapeutic therapy with the use of antihistamines - Loratadin, Cetrin, Suprastin. However, when using such drugs, it is very important to observe the maximum allowable dosage.

Are nettle burns good?

Nettle burn is usually viewed in a negative light. Still would! It brings pain, burning and itching. But this is not a thermal burn, where the affected skin dies off. And non-chemical - when the whole body as a whole suffers from a burn. Such a bite from nettles is useful and has a beneficial effect on health.

What is the use of such burning touches:

  1. Improvement of blood circulation;
  2. Reduces the risk of inflammatory processes;
  3. Helps prevent the onset of arthritis;
  4. Reduces the likelihood of rheumatism;
  5. Increases skin tone;
  6. It activates the nerve endings, which leads to the active work of the central nervous system and parts of the brain.

All these beneficial properties in nettle are not without reason. It contains a large number of useful and necessary qualities for the human body.

In the old days, when Russian winters passed with frosts and snowstorms, they were saved from frostbite thanks to nettle leaves! It was enough to wrap yourself in a nettle blanket and lie down like that. Nettle contains a large amount of protein, calcium, beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, K and group B.

What is the danger of itching from nettles?

Although this plant has such a set of useful properties, there are cases when such burns will be harmful to health.

Here are the main factors in which you should beware of acquaintance with such a plant:

  1. Nettle burn causes unbearable itching. In this case, it is necessary to remove the burn! In case of severe itching, which is difficult to endure, it is possible to comb the affected area. Such combing threatens that an infection will get into the wound, which will provoke inflammation.
  2. Nettle blisters don't go away. This complication is typical for people with sensitive skin. Of course, such burns will not bring any benefit, but will only cause irritation and pain.
  3. Allergy to nettle. You don't even need to add anything here. With a burn, you must immediately take an antihistamine to avoid health problems.
  4. Pregnancy. Any effect on the skin of the mother is reflected in the child. Do not take risks and joke with burning grass. In addition, during pregnancy, it is worth avoiding the use of preparations from nettle inside, because this can provoke premature birth.


Itching cannot cause special complications and pathologies if you do not comb and disturb the site of the lesion. Of course, if itching becomes unbearable, you can consult a doctor for advice. Basically, he will advise you to make lotions and rubdowns. If a person has an allergy, and there are no antihistamines, then the help of a doctor is required here.

How to relieve itching from nettle?

If itching brings severe discomfort and there is no strength to endure, then you can take some measures to eliminate it:

  • Take a break. Don't focus on the problem. Make yourself some tea and relax. This will help not only to relax physically, but also help relieve emotional stress.
  • If the first option did not help, then you can use the tea left from the tea to relieve itching. We make a compress on a sore spot and wait for relief.
  • Compress of mint leaves and lemon balm. You can brew these medicinal herbs and cool the resulting solution. Then we take out the leaves and apply them to the wound. The cooling properties will help relieve itching and soothe the skin.
  • Medical ointments. In the fight against itching, "Fenistil" can help. You can use it in the form of a gel or ointment. "Psilo-balm" refers to antihistamines that relieve all allergy symptoms, including itching.

Rash like a nettle burn

The consequences of nettle burns are not deplorable.

The appearance of a rash after nettle burns is possible in such cases:

  1. Combing with dirty hands. Nettles can only be cut off while being in nature. And very often, to relieve itching, the victim combs the sore spot with his hands. This cannot be done! The consequences on the skin from such manipulations will be deplorable! When combing the blisters, it is easy to infect the tissues, and this is not just a burn, but a serious complication.
  2. Rash as a reaction of the body. Sometimes in especially sensitive people, a burn is accompanied by a large manifestation of a rash on the skin. You shouldn't take it to heart. It's just that such skin is very susceptible to external factors, and this is a natural reaction to irritants.
  3. Allergy. In this case, the rash will spread far beyond the burn site and will be one of the manifestations of an allergic reaction.


Nettle is a gift from nature. It contains many useful components for the human body. But, as with everything, you need to know the measure. With the abuse of nettles, you can make yourself a lot of problems. Only a competent approach to the use of this drug will provide health benefits.

Do not forget that each organism is an individual. And based on this, you need to make decisions. After all, if for one person nettle burns are a benefit, then for another they can turn into a trip to an allergist.

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Nettle burn: first aid and possible consequences

Nettle leaves and stems are covered with brittle, hollow hairs that, when touched, act like needles for intradermal injection. The chemicals of the plant penetrate through the hollow tubes and provoke the appearance of unpleasant sensations on the skin in the form of itching and burning. Nettle burn is quite painful, and there are different opinions about whether it is useful or harmful. Knowing what to do in such a situation, it is possible to quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms and completely eliminate the consequences of a burn.

The effect of nettle on the skin

Nettle has a wide range of therapeutic effects on the human body and is often used as an auxiliary method in the treatment of various pathologies. However, it is mainly consumed internally in the form of decoctions, tinctures, salads and soups.

The plant has the following effects on the body:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • restores metabolism;
  • has a positive effect on the digestive system;
  • reduces inflammation and helps in the fight against bacteria;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • lowers blood sugar levels.

However, in some cases, nettle can harm a person. A plant burn can cause a severe allergic reaction, and eating an untreated plant can cause irritation of the mucous membrane. It is for this reason that it is necessary to know how to remove a nettle burn and alleviate the patient's condition.

Nettle burn symptoms

After contact of the skin with nettles, the reaction develops at lightning speed. Initially, a person feels a sudden pain, which usually persists for several minutes. After that, the body temperature rises in the affected area, swelling, itching and blisters appear. If a person does not have any health complications, the next day, such symptoms disappear without any consequences for the body.

Nettle burn is accompanied by severe itching, but in no case should you comb the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation. This is dangerous in that it is possible to introduce an infection under the skin, which can further increase the discomfort. It is also necessary to seek help from a doctor if the painful symptoms after a nettle burn do not disappear after 24 hours.

Features of the treatment of burns with nettle

Nettle leaf burn causes severe discomfort and pain, and it is especially difficult for children to endure such symptoms. In order to cope with such a problem, it is allowed to use various medications and folk remedies.


In the event that a person is away from home and is burned with nettles, then you can cope with the pain with the help of improvised means. You need to look around, and you will surely find something suitable. In the event that, after contact with the plant, pieces of villi remain on the skin, then it is necessary to remove them.

A good effect in the treatment of irritated skin is given by plantain or sorrel, which usually grow next to nettles. It is necessary to take clean leaves of any plant and rinse them well with water. After that, they should be rubbed with such force that the juice stands out, and the resulting mass must be applied to the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

Plantain gives a good effect in the treatment of irritated skin.

When in nature with a nettle burn, it is necessary to wash the damaged skin with ice-cold water from a stream. The fact is that the cold quickly reduces swelling and anesthetizes the area of ​​​​inflammation. In the event that you simply wash your hand with plain water, the procedure will not bring the desired effect, since the poison has already got under the dermis.

In an extreme situation, you can make a slurry from the earth by mixing it with a little water. The resulting mixture should be applied to the inflamed area of ​​​​the skin, but only if there are no wounds and cracks on it. In addition, this method can only be used for superficial burns, otherwise there is a high risk of infection.

At home

With a nettle burn, treatment at home can be carried out using the following means:

  1. In case of severe irritation and staining, it is recommended to use a soda solution. Pour a little powder into the container and dilute it with water to a slurry state. The resulting solution should wipe the skin and after a while the irritation will subside.
  2. With inflammation of the skin after a nettle burn, you can wipe the spots with salicylic or boric alcohol. Such funds help with burns, disinfectant effect on the affected areas of the epidermis and gradually relieve inflammation.
  3. After a nettle burn, clay is considered an effective and effective remedy, which must be diluted with water until a slurry is formed. This mixture should be applied to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and left until the pain syndrome disappears.

Coping with itching during home therapy is possible with the help of aloe juice

It is possible to cope with itching during therapy at home with the help of a small piece of ice or aloe juice, which should be lubricated with the inflamed area on the body.

Medical treatment

In order to eliminate the symptoms of a nettle burn, you can use the drug Menovazin. Such a medication is affordable and helps to quickly cope with itching. The composition of the drug contains racementhol, which has a pronounced analgesic effect and eliminates itching.

Menovazin should be smeared with a part of the body burned with nettle leaves several times during the day. However, if the mediant is used for too long, dizziness, a decrease in blood pressure and a general weakness of the body may occur. It is necessary to refuse treatment with such a drug if a person has an individual intolerance to novocaine.

It is possible to cope with the symptoms of an allergic reaction with the help of antihistamines, among which the most effective are:

  • Suprastin;
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Claritin.

It will be possible to cope with the symptoms of an allergic reaction with the help of suprastin

Suprastin should be taken 2-3 times a day at the same time as meals. Treatment with such a drug may be accompanied by the development of side effects such as drowsiness and general weakness. The main contraindications to taking antihistamines are pathologies such as glaucoma and prostate hypertrophy.

Means with hydrocortisone in the composition have a rapid anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate redness and irritation. To find out how to relieve itching after a nettle burn, it is best to see a doctor.

Help with nettle burns in children

With a nettle burn in a child, you can use such a highly effective drug as La Cree cream. It contains only natural ingredients that help in a short time to cope with a nettle burn. In addition, La Cree cream contributes to the rapid recovery of inflamed skin.

With a nettle burn in a child, you can use La Cree cream

The drug has moisturizing and nourishing properties, so it quickly relieves discomfort after a burn. The natural ingredients in the cream provide reliable protection for the sensitive skin of a baby who has been burned by nettles.


In some patients, and especially in children, contact with the plant can cause allergic rashes, which manifest themselves as:

  • rise in temperature;
  • severe swelling of the skin;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • pronounced shortness of breath.

In such a situation, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with such symptoms with the help of traditional medicine. Antihistamine drugs of local or systemic action are usually prescribed. The sooner you start therapy, the lower the risk of various complications.

Most often, a nettle burn has a favorable prognosis. When prompt and proper medical care is provided, unpleasant symptoms disappear quickly enough without negative consequences.

Nettle burn: how to eliminate?

Walking in the fresh air, working in the garden - all this is very useful for the physical and psychological health of a person. However, in the warm season, this pastime is often overshadowed by a nettle burn. Is it worth worrying about what first aid and further methods of treatment are, or this chemical injury is really useful and one should not engage in anti-burn therapy.

Botanical description

Nettle is a flowering plant whose leaves and stems are covered with burning hairs, with which it is protected from herbivores. The tip of each spine, at the slightest physical impact on it, breaks off and its end penetrates the skin. The juice of the plant consists of histamine, formic acid and choline. It is as a result of the action of these substances that a person receives burns from nettles, feels pain and burning at the point of contact.

In total, there are more than 50 names of this plant, species that grow in our latitudes are relatively safe, unlike those that breed in the tropics, they can even lead to death.

First aid for chemical injury by a burning plant

During any treatment, initial therapy plays an important role. Timely and correctly provided first aid for a nettle burn will greatly facilitate the process of further recovery.

  1. Leave the area where there may be a dangerous plant;
  2. It is necessary to examine the injured area, the tips of the hairs may remain at the site of the nettle burn, do not rub the skin with your hands, ideally pull them out with adhesive tape or any adhesive tape;
  3. Rinse the wound with cold, clean water, if available, apply a chilled object or ice wrapped in a soft cloth. This will relieve swelling and painful symptoms.

  1. The next action in case of a nettle burn should be wiping the damaged area with one of these means:
  • Apple vinegar;
  • Boric alcohol;
  • Baking soda, apply as a slurry;
  • Any alcohol-containing medication is suitable for neutralizing substances that cause inflammation.

First aid and methods of treating a nettle burn are aimed at relieving painful symptoms, preventing inflammation and itching.

Medical therapy

Treatment of nettle burns consists in the use of drugs that can provide antiseptic, antipruritic, analgesic, antihistamine properties. You can select them yourself only for adult patients, if there are no signs of severe allergies and infection, and the affected area does not exceed 10% of the total area of ​​​​the skin.

Important! If, with a nettle burn, the patient's condition worsens during the first day: body temperature rises, pain, swelling and redness increase, blisters appear, be sure to consult a doctor.

For drug therapy for nettle burns, the following drugs are often used:

  1. Antihistamines. To relieve an allergic reaction, which is manifested by severe redness and rashes, and in more severe cases, mucosal edema and tachycardia. This is a very dangerous condition, and Fenistil, Suprastin, Diazolin are used to eliminate it.
  2. Indomethacin. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that helps relieve redness after a nettle burn.
  3. Menovazin. Affordable, but quite effective remedy, perfectly anesthetizes and relieves itching. It should be applied 3 times a day on the site of a nettle burn.
  4. Panthenol. The most famous and effective remedy not only for thermal injuries, but also chemical ones. Reduces all painful symptoms, improves the regeneration process.
  5. Lioxazine. It relieves inflammation and itching, and thanks to the lidocaine contained in it, pain manifestations are significantly reduced.

Methods of treatment for a nettle burn vary depending on the degree of damage, the complications that have arisen, and the general reaction of the body to chemical injury. If drug therapy does not give the desired result within 48 hours, you should consult a doctor for additional advice. Especially if a child received a burn from nettle, children's skin is much more sensitive and more prone to various kinds of allergic reactions.

Is it good that you got burned?

There is an opinion that such an injury is absolutely not harmful, and helps in the treatment of certain diseases. The benefit of nettle burn lies in the large number of active substances that make up the plant. In contact with the skin, blood circulation is significantly increased, this property helps in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, varicose veins. The benefits of nettle burns are more pronounced with an injury targeted at certain parts of the body, for blood flow to the sore spot, and as a result, the rapid removal of painful symptoms.

Nettle burn is rather unpleasant, but not dangerous if the victim does not have a specific allergic reaction. Treatment of the consequences of a meeting with a burning plant, provided that the area of ​​injury is not extensive, can be done at home, but when the condition does not improve within 48 hours, be sure to consult a doctor.

“Oh, oh!” - the son, burnt with nettles, screams, tearing up. And I calm him down in the same way that my mother once calmed me in childhood: “Nothing, dear, it’s useful!”.

And one day I thought, maybe this is really useful? After all, my mother is not just a loving, caring woman, but also a smart and rational person.

And as soon as I started asking this question to the search engine, I realized that not only me was comforted by such a phrase. Unfortunately, there were very few intelligible answers to my request, mainly on forums where people expressed their personal opinion, not supported by an information base. On this I, of course, decided to dig deeper.

And here's what I found out. It turns out that there really is a benefit from nettle burn! After all, at the moment of a nettle “bite”, blood instantly rushes to the upper layers of the skin, the work of capillaries increases, thereby stimulating general blood circulation.

Believe it or not, there are even special treatment methods based on nettle burns. They are aimed at combating such diseases as rheumatism, arthritis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins. And the method consists precisely in numerous nettle burns that improve blood flow to a certain area of ​​​​the body.

And with a “bite” of nettle, formic acid, known for its analgesic properties, enters our body. You ask how it gets inside, because the nettle just burns? But no, she just bites. Now I'll tell you everything.

How the nettle "bites".

A nettle sting is very similar to a mosquito bite. And according to the mechanism of action and the final result (“buns” on the skin that itch). The entire “body” of the nettle is covered with fine hairs (you probably noticed that both the stem and leaves of the nettle are soft and velvety). But these soft hairs are not as safe as they seem at first glance. Inside, they contain the very substances that cause a burn: choline, histamine, and the formic acid mentioned above. Like the proboscis of a mosquito, the hairs pierce the skin almost imperceptibly to us and release their useful "poison". However, it's not useful for everyone.

Harm of nettle burns.

There is good news - in our area there are no such types of nettles that can cause a reaction that is dangerous to human life. Except in cases of severe allergy to substances contained in this plant. However, these are indeed very rare cases. Luckily.

Therefore, the main harm is painful discomfort in the burn area, redness, slight swelling.

How to get rid of discomfort with a nettle burn.

What to do with nettle burns? Do not panic. Even if a small child is burned. After all, it will pass quickly and besides ... it is useful! As we found out above. The main thing is to drink an antihistamine just in case: suprastin, loratadine, diazolin or others (after all, we already know that only severe allergic reactions are dangerous). This would be the end, but after all, there is still discomfort and redness and I would like to get rid of them. Here's what you can do:

Hold the burned area under a stream of ice water or dip the limb that was burned into ice water;

Alcohol (or vodka) lotions also help a lot;

Dilute the soda to the state of slurry, thickly apply the slurry to the burn site.

What else is good about nettles.

In general, nettle is useful not only when it “bites”. Basically, it's useful. The plant is very rich in vitamins and minerals.

When eaten, it helps us to be strong, healthy and beautiful, tones, gives strength, helps immunity. Put young nettle leaves in the salad or cook nettle soup. Tasty and healthy!

Nettle is also used in cosmetology. A decoction of this plant regularly wash the face in the presence of inflammation, acne, boils. Nettle-based masks add shine to the hair, the hair is strengthened and grows quite quickly.

And physicians, herbalists, homeopaths and just connoisseurs of well-being are well aware of nettle as a medicinal plant. We have collected the best recipes for health in a small video block: Good luck and health!

Nettle burn - what to do?

Nettle is an insidious plant. At first glance, it is ordinary grass, but in reality it “bites” like a real predator. She prefers a moderately warm climate, so nettle can be found in many regions of our country. And those who regularly visit the forest on vacation or spend the summer in the country, most likely at least once, have become victims of the “burning” of nettles.

Nettle burn

The fact is that this is how nettles protect themselves from herbivores. On its leaves and stem there is a large number of hairs, which in their structure are similar to ampoules with the "poison" contained inside. When we touch these hairs, their tips break off, pierce the surface of the skin and remain like a sting. Formic acid, choline and histamine - such a burning "cocktail" gets under the skin and causes an unpleasant sensation of burning.

Nettle burn: benefit or harm?

In nature, there are more than 45 types of nettle and almost all of them have stinging hairs. Some tropical varieties are dangerous to humans. Luckily, we don't grow them.

The usual "bite" of nettles does not pose a danger. On the contrary, there is an opinion that such a slight burn with nettles can be useful. How? Formic acid is considered sometimes used in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism.

There is a risk of burns if the injury is large, for example, if you fall into a thicket of nettles, or if you are allergic to nettle sap. With a severe nettle burn, blisters can occur - and this is the second degree of the burn, which requires observation and treatment.

Nettle burns - treatment

In any case, a poisonous plant burn is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and even if you are not afraid of allergic complications or believe in the healing power of formic acid, you should not endure pain.

How to remove a nettle burn?

If you "stung" in the field, then you will have to use improvised means.

  • Move away from nettles first to avoid re-contact.
  • Carefully examine the burn site: as mentioned earlier, the tips of nettle hairs remain on the skin, so be careful not to spread them further along the skin, do not rub your eyes with the injured hand. Ideally, you should use something clean and sticky to "pull out" the hairs, such as band-aids.

How to treat a nettle burn: remedy

Folk remedies will help reduce pain and quickly relieve redness. Take a look around: you will surely find something suitable:

  • Sorrel or plantain (by the way, sorrel often grows near nettles - only as nature itself guessed). Choose clean leaves, if possible, rinse them with water, rub them in your hand until the juice is released and apply to the place of redness.
  • Rinse the affected skin area with ice-cold spring water. It is the low temperature that matters here - just washing with water is useless, because the poison has already penetrated the skin, but the cold will reduce swelling and anesthetize.
  • The last resort is to use a slurry of clay or earth. It can be obtained by adding a little water or even saliva to a handful of earth (clay). The mixture should be applied to the burned area of ​​the skin. However, it is better to first make sure that there are no wounds on your skin, and the burn itself is superficial. Otherwise, you risk introducing an infection with the earth.

How to anoint a nettle burn at home?

The situation is much simpler if you have suffered from a plant in your summer cottage. In this case, you have more opportunities to remove the nettle burn, and the treatment can be carried out in hygienic conditions.

  • Cool the damaged area of ​​skin with cold running water or apply ice for a short time.
  • Wipe the affected area with apple cider vinegar or a solution of salicylic or boric alcohol. If you don't have vinegar or alcohol, use baking soda - it's also effective for plant scorch. Soda should not be dissolved in water: dilute it a little to a mushy state, then apply to the skin.
  • Use a remedy from the first aid kit that will help relieve irritation and inflammation. For these purposes, La Cree cream is perfect, which contains only natural ingredients. Regenerating cream soothes, relieves itching and redness, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. This effective tool allows not only to quickly eliminate all unpleasant symptoms after a nettle burn, but also supports sensitive skin at the recovery stage.

Nettle burn of the body: is it worth sounding the alarm?

Here, to a greater extent, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some people can easily tolerate such minor damage, and people with sensitive skin or a tendency to allergic reactions may suffer from painful sensations for several days after contact with the plant.

You need to see a doctor in the following cases:

  • Edema or swelling appeared at the site of the burn.
  • You feel unwell, your body temperature has risen.
  • Breathing is difficult, heart rate is increased.
  • The pain does not go away for several days.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe you antihistamines, prescribe local therapy.

Nettle burn in a child and your home assistant - La Cree cream

The skin of a child differs from the skin of an adult: it does not yet have a sufficient protective barrier and has an increased sensitivity. Therefore, the reaction to the most insignificant external stimuli can be strong.

A nettle burn in a baby is accompanied by severe redness and itching, in addition, children cannot restrain themselves and comb the affected area. And as a result, the burn site can become inflamed and become a painful wound.

Therefore, it is very important to remove all unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible. Use a product from the La Cree line, which was created specifically to eliminate skin problems. The non-hormonal composition makes La Cree cream a universal assistant in the treatment of inflammation, irritation, and reduction of dryness; the tool is suitable even for the smallest.

It is very easy to use the cream: apply a small amount of it on clean skin in the affected area several times a day until complete recovery. The tool is not addictive and is suitable for long-term use.

La Cree cream for sensitive skin La Cree cream for dry skin

Nettle Burn Unpleasant But Sometimes Helpful

Quite often, minor troubles lie in wait for people in the forest or on a personal plot. All nature lovers have known the stinging properties of nettles since childhood. A nettle burn is a rather unpleasant sensation that in some cases can cause a severe allergy attack in people prone to similar body reactions.

Although, according to doctors, such an effect of nettle is sometimes even useful. Interestingly, almost 45 varieties of this flowering plant are distinguished. Basically, nettle grows in areas with a moderately warm climate, therefore it is widespread in most of Russia. Nettle has several names, among which many people know such as zhalyuga, zhguchka, goad, costarka.

Mechanism of burning action

Nettle burn occurs due to its structure, because most species of this plant have burning hairs designed to protect against herbivores. Each hair is a large cell, shaped like a medical ampoule. The upper part of such an "ampoule" contains silicon salts. At the slightest impact, the tip of the "ampoule" breaks off, a sharp hair gets under the skin, the contents of the cell penetrate into the human body.

Nettle cell juice contains formic acid, choline, histamine. It is these substances that cause a sensation of a sharp burn in the zone of direct contact with the plant. Burns of most plants are considered completely harmless, but there are some tropical varieties, contact with which can be fatal.

Help with a burn

Burn cooling. When you get a nettle burn, you can help yourself. First of all, it is recommended to cool the burn with cold water, you can also apply ice for a short time if there is a refrigerator in the country. This will help get rid of unpleasant pain, which will be reminded of only a slight peeling of the skin.

Alcohol solutions or ointments. If primary cooling does not help, you should treat the burn site with a solution of apple cider vinegar or apply Menovazin ointment. Some people use a salicylic, camphor or boric alcohol solution for this trouble. Also, with a nettle burn, the lesion can be treated with an anti-inflammatory ointment.

Take antihistamines: Diazolin, Tavegil, Phencarol, Claritin or Suprastin. This will avoid a possible allergic reaction.

Boric alcohol for blisters. If blisters occur, make a lotion from a one percent solution of boric acid. In some cases, to prevent discomfort, you can use sorrel leaves, which are kneaded until a wet slurry is formed, then applied to the affected surface.

Plants against burn. In case of negative contact with aggressive nettle, sorrel and the common bracken plant help many. It is in nature adjacent to nettle, and its juice is used to relieve burning sensation, as well as sorrel juice. Common bracken is a beautiful fern that is used to alleviate pain, although it is not as effective as sorrel.

Baking soda for burns. The usual baking soda may well save you from an unpleasant nettle burn. A paste made from baking soda and ordinary water is applied to the damaged area. This is a fairly effective means of influence. Even ordinary clay, which is applied in a thin layer, helps with this misfortune. After the clay dries, the pain subsides, the blisters disappear.

The benefits of nettle

Of course, the effect of nettle is unpleasant, but sometimes useful. For example, arthritis and rheumatism are treated in this way - formic acid relieves pain. When nettle burns, blood circulation improves directly at the site of the burn and in the tissues around it, which helps to fight inflammation. To improve blood circulation, bath brooms are made with the addition of nettles. But be careful, you can get an allergic attack.

Many lovers of unconventional methods of treatment claim that nettles perfectly stop bleeding. Nettle has long been used as a wonderful food product, everyone knows useful nettle cabbage soup. Young spring nettles are added as a vitamin supplement to salads, which is also extremely useful, especially during the off-season vitamin deficiency.

Thus, there is absolutely no need to worry about the burn of this wonderfully useful plant. Everything that nature gives for the benefit of man brings him invariable benefits, even with unpleasant first sensations. Be healthy!

The benefits and harms of nettle burns: how to reduce itching?

Nettle is a plant with valuable natural medicinal properties. Useful decoctions are used in the treatment of anemia, diabetes, to strengthen hair. It is worth fearing contact with the skin, the plant stings a lot. A nettle burn can cause discomfort for several days.

The benefits and harms of nettle burns

The protective function of the plant is that when accidentally touched, microscopic hairs on the stem and leaves break off, releasing potent toxic substances:

  • formic acid;
  • choline;
  • serotonin;
  • histamine.

The concentration of these substances causes an instant reaction in the form of redness, burning, blisters appear on the skin. A nettle burn is beneficial or harmful, depending on the purpose. Benefit occurs only with directed local application. Traditional medicine uses nettle burn to treat joints due to increased blood supply to the problem area. Natural formic acid has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In other cases, a nettle bite will cause a lot of unpleasant symptoms.

First aid

You can get burned with nettles in the forest, in the country, in the park. Few people take a first aid kit with them, thinking about the danger. You can urgently take measures to eliminate the pain syndrome with natural helpers growing near the insidious plant. Mash the plantain a little so that it gives juice, and apply to the affected area. Sorrel has the same properties. Make a temporary lotion while you get home. It is good if there is a source of cold water nearby, which will ease the pain. Some try to get stuck spikes with the help of improvised means. They make a slurry of earth or clay, apply until it hardens, then rip it off sharply. This method is fraught with infection through damaged skin.

First aid at home:

  • remove the remaining hairs by gently walking over the surface with adhesive tape or plaster;
  • wash the burn under running cold water with antibacterial soap, or apply an ice pack;
  • treat with hydrogen peroxide or boric acid;
  • mix soda with water, until a slurry is formed, apply to the skin. Soda has an anti-inflammatory effect, after drying, rinse with cold water;
  • Aloe Vera is an excellent wound healing agent. Peel the plant from the peel, put it on the inflamed area, rewinding it with a medical bandage. Remove bandage after 30 minutes. You can anoint with aloe-based cream.
Timely help will relieve a pronounced pain syndrome from itching, burning, reduce swelling and blisters.

How to relieve itching

First aid only partially relieves symptoms. An adult may not pay attention to a small burn, but a child is not able to endure pain. He will begin to scratch the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, which is absolutely impossible to do. Then a direct path to the pharmacy, for a remedy that will help you quickly cope with unbearable itching.

  1. Baneocin (available in the form of a cream or powder, has a healing effect).
  2. Bepanten (reduces redness, irritation).
  3. Hydrocortisone (anti-inflammatory ointment).
  4. Erythromycin (ointment with a bactericidal property).
  5. Levomekol (antimicrobial ointment with regeneration effect).
  6. Tetracycline ointment (a topical antibiotic used for skin infections).

One application will help relieve swelling, reduce pain. Until the symptoms are completely eliminated, you need to smear, as indicated in the instructions. Before using medicines, consult a doctor.

The sting from contact with nettle disappears after a couple of days, but the condition can worsen if the wrong measures are taken:

  • compresses and rinsing with warm water will increase the swelling and size of the blisters. For a while, you should refrain from taking a hot bath or shower;
  • can't scratch. With uncontrolled scratching, a serious infection can get in, blisters can turn into festering wounds that are difficult to treat.

Possible complications and prevention

Often burned with nettles is a mere trifle. Sometimes this can turn into a serious complication in the form of an allergy. In addition to local irritation, the temperature rises and the rash spreads. Weakness appears, the person begins to choke. In this case, it is important to urgently call an ambulance. Before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary to give antihistamines (Zodak, Suprastin, Zirtek) and apply an ice compress to the affected skin area. Further treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, and consists in taking antiallergic drugs and local antibiotic therapy. You can remove the temperature with the help of antipyretics (Paracetamol, Nurofen).

Knowledge of danger comes from childhood. Show your child what nettles look like and where they grow. Tell me how bad it can sting. Try to keep the kids safe by walking on manicured sunny lawns. If the child is burned, provide first aid and explain why you can not itch.

When handled properly, nettles will not cause harm. It is important to know the enemy in person and bypass. If contact occurs, immediately take measures to eliminate discomfort.

Read more.

Nettle is a plant scattered all over the world. Its thickets can be found in the country, in the yard or along the roads. On the leaves and stems of the plant there are tiny hairs, touching which causes itching, burning and the appearance of small blisters.

In the absence of allergies, a nettle burn is not dangerous and goes away on its own. But there are cases when, as a result of an allergic reaction, the burn site swells, abundantly covered with an unbearably itchy rash. Such manifestations may not go away for several hours or even days.

How to relieve the discomfort of a burn outside the home?

If you do not have access to a first aid kit, and the place of contact with the plant burns unbearably, then the following tricks will help:

  • apply to the sore spot a little earth taken from the place where the nettle grows. First, the earth must be mixed with water and applied in a thin layer. This method is fraught with the danger of getting pathogenic bacteria on the skin, so it can be used if there are no other options for help. Warning: mud manipulation is only suitable for those who have received a tetanus shot;
  • if plantain or sorrel grows nearby, use them as a lotion. Remember the leaf before extracting the juice and apply for a while to the affected area. If possible, pre-wash the leaves in water to eliminate the risk of infection in the microwounds;
  • nearby clay will help get rid of itching and redness. You need to knead a piece in your hands and apply to the place of the nettle burn.

How to treat a nettle burn at home?

At home, getting rid of discomfort is much easier. There are many effective ways to treat itching and swelling caused by nettles.

  • wash the burnt area with cool water and soap. This procedure will remove the chemicals that caused the lesion from the skin. Redness and discomfort after washing will decrease significantly;
  • the remaining hairs invisible to the eye can be removed with adhesive tape. It is necessary to cut off a small strip and walk over the affected area with blotting movements;
  • apply a compress of ice pieces wrapped in a bag or cloth to the skin area. In the absence of ice, you can use any chilled product from the refrigerator or freezer;
  • use a mixture of cold water and baking soda. Mix the ingredients until a slurry and apply a thin layer on the burn with gentle, slow movements. This mixture will quickly relieve pain and inflammation. After drying, remove the gruel with a cotton swab or a piece of cloth dipped in warm water;
  • if you have an agave (aloe vera) growing at home, use this plant for medicinal purposes. It is necessary to squeeze a little juice from a leaf of aloe and gently anoint the affected area. If the plant is missing, but there is a cosmetic gel with a high concentration of aloe extract, great. Such a product is also suitable for reducing itching and swelling;
  • many use pharmacy clay for cosmetic purposes. If you have a bag of this miracle remedy lying around, then dilute the powder with water to a mushy state and apply a thin layer on the burn. After the clay dries, rinse it off with cool water or wipe off with a damp cloth.

How to help a child with a nettle burn?

Delicate children's skin reacts even worse to the touch of thorny leaves. With a burn, an immediate reaction is important, aimed at preventing inflammation and the appearance of large blisters.

If there is no first-aid kit nearby, applying any alcohol solution to the skin will help.. It will remove the remnants of chemical compounds contained in the nettle needles from the affected area. In the absence of solutions at hand, you can use ordinary vodka.

Have your child take the proper dosage of an antihistamine as soon as possible. Next, you need to lubricate the nettle burns with an ointment or cream with an anti-inflammatory effect. For this purpose, use Bepanten, Acyclovir, Indovazin or preparations containing sea buckthorn oil.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction with a nettle burn

Sometimes touching a plant can trigger the development of an allergy, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling and severe redness at the burn site;
  • general malaise and feeling of heat;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea.

If these symptoms are present, you must:

  • urgently take one of the available antihistamines, for example, Zyrtec, Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.
  • treat the inflamed area with a weak solution of salicylic acid;
  • apply an antibacterial ointment to the burn, which will reduce redness and relieve pain. Among antibiotic ointments, Levomekol, Tetracycline ointment, Baneocin, Erythromycin are popular.

If pain and swelling only increase, consult a doctor immediately - he knows exactly what to do.

A severe allergic reaction can pose a threat to a person's life, so medical care is simply necessary in some cases.

Also, do not ignore the help of a specialist if the skin at the burn site is damaged and has signs of infection:

  • the area is warm to the touch;
  • the wound is festering;
  • wound inflammation increases;
  • body temperature rises.

All of these symptoms indicate the development of an infection. When you contact the doctor, he will prescribe the necessary drugs for treating the wound, and prescribe antibacterial agents for oral use.

In order for pain and inflammation to quickly stop, it is necessary to adhere to some restrictions:

  • You can not influence the burn with heat. Refuse to take a hot bath or shower, do not apply warm compresses, etc.
  • you should refrain from scratching the affected area. Even with severe itching, you should not try to relieve unpleasant symptoms by scratching the burn. Scratching is not the only way to relieve itching, as it can damage the skin and increase inflammation, as well as introduce infection into the resulting wounds.

By familiarizing yourself with the methods of treating nettle burns, you can easily minimize pain, relieve inflammation and burning. And if you explain the simple rules of self-help to your child, then for sure he will not be afraid of a burn and will take the right step to prevent discomfort.

What is one of the most basic fears of every child when he runs among the plants? Of course, get into the thickets of nettles. This seemingly harmless plant can hurt even an adult, let alone delicate children's skin. But, if you react to a nettle burn in time, then discomfort and pain can be almost completely avoided. Here you can even get by with improvised means, without using a first-aid kit with medicines.

Treatment - first aid for nettle burns

Immediately after the “collision” with a threatening nettle bush, you need to take the ground in which it grows, dilute it slightly with water and apply a thin layer to the burned area. True, it is safest to use this remedy for those who have been vaccinated against tetanus. Otherwise, in addition to the burn, you can get more serious troubles.

But wetting the affected area with just clean warm water is not recommended, this will not alleviate the pain, but will only aggravate the situation. Water can only be used if it is very cold, almost icy.

Sorrel will also be an excellent helper for the victim. As a rule, the wise mother nature leaves it to grow near the nettle bushes. Sorrel juice is just right. The main thing is to do it as quickly as possible.

Are nettle burns useful or harmful?

But, having suffered from nettles, you should not be very upset. Such burns are very useful for the body of any person. They actively improve blood circulation, help reduce all kinds of inflammatory processes, and also prevent such unpleasant diseases as, for example, arthritis and rheumatism.

Many people even specially plant nettles at home in special pots and improve their health all winter with the help of its young sprouts.

We invite you to watch a video excerpt from the program “Live Healthy” on this topic, where professional doctors will discuss the topic.

What to anoint or what means can be applied?

If, during the burn, you had a first-aid kit at hand, then it will be even easier to alleviate the pain. For example, you can use an affordable and popular ointment called menovazine. It is sold today in any pharmacy. There are many folk remedies that will also help to cope with this problem.

  1. Firstly It's apple cider vinegar. But, before lubricating the skin with it, it is still recommended to first dilute the product with water.
  2. Secondly, ordinary baking soda or salt will help. They are also diluted with water to a thick slurry and applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. The pain as a result of such manipulations passes very quickly.

The child was stung by a nettle - how to remove a burn in children

Children's delicate skin tolerates the "bite" of evil nettle even worse. Therefore, you need to act immediately, even before strong blisters appear in the burn area. It is best to apply clay diluted with water to the injured area. If necessary, you can find it on the street or, even better, use a purchased cosmetic.

Wiping the burn with any alcohol solution that is at hand or even just vodka will also help. This will instantly remove the poisonous and irritating substance from the skin.

If the appearance of blisters still could not be avoided, then to quickly eliminate pain, burning and itching, you will need to make a lotion from boric acid diluted with water. The solution is best to choose 1 percent.

Allergic reaction

As a rule, all these actions help to remove any discomfort and discomfort that occurs after a nettle burn. But the situation can worsen if a person is allergic to the plant in question. In this case, it will be necessary to act more decisively and comprehensively.

In addition to the described lotions and anti-irritation mixtures, you will also need to take a special anti-allergic agent inside. You can choose any of them. Currently, a huge selection of medicines and ointments against allergies is presented in every pharmacy.

Video with Gennady Malakhov about the use of nettle for medicinal purposes

The presenter himself called this program “The Stinging and Mighty Nettle”, and also mentioned that she alone replaces seven doctors. In the leaves of this plant there are grains that are close in composition to blood hemoglobin. The woman even brought a special remedy to the studio - nettle honey.

Nettle in nature, there are about 50 species. And all of it has the ability to burn the body on contact. I must say that some exotic varieties are quite dangerous, but, fortunately, they do not grow in Russia.

The stem of this plant and the reverse side of the leaves are burned, which are completely covered with small flagellum hairs. Usually such a nettle "bite" is not dangerous. It is even believed that there is a certain benefit in this, because formic acid enters the body in this way.

A great danger is extensive burns by this plant. For example, if a person falls into nettle thickets. Some people experience a severe allergic reaction. If blisters appear after contact with this plant, this already indicates a second degree burn.

The benefits and harms of nettle burns

Having suffered from "communication" with nettles, you do not need to be very upset. Such burns even benefit the human body. This is expressed in the fact that nettle improves blood circulation, helps to reduce various kinds of inflammation, it is used to prevent arthritis and rheumatism.

Some people are engaged in growing nettles at home. They plant them in flower pots, and in the winter they maintain their health using young shoots.

How dangerous are body burns with nettles? It all depends on the human body, its individual characteristics. Some will easily endure any small damage to the skin, so they do not pay attention to such trifles. And others have increased skin sensitivity and are prone to allergic reactions. This leads to the fact that the pain is more pronounced, and can last for several days after contact with the nettle.

When to go to the hospital

If the following symptoms are observed after contact with this plant, then you should contact the medical center:

  • the appearance of puffiness in the burn area, swelling;
  • fever, general malaise;
  • difficulty breathing, increased heart rate;
  • pain at the burn site lasts for several days.

Burn in the field: what to do

First of all, after meeting with nettles, you should move away from her, so as not to accidentally aggravate the situation. Then you need to try to get rid of unpleasant pain. This can also be done outside the home. In this case, you will have to use the forces of nature if there are no other means at hand.

First you need to carefully examine the place of the burn. Barely noticeable burning hairs remain on the skin after contact with nettles, they should be removed. To do this, you can use something sticky, a patch is suitable if available. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to rub the damaged area so as not to spread the hairs further. No need to rub your eyes with an injured hand.

To relieve the symptoms of burns, pain and redness, you can use the following folk remedies, which can probably be found nearby:

  • Usually, sorrel and plantain grow next to nettles. Nature has not in vain ordered this, these are excellent remedies for relieving pain from nettle burns. The leaves must be carefully plucked, washed if possible, rubbed a little in the hands to form juice, and applied to the site of damage.
  • An excellent helper for such burns is ice water. But it is very cold, warm will not help here, because the poison has already got under the skin. You can find it in a nearby stream. The cold will reduce pain and swelling.
  • Another tool that should be used with extreme caution is clay or a handful of earth mixed with water. The resulting slurry lubricates the burn site. This method is very dangerous because, together with the earth, it is possible to introduce some kind of infection into the body. And if tetanus vaccination is not done, then it is better not to risk it. In addition, before processing, you should make sure that there are no small wounds on the skin.

By the way, cosmetic clay is no less effective at home.

The most important thing is that the assistance should be effective and timely.

medical methods

If a first-aid kit was at hand purely by chance, then medical remedies can be used to relieve symptoms. And Menovazin ointment will be the best assistant. This option is the most affordable and cheap, you can buy it freely.

An alcohol solution also helps in the fight against such problems, which perfectly relieves irritation from a burn and removes a toxic substance. You can use boric, camphor or salicylic alcohol.

In the case of the formation of painful blisters at the site of injury, you need to make a lotion. To do this, a solution of boric acid in water is applied to a clean bandage or gauze and applied to the burn site.

It makes sense to use anti-inflammatory ointments and creams, as well as take an antihistamine. Suitable anti-allergic drugs, such as suprastin, claritin, diazolin, tavegil or fencarol.

Folk home remedies

In case of a burn that occurred in a summer cottage near the house, it should be processed under hygienic conditions. Moreover, there are much more options for dealing with the consequences of the house. To begin with, you can wash this area of ​​​​skin with cold water or even apply ice to it.

  • An excellent remedy is apple cider vinegar. It is diluted with water, and the resulting solution lubricates the damaged area. Naturally, it is impossible to use it in its pure form, so as not to aggravate the situation. Vinegar can be replaced with an alcohol solution.
  • Another effective way to relieve inflammation and pain is baking soda. A gruel is made from it by adding a little liquid, and the resulting mixture is smeared on the damaged area of ​​​​the skin. It relieves pain quickly.
  • The burn area can be rubbed with salt diluted in water. The solution must be highly concentrated.

Treatment of a nettle burn in a baby

Children's skin differs from the skin of an adult in increased sensitivity. The child does not yet have such a strong protective barrier, his skin is delicate and easily damaged. This explains why the reaction to nettle burns in children is most pronounced and strong.

At the same time, the burn site becomes very red, itchy, and the child cannot get rid of the temptation to scratch it. Therefore, the damage becomes even more painful, inflamed and disturbs the baby. It is necessary to eliminate all consequences as soon as possible.

The effectiveness of such a drug as La Cree cream has been proven. It consists of natural ingredients. At the same time, the cream not only fights the symptoms of the problem, but also allows the skin to recover, nourishes and moisturizes it.

It is especially indicated for people with sensitive skin, and can be used even for the smallest children. It should be applied several times a day to the affected area for several days until it heals.

The above ways to eliminate pain and irritation are also suitable for a child.

Allergy to sting nettle

All methods allow you to eliminate the symptoms of a burn: redness, irritation, discomfort and pain. But the situation can be even worse when a person has an allergic reaction to the components that have got on the skin. Actions in this case should be more decisive and comprehensive.

Along with the fact that all sorts of lotions and washing are done, it is necessary to take any anti-allergic agent as soon as possible. If the symptoms of poisoning are strong, then you should consult a doctor.

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