The best bath broom. For lovers of the Russian bath. How to choose a bath broom. The right broom for the bath

What is a bath without a broom? No wonder they say that "in the bath, a broom is more expensive than money." Some, however, prefer to buy them in stores that sell all sorts of things for bath procedures. And some make their own. Read which one is for the body.

Meanwhile, when knitting a broom, the thickest branches are laid inside, and the thin ones are located at the edges, bending inward. To prepare brooms for the winter, dry them slightly in the shade, then hide them in a haystack. And in the apartment they can be stored in the refrigerator in plastic bags or in the winter on the balcony. Frozen branches are thawed before going to the bath, but not immediately steamed. And after the bath, you can again put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator or on a cold balcony.

Birch broom

The most popular is birch broom for a bath which is flexible, durable and comfortable. The birch broom contains enzymes that have a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic effect.

How to prepare: according to ancient custom, such brooms are harvested on Trinity Day (early-mid-June). Choose for this only a dry day. When preparing such a broom, choose a more fluffy young birch, as its branches will be well preserved, and the leaves will not be slippery even after very hot steam.

Benefit: the use of a birch broom helps to relieve pain in muscles and joints after physical exertion and exercise. Essential substances that birch branches and leaves secrete contribute to the discharge of sputum and the expansion of the bronchi. Perfectly cleanses the skin with a tendency to pustules and rashes, heals wounds and abrasions, soothes and improves mood.

special dignity- greatly expands the small bronchi. That is why after using such a broom it is very easy to breathe. For smokers and asthmatics, a birch broom will become an indispensable tool. Birch leaves contain essential oils, vitamin C, tannins, provitamin A. Broom infusion can be used to wash your hair, it will strengthen your hair and eliminate dandruff. Such an infusion is obtained after you brew a broom in a “hot” way.

oak broom

Differs in the big durability.

How to prepare: harvested in August - September. Before the bath, soak a dry oak broom in cold water for 15-20 minutes, and then steam it in boiling water for three minutes. Since the oak leaves are quite dense and wide, it will be easy for them to catch up with steam. They will also be easy to quilt.

Benefit: oak leaves and bark contain a large amount of tannins, which is why oak infusions and decoctions are used for skin diseases and for severe sweating of the feet.

Oak broom should be used by people with oily skin, it will make the skin supple and matte and will have an anti-inflammatory effect. And with the help of the aroma of oak in the steam room, blood pressure will not rise much - therefore, it is great for people prone to hypertension.

Eucalyptus broom

How to prepare: harvesting a broom is best done in August. The only drawback of eucalyptus is that the branches are too thin, which are inconvenient when overlapping. The ideal option would be to combine eucalyptus twigs with birch or oak branches. Having made such a broom for yourself, you will not only comfortably bathe, but also feel the entire healing effect on yourself.

Benefit: Eucalyptus leaves have the most valuable medicinal properties, and an infusion of it is used as an antiseptic. Sprinkle the wooden walls of the steam room with this infusion, and then give them to the hot stones, and then, in addition to the antiseptic, you can feel the inhalation effect: the trachea, bronchi and larynx will be warmed up with fragrant eucalyptus steam.

nettle broom

How to prepare: nettle branches are cut at the beginning of summer and dried in a dark place. Nettle broom should be small, before using it, you need to immerse it from hot water into cold water 2 times for three minutes. And only after such manipulations can you safely whip them so that there is no burn. Not used very often.

Benefit: has a powerful local irritating, anti-inflammatory, distracting effect. Helps lower blood pressure, perfectly relieves nervous tension. Eliminates pain in the lower back, joints, useful for people suffering from rheumatism, sciatica, gout.

Coniferous broom (juniper, fir)

How to prepare: coniferous brooms can be harvested all year round. To make the broom soft, brew it for 15-20 minutes in boiling water. Lie down for 5-7 minutes in the steam room, and only after that use such a broom. And if the skin is too sensitive, then it is better to refuse a coniferous broom.

Benefit: They stimulate sweating, increase blood circulation in the muscles, with constant use it helps to eliminate pain in the spine, it helps well with neuralgia, sciatica. Perfectly disinfects the air and fights respiratory diseases.

Both eucalyptus and coniferous branches can be added to a birch or oak broom. And infusion of coniferous broom can be watered with stones in the steam room and used for washing.

Rowan broom

How to prepare: dry rowan branches in a well-ventilated dark room. Spread fresh brooms on the floor or hang on the wall and turn every day. After they dry, after about a week, tie them well and place them in a ventilated area.

Benefit: rowan broom enhances processes in the nervous system, eliminates relaxation after a bath, the body after using such a broom will be well prepared for work, so it is recommended to use it in the morning.

Wormwood broom

A broom made of wormwood has a lot of useful properties.

How to prepare: cut branches from wormwood immediately after it blooms - this is done so that the stalks of wormwood do not become very coarse.

Benefit: stems and leaves of this plant contain essential oil, tannins and organic acids. People have long used wormwood for diseases of the joints, liver, stomach, gallbladder, for the treatment of rheumatism, jaundice, and obesity.

To prepare a healing bath broom, also use linden, maple, walnut, alder, fir, tansy, ash. You need to cut the branches carefully, and not from one tree, but little by little and from several. It is better to cut not crowns, but side shoots.

It is better to steam an overdried broom in cold water, but not for long, otherwise it may lose its aroma. It will be better if you quickly take the broom out of the water and put it on the hot stones. So steam will rise from the wet leaves, which will steam the broom and be able to saturate the entire steam room with a useful aroma. But make sure that there are no leaves left on the stones, they will only burn, which will cause burning.

So, now you know which broom to choose so that bathing procedures bring maximum benefit, and you can have a good rest and be filled with fresh energy! Go to the bath for health!

The bath has long been considered a symbol of health and longevity. Our ancestors did not yet have all the benefits of civilization and bathed in a simple Russian bath, so one can only envy their health and fortitude. Steaming in a bath means healing your body. Steam helps to cleanse the skin, promotes the removal of toxins and toxins, and rejuvenates the body. To enhance the benefits of the bath, you should use brooms. What are the bath brooms and what are their health benefits - we learn from our article.

What is the best broom for a bath?

First of all, it should be made from natural materials. The most popular bath brooms are oak and birch. Brooms made of bird cherry, fir and juniper are not inferior to them. But first things first.

Oak broom for a bath

Oak brooms are great for people with oily and problem skin. They are also good for skin conditions. Essential oils in the composition of the oak broom cleanse the skin, moisturize and nourish it, and also normalize the production of sebaceous glands.

The use of oak brooms is also that they help to calm the nervous system, relieve fatigue, tension, improve mood and sleep. The work of the heart and the entire circulatory system is normalized, skin problems go away.

oak broom

Linden broom for a bath

Increasingly, people use birch and oak brooms for baths, although linden is not inferior to them in its wonderful properties. It has excellent diaphoretic properties, thanks to which the body is well cleansed. Vitamin C contained in linden strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to various diseases. It is good to use a linden broom in a steam room if you have symptoms of a cold.

Linden flowers have a positive effect on the skin condition - small wounds, abrasions go away, the skin heals faster, elasticity and healthy color return. Linden also calms the human nervous system.

Eucalyptus bath broom

Eucalyptus bath broom is simply indispensable for respiratory diseases, especially for cleansing the respiratory tract. The smell of eucalyptus perfectly kills microbes, improves breathing, relieves the nasal mucosa from pathogenic bacteria.

Eucalyptus broom normalizes blood circulation, relieves pain in the joints, heals cuts on the skin, bruises.

Eucalyptus helps to relax and switch attention from difficulties, worries, problems, calms, puts thoughts in order.

Juniper broom for a bath

Juniper broom has excellent bactericidal properties, helps fight high body temperature, if any. The only thing is that it is not recommended to take a long bath in high heat, 10 minutes is enough.

Juniper broom heals wounds on the skin, rids the body of toxins, and relieves nervous tension. Specialists first warm up well, and then use a broom, so the body will get more benefit. The juniper broom is quite pungent, so it is better for them to massage with light and quick movements.

Fir broom for a bath

A fir broom for a bath is able to strengthen the immune system and kill all microbes in the air.

If you regularly spend time in the steam room with this broom, you can forget about colds for a long time. Fir contains healthy oils, which, when exposed to steam, get on the skin and penetrate deep inside, providing a healing effect.

Spruce broom for a bath

Spruce broom belongs to the coniferous species. It copes wonderfully with wounds on the skin - essential oils, getting on the body, quickly heal them, and steam from spruce branches helps the lungs to cleanse.

Many women use a spruce broom to combat body fat. With regular use of a spruce broom, you can forever forget about cellulite and say goodbye to extra pounds. Fats under their influence begin to be burned more actively, the skin tightens, becomes even and elastic.

After using a spruce broom, it is better to rest for a while, wrapping yourself in a bedspread.

Bamboo broom for a bath

A bamboo broom is somewhat different from our usual understanding of a broom for a bath. A bamboo broom is a combination of several bamboo sticks, it is quite rigid, but at the same time its action is very effective. It is able to cope with pain by stretching it out, therefore it is often used after serious complications. Massage with a bamboo broom should be carried out carefully, the impact force should not be very strong.

A bamboo broom has other useful properties - the skin condition improves, excess weight and skin problems go away. In addition, bamboo helps to cope with stress and depression.

Nettle bath broom

Surprisingly, nettle contains an incredible amount of useful trace elements, such as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and mineral resins. Due to the presence of formic acid, nettle broom has excellent wound healing and tonic properties.

Nettle copes well with skin diseases such as acne, boils, psoriasis. The smell of nettle has a positive effect on mood - bad health is replaced by good.

As we can see, the positive properties of a broom in a bath can hardly be overestimated, especially if it is a bath with a wood-burning stove. In addition to the above types, there are bath brooms that are no less useful and healing. These include brooms made of pine, aspen, cherry, currant broom. All of them have a pleasant aroma, tone the skin well and treat respiratory diseases. It is best to knit them in early summer. Which of these brooms is better - you decide.

Birch broom for a bath

A birch broom for a bath is one of the favorites for bath procedures. Birch broom fights acne on the face and skin rashes, perfectly cleanses the body of salts. Very often, experts recommend using a birch broom for those who have kidney problems.

Birch broom treats and is the prevention of bronchial asthma, has a beneficial effect on the lungs. It is also able to treat cough of varying severity.

Experienced doctors know that taking a bath with a birch broom guarantees recovery from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For women, a broom eliminates figure flaws, skin, and even stretch marks - they become less noticeable.

Birch broom

How to dry and steam a broom for a steam room?

There are several secrets on how to dry and store bath brooms. But first they need to be prepared. The simplest thing is to buy it. You can do this in the online store, or buy it inexpensively in specialized places. However, in this situation, you cannot know how high quality it is and where the leaves were collected for it.

The rules for harvesting a broom on your own are simple: branches are cut only in dry weather in the morning, it is better to choose a place away from the city. Ideal - in the forest with clean air, there is less dirt.

Rules for drying a broom for a bath

  1. Before drying a broom, its leaves cannot be washed;
  2. Branches for a broom must be partially cleared of leaves;
  3. It is best to dry the broom in the shade.

You need to fold the leaves of the broom with a bend down. Dried brooms should only be stored where there is no sunlight, otherwise there is a risk of overdrying. From this, their therapeutic effect loses its strength.

Rules for steaming a broom for a bath

There are some differences in what water to soak a bath broom in. Fresh is enough to rinse with warm water and leave to dry, and dry is usually rinsed and kept in water for about 20 minutes. Hot water is only suitable for very dry branches.

In order for the bath to be filled with the aroma of medicinal herbs, the following is done: the broom must be soaked in water 11-12 hours before the bath, and then wrap the leaves in a damp cloth. With this method of steaming, the broom will last a long time and will not lose its properties. The remaining water does not need to be poured out - you can spray the stones in the steam room with this water and use it yourself.

How to steam a broom from the refrigerator? Rinse in cold water and apply after holding over the stones in the steam room.

The above methods of steaming retain the tonic and healing properties of the leaves, and steaming with it in the bath will be not only pleasant, but also a useful pastime.

How to steam in the bath?

In order for the therapeutic effect of the Russian bath to be achieved, you need to bathe according to the rules. Ideally, have two brooms, massage with them should be easy and quick.

The temperature in the steam room should also be controlled. If it is very hot in the bath, then waving movements with a broom should be performed carefully, and, conversely, at low temperatures, you can swing the broom more actively.

The bath broom should not be allowed to be dry, it is better to moisten it constantly. Warm or cool water, or the one in which the broom was soaked, is suitable here.

All massage movements must be started from the back area, the skin must first be warmed up. It is not necessary to quilt them strongly, this can only cause harm. Experienced bath attendants know that to begin with, you should fan the broom from the legs towards the head - this is how the body gradually warms up and prepares for further massage. And only then move on to other actions.

There are several types of bath massage with brooms:

  1. Stroking - with light movements, a broom is driven over the body, starting from the feet, ending with the head;
  2. Compress - combined with stroking - a broom should be pressed against a certain area of ​​​​the body, for example, knee cavities, calves, buttocks, back;
  3. Quilting - light movements with a broom over the body, resembling "strokes", alternates with stroking;
  4. Patting - it is good to perform with two brooms, touching the body with quick and precise movements, the broom is fixed in one position;
  5. Whipping - echoes the previous type of broom massage, only after it is used immediately stroking;
  6. Rubbing - it is good to use after bathing procedures, the broom is easily pressed against the body with your hands and moved in different directions, rubbing the skin;
  7. Poultices - the same as a compress, but longer in time, effective at high temperatures in the bath, adjust the heat to the body;
  8. Stretching - brooms "stretch the body" in opposite directions, one broom - moves the hand towards the legs, the other - in the opposite direction, the technique helps well with pain in the spine.

Using these types of broom massage, you can get rid of many health problems. However, they should be used before warming up your body well. It is better to do this in the second entry into the bath.

The benefits and harms of the bath

Our Russian bath has been famous for more than a dozen years due to its beneficial properties. Let's dwell on them.

The health benefits of the Russian bath

What is the benefit of a bath with brooms for health? Steaming is a great way to get rid of many diseases, namely:

  1. Pain in the joints, back, muscles;
  2. Violations in the work of the vegetative system;
  3. Headaches, migraines;
  4. kidney failure;
  5. Cold symptoms, cough.

In addition to the fact that the bath is able to get rid of many ailments and prevent illness, it also has a positive effect on the emotional background of a person. Fatigue, nervous tension, stress disappear. During depression, some doctors advise taking a bath in the bath, as it helps to cope with despondency, bad mood. Together with the steam in the bath, all bad things go away, thoughts are cleansed, and the spirit becomes healthy.

In the bath, you can and should use cosmetics. Essential oils, scrubs, peels are best suited for these purposes. Their use tones the skin and relieves it of keratinized areas. After the bath, it is very useful to drink hot herbal tea, thereby replenishing the loss of fluid in the body.

Bath brooms enhance the healing effect of steam. Their aroma has a positive effect on both the skin and the internal state of a person - the fresh aroma of the leaves improves performance and relieves fatigue.

Despite the many advantages of the bath, you should bathe for no more than 15 minutes. For some people, a bath is contraindicated, because instead of a positive effect, it can be harmful.

To whom is the bath contraindicated?

There are a number of diseases in which a visit to the bath should be postponed:

  1. Heart problems, circulatory disorders, you can not go to the bath after suffering heart attacks or strokes;
  2. Severe lung diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis);
  3. Epilepsy symptoms;
  4. Oncology;
  5. Caution during pregnancy and lactation (steaming is not recommended).

In the bath with caution should go to people aged, with diabetes, as well as small children. If there are inflammatory processes on the skin, then the bath can intensify them - therefore, the trip to the steam room should be postponed.

Before going to the steam room, experts advise not to lean on heavy fatty foods - this increases the load on the heart, and high temperatures in the bath can aggravate the situation. You should steam in several visits - it is advisable to take short breaks of 3 - 5 minutes.

In order for the effect of steam procedures to be higher, after the steam room it is best to plunge into cool water and swim. It is great if it is possible to combine a bath with a pool.

Another nuance - no alcohol in the steam room, for the same reason that it is hard for the heart to cope with such a load.

Traditionally, an oak broom is used in the bath. But there are brooms from other trees that can provide huge health benefits. How to choose the right broom for a bath?

Do I need to talk about the benefits of the bath? So much is known about her! But, as it turns out, not everything! Finnish sauna, Turkish and Japanese baths cannot be compared with a real Russian bath!

Rules that must always be observed in the bath!

In the tradition of Christianity, the bath is considered an unclean place. For all the time of Christianity in Russia, the holy fathers did not succeed in eradicating the ancient tradition of the people. The bath is a special place. It is believed that it belongs to several worlds at once! Therefore, you can not leave in the bath things that you use in everyday life.

It is forbidden to spend the night, smoke and drink alcoholic beverages (with the exception of kvass) in the bathhouse, and most importantly, you cannot have sex in the bathhouse. Failure to comply with these rules, especially the last one, leads to very serious consequences, which can be very difficult to correct.

The right broom for the bath

In the baths they use oak, birch, eucalyptus¹ (mainly in the south) broom. In this article, you will learn how to choose the right broom for the bath!

Alder broom

Alder cleanses the skin very well, it can be used to cure eczema². Such a broom gives the skin elasticity and softness. Women will be delighted!

juniper broom

Not everyone will like this broom, as it is quite prickly. However, juniper well cleanses the aura and the surrounding space.

spruce broom

It is also prickly, but the benefits from it are enormous. There is no such disease that a spruce broom cannot cope with.

Wormwood broom

Wormwood cleanses the body, soul, mind, expels evil spirits and other harmful entities both from a person and the surrounding space.

Nettle broom

Nettle is a stinging plant, therefore it is better to moisten the broom with warm water before use. Nettle expels harmful entities, diseases, fever from the body. This plant in any form is indispensable for maintaining health at the proper level. It is believed that it is enough to steam with a nettle broom once a year to be healthy all year.

After using a nettle broom, a pleasant chill and tingling go through the skin. According to popular beliefs, this is a fever and her sisters leave a person. They cannot stay in the body and finally sting from impotence.

Currant broom

A blackcurrant broom is very fragrant and is used only because of the smell, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Instead of soap in the bath, you can use ordinary baking soda, it is sold in any store. The fact is that in the steam room, along with sweat, fat is released. Soda applied to the body forms a soapy solution. It also acts as a scrub, exfoliating dead skin cells.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Eucalyptus is an extensive genus of evergreen woody plants (trees and shrubs) of the Myrtle family (

From time immemorial in Russia, they went to the bathhouse only with brooms. It is believed that the massage performed with the help of this accessory increases the benefits of the steam room several times. A bath broom is both a massage tool, a natural medicine, and a cosmetic device. Visit any fair of folk craftsmen and see for yourself that bath accessories are made today from a wide variety of wood species. How to choose the right material for making a broom?

The most popular brooms in Russia

Almost every lover of steam bathing in accordance with all traditions at least once tried a birch bath broom. Massage performed with such an accessory will help relieve muscle pain, as well as effectively cleanse clogged pores and accelerate the healing of skin lesions. It is recommended to choose birch for heavy smokers and people with chronic diseases of the respiratory system, the steam of this tree improves sputum discharge and helps to clear the bronchi. Oak brooms clean the skin qualitatively, have anti-inflammatory properties and have a calming effect on the nervous system. Steaming with fake accessories is recommended for colds and diseases of the respiratory system. Brooms from this tree stimulate perspiration and have a diuretic effect.

Bath accessories for connoisseurs

In the northern regions of Russia, coniferous bath brooms are traditionally used. They perfectly stimulate blood circulation, relieve pain and have antiseptic properties. The use of such a bath broom is not recommended for owners of very delicate skin. Another extreme option is nettle. However, in order for the use of such an accessory to pass without consequences, it must be properly steamed: first in hot, then in cold water - and so on twice. A nettle bath broom cleanses the skin well, improves well-being after serious physical exertion, and can be used to treat sciatica and rheumatism. Eucalyptus brooms are recommended for diseases of the respiratory tract and joints. If you are concerned about diseases of the digestive system, you should pay attention to accessories for a bath made of wormwood.

The cost of bath brooms

You can buy bath brooms in specialized stores, they are often sold directly in steam rooms. However, advanced lovers of bath procedures prefer to make these accessories on their own. But if this is not possible, you can try and buy a ready-made accessory. How much do bath brooms cost? The price depends on the material used for manufacturing. Usually it ranges from 100-500 rubles per broom. Please note that today on sale you can find accessories made from several different tree species. They cost more than usual, but if such a broom is really made according to all the rules, then the benefits of using it will be double.

How to make a broom for a bath with your own hands

It would seem, is it difficult to make an accessory for a steam room? All you need is to collect an armful of branches and fasten them together. However, in reality, everything is not so simple, this science has its own special rules and secrets. The most important thing is to choose the right material - it is recommended to cut branches that grow low enough. Harvesting should be carried out in an ecologically clean area, if possible, choose trees growing near water bodies. The branches must be dry, you can not cut them during dew or immediately after rain. How to knit bath brooms correctly? The most important thing is to arrange the branches with the glossy side of the leaves up, and the matte side inward, respectively. The optimal length of the broom is 40-60 cm, and the thickness of the handle is determined individually - put on a mitten and pick up the broom until it fits perfectly in your hand.

Bath is one of the best ways to relax and improve your health. The first mention of it dates back to the 6th millennium BC. In ancient treatises, it was indicated that this way of rest gives not only the opportunity to cleanse the body, but also to acquire clarity of mind, strength, beauty, youth, and for men - the close attention of women.

Over time, bath procedures have turned from a way to wash into a real ritual, one of the main attributes of which is a bath broom. And if you want the effect of visiting the steam room to be really tangible, it is important to buy the right "tool".

Irreplaceable thing

Blows with a steamed broom act like a massage, improving blood circulation, sweating and metabolic processes. Moderate temperature changes allow you to cleanse the body of harmful substances and effectively cleanse the pores.

In addition, the beneficial substances contained in the leaves of brooms are excellent antimicrobial agents that help to cope with colds and increase the body's defenses. And essential oils have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and toned.

How to choose a broom that will make the procedure of visiting a sauna or bath not only pleasant, but also useful?

Connoisseurs recommend, if possible, using a thing made from fresh branches, so all useful substances will be preserved in it. For those who are going to harvest such attributes on their own, it is better to do it in the middle of summer and always in dry weather.

If you are going shopping, then pay attention to a few important points:

  1. Correct layout. Inside there should be thicker rods, and thin ones should frame them.
  2. The leaves, if they are fresh, should be clean, without damage and plaque. Dry sheets should also have a uniform color without mold.
  3. The weight. Try picking up and swinging a few brooms, choosing a lighter one. So your hand will not get tired, and the bath attribute will not leave painful marks on the skin.

Arriving at the bath, it is also important to properly prepare the “tool”. To do this, you need to know how to steam it. In order for the broom to be flexible and soft enough, and the leaves not to fall off after a few strokes, you must follow a few rules:

  1. A fresh broom cannot be steamed, it is enough to rinse it with water.
  2. Dried can be done in two ways:
  • before use, rinse with water, put in a container of hot water, cover with a lid or bowl, and let stand for 20 minutes, turning occasionally;
  • put in a container with hot water, pick up after 15 minutes and hold over hot stones in the steam room.

The water remaining after steaming is not poured out, but used as a hair rinse. It helps eliminate dandruff and make hair stronger.

Main varieties

Now let's find out what brooms are and what to choose:

Birch. It is quite light and flexible, which allows for active massage in the steam room. When buying it, see that the branches are "fluffy". The use of a birch broom will help relieve pain in muscles and joints (especially effective after physical exertion and sports), reduce the manifestations of purulent rashes and heal wounds.

Whipping procedures will be especially useful for those who smoke and have chronic respiratory diseases. The essential substances that make up the leaves and branches of birch expand the bronchi, facilitating the process of breathing, and removing stagnant sputum.

Oak. It absorbs sweat worse, but it makes it possible to take a steam bath as much as it provides strong heat. Among other advantages, the beneficial effect of tannins in dermatological diseases and excessive sweating is also noted. And for owners of oily skin, such procedures will help eliminate inflammation, give dullness and elasticity.

Conifers(spruce, cedar, juniper, fir). These are natural, useful, but at the same time dangerous “tools”. Since most of them have needles, during the procedures they can not only prick, but also injure the skin. It is best not to whip, but gently drive over the skin, like a washcloth. The resins released in the process have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and help with various inflammations and rashes.

Lime. It is not as popular as the previous ones, but also has a whole list of useful properties. The use of a linden broom helps to get rid of headaches, promotes wound healing, and helps in the treatment of kidney disease.

Bathing is a good way to become healthier. Let such procedures give you real pleasure, and whipping with a broom will help get rid of ailments.

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