Muscle diseases - types of diseases and their causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Muscle inflammation: the main causes. Muscle Inflammation Symptoms and Treatments

Often in medical practice there is such a pathology as inflammation of the arm muscle, the treatment of which can be carried out at home. Inflammation of the skeletal muscles that are involved in human motor acts is called myositis. It can occur in any person. Most often, this disease is associated with lifestyle. It has been established that inflammation of the muscles of the hands is an occupational disease. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in adults, but it can also be detected in children. What is the etiology, clinic and treatment of hand myositis?

Features of inflammation of the muscles of the hand

Myositis is a large group of skeletal muscle diseases with similar symptoms. The etiology in this case can be very different. Muscle inflammation can be an independent disease or a manifestation of another pathology, such as tuberculosis. Often, muscles are affected in systemic diseases (lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis). The muscles of the hand are responsible for performing targeted actions, they are responsible for the accuracy of movements. A person does all the work with his hands, so it is very important that the muscles of the hands function well. There are many muscle groups in the upper limbs. In the event that only one of them becomes inflamed, local myositis occurs. Very often, several muscle groups are involved in the process at once, then this condition is called polymyositis.

Depending on the etiology and course of the disease, the following forms of inflammation of the muscles of the hands are distinguished:

If the lesion of the arm muscle is an independent disease, then it is called myositis ossificans. It is known that the muscles are in direct contact with the skin of the human body. Sometimes the inflammatory process affects the skin, and dermatomyositis occurs.

Etiological factors

Inflammation of the muscles in the arm can occur for various reasons. In this case, the muscles of the shoulder girdle, forearm, shoulder and hand can be affected. All reasons can be conditionally divided into external and internal.

External causes include:

  • heavy loads on the muscular apparatus of the hand;
  • unpreparedness of muscles before playing sports;
  • prolonged muscle tension during work;
  • local hypothermia;
  • stay in cold water (swimming in the hole);
  • alcohol abuse;
  • drug use (cocaine);
  • mechanical injury to the hand.

Myositis of the muscles of the hands is often found in people engaged in a certain type of activity. The risk group includes drivers, programmers, musicians (pianists, violinists). In the process of their activity, the muscles are constantly in tension. This is facilitated by an uncomfortable working posture. The simplest reason is an injury to the muscles of the arm. As a result of injury, rupture of muscle fibers can occur. This leads to swelling and inflammation.

Symptoms of myositis of the hands

Clinical manifestations of inflammation of the muscles of the hands are few. The main symptoms are:

  • pain in the arm, aggravated by movement;
  • the appearance of nodules in the muscles;
  • swelling of the affected area;
  • skin redness;
  • weakness in the limb;
  • muscle tension.

Myositis can occur in acute and chronic form. Acute inflammation is characterized by a rapid onset. Most often this occurs with infectious diseases, injuries. If the injury is open, then inflammation develops as a result of infection of the wound. Acute purulent inflammation may be accompanied by fever and other symptoms of intoxication (weakness, malaise). The function of the joints is often disturbed. In case of acute inflammation of the muscles of the hand, a person cannot perform work.

As for the chronic form of myositis, it often develops against the background of acute inflammation, when proper medical care is not provided. In terms of prevalence, inflammation of the muscles of the hands is inferior to that of the lower back. With inflammation of the muscles of the hands, the mobility of the latter is limited. A sick person is not able to raise his arms (in case of damage to the muscles of the shoulder girdle). Sometimes neuromyositis occurs. Its peculiarity is that, along with muscles, nerves are affected. This contributes to a violation of sensitivity in the hands, a decrease in muscle strength, and severe pain. A characteristic sign of neuromyositis is a symptom of tension. Sometimes nodules or areas of hardening can be felt deep under the skin. These symptoms indicate fibromyositis. In this situation, muscle tissue is replaced by connective tissue.

Diagnostic measures

Myositis can be confused with others (tendonitis, tendovaginitis, arthritis). You can contact a therapist, a rheumatologist, a neuropathologist about pain in the arm. Diagnosis includes questioning the patient, external examination, palpation of the affected area, laboratory tests (blood and urine tests), determination of sensitivity, assessment of movement in the affected limb. When interviewing a patient, the doctor should pay attention to the sequence of symptoms, the patient's main complaints, previous illnesses, and a history of chronic pathology. Of great diagnostic importance are indications of injury, the nature of work, and sports.

The patient is first examined visually. Then the affected area is palpated. Palpation can reveal local pain, the presence of seals. Laboratory research reveals signs of the inflammatory process. To rule out autoimmune diseases, rheumatic tests are performed. At the same time, the content of acute phase proteins (C-reactive protein), rheumatic factor, and antinuclear antibodies in the blood is assessed. If polymyositis or dermatomyositis is detected, a biopsy may be done.

How to cure myositis

With inflammation of the arm muscle, treatment should be comprehensive.

Therapeutic measures include the use of ointments, gels that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects; massage, acupuncture, manual therapy, elimination of the main cause of inflammation.

With non-purulent myositis of infectious etiology, the following gels can be used: Fastum Gel, Apizartron, Finalgel. These drugs reduce inflammation, improve metabolic processes in the muscles, and relieve muscle tension. To eliminate the pain syndrome, analgesics are used in the form of tablets. For the treatment of children, Doctor Mom ointment is often used. Treatment of acute myositis also includes resting the affected limb. In case of development of purulent inflammation, antibacterial drugs are used. They can be given by injection or orally.

Working conditions are of great importance in the complex treatment of hand myositis. For any symptoms of myositis, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Everyone has experienced muscle pain at least once. Most often, the cause of such pain is myositis - an inflammatory pathological process that affects muscle tissue.

Without timely treatment, myositis can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is so important to know the symptoms and principles of treatment of myositis, depending on the places of its localization.

Myositis combines diseases characterized by damage to the muscles of the skeletal muscles as a result of exposure to inflammatory, traumatic, toxic and other adverse factors.

The disease is distinguished by pathological inflammatory processes that occur in the muscle and connective tissue of the musculoskeletal system.

The most common type of myositis is cervical, it accounts for more than half of all cases of diseases.

The disease appears for various reasons. In this case, myositis can be both an independent disease and a symptom of a concomitant disease.

The main causes of myositis:

Quite often, the development of myositis is associated with the protective mechanisms of the human body, which are activated during stress and provoke muscle tension.

Classification and symptoms

The main symptom of myositis is a feeling of intense muscle pain, the localization of which is determined by the affected area. The pain is felt stronger when you press on the injury site.

With the help of palpation, you can find a dense tense muscle. Often, the place of occurrence of pathological inflammatory processes in the muscles or connective tissues can be determined by a clearly visible redness.

Myositis symptoms:

  • muscle swelling;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nodal seals;
  • increased mechanical excitability of muscles;
  • feeling of limited movement of the joints;
  • decreased muscle tone;
  • hemorrhages under the skin and hematomas;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • partial or complete atrophy of the skeletal muscle.

As the disease develops and symptoms become pronounced, the person may lose the ability to self-service.

Types of myositis

The disease has two stages of development. Depending on the stage of development of the disease, there are two types of it:

  • acute myositis characterized by sudden muscle damage and pain symptoms;
  • chronic myositis occurs if there is no adequate treatment of the disease for a long time, pain and other symptoms are less pronounced, manifest throughout life for no reason.

The types of myositis can be classified according to the causes of occurrence:

Depending on the localization of the disease, there are:

cervical myositis

The disease is characterized by pain in the muscles of the cervical region with the transition to the shoulder and scapular zones, sometimes the occipital region is affected.

The pain is aching and dull in nature, can be given to the forehead, ears or temple. Often, pain is felt along the entire length of the arm to the fingers, causing them to become numb.

Most often, the mobility of the vertebrae of the neck does not suffer, but there are exceptions when limited movement is observed due to intense pain.

If you start the process of treating cervical myositis, inflammatory processes sometimes affect the larynx and pharynx, so the process of eating becomes difficult.

In addition, it can affect the neighboring muscles of the diaphragm, and then a banal disease can become fatal. In such cases, atrophy of vital organs can be observed, so emergency medical care is needed.


When treating myositis, depending on the location of the disease, you need to consult a doctor.

If there are muscle pains in the neck, limbs or back, the patient will be referred to a therapist during the initial visit. After determining the etiology of the disease and localization sites, the therapist gives a recommendation for contacting a specialized specialist.

With autoimmune myositis, you need to consult a rheumatologist, with neuromyositis and dermatomyositis - a neuropathologist, and myositis that occurs during infectious diseases will be treated by a therapist.

Treatment of myositis, like any other disease, requires mandatory diagnostics with an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosis of inflammation of muscle tissue includes:

  • examination and questioning of the patient;
  • purpose of research: laboratory (analysis of urine, blood, rheumatic test), instrumental (magnetic resonance and computed tomography), biopsy of muscle tissue.

Questioning and examining the patient

The survey consists in collecting information about the onset of the disease, data on the events that preceded it, symptoms, the presence of hereditary pathologies and other diseases. The survey is conducted by the doctor according to the patient.

The examination is performed by the doctor visually: the skin over the muscle tissue is carefully examined, redness or blanching of the skin in the damaged area is noted.

Strong muscle tension (hypertonicity) indicates that the disease is in the acute phase. With cervical myositis, muscle hypertonicity makes it difficult to eat, and even move. The chronic form of myositis is characterized by possible atrophy of muscle tissue. The skin over the muscle turns pale. Thus, it can identify polymyositis at an early stage, which will also help to establish an accurate diagnosis.


The appointment of a rheumatic test is aimed at identifying diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, polyfibromyositis, polymyositis, lupus erythematosus and others. This study rules out an autoimmune etiology for the disease. In addition, with the help of a rheumatic test, the causes of the disease and its intensity are determined.

A biopsy and subsequent study of muscle tissue for morphology is carried out in order to determine the changes that have occurred in the muscle, nearby tissues and blood vessels.

With this diagnostic method, a part of the muscle tissue (biomaterial) is selected and then studied.

Neck myositis: treatment

Cervical myositis, most often, occurs due to infection or hypothermia.

Muscle pain with myositis of the neck appears in the cervical spine, when turning the head or pressing on these areas.

With cervical myositis, doctors prescribe:

Myositis: home treatment

Before consulting a doctor, you can try to improve your well-being with myositis at home.

This can be done with dry heat. To do this, the sore spot is wrapped with a scarf, or a dog belt and periodically worn.

red pepper for pain

Red hot pepper will help reduce pain. He is insisted on alcohol (ammonia). One or two pods of hot pepper are placed in 300 ml of alcohol. The remedy is infused for several days. Then the remedy is used, rubbing the sore spot.


  1. Ingredients: chamomile flowers (4 tablespoons), butter or margarine (1 tablespoon). Instead of chamomile flowers, bay leaves are used. Grind chamomile, then add oil and mix. Lubricate the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body with ready-made raw materials about 5 times a day. The lubricated muscle should be covered with a warm cloth or blanket;
  2. You need to take 100-150 g of horsetail, rub it thoroughly. Then the horsetail is mixed with 300 g of oil (vegetable). The finished mass is left in a cool place for a day. A day later, the infused ointment is rubbed into the affected muscles. After spreading, a compress is applied and fixed for 30 minutes;

Decoctions and compresses

Treatment regimen

With the diagnosis of myositis, it is not necessary to overload diseased muscle tissues. Quite often, with myositis, bed rest is recommended while the disease is in the acute phase. In order to reduce the load on the affected muscles, correct posture is necessary.

You need to carefully monitor nutrition and follow a therapeutic diet. The use of fatty acids helps to reduce inflammation and relieve it. Fatty polyunsaturated acids, which are found in fish (salmon, chum salmon, salmon, pink salmon, herring, halibut, tuna), help prevent the inflammatory process in the muscles.

It is good to eat foods with easily digestible proteins, such as soy, chicken and almonds.

The menu of a patient with myositis necessarily includes fermented milk and products containing calcium: currants, parsley, gooseberries. Grains and legumes serve as a source of magnesium.

It is very important to observe a certain drinking regimen: you should drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day: weak green hour, fruit drinks, compotes and water. Rosehip decoction perfectly relieves swelling of muscle tissue.

Until complete recovery, it is necessary to limit the use of salt, fats and alcohol.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of myositis, you need:

Remember, it is impossible to delay visiting a doctor and treating myositis. Since the consequences of this disease can be very severe, treatment should be started as soon as possible - immediately after the onset of symptoms of the disease. Not waiting for the disease to become chronic.

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Detailed classification of myositis and symptoms of the diseaseArticle rating: 3.75 /5 (Votes: 4 )

Myositis is an inflammatory lesion of skeletal muscles of various etiologies. When diagnosed with myositis, the symptoms depend on the cause and type of the disease.

Causes of the disease

Etiological factors include:

Acute myositis occurs as a result of infectious agents or their toxins entering the muscle tissue. This happens with generalized infectious diseases.

The acute form of myositis can also develop due to trauma, muscle strain, hypothermia, etc. If left untreated, acute muscle inflammation can become chronic.

Sometimes chronic myositis occurs without prior acute inflammation. Patients who have had a cold may not be aware that they develop chronic myositis. Periodically after hypothermia, when weather conditions change, exacerbations of chronic myositis occur.

The most commonly affected muscles are the neck, chest, back, and lower legs.

Infectious myositis

Infectious non-purulent myositis is caused by viral infections (enterovirus diseases, influenza). In addition, it can be caused by pathogens of brucellosis, syphilis, tuberculosis.

The disease is accompanied by severe muscle pain and general weakness. Specific myositis occurs with leptospirosis. It is localized mainly in the calf muscles, is accompanied by pain on movement and disappears after about 5-7 days.

Acute purulent myositis is a complication of chronic purulent processes (osteomyelitis) or a manifestation of septicopyemia. Purulent-necrotic foci appear in the muscles, local edema and severe pain appear. Fever, chills, severe general condition occur.

Traumatic ossifying myositis

Local traumatic myositis develops as a result of mechanical damage to the muscles. Calcification of the hematoma occurs, calcium salts are deposited in the muscles. As a result, muscles lose their strength, atrophy, and are sometimes replaced by connective tissue (polyfibromyositis).

Progressive myositis ossificans can be a congenital disease, it gradually captures all muscle groups. Death occurs in the final stage with ossification of the swallowing and respiratory muscles (intercostal, diaphragm). This disease is very rare.


Dermatomyositis occurs most often in young women. The exact cause of the disease is unknown. Dermatomyositis is suspected to be caused by viruses or genetic factors.

The starting role is played by:

The illness is often accompanied by high fever.

  1. stress,
  2. hypothermia,
  3. colds,
  4. infection,
  5. prolonged exposure to the sun.

Damage to the skin and muscle tissue occurs. Red or purple rashes appear on the skin of the hands, face, upper body.

The appearance of a rash is accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, weakness, chills, subfebrile body temperature, and sudden weight loss. Muscles become flabby, shortened, calcium salts can accumulate under the skin, causing pain.


With polymyositis, several muscle groups are affected at once. As a result of the gradual atrophy of muscle tissue, patients first experience slight difficulty in movement. With atrophy of the neck muscles, the patient cannot hold his head.

In the final stage, chewing, swallowing muscles, as well as respiratory muscles are affected. Sometimes polymyositis is accompanied by swelling of the joints (arthritis) and swelling of the muscles.

As a result of polymyositis, polyfibromyositis can develop, in which a fibrous change occurs in the muscle tissue. Seals form in the muscles in the form of nodules and strands, tendons thicken.

Characterized by pain in the area of ​​muscle attachment and the development of contractures.

Poly- and dermatomyositis can be accompanied by damage to the heart, lungs, digestive organs, joints. There are violations of the endocrine system.

Main symptoms

The clinical picture of different types of myositis depends on the causes that caused the disease.

But there are general symptoms that are characteristic of any myositis:

  • pain in the affected muscles
  • swelling and compaction of muscles, their edema,
  • muscle weakness, atrophy.

Pain in myositis is the first and most obvious symptom. It has a aching character, increases with movement. Localization of painful sensations depends on the group of affected muscles: in the neck, lower back, shins, shoulders. Inflammation of the muscles is accompanied by their tension. Myositis in children can be manifested by swelling and hyperemia in the affected area.

With purulent myositis, local and general symptoms are pronounced:

The intensity of pain may increase over time and on palpation.

  1. severe muscle soreness
  2. difficulty in movement
  3. redness,
  4. high body temperature,
  5. chills,
  6. headache,
  7. general weakness, fatigue.

With polymyositis, symptoms develop gradually. First, there is a slight muscle weakness, due to which the patient cannot perform some certain actions. For example, not being able to climb stairs.

Gradually, new muscles are involved in the process, and a person can no longer perform normal daily activities. In the later stages, the function of breathing and swallowing is disturbed as a result of atrophy of the masticatory, swallowing and respiratory muscles.

Symptoms of neuromyositis differ little from other types of the disease. As a result of damage to the muscles and nerve bundles, muscle pain can be very severe.

Important: if there is pain in the muscles, muscle weakness, difficulty in movements, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, without waiting for the transition of myositis into a chronic form. The disease can progress rapidly and lead to disability. Early treatment can help avoid complications.

Directions of treatment

Not everyone knows which doctor treats myositis. Usually, the treatment of acute and chronic myositis is carried out by a therapist, a neurologist and a surgeon. Dermatomyositis and polymyositis are a type of rheumatic diseases, so patients with these forms are referred to a rheumatologist. In general, several specialists are involved in the treatment of myositis at once.

Therapy for myositis includes:

  1. treatment of the underlying disease;
  2. rest of the affected muscles;
  3. dry heat (woolen clothes, belt);
  4. physiotherapeutic methods (UHF, ultrasound, etc.);
  5. special massage;
  6. medical treatment.

Of the medications for myositis, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of internal and local preparations (creams, ointments with anti-inflammatory and warming substances). With appropriate forms of myositis, antibiotics and anthelmintics are prescribed. Myositis of autoimmune genesis requires the use of large doses of hormonal drugs and cytostatics. Poly- and dermatomyositis are serious and dangerous diseases leading to disability and death. Therefore, treatment with them is very long, sometimes lifelong.

Traumatic ossifying myositis in the initial stage is treated with physiotherapeutic methods (for resorption of the hematoma). Diadynamic currents, UHF and other procedures are applied. In addition, hormonal agents are introduced. In the late stage resort to surgical treatment.

Attention: if you feel pain in the muscles, you should not immediately use painkillers in the form of ointments and creams. Symptoms may disappear, but the process will progress further. You should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe a treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

By myositis is meant a group of pathological processes in the skeletal muscles that are very different in etiology. In a narrow sense, myositis is an inflammation of the skeletal muscles, that is, the muscle tissue that provides movement of the musculoskeletal system ( rather than the smooth muscles of the internal organs). However, myositis can be not only inflammatory, but also traumatic or toxic.

Myositis can be both an independent disease ( myositis ossificans), and one of the manifestations of other pathologies ( e.g. tuberculosis). Very often, myositis accompanies autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. One of the most severe forms of myositis is dermatomyositis or Wagner's disease, in which, together with muscle and connective tissue, the skin is affected.

If several muscle groups are affected by myositis, then it is called polymyositis, if one muscle is affected, then it is called local myositis. Together with muscle tissue, the skin can be affected ( dermatomyositis), or nerve fibers ( neuromyositis).

The most common type of myositis is cervical myositis, it accounts for more than half of cases ( 50 - 60 percent). In second place is lumbar myositis, which is the most common cause of lower back pain.

Today, myositis is considered an office illness. For representatives of "sedentary" professions, the risk of developing this pathology is much higher than for representatives of "mobile" professions. An uncomfortable and forced posture, for example, at a computer for 6-8 hours with a blowing air conditioner behind your back, is fraught with the development of lumbar or cervical myositis.

Some types of myositis are considered professional, for example, in violinists or pianists, which is due to the constant tension of the muscles of the hand, neck or back.
It is believed that more than half of the inhabitants of megacities suffer from various types of myositis.

Causes of myositis

Conventionally, the causes of myositis can be divided into endogenous ( causes within the body) and exogenous ( causes outside the body).

The name "autoimmune" reflects the pathogenesis and nature of the disease. With this pathology, the body itself produces antibodies to its own tissues ( in this case, connective tissue) on which the antigen is fixed. The antigen can be a virus, bacterium, fungus. When the antigen-antibody complex is formed, a cascade of inflammatory reactions is triggered, with further tissue damage. As a rule, myositis of this etiology ( most often it is the so-called rheumatic myositis), has a subacute or chronic course and is characterized by pulling pains.


Most infections occur with the development of myositis. In this case, infection from the main focus ( whether it be tonsils or lungs) is distributed with the blood or lymph to the muscle tissue. Later in the muscle or muscle group) inflammation of a specific or non-specific nature develops.

There are infectious purulent and non-purulent myositis. Non-purulent myositis develops during the period of influenza, various respiratory diseases, syphilis, typhoid fever, tuberculosis. A special form of non-purulent myositis is Bornholm disease or epidemic myalgia. This is an acute infectious disease caused by the Coxsackie enterovirus, which affects the predominant muscular system. The leading symptom of this disease is severe pain in the abdomen and chest against the backdrop of fever.

Purulent myositis develops against the background of a generalized purulent infection ( most often staphylococcal or streptococcal) or osteomyelitis. In this case, the pathogenic microorganism is carried with the blood flow to the muscles, where localized purulent foci are subsequently formed. Thus, accumulations of pus, areas of necrosis and phlegmon are formed in the muscle tissue. Purulent myositis is a very serious disease and requires surgical intervention.

Various intoxications

Myositis can develop as a result of exposure to the body of various toxic substances. Most often, toxic myositis is observed with alcoholism, but also occurs when taking certain medications, poisoning, insect bites.
The mechanism of development of toxic myositis is the direct toxic effect of alcohol, medication or poison.

Have a direct muscle-destroying effect:

  • alcohol;
  • antimalarial drugs;
  • colchicine;
  • corticosteroids;
  • isoniazid.


At the site of injury, a rupture of muscle fibers occurs, with the further development of inflammatory edema. In the future, as the healing progresses, the edema is replaced by scar tissue, and the muscle is shortened.

Also, the result of injuries may be the development of the so-called ossifying myositis. At the same time, in the thickness of the muscle, namely in the area of ​​connective tissue areas, areas of ossification develop.

Constant muscle tension

This reason is typical for professional myositis. As a result of prolonged tension or an uncomfortable position, the muscle tenses and thickens. At the same time, the nutrition process is disturbed in it, since the blood flow in the tense muscle slows down. As a result, impaired blood circulation is the cause of a lack of oxygen and the development of dystrophic processes in the muscle.


Drafts, of course, are the most common cause of myositis. The muscles of the back, lower back and neck are most often affected by hypothermia. At the same time, not only muscles, but also nerve fibers can be involved in the process.

Types of myositis

There are two main forms of myositis - local myositis and polymyositis. Local myositis is characterized by inflammation of one muscle. With polymyositis, the inflammatory process spreads to several muscles or groups of muscles.

Areas where myositis occurs more frequently are:

  • small of the back;
  • arms;
  • legs;
  • maxillofacial area.

Myositis of the cervical region
Myositis of the cervical region occurs more often than in other areas of the body. At the same time, pains appear in the neck, which can spread upwards ( to the back of the head, ears), and down between the shoulder blades. The pain can be so severe that it restricts the movement of the neck.

Myositis in the lumbar region
Myositis in the lumbar region affects the psoas muscles along the spine. The pain is less pronounced than with cervical myositis, and is aching in nature. On palpation of the lumbar region, there is a thickening of the muscles and increased pain. Myositis of the lumbar region is more common among the elderly population.

Myositis of the muscles of the arms and legs
Myositis of the muscles of the arms and legs is rare in the form of local forms. More often, inflammation of the muscles of the extremities is observed with polymyositis. It is difficult for the patient to move his legs, raise his hands above his head. The decrease in strength in the muscles is accompanied by the appearance of pain during their tension.
Myositis of masticatory muscles - often observed in the maxillofacial region. With this form, pain occurs or intensifies when chewing.

Polymyositis is more common than localized forms of myositis.

Polymyositis with signs of dermatitis is called dermatomyositis. Due to the prolonged inflammatory process, the muscles become thinner and atrophy.
Polymyositis is more common in middle-aged people ( 30 - 60 years). However, there is a separate form of polymyositis, which appears only in children from 5 to 15 years old. The female sex is affected twice as often as the male. The appearance of the disease may be preceded by various viral infections, hypothermia, decreased immunity, great physical exertion and injury. The disease develops slowly, over weeks and months. The first manifestation is fatigue and weakness of the muscles of the distal parts of the body ( especially thigh, shoulder and neck muscles). Weakness intensifies and sometimes even turns into moderate pain. All movements are difficult and slow. It is difficult for patients to raise their arms, walk, get up from a chair or bed. Dysphagia appears ( difficulty swallowing), difficulty in breathing and speech. With dermatomyositis, purplish skin rashes appear, which rise slightly above the skin. Damage to the internal organs with polymyositis is rare.


Neuromyositis is a form of polymyositis characterized by damage to the muscle fibers and nerves that are located in this area. To a greater extent, intramuscular nerve fibers are affected, but often the distal nerves ( especially when the disease progresses). During inflammation, muscle cells are destroyed and various substances are released that have a toxic effect on nerve fibers. Also, nerve fibers are exposed to T-lymphocytes, which are released during an autoimmune reaction. Under the action of these cells and all components of the inflammatory response, the myelin sheath of the nerve is destroyed. If the process is not stopped, then the axial cylinder of the nerve fiber is soon destroyed.

The main signs of neuromyositis are:

  • paresthesia in the affected area ( desensitization);
  • hyperesthesia ( sensitization);
  • pronounced pain;
  • tension symptoms;
  • decreased muscle tone and strength;
  • soreness in the joints.
Destruction of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers leads to a violation of skin sensitivity - paresthesia or hyperesthesia. With paresthesia, sensitivity decreases, and numbness and tingling appear. Sometimes nerve damage leads to increased sensitivity.

Pain in neuromyositis progresses. At first, it is moderate, then it increases with small loads. Pain may appear or intensify when breathing, when turning and tilting the body, when moving arms and legs. Gradually, the pain appears even at rest. The pain syndrome is strongly pronounced when the distal parts of the nerves are affected.
Also an important sign of neuromyositis is a symptom of tension. Palpation of muscles in a tense, tense state causes pain. Usually neuromyositis is accompanied by joint pain, less often - skin lesions.


Polyfibromyositis is another form of polymyositis, the main feature of which is the replacement of muscle tissue with connective tissue.
Due to a prolonged inflammatory process in muscle tissue, muscle cells are destroyed and fibrosed ( replaced by connective tissue cells). In other words, a scar appears at the site of damaged muscle tissue. The scar tissue is compacted in the form of nodules, which are well felt when probing the muscles. With the formation of scar tissue, adhesions between the muscles often form. When scars form near the tendons, various contractures appear and mobility is reduced.

The main signs of polyfibromyositis are:

  • compaction of the affected areas of the muscle;
  • the formation of nodules;
  • contractures and abnormal muscle contractions;
  • decrease in range of motion, decreased mobility;
  • pain on movement and on palpation of the muscles.
The most characteristic sign of polyfibromyositis is dense nodules in the muscles, which can increase in size or sometimes disappear spontaneously. When they are palpated, pain is noted. Sometimes, on palpation, an uneven consistency of the muscles is felt. When contractures form, the muscles are in constant tension and deform. Constant muscle tension leads to constant pain, which increases with movement and does not disappear at rest. As a result of these contractures, muscle functions are limited, movements are difficult and slow down.

Myositis ossificans

Myositis ossificans is a very rare form of polymyositis that can develop after injury ( bruises, dislocations, fractures, sprains and tears). It can be the result of both acute injury and chronic muscle damage. So, for example, in riders, while riding, the thigh muscles are constantly injured, in swordsmen, the chest muscles. There are also cases of a congenital disease that progresses with age. Males aged 30-40 years are more at risk of the disease.

Myositis ossificans develops gradually against the background of fibromyositis. Connective tissue, which replaces damaged muscle fibers, gradually transforms into a heterogeneous mass and is saturated with various minerals and substances. When large amounts of salts of phosphoric acid, potassium, calcium accumulate, the process of ossification begins. Ossified areas of muscle often fuse with nearby bones, deforming the skeleton.

The main signs of polyfibromyositis ossificans myositis are:

  • compaction of muscle areas;
  • limb deformity;
  • decreased mobility;
  • the appearance of severe pain, especially when moving.
In the initial stages of the disease, all signs of the inflammatory process in the muscle are present ( pain, swelling, redness of the skin). When the scar begins to ossify, there is a thickening of the muscle. On palpation, solid areas are found that are difficult to distinguish from bone. When these areas fuse with the bones, the limb is deformed. The amplitude of movements decreases to complete immobility in the limb. When trying to move and tense the muscles, severe pain appears, which can be present constantly, even at rest. In the chronic course of the disease, the pain gradually subsides.

Myositis symptoms

Symptoms that indicate myositis are:
  • general signs of injury, infection;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • pain;
  • decreased mobility;
  • change in muscle consistency;
  • skin changes;
  • sensitivity changes;
  • the appearance of contractures and abnormal positions of the limbs.
In acute myositis, which develop as a result of injuries, the first signs will be the consequences of these injuries.

In the first days appear:
  • hyperemia ( redness) skin;
  • edema;
  • soreness;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages;
  • hematomas;
  • sometimes the local temperature rises.
When infections are the trigger viral, bacterial), then the first symptoms will be the general signs of these infections.

When an inflammatory process develops in a muscle, muscle tone is the first to suffer. Muscle fibers lose their ability to quickly and fully contract and relax. The patient feels a growing weakness in the affected part of the body. With myositis of the extremities, it is difficult to raise your arms above your head or move your legs. Weakness can reach such a degree that it becomes difficult for the patient to get up from a chair or bed.

The main characteristic of myositis is pain in the affected muscle or muscle group. The inflammatory process leads to the destruction of muscle fibers and the accumulation of a large number of active substances in the focus of inflammation, which irritate the nerve endings. Pain varies from moderate to severe, depending on the site of the lesion and the stage of the disease.

With cervical myositis, acute pain appears when turning the head, when chewing. Sometimes it spreads to the back of the head and temples or down into the interscapular region.

With thoracic myositis, pain occurs with movements of the chest ( with deep inhalations and exhalations) and when turning.

Myositis of the lumbar region causes moderate pain, aching character. It is often confused with sciatica. But pain with sciatica is more intense.

Myositis of the extremities causes increased pain when walking, when lifting objects. Often patients try to keep the affected limb in a position that brings less pain.

Any pain increases with movement, with uncomfortable postures, with palpation, with new injuries, with exposure to low temperatures, with changing weather conditions.
In chronic myositis during remission, the pain subsides and may even disappear.

Several factors influence the mobility of the affected area. Firstly, severe pains constrain movements, their amplitude decreases. Secondly, the destruction of a large number of muscle fibers and their replacement with connective tissue reduces muscle elasticity, and, accordingly, contractility also decreases. Movements become slow and incomplete. Also, movements are limited when ossification of the damaged area of ​​the muscle begins. If ossified ( ossified) areas fuse with bones, movements are minimized.

In polymyositis, vital muscle groups can also be affected ( diaphragm, pharyngeal muscles). In this case, it becomes difficult for the patient to swallow, speak and breathe.

Depending on the stage of the process, the consistency of the muscles is different. During inflammation, when muscle fibers are destroyed and various substances accumulate in the intercellular space, the muscle becomes dense and slightly enlarged. When does reabsorption occur? reabsorption) of all these substances, the muscle becomes decrepit, soft. When replacing the muscle structure with connective tissue, palpation reveals slightly compacted nodules, which can increase in size. With myositis ossificans, palpation reveals solid structures that are located in the thickness of the muscles or connected to the bone. With any type of myositis, palpation causes pain.

Often myositis is accompanied by skin changes, and then it is called dermatomyositis. The inflammatory process involves all nearby tissues, especially the skin. Various rashes appear on the skin, reddish and purple. They rise slightly above the surface of the skin, giving it a bumpy appearance.

When intramuscular nerve fibers and distal nerve endings are involved in the inflammatory process, sensitivity changes. Sometimes there is hypersensitivity to any external stimuli.

Violation of the structure of muscle tissue, scarring and ossification leads to shortening of the muscles, changes in shape and the formation of various contractures. Because of this, various curvatures and abnormal body positions appear. With cervical myositis, torticollis appears ( neck curvature), with thoracic myositis - scoliosis.

Diagnosis of myositis

The treatment of myositis is in the competence of such doctors as a neuropathologist, rheumatologist and therapist. Initially, with pain in the back, neck or legs, it is necessary to consult a therapist. Further, depending on the etiology of the disease, the family doctor recommends a consultation with a specialist. So, with myositis due to autoimmune diseases, it is recommended to consult a rheumatologist; with myositis during colds - to the therapist; with neuro- and dermatomyositis - to a neuropathologist.

Diagnosis of myositis, in addition to questioning and examination, may include various laboratory and instrumental examinations, so the patient must be prepared in advance for significant time and material costs.

Diagnosis of myositis includes:

  • interview;
  • inspection;
  • laboratory research ( rheumatic tests);
  • instrumental research;
  • biopsy.


Includes data on how the disease began and what preceded it.

The doctor may ask the following questions:

  • "What is worrying you at the moment?"
  • "What was the first symptom?"
  • "Was there a temperature?"
  • “Was the disease preceded by hypothermia, injury?”
  • “What diseases does the patient still suffer from?”
  • “What was the patient sick with a month or a couple of months ago?”
  • "What was wrong with you as a child?" ( for example, did you have rheumatic fever as a child?)
  • “Are there any hereditary pathologies in the family?”


Initially, the doctor visually examines the place of pain. His attention is attracted by the reddening of the skin over the muscle, or vice versa, their blanching. With dermatomyositis on the skin in the area of ​​the extensor surfaces ( joints) form red, scaly nodules and plaques. Nails can attract the doctor's attention, since one of the early signs of dermatomyositis is a change in the nail bed ( redness and swelling of the skin). Long-term myositis is accompanied by muscle atrophy. Above the atrophied muscle, the skin is pale with a meager network of blood vessels.

Next, the doctor proceeds to palpation ( feeling) of the affected muscle. This is done to assess muscle tone and identify painful points. In the acute period of the disease, the muscle is tense, as its hypertonicity develops. Hypertonicity is a kind of protective reaction of the skeletal muscles, therefore, during colds and stress, the muscle is always tense. For example, with cervical myositis, the muscles are so tense that it makes it difficult for the patient to move. Sometimes swallowing processes can even be disturbed if the inflammatory process has covered most of the muscles of the neck.

Muscle soreness can be both general and local. For example, with infectious purulent myositis, local tender points are revealed that correspond to purulent foci. With polyfibromyositis, pain increases towards the joint, that is, at the points of attachment of the muscle.

With polymyositis, the pain syndrome is moderately pronounced, but muscle weakness progresses. In the clinical picture of myositis ossificans, the pain is moderate, but the muscles are very dense, and dense areas are detected during their palpation. A pronounced pain syndrome is observed with neuromyositis, when nerve fibers are also affected along with muscle tissue.

Rheumatic tests

Rheumoprobes are those tests that are aimed at identifying systemic or local rheumatic diseases.

Such diseases can be:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • polymyositis;
  • polyfibromyositis;
  • myositis with inclusions and others.
Thus, rheumatic tests help determine the etiology of myositis, confirm or exclude the autoimmune pathogenesis of the disease. Also, with the help of rheumatic tests, the intensity of the inflammatory process is determined.

In the diagnosis of myositis, rheumatic tests include the determination of the following indicators:

  • C-reactive protein;
  • antistreptolysin-O;
  • rheumatic factor;
  • antinuclear antibodies ( ANA);
  • myositis-specific autoantibodies.
C-reactive protein
An increased concentration of C-reactive protein is observed in various inflammatory processes in the body. C-reactive protein is a marker of the acute phase of inflammation, therefore it is determined in acute infectious myositis or in chronic exacerbations. By determining the level of this protein, one can evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment taken. However, in general, C-reactive protein is only an indicator of the infectious process and does not play an important role in the differential diagnosis of myositis.

It is an antibody protein), which is produced in response to the presence of streptococcus in the body, or rather, to the enzyme it produces - streptolysin ( hence the name). It is an important diagnostic criterion for rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. Thus, an increased titer of these antibodies speaks in favor of rheumatic myositis.

Rheumofactor is an antibody produced by the body against its own proteins ( immunoglobulins). Increased values ​​of the rheumatic factor are observed in autoimmune pathologies, dermatomyositis, rheumatoid seropositive arthritis. However, there are cases when the rheumatic factor is negative. This is seen in seronegative rheumatoid arthritis or in children with juvenile arthritis. An important diagnostic value is the quantitative determination of the rheumatic factor before and after treatment.

Antinuclear antibodies
A family of autoantibodies that binds to the components of its own proteins, namely, to the nuclei of cells. Observed with dermatomyositis, scleroderma and other systemic collagenoses.

Myositis-specific autoantibodies
Myositis-specific autoantibodies ( MSA) are markers of such idiopathic myositis as:

  • dermatomyositis;
  • polymyositis;
  • myositis with inclusions.
MSA is a group of very different antibodies that are produced to various components of cells: mitochondria, some enzymes, cytoplasm.

The most common antibodies are:

  • Anti Jo-1 - detected in 90 percent of people suffering from myositis;
  • Anti-Mi-2 - seen in 95 percent of people with dermatomyositis;
  • Anti-SRP - found in 4 percent of people with myositis.

Biopsy and morphological examination of muscle tissue

A biopsy is a diagnostic method in which pieces of tissue are taken in vivo ( biopsy), followed by their study. The purpose of a biopsy in the diagnosis of myositis is to determine structural changes in the muscle tissue, as well as in the surrounding vessels and connective tissue.

The indications for a biopsy are:

  • infectious myositis;
  • polymyositis ( and how their variety is dermatomyositis);
  • polyfibromyositis.
For polymyositis and its variants ( dermatomyositis, polymyositis with vasculitis) are characterized by inflammatory and degenerative changes: cell infiltration, necrosis of muscle fibers with loss of transverse striation. In polyfibromyositis, muscle tissue is replaced by connective tissue with the development of fibrosis. In infectious myositis, cellular infiltration of the interstitial tissue and small vessels predominates.

Ointments for the treatment of non-purulent infectious myositis

Representatives Mechanism of action How is it prescribed
fastum gel ( active substance ketoprofen). Synonyms - fast gel. has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also has a high analgesic activity a small amount of gel is applied to the skin over the focus of inflammation ( 5 cm) and rubbed two to three times a day
apizartron ( ointment is not prescribed in acute periods of rheumatic diseases) mustard oil extract, which is part of the preparation, causes tissue heating, improves local blood flow and relaxes muscles, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect
a strip of ointment in 3 - 5 cm is applied to the inflamed area and slowly rubbed into the skin
Dolobene is a combined preparation that contains dimethyl sulfoxide, heparin and dexpanthenol. in addition to anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, it has an anti-exudative effect, that is, it eliminates edema a column of gel 3 cm long is applied to the focus of inflammation and rubbed with a light movement. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.

With extensive myositis that affects several muscle groups and which is accompanied by fever and other symptoms of a cold, treatment is prescribed in an injection form ( injections).

Injections for the treatment of non-suppurative infectious myositis

Representatives Mechanism of action How is it prescribed
diclofenac has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect one shot ( 3 ml) intramuscularly every other day for 5 days.
meloxicam due to selective inhibition of the formation of inflammatory mediators, it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect with minimal side effects one ampoule ( at 15 mg) per day, intramuscularly for 5 days, then switch to the tablet form of the drug
mydocalm has a muscle relaxant relaxes tense muscles) action administered intramuscularly in one ampoule ( 100 mg of substance) twice a day. Thus, the daily dose is 200 mg

Tablets for the treatment of non-purulent infectious myositis

Representatives Mechanism of action How is it prescribed
aponyl ( active substance - nimesulide) like all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and also has an antipyretic effect the daily dose of the drug is 200 mg, which is equal to 2 tablets of 100 mg, or 4 - 50 mg. The dose is divided into 2 - 4 doses, drinking a tablet with a small amount of water.
traumeel C ( herbal preparation) has analgesic and anti-exudative effect one tablet three times a day. The tablet is placed under the tongue, until completely resorbed.

Most often, the treatment of myositis is combined, that is, medicines are prescribed locally ( in the form of an ointment) and systemically ( in the form of tablets or injections).

Treatment of polymyositis and its forms (dermatomyositis)

The main drugs in the treatment of polymyositis and its form of dermatomyositis are glucocorticosteroids. The drug of choice is prednisolone, which is prescribed in the form of injections in the acute period of the disease.

Injections for the treatment of polymyositis and its form of dermatomyositis

With the ineffectiveness of the therapy, the so-called puls-therapy is carried out, which consists in the introduction of ultra-high doses of glucocorticoids ( 1 - 2 grams) intravenously for a short period ( 3 – 5 days). This therapy is carried out exclusively in a hospital.

Prednisolone tablets are prescribed as maintenance therapy after remission is achieved. Methotrexate and azathioprine are also prescribed in tablet form. These drugs belong to the group of immunosuppressants and are prescribed in the most severe cases and when prednisolone is ineffective.

Tablets for the treatment of polymyositis and its form of dermatomyositis

Representatives Mechanism of action How is it prescribed
prednisolone has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effects during maintenance therapy 10-20 mg per day, which is equal to 2-4 tablets of 5 mg. This daily dose is divided into two doses and taken in the morning.
methotrexate cytotoxic drug that has an immunosuppressive effect 15 mg orally per day is prescribed, gradually increasing the dose to 20 mg. After reaching a dose of 20 mg, they switch to injectable forms of methotrexate.
azathioprine also has an immunosuppressive effect is administered orally, starting with 2 mg per kg of body weight per day. Treatment is carried out under the monthly control of a blood test.

Since diffuse inflammation of the muscles is observed in poliomyositis, the appointment of ointments is impractical.

Treatment of ossifying myositis

With ossifying myositis, conservative treatment is effective only at the beginning of the disease, when resorption of calcification is still possible. Basically, the treatment of this type of myositis is reduced to surgical intervention.

Massage and rubbing ointments are contraindicated.

Treatment of polyfibromyositis

Treatment of polyfibromyositis includes anti-inflammatory drugs, lidase injections, massage and physiotherapy.

Ointments for the treatment of polyfibromyositis

Injections for the treatment of polyfibromyositis

In the form of tablets, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which are advisable only in the acute phase of the disease.

Tablets for the treatment of polyfibromyositis

Representatives Mechanism of action How is it prescribed
butadione has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. 150 - 300 mg each ( it's one or two pills) 3-4 times a day 30 minutes after meals.
ibuprofen has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. 800 mg each ( it's two tablets of 400 mg or one of 800) two to four times a day. In this case, the daily dose should not exceed 2400 mg, that is, 6 tablets of 400 mg, or 3 of 800.

Treatment of purulent infectious myositis

Includes the use of antibiotics, painkillers, and antipyretics. In some cases, surgery is indicated.

Ointments with their subsequent rubbing over the affected surface are contraindicated, as they can contribute to the spread of the purulent process to healthy tissues.

Injections for the treatment of purulent infectious myositis

Representatives Mechanism of action How is it prescribed
penicillin It has a bactericidal effect by inhibiting the synthesis of the cell wall of microorganisms. Active as for
gram-positive, as well as for
Gram-negative bacteria
intramuscularly at 300.000 IU. 4 times a day ( every 6 hours)
tetracycline intramuscularly at 200.000 IU. 3 times a day ( every 8 hours)
cefazolin has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity intramuscularly 1 gram 4 times a day ( every 6 hours)

Tablets for the treatment of purulent infectious myositis

Treatment of myositis in autoimmune diseases

In parallel with the treatment of the underlying disease, which is accompanied by myositis ( systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma) symptomatic therapy of myositis is carried out. It consists in taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs; in the acute phase, a pastel regimen is observed.

Ointments for the treatment of myositis in autoimmune diseases

Representatives Mechanism of action How is it prescribed
nise gel nimesulide, which is part of the ointment, has an analgesic and analgesic effect without rubbing the gel is applied in a thin layer on the area of ​​​​soreness. The procedure is repeated 2 to 4 times a day.
voltaren ointment and gel ( active substance diclofenac) has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, also eliminates pain 1 g ointment ( a pea the size of a hazelnut) is applied over the focus of inflammation, rubbed into the skin 2-3 times a day. Single dose - 2 grams.
finalgel 1 g of gel is applied to the skin over the affected area and gently rubbed. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.

Injections for the treatment of myositis in autoimmune diseases

Representatives Mechanism of action How is it prescribed
ambene a combination drug that, in addition to anti-inflammatory action, produces an antirheumatic effect. one injection ( one injection includes 2 ml of solution A and 1 ml of solution B) intramuscularly every other day. The course of treatment is 3 injections, after which they take a break of 3-4 weeks, and then the course can be repeated.
baralgin M in addition to analgesic and anti-inflammatory action produces antispasmodic ( relaxing) Effect. administered intramuscularly in one injection ( 5 ml) one to two times a day. The maximum daily dose is 10 ml ( 2 shots).

Tablets for the treatment of myositis in autoimmune diseases

Representatives Mechanism of action How is it prescribed
ketoprofen produces analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect in the acute period of the disease, a dose of 300 mg per day is prescribed, which is equal to 3 tablets of 100 mg. During maintenance therapy, 150-200 mg per day is prescribed.
nurofen has a powerful analgesic effect 400 - 800 mg is prescribed 3 to 4 times a day.
flugalin has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. inside one tablet 2-4 times a day after meals with a small amount of food. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 weeks.

Treatment of myositis with folk remedies

Therapy of myositis with folk remedies consists in the use of ointments, oils, solutions and tinctures for alcohol for rubbing. Anti-inflammatory compresses and heat isolation of the affected muscle area are widely used. Carrying out these manipulations requires limiting motor activity and maximizing rest. With the pain syndrome with myositis, herbal infusions help to cope, before using which you should consult with your doctor.

To exclude the occurrence of allergic reactions with external use of folk remedies, a test should be performed before treatment. Testing consists in applying the prepared composition to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. In case of redness, blisters or rashes, you should stop using the selected recipe.


To relieve muscle pain in traditional medicine is used:
  • cabbage compress;
  • boiled potato compress;
  • compresses using plants such as chamomile, sweet clover, linden, horsetail.
Cabbage compress
For this procedure, you will need: 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 2 leaves of white cabbage, baby soap. Cabbage should be doused with hot water, in which 1 tablespoon of soda was previously dissolved. Next, you need to lather the leaves with soap, sprinkle with the remaining amount of soda and apply to the place that bothers you. To enhance the effect on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sore muscle, a warming bandage should be applied. The duration of the compress is 30 - 40 minutes.

Boiled potato compress
Another recipe for myositis is a boiled potato compress, for which you will need: 3-5 potatoes boiled in their skins, cologne, a warm scarf, a clean cloth. Mash the potatoes and apply through 2 layers of tissue to the sore spot, then wrap the potato compress with a scarf. The action of the compress can be extended by gradually removing the tissue layers. After the potato has cooled, the mass should be removed, and the area that causes discomfort should be rubbed using cologne. This procedure is best done at night, in order to give warm muscles a rest.

Herbal compresses
Compresses with the use of such plants as chamomile, sweet clover, linden, horsetail have a positive effect. Dry plants should be put in a gauze bag, steamed with boiling water and provide a sufficient amount of heat by covering with polyethylene and wrapping the diseased area well. Compliance with all recommendations when applying compresses according to traditional medicine recipes allows you to achieve a positive effect and significantly reduce muscle pain.


Rubbing ointments prepared at home has a positive effect, reducing pain. Also, ointments are used as the main ingredient in compresses, which should be done at night, providing good thermal insulation.

Ginseng ointment
In order to prepare ginseng ointment, you will need: 20 grams of table salt, 20 grams of dried ginseng root, 100 grams of bear fat ( sold in a pharmacy), which can be replaced with goose or pork fat. Ginseng root should be crushed and mixed with melted fat and salt in a water bath. The resulting composition should be rubbed on sore spots, using spiral or rectilinear movements from the bottom up.

Ointment based on field horsetail and interior lard
You should take 20 grams of dried grass and 80 grams of fatty base and grind the mass in a glass or plastic bowl. The resulting product is rubbed into the areas that bother you. Also, plants such as lavender, eucalyptus leaves, peppermint, sage, celandine can be used as an ingredient for making ointments based on lard or butter.


Alcohol-based tinctures with the addition of various herbal ingredients are used as a means for rubbing in the treatment of myositis. Tinctures have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects.

Tincture with onion and camphor oil
In order to prepare this remedy, you need to take 2 large onions, 125 milliliters ( half a glass) 70% medical alcohol and 1 liter of camphor oil. Onions should be chopped and combined with alcohol. After two hours, add oil to the resulting mass and leave to infuse for ten days, excluding light. The composition can be used as a means for rubbing and compresses.

Lilac flower tincture
You will need 100 grams of fresh lilac and 500 milliliters ( two glasses) 70 percent medical alcohol. The flowers are filled with alcohol and stored for a week in a dark place. Use for compresses and rubbing once a day. Also, dry or fresh chamomile, bodyagi powder can be used as ingredients for the preparation of tinctures. One of the advantages of tinctures is their long shelf life.


Oils made according to traditional medicine recipes are used for massages and rubbing in case of exacerbations with myositis. Oils have a relaxing and warming effect on the muscles, helping to reduce the level of pain.

Pepper oil
In order to cook it, you should take two small pods of hot pepper and 200 milliliters of vegetable oil. Pepper must be crushed with a knife or meat grinder along with seeds and pour oil. Pour the composition into glassware and store in a dark place for 7-10 days. As pain occurs, you need to rub pepper oil into sore spots, taking precautions, since, once on the mucous membrane, the composition can cause a strong burning sensation.

herbal oil
To make herbal oil you will need:

  • 700 milliliters ( three glasses) unrefined vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of birch mushroom;
  • one tablespoon of such plants as calamus root, adonis grass, immortelle, St.
These herbs should be purchased in a pharmacy in dry form, and in the absence of one or more positions, the existing ingredients should be proportionally increased. Birch mushroom should be soaked in water, then grind with a meat grinder. Grind the rest of the ingredients in a coffee grinder to a powder. Combine all components, then place them in a large container. The volume of dishes should be chosen so that the mass occupies no more than one third of the entire space. Then, for one month, you need to store the composition in a dark place, shaking it periodically. At the end of this period, the oil should be drained and heated in a water bath to a temperature not exceeding 60°C. Pour the filtered oil into a dark glass dish and return to a dark place for a week. The resulting herbal oil should be rubbed into the affected areas, adhering to the following scheme: alternate 10 procedures every other day, pause for 15-20 days, and then repeat the ten-day course every other day. You can return to treatment with herbal oil again after 40 days and then you should take a long break for six months.


In the treatment of myositis, decoctions prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs are taken orally in accordance with the instructions given in the recipe. The main effect of decoctions is their sedative effect on the body. Also, herbal infusions help reduce inflammation and reduce pain.

Decoction of physalis fruit
To prepare it, you will need: 20 pieces of fresh or 20 grams of dry physalis fruits, 500 milliliters of distilled water. The fruits are poured with liquid and brought to a boil. After that, continue boiling over low heat for 15 - 20 minutes. Next, you should remove the decoction, strain, cool and take a quarter cup, 4-5 times a day, before meals. After a month, you should take a break for 10 days, then continue treatment.

Willow bark decoction
In order to prepare this remedy, you should take 1 tablespoon of willow bark and pour a glass of water. Next, place the composition in a water bath and bring to a boil. The resulting amount of decoction should be divided into 5 parts, which should be consumed during the day. You need to continue the course for 40 days, after which you should take a break for two weeks.

Prevention of myositis

What do we have to do?

For the prevention of myositis, it is necessary:
  • follow a balanced diet;
  • observe the water regime;
  • lead an active lifestyle, but at the same time avoid excessive physical exertion;
  • treat colds and other infectious diseases in a timely manner ( you can not endure diseases on the legs and allow their complications).
Fatty polyunsaturated acids help to prevent the inflammatory process in the muscles.

A sufficient amount of polyunsaturated acids is found in:

  • salmon species ( salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon);
  • herring;
  • halibut;
  • tuna.
For the prevention of myositis, foods with a high content of salicylates are also useful.

These products include:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • potato.
Easily digestible proteins help to increase the body's resistance, for which you should include soy, chicken, and almonds in the diet. Also on the menu should be foods with a high content of calcium ( fermented milk products, parsley, celery, gooseberries, currants). Cereals, legumes and cereals are necessary in view of the sufficient amount of magnesium in their composition.

Water regime
Drinking regimen is very important in the prevention of myositis. The amount of liquid drunk per day should not be less than two liters. In addition to weak green tea, you should diversify your drinking with fruit drinks and compotes. Rosehip decoction helps to reduce swelling in the tissues.

Physical activity
To prevent myositis, the following points should be followed:

  • spend more time outdoors
  • alternate physical activity with rest;
  • harden the body;
  • monitor posture;
  • when working at a computer for a long time, do gymnastics for the muscles of the back and neck every hour.
Help prevent myositis sports such as swimming, gymnastics, cycling.

What should be avoided?

For the prevention of myositis should be excluded:
  • passive lifestyle;
  • long-term load on one muscle group;
  • stay in drafts;
  • hypothermia of the body.

Myositis is a disease that can affect, both individually and together, a whole group of muscles. Inflammation can be caused by infection, exercise, and even drafts. Treatment is carried out comprehensively and is prescribed by a specialist. And also folk remedies are used for desire.

In this article, we will reveal all the answers to the questions posed and tell you how to cope with the disease.

Myositis is a disease in which inflammation of the muscles occurs, traumatic or toxic damage to them, which has pain syndromes. The disease can lead to muscle weakness and even atrophy. Irritation in some cases affects several groups of skeletal muscles at once, in particular the shoulder blades and shoulders.

As often as multiple myositis of the whole forearm occurs. Separate lesions of the shoulder or scapula are very rare. It can be either unilateral or bilateral. But most often the right side suffers, since a large load goes to its handles. For example, people whose profession requires constant reloading of the forearm muscles are more prone to get sick with myositis.

Myositis that affects the forearm can be acute and chronic. The first is felt immediately and it is easier to establish its cause. But if you do not pay attention to this, then myositis will become chronic. Depending on how much the ailment is running, unpleasant stabbing syndromes are felt. The disease affects the muscles, so not pleasant sensations in them are especially felt.

The main symptoms of muscle ailments:

If you feel these symptoms, then it is better to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe a qualified treatment. Muscles are an important component of the body's locomotor system and the disease can spread to muscle groups.

How to cure - medication and folk methods

As mentioned above, myositis can affect different muscles of the body, including the face.

If this part of the body is affected, then the following symptoms are felt:

  • there is a feeling of stiffness and immobility of the muscles;
  • if the eyes are touched, then strabismus may occur, the eyelids may droop and vision will deteriorate;
  • swelling of the diseased area;
  • aching pains;
  • sometimes inhibition of chewing reflexes;
  • unpleasant symptoms may occur in the area of ​​the jaw joint;
  • infectious inflammation of the muscles is often accompanied by fever.

Irritations appear at different points in different ways. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis is up to a specialist.

Medical treatment requires medical supervision. With an illness, anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments are often prescribed:

  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Ketonal";
  • "Nurofen";
  • "Indomethacin".

It is important to apply warming mixtures (Apizatron, Finalgon, Nicoflex). They rub sore spots with Menovazin. These funds not only soothe the muscles, relieve symptoms, but also remove their overexertion.

During treatment, the patient should be in complete rest and observe bed rest. Severe inflammation, which causes pain to the patient, is taken away by analgesics. Physiotherapy in treatment is also actively used along with folk methods. If myositis is very painful and medical remedies do not help much, then cabbage leaves will help relieve inflammation. Laundry soap with 72% is applied to them, then sprinkled with ordinary cooking soda and applied to the problem area and wrapped in cellophane with a towel.

Especially folk safe remedies are good in the fight against curing the face area, since conventional medicines can irritate his delicate skin. For example, burdock, or rather its leaves, gives good results. They need to be poured with boiling water, put in a warm form on the desired area and laid with cellophane. It not only relieves symptoms, helps restore disturbed chewing reflexes, but also improves muscle tone.

And here is another effective way to apply raw lard. He does excellent local treatment. Ointments are also made from lard or butter as bases. Dried chopped field horsetail is thrown into them in a ratio of 4: 1. Mix, give a day to infuse and rub into the painful area.

With homemade ointments received positive feedback from the willow soil plant. In equal proportions, it is mixed with butter and used.

There is an interesting recipe for egg yolk. A teaspoon of turpentine, apple cider vinegar are added to it. Beat everything until it reaches a creamy appearance. Rub the remedy at night.

There are several popular tinctures:

  1. An ordinary onion is cut and poured with 90% alcohol. Let it brew for three hours. Then pour 0.5 liters of camphor oil into the resulting liquid. Keep more than a week of days in a dark place. The medicine is rubbed into the skin.
  2. In severe cases, a tincture of lilac flowers cures well. The person is good in the fight against an infectious disease, and also relieves pain. To do this, 100 grams of the plant insist in half a liter of alcohol for a week in a place where the sun's rays do not fall.

Myositis of the hand and shoulder blades

A fairly common type of muscle disease is myositis of the hand and the area around it. Especially if there are not feasible loads on the elbow part and handles. With the disease, the following symptoms are felt:

  • aching pains in the extremities and in the region of the scapula;
  • joint pain in the affected area;
  • swelling;
  • increased sensitivity and redness;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • seals;
  • tense muscles.

If you start the disease and do not pay attention to the symptoms, then muscle atrophy may occur. The disease makes itself felt in a very short time. If you start treatment in a timely manner, then you can prevent even more inflammation of the joint and hand.

How to cure the disease of the arm, shoulder blade and shoulders?

Myositis gives such symptoms that you immediately want to get rid of them. It is not so difficult to cure the disease if it is not chronic. It is important to understand that you must first remove unnecessary stress on the affected muscles in order to allow them to resume. Inflammation can also be removed with the help of medications, there is a large selection of them today. But for a prescription, it is better to contact a specialist.

Usually prescribed complex treatment. With severe pain, acupuncture is prescribed. With the first procedure for the muscles, relief results are already felt. And well-functioning muscles remove the extra load for the joint.

For this purpose, electrical stimulation is also used. It acts on the muscles in such a way that it is renewed from the tissue and blood supply. Such treatment gives a fairly quick effect.

You can also take vitamins and minerals in order to help your body recover. They and special drugs are injected into exhausted muscles.

Treatment is also carried out with anesthetics, anti-inflammatory drugs, with the help of physical procedures. Everything is done in a complex. They use kinesitherapy - a treatment in which gymnastics is used with tension and relaxation of certain muscles.

At home, there are many recipes for ointments to cure the disease, which were discussed above and tinctures.

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