Types of anesthesia in natural childbirth. Anesthesia during childbirth: types of modern painkillers during childbirth, pros and cons

So the wonderful nine months of waiting have passed, very soon there will be an addition to your family. But, the closer the day the baby appears, the more fears the expectant mother has. Many people want pain relief during childbirth. But this is a natural process, every woman can easily cope without anesthetics.

This article will be devoted to such an issue as labor pain relief, its pros and cons will be described in detail. What threatens such intervention by obstetricians to you and your unborn child, you will also find out. Types can be varied. What exactly? Read more about this.

Pain relief in childbirth: obstetrics, new methods

During childbirth, pain occurs due to muscle spasm, which intensifies due to the release of adrenaline. It is not uncommon for a woman to experience a panic attack that exacerbates physical suffering.

Anesthetization of childbirth to a woman who is psychologically prepared and consciously approached the planning of the birth of a baby is most often not required. But still there are cases when anesthesia is carried out according to the indications of a doctor.

Indications for anesthesia

Do anesthesia during childbirth, if there are:

  • premature birth;
  • severe pain;
  • prolonged contractions;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • C-section;
  • slow labor activity;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • the need for surgical intervention.

If none of the above is observed, then anesthesia during childbirth is usually not required.

Types of anesthesia

Modern medicine can provide the following types of pain relief during childbirth: drug and non-drug. In this case, your doctor himself must prescribe a type of anesthesia that will not harm either you or your child. It should be noted that a woman in labor herself cannot prescribe pain relief for herself, if there is no direct evidence for this.

Non-pharmacological methods of labor pain relief

This safest group of methods is especially popular among obstetricians. What applies here? Effective and simple exercises that can be started at any stage of labor: breathing exercises, labor massage, aqua therapy and reflexology.

Despite the availability of more effective medicinal methods, many consciously refuse them in favor of non-pharmacological ones. Natural pain relief during childbirth includes:

  • activity;
  • correct breathing;
  • massage;
  • childbirth in water;
  • reflexology.

The birth of a baby is the most important event in your life. Non-drug methods of childbirth pain relief, completely harmless and useful for both you and your baby, will help you leave only positive impressions from this day.

Activity during childbirth

It is very important to choose an active position during contractions, and not a passive one. Help yourself and your baby to be born.

If you have an uncomplicated childbirth, then choose the exercises for yourself, the main thing is to make it easier for you. However, sudden movements are strictly prohibited. Take note of the following:

  • rolling from toe to heel;
  • bending forward and to the side;
  • swaying the pelvis, circular movements;
  • arching and bending of the spine;
  • active walking;
  • fitball swings.

Breathing exercises

It is worth mastering breathing techniques even before childbirth, during pregnancy. The advantage of this method is the possibility of combination with other types of anesthesia. You do not need a doctor's supervision, you yourself are able to control the process. You will feel relief immediately, and most importantly, pull yourself together. There are several breathing exercises. If someone close to you will be with you at the birth, then he should be familiar with these exercises in order to help you during the birth process.

How it works? It is necessary to distract yourself from the pain, concentrating on breathing. The deeper and smoother it is, the easier it is for you and your child, because he receives more oxygen. And if this method is used together with the effect will be much better, your child will feel comfortable. There are several periods during which breathing should be different:

  • first contractions;
  • increase in the intensity of contractions;
  • dilatation of the cervix;
  • push period.

During the first fights

This type is different in that it is an even and deep breathing that oxygenates the blood of the child and mother. Concentrate on the account. Inhale through your nose for four counts and exhale through your mouth for six counts. Lips should be folded into a tube. You are distracted from pain, gymnastics gives a relaxing effect. It can even be used during times of panic or extreme stress to calm down.

During intense contractions

During this period, you need to calm down, now is the time to apply the dog breathing technique. These are superficial, shallow breaths and exhalations through the mouth, the tongue needs to be slightly stick out of the mouth. You should not think about how you look at the moment, the maternity hospital is a place where you only need to think about your well-being and about the child, especially, believe me, you are not the only one!

The moment of dilatation of the cervix

This is the peak, more painful than now, you will not be! But you need to endure it, childbirth without pain relief in a medical way is still preferable. Now it is worth speeding up breathing, taking superficial quick breaths and exhalations. Fold your lips into a tube, inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. When the contraction lets go, calm down a little, it is better to breathe deeply and evenly. This method allows you to slightly relieve acute pain.

The period of attempts

All the worst is over, there are no more fights. Your baby will be born very soon. If the birth is not complicated, then the child will appear after 1-2 attempts. It is necessary to push 2-3 times for an attempt. Do not panic, because now is the final moment, almost painless. If you feel sorry for yourself and disobey the orders of the obstetrician, you will have to use tools, from which there will be quite painful sensations. When an attempt begins, you need to take a deep breath-exhale-deep breath and hold your breath for 10-15 seconds, while you have to push. Do not push into the anus or strain your eyes, as you can get hemorrhoids, stroke and other unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

Another important announcement: the period between contractions and attempts is needed in order to rest, relax and even out your breathing. You need to train daily during pregnancy in order to be able to pull yourself together during childbirth. Bring your breathing to automatism, and you will independently control yourself and facilitate your birth.

Other options

Modern methods of labor pain relief include a large list of various procedures, but especially effective (non-drug) are massage, childbirth in water and reflexology.

How to do massage during contractions? There are points on the body, acting on which you can significantly reduce and soothe pain. In our case, the sacral zone. You can do this both on your own and ask a person who is nearby. This area can be stroked, pinched, massaged, tapped lightly. To avoid redness and irritation in the massage area, periodically lubricate the area with cream or oil.

How does water help? In a warm bath, the pain of contractions is easier to tolerate, water also has a relaxing effect. The expectant mother can take a comfortable position for herself and just relax, while avoiding chills, fever and sweating, dry skin.

What is reflexology? Modern anesthesia of childbirth includes such a method as acupuncture. It helps to improve labor activity and reduce the pain of contractions. As you can see, there are a lot of options, which one you choose is your personal decision.

Medical pain relief

In addition to the above natural methods, there are more effective, but, accordingly, more dangerous. Modern methods of labor pain relief with medication include the following:

  • epidural block;
  • spinal blockade;
  • spinal-epidural combination;
  • drugs;
  • local anesthesia;
  • perineal blockade;
  • tranquilizers.

epidural blockade

Everyone has heard, but not everyone knows the intricacies of this procedure. Let's start with the fact that during childbirth it can be both partial and complete. If childbirth takes place naturally, then drugs are administered on the basis that they are only enough for the first (that is, contractions), during attempts, the effect of the drug ends. At the same time, only pain signals in the area below the navel are blocked, the motor ability remains, the person is conscious and can hear the first cries of his baby. If you wish or special indications, the second stage of labor (attempts) can also be anesthetized, but this is dangerous, since you do not feel the signals of your body and labor can be significantly delayed or go completely wrong. If there is no such need, then do not anesthetize the attempts, during them the pain is more tolerable.

The second option - In this case, a larger dose is introduced than in the previous option, motor activity is also blocked. The advantage of such anesthesia is the ability to immediately see the baby and hear him.

Spinal block

This is also an injection that is given in the lower back, into the fluid around the spinal cord. This is a less expensive method compared to epidural anesthesia.

  • you remain conscious;
  • the effect lasts two hours;
  • anesthetizes the whole body from the thoracic region and below.
  • can cause severe headaches;
  • lowers pressure;
  • may cause difficulty breathing.

Spinal epidural combination

This is a relatively new technology when the above two methods are combined. Such anesthesia lasts much longer, while the mother is conscious. The first two hours are further - epidural.


No matter how strange and contradictory it may sound, drugs are also used during childbirth, but extremely rarely, in special cases. What drugs are used? It:

  • "Promedol";
  • "Fortal";
  • "Lexir";
  • "Pethidine";
  • "Nalbufin";
  • "Butorphanol".

Narcotic substances can be administered both intramuscularly and intravenously (through a catheter), the second option is the most successful, since the dosage of the drug can be adjusted. This method is good because the pain is blocked for about six hours and the woman in labor can rest. The effect comes in a couple of minutes. Of course, there are also negative sides: slowing down of breathing is possible for both you and the child.

Local anesthesia

It is not used to relieve pain during contractions, but it is very effective if the vagina needs to be incised or stitched after tears. The injection is made directly into the vaginal area, the effect occurs almost instantly, pain in the injection area is temporarily blocked. There are no bad side effects for you or your child.

perineal blockade

The injection is made directly into the wall of the vagina, while blocking pain on one side only. Such an injection is given just before the baby is born. The effect of the drug is no more than an hour and has no side effects. This type of anesthesia is not suitable for the period of contractions.


Tranquilizers are used for relaxation, injections are made at the first stage, when contractions are rare and not so sensitive. Such drug anesthesia of childbirth dulls awareness and has a hypnotic effect, reducing the activity of the child, but does not completely relieve pain. Tranquilizers can be either in the form of tablets or administered intravenously or intramuscularly. When administered intravenously, the effect is immediate.

postpartum period

They also provide pain relief after childbirth. What for? So that a woman can relax and gain strength. What may be of concern:

  • spasms caused by uterine contractions;
  • places of breaks and cuts;
  • difficult trips to the toilet;
  • chest pain;
  • cracking of the nipples (with improper feeding).

If the pain is caused by tears and cuts, then painkillers or ointments are offered, but if the birth was taken correctly and you follow personal hygiene, then there should be no pain, or they should be minimal. During suturing, the doctor is obliged to anesthetize, and how this will happen should be discussed with you in advance.

There are several ways to minimize pain:

  • frequent and short water procedures;
  • special cooling pad (will help to avoid swelling);
  • store pads in the refrigerator (will dull the pain);
  • tune in for a speedy recovery;
  • less disturb the place of cuts and tears (avoid infection, do not make sudden movements, this will help you recover quickly);
  • sitting on a special pillow (exerts minimal pressure on the problem area).

The pain associated with uterine contractions goes away on its own a week after the baby is born. To reduce them:

  • do special exercises;
  • lie on your stomach;
  • do a massage.

The following exercise will help with back pain: lie on a hard surface, bend your right leg at the knee and hold the knee with your right hand. With your left hand, direct the heel of your right foot towards your groin. Stay in this position for a few seconds, rest and repeat the exercise. If the back hurts on the left side, then do everything in the same way with the left leg.

Fear of pain during childbirth is rooted in the soul of a woman from the very beginning, and even after giving birth once, she can continue to be afraid. Why it occurs is understandable, everyone says that there is nothing more painful than childbirth. Someone compares labor pain with fractures of 20 bones at once, someone says that it was the biggest pain in his life.

If you are expecting a baby, you, of course, do your best to set yourself up for positive. Thanks to the availability of information comes the understanding that this is a natural process that should not cause much pain. By the end of the term, you calm down and the desire to end the pregnancy becomes stronger than these fears. But the question of whether childbirth is facilitated still remains. Even the most self-confident person should have hope that if it suddenly hurts too much, they will help him.

Do they give painkillers during childbirth?

Of course, it is possible to make childbirth easy and painless, and analgesics during childbirth in one form or another are now used in almost 90% of women in labor. You can do it in such a way that a woman will simply oversleep them, and she will have to be woken up at the most crucial moment.

Pain medication during childbirth has even become a source of additional income for maternity hospitals; almost everywhere you can get this service for a fee (we are talking about epidural anesthesia). In the antenatal clinic, you can be given a list of things necessary for the maternity hospital, so far it may also contain medications designed to weaken contractions.

You now have plenty of chances to think over childbirth, although from the point of view of what is best for mother and child during physiological childbirth, a birth without drugs is, of course, preferable.

How to anesthetize childbirth

There are several options to make childbirth painless. They differ in efficiency and safety. Another question is whether it is necessary. Sometimes loss of pain sensitivity is vital. For example, if the contractions are strong, frequent, but ineffective, and the cervix does not open.

The following methods are used for this process:

  • Physiological. This is a relaxing massage of the lower back, calm music, special breathing techniques and exercises, bath and shower.
  • Spinal and - a special injection during childbirth in the spine with the introduction of drugs to the spinal cord. The most reliable and modern method. Such an injection during childbirth begins to act literally after 5 minutes, completely relieving pain.
  • Other drugs are also used during childbirth, which are administered intramuscularly, intravenously and in other ways. These are mainly antispasmodics, narcotic analgesics and drugs that affect the central nervous system. Even nitrous oxide (an anesthetic) is used, which a woman breathes through a mask, independently adjusting the degree of anesthesia.
  • Acupuncture and other physiotherapeutic methods of influence. Not applicable in all hospitals.

It also happens: at the end of the second stage of labor for about 40 minutes - 1 hour there are very intense, frequent contractions, leading to full disclosure of the cervix. The fatigue that has accumulated over the past hours makes itself felt, there is a strong feeling of pressure on the bottom, the baby presses his head on the cervix and sacral plexus, the head is pressed tightly against the entrance to the small pelvis and there is very little left before the baby is born.

A woman who says a firm "no" to any medical intervention may simply break down at this time. It is at such moments that a woman in labor most often screams - do me a caesarean, do at least something, stop it! But right now it's too late to do anything. If a woman in labor is given a medicine that really relieves pain, the baby may have complications after birth, for example, respiratory depression.

And then the necessary injection is given as a placebo. For example, a no-shpa is introduced, which does not have any effect on the uterus at all. This injection is done only to calm the mother, while she will wait for his action - she will have time to give birth.

How to relieve pain during childbirth on your own

The severity of pain during childbirth largely depends on how the woman in labor perceives the birth act. If you resist contractions, tighten up, then your body quickly gets tired and you begin to feel pain. It often happens that a woman initially expects pain during childbirth and thereby provokes its appearance. It's a vicious circle - the more you resist the contractions, the more the pain, the more the pain, the more you tighten up. The uterus is working hard, but the cervix cannot open - you do not let her do it with your fear.

The pain syndrome increases due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles of the uterus and its resistance to itself: some muscles work to open, while others spasm and do not allow to open. Due to the fact that at present, almost all expectant mothers have the opportunity to attend childbirth preparation courses, and you have the opportunity to learn in advance how to anesthetize childbirth on your own.

In the courses, you will learn everything about special breathing and relaxation techniques in childbirth, about exercises that help, you will tune in to the fact that giving birth is not painful, and should not be painful. It’s good if you have a partner with you during childbirth, not necessarily a husband. Even your mother, aunt or girlfriend can act as an assistant during childbirth. She needs to go to these courses with you. Here they will teach you how to make a relaxing massage during childbirth, breathe with the woman in labor, support and guide her at the right moment.

Yes, childbirth cannot be completely painless. Unpleasant sensations, of course, will be. Partly on how much it will be unpleasant and painful for you, you can influence yourself. And remember that if you suddenly can’t cope - there are alternative ways to relieve pain, analgesics are used during childbirth, if you need it, they will help you.

Childbirth is a natural physiological process that is the logical conclusion of pregnancy. A specific characteristic of the birth process is a strong pain syndrome that frightens many women who have not given birth and leaves an indelible emotional mark for the rest of their lives, discouraging the desire to give birth again. Anesthesia during childbirth helps to create the most comfortable conditions, relieving pain and reducing the level of fear. This is very important for those women in labor who have increased emotional perception - it has been proven that intense pain in such patients contributes to the development of pathologies during childbirth.

Childbirth is a process that is accompanied by pain, therefore, in the modern world, anesthesia is often used during contractions.

The choice of drug for pain relief during childbirth is very limited - the drug should not completely relieve sensitivity, and the muscles should not completely relax, as this leads to a weakening of labor. Currently, all types of anesthesia have their advantages and disadvantages, so each case needs an individual approach.

In addition to anesthesia for childbirth, anesthesia has other important indications. These include:

  • A history of hypertension in a woman.
  • Increased blood pressure during childbirth.
  • Pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia and eclampsia.
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • Somatic pathologies, for example, diabetes mellitus.
  • Cervical dystocia.
  • Discoordinated uterine contractions.
  • Individual immunity to pain (the woman describes the pain as unbearable).
  • The fetus is in breech presentation.
  • A large fetus - during natural childbirth in this case, the woman is especially hurt.
  • A young woman in labor.

Ways to anesthetize childbirth

All types of pain relief during childbirth can be divided into two large groups: drug and non-drug methods.

There are also non-pharmacological methods of pain relief, for example, proper breathing during labor, which can be learned in childbirth preparation courses.

Non-drug methods

Non-drug methods include various psychological methods of distraction from pain:

  • Psychological preparation before childbirth (courses for pregnant women).
  • Deep correct breathing.
  • Physio- and water procedures.
  • Lumbar and sacrum massage.
  • Acupuncture and electroanalgesia.

Non-drug methods do not effectively help to give birth painlessly, but are completely safe for both the woman in labor and the child, without causing undesirable consequences. Those who are "against" medical intervention in the process of childbirth use the above methods.

Medical methods

Anesthesia with the help of special drugs is more effective, but is often very limited by the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus. We should not forget about the possible unpleasant consequences - almost all anesthetics are able to penetrate the placental barrier and exert their influence on the child - this is the main argument against painkillers. In addition, anesthesia is not carried out at all stages of the birth act.

According to the method of administration, anesthesia can be divided into types:

  • Intramuscular or intravenous injections (administration of analgesics in combination with tranquilizers).
  • Inhalation method (for example, the use of nitrous oxide).
  • Local anesthesia (injection of the drug into the tissues of the birth canal).
  • epidural anesthesia.

Epidural anesthesia is very popular, as it effectively anesthetizes the process of contractions.

To date, narcotic analgesics such as Promedol and Tramadol are considered the most effective drugs for relieving pain during childbirth. In most cases, the drug is administered intravenously in combination with antispasmodics ("No-shpa"), which help speed up the process of cervical dilatation. In addition, tranquilizers can be additionally used to reduce emotional experiences. The use of narcotic analgesics is rather limited - it is better not to use them when the cervix is ​​less than 3 cm open, and 2 hours before the straining period, the administration of the drug should be stopped. Such measures are associated with the prevention of the development of hypoxia in the fetus. Against the use of drugs during the first contractions, there is a risk of stopping labor activity - doctors will have to resort to stimulating the process.

Ketamine, Butorphanol are also used to anesthetize childbirth. These drugs produce a good analgesic effect, have a reduced effect on the fetus and the process of opening the neck, and do not cause negative consequences.

Inhalation anesthesia for childbirth is common in Western countries, where the level of medical care is higher. Inhaled anesthetics do not have a negative effect on uterine contractility, do not penetrate the placental barrier and do not reduce sensitivity, allowing the woman in labor to actively participate in the birth process. The most common inhaled anesthetic is nitrous oxide, or "laughing gas". Entering the body, the gas begins to act within a few minutes and is also quickly excreted from the respiratory system. The undeniable advantage of this method is the possibility of its use at the stage of fetal expulsion - other methods of anesthesia cannot be used at this stage. In addition, the woman herself can control the administration of the drug, including the inhaler at those moments when it is especially painful.

During childbirth with a large fetus at the stage of attempts, you can use local anesthetics - Novocain and Lidocaine, an injection is made in the region of the pudendal nerve, vaginal tissues and perineum.

Sometimes it is necessary to apply local anesthesia if the fetus is very large, which threatens the woman in labor with ruptures

All obstetricians-gynecologists use a single scheme for labor pain relief, which is as follows:

  1. At the initial stages, tranquilizers are administered to relieve fear and tension.
  2. After opening the cervix up to 4 cm with severe pain, it is possible to administer narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics in combination with antispasmodics, and it is also possible to use nitrous oxide.
  3. A couple of hours before the straining period, the introduction of analgesics is stopped, the use of inhalation anesthesia and the introduction of local anesthetics are allowed.

Epidural anesthesia

Separate from all types of anesthesia is epidural anesthesia - it involves the introduction of an anesthetic into the epidural space of the spinal canal. Currently, this method of anesthesia of the birth process has become widespread due to its high efficiency - a special catheter is installed between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae for a woman, through which the anesthetic drug flows. The drug has practically no effect on the fetus, but it can somewhat slow down the process of opening the cervix. In many European countries, the birth process itself, and if the woman in labor does not mind, are indications for epidural anesthesia. Before carrying out this type of anesthesia, all possible consequences should be assessed as best as possible.

Anesthetize or not?

On the question of whether anesthesia is needed to anesthetize the process of childbirth, society is divided into two camps - “for” and “against”. Experts agreed that anesthesia brings undeniable benefits with the right approach. Like any medical manipulation, anesthesia can cause unpleasant consequences for both the mother and the child, so you can not use anesthesia when and how you want. It is necessary to resort to medical methods of getting rid of pain when a woman is obviously in a lot of pain, as well as in the presence of other specific indications. In the case when the birth proceeds normally, without complications, then the possible risk from anesthesia is unjustified. The doctor must weigh the risks, carefully weigh the pros and cons, and make a decision about how to give birth, based on each specific situation.

The answer to this question largely depends on your preferences and how your labor is progressing. All women deal with pain differently. All births are different. Some women do not need pain relief at all. For others, pain relief gives them more control over themselves during childbirth. In the end, you must decide what is best for you.

Whether to use anesthesia during childbirth is up to you. But you should take into account the recommendations of your doctor, the capabilities of the medical institution and the specifics of your birth.

Sometimes you don't know which type of pain relief you'd prefer until labor begins. For every woman, her birth is unique. In addition, factors such as the length of labor, the size and position of the baby, and how you feel at the time of labor can affect your ability to cope with pain. It is impossible to predict how you will be able to endure the pain of the first childbirth, and subsequent ones can often go very differently.

Even before the first contractions begin, it would be a good idea to think about the method of pain relief that you prefer. It would also be helpful to discuss this with your doctor. Whatever birth plan you have outlined for yourself, be prepared to change it. Often things don't go according to plan. Also, when making a decision, remember that childbirth is not a test of endurance. If you want pain relief, it does not mean that you have failed.

What should be taken into account?

To help you choose the right type of pain relief for you, ask yourself the following questions when considering your options:

  • What is the essence of the method?
  • How will it affect me?
  • How will it affect the child?
  • How quickly will it work?
  • How long is the analgesic effect?
  • Do I need to organize something or train in advance?
  • Can it be combined with other pain relief methods?
  • Can I use it at home before going to the hospital?
  • At what point in labor can this method be used?

Possible options

These days, women have many more options to ease the pain of childbirth than ever before. All options are divided into two large groups: medicinal pain relief and natural ways to relieve pain. By exploring all your options ahead of time, you can make an informed decision about pain relief during childbirth.

The knowledge itself relieves the pain. Fear, together with all the circumstances of childbirth, greatly increases the pain. If you know what to expect during labor and have considered all pain relief options, your labor is likely to go more smoothly than those who are tense and fearful.

Medical anesthesia. Medicines for pain relief are called analgesics. Means used for pain relief during childbirth belong to the group of drugs. In experienced hands, they are useful and quite reliable. They can be given by injection or intravenously. Depending on the type and dose used, these agents may be used to either relieve pain (analgesia) or relieve sensation during a caesarean section (surgical anesthesia). Two examples of pain relief techniques used in childbirth are epidural and spinal blocks.

natural methods. Natural birth methods do not involve the use of drugs. There are many ways, some of which have been used for centuries. Two examples of such methods in childbirth are massage and relaxation.

Medication pain relief

Medicated pain relief can be very helpful during childbirth. It relieves pain and allows you to rest between contractions. You can ask for pain relief or withhold it during labor, but remember that medications can have different positive and negative effects at different times in labor. When choosing a method of anesthesia, it is necessary to take into account how the birth is going and at what stage they are.

The stage of labor at which you receive pain medication is just as important as the type of medication you receive. The medicine given to the mother affects the baby, but the degree of this effect depends on the type of medicine, the dose, and how close the time of birth is. For example, if enough time elapses between the time you get a narcotic pain medication and the time your baby is born, your body has time to process the drug, and after birth, the baby will have only minimal effects from the effects of the pain medication. Otherwise, the baby will be sleepy and will not be able to suckle. In rare cases, the child may have difficulty breathing. All these effects are short-term and, if necessary, can be cured.

epidural blockade

It is a local analgesic or anesthetic that can be used during childbirth or before a caesarean section. Pain medication is injected into the lower back outside the fluid canal surrounding the spinal cord. It takes about 20 minutes to put up a blockade, and after another 10-20 minutes it will begin to act.

Per. An epidural block mainly relieves pain in the lower body without slowing labor too much, and is safe for the baby. The medicine flows slowly through the catheter and provides long-lasting pain relief. While receiving anesthesia, you remain conscious. By pressing the button, you can receive small additional doses of medication if needed. Some medical facilities may use a combination of an epidural and a spinal block, leaving you with enough muscle strength to walk.

Against. The blockade may affect one half of the body less than the other. It can also lower your blood pressure, which will slow your baby's heart rate. Doctors will constantly monitor your pressure and increase it if necessary. In rare cases, you will feel a severe headache for several days after giving birth when you get up. If the blockade was done during a caesarean section, the numbness may spread to the chest and make it difficult for you to breathe for a while. Since you will not be able to empty your bladder during an epidural, you will need a catheter. If the epidural block does not work well, another procedure may be needed.

Spinal block

This is a local anesthetic used immediately before a caesarean section or during labor if the baby is expected to be born within two hours. The injection is given directly into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord, in the lower back, and works quickly.

Per. A spinal block provides complete pain relief from the chest down within two hours. The drug is usually administered once. You remain conscious.

Against. Just like an epidural block, a spinal block may work less on one side of the body than on the other, lower blood pressure—which will slow the baby's heart rate—and cause severe headaches for days after delivery. If the anesthesia affects your chest, you may experience difficulty in breathing, and a catheter may be needed due to a blockage in your bladder.

Spinal epidural combination

This is a new technique that provides fast and long-lasting pain relief.
The anesthesiologist gently inserts the epidural needle into the lower back. Then he places a thinner spinal needle inside the epidural (so that the injection is given only once), passes it through the membrane surrounding the spinal cord, and injects a small dose of the drug into the spinal fluid. The spinal needle is removed and the epidural catheter remains.

At the beginning of labor, in the first 1-2 hours, the spinal injection is predominantly effective. When its action weakens, the epidural blockade begins to act.

With any piercing of the spinal canal, neurological complications are possible both at the time of the blockade and remote ones. If you have had epidural or spinal anesthesia, six months after giving birth, you need to consult a neurologist to rule out further problems.


Various drugs can be injected intramuscularly into the thighs or buttocks, or intravenously through a catheter. If a catheter is inserted, you can control the dosage. The tool works in a few minutes.

Per. Drugs reduce susceptibility to pain for 2-6 hours. They allow you to relax without causing muscle weakness.

Against. Drugs can make you and your baby sleepy and short of breath. The child's reflexes may also slow down for a while.

Local anesthesia

Local anesthesia does not relieve pain from contractions, but is used if the vaginal area needs to be numbed, an incision (episiotomy) is needed to widen the vaginal opening, or tears need to be stitched after childbirth. The injection is made into the tissue at the opening of the vagina and acts quickly.

Per. Local anesthesia temporarily eliminates pain in a certain place. Negative effects on mother or child are rare.

Against. Local anesthesia does not relieve pain during contractions. Allergic reactions are possible. In rare cases, giving medication by vein can lower blood pressure.

perineal blockade

It is used immediately before the appearance of the child to relieve pain in the perineum. An injection of local anesthetic into the vaginal wall takes effect in seconds.

Per. It relieves pain in the lower part of the vagina and in the perineum for about an hour. Negative effects on mother or child are rare.

Against. Pain from contractions is not relieved. The blockade can only work on one side of the vagina. An allergic reaction is possible. If the medicine is injected into a vein, blood pressure may drop.


Occasionally, tranquilizers are used to relieve anxiety and provide rest during the initial stages of labor. They can be given as tablets, intramuscular injections into the thigh or buttock, or intravenously through a drip. When injected or through a dropper, they act very quickly.

Per. Tranquilizers relieve anxiety and provide rest for several hours.

Against. Tranquilizers do not relieve pain. May cause drowsiness, reduce your awareness of what is happening, reduce muscle tone and activity of the child.

natural methods

In this case, you refuse to use drugs in advance and rely on other ways to reduce pain.
Natural (non-medical) pain relief methods work in different ways. They can stimulate the body to produce natural painkillers (endorphins). These substances distract you from pain, soothe and relax you, helping you to better manage yourself.

Natural methods of pain relief help you cope with pain, but do not completely eliminate it. Before pursuing other options, many women should try non-drug options to ease the pain of childbirth.

Natural pain relief can be very helpful both in the early stages and in active labor. Only during the transitional stage, when the cervix opens to a full 10 cm, and with attempts, women who have chosen natural anesthesia feel significant pain.

Natural pain relief methods include breathing and relaxation techniques and many more.

Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques, like other natural methods of pain relief, do not require medication or medical supervision. You are in control of everything. It is supposed to use measured controlled breathing during contractions. By focusing on your breathing, you take your mind off the pain and relax your muscles so that the tension that makes the pain subsides. Deep, controlled, slow breathing also reduces nausea and dizziness. Perhaps more importantly, this breathing brings more oxygen to you and your baby.

It is better to learn breathing techniques and practice them before giving birth. They are taught in most birth preparation schools. If someone is going to assist you in childbirth, take them to school with you so that they can learn the breathing technique and then help you. The more you exercise, the easier it will be to use these methods when contractions start.

Breathing exercises will take effect immediately as soon as you start doing them. However, these methods are not always successful because they depend on your unpredictable response to labor pains, on your ability to focus on something other than the pain. Breathing techniques can be combined with other types of anesthesia.

Lamaze method. This is the philosophy of childbirth and the breathing technique used in childbirth. The philosophy states that childbirth is a natural, normal, healthy process, that education and support give a woman the strength to rely on herself during childbirth. The training focuses on relaxation techniques, but also teaches you how to program your body to properly respond to pain through training and practice. For example, you are taught controlled breathing exercises, which are a much smarter way to deal with pain than holding your breath and tensing your muscles.

Instructors teach expectant mothers to start and end each contraction with a deep cleansing breath: inhale through the nose, imagining cold clean air. We exhale slowly through the mouth, imagining how the tension comes out. Deep breathing signals to everyone in labor that the contraction is beginning or ending, and to your body that it is time to relax.

During labor, different Lamaze breathing levels are used, as described below. When you use this method, start with the first technique and continue until it works, and then move on to the next level.

  • Level 1: breathing in slow motion. You breathe like this when you are relaxed or sleeping. Take a deep, slow breath in through your nose and out through your mouth about twice as slowly as you normally would. If you want, you can repeat the phrase: "I (inhale) is calm (exhale)", or "One-two-three (inhale), one-two-three (exhale)". You can breathe in the rhythm of steps or swaying.
  • Level 2: breathing at a changed pace. Breathe faster than normal but shallow to prevent hyperventilation: "One-two (inhale), one-two (exhale), one-two (inhale), one-two (exhale)." Relax your body, especially your jaw. Focus on the rhythm, which can be faster at the peak of the contraction and slower when it weakens.
  • Level 3: model breathing. Use this type of breathing towards the end of labor or during particularly strong contractions. Rhythm
    a little faster than normal, like a level 2 breath, but now take short breaths and exhale "ha ha ha hoo" which forces you to focus on the breath and not the pain. Repeat. Start slowly. Increase speed at the peak of the fight and decrease when weakening. Keep in mind that as you increase your speed, your breathing should be more shallow to avoid hyperventilation - if your arms or legs go numb, slow down. Excessive release of carbon dioxide from the body can lead to such symptoms. If you feel better when you moan or make other sounds, don't be shy. Relax your muscles, keep your eyes open and focus.
  • Breathing while restraining attempts. If you feel like pushing, but the cervix is ​​not yet fully open and you need to hold back, breathe out a little, like blowing out a candle, until the desire to push passes.
  • Breathing while pushing. When your cervix is ​​fully dilated and your doctor says it's time to push, take a couple of deep breaths and tighten when you feel the need. Push for about 10 seconds. Exhale. Take another breath and push again. Contractions at this stage last for a minute or longer, so it is important to inhale at regular intervals and do not hold your breath.

Your preferences and contractions will help you decide when to use breathing exercises during labor. You can use different techniques and even invent your own. Even if you plan to use pain medication during childbirth, it is important to learn breathing and relaxation techniques.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation is the removal of tension from the mind and body by conscious effort. By reducing muscle tension during childbirth, you can eliminate the fear-tension-pain cycle. Relaxation helps your body work more naturally, conserving energy for the effort ahead. Relaxation and controlled breathing are the basic steps a woman can take to improve her well-being during childbirth. All of these methods are usually taught in childbirth preparation schools.

Relaxation does not mean fighting pain, which would lead to even more tension. Instead, it allows pain to sweep through your body while you focus on stress-relieving, distracting exercises.

Relaxation is something that can be learned and is most effective if practiced before labor occurs. The more practice you have, the more confident you will feel during childbirth.

Here are some tips on how to master the art of relaxation:

  • Find a quiet place to practice.
  • Turn on some soft music if you like.
  • Take a comfortable position, lean on the pillows.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly. As you inhale, feel the coolness of the air. As you exhale, feel the tension release.
  • Identify areas of tension in your body and focus on relaxing them.

Step by step relaxation. Using this technique, you relax muscle groups between or during contractions, or periodically during labor when you feel like you're overstretching. Starting from the head or from the feet, relax one muscle group at a time, moving to the other end of the body. If you find it difficult to isolate the muscles, first tense each group for a few seconds, then relax and feel the tension go away. Pay special attention to the relaxation of the jaws and hands: many women during contractions unconsciously tense their faces and clench their fists.

Relaxation by touch. This is similar to the previous method, but the difference is that you relax each muscle group when the person who assists you in childbirth presses on that part of your body. He can press or rub in a circular motion for 5-10 seconds, then move on to the next area. For example, first they will rub your temples, then the back of your head, then your back and shoulders, arms and finally your legs.

Massage. Various massage methods will help you relax during childbirth. These may include rhythmic stroking of the shoulders, neck, back, abdomen, and legs; kneading or rubbing the feet and hands; head massage with fingertips. Massage can relieve pain and tension in the muscles, stimulate the skin and deeper tissues. It can be done at any time. Properly done massage gives a lasting effect. Massage helps to relax and blocks pain. Many women experience pain during childbirth mainly in the back, and back massage can really help them.

You may want to have a lot of pressure applied to your lower back as this is a good way to relieve back pain during childbirth.

Before giving birth, you need to find out together with an assistant what types of massage you prefer. But do not forget that things will go much better if during childbirth you are ready to change previously made decisions.

Imagination control. This method helps women during childbirth to create an environment for themselves where they feel good and calm. This method, also called waking sleep, will help you relax at any time during childbirth. You need to imagine yourself in a pleasant and calm place. For example, you imagine sitting on a warm sandy beach or walking in a beautiful green forest. Such a place can be real or imagined. Sometimes recording the sounds of the sea, rain, birdsong, or any soft music of your choice can help your imagination.

Meditation. Focusing on a calming object, image, or word will help you relax and feel less pain. Focus on one point. It could be something in the room, like a picture you brought with you, or an imaginary object, or a word that you repeat over and over. When any distracting thoughts enter your mind, let them pass without delving into them, and again focus on the chosen point.

Aromatherapy. To promote relaxation and relieve labor pains naturally, try soothing scents. At home, you can light a scented candle or aroma lamp. Take a pillow soaked in your favorite scent with you to the hospital. Or use a lightly scented oil for massage. Aromatherapy can help you relax and reduce stress and tension. However, you may become more sensitive to certain smells during childbirth, so don't go overboard with scenting. Simple scents like lavender are best.

Music. Music allows you to focus on something other than pain and helps you relax during labor. If you have practiced relaxation and breathing techniques at home with music, take these cassettes or CDs with you to the hospital or use them for home births. Many women use the player to listen to their favorite music and eliminate various distractions.

Other Methods

Free movement during childbirth allows you to find the most comfortable position. So if you sit down, change position often to find the one that suits you best. Movement also improves blood circulation. Change position as you please. Some women find that rhythmic movements, such as rocking in a rocking chair or on all fours, are soothing and distract from pain.

You can also try these methods:

Hot and cold. Applying hot and cold can relieve labor pain naturally. The purpose of this attachment is to create a comfort for you so that you can relax. You can use hot and cold at the same time. The heat relieves muscle tension. You can use a hot towel, a compress, a bottle of hot water, a bag of heated cereal. To reduce pain! hot and cold can be put on the shoulders, back, lower abdomen. You can use cold compresses, chilled cans of drinks, ice packs. For many women, back pain is relieved by applying cold to the small of the back. A cold, damp towel on your face will help relieve tension and refresh you during childbirth. You can suck on ice cubes - this is also refreshing and distracting.

Shower and bath. In many medical institutions, there are showers in the delivery rooms. Sometimes even bathtubs and hot tubs to make childbirth easier. Warm water soothes pain naturally by blocking the transmission of pain impulses to the brain. Warm water helps to relax. You can use this method at home, before you go to the hospital. If you are using the shower, you can sit on the seat and direct the water onto your back or stomach. Ask an assistant to join you.

Childbirth ball. This is a large rubber ball that can be used to relieve pain naturally. Sitting or leaning on a ball will reduce the discomfort of contractions, ease back pain, and help the baby descend into the birth canal. The ball can be given to you in the hospital. Or you will have to buy it and bring it with you. Ask experts to teach you how to use the ball most effectively. Its use can be combined with other methods such as massage or touch relaxation.

Who is a doula?

This is a woman specially trained to assist in childbirth. Women have helped each other in childbirth for centuries. But the role of a doula is a more formal and modern interpretation of such assistance. Some women, in preparation for childbirth, include a doula in their birth plan.

What is she doing? Her main task is to help a woman during childbirth. It will not replace your doctor or the healthcare professionals who care for you during labor. She will offer additional help and advice. Most doulas are mothers themselves. Most have also been trained in obstetrics schools.

Doulas sometimes start working early in the pregnancy, explaining what to expect during childbirth and helping to plan the birth. If you wish, a doula will come to your home at the very beginning of labor and provide support during the first contractions.

But their real work becomes apparent in the maternity hospital or hospital. A doula will offer you - and your partner - ongoing support. When the birth has already begun, she will help, bring you ice or massage your back. It will help you to use breathing and relaxation techniques correctly. She will advise which position to choose. More importantly, she will provide you and your partner with moral support, say kind words, and reassure you.

She can also be a facilitator, helping you make informed decisions during childbirth. She will explain medical terms and procedures. She will convey your wishes to the doctor. However, a doula cannot perform medical examinations, assist in the birth of a child, or give or withhold consent to medical procedures for you.

A doula provides expectant mothers with extra help and attention when they give birth. It provides emotional support, which is very important for a woman during childbirth. Some studies show that women who received doula support had fewer birth complications.

However, the help of a doula is not required and is not often used. It is most useful for those who are giving birth to their first child and for single mothers for whom no one can provide long-term assistance. For most pregnant women, the role of a doula can be performed quite successfully by a partner or a family member. In addition, many birthing facilities have a high staffing capacity per patient—often one-on-one—so the assistance of a doula may not be necessary if nurses and nannies are available to provide all the services.

How to find a doula? The doctor of the institution where you plan to give birth can provide you with a list. Sometimes doula services are offered in the maternity hospital. Some charge a flat fee for all their services, others use a sliding scale.

Anticonvulsants during childbirth

Anticonvulsant drugs reduce the tension of the smooth muscles of the internal organs, including the uterus. Buscopan or Scopol-min are often used for this purpose. As an addition to them, painkillers in the form of rectal suppositories or an injection into a vein are possible. Intramuscular injections are too painful and are generally not recommended.

Anticonvulsant medications at normal dosage do not have a side effect on the child. But with very severe pain, the action of these drugs may not be enough.

Tocolytics are a reliable means for stopping labor for a short time (for example, until epidural anesthesia is done).

Pain medication during childbirth


There are various medications that affect the perception of pain. The most effective among them are opiates.

Initially, opiates were obtained from the juice of unripe poppy pods, but today they are also produced artificially. For many centuries, people have known about the effect that opium has. Its ability to reduce pain is based on a change in brain perception. But while opiates are effective during childbirth, they can only be used in small doses because they cross the placenta and reach the baby. And therein lies the problem. The drug, exerting its analgesic effect, simultaneously inhibits the work of the child's respiratory center. After childbirth, respiratory depression in the newborn can lead to serious consequences. This is the reason for the limited use of opiates.

During childbirth, the following medications are mainly used: pethidine (Dolanthine), tramadol (Tramal), pyritamide (Dipidolor), buprenorphine (Temgesic), and pengasocine (Fortran). A woman in labor should receive them not intramuscularly, but in the form of a slow intravenous infusion.

Epidural anesthesia

Epidural anesthesia (PDA) is currently the main method of pain relief. It is reliable, safe and very rarely leads to complications. The undeniable advantage of PDA is that it does not turn off consciousness and does not have side effects on the child. Women experience an epidural as a great relief, especially if the contractions are extremely painful or the labor process is taking too long.

In this method, the anesthesiologist, under local anesthesia, inserts a thin catheter through a hollow needle into the spinal canal. Having secured it with a plaster, he injects a local anesthetic medicine through it into the spinal canal, which effectively relieves pain no later than 30 minutes. If necessary, additional doses can be injected through the catheter. Anesthesia often causes weakness in the legs, so that you are no longer able to walk or your mobility is limited. But with the appropriate dosage of the drug, childbirth is possible both standing and sitting.

Sometimes, in case of unsuccessful insertion of the cannula, anesthesia occurs only partially or only on one side. But usually the anesthesiologist quickly corrects the situation. Just be sure to tell him if you continue to feel pain.

The moment for PDA does not depend on the degree of opening of the uterine os. You can ask for an epidural even when labor is well advanced and the baby is supposedly only a couple of hours away. This will not cause any negative consequences for you or your baby.

Often women fear that due to PDA they will not be able to be sufficiently active during childbirth. But there is no cause for concern in this regard. The anesthesiologist selects the dose of the drug in such a way as to achieve pain relief, but at the same time not affect the muscles. So you will be quite capable of actively pushing in the expulsion phase.

In some exceptional cases, the use of epidural anesthesia as a means of pain relief during childbirth should be abandoned:

  • if a woman is not sure that this will help her;
  • with a strong drop in blood pressure in the mother;
  • with blood clotting disorders;
  • with an infectious disease of the mother;
  • with acute oxygen starvation of the child;
  • during childbirth in water;
  • with intolerance to painkillers.

Special types of PDA

For pain relief, doctors also have additional methods at their disposal, which, however, are rarely used due to the high effectiveness of PDA.

Patient-controlled epidural anesthesia (UPEA). This method allows you to, within certain limits, control the dosage of the pain reliever using a pump.

Combined spinal epidural anesthesia (CSEA). With this method, the drug is first injected directly into the spinal canal, and then, as needed, is injected through the catheter. Pain relief comes very quickly.

Spinal anesthesia (SA) at the last minute. This method is resorted to when childbirth is already close to completion and it is about relieving pain for only the remaining two to three hours. In this case, the anesthetic drug is also injected directly into the spinal canal. But the installation of an epidural catheter is not performed - usually it is no longer needed: the child has time to be born before the effect of the drug stops.

General anesthesia during childbirth - an exceptional case

General anesthesia during childbirth is used only in the event of an unforeseen deterioration in the condition of the mother or child, when the operation becomes inevitable. In all other cases, local anesthesia is preferred. The risks associated with it are significantly lower than with general anesthesia.

The debate about whether anesthesia during childbirth affects breastfeeding has been a broken one.

Nowadays, general anesthesia is rarely used in childbirth. There is a study showing that mothers who give birth by caesarean section under epidural anesthesia, on average, breastfeed for as long as those who gave birth vaginally; in contrast, general anesthesia often results in early weaning. It is clear that anesthesia itself does not affect milk production, but a whole snowball of problems clinging to each other can begin with it: the first application occurs later, the baby is sleepy and sucks badly, the mother has cracks, the baby loses a lot of weight, he is supplemented. .. There is also a study according to which mothers who received help from a nurse who understood breastfeeding, although they received anesthesia or analgesics beforehand in childbirth, fed afterwards in the same way as others. Alas, not all mothers can count on such help, and therefore it is likely that a bad start will lead to weaning.

The effect of epidural anesthesia is a controversial topic. Some studies confirm that the behavior of infants changes for several days (small changes that can be determined by neurological tests, but not visible to the naked eye) and that one month after birth, those mothers who gave birth without epidural anesthesia considered their infants to be easier to handle and fed them more often. (Interestingly, a childless person may assume that if the child asks for a breast less often, it will be easier to manage. But the mothers looked at the situation differently, maybe these babies were more cheerful and therefore asked for a breast more often, or maybe breasts were asked for as much as others, but mothers found it easier to meet their needs because they became more attached to them.The relationship between mother and child is a delicate matter, in which it is difficult to separate the influence of culture from biological factors.) In contrast, other studies have no such no effects were found when low doses of anesthetic were used (the current trend is to use low doses, but some anesthesiologists may prefer higher doses).

In any case, you can be sure that anesthesia, whether general or epidural, will not harm the baby through milk. If a newborn baby is somewhat sleepy, this is not because of the ridiculous amount of medicines that could get to him with milk, but because of the considerable doses that he got through the placenta. It is absolutely pointless to postpone the first application, "so that the drugs can be removed from the mother's body"; on the contrary, it is necessary to give the breast as early as possible and to give it more often, so that everything goes well with feeding, despite the anesthesia.

As for pain after childbirth, simple analgesics are usually used, which do not affect lactation in any way. According to one study, if mothers were given pain medication after giving birth, they were even more likely to breastfeed—probably because it's easier to care for a baby when nothing hurts. Some (rarely used) medications can affect lactation, but let the doctors of the maternity hospital where you give birth understand this. And if they tell you: “You cannot breastfeed because you are prescribed a very strong painkiller,” answer: “Then prescribe me another one that I can still take, because I am going to breastfeed.” And that's all.

Local anesthesia is limited to one area of ​​the body; local-regional anesthesia - one area of ​​the body. Full anesthesia covers the entire body.

Various types of anesthesia can be used during childbirth: the most common currently is epidural anesthesia.

When childbirth occurs naturally, in the absence of epidural anesthesia to help the woman in labor, the practitioner may use local anesthesia that blocks the pudendal nerve (which permeates the nerve fibers of the perineum? Local anesthesia of the skin and mucous membranes can also take place in case of perineal rupture or during suturing for episiotomy.

If a caesarean section was planned, even without good reason, most doctors prefer rachianesthesia, a procedure similar to epidural anesthesia, but in which an anesthetic solution is injected into the cerebrospinal fluid in one step. If there are contraindications and/or if necessary, total anesthesia may be the only option.

Epidural anesthesia is the most commonly used type of pain relief. In addition to the desire of the woman in labor, the doctor will take into account medical indications and the possibilities of the maternity hospital. Find out more about this during your consultation with the anesthesiologist at the end of the 8th month.

Self-controlled pain relief

If an epidural is contraindicated, you may be offered an electric plunger with analgesics. It works automatically if you click on a special device on the dropper. Thus, the woman herself regulates the intake of the drug, depending on her well-being. The maximum dose cannot be exceeded, and the doctor constantly monitors the condition of the mother and child. The drug does not affect the course of contractions (only if the dose is too high, it can slow down labor).

The effectiveness of this type of anesthesia depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some relax and feel better during the exile phase. Others experience drowsiness while still feeling pain. Side effects can include nausea, vomiting, and low blood pressure.

Subarachnoid anesthesia

Often used during planned operations. It allows you to stay conscious and see the birth of your child. The drug is injected with a needle between the 3rd and 5th vertebrae, into the cerebrospinal fluid. This procedure can be performed quickly, but, unlike epidural anesthesia, the installation of a catheter is not possible, which means that additional administration of an anesthetic drug is also impossible.

With this type of anesthesia, there may be side effects: nausea, vomiting, a drop in blood pressure. Therefore, additional drugs are simultaneously administered through the system and after childbirth, if a woman is tormented by persistent headaches. They may also take blood from her and inject it into the puncture site.

Contraindications to subarachnoid anesthesia are the same as for epidural.

General anesthesia

Usually general anesthesia is done in case of caesarean section or forceps. It can be done quickly, so it is used in cases where anesthesia is needed immediately.

A tube is inserted into the trachea, as the consciousness is completely depressed and you cannot breathe on your own. General anesthesia lasts throughout the entire operation.

The biggest disadvantage of general anesthesia is the fact that you don't see or feel the moment your baby is born. Waking up after it can also be unpleasant. In addition, the drugs administered may have a sleeping effect on the baby, and he may need additional help immediately after birth.

Inhalation anesthesia

In this method of anesthesia, you are asked to put on a mask and inhale a mixture of nitric oxide and oxygen. Breathing should be done thirty seconds before contractions begin, as this type of anesthesia does not have an immediate effect. This procedure is then repeated as needed. Some women do not feel well while inhaling this mixture. They lose touch with reality and subsequently retain negative impressions of this procedure. Not so long ago, this method of anesthesia was the only one used during childbirth.

Anesthesia of the perineal muscles

This local anesthesia does not relieve pain during contractions, but it does make you feel better during the exile period. It is also used in the case of forceps. In order for the nerves to lose their sensitivity, an injection with an analgesic is made into the perineum. This procedure can be performed by an obstetrician, that is, not necessarily an anesthesiologist. The time of action is sufficient to suture probable tears in the event of an episiotomy. Often the injection is given in combination with a narcotic drug.


In French maternity hospitals, acupuncture is not often used as a method of pain relief during childbirth. According to this system, pain occurs as a result of an imbalance between two types of energy - yin and yang. These two invisible streams pass along the path, along which there are certain points that are responsible for each specific organ. By acting on some of them with the help of long needles, the doctor tries to restore the disturbed balance and remove the pain.

During labor, you will have several (8-10) sterile needles inserted into your arms, legs, and lower back. This is a painless procedure carried out by a specialist.

After several births with the use of epidural anesthesia, I did not leave the feeling of dissatisfaction, because the process of giving birth to a child did not take place in natural conditions "

And without epidural anesthesia?

“During my last pregnancy, I decided to try to prepare for childbirth without medical pain relief.

Throughout my pregnancy, I thought about it, collected information, talked with my doctor, and realized that this is possible if you believe in the capabilities of your body and mind.

I did yoga, explained to my husband the reasons for my decision, talked a lot with the child and made a birth plan for the doctors so that they would take into account my wishes.

During the delivery, which was long and painful, the doctor and obstetrician gave me great support.

With minimal medical intervention and more freedom of movement, I was able to focus on each contraction and move closer to the moment of birth with my baby.

I concentrated not on my own pain, but on thoughts about the child and the fact that a new life is now beginning.

My husband was by my side, and I am completely happy that the birth was easy and natural. The meeting with our baby was unforgettable and harmonious.”

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