White light for teeth whitening. Home teeth whitening with White Light: cheap and effective. Stages of White Light whitening procedure

To obtain white teeth at home, you just need to use the unique White Light tool (White Light). This is an absolutely safe product that can whiten your teeth by 3-4 tones.

Some succeed even more. Your teeth look like a movie star! What is the effect of white light teeth whitening system? You can find out about all this in this review. So, let's begin!

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1290 rub.

499 UAH

69 rub.

9990 tenge

2400 som.

399 lei.

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What is included in White Light

The set consists of two halves of caps that are put on the teeth. In addition, there are two gels, transparent and green in color. And also there is special device with an LED that connects the trays in the mouth and acts through the gel on the enamel.

We carry out clarification

Pretty simple way to use it:

  1. We brush our teeth as usual;
  2. We apply the gel on the lower and upper kappa alternately, first transparent then green, vice versa;
  3. We connect them together with the device and, putting on the upper and lower teeth, turn on the light emitter. It is necessary for uniform clarification of the dentition, therefore it plays an important role in the device;
  4. The device runs on two batteries, do not forget to put them inside;
  5. It is necessary to sit with mouthguards in your mouth for about 10-15 minutes, up to 30;
  6. After that, the device is removed, the caps are washed with running water until the next use;
  7. A device with a light emitter cannot be soaked in water, nor can it be opened.

Eliminate staining of enamel

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to whiten your teeth on your own. A noticeable effect is visible after about 5 procedures, if everything is done correctly and the consumption of tea, coffee and cigarettes is reduced. In addition, it is not recommended to drink pomegranate juice, eat tomato paste or ketchup, beets, foods that stain the enamel. Or refrain from them for at least a few days.

Since the gels contain hydrogen peroxide, the product is not recommended for use:

  • Pregnant and lactating;
  • Children;
  • People with sensitive enamel teeth;
  • With inflammation of the gums and oral cavity;
  • With pulpitis, periodontitis, defective fillings;
  • During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Whiten teeth at home

This home whitening is very similar to the one done in the clinic, but much cheaper. In addition, this is a chance to try and see if whitening will work at all. In some cases, the yellowness of the enamel is congenital, and in this case it is practically impossible to correct. It is also difficult to whiten teeth if a person has taken tetracycline antibiotics.

How many times can you whiten

One course of teeth whitener is designed for a week, after which the manufacturer recommends letting the enamel rest for at least 2 weeks and you can repeat the procedure. You can whiten your teeth both 2 times a day for 10 minutes, and every day for no more than half an hour. If there is backfire: gingival tingling, redness. Swelling, irritation, then the procedure should be stopped and consult a specialist. Since the gel cannot be bought separately, you will have to buy a whitening kit again. However, in any case, if the tool helps, then it's worth it.

When does it make sense to whiten your teeth?

  • With strongly yellowed enamel from nicotine, tea, coffee;
  • If it is not possible to whiten with ordinary paste;
  • For celebrations, photo shoots, holidays.

To keep the effect longer, you can observe the so-called " white diet» do not eat products containing even natural dyes, not to mention artificial ones. On average, with high-quality whitening, enamel can remain white for up to 18 months.

Precautionary measures

This tooth whitener contains peroxide, so it must be handled with care.

  • If the gel gets into your eyes, rinse immediately with running water;
  • Do not go to bed with unwashed gel;
  • If enamel sensitivity appears, then in given period use toothpaste for sensitive teeth;
  • The system does not work on veneers, crowns;
  • If you are treated by an orthodontist, the device should not be used either;
  • maybe profuse salivation, be patient while sitting with a mouthguard;
  • Do not allow product to get on clothing, stains may remain;
  • Wash hands with soap after use;
  • Store the gel in a cool dark place out of the reach of children.

It really works

On average, the course of teeth whitener is designed for 14 times, so try to distribute the gel so that it is enough. Although the client can choose the amount and time of whitening at their convenience, the main thing is not to exceed the indicated exposure rate of the device in the mouth. On the Internet, you can find reviews on the use of white light on various sites, so this confirms that this is not a publicity stunt. It really helps to lighten the enamel, and significantly.

Why doesn't it always work

Although there are positive and negative reviews on the device, in any case it works. Not everyone's enamel lends itself to rapid lightening, someone breaks the diet and smokes or uses dyes. Some want it quickly and immediately. It does not happen, it just needs a sequence of actions.

Inexpensive and efficient

You can usually buy teeth whitener on the website at quite affordable price. Unique remedy already on sale, you just need to have time to buy and try before the prices go up. simple and affordable way whitening is already known to everyone. You can whiten your teeth anytime and anywhere, this is the special charm of the tool. Now you do not have to make an appointment with the dentist and pay much more for a procedure that you can do at home on your own. Just choose convenient time and try doing everything as above. A pleasant result will amaze you.

Why White Light

There are many methods of teeth whitening, and all of them, one way or another, affect the enamel. Even toothpastes contain either abrasives or baking soda, which can also increase tooth sensitivity and affect gums. But none of the types of whitening gives such a result for short term like white light. Order and see for yourself how easy and fast it works. Dentists recognized that the system is similar to the one they use in the clinic, so it remains only to buy and try. Best Whitening in a few days and a radiant smile for a long time.

home whitening system white teeth light

Unfortunately, I am not one of those few whom nature has endowed with a smile of perfect whiteness. In addition, I love coffee very much and cannot refuse it, so over time my enamel began to darken. I wanted to make my teeth whiter for a long time, I tried different whitening pastes, but they did not give any result. Professional procedures in dental clinic are too expensive for me, and I didn’t want to use home remedies like soda or hydrogen peroxide, because in this way you can cause irreparable damage to tooth enamel and gums.

My review of the White Light home whitening system

What is the White Light System

Lightening of tooth enamel with light White system Light occurs with the help of two types of whitening gels and light radiation, which activates the components of the gels.

The kit includes:

  • small LED lamp body is made of plastic.
  • Two tubes of gels, each 20 g. Tubes with screw caps, white color, differ in labels: on one it is green, and on the other it is green-white.
  • Overlay cap for top and mandible with recesses for teeth, made of transparent plastic.
  • Two lithium batteries.
  • Instructions for use.
  • All this is packed in a sealed plastic package.

How to use the White Light system

Using the system is very simple. In order to carry out the procedure for whitening enamel, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Brush your teeth with regular toothpaste.
  2. Alternately apply two gels from tubes on the upper and lower parts of the cap. Need to fundraise thin layer, filling each depression, and the width of the strip should be about half a centimeter. You can use only a fresh mixture of gels, this is very important.
  3. A cap with gels must be inserted into the mouth and squeezed with teeth. At the same time, a minty taste begins to be felt in the mouth.
  4. Next, you need to firmly attach the LED lamp to the cap and press the power button. At the same time, the lamp begins to exude a pleasant blue light. For convenience, the lamp can be held with your lips around it, then your hands will be free. At this time, you can do reading a book, watching TV or any household chores.
  5. After 10 minutes, the lamp will automatically turn off. For more pronounced effect you can repeat this ten-minute cycle one or two more times (it is allowed to use the lamp up to 30 minutes in one session). The first time I held the lamp for 10 minutes, in subsequent procedures - more.
  6. After the whitening session is completed, you need to rinse your mouth with water and rinse the mouthguard.

This procedure should be repeated daily during the entire course of teeth whitening. The duration of the course is set independently depending on the desired result and can be up to 14 days.

How does White Light enamel whitener work?

According to the manufacturer's information, the light of the lamp has a special effect on the urea peroxide, which is part of the whitening gel, and activates it. As a result, active oxygen is produced, it penetrates into tooth enamel and dentine and pushes out of them dark spots, while not destroying hard tissues. Thus, this system is absolutely safe and has practically no contraindications.

The result of applying the system

After the whitening procedure is completed, the teeth become smooth, as after professional cleaning and the feeling of freshness remains in the mouth for a long time. None discomfort I did not have, and the sensitivity of the teeth did not increase at all. After the very first session of using White Light, I noticed a slight, but still noticeable whitening effect. Somewhere after ten procedures, my teeth became whiter than ever before, the enamel completely disappeared dark patina. I could stop there, but to consolidate the result, I did all 14 whitening procedures.

In conclusion, I want to say that White Light teeth whitener pleasantly surprised and pleased me. The effect obtained from its use even exceeded my expectations. It is effective and, what is very important, safe remedy for teeth whitening at home. Once again I will name the advantages of this system:


  • Effectively whitens tooth enamel;
  • Does not harm teeth and gums;
  • It costs several times cheaper than procedures in a dental clinic;
  • Easy to use at home;
  • It only takes ten minutes a day to achieve results.

If I need to whiten my enamel again in the future, I will definitely use the White Light system again. If you want to try it, there is a special button at the bottom to go to an inexpensive and good store. Leave your feedback and share your impressions in the comments!

/ 5 stars

A snow-white smile always attracts attention. Human tooth enamel has a natural yellowness. But some people have darker teeth. In addition, the enamel deteriorates from tea, coffee, cigarettes, food dyes. Return normal color teeth using conventional paste is not always possible. Today on sale you can find a lot of special ones. One of them is White Light. Reviews about it can be heard both positive and negative.

Product description

Advertising claims that White Light whitens teeth perfectly. Reviews about the product in numerous online stores can be found mostly positive. However, it is impossible to be sure that they are written by real users. The product description states that the White Light system allows you to whiten enamel according to innovative technology. The advantage is that you can use the product at home. There is no need to make an appointment at an expensive clinic. After all, in public institutions Teeth whitening services are not provided.

The description states that the White Light system has received a certificate of conformity and is not harmful to human health. Who is whitening suitable for? First of all, it is worth paying attention to "White Light" to smokers and coffee lovers. The manufacturer claims that the whitening system can quickly restore the beauty of a smile.

How does the system work?

How does White Light work? Reviews of experts show that the technology is based on exposure to light. The kit includes a special gel that must be applied directly to the tooth enamel. The advantage is that this technique is suitable for almost any type of teeth. It is not recommended to apply technology only to children.

How to use White Light Teeth Whitener? Reviews show that everyone can cope with the system. The set includes an LED lamp and a shaping cap. After applying the gel to the teeth, the lamp turns on. The gel is recommended to be applied immediately to the upper and lower dentition. The tube contains 20 g of product. This is enough for ten whitening sessions. In any case, the gel can always be purchased in addition.

How is White Light whitening performed?

Feedback from one of the users makes it possible to understand that the system can be easily dealt with even without instructions. It's worth reading the rules, though. Before starting the session, you should thoroughly brush your teeth with regular toothpaste or powder. Then the gel included in the kit is applied to the teeth. After that, a forming cap is inserted into the mouth, a pleasant mint flavor begins to be felt. An LED lamp is pressed tightly against the tray, the whitening process begins. The lamp can be held with the lips. In this case, the hands remain free. You can do your normal household chores during the procedure.

After 10 minutes of use, the system will automatically turn off. If desired, the lamp can be turned on again. The instructions indicate that one whitening session can last up to 30 minutes. The first procedures are still recommended not to delay. Rinse your mouth after the session boiled water, rinse thoroughly.

Whitening must be carried out daily for 14 days. If a positive effect no, it is worth repeating the course. It should be noted that only for natural teeth suitable system White Light. Reviews show that it will not be possible to whiten crowns or veneers.


The instruction indicates that the system will suit everyone without exception. However, the reviews make it possible to understand that there are still contraindications. First of all, this is an individual intolerance to the components that make up the gel. In some cases, an allergy may develop to the remedy. Most often it manifests itself in the form of stomatitis. After using the whitening system, rashes may appear on the oral mucosa. If there is such unpleasant symptom, the use of "White Light" should be abandoned.

Do not use the device if there is caries on the teeth. The gel will fall into the cavity of the tooth. The result will be a great environment for development. pathogenic bacteria. It is worth starting the whitening procedure when all teeth are absolutely healthy.

Problem yellow teeth understandable and familiar to many people. I, an avid coffee lover, defeated the raid with the help of interesting system white light. Everything turned out to be really simple - ordered and clarified. Of course, you won't take my word for it. Therefore, in this review, I will try to consider the set from all sides, recall the positive and negative sides my application. Let's start.

Who can use White Light

According to the information from the official website, the use of the kit does not pose any threat to general condition person. Special contraindications whitening White Light was not identified by me. Probably should be maximum careful people With hypersensitivity teeth, gums or allergy sufferers. But in this case, I'm definitely not an adviser - it's better to consult a doctor.

Let me tell you about my specific problem. Teeth did not turn yellow immediately. The process took several years and became apparent only when visiting the dentist. The dentist subtly hinted that the plaque should be removed and the smile brightened up (in fact, I received a severe reprimand for non-compliance with hygiene rules). The culprit for the browning was found to be coffee. Indeed, since I quit smoking, I drink at least two cups of strong drink a day.

Well, God bless him with the source, the main thing is how to overcome the problem. The dentist advised me to study hardware methods. On the list were laser therapy, ultrasonic treatment and mechanical cleaning. All these methods are effective, but very expensive. Therefore, I chose a simpler solution. I decided to experience the restoration of the color of my teeth at home using the White Light system.

The principle of operation of the set for clarification

White light is gaining more and more popularity among our compatriots. Probably the mass distribution of funds is constrained by the need to order via the Internet. But as for me, this is even a plus. I am familiar with the “work” of outbids firsthand - they will either slip bullshit or take it at exorbitant prices. I'd rather communicate directly with the seller.

Going to the official website, I found the contacts of the representatives (or rather, I left my phone number in a special table and waited for a call back). Here is what I heard from the female consultant:

"White Light - excellent tool from plaque and abnormal darkening of the enamel. The main advantage of the set is its availability and ease of use. The effect will become noticeable after 5-7 days.

Naturally, I became interested and decided to double-check the information from other sources. The easiest way was to communicate with real buyers. To do this, I registered on a special forum dedicated to mouth problems). As it turned out, the set has both fans and opponents.

The essence of the White Light teeth whitening technique is based on the ability of oxygen to destroy plaque. Chemical reaction only possible under ultraviolet light. Therefore, the kit includes not only a two-component oxidizing gel, but also a miniature battery-powered LED lamp. In principle, everything is clear.

Due to what an unaesthetic plaque is removed, it is clear - it should work. So why are people leaving negative comments unhappy? For example:

“I've been using this gel for three weeks now. I sit with a mouthguard like a boxer before a fight for 20 minutes. The front teeth really got brighter. But those with fillings don’t change at all.”

Grigory, builder, Voronezh

It's sad)) Grisha would still try to bleach the gold crowns. No kit can repaint artificial implants. What color of cement the dentist picked up, you will have to live with it.

I read the manual, have you?

It seems that everything is logical - I bought a thing, study the description in the attached document. But no, many people first smear the floor of the spray can, and then get nervous.

Using the White Light system is extremely easy:

  1. Brush your teeth well, rinse your mouth, use floss (for those who are not in the know - dental floss).
  2. Gently apply the gel from the vial to the tray (on the inside of course).
  3. Put on the device, close your jaw.
  4. Turn on the lamp for 10-15 minutes.

At the end of bleaching, simply rinse the insert with plain running water. For getting visible change colors you need to do such manipulations once a day. Usually a course of 10 procedures is enough.

Disadvantages of the White Light kit

I can’t help but mention the disadvantages of a smile brightening device. They are not catastrophic, but still there. Pretty uncomfortable for me. I understand that everyone's mouths are different and the jaws are individual ... It does not fit tightly, but this is a lost effect and time. Here, a user from Saratov agrees with me:

“The mouth guard from the White Light set must have been measured for a non-standard mouth. I have a gap between the gel and my teeth, I had to smear a larger layer. And this is money, I emphasize MY MONEY "

Viktor Petrovich, senior manager.

So here is how lucky perhaps. And of course, you can not forget about the duration of bleaching. Sitting with the device in your mouth for half an hour is not at all very comfortable. Especially if you have a runny nose (nothing to breathe).

How to buy the "original" and not a cheap fake

Here everything is quite easy. The White Light set is sold only on the official website. Buying a remedy in a regular pharmacy will definitely not work. Many will say that they can fake it there too ... I will say one thing - trust, but verify. I paid after the fact, after checking and rechecking the parcel.

White light was delivered quite quickly. The notification of arrival to the post office appeared on my phone two days after the application was made. Included were:

  • Two small tubes with semi-liquid solutions (they then need to be mixed).
  • Mouthguard and mobile device with LED.
  • Instruction.

The seller did not stint on two batteries. So I was able to use it on the first day.

And what is the end result...

In my case, the set exceeded all expectations. I was in no hurry, but a week later my colleagues in the office were joking about phosphorus teeth and a sparkling smile in the dark realm))) Naturally, White Light is not a panacea. If after bleaching you smoke a lot or constantly drink coffee, then the yellowness will return. So, lightening is a great reason to get rid of bad habits and change your lifestyle.

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