Calming tincture of peony. Peony tincture to help our health. Combinations of tinctures and their effects

Photo of the drug

Latin name: Paeoniae Anomalae Tinctura

ATX Code: N05CM

Active substance: Peony evasive herb, rhizomes and roots (Paeoniae anomalae herbae, rhizomata et radices)

Analogs: Peony extract

Producer: JSC "Ivanovskaya pharmaceutical factory", Russia

The description applies to: 05.10.17

Peony tincture is a medicinal sedative that contains the herb and root of peony evasive, ethanol and water.

Active substance

Peony evading grass, rhizomes and roots (Paeoniae anomalae herbae, rhizomata et radices).

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the form of a tincture for oral administration. Sold in glass bottles (25, 30, 50 or 100 ml).

Indications for use

Sleep disturbance, increased nervous excitability, vegetative-vascular disorders.


Peony tincture has a wide list of contraindications: allergic reactions, pregnancy and lactation, childhood, hypotension, increased acidity of the stomach. The drug has an abortive effect, therefore, during the planning of pregnancy, it is also prohibited to use it. Cannot be consumed this drug along with medication similar action.

Instructions for use Peony evading tincture (method and dosage)

Features of the use of this drug depend on the symptoms. It is usually recommended to take 30-40 drops of the drug inside before meals. The duration of the course of treatment depends on the symptoms, the nature of the course, the type and etiology of the disease.

Peony tincture is recommended to be diluted in a quarter cup of chilled boiled water before use. It is usually recommended to continue treatment for a month. But in the presence of chronic diseases, before using the drug, you should consult your doctor. If within two weeks there was no positive dynamics in the course of the disease, then treatment with this drug should be stopped. It is forbidden to increase the dosage on your own. If the treatment with tincture was carried out independently, then after taking the drug, it is necessary to visit a therapist.

Side effects

The use of the drug may cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions.


To date, cases of overdose with correct application the drug is not registered.


Peony extract.

pharmachologic effect

The use of peony tincture in modern medicine is quite wide. Usually it is used as a natural sedative and hypnotic drug, but it must be understood that its effect on the body is not limited to these two properties. In practice, the use of peony tincture is quite possible when various diseases gastrointestinal tract, as well as to normalize the metabolism in the body.

The tincture also acts on the central nervous system as a sedative, normalizes the emotional background and reduces excitability. The drug can increase a person's endurance and ability to work. It has been proven effective in obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety and phobias. Also, the use of peony tincture normalizes biological rhythms, improves sleep. It helps with convulsions and spasms, migraines.

The use of this drug is effective as part of complex therapy for benign and malignant neoplasms, it is especially often recommended for cystic formations on the ovaries and for diseases of the cervix. Peony tincture not only has a tonic effect, but also helps to endure premenstrual syndrome and menopause more easily.

special instructions

The maximum single dose of the drug contains 0.43 g of absolute alcohol, the maximum daily dose drug - 1.4 g of absolute alcohol.

During treatment with the drug, care should be taken when performing potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

In childhood

Information is absent.

In old age

Information is absent.

drug interaction

Weakens the effect of drugs that stimulate the central nervous system; enhances - sleeping pills, sedatives, antispasmodics.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released without a prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

To store in the place protected from light at a temperature from 15 to 25 °C. Keep away from children. Shelf life - 2 years.

Price in pharmacies

The cost of Peony evading tincture for 1 package is from 61 rubles.

What else helps Maryin root and how to take it correctly about this and will be discussed in this article.

Many are not even aware of the healing properties of the peony flower. The benefits and harms of tincture, like any medicine, depend on the dosage. Phytopreparation should be used with caution.

The tincture is prepared from the aerial parts and roots, which, when reacted with alcohol, acquire special qualities.

Therapeutic action plants are biologically determined active ingredients:

  • essential oils stimulate metabolism, regulate the processes of excitation and inhibition of the cerebral cortex, reducing the excitability of the nervous system;
  • glycosides improve the pumping function of the heart;
  • antibiotics eliminate inflammation of various organs, suppressing the activity of bacteria viruses;
  • in the leaves and flowers are tannins, resins;
  • starch is present organic acids, fructose, sucrose.

Important! With all their positive properties ah, don't forget that peony is a poisonous plant. All its parts are toxic, especially the rhizome.

The combination of peony with alcohol can harm some people:

  • It is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women:
  • only under strict indications is prescribed for children over 12 years of age.

Other limitations of this tincture:

  1. Peony increases the activity of secretory glands, therefore, with gastritis with increased acidity and stomach ulcers, it is contraindicated.
  2. The drug has the ability to reduce pressure. Hypotension is better to use valerian or motherwort.
  3. In sensitive people, it sometimes causes allergies in the form of skin rashes.
  4. Caution should be taken in diseases of the kidneys, liver, as well as after a skull injury.

Important! Harmful side effects of peony occur mainly with overdose or long-term use.

There are many diseases, from which the tincture of the flower helps.

Peony evasive helps in the following cases:

  • at nervous disorders and gynecological problems;
  • the drug makes life easier for women in menopause;
  • helps lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients;
  • relieves heart pain coronary disease;
  • doctors prescribe tincture for vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • in stressful situations, people resort to an effective herbal remedy instead of tranquilizers.

The main effect of the herbal medicine is sedative. The flower easily copes with insomnia. People can fall asleep more easily by taking a few drops of the herbal remedy.

A tincture of the roots and stems of the elusive peony finds wide application fans of treatment with natural preparations. The plant is used as a sedative and antispasmodic.

Mainly used sedative action Maryina Root:

  • with neuroses, the tincture relieves psycho-emotional stress;
  • balances the nervous system with increased excitability;
  • improves sleep in violation of the daily circadian rhythm;
  • used with a tendency to hysterical reactions;
  • helps to feel energized fatigue;
  • used for various phobias;
  • relieves fatigue after nervous shocks;
  • relieves leg cramps;

According to the reviews of people who use the tincture, the plant relieves fatigue, fatigue, improves mood.

In what cases is the tincture of the evading peony used:

  • Maryin root is used to increase appetite, as it stimulates the secretion of digestive juices.
  • Relieves spasms in the stomach and intestines.
  • In diarrhea, it is used as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Eliminates convulsive contractions in the lower extremities.
  • For patients after a stroke, peony helps relieve irritability.

How to take peony tincture with menopause

By purchasing medical preparation peony tincture, refer to the instructions so as not to harm your health. It contains information on how to take a herbal preparation for menopause and other diseases.

According to Vidal's handbook, the medicine is recommended to drink 30-40 drops three times a day, stirring with water. However, people who use this tool for the first time, it is better to start with small doses of no more than 15 drops for three times. If the body accepts a herbal sedative well, it can be reduced to a minimum effective dosage.

By the way! If you experience dizziness, discomfort, stop taking the tincture.

Climax is special physiological state women, manifested by many signs of a vegetative nature. During this period, it is important to establish sleep, calm the nerves. During treatment with peony tincture, focus on your own condition. The instruction recommends taking the tincture for 25-30 days. But many women are helped by a 2-week course of treatment.

Nervous breakdowns, gynecological diseases, hormonal disruptions are a small part of what peony tincture helps from. In order not to harm yourself with a naturally toxic plant, it is important to know how to take it correctly.

Peony tincture is a sedative medicine in the form of a brown transparent liquid with a peculiar odor. The tincture contains the root and the aerial part (grass) infused with 40% alcohol.

What is the purpose of the peony evading tincture, the instruction explains this: this drug is indicated for use in neurasthenic disorders, sleep problems, and disorders of the vegetative-vascular system various etiologies. Let's dwell on this in more detail:

Medicinal properties of tincture

According to the instructions for use, the tincture is prescribed for the treatment of neuroses, mild forms of insomnia. Also, this drug has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system, restoring it. Often when autonomic disorders observed drastic changes(jumps) in blood pressure, which can cause flushing of blood to the face, there are attacks of tachycardia.

This is often observed with the onset of menopause, premenstrual syndrome. These symptoms are associated with vegetative-vascular disorders. Peony tincture will help get rid of them.

In addition, this drug has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, namely, it calms, reduces spasms of smooth muscles. internal organs, eliminates spasms of blood vessels, helps to eliminate convulsions. In general, the use of tincture reduces blood pressure, normalizes the functions of all internal organs, especially the heart and blood vessels.

Instructions for use of the drug also says that peony tincture is recommended for use in diseases of the biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract. The drug is usually used in combination with other drugs. When taking the tincture, pain, discomfort with gastritis, colitis, cholangitis, as well as duodenitis and cholecystitis quickly disappear.

The drug is used for complex treatment organic diseases of the brain that are associated with severe injuries or illnesses. When taking tincture in such patients, aggressiveness and irritability decrease.

In addition, the tincture of the evading peony is used for various skin diseases, because it has important properties calm the nervous system and improve metabolism. The combination of these properties has a positive effect on the treatment process and speeds up recovery. Patients experience reduced itching, restored normal sleep. In this case, the drug has a mild analgesic effect.

In folk medicine, tincture is used to restore impaired metabolism and to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Some healers use it in the complex treatment of certain forms of cancer.

Application of tincture

Tincture is taken 15-20 drops with a sip of water, 15 minutes before a meal. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, depending on the characteristics of the disease, its severity, individual intolerance to the remedy. Usually treatment is prescribed in a course of 2-4 weeks. After that, you need to take a break for a few months.

Presence of side effects

It should be noted right away that in some cases, when using this drug, side effects may be observed. They may occur when simultaneous reception tinctures with drugs of similar action. You can combine such drugs only by coordinating the regimen with your doctor.

If this condition is not met, as well as with a severe overdose, allergic reactions may occur, including skin rashes, swelling, redness, itching. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur.

Side effects overdose can be expressed in the appearance of lethargy, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, apathy, fatigue. Observed a sharp decline blood pressure.


For those who will use such a drug as an evasive peony tincture, contraindications should be read first! Although there are no special categorical contraindications for the use of tincture, except for the state of pregnancy and lactation. But with caution it is worth taking it with increased acidity of the stomach and with low blood pressure (hypotension).

Since the use of tincture can cause some lethargy, doctors do not recommend driving a car after taking it. It seems to be not a contraindication, but advice ... And how much trouble can not bring the implementation of the safety principle "I drank - your car is only a taxi." You should also refrain from taking this drug if you need to do work that requires a quick reaction, mental stress and increased attention.

In general, when using any herbal medicines, remember that their composition is very complex and, unlike synthesized drugs, not fully understood. Therefore different herbal preparations may suddenly exhibit some unpredictable property. Therefore, you should not assign them to yourself. Let a specialist do it individual characteristics your body. The tincture of the evading peony discussed by us, its use for healing, fully fall under this rule.

In conclusion, it should be noted that this tincture is different high efficiency with extremely low toxicity. And this is good! Indeed, unlike similar synthetic drugs, it can be used for a long time. But, of course, the regimen of admission should be determined by the attending physician. Be healthy!

Peony tincture - instructions, application, reviews

Peony tincture: instructions for use, contraindications, dosage

Instructions for use, contraindications for peony tincture - information that is mandatory for study before starting treatment. The drug can be freely purchased in pharmacy network at an acceptable price. However, its availability and cheapness are not a reason for self-treatment. It is important to remember: the evading peony is a toxic species. It is not accepted without a doctor's prescription.

Peony evading, or Maryin root - a rare, endangered plant species with a limited range. The birthplace of the flower is Siberia. It is also found in Mongolia, China, Tibet, Northern Kazakhstan, Cis-Urals. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the ancient Slavic herbalists there is no description of Mary's root.

But since time immemorial, it has been successfully used by Altai shamans, Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan healers. In modern pharmacology, there are several dosage forms herbs - dry extract in tablets, herbal raw materials in packages, alcohol tincture.

The tincture is the most popular because it is stored for a long time, it is convenient to use it for long courses of treatment, and can be used externally.

Description of the pharmaceutical preparation and conditions of admission

Instructions for use of peony tincture include information on the composition and physical and chemical properties medicines. The composition of the tincture includes the main active substance- extract of the root, rhizome and aerial part of the evading peony, as well as 40% ethyl alcohol. The medicine has a pronounced odor. It is a light brown liquid with a bitter, astringent taste.

Peony evading contains a number of useful substances:

  • organic acids;
  • essential oil;
  • trace elements;
  • flavonoids;
  • phenols;
  • resins;
  • saponins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • tannins;
  • glycosides.

The drug belongs to pharmacological group sedatives and hypnotics. In addition to the sedative, there are a number of other medicinal properties of this medicine, namely:

  • anticonvulsant;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • restorative;
  • antihypoxic;
  • bactericidal;
  • appetizing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • painkiller.

Main indications for use

  • Functional disorders of the central nervous system. It is useful to drink tincture for neuroses and all neurotic disorders. The tool well relieves attacks of anxiety, restlessness, irritability, anger. Helps with sleep disorders chronic fatigue, autonomic dysfunction. It is also used as an anticonvulsant in epilepsy, cerebral palsy, convulsions of various origins.
  • Peony tincture in gynecology. In the official pharmacological instructions peony tincture does not indicate that the drug can be useful for women's health. However, it is widely used in gynecology and obstetrics.
  • Digestive disorders. The tincture is indicated for gastritis with low acidity, diarrhea, stomach and intestinal cramps, appetite disorders, poisoning and intoxication.
  • Respiratory diseases. Recommended for dry cough. The drug has an expectorant effect. It is drunk not only for bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, but also for tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. The tincture reduces the risk of hypoxia, stimulates blood circulation and enriches the blood with oxygen.
  • To normalize water-salt metabolism. Take a long course to remove excess salt from the body. Peony helps with gout and other diseases of the joints and tissues caused by metabolic disorders.
  • Outdoor application. Used as an antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent for treatment festering wounds, ulcers, cracks, erosion.

Dosage for adults and children

How to take peony tincture for adults?

  • Before each dose, you need to shake the tincture.
  • It is recommended to take 15-20 minutes before meals.
  • Can be taken 2 or 3 times a day, depending on the symptoms.
  • A single dose is 30-40 drops (about 1 teaspoon).
  • The course of treatment can last from 2 to 4 weeks.
  • For fixing therapeutic effect the doctor may prescribe a second course in a few months.
  • The drug begins to act after 1-1.5 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the severity of symptoms.
  • Duration of action - 3 hours.

It has not been scientifically confirmed that peony tincture can be harmful or beneficial for children. Therefore, in order to avoid side effects and unforeseen reactions, the drug is allowed from the age of 12. The principle of dosage is simple: for each year of life - 1 drop.

Signs of an overdose:

  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • severe drowsiness;
  • severe inhibition of reactions;
  • dizziness;
  • there may be reactions from the food system: nausea and vomiting.

If these symptoms are detected, stop taking the drug and consult a doctor immediately.

The tincture can harm the body, cause inhibited motor and mental reactions, if taken simultaneously with other drugs of sedative, hypnotic action, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics. At the same time, tincture of Maryina root can suppress the effect of tonic drugs.

A mixture of tinctures

Today you can read many articles on the topic of mixtures of sedative herbs and tinctures that enhance the healing effect. Most often, peony is combined with motherwort, valerian, eucalyptus, mint, hawthorn, corvalol. A combination of two, three or more components is possible. What is important to know?

  • The materials on the Internet are just an introductory text, and not a guide to action.
  • A number of contraindications to admission are possible, which will be determined only by a doctor.
  • There is certainly a benefit in combined preparations, and the therapeutic effect is achieved faster.
  • However, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics, the presence of chronic diseases, the mental, emotional state of the patient.
  • A mixture of sedative tinctures can be dangerous in overdose and side effects.
  • Therefore, before taking such a tincture, a doctor's consultation is required.
  • The doctor prescribes the dosage and course of treatment.

How useful is a five-component mixture of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian, Corvalol and peony?

  • Hawthorn. One of the most effective cardiac remedies plant origin. Hawthorn fruits have a beneficial effect on coronary vessels and heart muscle, stimulate blood circulation, give reliable prevention heart attacks. Read more about hawthorn tincture in our other article.
  • Motherwort. Gives a quick sedative and antispasmodic effect, improves blood circulation, relieves muscle tension and nervous excitability, dulls reactions. Taken to normalize sleep.
  • Valerian. Removes nervous excitability. Gives sedative effect prolonged action, but not immediately. If you take valerian separately, then the therapeutic effect occurs only after one or even two weeks of admission. In addition to the nervous system, the remedy is useful for blood vessels and the heart. Read more about valerian tincture in our other article.
  • "Corvalol". Known and available combination drug antispasmodic, cardiotonic and sedative action. Good for neurosis, tachycardia, pressure (on early stages hypertension), insomnia, spasms of blood vessels and intestines.
  • Peony evasive (marin root). Renders moderate sedative effect about an hour after ingestion. Does not depress the central nervous system, less often than other sedative drugs, causes drowsiness. A few hours after ingestion, it can act as a tonic, that is, on the contrary, invigorates, gives physical forces, uplifting. There is information that peony stimulates the production of endorphins - the hormone of pleasure and joy.

How to drink peony tincture mixed with other drugs?

  • It is necessary to take 25 ml of all components.
  • "Corvalol" is recommended to add less: 15-20 ml.
  • The mixture of tinctures should be shaken well and stored in a dark place.
  • Take 1 time per day for 1 tsp. before bedtime.
  • It is better to dilute the medicine in water.
  • For a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to drink for at least 14 days.
  • The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

During the reception combined medicine side effects may occur - drowsiness, inhibited reactions. Therefore, the drug is not recommended for people driving vehicles, as well as working with mechanisms.

What are the contraindications for peony tincture? The drug should not be taken in violation of the kidneys and liver, gastritis with hyperacidity, severe hypotension, allergic reaction to grass.

Also, the tincture is strictly prohibited for alcoholism (from drunkenness are recommended water infusions pion evading). It is forbidden to take the drug during pregnancy, lactation, children under 12 years of age.

How to prepare tincture at home? How can this medicine be useful for women? What are the benefits for men? How is it used in cosmetology?

Homemade alcohol tincture

The tincture is prepared from vegetable raw materials - the crushed root and rhizome of the herb peony evading. It can be purchased at a pharmacy, in a network of medicinal online stores. Self-collection of raw materials is hampered by the limited range of the Maryina root.


  1. Take 2 teaspoons of the herb.
  2. Pour in ½ liter of vodka.
  3. Insist 7-8 days.
  4. Strain.

Accepted in the same dosage, which is indicated in the leaflet to the pharmacy tincture.

How to make a balm

The balm is an alcoholic extract from three types of herbs - Maryina root, licorice and tea kopek.


  1. Grind 50 g of peony root, 25 g of tea and 15 g of licorice root.
  2. Pour in ½ liter of vodka.
  3. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place.
  4. Strain.

Homemade balm is most often taken for gynecological diagnoses, it can also be drunk to prevent heart disease.

More about gynecological applications

For what diseases and symptoms is this drug prescribed in gynecology?

  • Inflammatory processes and tumors. Most often, the grass is drunk with polycystosis, ovarian cyst, fibroma, uterine myoma, inflammation of the appendages, ovaries, cervical erosion, and also with oncology.
  • For conception. The root affects hormonal system and metabolism. It will be useful for infertility precisely when hormonal disorders. The drug stimulates an increase in female hormones (primarily estrogen). Also, the tincture acts as a sedative, relieves anxiety as a factor in psychogenic infertility ( strong feeling, obsession get pregnant).
  • Peony tincture for menopause. They drink it to normalize hormonal background, in case of violations menstrual cycle in the premenopausal period (scanty or heavy periods). Peony also relieves irritability, anxiety and nervousness, which are frequent companions women in the premenopausal period.
  • Mastopathy. The herb has absorbable, anti-inflammatory properties. It is especially useful to drink with mastopathy a balm of three herbs, the preparation of which is described above.

Benefits for men

What is useful tincture for men's health?

  • Increases potency. Maryin root is not the most powerful aphrodisiac of plant origin, such as, for example, ginseng, St. John's wort, Chinese magnolia vine, hawthorn. However, it is also used to enhance sexual activity.
  • Regulates hormonal balance. Useful tincture for men with high testosterone, which can provoke aggression, excessive sexual activity. The drug relaxes the nervous system well, it is indicated for men who experience constant stress, great mental stress.


The tincture is recommended to be used diluted, because alcohol solution can dry out the scalp and face. You can also prepare water infusions from a dry root. Tonics, lotions for face and hair care are prepared from them.

  • Peony tincture for hair. Tincture stimulates blood circulation and nutrition hair follicles. Also eliminates oily sheen, prevents dandruff. The diluted tincture in a warm form is rubbed into the hair roots, held for 10 minutes, after which they wash their hair with shampoo. This mask is recommended to do 3 times a week.
  • For face. The drug contains salicylic acid, which is good for acne and pimples. Acts as an antiseptic excess fat. It is useful to wipe youthful skin with tonics and lotions. But also rejuvenating properties were found in the grass, it gives the skin elasticity and a fresh, healthy look.


Peony tincture reviews are mostly positive. Doctors and pharmacists primarily recommend this drug for functional disorders of the nervous system - neurosis, irritability, fatigue, insomnia.

Peony evasive is registered in the State Pharmacopoeia as a sedative and hypnotic agent of plant origin. In folk medicine, the use of tincture is wider. Many positive reviews about the tincture of peony evading in gynecology. Although there is no scientific confirmation of the benefits of herbs for women's health.

However, whatever the reviews, you can not focus on them when it comes to your own health. Peony evasive is a toxic plant. In addition, the herb affects the hormonal background. And this can bring both benefit and harm to the body.

Peony tincture evading in pharmacology is a drug with a sedative, sedative effect. In folk medicine, its use is much wider. Tincture is drunk for diseases of the female and male reproductive system, digestive disorders, water-salt metabolism, inflammation of the respiratory system, and also used in cosmetology.


Peony tincture

1 milliliter of the preparation Evasive Peony Tincture includes 0.05 grams of the herb of the evasive peony and 0.05 grams of rhizomes and roots of Paeoniae anomalae.

Additional substances: extractant.

Release form

Light brown liquid with a specific odor. Opalescence and sediment may be present.

25, 15, 30, 50 and 100 ml of liquid in a dark glass bottle; 1 bottle in a carton box.

pharmachologic effect

sedative action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The grass, roots and rhizomes of Paeoniae anomalae include tannins, phenols, organic acids, which have anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, sedative properties. Increases the acidity of the stomach and the body's ability to adapt to hypoxia.

Indications for use

The use of Peony Tincture is justified in case of increased excitability, sleep disorders, vegetative-vascular diseases.


Contraindications for Peony Tincture:

  • hypersensitivity to the components contained in medicinal raw materials;
  • arterial hypotension.

Side effects

  • Disorders from the nervous sphere: drowsiness, general weakness.
  • Circulatory disorders: arterial hypotension.
  • Allergic manifestations: skin rash, hyperemia, itching.

Application instruction of Peony Tincture (Method and dosage)

The manual for the Deviant Peony Tincture prescribes how to take the medicine. Peony tincture is taken orally 15 minutes before meals. Adults are recommended to prescribe 15-20 drops up to three times a day.

The duration of therapy is determined by a specialist on an individual basis for each patient, taking into account the severity, nature and characteristics of the course of the disorder, the confidence achieved therapeutic effect and level of drug tolerance.


Signs of an overdose: decrease blood pressure, drowsiness, dizziness.

In case of overdose, stop the use of the drug and start symptomatic therapy.


The drug is able to enhance the effect tranquilizers, sleeping pills and sedatives, antidepressants, neuroleptics with a sedative effect.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

Keep away from children. Store at room temperature.

Best before date

special instructions

With prolonged use of large doses of the drug, it is necessary to control the acidity of the stomach in persons with a tendency to increase it.

Before use, the drug must be shaken.


Hawthorn tincture, Valerian extract, Validispert, Herbion, Dexdor, Doppelgerz Melissa, Karvelis, Kardiopasit, Nevrosal, Motherwort extract, Sanason, Phytosed and others.


The drug is not used in pediatric practice.

During pregnancy and lactation

It is contraindicated to use the drug during these periods.

Opinions about Tincture of Peony evasive

Reviews about Peony Tincture in gynecology, neurology, gastroenterology report about good effect in the treatment of disorders such as menopause, PMS, at low acidity, stress, insomnia and other diseases. The drug has an affordable price and low ability to cause side effects, which makes it widely used.

Peony Tincture price, where to buy

The price of Peony Tincture 50 ml in Russia starts from 17 rubles. The price of such a drug in Ukraine is on average 6 hryvnia.

  • Internet pharmacies of UkraineUkraine


  • Peony tincture 50ml Zhitomir FF (Ukraine, Zhytomyr)


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PLEASE ATTENTION! The information about medicines on the site is a general reference, collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of medicines in the course of treatment. Before use medicinal product Peony tincture be sure to consult with your doctor.


Peony tincture: what helps and how to take it correctly for women, men, children, during pregnancy | Healthy lifestyle and medicine

Peony is mainly an ornamental plant with beautiful large flowers, which is also used in folk medicine. How Can You Use beautiful plant containing important active substances for therapeutic purposes? How does it affect health?

plant description

Peony reaches a height of 35-60 cm, has triple, deeply divided leaves. The upper part of the sheet is bare, the lower part is covered with a light pile. Flowers are usually pink, purple, purple-red. garden varieties usually in full color.

Active substances

healing properties has root and peony flowers. The health benefits are due to the content of a number of important substances.
The root contains the following components:

  • alkaloid pergrinin;
  • tannins;
  • starches;
  • Sahara;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium oxalate;
  • sucrose;
  • metarabic acid;
  • glycosides.
  • tannins;
  • slime;
  • peonidin;
  • glucose.

home tincture

Let's see how to make peony tincture at home. It can be used for various health problems (see below).
You will need:

  • pion roots;
  • 65% alcohol;
  • bottle with cap.

Dig up or buy ready-made roots, gently clean the surface and cut into small pieces. Fold the raw materials into a bottle up to 1/2 volume, fill with alcohol to the full volume, close. Leave the extract to infuse for at least 2 weeks at room temperature. Then strain. Take 20 drops 1-2 times a day before meals.

Attention! The product contains alcohol, so do not take it before driving! Keep the medicine away from children!

Health effects

In folk medicine, the healing properties of peony have long been used to treat digestive problems, dissolve urinary stones, stabilization of irregular menstruation.

The plant and medicines from it have an antispasmodic effect - they reduce pain and spasms (especially of smooth muscles), improve the tone of the uterus, help with asthma, kidney and biliary colic, relieve headaches, treat hemorrhoids, borreliosis, effectively prevent epileptic seizures.

Peony is a beautiful and healthy plant that has a number of beneficial effects on the body, which can help with the following health problems:

  1. Support defensive forces organism.
  2. Antiseptic, detoxifying action.
  3. elimination various kinds pain.
  4. Supports digestion, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Chair stabilization.
  6. Help with gout and rheumatism.
  7. Treatment of diseases respiratory tract, improved expectoration.
  8. Cleanses and improves the function of the kidneys, liver.
  9. Positive Effects on the heart and blood vessels.
  10. Regulation of menstruation.
  11. Elimination of soreness, reduction of bleeding during menstruation.
  12. Outwardly - acceleration of skin healing.
  13. Elimination of skin diseases.

"Pion tincture" pharmacy

So you've met useful properties peony, learned how to prepare an alcoholic extract. But, today there is no need to collect herbs, prepare medicines from them ... To purchase healing agent just visit the nearest pharmacy. Therefore, we next consider pharmacy tincture peony - what it helps from, and how to take it correctly.

Healing properties peony flowers were known to Tibetan and Mongolian healers, the first mention of the plant is present in ancient Greek myths. The use of tincture from the plant has passed through the centuries, the alcoholic extract is used in modern medicine as a sedative, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory agent.

The root has an adaptogenic effect, which is why the tincture accelerates the recovery of the body after an injury or surgical operation.

Despite a number of positive properties, the plant is relatively poisonous, capable of causing harm, so it is important to know all the features of its use. Let's take a closer look at the recommendations in official instructions by application.

Active substances of the drug

Useful components that affect the state of health, as was said, are contained not only in peony roots, but also in flowers and leaves. The most important substances present in the extract have the following effects:

methyl salicylate - analgesic effect;

  1. Essential oils– antimicrobial effect, suitable for aromatherapy.
  2. Benzoic acid - antifungal properties.
  3. Salicylic acid has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Glycosides, saponins, flavonoids enhance the action of the main components.

Application of tincture

In addition to medicine, peony alcohol extract is one of the main medicines of supporters healthy lifestyle life due to its ability to strengthen the immune system. Due to the multicomponent composition, the drug is used in many medical fields.
Consider the most common problems for which natural medicine will benefit:

  1. Vascular and cardiac diseases - post-stroke conditions, impaired cerebral circulation, post-infarction and pre-infarction conditions.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of this area - ulcers, diseases of the esophagus, hemorrhoids, gastritis ( low acidity), intestinal colic, diarrhea, food poisoning.
  3. Withdrawal symptoms, pathological conditions CNS - anxiety, neurosis, headaches, insomnia, dystonia, various phobias.
  4. Bruises, bruises, rheumatic joint pains.
  5. Relief of menopausal manifestations and PMS symptoms.
  6. Complex therapy disorders associated with metabolic disorders - gout, dysfunction thyroid gland, urolithiasis.

For women

The benefits of tincture for women are represented by the effectiveness of its use in gynecology.

natural medicine applied as aid during treatment the following diseases.

Inflammations and neoplasms

Peony tincture will accelerate the treatment of ovarian cysts, fibroids, cervical erosion, polycystic. Sometimes natural medicine is used in oncology.

Fertility problems

The plant has a positive effect on the hormonal system and metabolic processes in the body, which is why it is beneficial in the treatment of infertility caused by hormonal imbalances. Peony tincture stimulates the secretion of female hormones, relieves anxiety - a common factor in psychogenic infertility.

Menopausal manifestations

Peony tincture stabilizes the state of the body in the premenopausal and / or menopausal period. natural remedy eliminates irritability, nervousness, anxiety.


The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it will benefit as additional funds in the treatment of mastopathy.

For men

An alcoholic extract from a medicinal plant is useful not only for women, but also for men.
It's about about a plant aphrodisiac used to increase male sexual activity.

Peony also regulates hormonal balance, which is important for men with impaired testosterone levels. excessive high performance of this hormone cause an increase in sexual activity and even aggression, low - a decrease in sexual performance.

For these diseases and disorders (in both sexes), it is recommended to take an alcoholic extract of 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. Continue the therapeutic course for 1 month, then take a week break. If necessary, after a break, continue taking.

Note! At serious illnesses tincture will not be enough, use it exclusively as an addition to the main therapy!


Peony roots contain salicylate, one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory and anesthetic substances. As the tincture is made, it leaches into a liquid. Therefore, the alcoholic extract can be used as effective remedy to relieve joint pain - in the form of compresses or rubbing (2-3 times a day).

Application in cosmetology

Due to its anti-inflammatory action, peony tincture prevents and treats various diseases skin. The vitamins and antioxidants present in it contribute to skin regeneration, slowing down aging, and improving skin color.

The tincture can be used to cleanse the face before applying a cream, mask ... For use, it should be diluted with cold boiled water(1:1) - this will prevent the appearance of irritation, redness. With acne, the antiseptic and drying effect will ensure the elimination of the rash.

Healthy natural remedy for hair. It is used to reduce the oiliness of the scalp, eliminate dandruff, stimulate blood circulation, and nourish the hair follicles. Dilute the extract (1:1) with warm boiled water, rub it into the hair roots and skin, wash your hair with shampoo after 10 minutes. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Side effects

Negative consequences applications of peony tincture are rare. Usually, they occur with a severe overdose.
Side effects include:

  • sudden decrease in pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • decreased attention;
  • allergic reactions (redness, itching, rash, swelling).

If any of these symptoms appear, immediately stop taking the drug, consult a doctor!

At internal reception some rules must be followed. Otherwise, you risk experiencing the side effects of the drug (see above).

  • take the tincture 15-20 minutes before meals;
  • no more than 3 doses per day are recommended (usually 2 times is enough);
  • single dose - 20-25 drops;
  • The therapeutic course should not exceed 2-4 weeks.

The beneficial effect of the drug appears 1.5 hours after administration (the time indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of symptoms). The duration of action is up to 3 hours.

Soothing mixture - combination with other tinctures

An evasive peony tincture combined with alcoholic extracts of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and Corvalol is a good sedative with a number of beneficial effects on health.

This combination applies not only ethnoscience, it is recommended by modern doctors in view of following effects:

  • treatment of insomnia;
  • removal of irritability and increased tension;
  • increased vascular tone;
  • help with hypertension;
  • improvement of blood circulation - prevention of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • elimination of tachycardia.

Read more about combining peony tincture with other extracts (tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and Corvalol) here.


Since the peony is a slightly poisonous plant, all remedies from it are not intended for children during the breastfeeding period. Contraindicated drugs for pregnant women (on early dates they can cause a miscarriage, in the later ones - premature birth).
Other contraindications:

  • gastritis and diseases digestive system with high acidity;
  • hypotension;
  • obesity (peony tincture can aggravate the condition, because it increases appetite);
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys in the acute phase;
  • hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the plant.

Peony tincture can cause drowsiness, therefore, it is not recommended for people whose work is related to increased concentration attention (rescuers, doctors, drivers…).


Peony tincture - instructions, application, reviews

Peony tincture is a sedative medicine containing the root and herb of peony evasive.

The drug is used for neurasthenic conditions, sleep disorders, vegetative-vascular disorders of various etiologies, and also has an antimicrobial, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant effect.

In folk medicine, this drug is more widely used and is used in the treatment of metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for a tonic effect.

The composition of the drug

Pharmacy peony tincture is made from the evading peony herb, infused with 40% alcohol. Peony evasive is a perennial herbaceous plant peony family. The main habitat of this plant is Siberia, the European part of Russia, it is also found in Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia. The plant belongs to rare species and listed in the Red Book.

Roots, rhizomes, and ground stems of the plant are used as raw materials for peony tincture. The roots and rhizomes are red-brown in color, have a pronounced smell and a sweetish taste. The roots of the plant for the manufacture of tincture are harvested during any period of vegetation, while the stems of the plant are harvested only during the flowering period.

Healing biologically active substances accumulate in the roots of the plant. Among the active components of peony tincture, salicylic and benzoic acids, essential oils, glycosides and flavonoids, methyl salicylates, tannins, saponins, alkaloids are distinguished.

When using the drug, it should be remembered that the use of medicinal herbs has not yet been sufficiently studied due to the complexity of their composition. Peony evasive refers to poisonous plants. The tincture contains a 10% alcohol solution of peony, which, if used correctly, cannot lead to the achievement of critical levels by the active components, as well as to poisoning.

Indications for use

Peony tincture, the use of which is quite widespread, is positioned in modern medicine as a natural sedative and hypnotic drug, however, the healing properties of peony tincture do not end there. In practice, peony tincture is used in the complex treatment of the following diseases and the correction of conditions:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • Influence on the central nervous system in order to calm down, normalize the emotional background, reduce excitability, stress, increase working capacity, human endurance;
  • When obsessive, anxiety states, phobias;
  • Normalization biological rhythms, improved sleep;
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms(also cystic formations ovaries, the drug is positioned as an effective adjuvant in the complex therapy of polycystic ovary syndrome, cervical diseases);
  • Convulsions, spasms;
  • skin diseases;
  • General strengthening action;
  • Symptom management premenstrual syndrome, climacteric disorders;
  • Improvement of the skin (in cosmetology);
  • Improvement of hair, fight against hair loss, regulation of the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp (the alcohol contained in the tincture warms the scalp well, amino acids and essential oils have a positive effect on the hair structure);
  • Peony tincture also has some analgesic effect and can be used to treat migraines of unknown etiology.

Contraindications for use

  • allergic reactions;
  • Childhood;
  • Pregnancy, lactation;
  • Increased acidity of the stomach;
  • Reduced blood pressure.

According to some sources, the drug has an abortive effect, bringing the uterus into tone.

Therefore, this drug is by no means recommended for women during pregnancy planning, as well as for the correction of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome during planning.

Side effects

  • allergic reactions;
  • Gastrointestinal reaction (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea);
  • Lethargy, drowsiness;
  • Rapid fatigue (if the dosage is exceeded).

Instructions for use

Peony tincture is a complex drug, the main use of which is currently sedation. Depending on the symptomatic complex Peony tincture instruction recommends taking 30-40 drops orally before meals. The course of treatment is also determined by the severity of symptoms, the nature of the course, the type of the disease itself and its etiology.

Alcohol 10% peony tincture instruction recommends diluting in a quarter cup of boiled water. General recommendation according to the duration of the course of treatment - 30 days. In the presence of chronic diseases before taking the drug, you should consult with your doctor.

It is also not recommended to continue the course of treatment with the drug if no positive dynamics is observed within 15 days of therapy. Independent increase in the dosage of the drug in order to rapid achievement desired therapeutic effect is prohibited.

For the correction of one-time and daily dosage you need to consult with your doctor.

It should be remembered that after using the peony tincture on your own without a doctor's prescription for the treatment of certain diseases, it is necessary to visit a specialized specialist.

Peony is mainly an ornamental plant with beautiful large flowers, which is also used in folk medicine. How can a beautiful plant containing important active substances be used for therapeutic purposes?
How does it affect health?
Read on!

plant description

Peony reaches a height of 35-60 cm, has triple, deeply divided leaves. The upper part of the sheet is bare, the lower part is covered with a light pile. Flowers are usually pink, purple, purple-red. Garden varieties are usually full-colored.

Active substances

Peony root and flowers have medicinal properties. The health benefits are due to the content of a number of important substances.
The root contains the following components:

  • alkaloid pergrinin;
  • tannins;
  • starches;
  • Sahara;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium oxalate;
  • sucrose;
  • metarabic acid;
  • glycosides.
  • tannins;
  • slime;
  • peonidin;
  • glucose.

home tincture

Let's see how to make peony tincture at home. It can be used for various health problems (see below).
You will need:

  • pion roots;
  • 65% alcohol;
  • bottle with cap.

Dig up or buy ready-made roots, gently clean the surface and cut into small pieces. Fold the raw materials into a bottle up to 1/2 volume, fill with alcohol to the full volume, close. Leave the extract to infuse for at least 2 weeks at room temperature. Then strain. Take 20 drops 1-2 times a day before meals.

Attention! The product contains alcohol, so do not take it before driving! Keep the medicine away from children!

Health effects

In folk medicine, the healing properties of peony have long been used to treat digestive problems, dissolve urinary stones, and stabilize irregular menstruation.

The plant and medicines from it have an antispasmodic effect - they reduce pain and spasms (especially of smooth muscles), improve uterine tone, help with asthma, renal and biliary colic, relieve headaches, treat hemorrhoids, borreliosis, effectively prevent epileptic seizures.

Peony is a beautiful and healthy plant that has a number of beneficial effects on the body, which can help with the following health problems:

  1. Support for the body's defenses.
  2. Antiseptic, detoxifying action.
  3. Elimination of various types of pain.
  4. Supports digestion, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Chair stabilization.
  6. Help with gout and rheumatism.
  7. Treatment of respiratory diseases, improvement of expectoration.
  8. Cleanses and improves the function of the kidneys, liver.
  9. Positive effects on the heart and blood vessels.
  10. Regulation of menstruation.
  11. Elimination of soreness, reduction of bleeding during menstruation.
  12. Outwardly - acceleration of skin healing.
  13. Elimination of skin diseases.

"Pion tincture" pharmacy

So, you got acquainted with the beneficial properties of peony, learned how to prepare an alcohol extract. But, today there is no need to collect herbs, prepare medicines from them ... To purchase a healing agent, it is enough to visit the nearest pharmacy. Therefore, we will further consider the pharmacy tincture of peony - what it helps from, and how to take it correctly.

The healing properties of the peony flower were known to Tibetan and Mongolian healers, the first mention of the plant is present in ancient Greek myths. The use of tincture from the plant has passed through the centuries, the alcoholic extract is used in modern medicine as a sedative, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory agent.

The root has an adaptogenic effect, which is why the tincture accelerates the recovery of the body after an injury or surgery.

Despite a number of positive properties, the plant is relatively poisonous, capable of causing harm, so it is important to know all the features of its use. Let's take a closer look at the recommendations specified in the official instructions for use.

Active substances of the drug

Useful components that affect the state of health, as was said, are contained not only in peony roots, but also in flowers and leaves.
The most important substances present in the extract have the following effects:
methyl salicylate - analgesic effect;

  1. Essential oils - antimicrobial effect, suitable for aromatherapy.
  2. Benzoic acid - antifungal properties.
  3. Salicylic acid has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Glycosides, saponins, flavonoids enhance the action of the main components.

Application of tincture

In addition to medicine, peony alcohol extract is one of the main medicines of healthy lifestyle supporters due to its ability to strengthen the immune system. Due to the multicomponent composition, the drug is used in many medical fields.
Consider the most common problems for which natural medicine will benefit:

  1. Vascular and cardiac diseases - post-stroke conditions, cerebrovascular accident, post-infarction and pre-infarction conditions.
  2. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of this area - ulcers, diseases of the esophagus, hemorrhoids, gastritis (low acidity), intestinal colic, diarrhea, food poisoning.
  3. Withdrawal symptoms, pathological conditions of the central nervous system - anxiety, neurosis, headaches, insomnia, dystonia, various phobias.
  4. Bruises, bruises, rheumatic joint pains.
  5. Relief of menopausal manifestations and symptoms of PMS.
  6. Complex therapy of disorders associated with metabolic disorders - gout, thyroid dysfunction, urolithiasis.

For women

The benefits of tincture for women are represented by the effectiveness of its use in gynecology.
Natural medicine is used as an aid in the treatment of the following diseases.

Inflammations and neoplasms

Peony tincture will accelerate the treatment of ovarian cysts, fibroids, cervical erosion, polycystic. Sometimes natural medicine is used in oncology.

Fertility problems

The plant has a positive effect on the hormonal system and metabolic processes in the body, which is why it is beneficial in the treatment of infertility caused by hormonal imbalances. Peony tincture stimulates the secretion of female hormones, relieves anxiety - a common factor in psychogenic infertility.

Menopausal manifestations

Peony tincture stabilizes the state of the body in the premenopausal and / or menopausal period. Natural remedy eliminates irritability, nervousness, anxiety.


The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it will be useful as an additional tool in the treatment of mastopathy.

For men

An alcoholic extract from a medicinal plant is useful not only for women, but also for men.
This is a plant aphrodisiac used to increase male sexual activity.

Peony also regulates hormonal balance, which is important for men with impaired testosterone levels. Excessively high levels of this hormone cause an increase in sexual activity and even aggression, low - a decrease in sexual performance.

For these diseases and disorders (in both sexes), it is recommended to take an alcoholic extract of 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. Continue the therapeutic course for 1 month, then take a week break. If necessary, after a break, continue taking.

Note! In case of serious illnesses, the tincture will not be enough, use it exclusively as an addition to the main therapy!


Peony roots contain salicylate, one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory and anesthetic substances. As the tincture is made, it leaches into a liquid. Therefore, an alcoholic extract can be used as an effective means to relieve joint pain - in the form of compresses or rubbing (2-3 times a day).

Application in cosmetology

Due to its anti-inflammatory action, peony tincture prevents and treats various skin diseases. The vitamins and antioxidants present in it contribute to skin regeneration, slowing down aging, and improving skin color.

The tincture can be used to cleanse the face before applying a cream, a mask ... To use it, it should be diluted with cold boiled water (1: 1) - this will prevent irritation and redness. With acne, the antiseptic and drying effect will ensure the elimination of the rash.

Useful natural remedy for hair. It is used to reduce the oiliness of the scalp, eliminate dandruff, stimulate blood circulation, and nourish the hair follicles. Dilute the extract (1:1) with warm boiled water, rub it into the hair roots and skin, wash your hair with shampoo after 10 minutes. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Side effects

Negative effects of using peony tincture are rare. Usually, they occur with a severe overdose.
Side effects include:

  • sudden decrease in pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • decreased attention;
  • allergic reactions (redness, itching, rash, swelling).

If any of these symptoms appear, immediately stop taking the drug, consult a doctor!

There are some rules to be followed when taking it internally. Otherwise, you risk experiencing the side effects of the drug (see above).

  • take the tincture 15-20 minutes before meals;
  • no more than 3 doses per day are recommended (usually 2 times is enough);
  • single dose - 20-25 drops;
  • The therapeutic course should not exceed 2-4 weeks.

The beneficial effect of the drug appears 1.5 hours after administration (the time indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of symptoms). The duration of action is up to 3 hours.

Soothing mixture - combination with other tinctures

An evasive peony tincture combined with alcoholic extracts of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and Corvalol is a good sedative with a number of beneficial effects on health.

This combination is used not only by traditional medicine, it is recommended by modern doctors due to the following effects:

  • treatment of insomnia;
  • removal of irritability and increased tension;
  • increased vascular tone;
  • help with hypertension;
  • improvement of blood circulation - prevention of thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • elimination of tachycardia.

More details about the combination of peony tincture with other extracts (tinctures of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and Corvalol)


Since the peony is a slightly poisonous plant, all remedies from it are not intended for children during the breastfeeding period. Drugs for pregnant women are contraindicated (in the early stages they can cause miscarriage, in the later stages - premature birth).
Other contraindications:

  • gastritis and diseases of the digestive system with high acidity;
  • hypotension;
  • obesity (peony tincture can aggravate the condition, because it increases appetite);
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys in the acute phase;
  • hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the plant.

Peony tincture can cause drowsiness, therefore, it is not recommended for people whose work is associated with increased concentration of attention (rescuers, doctors, drivers ...).

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