How jasmine blooms Reasons for the lack of flowering and growth and ways to eliminate them in garden jasmine. Photos, varieties and description of jasmine

Modern gardeners are happy to grow various types of ornamental shrubs. Among these plants, garden jasmine (Philadelphus) has gained particular popularity, capable of becoming a wonderful decoration for any backyard. It is noteworthy that it is considered a representative of the hydrangea family and with genuine jasmine from the olive family it is united only by the presence of many flowers with a similar aroma.

Among the people, the jasmine shrub received a rather interesting name - mock orange. This is explained by the fact that the twig-like, even shoots of the plant were used in the past to make chibouks of various smoking pipes. In addition, its solid wood is used by craftsmen to create flutes, pipes, and other handicrafts.

Looking through the description of garden jasmine, you should pay attention that it is a sprawling deciduous shrub with straight, long branches, which are covered with thin, gray bark. Dwarf varieties of jasmine in growth can reach a height of about 70 cm; stems of powerful, tall plants often have a length of up to 6 m.

Studying information on the topic of decorative jasmine: structure and description, you need to take into account that the leaves of the culture have a simple, elongated-ovoid or wide-ovoid shape. Their length is 2 - 7 cm.

Mock orange flowers (simple, double, semi-double) are collected in brushes that form at the ends of young shoots. The strength of their aroma can be different. Some species have a strong, sweet fragrance. Strawberry jasmine in particular, when flowering, spreads a magnificent berry scent. In other varieties, the floral aroma may be weak, barely perceptible.

Planting, growing a jasmine shrub

When growing a plant, it is worth considering the properties of the jasmine shrub in order to provide it with the best growing conditions.. Culture can be planted not only in a well-lit, but also in a shaded place in the garden. Planting work can be carried out in spring or autumn.

landing site requirements

Spectacular ornamental shrub jasmine is considered not picky plant, adapting to a variety of soil quality. The culture is able to grow even on depleted land, endure drought without problems, but it will not demonstrate high decorativeness in such cases. Planting a bush in a darkened area can lead to stretching of its stems, the formation of a small number of small flowers.

The priority is to provide the jasmine shrub with an open sunny area, the well-moistened soil of which will contain enough humus. Also, mock orange will delight with beautiful, lush flowering with slight lateral shading.

The plant is suitable for light, medium loam. The best will be the soil, which will include: leafy earth (3 shares), humus (2 shares), river sand (1 share).

The bush reacts negatively to stagnant water, so it needs to equip good drainage. To this end, it will be necessary to provide for the presence of a thick layer (from 15 cm) of such components as pebbles, gravel, expanded clay, broken brick, crushed stone, which will be poured into the bottom of the landing pit.

Due to the particular sensitivity of heat-loving jasmine varieties to drafts, it is highly desirable to identify them in places that have protection from cold winds.

The nuances of planting shrubs

As a rule, planting a jasmine bush is practiced in spring or autumn. Holes are dug for seedlings, the depth of which is about 50 cm. It will be necessary to cover only the root of a young plant with earth, and leave the trunk on the surface to prevent it from rotting.

According to experienced gardeners, it is preferable to plant a shrub in the fall (in the period: late September - early October) during a warm, clear day. Performing such a procedure in springtime involves planting before the formation of leaves.

The soil needs preliminary digging, enrichment with nitrophosphate fertilizers. The nutritional complex is applied to the bottom of the hole (30 g/plant). It is very important not to let the roots of the seedling rest against the walls of the excavation during planting. To do this, it is desirable to provide a gap of at least 10 cm. The root neck is deepened 3 cm from ground level. After planting the plant, the earth must be carefully compacted.

At the base of the seedling, you need to make a funnel-shaped hole directed towards the trunk at a slight angle. This will ensure the retention of rain moisture, water during irrigation.

After the seedling takes root, shortening of its main branches is performed, pruning of weak shoots. Such a procedure will make it possible to obtain a more sprawling bush with a symmetrical, well-groomed crown. Subsequently, many buds form on it.

The interval between planted plants is up to 1.5 m. If it is necessary to create a hedge of mock orange, it is worth reducing the distance between seedlings to 50 - 80 cm. At the end of the planting event, the soil is abundantly moistened. Up to 2 buckets of water are poured under each bush.

Jasmine care tips

In most cases, caring for jasmine shrubs is sure to be easy. A novice gardener should familiarize himself with the recommendations below in order to subsequently be able to successfully apply them in practice.

Pruning bush culture

After flowering, the plant must be carefully examined, wilted buds, weak shoots removed. Pruning of dry, damaged, inward-directed processes is considered mandatory. This procedure stimulates the development of new branches, starting in the fall. Then, during the coming spring, numerous buds will form on them. When a double or regular jasmine shrub takes root well (it will take about 3 years), it will need to remove old branches by cutting them to the stem base.

Watering and irrigation of shrubs

Studying the information: how to care for jasmine, it should be noted that this culture likes the increased humidity of the soil and air. During the growing season, the plant needs to be provided with regular, plentiful watering using settled, soft water.

To avoid stagnation of moisture in the ground, to ensure its rapid absorption by the roots, it is advisable to use warm water. The shrub likes spraying, however, during the blooming of flowers from such irrigation, it is better to be there for a while.

Feeding and fertilizing

Initially, the plant will have enough fertilizer applied to the soil during planting. As the bush grows, it will need regular feeding. The culture responds well to the introduction of complex mineral preparations intended for flowering shrub crops.

Self-preparation of the nutritional composition by dissolving the following ingredients in water (10 l) will be justified: superphosphate (30 gr.), Urea (15 gr.), Potassium sulfide (15 gr.).

Weeding, loosening and mulching the soil

In order for flowering jasmine shrubs to look great, the gardener will need to engage in regular weeding and loosening of the soil. It is allowed to mulch the soil around the plant stem using peat, dry compost, leaf humus. This will improve air access to the root system. The recommended thickness of the mulch layer is 4-7 cm.

Jasmine Propagation Methods

Most gardeners are convinced that jasmine shrub propagation is not difficult. To do this, it is allowed to use different methods: seed, cuttings, breeding by shoots, layering of roots, dividing the bush. The most effective methods are discussed below.

Seed culture propagation

The choice of the seed method will be justified in carrying out breeding activities. As a rule, sowing occurs at the beginning of winter (before the onset of severe frosts, snowfall). Seeds go deep into the soil, covered with spruce branches. At the beginning of spring, the emergence of shoots can be observed. This makes it possible to obtain hardened seedlings, however, it will take about 7-8 years for them to mature and bloom.

Cultivation of shrubs by layering

This method is considered more popular. To obtain layering from a shrub in the spring, all shoots should be removed from it in order to stimulate the development of young shoots. The strongest, most healthy regrown specimens bend down to the ground, fit into pre-dug trenches, and fall asleep with a mixture of peat and sand. After 45 days, their branching will begin, and in the fall, young bushes are separated from the parent and planted in their permanent places.

Jasmine shrub cuttings

A summer resident who knows how jasmine reproduces can carry out a June pruning of a plant in order to obtain high-quality planting material. Cuttings 5-10 cm long are considered optimal. They need to be rooted in a container filled with a light, nutritious peat-sand mixture, with a slight depth at an angle of up to 40 °. The landing container is covered with a film or a piece of glass, and placed in a place with good lighting.

Cuttings need daily spraying. Rooted seedlings can be planted in garden soil, covered (during the first days) with plastic cups.

Useful properties of a wonderful plant

Scientists have concluded that garden jasmine contains many useful elements: essential oils, formic, benzoic, salicylic acids, minerals, and vitamins.

This was the reason for the preparation of various means from the plant, the use of which contributes to the improvement of the human body.

Having learned the healing properties of jasmine, we can conclude that the use of preparations based on it provides pain relief. As a result, mock orange is an indispensable component of herbal preparations, which helps to neutralize muscle and joint pain.

Doctors who study the beneficial properties of jasmine are convinced of the ability of preparations containing this plant to have a beneficial effect on the stimulation of brain activity, have a tonic effect, and restore mental balance during periods of severe depression. In particular, the preparation of mock orange tea is practiced, the use of which gives a healing effect.

Jasmine shrub - garden decoration

With the help of a well-planted jasmine, you can give your backyard a touch of luxury and sophistication.

Tomatoes come from Peru, where the climate is very hot and dry. How to provide native conditions for tomatoes in our climate? For example, they grow in my open field, and the summer is cool, and it rains very often. At the same time, I want the bush to bear fruit until autumn, and give fruits, as they write on a bag of seeds - 10 kg per bush. In order to provide this southerner with comfortable conditions and, accordingly, a large harvest for himself, you need to be able to properly form a bush.

Quite often, gardeners want to get their favorite plants at no extra cost. The first thing that comes to mind in such cases is cuttings. And if you are a beginner or "lazy" gardener? Or do you come to your summer cottage only on weekends, and even then every other time, and still want to relax there? Then the idea with cuttings may not succeed. Why not let nature do almost all the work for us - propagate our favorite plants with layering?

My strawberry beds have been around for ten years. I, of course, update the bushes. Earlier, when May and June were dry, I took two buckets of delicious berries and another half a bucket of berries covered with gray mold from my “plantation”. If the beginning of the summer was rainy, then I got two buckets of gray rot and only half a bucket of ripe strawberries. It's a shame to share the harvest with some rot! I launched an attack on this bastard. So, step by step - why my strawberries never get gray rot.

Date biscuit muffins are incredibly delicious, slightly crunchy on the outside, tender on the inside, and the sweet date in this pastry becomes like chocolate. This simple dessert for tea is very easy to prepare in 30 minutes (along with pastries), it is only important to plan everything correctly, so follow my recommendations. To work, you will need silicone, metal or paper molds for cupcakes, since the dough for these biscuits is fluid, and without a mold it spreads.

In the middle lane, July has traditionally always been the hottest month of the year, but recently this is far from always the case. Sometimes May is hotter than July, and sometimes even September. But many plants traditionally open their flowers in July. And even with not the warmest weather, July is the most colorful and colorful month in the garden. In the middle of summer, almost all annual flowers traditionally bloom, including those sown in open ground.

For the vast majority of my acquaintances, the idea of ​​“not digging” sounds completely outlandish. Yes, it’s a sin to hide it, my husband (also of the old agrotechnical hardening) looks with pain at the undug beds. Although everything grows and bears fruit well on them. Therefore, in the spring, I allow him to dig something up so as not to radically break his worldview. We gradually get used to it: abrupt changes in habits are not for everyone. I will share my experience of farming "without a shovel".

Cucumber salad with onions and garlic is an excellent addition to a complex side dish or an independent vegetable appetizer for the festive table, which is very easy to prepare for the winter in large quantities. The recipe is designed for a liter jar, so it is convenient to harvest and store vegetables in a small kitchen in a city apartment. This sweet and sour pickled cucumber salad is stored at room temperature away from heaters in a dark and dry place.

Alyssum is one of the easiest cushion garden plants to grow. And for sure - one of the most fragrant. A charming honey cloud over the lace of alyssums can be enjoyed not only in parks and gardens. After all, even those who do not have their own garden can grow alyssums at home - and not only on balconies. Slightly changing its character, alyssum, however, remains a non-capricious and rather hardy plant. But you still have to take care of him carefully.

Vermicelli casserole with sausages and green beans is a great idea for breakfast or dinner. The dish turns out to be satisfying, energize in the morning or replenish the calorie reserves spent in the evening. The ingredients are simple and so is the cooking process. Pasta casseroles are unsweetened - with vegetables, meat, sausages or sausage, and sweet - with dried fruits, cream and various spices. Sweet casseroles are served for dessert. This dish can be made with any type of pasta.

With mushrooms, you can cook an infinite number of not only tasty, but also nutritious dishes, mushrooms are dried and preserved for the winter. It is not surprising that, closer to autumn, amateurs and professionals of "quiet hunting" en masse go out for mushrooms to the nearest (and not so) forest. At the same time, the number of poisonings by these gifts of the forest increases sharply. How to protect yourself from trouble by going to the forest for mushrooms, and how not to become a victim of low-quality mushrooms, we will tell in the article.

As a child, I was delighted with a fairy tale where the main character cleverly hid from the chase. He stuck twigs from a bush into the ground, and a dense, impenetrable green forest immediately grew up behind him. I have been experimenting with twigs since I was four years old. So, summer cuttings are a great opportunity to get a young seedling of the desired variety. The procedure is simple, fast and almost always it is possible even for beginners. Unsuccessful cuttings are associated with an obvious neglect of its basic principles.

Strawberry jam with pectin is prepared quickly and easily. Apple pectin (pectin powder) is commercially obtained from apple pomace. Pectin is added to many familiar products - in candy fillings, ketchup, marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade. At home, pectin is used to make jam or jam as a thickener. The addition of pectin powder can significantly reduce the cooking time, and therefore save more vitamins.

Country life is cloudless and beautiful only in the eyes of an inexperienced city dweller. Any gardener will confirm that there is an eternal battle here, we can only dream of peace. Not a flood - so drought, not cold - so hot. You will not have time to cope with another sore, as it is time to fight pests. And their darkness! But such an unpleasant comrade as a slug still needs to be looked for. A small, slippery insect, feeding on young leaves and fruits, causes great harm.

No matter how modest a country or personal plot is, there is always a place for cucumbers. Experienced housewives will definitely choose the time to spin a few jars of their cucumbers for the winter. Moreover, with minimal care and observance of agricultural technology, you can grow an excellent crop. At the same time, only organic fertilizers can be used as dressings. What they are, how to cook them at home and correctly apply, you will learn from this article.

Pelargonium "Pinto Scarlet Star F1" is distinguished by early and abundant flowering, has large flowers with a gradient color from coral along the edges to white in the center, which look very beautiful against the background of emerald leaves. Pelargonium pleases the eye for a very long time: growers note that flowering continues until the very cold. High (up to 40 cm) bushes are suitable for planting in flower beds, flowerpots and balcony boxes.

The mock orange plant is called garden jasmine.

This is a perennial culture from the olive family, it has a bright aroma of flowers.

From Latin, the name of jasmine phi1ade1phus is translated as "love" and "brother", because the shoots of the plant are very close, as if woven together.

Previously, jasmine grew only in warm countries, but thanks to selection work, this culture has become popular in Russia when decorating the landscape. Frost-resistant varieties are more popular in our country.



Jasmine garden is used to create hedges and borders, planted in separate bushes or groups on lawns, can be combined with other flowers.

After 4 years, a garden jasmine hedge becomes bare at the bottom and loses its decorative appeal.

In order for new shoots to start growing, the plant needs to be rejuvenated and the stems of the plants cut off at a height of about 20 centimeters from the soil level.

At the same time, other shrubs may not tolerate rejuvenation.

This means that it is better to plant a mock orange mixed with other shrubs to get a green hedge where the border of the site is, or to separate individual zones within the site, for example, a recreation area, a barbecue.

Types and varieties of mock orange

There are about 50 types of mock orange. In central Russia you can see:

Consider the main types of jasmine.

shrub jasmine

Shrub jasmine is an upright shrub over a meter in height with green and flexible shoots and spirally arranged leaves.

Inflorescences are simple or double, consist of 4-9 pieces and are collected in a compact brush. Plant height is up to 4 meters.

Flowering in the "crown" jasmine occurs in mid-June and lasts up to three weeks. The flower petals are cream colored and have a pleasant honey aroma.

When crossing pale mock orange And small-leaved mock orange North American received mock orange Lemoine. It has white large flowers up to three centimeters in diameter with a strong aroma.

For the design of modular gardens, the territory near the reservoir, the rock garden, you can use low-growing varieties of garden jasmine, this dwarf, junior, dwarf, Charm.

To create dense low borders or hedges, you can use varieties " white bouquet», « Moonlight», « Komsomolets», « Academician Komarov". A big plus is the fact that such hedges do not need a haircut.

Some gardeners like such a small-leaved variety as " airborne assault”, because he - with the smell of strawberries.

There is also an odorless or very weakly scented mock orange variety, this is a large-flowered variety " Academician Komarov" And " Arctic».

Garden jasmine is sometimes also called mock orange. Most gardeners believe that the plant grows and blooms "by itself". But, this opinion is not correct. Since if you start to properly care for the bushes, they will bloom even better and more chic. Let's take a closer look at why the mock orange does not bloom in some cases, and also how to care for it.

plant varieties

The most famous varieties of mock orange are the following varieties:

  • Belle Etoile variety grows up to one and a half meters in height. It blooms in July with simple white flowers with a purple eye. Fills the garden with a sweet, slightly faint scent. Grows in the sunny and slightly shady side of the garden area;
  • variety Golden grows slowly, but reaches a height of 1.5 meters. Grows well in width. If you grow a plant in the sun, its leaves are lemon green, after flowering they become light green in color, and turn yellow in autumn;

variety Innosens will grow to 2.5 meters. Blooms in June. The shrub has a spreading crown. It blooms with white, semi-double fragrant flowers. The leaves are green with cream or yellow veins;

  • Variety Variegata has exquisite, variegated leaves and flat, round, fragrant white flowers. Easily tolerates frost, loves shade.

There are also varieties that tolerate only warm weather, and there are those that can endure even the most severe frosts. It is best to buy mock orange in specialized stores in order to maintain its grade.

Features of planting a plant

In order for the mock orange to bloom magnificently and for a long time in the garden, it is important to plant it correctly. To do this, you need to choose the right place, prepare the soil, and also plant it correctly in open ground.

Read also: Growing and caring for mock orange aureus

Mock orange will bloom for 50 years if it is timely watered, plowed, fertilized, mulched, trimmed, and protected from pests.

Stagnant moisture and saline soils with groundwater adversely affect mock orange. Therefore, the plant is recommended to be planted on fertile and moist soil. It is such a place that will help the mock orange develop and bloom. There are also plant species that can grow on soil with adverse environmental conditions.

Jasmine can bloom even in the most shaded place. But, they bloom best in partial shade. For the annual admiration of the flowers of the plant, it is recommended to plant the mock orange in sunny areas.

Preparing the ground

The soil for mock orange should be fertile and well permeable. Clay areas are recommended to be covered with a drainage layer: sand, broken brick or expanded clay. Sandy areas can be further diluted with compost or biohumus. The pits for the mock orange are covered with a peat mixture with humus, sand and foliage of trees. Immediately before planting, it is recommended to add mature humus to the soil. A little fresh manure can be applied to the soil in the fall.

Heavy soil can be lightened with the addition of weathered peat.

Features of planting mock orange

  1. Two-year-old seedlings are considered the best planting material.
  2. If you plan to plant plants in groups, the distance between them should be 1.5 - 2 meters. If a single-row jasmine hedge is planned, seedlings are planted every half meter.
  3. When planting, the root neck can be deepened a couple of centimeters into the soil. If it is placed more than three centimeters deeper, the plant will rot.
  4. The size of the landing pits should be more than 40x40x40 centimeters.
  5. In order for valuable varieties of mock orange to take root better, they can be fertilized with Zircon or HB-101.
  6. Before planting seedlings in open ground, remove broken and dried branches and roots. Spread the roots evenly in the center of each hole. Cover with moist nutrient soil and water well. Each bush needs a bucket of water. It is recommended to water the bushes every three days for 14 days after planting. Then the bushes are watered as needed.

Read also: Unpretentious shrub for the garden - cotoneaster

If the plant is transplanted from a pot, the hole becomes smaller. Also, after falling asleep with soil, the seedlings need to be watered and mulched with peat or mowed grass.

Features of caring for mock orange

In order for blooming jasmine to please with its flowering duration, it is recommended to fertilize, feed, cut, water, and remove weeds.

Fertilizer rules

Since the mock orange is cut off every year and grows strongly, it needs to be saturated with nutrients. Fertilize the bushes with organic and complex mineral fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers are applied three times during the growing season:

  • in early spring;
  • before flowering;
  • after flowering.

Bushes are fertilized with superphosphates, potassium sulfates or wood ash.

In the spring, under the bushes, you can additionally add several buckets of rotted manure or compost. You can also feed the plants with manure with grass, superphosphates.

For mock orange, a nettle mixture will serve as an excellent top dressing. Nettle will saturate the soil with silicon, trace elements that are needed for better growth and flowering of jasmine. To prepare the nettle mixture, fill the barrel with chopped grass and water. Place the container in the shade and cover slightly. Add double superphosphate and leave to ferment for 10 days. The mixture must be stirred regularly. Ready fertilizer to be diluted in water. The resulting nettle fertilizer is watered over the bushes.

Trimming procedure

In order for the bush to bloom beautifully, it is important to cut off weak, broken branches. Faded branches are also pruned to strong shoots. Young healthy growths left behind will become stronger and bloom more abundantly next year. Branches that are too long can be shortened by cutting off their thin tops.

After the circumcision procedure, the bushes are spudded and fed. If the summer is too dry, it is important to water the plants abundantly.

Transplant Features

You can transplant bushes in September or early spring. Pour plenty of mock-orange and let it stand for a day. Then remove half of the old shoots to the very root, and shorten the remaining branches. Dig up the prepared bush and plant it in a new place. After planting, also water abundantly and compact the soil.

Real jasmine does not grow in the middle lane. What gardens in Russia fill with is called mock orange. But even this imaginary garden jasmine is in no way inferior to the real one either in aroma or beauty.

Features of growing jasmine as a perennial garden crop

Mock bushes complement the design of many garden plots

Common in Russian gardens, garden jasmine is mock orange, a representative of the Hortenziev family. Philadélphus has nothing to do with true jasmine, which belongs to the Olive family. Similarities are found only in the aroma emanating from the flowers of the shrub.

In the old days, smoking pipes - chibouks - were made from the hollow stems of mock orange. The name of the Russian jasmine is connected with this. The Latin name reminds us of the ancient Egyptian king Ptolemy Philadelphus.


Wild mock oranges living in the hot mountains of the Caucasus were acclimatized to the cold climate by the Frenchman Lemoine. Today, the varieties bred by him are great for the winters of the European part of the country. Foreign mock oranges found on the market are most often suitable only for the fifth frost resistance zone. As for the conditions of Siberia, the varieties bred by Vekhov are more relevant for them. They easily tolerate up to forty degrees of frost. When choosing a variety, it should be taken into account that the same one can belong to both Lemoine and Vekhi varieties. This point must be clarified when buying.


Some varieties are characterized by abundant flowering, but they are not always fragrant.

Most varieties are characterized by short flowering, the average period of decoration with flowers is about three weeks. Ermine mantle blooms longer than others - up to 50 days. Flowering dates are scattered over time depending on the variety. By picking up various types of mock oranges, you can achieve the appearance of fragrant flowers in the garden from May to July inclusive.

Role in landscape design and ideas in the photo

Deciduous or semi-deciduous perennial shrub with gray or brownish bark turns into a snow-white bouquet during flowering. It looks impressive against the background of red-brick buildings or in a mixborder. Mock orange is also planted on the lawn. Low-growing varieties will find a place for themselves in rock gardens and rockeries, decorate the shores of garden ponds. In the forest gardens, they occupy the lower tier, located under the trees. From varieties reaching two to three meters, an excellent hedge is formed that can bloom even after pruning. Mock orange is combined with spireas, hydrangeas and. The higher the bush becomes, the better it looks on its own - in solitary plantings.

The second name of the variety is the flower of innocence

Sybille (Sibyl)

Single white fragrant flowers of this variety are shaded at the base with a pink color, appear in early summer for 3-4 weeks. The dense crown reaches a height of one meter. Leaves are round and dark green.

The variety blooms in the first half of summer for 3-4 weeks.

The above varieties belong to common mock oranges and withstand in winter up to 25 degrees below zero.

Snowbelle (Snowbel)

A variety of coronal mock orange is distinguished by spherical double flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, gathering together in 5–7 pieces. A delicate fragrance should be expected in July, and it will last only a couple of weeks. The maximum growth of the shrub is 2 meters. The foliage is dark green, with a sparsely serrated oval margin.

Variety Snowbel in a single planting during flowering resembles the appearance of a beautiful snow globe

Aureus (Aureus)

The three-meter handsome Aureus is famous for its yellow-gold foliage. White flowers up to two centimeters in size are actively fragrant at the end of May. The stems come straight from the ground.

The Aureus variety is more remarkable for its bright foliage than the actual flowers.

Innocence (Innocent)

A variegated two-meter variety is useful in darkened areas of the garden - it can burn out from direct sun. As for flowering, it occurs in early summer and gives a truly jasmine scent.

Innocence variety is usually planted in sunny or semi-shady areas.

Belle Etoile (Beautiful Star)

Lemuan's mock orange is a meter high. The leaves are smaller than other varieties - only four centimeters long. Single bells of flowers reach 4 cm and are colored purple. Anthers of golden color. Blooms 3-4 weeks on the border of spring and summer.

During flowering, Belle Etoile resembles apple blossoms.

Manteau d'Hermine (Ermine Mantle)

A long-flowering shrub does not reach a height of even a meter. The branches are thin, drooping, covered with small foliage. Semi-double snow-white flowers (up to three centimeters each) are covered literally entirely. The smell is reminiscent of strawberries.

Ermine mantle will well complement the design of a small garden plot

Avalanche (Avalanche)

The arched branches of the one and a half meter mock orange are abundantly covered with medium-sized flowers - the variety is distinguished by the largest number of them. Aroma of strawberry.

Also, Avalanche mock orange can be called a strawberry variety for its smell.

Schneesturm (Schneesturm)

The powerful aroma of these double flowers can be enjoyed in July. The leaves reach nine centimeters, the crown is oval and grows up to three meters.

The name of the variety Schneesturm is translated from German as "snowfall", "blizzard"

airborne assault

The drooping white parachutes-bells are an achievement of the Vekhi variety. The shrub exudes a strawberry aroma in June-July. The height allows it to be used as a living fence.

The flowers of this variety resemble airborne parachutes in the sky.

Majorie (Majorie)

A shrub with drooping branches does not grow above one and a half meters. The aroma is strong, the flowers are double.

Variety Majorie needs light, because in the shade it blooms much worse

Bouquet Blanc (Bouquet blank)

Crown diameter - up to two meters. Leaves with serrated edges. Terry flowers about 3 cm in size have a yellow center. The fifth zone of winter hardiness, young plants cover for the winter.

Bouquet blank requires thinning pruning every 2-3 years

Minnesota Snowflake (Minnesota snowflake)

Bushes are vertical, two meters high. Inflorescences are small, double flowers.

Minnesota Snowflake can be grown in the Urals and Siberia

Girandole (Girandole)

At first, the vertical branches begin to gracefully fall down with age. The maximum height is 1.5 meters. The flowering period is June-July, the aroma is delicate.

Girandole is a hardy variety

Landing methods

Mock orange seedlings are easy to transport

Under the plant is given a sunny place in the garden. Soils that are well-drained and fertile are preferred, but any other will do. The quality of the soil primarily affects the abundance of flowers.

A couple of weeks before planting, it is necessary to dig a hole 50 by 50 cm under each bush. When a hedge is planted, the hole is replaced with a trench. If the soil is heavy, drainage from expanded clay or crushed stone is laid as the bottom layer. Next, the recess is filled with leafy earth (three parts), humus (one part) and sand (two parts). The root neck of the seedling should not be buried more than a couple of centimeters in order to avoid decay. After abundant watering, the trunk circle is covered with mulch.

The best time to plant a seedling:

  • early spring, when the kidneys have not yet awakened;
  • the first half of autumn (in Siberia and the northern regions - no later than September 15, in the Moscow region - until October 10).

The approximate distance from the mock orange to other plants is a meter and a half. When a hedge is formed from garden jasmine, the gaps between specimens are narrowed to half a meter.

Garden jasmine care

Young planting needs to be well watered.

The rule is no fertilizer in the first year. Until the root system is sufficiently developed, slurry can damage the plant. But from the next season, the mock orange begins to be fed with nitrogen liquid - a bucket for each bush. This meal will remain unchanged even when the ground shoots were completely cut.

Freshly planted plants need abundant watering - 25-30 liters at a time. During the drought period, water every other day, when it rains, once a week is enough. Leaves are a good indicator of soil moisture. With a lack of moisture, they wilt.

The soil must always be loose. After the first watering, it is loosened to a depth of 8 cm and immediately mulched. This helps to retain both moisture and airiness of the soil. With good mulching, further loosening is not needed, it remains only to replenish the mulching layers with new ones.

Care during growth and flowering

The recipe for annual manure feeding is one part to ten parts of water. Blooming two-year-old specimens replenish the diet with mineral fertilizers. To do this, add 15 g of urea, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfide to a bucket of water. This portion is enough for one plant that has reached its maximum size, or two - if they are half as large.

After flowering and before winter

Dead branches of jasmine are quickly replaced by regrown new ones by spring.

After dropping the flowers, the vitality of the mock orange is restored with ashes - two glasses under the bush. It is allowed to replace it with a ten-liter bucket of a solution of potassium sulfate (a tablespoon) and superphosphate (two tablespoons). Weak branches after flowering are removed immediately.

Before the first snowflakes appear in autumn, the root system is insulated with a layer of compost or humus at least five centimeters thick. You can add a little phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, they will increase frost resistance. Coconut felt spread on the ground will be a good “blanket” for the roots.

Plants that have not yet reached their full size are covered with snow as it appears. Many varieties lose in frosts that part of the branches that rises above the snowdrifts. This is not critical.

If there is an experiment with more heat-loving mock oranges, you can cover the entire bush for the winter. To do this, they stick a high stick in the middle, spread the agrospan on the ground and carefully but tightly tie it to the installed support at the top and bottom. In the middle, the cocoon is also grabbed with a rope, but more freely.

Vekhi varieties tested by Russian winters usually do not need such a procedure. Autumn tying of branches will be sufficient for them, giving strength to resist the weight of snow.


The scheme for pruning the mock orange after flowering will help the beginner to carry out the work correctly

At the very beginning of spring, all strong branches are slightly shortened. Weak ones can be removed completely, as well as those that are more than eight years old. The resulting hemp is smeared with garden pitch.

Very old plants are rejuvenated, leaving only 3-4 stems up to 40 cm long. All the rest are cut to the ground.

Possible problems when growing mock orange

Garden jasmines are considered completely unpretentious. But from time to time there are force majeure when growing them:

  • Mock orange sheds its leaves in summer. The probable cause is the deepening of the root neck. It should be freed from excess soil next spring.
  • Foliage darkens and curls. This happens if you damage young roots with fertilizers. You can strengthen the roots by watering with zircon (an ampoule in a bucket of water).
  • Black bean aphid attacked. Here you can not do without chemicals - for example, FAS-double, Intavir, Fitoverm, Kinmiks or Tanrek can help. Actara is watered under the root.
  • Gray rot - the leaves are covered with white bloom, curl and dry out. Sick branches must be removed, the remaining treated with any fungicide.
  • Weevil attack. The crown is treated with chlorophos, the bugs with larvae are caught and destroyed.
  • Spider mite. Repeated spraying with an emulsion of Keltan (0.2–0.3%) or Phosphamide (0.2%) is necessary.

The easiest way is to carry out spring prevention of these misfortunes. The recipe for the tank mix used for this must contain a fungicide and an insecticide - for example, Hom and Fufanon.


The easiest way to propagate mock orange cuttings

There are several ways to propagate mock orange, and the choice depends on the needs of the gardener.

Planting seeds

In autumn, fresh mock orange seed pods are planted to a depth of 30 cm and covered with organic mulch. In the spring, the cover is removed to allow the earth to warm up and the sprout to hatch.

Spring planting is carried out in greenhouses, but this must be preceded by seed treatment. They are placed in water in a nylon stocking for swelling, after which they are allowed to dry. Add a little sand and humus to the soil.

Dive is allowed after a couple of weeks from the emergence of shoots. It should be borne in mind that a plant of the same variety is rarely obtained from seeds, and flowering can be delayed for several years.


The cuttings cut in the fall are added dropwise to the wet sand in the basement, maintaining zero temperature. Planting material is planted in the spring, slightly tilting the cuttings and deepening into two buds. Babies are transplanted to a permanent place in the fall, when enough roots are formed.

Old branches are unsuitable for cuttings, because they have a loose core.

Green cuttings are taken from the parent in May or June and immediately planted in a greenhouse. After a couple of months, the seedlings gradually begin to harden, and they are sent for permanent residence only after a couple of years.

Reproduction by layering

Young stems are pressed into the ground and fixed, leaving only the top 15–20 cm long above the soil. As they grow, this shoot is watered and spud. After two years, you can transplant away from the parent, separating from it with a sharp shovel.

A white bouquet as high as human height will delight with its aroma for many years. And the more labor and love will be invested, the more light and fragrance your garden will acquire.

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