Treatment for severe hangovers. Features of getting rid of the problem. What can you do to get rid of a hangover

Hello dear subscribers of my blog and guests! Everyone knows the popular saying: “If you drink well, then it’s bad in the morning!”. And we all know this hangover state that follows a fun party, fishing with friends, celebrating a birthday or friends wedding.

How unfortunate, but it is a fact! For a fun evening with an unlimited amount of alcohol, you need to pay with a severe hangover. How to quickly cure a hangover at home and feel good again a normal person? I am sure that each of us asked this question at least once in a lifetime.

In my arsenal there are 1000 and 1 ways to quickly recover from a hangover at home. But, I will try to give here the most effective and personally tested recipes that will definitely help you.

Why so bad in the morning?

This is the second eternal question which we all suffer in the morning. Well, why is it so bad in the morning, if yesterday was so good? Let's look at the very nature of a hangover. it medical term, which means intoxication of the body. Simply poisoning with ethyl alcohol.

If you drink a small amount of alcohol, then the body manages to cope and process harmful substances. But at large income alcohol into the body, it does not have time to break down ethanol to water and carbon dioxide.

Acetaldehyde is formed, which poisons us all our lives in the morning. It is a strong poison that causes nausea, diarrhea, weakness, fever, muscle cramps and even death.

TOP 10 recipes for a hangover syndrome

Remember these basic rules that will help you quickly recover from a hangover at home and return to normal life again:

  • Walk in the fresh air;
  • Drink more fluids;
  • Do not engage in heavy physical labor;
  • Do not stay in a stuffy room;
  • Do not smoke or use strong coffee, tea;
  • Don't take hot bath, bath, sauna.
  • Sleep more.

Dear friends, if you often feel unwell and are wondering how to get rid of a hangover quickly at home, then perhaps your body needs a global detox.

And finally, I want to wish you good health and experience hangovers as little as possible. If you have verified home recipe from a hangover, share with your comrades in misfortune in the comments! Subscribe to blog updates and see you soon!

In short:

SCIENTIFICLY. 6 steps in our expert toxicologist's article on how to quickly relieve a hangover at home.

Please note: this article tells how to get rid of a hangover after a one-day drinking. Tactics of treatment of abstinence syndrome after long binge differs in many ways. Read about how to get out of binge at home without fear of "delirious tremens", read in a separate article.

Six best recipes how to get rid of a hangover:

1. Remove alcohol and its decay products from the body

  • enema
  • gastric lavage
  • sorbents
    (1 tablet of activated carbon per 10 kg of body weight)

The fact that in the morning a person still has alcohol (ethyl alcohol) and products of its processing in the body is the main, although not the only reason for feeling unwell: you can not hope to get rid of a hangover until the remnants of undigested alcohol are removed from the body, toxic products of its breakdown, associated substances that were in the drink, and other poisons.

By the way, until you remove all this from the body, you will not have a fume, even though you brush your teeth five times: the fume comes from the lungs, not from the stomach. And the light volatile products of alcohol processing come from the blood. The only way out is detoxification.

This becomes especially true if you ate food, rich in protein(meat, beans). Alcohol interferes with the processing of protein, and underdigested protein poisons the body.

Sorbents also cope with this task: Activated carbon or other modern sorbents. For activated charcoal to work, you need a lot of it: one tablet for every 10 kilograms of your weight; crush in water or drink plenty of water.

Modern sorbents are more powerful, and therefore it is more convenient to take them than coal. To remove alcohol intoxication, take one of the remedies of your choice: Enterosgel, Smecta, lignin-based sorbents, and so on.

Already two hours after taking the sorbents, it is highly desirable to go big, otherwise it will appear reverse effect: more toxins will flow from the sorbent into the intestines than from the intestines into the sorbent.

Removing a severe hangover in the morning various medicines, it does not make sense to take them simultaneously with sorbents: the drugs will be absorbed by them and lose their effect. You need to spread them out over time. So what to do with alcohol poisoning? The optimal order is this: first it is better to empty the stomach (of course, if there is something else in it), then take sorbents. After a bowel movement (from 20 - 40 minutes to an hour and a half), you can take medication.

Don't want to hurt like this anymore? Bookmark our site, read about how to drink without a hangover and harm to health.

2. Apply biochemical detoxification

  • succinic acid
    suck on a tablet (100 mg) every 50 minutes, but not more than 6 times)
  • Eleutherococcus tincture
    (drink with a hangover 20-40 drops before meals)
  • lemon acid
    (Juice of 2-3 lemons diluted twice boiled water)
  • honey
    (half a glass of honey to take a little bit during the day)
  • lactic acid drinks
    (no more than 600 ml per day)
  • kvass
  • hangover remedies
  • glutargin
    (1 gram every hour. Up to 4 times)

With poisons, our body can fight on its own, but in order for it to cope faster, you can spur metabolic processes(to be precise, the Krebs cycle). In other words, it is possible to produce biochemical detoxification. Best of all, it accelerates the process of processing poisons, and also protects cells succinic acid: dissolve one tablet (100 mg) every 50 minutes, but not more than 6 times.

Don't take succinic acid more often than one tablet every 50 minutes, and also if you have an ulcer or gastritis. Also, succinic acid is contraindicated at elevated pressure.

Stimulates detoxification of the body:

  • Eleutherococcus tincture (drink with a hangover 20-40 drops before meals);
  • honey (half a cup of honey to take a little bit throughout the day);
  • citric acid (dilute the juice of 2-3 lemons twice with boiled water and drink from a hangover). It is citric acid that helps, not ascorbic acid: ascorbic acid with a hangover special significance does not have.

Lactic acid has the same effect. It is found in unpasteurized kvass and in lactic acid drinks (most of all - in koumiss). Doctors recommend drinking no more than 600 ml of sour milk on a hangover day.

Also, many complex anti-hangover remedies work to eliminate toxins. Most often, hangover pills are a combination of the substances described above (“Limontar”, “DrinkOFF”), however, they may also contain drugs from the arsenal of professional toxicologists (“Zorex”).

The anti-hangover remedy Medichronal can be taken only if the morning state is really difficult. This drug contains sodium formate, which quickly neutralizes the toxic breakdown products of alcohol. However, if there are too few breakdown products of alcohol, then Medichronal itself may turn out to be toxic. Leave it as a last resort.

If the libations were not accompanied by a plentiful snack, then on early stages detoxification will help glutargin well. You need to take 1 gram of glutargin (usually 4 tablets of 0.25 grams) with an interval of at least 1 hour. Optimal - 4 grams per day.

3. Slow down the spread of harmful substances throughout the body

  • infusion of mountain ash
  • tonic

Permeability depends on the state of the cell membrane biological barriers, including intestinal. The transport of substances across the membrane can be active or passive. Stabilization of the membrane leads to a decrease in passive transport, which means that fewer toxic substances penetrate into the brain from the blood, into the blood from the intestines, and into the intercellular spaces from the vessels. Accordingly, tissue edema decreases (“swelling” from severe hangover, which also causes headache) and intoxication. This will allow you to get rid of toxic substances faster and easier.

Rowan infusion, quinine (found in classic tonics, such as Schweppes) and tannins, which are part of cognac, have a membrane-stabilizing effect. Therefore, cognac is less dangerous for allergy sufferers in terms of exacerbation of the disease than, for example, beer.

How else can you make yourself feel better in the morning?

  • "Antipohmelin"
    4-6 tablets 1 time per day
  • "Korrda"
    2 tablets 3 times a day
  • bath, contrast shower, bath
    start the shower with hot water, then alternating it with cold

Another clever move is not to reduce the amount of poison, but to slow down its production, so that the liver has time to decompose acetaldehyde to acetic acid. This can be done with the Antipohmelin drug, known in the West as RU-21, as well as the Korrda anti-hangover remedy.

Antipokhmelin is taken once a day: 4-6 tablets should be washed down with water or apple juice. Corrda is taken as a course, within one or two days: 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Antitoxic and restorative effect is provided by a bath, contrast shower or bath. Better for a hangover steam bath, and sauna: three sessions of 5, 10 and 20 minutes. A contrast shower should be started with hot water, then alternating it with cold. In a warm bath best effect dissolve 300 grams sea ​​salt or turpentine from a pharmacy.

4. Correct fluid balance

  • bath, contrast shower
  • brine
    1 glass before drinking water
  • mineral water
  • diuretics (veroshpiron)
    take 200 mg once
  • oatmeal broth
    2 times half a liter with a break of 40 minutes
  • aspirin
    500 mg for every 35 kg of weight

It is possible to return the normal distribution of fluid in the body, disturbed by drinking, if fluid from the intercellular spaces is transferred into the blood (at the same time, swelling and the headache caused by them are removed). This can be achieved at home, for example, by going to the bathhouse (sauna) or taking a contrast shower.

Another way available at home is to take a liquid and a diuretic at the same time, such as natural coffee or non-alcoholic beer. Also diuretic effect will have oatmeal, watermelon, zucchini, garden strawberry and strawberry, bearberry, dandelion, green tea, the drug veroshpiron (spironolactone). Veroshpiron should be taken as a single dose, in the amount of 200 mg.

Furosemide is not recommended for these purposes. You can just drink water: but not in advance, but already with a hangover. True, there is a subtlety here: if you simply inflate with water, then the blood plasma will decrease osmotic pressure(that is, the concentration of substances and salts dissolved in the blood), and you will want to go to the toilet. This means that it will not be possible to instantly replenish the lack of water, and the process will drag on for quite a long time. It would be wise to replenish electrolyte salts before drinking water: for example, drink one glass of cabbage or cucumber pickle.

Also faster plain water mineral water and oatmeal broth restore blood volume. To prepare the decoction, you need to take a glass of oat grains, cereals, or at least flakes, pour 4-5 glasses of water, boil for 15-20 minutes, and then take twice half a liter in 40 minutes.

Aspirin also helps relieve swelling. Alcoholic drinks cause the formation of capillary erythrocyte microclots: lumps of erythrocytes. They break down under the influence of acetylsalicylate (aspirin). These lumps contribute to the formation of edema. Aspirin also has a general analgesic effect. You should take 500 mg of aspirin for every 35 kg of your weight. Quicker and softer acts instant aspirin in the form effervescent tablet.

Do not take aspirin at the same time as alcohol. Aspirin can be taken at least 2 hours before the start of the feast and 6 hours after the last glass taken.

5. Restore the acid-base balance

  • mineral water
  • soda
    1-2 teaspoons per 1-1.5 liters of water
  • succinic acid
  • lemon acid
    (dilute the juice of 2-3 lemons twice with boiled water and drink from a hangover)
  • dairy products

Violation of the acid-base balance in the body doctors call the word acidosis. Alkaline (hydrocarbonate) mineral water will cope with this consequence of drinking or not. a large number of soda: dissolve 1-2 teaspoons in 1-1.5 liters of water and drink. Please note that soda can be more problems than good. Mineral water, on the other hand, acts not only due to hydrocarbons and is more balanced in terms of its effect on the acid-base balance.

An important clarification: we recommend taking not soda or mineral water, but, on the contrary, something sour. It is better to remove acidosis not chemically, but metabolically: boost metabolism (more precisely, only the Krebs cycle) and wait until its work shifts the balance from the acidic side to the alkaline one. To do this, you need to take acidic foods (according to the Le Chatelier principle, this will speed up the reaction). The best choice for treating a hangover at home would be succinic acid (in tablets), citric acid and lactic acid (in fermented milk products). All this should also be taken with caution: carefully read the recommendations in the relevant articles.

6. Lift your mood and performance

  • glycine
    2 tablets every hour, up to 5 times
  • picamilon
    150-200 mg stretch throughout the day
  • pantogam
    2 grams to stretch for the whole day
  • mexidol
    1-2 tablets up to three times in a day
  • nonalcoholic beer
  • novo-passit
    1 tablet every 6-7 hours during the day
  • negrustin
    maximum per day: 6 dragees, 6 capsules or 2 tablets
  • persen
  • panangin (asparkam)
    1-2 tablets before meals
  • magnesol
    dissolve 2-3 tablets in water
  • magnesia
    take the solution every 40-50 minutes, but no more than three times

Glycine will help the nervous system (dissolve 2 tablets every hour, up to 5 times), nootropic pills Picamilon (take several tablets at the rate of 150-200 mg for the whole day), Pantogam (stretch 2 grams of the drug for the whole day) and Mexidol (1-2 tablets up to three times a day). Of the natural soothing, one can note milk, hop tincture and beer (preferably non-alcoholic and in no case fortified). Just do not lean on milk after drinking, because it is hard to digest and can, on the contrary, aggravate your well-being.

Antidepressants are also found in abundance in cocoa. Also read a separate article on how to deal with hangover depression. Do not neglect these tips, because a bad mood threatens to break into a binge.

Do not take phenazepam for a hangover. Of course, it will help you fall asleep, but it is also dangerous: you can choke to death from vomiting in a dream, this often happens. It also greatly increases the likelihood of lying down an arm or leg and losing it (crash syndrome). In addition, phenazepam after alcohol can cause hallucinations, disorientation and other dangerous effects, that is, "demolish the tower", which is dangerous for you and for others.

Caffeine (contained in coffee and tea), as well as other tonics and stimulants (taurine, guarana, ginseng), found in energy drinks and anti-hangover remedies, will help restore efficiency, at the end of all activities.

If you have time and energy, go for a walk in the fresh air. A leisurely walk reduces anxiety, and fresh air speeds up metabolism.

An infusion of St. John's wort has a calming, anxiety-relieving effect. If you are too lazy to brew and infuse the grass yourself, then you can take more expensive means created on the basis of St. John's wort and other plants: Persen, Novo-Passit (1 tablet every 6-7 hours during the day) or Negrustin (maximum daily dose: 6 dragees, 6 capsules or 2 tablets).

Calm the nerves and fight hangover insomnia and even such herbal preparations:

  • means with valerian;
  • means with motherwort;
  • soothing herbal preparations from a pharmacy.

Also, doctors sometimes prescribe these herbs for alcoholism, to relieve cravings for alcohol. This means that they will not only help you move away from a hangover, but also reduce the likelihood of going into a binge.

Do not take corvalol, valocordin and valoserdin for a hangover. They contain phenobarbital, which is incompatible with alcohol, and in itself is unsafe (it can cause delirium more severe than alcohol, up to a coma).

Replenish the lack of magnesium, which negatively affects the condition nervous system and on the heart, Panangin (aka Asparkam), Magnesol and Magnesia will help. 1-2 tablets of Panangin should be taken before meals. If you bought Magnesol, then dissolve 2-3 effervescent tablets in water. You will have to tinker with magnesia more: you need to dissolve one ampoule of magnesia in half a glass of water, or prepare such a solution yourself from magnesia powder (), and then take this dose every 40-50 minutes, but no more than three times.

Researchers from South Korea also note that red ginseng can quickly relieve hangover symptoms and restore memory and concentration. AT South Korea now the hangover cure industry is booming, due to the fact that in this country it is customary to work hard and drink with colleagues. Ginseng is used there historically, so it is natural that this plant was adopted. It should be remembered that ginseng is a stimulant and is not suitable for frequent use. Also, our expert claims that in theory this remedy only works on Asians.

All home remedies in one table:

How to get rid of guilt

If you feel guilty about what you did yesterday, don't worry. Most likely everyone is too busy with themselves to think about you. Everyone wakes up and thinks: "The horror that I said yesterday." No one wakes up thinking "Horrible what he said yesterday!". Do not try to distract yourself or suppress this emotion. Rather study thoughts and sensations until they subside. Or write anxious thoughts on a piece of paper or on a computer.

Inadequate guilt and shame will go away on its own as you recover. normal operation nervous system. This will happen by itself over time. The remedies and medications described above will help speed up the process.

What is the best drink for a hangover?

How to get rid of alcohol poisoning? Treatment is best done on all the fronts described: remove toxins, restore fluid balance, treat nerves. Please note that the effective set of remedies will depend on your current state, on the amount you drink, on how long ago in last time alcohol was drunk and food was taken. For the selection of drugs for a hangover, you can use our specially developed methodology.

Convenient tables for those who regularly treat a hangover

If you are in doubt about what to do, keep two handouts on hand: What to do when you have a hangover and What not to do when you have a hangover

How to survive a hangover?

To recover after drinking, it is better to try to cleanse the body as much as possible and go to bed. However, if you are still very drunk, then ask someone to look after you. You need to watch so that you do not roll over on your back and do not choke on vomit if you still start to feel sick (this happens).

If you can’t sleep and you need to go to work, then first, don’t drive. Second, drink strong tea or coffee. Before this, be sure to induce vomiting, especially if the last time you ate and drank less than 6 hours ago. Energetic drinks also suitable, but you need to check the pulse. If your heart is beating twice as fast as usual (160 versus 80 beats per minute), then refrain from energy drinks and coffee.

Take succinic acid with you to work and take no more than one tablet every 60 minutes. The smell of fumes will go away as the body breaks down alcohol. Until all is processed, it remains only to mask it with chewing gum.

Folk remedies for a hangover

Not all folk remedies for a hangover are so safe and time-tested, as the now popular healers and healers claim. But you should not abandon all folk remedies at once because they are too outdated and ineffective against the background strong pill. The effectiveness of some folk remedies is confirmed by modern medicine. In this article, the expert of the Pokhmelye.rf website, toxicologist Stanislav Radchenko, will figure out which of the remedies actually work, and which ones are useless and even harmful.

Effective folk ways

means why does it work notes
(drink and vomit) all harmful substances are very quickly excreted from the body if severe and senseless vomiting continues for more than a day, take Cerucal
in a dream, the body recovers faster someone should look after the sleep of a drunk person
speed up metabolism, including the processing of alcohol prohibited when exiting binge and with heart problems, as they load the heart
relieve swelling, speed up metabolism not recommended for heart problems and high blood pressure
water relieves swelling and headache, removes harmful substances faster. Mineral water is especially effective before drinking water, drink a glass of brine
replenishes the supply of salts, helps beneficial effect water drink no more than a glass - and it is the brine, not the marinade
contains vitamin B1, enzymes, beneficial micro-organisms and organic acids that help to quickly remove harmful substances from the body kvass should be natural, not canned. And not too "drunk", otherwise you get a new dose of alcohol
: yogurt, tan, ayran, kefir, koumiss is especially useful provide the body with proteins, vitamins and minerals, improve the functioning of the digestive tract, restore strength, remove toxins and protect the liver it is better to drink on an empty stomach, in small sips and in an amount of not more than 600 ml
contains vitamin B1, which is used for the processing of alcohol. Invigorating, but much milder than coffee drink at the end of all detoxification procedures and not too much, because. loads the heart
contains a number of anti-depressants, compensates for a hangover lack of magnesium, invigorates, reduces headaches and anxiety it is better to cook cocoa on the water, because. milk reduces its bio-availability. Optimal dose: 3/4 cup
improves metabolism, accelerates the processing of alcohol dilute the juice of 2-3 lemons with twice as much boiled water so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa
improves metabolism, has a calming and detoxifying effect. Fructose helps metabolize alcohol faster take fractionally: stretch half a glass of honey for the whole day
improve metabolism, help to get rid of harmful substances, calm the nerves, provide us with potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus after drinking cause unpleasant sensations instead of pleasure. As a result, a person weaned from drinking
oranges and lemons contain citric acid which helps to get rid of harmful substances. Bananas make up for potassium deficiency hangover these fruits are ideal for refreshing in the morning: they do not cause nausea and do not overload the digestive tract

The links in the table lead to specific hangover cures on the same page. Now let's take a closer look at why the above folk remedies really work, and how they should be taken correctly.

Cleansing the stomach

Attention! As a way to get over a hangover faster, we recommend physical activity only for young and healthy people who do not have heart problems. You also need to check the pulse: do not exercise if the pulse is already twice as high as your normal (somewhere more than 160 with a normal 80 beats per minute).

Sex like any other exercise stress, accelerates metabolism, including the processing of alcohol. The release of endorphins during sex improves well-being and helps get rid of headaches. Be careful: like other physical exercises, sex during hangover syndrome puts extra stress on the heart.

Bath, bath, shower

In the bath, blood circulation and metabolism are activated, which contributes to the fastest processing of toxic products of the breakdown of alcohol. A visit to the bath enhances skin respiration, improves blood circulation. Heat kills bacteria on the human body. Profuse sweating eliminates dehydration and relieves swelling. In the bath, a person's mood improves and fresh forces appear.

The bath can be replaced with a salt bath: stir in warm water 300 grams of sea salt and lie there for half an hour. Remember: a bath, a salt bath and a contrast shower are not recommended for problems with the heart and pressure.

A contrast shower quickly brings you to the right state: it invigorates, relieves swelling, and increases the efficiency of the brain. Main rule contrast shower- you need to start with hot water: from the very beginning, make the water quite warm, stand under it for 30 seconds, then turn it on cold water and stand under it for 15-20 seconds. Then hot again, and so on. For the expected effect, three cycles of water change must be done.

Water, mineral water

One of the main reasons for feeling unwell in the morning is the improper redistribution of fluid, when excess fluid accumulates in the tissues, creating edema, and the volume of circulating blood is not enough, and the person suffers from dryness. The rapid flow of water into the bloodstream normalizes the volume of circulating blood, stimulates urination and thereby eliminates tissue edema. Removal of edema relieves headaches and reduces the load on the heart.

Mineral water is three times more effective than regular water. It enters the blood faster, so it helps to get rid of edema, headaches, and also remove toxic decomposition products of alcohol from the body much more effectively. Particularly useful for the treatment of a hangover are "bicarbonate" mineral waters (Borjomi, Essentuki), which shift the acid-base balance in the body to the alkaline side, because usually it is acidic in a state of alcohol intoxication.


Before drinking water, it is advisable to replenish the supply of salts: for example, drink a glass of brine (cabbage or cucumber) - and this will replenish the loss of electrolyte salts. By the way, in fact, the folk remedy for a hangover was cabbage, and not cucumber pickle: unlike cucumber, cabbage pickle contains succinic acid. You should not drink more than one glass, so as not to burden the heart. And make sure you drink the brine, not the marinade.


Natural, not canned kvass contains a large amount of vitamin B1, enzymes, beneficial microorganisms and organic acids that help to quickly remove toxic decomposition products of alcohol from the body. Not recommended for those suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcer in the acute stage. Be careful and do not drink excessively "drunk" kvass: this way you can accidentally get drunk. And getting drunk in the morning is not useful, but harmful - read about this dubious folk remedy below, in the same article.

Sour milk drinks


Honey contains trace elements, redox enzymes, organic acids of the Krebs cycle - the most important link in metabolism. Honey has a calming and detoxifying effect. Fructose, contained in honey, helps to quickly cope with the processing of alcohol.

The picture shows the Krebs cycle and alcohol in general scheme human metabolism. .

Our expert notes that at home, a hangover can be removed by cleansing the intestines and fractional intake of honey: 100 ml (half a glass) of honey should be stretched for the whole day, taking a little bit.


Seafood increases appetite and improves metabolism, helps to quickly get rid of toxic decomposition products of alcohol, and also act as sedatives. Seafood saturates the body with potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus, which are necessary for electrolyte imbalances that occur with alcohol abuse.

However, the ability to absorb useful material with a hangover is greatly reduced, therefore, seafood should improve health after the main detoxification measures have been taken (that is, after the removal of toxic products of the breakdown of alcohol from the body).

Citrus fruits and bananas

Oranges and lemons contain citric acid in large quantities, which helps to quickly remove the toxic breakdown products of alcohol from the body.

Useless folk ways to relieve a hangover:

  • get drunk
  • force yourself to eat
  • drink tomato juice
  • eat garlic
  • eat ginger
  • to drink coffee

Let's find out why you should not use these folk remedies.

get drunk

The hangover will pass only when you cleanse the body of alcohol and its products. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in competent detoxification.

A new dose of alcohol in the morning is short-lived symptomatic remedy: drinking can have a slight anesthetic and sedative effect - but you can alleviate the suffering from a hangover syndrome much more safe methods, and for such an “additive” you will have to pay later. This is a direct path to binge drinking and the development of alcoholism: doctors say that morning hangover really eases the hangover for those who have already formed an addiction; non-alcoholics, on the other hand, are usually sick of seeing alcohol with a hangover.

Force yourself to eat

If you don’t feel like eating in the morning, it means that the poisoning has not yet passed. food taken will not be assimilated, will not “give strength”, but will only aggravate the poisoning. Often you can hear the advice to eat through the power of fatty soup, and then the nausea will recede. This is not true. To return to normal, it would be wiser not to interfere with the body to get rid of the breakdown products of alcohol and not to load it with new food until it is cleared.

Tomato juice

Tomato juice is often mentioned in a number of folk remedies for a hangover along with pickle. Tomato juice contains some vitamins, pectin, organic acids of the Krebs cycle, including malic and succinic. But it also contains oxalic acid (oxalate), which simultaneously reduces the effects of both malic and succinic acids. Therefore, tomato juice does not give any special advantages compared to ordinary liquids.


Garlic and garlic dishes contain substances that, when oxidized, give the same metabolites as alcohol. Therefore, on the one hand, in accordance with the Le Chatelier principle, garlic slows down the oxidation of alcohol, prolonging its effect on the body, and on the other hand, in large doses itself causes a condition very similar to a hangover. The vast majority of cases of abundant use of garlic (as well as onions, peppers, horseradish, mustard, spices) during drinking is accompanied by a worsening hangover.


Like any stimulant, ginger can cheer you up for a short time. There is no big sense in this, because it is better to go to bed, it will quickly remove the hangover. In addition, ginger will additionally cause irritation of the stomach, and this is a direct path to an ulcer. Ginger will not help you cleanse your body (there is no scientific evidence for this), which means it is generally useless.


Coffee wakes up the brain, but increases the workload on the heart. The same caffeine (but in lesser amounts) is found in tea and in some special anti-hangover drugs - and in this form it works more gently. Caffeine is also found in non-alcoholic energy drinks, but it is not at all the main anti-hangover component there. Efficient and useful analogue caffeine (theobromine) is found in cocoa, about which this article has already been written above. Coffee can be drunk at the very end of detox activities, as a means of increasing performance.

Artichoke extract

A hyped hangover cure in the West. AT recent times is gaining popularity in our country, including as a remedy for alcoholism. An artichoke does not cure a hangover: this was established by scientists from the University of the British city of Exeter back in 2003.

With such a phenomenon as a hangover, almost every adult faced. For some, this painful condition was an accident, someone encounters it regularly due to the systematic abuse of alcohol. And in order to know how to effectively deal with symptoms, it is important to understand how alcohol, which is a poison, affects the body, and how to speed up the process of its removal to normalize the condition (Fig. 1).

Know the enemy by sight

A hangover is an extremely uncomfortable condition. healthy person caused by alcohol abuse. It should be distinguished from the withdrawal syndrome, which affects people with an already formed addiction. Hangover symptoms can appear both after a single use of an excessive amount of alcoholic beverages, and after many days of prolonged use. Feelings and moral anguish will not differ significantly, and they must be perceived as alarm call and draw appropriate conclusions.

A person experiencing a hangover may experience the following symptoms:

A special symptom that speaks of the developing alcohol addiction, is the so-called, in which a person experiences vague anxiety, shame, even if he did not do anything immoral the day before. Pangs of conscience literally eat up and significantly aggravate the general physical condition.

The occurrence of all symptoms is easily explained. They are the result of the destructive effect of alcohol on the body. Dry mouth, headache and general weakness are due to increased diuresis (urine formation). All of them are symptoms of dangerous dehydration.

Also, the condition is aggravated by the decay products of ethanol, which, due to the impossibility of splitting, the liver sends directly to the blood. With significant alcohol consumption, acetaldehyde, not having time to break down to relatively safe acetic acid, poisons the body.

In this way, The best way hangover treatment - a decisive rejection of the abuse of alcoholic beverages. But if a precedent has arisen, it is necessary to take all measures so that the decay products of ethanol leave the body as soon as possible, and the priceless water balance recovered.

Ways to deal with hangover symptoms

In particular severe cases immediate intervention of specialists is required. If the patient, and the abuser is such, notes the presence of hallucinations, vomiting and clouding of consciousness are observed, you should immediately consult a doctor. Otherwise alcohol poisoning can lead to dire consequences up to and including death.

In light and moderate cases, you can treat a hangover at home. But it is imperative to take action, by doing this you will help the body to quickly cope with the toxic substances that are still in the blood. So, if you are experiencing several of these symptoms, heed the recommendations, and the hangover will soon recede.

Drinks to relieve symptoms

But just making changes to your lifestyle will not succeed in coping with a hangover. To cope with the symptoms as efficiently and quickly as possible at home, you need to listen to the recommendations of narcologists.

To defeat a mild hangover, without an obvious alcohol addiction, you should adhere to the following recommendations.

Products and medicines

Once your mind has cleared up a bit, and you can really soberly assess the symptoms, you can try to alleviate your condition with the help of some relatively safe medicines.

  1. If you feel a debilitating headache, you can take an aspirin tablet. But only on condition that you do not have stomach diseases.
  2. Take activated charcoal at the rate of: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. This remedy will bind some of the toxins and speed up their elimination, which will greatly speed up the treatment.

No more probation effective drugs It is not recommended to take without the consent of a doctor. Despite the abundance of rave reviews, it is difficult to accurately predict the effect of such a remedy on an organism weakened by intoxication. Drug treatment of a hangover should be carried out by specialists.

After alleviating the general condition and defeating obsessive nausea, you must definitely eat. Correct Reception food will give the body the strength to continue removing the breakdown products of ethanol. The best choice would be liquid foods, such as soup, borscht or okroshka, complemented by scrambled eggs and salad. The first courses will “start the stomach”, and after that, protein-rich scrambled eggs and a vitamin salad will support the body and give strength for further struggle.

The above tips will help you deal with the symptoms of a hangover relatively quickly and effectively. But you should always remember that this is not a simple set of measures, but practically complete treatment and even episodic alcohol abuse can imperceptibly develop into a dangerous disease that destroys families and destinies - alcoholism.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, that’s how he great person when not drinking

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not sold through pharmacy chain and Retail Stores to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law both drank and drinks

    Ekaterina a week ago

    I tried to give my husband a decoction of bay leaf(she said that it was good for the heart), so after an hour he left with the peasants to drink. I no longer believe in these folk methods ...

Everyone knows what a hangover is and how much inconvenience it can bring if you go overboard with alcohol. Today we will say effective recipe from a hangover, which can be used at home. We will also tell you which are the newest and most effective effervescent preparations, allowing to withdraw from hard drinking.

Main symptoms

When choosing really the best and newest hangover remedy, first of all you need to learn about its symptoms, how excess alcohol manifests itself for the body. Hangover syndrome in most cases manifests itself in a person in the form of severe pain in the head and dizziness, disorders digestive system, vomiting, nausea, general weakness, decrease and increase in blood pressure.

Hangover pills will allow you to cope with this phenomenon at home, detailed list drugs will be suggested below.

While taking alcoholic beverages that have ethyl alcohol in their composition, it almost immediately enters the bloodstream and is absorbed into the walls. gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the decomposition of alcohol is carried out to a greater extent in the liver. Just in the area of ​​​​the liver, ethyl alcohol begins to gradually turn into acetaldehyde - a poisonous compound, famous for its toxic effects on the body as a whole. As a result, after excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages, a person worsens general well-being and the internal organs are severely affected.

hangover treatment

In order to quickly remove toxic products from the body, it is recommended to take a cure for a hangover. Before you remove a hangover, you need to know that this can be done in two ways: use special tablets from a hangover or use the recommendations of traditional medicine. We will describe in more detail about each method that allows you to get rid of binge at home, so that everyone can know what to drink after drinking a lot of alcohol.

Tablets after alcoholic drinks

Thinking about what helps with a hangover, many prefer drugs that you can always drink at home. Choosing the best remedy from a hangover, it is recommended to pay attention to such drugs for hard drinking as Alka-Seltzer and Antipohmelin. Drinking such drugs after taking a large amount of alcohol is recommended according to the attached instructions, which describe the dosage.

In the event that you do not have special preparations after binge, then at home you can drink ordinary medicines aimed at improving the general condition. If you do not know how to quickly remove a hangover, then in the absence of special medicines, you can drink two citramone tablets best after eating. After drinking, it is also recommended to drink aspirin at home, especially in the form of an effervescent tablet containing an additional large amount of vitamin C.

Also at home, after drinking, you can take the well-known No-shpu, which can alleviate general state liver. A separate word must be said about sorbents, the use of which makes it possible to bind toxins in the stomach and intestines, thereby removing them from the body. After drinking as a sorbent, you can take Polyphepan medicine or simple activated charcoal at the rate of one piece for every ten kilograms of a person's weight.

To quickly deal with all unpleasant sensations, after drinking, it is recommended to take such a drug regimen: once before going to bed, you need to drink an aspirin tablet, 7 activated charcoal tablets and two No-shpa tablets. If everything is done correctly, then with the onset of the morning there are usually no signs of binge.

Folk remedies for a hangover

What will be the most effective among all traditional medicine preparations?

  1. First of all, the hangover recipe includes such remedies that have been proven over the years as brine after cucumbers, sauerkraut juice, kefir, sour cabbage soup, buttermilk, orange and tomato juice, mint tea. Generally, general relief state of the body can bring any plentiful drink liquids, so if after the holiday you woke up in the morning with severe pain in the head, then throughout the day try to drink as many different liquids as possible. In this case, it is best to choose mineral water, tea with lemon, rosehip broth and cranberry juice.
  2. As fast elimination unpleasant symptoms after drinking alcohol, stimulating drinks can be used, but this should be done with extreme caution. In this case, Coca-Cola, coffee and strong black tea with sugar will have a quick result. However, if you notice the first signs of an even greater deterioration in the general well-being of the body, then you must stop taking them. Most likely it is for your body that such funds are unacceptable.
  3. Another popular remedy in folk medicine for the treatment of a hangover is the intake of alcoholic beverages. You will be surprised, but in a small amount alcoholic drinks help improve general well-being. But be careful, in order not to go back into a binge, it is recommended to drink non-alcoholic beer.
  4. If necessary, you can also use this effective tool hangover. In raw beaten eggs, you need to add a couple of drops of table vinegar, a pinch of salt and a little ketchup. All components are recommended to mix thoroughly and drink in one gulp. Another effective recipe: it is recommended to add a tablespoon of vinegar, a little pepper and salt to a raw beaten egg, and also mix everything thoroughly and drink quickly.
  5. Another effective recipe to get rid of a hangover: add 4 tablespoons of sour cream to 70 grams of vodka with one spoon of honey and an ice cube. Mix everything thoroughly and drink in small sips.
  6. A decoction of velvet promotes fast cleansing organism from various toxins caught in it with alcohol. We take 7 flowers, pour a liter of boiling water and cook for three minutes. Part of the broth must be drained, leaving 0.8 liters. Now you should boil the flowers for about 6 minutes. Ready broth to cool, strain and take three times a day for a glass.
  7. To treat a hangover, you can use this tool. Two tablespoons castor oil you need to add to a glass of hot milk, wait until the milk becomes warm and drink slowly. What else can you do with a hangover, besides healing decoctions and drinks? For example, you can cleanse the intestines using an enema or take a trip to the bath.
  8. It is the sauna and the bath that contribute to the rapid exit from the body of any harmful waste that is obtained after the breakdown of alcohol. True, it is recommended to use this method only for those who have a hardy and healthy heart, otherwise it may lead to a deterioration in well-being.

Avoiding a hangover

Everyone knows that prevention is the best treatment. How not to get a hangover if you plan to drink a lot of alcoholic beverages? There are several simple ways allowing you to properly prepare the body for the upcoming holiday:

  • Two days before the proposed feast, it is recommended to eat foods containing a large amount of iodine (feijoa, seafood, seaweed).
  • On the morning before the planned event, it is recommended to take cholagogue. You can drink two dessert spoons of rosehip syrup or a cup choleretic collection No. 2. Such a collection can be bought at a pharmacy, this is a crushed composition of coriander fruits, yarrow herb, leaves peppermint and immortelle flowers.
  • Take an aspirin tablet a day before the planned feast.
  • 12 and 4 hours before the start of the banquet, it is recommended to drink vitamin B6 in any form convenient for you.

Directly during holiday table it is always recommended to drink drinks by increasing strength. Drinking beer after vodka or wine will definitely turn into a strong hangover in the morning. Also, always remember to have a good snack. Very handy for the festive table will be pickles, boiled potatoes, sandwiches with lemon and cheese.

Now each of you has become aware of how to properly get rid of the hangover syndrome that has arisen and what is best to do if it does arise. The methods described above folk and traditional medicine in most cases, they allow you to quickly remove bad health.

However, if after all your efforts your condition has not returned to normal, do not hesitate to call ambulance- it happens that only specialists are able to confirm severe liver damage, the presence of a hypertensive crisis and even a stroke. You should not neglect your health.

Probably, many of those who drank large quantities of alcoholic beverages experienced a hangover syndrome the next morning: severe headaches, nausea, dry mouth, bad smell, loss of strength, fatigue, Bad mood, irritability. Often there may be disturbances in the rhythm of the heartbeat, there are autonomic disorders, manifested by chills.

The main difference between a hangover syndrome and a hangover in a healthy person is that in this state he wants to take a new dose of alcohol in order to normalize his well-being. A small amount of alcohol, drunk the next morning, eliminates weakness and headache. Alcohol in this case does not cause disgust, therefore it is perceived as the only medicine.

How to treat a hangover:

What can not be done in the treatment of a hangover?

  • Drink alcoholic beverages, because such pseudo-treatment usually ends with binges;
  • Take a bath or go to the bath, because the heart is already experiencing a strong load;
  • Drink hot tea or coffee, because coffee increases tachycardia, and tea will provoke fermentation processes.

Means that quickly help from intoxication and a hangover:

1 Activated charcoal will absorb alcoholic substances, reducing its absorption. It is recommended to take 2-4 tablets a few minutes before the start of the feast, after which - every hour, 2 tablets;

2 You can also drink a glass of milk before a feast to eliminate the possibility of a headache or a hangover;

3 If a hangover is typical for you, then you need to protect the body from the consequences of drinking alcohol. Most effective method- Zenalka reception. It minimizes the content of acetaldehyde in the body, which is the most toxic substance;

4 Excellent helps semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal. You need to eat 30-40 minutes before drinking;

5 When drinking alcohol, you need to drink vitamins that will normalize the body.

How to treat a hangover with medication?

It should be noted that the treatment of a hangover with the help of pills very often helps to get rid of many symptoms. When taking medications, it is required to take into account all the contraindications indicated in the instructions.

To quickly recover from a hangover at home, you need to choose some of the proposed adsorbing, analgesic enzyme preparations. To get rid of a headache, you can use the following drugs:

  • Aspirin and its alternatives;
  • Panadol;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Solpadein.

To anesthetize some areas of your body, you can use the usual "anti-hangovers", which have succinic acid and other additives in their composition. These funds can be used in accordance with the instructions. In addition, they are recommended to be taken until the pain disappears.

To quickly remove the breakdown products of alcohol from the body, it is necessary to use adsorbing agents:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Sorbex;
  • White coal;
  • Polyphepan;
  • Enterosgel, etc.

If the stomach does not work well, what can be paid attention to enzyme preparations(Pancreatin, Pangrol, Mezim). It must be remembered that such drugs should be taken with food, and when using sorbents, it is necessary to observe a time interval of 2-3 hours.

Various methods to treat a hangover

1 If after drinking alcohol in the morning you feel nausea, dizziness and headaches, then this indicates a hangover syndrome. These symptoms are caused by the dehydrating effect of alcohol, which requires the body to drink fluids.

2 Hangovers can be cured different ways. One of them is long and deep sleep which is so necessary for the body. After you get a good night's sleep, you can feel good without any means.

3 If you are going to work early in the morning, you can try to bring the body to life with the help of Zenalka and its alternatives.

4 In addition, it is recommended to drink as much water as possible, take a shower, stand under water, have a good breakfast (preferably with some kind of broth). Even if you don't feel like eating and you're nauseous, you need to force yourself somehow. The symptoms will go away fairly quickly.

5 Many people can be helped by stimulating drinks: Coca-Cola, tea, coffee, etc. But you need to assess your condition. If you start feeling worse after drinking coffee, then you should immediately refuse it. You can drink some non-alcoholic beer.

6 In addition, a positive effect in this case gives a solution natural honey, tomato and orange juice. Great for hangovers Mint tea with honey, sour cucumbers, yogurt drinks, buttermilk, cottage cheese, kefir.

Other ways to treat a hangover:

Of course, every country and even every city has its own ways to help get rid of a hangover and high content blood alcohol. Someone recommends taking as many medicinal substances as possible, someone recommends drinking more water. In general, a person himself must find such a way to treat a hangover. It can only be found through practice.

For example, if one of the proposed and well-known methods did not suit you even after using certain products or medicines, you only feel worse, then you should not try the same method in the future. Perhaps you should switch to something opposite.

Hangover treatment and help with alcohol intoxication

1 When alcohol is completely absorbed in the stomach, the use of sorbents helps to bind gastrointestinal toxins. Activated carbon can be used as a sorbent. 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

2 Drinking plenty of water also helps: water, fruit drinks, mineral water, which will alkalize acid environment and make up the gap mineral salts. Sweet tea can help, which will stimulate cardiovascular system. Excellent remedy- mint tea or mint decoction.

3 If you don't have diabetes, they help a lot loading doses glucose with ascorbic acid. Sweet grapes can be a source of glucose.

4 With a hangover, potassium salts are washed out of the body, so foods and preparations containing potassium are highly recommended in this case: sauerkraut, potatoes, dried apricots and pickle, which has long been known as a hangover remedy. Sauerkraut juice, cucumber pickle and analogues will be at the expense of increased concentration salts will not only make up for the deficiency, but will also allow you to keep water in circulatory system. Kefir or brine - favorite folk remedy treatment in our country, but an excessive amount of brine should not be taken.

5 If all the means listed above did not bring the expected effect, then it is necessary to go to sleep, rest, if possible. It is recommended to breathe fresh air and take a walk. vitality will help to return both.

Hangover prevention

If you can not refuse to drink alcohol, then you need to do it right. You should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Before the feast, be sure to eat a few citrus fruits, drink juice or milk. Drinking alcohol should be alternated with drinking juice or water. You should not drink alcohol along with carbonated drinks, eat confectionery.

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