Oatmeal decoction for babies liquid. Recipes for healthy decoctions for babies

Many modern mothers sooner or later ask themselves the question: is it possible to give herculean decoction for babies and from what age? Most parents prefer this traditional natural product as a first food for babies, rather than a variety of ready-made mixtures, which sometimes contain chemical elements. But not all newborns are equally useful decoction of hercules or oatmeal. It is allowed to give it to babies only with the permission of a doctor and upon reaching a certain age.

At what age is it allowed to give the baby oatmeal water, how to cook it yourself, what are the indications and contraindications, we will consider further.

Hercules is a processed grain of oatmeal, as a result of which they retain all the useful and nutritious properties, but the cooking time is significantly reduced.

Useful properties of oatmeal

Oatmeal or hercules flakes contain a lot of useful substances, including:

  1. Vitamins of groups A, B, C, E and K. They maintain healthy mucous membranes, skin, are responsible for the growth of hair and nails.
  2. Amino acids and antioxidants. The former take part in tissue repair, in the normal functioning of the endocrine gland and the system as a whole, remove toxins from the body. Antioxidants are responsible for maintaining the immune system.
  3. Trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron. They are responsible for the formation and development of bones, healthy teeth, and the nervous system of a small person.
  4. Fiber, which promotes metabolism, as a result of which bowel function is normalized, the baby has no problems with stool.
  5. Carbohydrates and amino acids incredibly quickly fill the baby with the energy necessary for growth and development.

In addition, oatmeal lowers blood sugar, normalizes cholesterol levels. Hercules flakes are a low-allergenic product, which is important for small children who are prone to skin irritations and dermatitis.

All these properties only say that eating oatmeal and oatmeal flakes will benefit a small growing organism. But this is not always the case. Despite the many useful properties, oatmeal for babies can only be used as directed by a doctor and under his strict control. Babies up to a year old have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract, and introducing new foods into their diet can affect the digestive system in different ways (and oatmeal still remains a rather heavy food for a young, not yet fully formed organism).

Indications for the use of hercules decoction

Herculean decoction for babies is introduced into the diet, as a rule, according to the doctor's indications in the following cases:

  1. When the baby does not eat enough of his mother's milk, because of which he often wakes up at night and cries.
  2. For weight gain when it is disproportionate to the age of the child. If the child does not gain weight for a long time, he is most often prescribed a decoction of hercules groats, diluted with cow's milk mixed with water.
  3. To normalize the stool with frequent constipation: high fiber content is excellent for constipation.

You need to start giving such a decoction to the baby with a small teaspoon, gradually increasing the dose until he replaces one full feeding.

At what age can you give herculean decoction?

Hercules decoction can sometimes be prescribed by the attending pediatrician to a child from 2 months old, but this is in exceptional cases. Many experts recommend starting to give a child such a decoction to drink at a later date, usually after a year. It is better for a baby up to a year to choose food that is less heavy for the intestines, for example, rice or buckwheat porridge.

In any case, it is impossible to use herculean decoction for babies under 2 months old. In practice, a decoction of oatmeal is most often prescribed by a doctor after the child has overcome the age of six months.

How to prepare a decoction?

Consider several recipes for preparing herculean broth for babies:

On cow's milk:

  1. First, boil the oatmeal in water for about 25 minutes. They are added based on the following proportion: 1 tbsp. spoon for 200 ml. water.
  2. Then pour 50 ml of boiled cow's milk into the resulting mixture.
  3. If desired, you can put a little salt and sugar, but it is better to refrain.
  4. Boil everything together for another 5-7 minutes.
  5. Cool the broth a little and filter it through a sieve or gauze.
  6. The broth is ready and is designed only for one time.

Often cow's milk is quite heavy for a small unaccustomed body, especially after switching from breast milk. In addition, some babies may be allergic to its components. Therefore, in such cases, it is better to cook a decoction for children in more suitable goat milk.

For goat milk:

  1. Dilute the goat's milk with water in a ratio of 1: 2 and bring to a boil.
  2. After boiling, add a spoonful of hercules flakes and cook for 20 - 25 minutes.
  3. Then we cool and also filter the broth, as in the previous case.
  4. The decoction can be given to the baby both from a bottle and from a spoon.

A decoction on goat's milk is not as difficult for a child's body as on cow's milk, and is more preferable for crumbs.

  1. Boil 200 ml. water.
  2. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cereal and cook for half an hour.
  3. Then cool slightly and strain. The mixture is ready.

With the addition of a mixture:

  1. Boil oatmeal in water in the proportion of 1 tbsp. spoon for 100 ml.
  2. Cool slightly and strain.
  3. Dilute the mixture according to the instructions.
  4. Add 100 ml. mixture to the broth and mix.

If the child is breastfed, it is preferable to use decoctions with a high water content. If artificial, add more milk.


Oatmeal contains a large amount of gluten protein. Its use in some children who are sensitive to it can cause a number of serious complications with the intestines or lead to a decrease in immunity.

As a result of the research, it was found that 1 child in 380 children has increased gluten sensitivity, so you need to carefully monitor the baby's reaction to oatmeal.

In addition, the gluten content of oats has been found to be much lower than that of many other cereals. Also, the modern market offers hercules, made from special varieties of oats with a slight presence of gluten. So you can find the right cereal for any little man.

Another common complication of regularly feeding a child with herculean broth is the occurrence of diarrhea. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it constantly, it is better to use the decoction in conjunction with other special baby formulas.

In any case, before introducing a new product into the baby’s diet, you need to consult a pediatrician.

In order for the baby to grow up healthy and strong, he must receive the whole range of nutrients he needs along with nutrition. In the first 5-6 months of life, such beneficial substances enter the baby through breast milk or milk formula. And after the first six months of life, there is a growing need to eat other, adult foods. Vegetable purees or cereals are the first to be introduced into the baby's complementary foods. But there is one famous dish - oatmeal for babies. Such a drink is used both as a source of nutrients during supplementary feeding, and as a remedy. Previously, it was believed that if the baby is not full of breast milk, then it must be supplemented with a decoction of hercules almost from the first or second month of life. However, now in such a situation, experts recommend trying to increase lactation, and not rush to introduce this and other decoctions into the baby's diet. Why? The answer is in this article.

Oats are the healthiest cereal. But in its original form, it requires a long heat treatment, in connection with which the producers steam and flatten the refined grains. After undergoing such processing, oats turn into oatmeal familiar to us. Oats are prepared in this form much faster - 5-10 minutes.

When to use oatmeal

A decoction of oatmeal has been used since ancient times to feed young children. Currently, herculean decoction for babies is also used in some cases:

  • With constipation in a baby. As you know, oatmeal is rich in fiber, which improves intestinal motility. A decoction of oatmeal really helps in the fight against constipation in infants. The main thing is not to abuse it.
  • When a child is underweight. Oatmeal has a high energy value. That is why many pediatricians recommend giving herculean decoction to children with weak weight gain.
  • As a supplement to mother's milk, especially in moments of its deficiency. Oatmeal is a very nutritious product. It allows the body to be satiated and not feel hungry for a long time.

When feeding a baby after 7 months, the mixture can be diluted with herculean broth.

The benefits of oatmeal

Useful properties of oatmeal are countless:

  • There are a lot of vitamins in oats (C, A, E, K, B), which support the healthy condition of the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes.
  • Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which improves bowel function.
  • Antioxidants in the composition of hercules remove toxins and toxins from the body, strengthen the immune system.
  • Hercules porridge contains a lot of carbohydrates and amino acids necessary for the growth of the child.

Despite all the "pluses", this drink still has "cons":

  • The content of gluten that can cause allergies in children. Until about 6 months of age, children in the body do not have enzymes that break down this complex protein. If you give your baby oatmeal before 6 months, then the gluten contained in it will not be absorbed, which can provoke an allergic reaction.
  • With the abuse of oatmeal broth, the child's stool can be greatly weakened, because of which there is a threat of dehydration. Therefore, when giving a child oatmeal, it is necessary to observe the measure.

There is a lot of discussion about at what age a newborn can taste oatmeal. I would like to remind you that gluten-containing cereals (semolina, oatmeal, wheat) are introduced into the baby's complementary foods no earlier than 7 months. Oatmeal also contains gluten, so we do not recommend it for early introduction into the baby's diet, especially if the baby suffers from allergies.

The ideal age for the first test of oatmeal is 7-8 months of age. Even if a child is constipated up to 6 months old, oatmeal should not be the number 1 remedy. There are many different remedies on the modern market to safely deal with constipation in infants. If you have problems with stools, as well as underweight and lack of milk, first of all, you need to contact your pediatrician. Giving an oatmeal drink too early, you must definitely get the approval of the pediatrician, otherwise you risk the health of your baby!

The decoction should be introduced into complementary foods for babies in the same way as other products - for a completely healthy child, in the interval between vaccinations, in the morning, starting with 0.5 teaspoon, observing the reaction of the body during the day. In the absence of such, gradually increase the daily dose to approximately 50 ml per feeding. It is better to find out the maximum volume from your pediatrician, because. each child has individual characteristics.

Please note that in the form of complementary foods, it is advisable to give the herculean decoction to the baby no more than once a day, 2-3 times a week, alternating with complementary foods from other products. And in the form of supplementary feeding, oatmeal should be given to babies only on the recommendation of a doctor!

Preparation of herculean broth

On the water. The safest way to prepare an oatmeal decoction for children under 1 year old is in water. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Before you cook herculean broth, sort and rinse the oatmeal.
  2. 1 tablespoon of cereal pour 100 ml of cold water.
  3. Place the bowl of cereal over low heat and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Let the broth cool down a bit.
  5. Strain the resulting composition through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  6. Serve the decoction to the child without adding sugar, salt and other components to it.
  1. Before preparing a decoction, sort, wash the flakes. If desired, grind them with a blender.
  2. Boil 200 ml of milk, put 1 tablespoon of cereal in it.
  3. Boil the mixture for 20-30 minutes over low heat.
  4. At the end of cooking, pour another 50 ml of milk into the pan to get rid of the lumps that have formed.
  5. Strain the mixture through a sieve.
  6. Add some sugar if necessary.

Summing up

Hercules decoction is recommended for feeding children suffering from constipation. Despite all the value and benefits of this product, it is undesirable to give it to children earlier than 7 months, since oatmeal contains the allergenic substance gluten. You can not abuse herculean decoction, so as not to provoke diarrhea in the baby. A decoction of oatmeal perfectly saturates the body. A baby under 1 year old should eat a decoction only on the water.

As the first complementary foods, you need to choose high-quality and fresh products. Dishes must be properly prepared in order to bring only benefit to the body. Various decoctions are known for their valuable substances, for example, from rice, rose hips, raisins. Not the last place is occupied by herculean decoction for babies as the first complementary foods.

Hercules, before getting on store shelves, is processed. The grain is steamed, flattened, so that the cooking time is reduced. At the same time, all the valuable properties of the product are preserved.

Useful properties of oatmeal:

  • start the metabolism in the body;
  • improve mental activity;
  • eliminate foci of inflammation in the digestive organs;
  • stabilize blood sugar;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • beneficial effect on the formation of the skeletal system;
  • help fight kidney and liver diseases.

Hercules decoction for babies should be given in the following cases:

  • With constipation. Due to the high content of fiber fibers, oatmeal has a laxative effect.
  • If the baby is not gaining weight well, then the mixture is diluted with water from oats.
  • When there is not enough breast milk. The drink helps to saturate the child and give him energy for a long time.

Giving a new product to a baby should be done with caution. A decoction of oats has its own contraindications.

  • Hercules contains a vegetable protein - gluten, which can cause allergies and intolerance to the product. In this case, a decoction of oats can harm the entire body (immunity decreases, intestinal microflora is destroyed).
  • You can not give oatmeal to a child too often, you can cause indigestion, and diarrhea will occur.

In order for an oat drink to bring only benefits to a child, adults need to know at what age it can be given. The first complementary foods should be started no earlier than 2 months.

The safest time to start solid foods is when your baby is 5-6 months old..

If there is a need to give oatmeal up to 5 months, you should first consult with a pediatrician. Be sure to monitor the body's reaction to the first complementary foods.

You should start with one teaspoon. If there is no allergy, then the portion is increased. Gradually, you can completely replace one of the feedings with a decoction.

How to make a tasty and healthy drink

The recipe for making a decoction of oats depends on what kind of feeding the baby is on. If the child is breastfed, then up to a year it is better to prepare a drink with water.

  1. Recipe based on cow's milk

Pour a glass of water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add a tablespoon of the product. Cook for 30 minutes. Separately, boil milk (60 ml) and add to the resulting mass. Cook for 5 more minutes. After the finished broth has cooled down, strain it. You can use a sieve or gauze.

  1. 2. Goat milk recipe

Before proceeding with the preparation of a decoction of oats, goat's milk must be diluted with water. Then boil the liquid and add a tablespoon of hercules. Cook for 20 minutes. Ready broth to cool and strain.

  1. 3. Water Based Recipe

Bring water to a boil (200 ml) and add 2 tablespoons of oats. Boil approximately 30 minutes. Let the finished mass brew, then strain.

  1. 4. Recipe for a decoction on an adapted mixture

In boiling water (100 ml), add a tablespoon of crushed flakes. Boil for half an hour. After that, cool the mass and strain. Add 100 ml of the mixture, diluted according to the instructions, and mix.

If the child is breastfed, then the drink is prepared on water with a small amount of milk. If the baby is artificially fed, then more milk is added.

Variety of beverage products

There are many other decoctions that will benefit the child. Among them - a decoction of wild rose, rice, raisins.

The beneficial properties of these berries have been known for a long time. Rose hips are rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, increase immunity, strengthen the heart, vascular, bone, nervous system. The product is rich in iron and copper, therefore it increases hemoglobin.

Rosehip decoction can be given from 5-6 months. The drink will be of great benefit during teething, as it contains a lot of calcium. For newborns, if the pediatrician's permission is given, a rosehip decoction is prescribed for physiological jaundice, as it reduces the level of bilirubin.

Children under 6 months of rosehip drink should be given no more than 20 ml per day, preferably before meals. To enhance its effect, honey can be added to the rosehip drink.

In order to prepare a decoction, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of crushed fruits with one glass of water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. After that, wrap and insist until completely cooled.

Useful properties of raisins are high in vitamins and minerals. The resulting water from the raisins is sweetish, so there is no need to add sugar. This is an excellent tool for the normalization of the digestive system. Babies are allowed to give it from 6 months.

A decoction of raisins quenches thirst well and helps replenish fluid loss in the body.

It is necessary to take a teaspoon of raisins, pour water, bring to a boil. Then the liquid is removed from the stove and allowed to brew.

Drinks made from raisins can cause fermentation in the intestines. Therefore, care should be taken to give them to children who have colic and abdominal pain.

The beneficial properties of rice come down to enriching the body with vitamins and minerals. The cereal gives a boost of energy for a long time, removes toxins, strengthens the nervous and vascular systems, and normalizes the work of the digestive organs.

If the baby has diarrhea, a decoction of rice will help. This will require 2 tablespoons of rice, which must first be washed. Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add cereal and cook for an hour.

Rice drink can be given after 6 months. Enveloping the walls of the intestines, it helps to thicken the stool and relieve inflammation.

Observing all the rules for preparing decoctions and the norms for their administration, it is possible to cope with violations in the functioning of internal organs without drugs.

Oatmeal porridge is well known to everyone from early childhood. Such food is saturated with many useful elements for the health of the body of both adults and babies. However, it should be introduced into the diet of an infant carefully and in accordance with certain rules. At what age can you give it to a baby? How much and how to cook oatmeal for a child so that it is not only tasty, but also as healthy as possible?

Oatmeal is considered one of the most useful products, including for the children's menu.

About the beneficial properties of oatmeal

Oatmeal is an excellent source of carbohydrates, which are vital for a growing baby's body. In this regard, porridge is usually eaten in the morning to get an energy supply for the whole day. In addition to this, cereals also contain a lot of valuable components:

  • magnesium and potassium - necessary for the full functioning of the heart muscle, the activity of the nervous and respiratory systems;
  • phosphorus and calcium are indispensable for the normal development of the baby's musculoskeletal system;
  • iodine - plays an important role in the course of metabolic processes;
  • iron - necessary to maintain normal blood composition;
  • B vitamins - participate in the processes of digestion, have a positive effect on children's skin;
  • fiber - regulates intestinal motility;
  • antioxidants - increase the immune forces of the body, protect it from negative external factors;
  • amino acids - contribute to the elimination of toxins, tissue regeneration, are responsible for the full functioning of the endocrine system;
  • inositol - is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis.

The benefit of porridge also lies in the fact that it envelops the entire mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines from the inside. As a result, the digestive organs will be protected from aggressive and harmful substances.

Oatmeal gently envelops the baby's stomach and protects it from aggressive influences.

Allergic reaction to oatmeal

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Despite the obvious benefits of oatmeal, pediatricians consider the presence of gluten in it to be one of its main “minuses”. This is a type of vegetable protein that is poorly absorbed by the body of a newborn, as a result of which it can cause allergies in the crumbs. Among babies, this phenomenon occurs quite often, but with time it usually disappears. However, some people have a complete intolerance to gluten, in which case products with its content are banned for them, including oatmeal.

An allergy to oatmeal in infants usually appears at the first acquaintance with cereal. Its symptoms can be very bright or barely perceptible. The most common signs of an allergy are:

  • prolonged aching pain in the abdomen;
  • increased flatulence and bloating;
  • diarrhea that becomes permanent;
  • lethargy, weight loss, itching and burning on the skin.

As practice shows, in young children, as they grow older, the body stops responding to vegetable protein, but for adults it is already impossible to get rid of this allergy.

Oatmeal as food

From the first days of life, the only type of nutrition for the baby is mother's milk or a special mixture that replaces it, but over time, the baby's diet needs to be expanded. Porridge is often used as a complementary food. Oatmeal is considered one of the most useful, but you need to feed the crumbs with such food correctly.

At what age can you introduce oatmeal into complementary foods?

At what age can a baby be offered complementary foods in the form of porridge from oats? It is impossible to accurately determine this age, this issue must be approached strictly individually. In general, pediatricians give the following recommendations:

  1. Formula-fed children can be offered oatmeal at 6-7 months (more in the article:).
  2. If the baby eats only breast milk, it is worth introducing oatmeal into his menu no earlier than 8 months, it is by this age that special enzymes will begin to be produced in the body that can digest gluten-containing cereals.
  3. Hercules should be introduced into complementary foods only when the crumb gets used to rice, corn and buckwheat porridge (more in the article:).

For breastfed children, the introduction of oatmeal can be shifted for a period of 8 months

Features of feeding

Oatmeal should be introduced into the diet of an infant very carefully, be sure to dose the amount of food and closely monitor the well-being of the baby. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a number of important recommendations of doctors and nutritionists:

  1. The first cereals for feeding a newborn should be boiled in water; it is better to cook them in cow's milk only after the baby reaches one year of age.
  2. The consistency of the porridge should be liquid and without lumps.
  3. The portion of porridge that can be offered to the baby for the first time should be equal to 1 teaspoon, then the volume should be gradually increased.
  4. If at the first feeding the baby refuses the offered porridge, you should not force him to eat it, better next time try adding some breast milk to the food.
  5. Complementary foods in the form of oatmeal should be given to the baby in the morning before the main feeding with breast milk or formula.
  6. If, as a result of feeding porridge, a newborn has diarrhea or a skin rash, the product should be removed from the diet for a while.
  7. After a year, it is allowed to add pieces of fruit or fruit puree, a little sugar, salt to the porridge.

The right choice of porridge for the baby

Many young parents are tormented by doubts: is it better to buy a ready-made product in a store or cook porridge on your own? Now on the shelves there is a huge assortment of such food for babies. The opinions of children's doctors on this issue are also different, since each of the products has its own disadvantages and advantages.

Homemade oatmeal porridge is good for the following:

  • whole grains contain much more vitamins and other useful elements than processed grains; porridge from it is much more beneficial for an infant;
  • homemade food has a natural taste and does not contain any impurities;
  • You can choose the grinding size of the cereal yourself, which will allow you to adjust to the baby's chewing skills.

However, it will take a lot of time for the mother to prepare such porridge, and if the cooking technology is violated, the product will lose all its valuable qualities. In addition, in order to grind cereals, it is necessary to have additional equipment in the kitchen - a blender or coffee grinder.

Purchased porridge in a box is enriched with vitamins, and bringing it to a ready state is very simple and fast, which is very important for a young mother with a baby in her arms. The disadvantages of this product include its high cost and the likelihood of the presence of synthetic additives in it.

What kind of porridge to choose for feeding babies? The best option is to alternate home-made with store-bought, for this it is better to start complementary foods with a product in a box, and then gradually add self-cooked food to the diet. It is impossible to say for sure which porridge will be more to your liking - some of the children love store food, while others eat homemade with pleasure.

How to cook delicious porridge for a child?

In the event that you prefer to cook porridge for your baby yourself, you need to know not only how to cook it correctly, but also how to choose the right cereal. The quality of finished food directly depends on the type of cereals, as well as on the method and timing of their storage. In order to prepare tasty and healthy porridge for your baby, listen to the recommendations of experts.

How to choose the right cereal for porridge?

  1. Choose Hercules flakes for baby porridge - they are less processed than other types of flakes, thanks to which they retain the grain structure and contain a lot of fiber, while they cook faster than whole grain cereals, but do not forget to grind them in a blender or coffee grinder.
  2. Pay attention to the appearance of the flakes - they should have a light yellow or creamy hue, as well as a slight aroma of oats.
  3. Look at the packaging - cereals in tightly closed polyethylene packaging retain their properties better than those stored in cardboard boxes.
  4. Store cereals properly - oatmeal is the only cereal that should be stored in a cool place (at a temperature not exceeding 8-10 degrees), so transfer it to a glass container and keep it in the refrigerator.

Quality flakes should be creamy, clean and light.

Baby Oatmeal Recipes

The way to prepare oatmeal for kids is slightly different from the recipe for adults. However, it should be borne in mind that the younger the crumbs, the more delicate the texture of the porridge should be. Complementary foods must be started with special food, for the preparation of which they take cereals ground into powder (for more details, see the article:). To grind, you will need a coffee grinder or a blender.

Porridge for the little ones

To prepare such porridge, the amount of oatmeal must be taken at the rate of 5 g (this is 1 teaspoon) per 100 ml of water. This ratio is the most optimal for the introduction of the product into the diet of an infant. Cook porridge as follows:

  1. pour the required amount of water into the pan and bring it to a boil;
  2. pour the prepared flour from oats into boiling water, mix everything well;
  3. when the porridge boils, it is boiled over low heat for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Whole grain oatmeal with milk or water

In the event that the baby responded well to the first complementary foods, you can gradually transfer it to porridge made from whole flakes. Up to a year, it should be boiled in water, and later it can also be boiled in milk. It is prepared in the following way:

  1. pour 1 glass of water into the pan, put it on fire, you can add a little sugar and salt;
  2. when the water starts to boil, pour into it 2 tbsp. spoons of hercules;
  3. when the mixture boils, reduce the heat and cook everything for 20 minutes;
  4. we wipe the porridge through a sieve when it cools down.

If the baby is already 1 year old, you can add a glass of boiled goat or cow's milk to the dish, as well as a little butter and mix everything (more in the article.

In order for the baby to grow up healthy and strong, he must receive the whole range of nutrients he needs along with nutrition. In the first 5-6 months of life, such beneficial substances enter the baby through breast milk or milk formula. And after the first six months of life, there is a growing need to eat other, adult foods. Vegetable purees or cereals are the first to be introduced into the baby's complementary foods. But there is one famous dish - oatmeal for babies. Such a drink is used both as a source of nutrients during supplementary feeding, and as a remedy. Previously, it was believed that if the baby is not full of breast milk, then it must be supplemented with a decoction of hercules almost from the first or second month of life. However, now in such a situation, experts recommend trying to increase lactation, and not rush to introduce this and other decoctions into the baby's diet. Why? The answer is in this article.

Oats are the healthiest cereal. But in its original form, it requires a long heat treatment, in connection with which the producers steam and flatten the refined grains. After undergoing such processing, oats turn into oatmeal familiar to us. Oats are prepared in this form much faster - 5-10 minutes.

When to use oatmeal

A decoction of oatmeal has been used since ancient times to feed young children. Currently, herculean decoction for babies is also used in some cases:

  • With constipation in a baby. As you know, oatmeal is rich in fiber, which improves intestinal motility. A decoction of oatmeal really helps in the fight against constipation in infants. The main thing is not to abuse it.
  • When a child is underweight. Oatmeal has a high energy value. That is why many pediatricians recommend giving herculean decoction to children with weak weight gain.
  • As a supplement to mother's milk, especially in moments of its deficiency. Oatmeal is a very nutritious product. It allows the body to be satiated and not feel hungry for a long time.

When feeding a baby after 7 months, the mixture can be diluted with herculean broth.

The benefits of oatmeal

Useful properties of oatmeal are countless:

  • There are a lot of vitamins in oats (C, A, E, K, B), which support the healthy condition of the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes.
  • Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which improves bowel function.
  • Antioxidants in the composition of hercules remove toxins and toxins from the body, strengthen the immune system.
  • Hercules porridge contains a lot of carbohydrates and amino acids necessary for the growth of the child.

Despite all the "pluses", this drink still has "cons":

  • The content of gluten that can cause allergies in children. Until about 6 months of age, children in the body do not have enzymes that break down this complex protein. If you give your baby oatmeal before 6 months, then the gluten contained in it will not be absorbed, which can provoke an allergic reaction.
  • With the abuse of oatmeal broth, the child's stool can be greatly weakened, because of which there is a threat of dehydration. Therefore, when giving a child oatmeal, it is necessary to observe the measure.

There is a lot of discussion about at what age a newborn can taste oatmeal. I would like to remind you that gluten-containing cereals (semolina, oatmeal, wheat) are introduced into the baby's complementary foods no earlier than 7 months. Oatmeal also contains gluten, so we do not recommend it for early introduction into the baby's diet, especially if the baby suffers from allergies.

The ideal age for the first test of oatmeal is 7-8 months of age. Even if a child is constipated up to 6 months old, oatmeal should not be the number 1 remedy. There are many different remedies on the modern market to safely deal with constipation in infants. If you have problems with stools, as well as underweight and lack of milk, first of all, you need to contact your pediatrician. Giving an oatmeal drink too early, you must definitely get the approval of the pediatrician, otherwise you risk the health of your baby!

The decoction should be introduced into complementary foods for babies in the same way as other products - for a completely healthy child, in the interval between vaccinations, in the morning, starting with 0.5 teaspoon, observing the reaction of the body during the day. In the absence of such, gradually increase the daily dose to approximately 50 ml per feeding. It is better to find out the maximum volume from your pediatrician, because. each child has individual characteristics.

Please note that in the form of complementary foods, it is advisable to give the herculean decoction to the baby no more than once a day, 2-3 times a week, alternating with complementary foods from other products. And in the form of supplementary feeding, oatmeal should be given to babies only on the recommendation of a doctor!

Preparation of herculean broth

On the water. The safest way to prepare an oatmeal decoction for children under 1 year old is in water. The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Before you cook herculean broth, sort and rinse the oatmeal.
  2. 1 tablespoon of cereal pour 100 ml of cold water.
  3. Place the bowl of cereal over low heat and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Let the broth cool down a bit.
  5. Strain the resulting composition through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  6. Serve the decoction to the child without adding sugar, salt and other components to it.
  1. Before preparing a decoction, sort, wash the flakes. If desired, grind them with a blender.
  2. Boil 200 ml of milk, put 1 tablespoon of cereal in it.
  3. Boil the mixture for 20-30 minutes over low heat.
  4. At the end of cooking, pour another 50 ml of milk into the pan to get rid of the lumps that have formed.
  5. Strain the mixture through a sieve.
  6. Add some sugar if necessary.

Summing up

Hercules decoction is recommended for feeding children suffering from constipation. Despite all the value and benefits of this product, it is undesirable to give it to children earlier than 7 months, since oatmeal contains the allergenic substance gluten. You can not abuse herculean decoction, so as not to provoke diarrhea in the baby. A decoction of oatmeal perfectly saturates the body. A baby under 1 year old should eat a decoction only on the water.

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