Effervescent sleeping pill. Over-the-counter sleeping pills - rating

When a person's normal sleep is disturbed, the quality of life is significantly reduced. Indicators of physical health are deteriorating, mental activity, a constant feeling of fatigue and weakness does not allow normal concentration. To find a problem that causes a sleep disorder, you need to see a doctor. However, it is not always possible to go to clinics, because people are looking for sleeping pills without prescriptions that will help to quickly improve their condition.

Appropriateness of application

Buying sleeping pills without prescriptions for sound sleep in a pharmacy will not be a problem. However, powerful drugs such as tranquilizers, barbiturates, neuroliptic drugs and antidepressants are available only by prescription after consultation with a doctor. They have a lot of contraindications and have a very strong effect on the nervous system, they can cause irreversible changes in brain activity. The patient takes such medicines only after he agrees with all the risks that may arise as a result of therapy.

Unlike tranquilizers and other potent drugs, over-the-counter sleeping pills are sold freely in pharmacies. They are not available in the form of injections, as they are intended for home use.

Most often, regular or water-soluble tablets are sold, there are also potions and tinctures, but you will not find injections.

Even the strongest over-the-counter sleeping pills cause a minimum of side effects, and the drugs also have the following advantages:

  • can be used in cycles or once;
  • are not addictive;
  • have sedative properties;
  • improve sleep;
  • have a positive effect on the duration of sleep;
  • basically do not affect sleep phases;
  • have few contraindications.

TOP 3 remedies for insomnia


The drug is a development of Russian scientists. This is a new generation product, which consists of completely natural environmentally friendly components. "Sonilux" does not contain chemicals, therefore it is suitable for use by children from 2 years old.

In just 1 course of application, your sleep will completely normalize, the feeling of anxiety and aggression will disappear, falling asleep will accelerate, and chronic fatigue will disappear.

Active ingredients of the product:

  • Gaba Alishan - is responsible for the utilization of glucose in the blood, improves blood circulation, strengthens memory, normalizes the activity of the nervous system, and eliminates insomnia.
  • Lofant - a plant with bactericidal and tonic properties, normalizes blood pressure, slows down aging, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Beaver stream - antispasmodic and sedative, which is used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Collection of 32 herbs - has a calming effect on an unequal system, helps to completely relax, eliminates neuroses and anxiety.


  • falling asleep will accelerate, sleep will become deeper and more complete;
  • the nervous system will be strengthened, its work will stabilize;
  • the cardiovascular system will be protected from ischemic stroke;
  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular disorders.


The product is 100% natural ingredients, it will effectively and safely save you and your loved ones from sleep problems.

The drug is based on the unique development of the American chemist Thomas Wilkinson. He invented an elixir that eliminated his wife's snoring, but the formula was lost during World War II. Modern Russian scientists were only now able to find and decipher the scientist's archive.

Restox has the following properties:

  • snoring is completely eliminated due to the effect of agave;
  • night awakenings are excluded due to the extract of aralia;
  • marshmallow extract prevents respiratory arrest during sleep;
  • Eleutherococcus extract allows you to sleep in any position and not snore.
Go to official site.

Potent means

Over-the-counter sleeping pills, which are quite extensive, can have high, medium, and low effects. The most powerful effect is distinguished by drugs that exhibit a complex effect: they accelerate falling asleep, make sleep deeper and longer.

Active ingredient: melatonin is an analogue of the natural sleep hormone, which is produced in the human body.

Mechanism of action: compensates for the lack of melatonin, controls the biological rhythms of the body, has a positive effect on the process of falling asleep, calms the nervous system.

Benefits: the most powerful non-prescription sleeping pill, experiments have proven that the drug causes physiological sleep, after being eliminated from the body, it does not affect sleep phases and does not change its structure. The tool is not addictive and does not have a negative effect on awakening, after it there is no inhibition of the reaction, weakness and similar side effects. The use is compatible with driving a car and operating complex mechanisms.

Method of application: a potent sleeping pill without prescription is prescribed initially in the minimum dosage. Every day after dinner, 1-2 hours before a night's rest, you need to take 3 mg of the drug. However, the dosage may be increased by the doctor if the desired result is not observed. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Disadvantages: can cause allergies and edema, is contraindicated in children, people with autoimmune diseases, impaired liver function.

  1. "Donormil" (similar to "Doubted").

Active ingredient: doxylamine succinate.

Mechanism of action: fast-acting hypnotic, which accelerates falling asleep. Blocks H1 histamine receptors, but is not used to eliminate allergic reactions, but to combat insomnia. Suitable for a single use, it helps to increase the quality and duration of sleep in case of nervous strain and severe fatigue.

Benefits: A strong over-the-counter sleep aid, fast-acting, easy-to-administer as it comes in effervescent tablet form.

How to use: the minimum dosage of the drug is half a tablet, it must be dissolved in half a glass of cold water and taken before bedtime. It is possible to increase a single dose to 2 tablets, the course of treatment lasts no more than 2 weeks with the use of Donormil and no more than 2 months with the use of Somnil.

Disadvantages: causes dry mouth, difficulty waking up, daytime sleepiness, not suitable for use by people who work with complex mechanisms or drive a car, is contraindicated in sleep apnea (temporary cessation of breathing during sleep), prostatitis, liver and kidney dysfunction. Children under 15 years of age, pregnant and lactating women are completely contraindicated.

natural remedies

Over-the-counter, non-addictive sleeping pills can be made from herbs. Means are not addictive, have a minimum of side effects, they are cheap and easy to use. However, you need to be careful, as biologically active plant components can cause allergies.

Consider which sleeping pills can be purchased freely at pharmacies.

Combined funds

Combination drugs are sleeping pills, which include several active components at once. They can be natural and chemical, therefore, the use of these drugs is treated very responsibly, some substances in them are strong allergens. Consider over-the-counter and effective drugs.

Name Compound Mechanism of influence Advantages Flaws
"Novo-Passit" A good herbal sleeping pill, consisting of valerian, lemon balm, elderberry, starflower, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops and guaifensin. Calms the nervous system, has pronounced sedative properties, in addition, eliminates anxiety, improves the quality of sleep and increases its duration. Non-addictive, available in a convenient form for use - tablets and syrup, suitable for systematic and single use. May cause depression, drowsiness, nausea and weakness, especially if the recommended dose is exceeded; it is not used to treat children with myasthenia gravis and chronic alcoholism.
"Persen" It is made on the basis of valerian, mint and lemon balm. It relieves nervous excitability and soothes, has mild antispasmodic properties. Accelerates falling asleep with nervous overstrain or a sharp change in the emotional background. A special form "Persen Night" is produced - it does not cause drowsiness during the day. It is produced exclusively in the form of tablets, the action of which occurs more slowly than from drugs in liquid form. Not suitable for use by children under 12 years of age, people who have diseases of the biliary tract. Overdosing or taking too long can lead to constipation.
"Fitosedan No. 2" and "Fitosedan No. 2" Herbal preparations, the basis of which are: oregano, sweet clover, valerian, motherwort and thyme. They are distinguished by their softness and natural mechanism of action on the body, contribute to the improvement of physiological sleep, have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Herbal compositions do not have a negative impact on health, they are completely natural, easy to use - they are produced in the form of filters that need to be brewed with boiling water. It will take 15 minutes to prepare tea, exactly this time it is infused, a fresh drink has the best effect, it is not recommended to store it for a long time.
"Corvalol" (similar to "Valocardin") Valerian, mint and phenobarbital. It relieves spasm from the soft muscles of the internal organs, is effective in neurotic conditions and sleep disturbances, accelerates falling asleep and relaxes. The only phenobarbital products sold without a prescription. Give the desired effect after the first dose. In some countries, drugs are prohibited; their more expensive analogue "Valocardin" is used. The products have a very caustic specific smell, they can not be used during lactation.

homeopathy for insomnia

Homeopathic remedies are aimed at a comprehensive solution to problems with night rest. It is very convenient to use sleeping pills at home, it is not addictive and has a minimum of contraindications.

The distinguishing feature of these drugs is that they do not lead to daytime drowsiness, do not cause problems with waking up, and do not affect concentration or alertness. They are prescribed in an individual dosage, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's body.

The most popular drugs:

  • "Hypnosed". It is used to eliminate insomnia, relieve irritability, treat migraine and neurasthenia. It has a minimum of side effects.
  • "Passidorm". Indicated for problems with falling asleep and regular night awakenings. It is not used to treat pregnant women and people who abuse alcoholic beverages.
  • "Calm down." It is used to treat insomnia that has arisen against a background of nervous overexcitation. It has a sedative effect, relaxes the central nervous system and promotes sound quality sleep.

Summing up

You can buy a good sleeping pill without a prescription at any pharmacy. Despite the fact that the drugs are considered safe for health and have a minimum of contraindications, you should consult your doctor before using them.

Some drugs can be taken once, there are also drugs with a cumulative effect that require regular use.

Before treatment, be sure to make sure that you do not have personal intolerance to the components that make up the composition.

Sleeping pills are a large group of drugs with different mechanisms of action that promote the onset of sleep and maintain its duration and depth at a sufficient level.

The pharmaceutical market offers many drugs that improve the onset of sleep, but in many cases this is their additional or side effect. Such funds are used in people with various neurological disorders, in which sleep disturbance is a comorbidity.

Before resorting to the use of sleeping pills, you should try other ways that can help you fall asleep quickly.

A distinctive feature of the hypnotic group is that their hypnotic effect is the main one and they are used only when insomnia is a clinical diagnosis in a person.
The most common sleeping pills that come in the form of drops include:

  • motherwort tincture;
  • corvalol;
  • phenobarbital;
  • valocordin.

Sleeping pills on this list are available without a prescription, but you should not use them without consulting a doctor. The onset of sleep is far from the only effect of these drugs.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of hypnotics is based on the influence on the neurotransmitter processes of the central nervous system. Neurotransmitters are biologically active substances responsible for the transmission of impulses between nerve cells.

Nerve cells control body functions with the help of chemical signaling substances, neurotransmitters and neurohormones.

They are divided into two groups - inhibitory and excitatory. The most important mediators of the human nervous system are acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, gamma-aminobutyric acid. Each of these substances plays a role in the activity of the central nervous system. Gamma-aminobutyric acid is the most potent CNS inhibitory neurotransmitter. It plays a key role in the process of falling asleep. The mechanism of action of hypnotic drugs is based on the activation of inhibitory mediators and inhibition of excitatory ones. Outwardly, this is manifested by a sedative effect and an acceleration of the onset of sleep.

Brief description of drugs

Sleeping pills, which are available in the form of drops, do not belong to the group of potent drugs, so most people can get them without a prescription. However, given the possibility of addiction, you should not start taking them without first consulting a doctor.

Sleep caused by certain drugs, such as phenobarbital, has a disturbed structure. The person may not feel relaxed. A significant disadvantage is that the liquid has a rather specific taste and smell. Valerian tincture, corvalol and barboval are especially “noticeable” in this regard. In some people, they can even provoke a headache attack.

Herbal preparations

Tincture of valerian and motherwort has a pronounced sedative and hypnotic effect, the mechanism of which is not exactly established.

Valerian root tincture helps with migraines, epilepsy and increased nervous excitability

Only the total extract from plants has an effect. The study of individual components showed that the effect of their influence is very weak or absent at all. There is evidence that valeric acid inhibits the breakdown of GABA. In addition, GABA is found in the roots of the plant. Many experts believe that the effect of valerian and motherwort is not the strongest that can be observed with the use of herbal medicines, but it is distinguished by the stability of the therapeutic effect.


Phenobarbital increases the sensitivity of receptors to gamma-aminobutyric acid. As a result, channels of chloride ions open in neurons and its entry into cells increases. This lowers the excitability of the cell membrane and inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses.

The action of this tool is non-selective. It exhibits a sedative effect, inhibits motor activity, depresses the sensory areas of the cerebral cortex. The combination of all these moments is regarded as a hypnotic effect. Sleep caused by phenobarbital has a shortened phase of REM sleep, which differs from physiological sleep. The action of the drug begins half an hour after administration and lasts up to 8 hours, in rare cases up to 12. After two weeks of administration, its effectiveness decreases.

Combined drugs

Barboval and Corvalol are combination preparations very similar in composition.

Barboval is used as a symptomatic (sedative and vasodilator) agent for functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, sleep disturbance, neurosis-like conditions accompanied by increased irritability, a state of excitation with pronounced vegetative manifestations

Mode of application

A single and daily dose of drugs is determined individually for each person. They are determined by the following factors:

  • indications;
  • the presence of concomitant pathology;
  • patient's age;
  • the body's susceptibility to active substances;
  • degree of response to treatment.

The treatment process begins with the lowest effective dose for a particular pathology.
Typically, sleeping pills are prescribed in a dose of 20-25 drops, followed by dose adjustment. Drops are taken half an hour before meals. To reduce the unpleasant taste and smell, the medicine is diluted in a small amount of water. For insomnia, the drug is taken half an hour to an hour before bedtime.

Indications and contraindications for use

All sleeping pills have a common indication for use - sleep disturbance. But only after studying in detail the history of the disease and the presence of concomitant pathology, the specialist can select the necessary drug.

It does not have to be the strongest medicine, it is important that it suits a particular person.

In addition to sleep disorders, sleeping pills in the form of drops are indicated in the following cases:

  • nervous excitement;
  • neurotic states;
  • migraine;
  • functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by an accelerated heartbeat;
  • spasms of peripheral arteries;
  • intestinal colic with severe vegetative symptoms.

In most cases, over-the-counter sleeping pills are prescribed as an additional drug that enhances the effect of the main drugs.

If you choose a fast-acting sleeping pill, you will fall asleep quickly, but such drugs do not guarantee long-term sleep.

The list of contraindications for taking sleeping pills in the form of drops is not very long, but it should not be ignored. The main ones include:

  • hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • anemia of moderate and severe degree;
  • diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by shortness of breath or impaired airway patency;
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver, which are accompanied by insufficiency of these organs;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • alcoholism;
  • drug addiction or a condition after its treatment.

Overdose and possible side effects

In case of overdose, patients experience drowsiness, lethargy, nausea, dizziness. If you have these symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Reducing the dose or discontinuing the drug eliminates these symptoms without additional treatment.

Side effects develop extremely rarely, mainly with the use of phenobarbital, since this is a fairly potent substance. First of all, these are allergic reactions from the skin, impaired hematopoiesis, lowering blood pressure and heart rate. With long-term treatment, there is a risk of liver damage, a decrease in the level of calcium in the blood, a decrease in libido, and a violation of potency. The funds of this group are used with caution by patients who are engaged in work that requires increased attention - drivers, cashiers, dispatchers, operators of complex mechanisms.

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  • This type of poppy has found its wide application not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. It is endowed not only with sleeping pills. This plant also has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, tonic, anti-febrile, and antitussive effect.
    First of all, this plant is considered to be an excellent sleeping pill. Moreover, this type of poppy is used to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve, diseases of the digestive tract, bronchitis, as well as cancer.

    When a person is faced with a violation of normal sleep, the quality of life decreases. There is a deterioration in the coefficient of physical health, intellectual activity. Along with this, there is overwork, a burden that does not allow normal concentration. To clarify the problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

    However, not everyone turns to doctors for help and tries to buy a good sleeping pill without a prescription. The choice of the drug itself is complicated, because. should take into account the characteristics of the organism, on the basis of which the dosage is calculated.

    How does sleeping pills affect the body?

    The mechanism of action of hypnotics is aimed at reducing the severity of the development of excitation (anxiety, tension) in the nervous system, increasing lethargy, and relaxing the muscles of the body.

    Sleeping pills that are commercially available have a weak and strong effect. Group 2 drugs affect the emotional and psychological mood. You can get used to taking them constantly.

    So, barbiturates will help to cope with severe sleep disorders. Against the background of reception, the structure of the dream, the consistency and duration of the phases change. As a result, sleep, after using such a sleeping pill, is manifested by vivid visions, incl. nightmares.

    Benzodiazepines have fewer side effects. But constant use leads to rapid addiction, ie. drug addiction. The use of aldehydes is also characterized by the development of dependence.

    Medicine Z induces increased deceleration. They have less effect on irritable processes. The drugs of the presented class (Zolpidem, Zopiclone, Zaleplon) reduce the time to fall asleep, increasing the duration of the night's rest and improving its quality. At the same time, they do not affect the stages of sleep, there are no side effects after them, and the habit against the background of their use is formed slowly. Therefore, these sleeping pills are the most harmless and are prescribed to most patients.

    The use of alcoholic beverages with strong drugs or an excess of the dose can be fatal.

    How to choose the right sleeping pill?

    Often when problems with sleep appear, questions arise, what is the best remedy for insomnia and how to choose it? A hypnotic drug is best used if the causes of sleepless nights are not clear, and when dream altering factors cannot be completely eliminated.

    In this case, the funds will need to be used in a single dose or in short courses. In other situations, it is necessary to eliminate the cause and treat the underlying ailment, due to which sleep disturbance occurs. When choosing sleeping pills, it is worth considering the type and severity of the nocturnal disorder.

    1. Presomnic disorders are treated with drugs that have a short effect.
    2. Intrasomnic changes will help to establish drugs with an average duration.
    3. For post-momniotic problems, it is advisable to take sleeping pills with a long-term effect.

    In addition, when choosing a medicine, other equally important points must be taken into account.

    1. Chloral hydrates are chosen for fast action. They are drunk in a short course, as the body gets used to them.
    2. With long-term treatment, it is better to use drugs that do not lead to dependence (Doxylamine).
    3. Patients who are supposed to have a high concentration and a quick reaction at work should not take sleeping pills with an average and long-term effect. They often lead to slowness, drowsiness during the daytime.
    4. In rare situations, if other classes of medications have not given an effect, it is possible to use drugs, a group of barbiturates, benzodiazepines. After drinking a short course, you will need to replace them with other medicines that have a milder effect, do not awaken the habit and other side effects.

    According to the effect on the body

    The correspondence between suppression and the increase in inhibition is different for drugs. This is due to the difference in length and direction of action.

    short duration

    High-quality short-acting hypnotics most often suppress arousal. As a result, inhibition naturally begins to dominate, sleep sets in. This exposure process is considered acceptable to eliminate the problem of going to sleep. After, when a person falls asleep, he falls into a deep sleep, without constant awakenings.

    The advantage of such sleeping pills is that they do not change the natural constitution of rest, do not lead to disturbances in the duration and connection of sleep stages. After using a good drug with a short action in the morning, a person gets up rested and alert.

    Influence time 1-5 hours - Melatonin, Thiopental, Zopiclone, Zolpidei, Niaprazine.

    Average duration

    Good sleeping pills, which have an average long-term effect, reduce arousal and increase inhibition. Therefore, their action is long, which allows you to influence both the procedure of going to bed and the quality of the dream. These remedies help eliminate difficulties with shallow sleep and constant awakenings, which makes it possible to sleep well and not feel overwhelmed in the morning.

    Exposure time 5-8 hours - Barbamil, Temazepam, Paraldehyd, Oxazepam, Diphenhydramine.

    Long term exposure

    Such sleeping pills are concentrated on the suppression of excitation, a sharp increase in inhibition. Therefore, they have a long-term effect. These remedies are effective in various changes in sleep.

    1. Prolonged sleep.
    2. Superficial immersion in sleep.
    3. Constant awakenings at night and early in the morning.

    Good sleeping pills of each particular class have their own mechanism of influence, which differs from other drugs.

    They act more than 8 hours - Phenobarbital, Repozal, Flurazepam, Nitrazepam, Bromisoval, Triclofos.


    To strong remedies for insomnia include medicines with a limited release. A prescription is required to purchase them. They have many restrictions, they have a strong influence on the nervous system, they can cause irreversible processes in the brain. The patient can use these drugs after he agrees with the acceptable threats that may appear as a result of treatment.

    The only strong high-quality sleeping pills sold in pharmacies without recommendations from a doctor include drugs from the melatonin agonist class - Melaxen, Melarena, Circadin.

    These funds are allowed without presenting the recommended sheet, tk. safe, difficult to overdose, and non-addictive.


    This class of sleep aids is available over the counter. Medicines can be easily bought, as they have a very low psychoactive inhibitory effect on the nervous system, and increasing the dosage does not lead to serious problems. Often, medications help to fall asleep if sleep disorders are mild.

    natural remedies

    A safe sleeping pill, which can be purchased without a doctor's prescription and is not addictive, is made with herbs. These drugs have few side effects, are inexpensive and easy to use. At the same time, they must be taken carefully, because plant components can cause an allergic reaction.


    Release form of valerian - pills, drops. It is aimed at calming the nervous system, eliminating its strong arousal and helping to fall asleep quickly. This sleeping pill has a cumulative effect. If you take the medicine regularly, you will get a good result from valerian.

    motherwort tincture

    A good cheap cure for insomnia leads to relaxation and calming of the nervous system, allows you to fall asleep quickly, improving the quality of rest at night. Sleeping pills have a pronounced effect with constant use. The results of treatment are noticeable after 14 days. The infusion is insisted on ethyl alcohol, so it is not harmless to use for children, women who are carrying a child and during lactation, as well as people who abuse alcohol and diabetics.

    Alcohol tincture on peony

    It is used to reduce the excitation of the nervous system, relieve tension, anxiety. Sleeping pills will help you fall asleep quickly with insomnia, increase the duration of the night's rest. The treatment process lasts no more than 10 days. Natural infusion is drunk 30 drops, 3 times a day. The doctor prescribes the infusion with extreme caution, due to the alcohol content.


    This is a harmless sleeping pill for sound sleep, quickly calms. They sell lemon balm in phytopackages. Melissa is steamed with boiling water and drunk before going to bed.

    Sleeping pills with the least harm to the body

    The best sleeping pill, according to somnologists, is a medication that does not cause harm. Also, the medicine should act quickly, without the manifestation of side effects.

    Since older patients are more likely to use these drugs, it is worth considering the effect on the kidneys and liver. After all, these individuals are vulnerable in terms of chronic damage to these organs.

    Melatonin in the human body helps to regulate the phases of rest - wakefulness, being also a hormone of night rest. The goal is to induce a sleepy state, which will increase the likelihood of falling asleep. In addition, melatonin has a discreet calming effect.

    It is impossible to overdose with a sleeping pill, because melaxen quickly disintegrates. Good dreams continue when the medicine has left the body, so rest is physiological.

    The safety of Melaxen does not change the movement of the healthy phase and the degree of sleep. After taking it, there are no nightmares, a person sleeps soundly. There is also no feeling of drowsiness, it is allowed to drive a vehicle.

    This medication is used at 3 mg daily after the evening meal, 2 hours before going to bed. The dosed portion is increased only by the doctor if the desired result is not noticed. The therapy takes about 3 weeks.

    Sleeping pills are drunk for insomnia, which has a mild to moderate course, in the cumulative cure of functional disorders, which are accompanied by changes in sleep in order to adapt to changing time zones.


    This medicine will help with sleepless nights and rest changes. Donormil is a quality drug to stop seizures in patients at a young age who do not need to drive a car the next day. An effervescent tablet acts on the body quickly, reduces the duration of going to bed, and prolongs the hours of rest.

    When using Donormil there are:

    • dryness in the mouth;
    • difficult awakening;
    • sleepiness during the day.

    The minimum dose is half a pill, dissolved in water. The drug is drunk before bedtime. The treatment process lasts up to 14 days. If the patient has problems with kidney function in terms of urine outflow, respiratory activity changes during sleep, then the use of sleeping pills Donormil is not permissible.

    Combined drug of sedative, antispasmodic and hypotensive effects. The active components are validol, phenobarbital. They drink barboval if insomnia worries, the patient is irritated, nervous. Drink sleeping pills, according to the instructions, you need 15 drops, up to 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Therapeutic course 14 days.

    If you regularly take Barboval manifests itself:

    • sleepy state;
    • dizziness;
    • a habit arises.

    You can not drink sleeping pills for pregnant women, breastfeeding, children.


    It is a systemic antihistamine. The remedy is drunk by adults and children under 15 years of age with disturbed night rest, insomnia. The active ingredient is doxylamine succinate. It is advised to take 1 pill 30 minutes before rest. Sondox works up to 8 hours.

    The advantages of the drug Sondox include:

    • causes drowsiness after consumption in an hour;
    • falling asleep time decreases;
    • the duration of rest increases;
    • the natural cycle of dreaming is not disturbed;
    • anxiety is reduced.

    The drug is harmful for those patients who have closed glaucoma, disorders of the prostate. Possible manifestation of dizziness in the morning.

    Pursen Forte

    The product includes natural ingredients - mint, valerian, lemon balm. The medicine will help to calm down, relieve nervous excitement. Sleeping pills will help out, with a spoiled mood and annoying thoughts that haunt.

    Persen is good for insomnia. Taking it, irritability and anxiety go away. The medicine should not be used if there are problems with the biliary tract, children under the age of 12 years. For a good night's rest and mood, the drug is used for 2-3 days.

    If you get a negative result after taking this or that remedy for 2-4 days, you should not look for a sleeping pill with a strong effect, you need the help of a physician.

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