How to use propolis for medicinal purposes. Medicinal properties and how to take propolis inside in its pure form? How to take propolis inside in its pure form

13.05.2016 Pelagia Zuykova Save:

Hello dear ladies and gentlemen! Does everyone know how to take propolis CORRECTLY so as not to harm themselves and loved ones? There are a lot of folk recipes in which the product is used, but sometimes they contradict each other.

In addition, the proportions of some components are given in horse doses (sorry, but there’s no other way to call it), and sometimes the combination of ingredients is so surprising that many begin to think about the health benefits of such a “medicine”.

From such articles, we learn a lot about propolis, a waste product of bees, how it is good for health, what ailments it helps to fight, and other banal things that are talked about a lot. But the information is often vague.

Only here and especially for you, I will help you figure out how to use propolis for medicinal purposes, whether it is useful to chew propolis, as well as recipes for tinctures that are easy to make at home on your own. Read the article to the end!

The use of propolis in its pure form

One of the first questions that often arise in people who decide to use bee product in pure form, are the following: is it useful to chew and can it be swallowed?

Of course, chewing is very useful! After all, it has so many useful substances. I wrote about them in a previous article. If you have not read it, do not be lazy, you will learn a lot of very interesting things!

Friends, there is a lot of information on the Internet about swallowing propolis. But the most correct answer is “NO!”. In no case should you swallow it, especially at random. "Why?" - you ask. Yes, because propolis contains resins that, once in the body, can adversely affect your health, in particular, the kidneys.

You don't want to hurt yourself, do you? But if you accidentally swallowed a small piece, then do not panic, nothing bad will happen from a tiny dose of resins.

The product for medicinal purposes is suitable for both men and women and children. Conditionally permitted during pregnancy. However, it should be remembered that before you start using, be sure to consult a pediatrician - if for a child, and with an obstetrician-gynecologist - if for a pregnant woman. Only good doctor can give correct recommendations on the use of the product for the body.

Propolis tincture on alcohol or vodka

Despite the popularity of a pure product, alcohol tincture based on it is most often used in the treatment of various ailments due to its convenient form.

It is applied:

  • with sinusitis;
  • with a stomach ulcer;
  • with gastritis;
  • for gums;
  • from toothache;
  • for rinsing;
  • with bronchitis;
  • with flu and high temperature;
  • with cough and cold;
  • with bone fractures;
  • to boost immunity.

You can buy a tincture of alcohol or vodka at a pharmacy, but if you are afraid to buy a fake (surprisingly, this often happens), it’s better to cook it yourself, it’s not at all difficult.

How to prepare propolis tincture with alcohol?

1. Take 10 grams of propolis, grind it and pour 90 ml of medical alcohol, heat in a water bath and stir until completely dissolved. DO NOT BOIL! Strain, pour into a dark glass bottle and store in a dark, cool place for a year.

2. This recipe is easier. Take the ingredients in the same proportions, place in a container and just put in a dark place for two weeks. Shake occasionally. That's all. This tincture is 100% natural!

Personally, I am more inclined to use propolis in its pure natural form. But even in the form of a tincture, it is also very effective, especially in certain diseases.

Aqueous solutions of propolis

The most popular recipe is to add a tablespoon (about 20 grams) of crushed propolis to a glass of boiled water with a temperature of about 50C and let it brew for 12 to 24 hours. Apply in proportions according to the recommendations (for each disease individually).

Such a solution has a mild, but rather powerful bactericidal effect (this is especially important when rinsing the mouth or throat). It can be given to adults and children, pregnant women and those for whom alcohol-based tinctures are contraindicated.

Propolis oil solutions

Most often, such solutions are used for external use, for example, for psoriasis.

It is necessary to heat for half an hour in a water bath 100 ml vegetable oil(sunflower or any other, of your choice) with the addition of 10 grams (one teaspoon) of propolis. Cool down.

They also make not a solution, but rather an ointment with the addition of butter. For this on water bath put some unsalted butter, a spoonful of propolis and add a spoonful of boiled water. Melt all this, strain 2 times, place in a small container (you can use an empty jar of face cream) and refrigerate.

The result is a soft balm with pleasant aroma which is perfect for outdoor use. Chapped, cracked lips affected by strong wind and frost - in winter it saves me a lot.

How to take propolis - folk recipes

It is difficult to find a product that is better than propolis in terms of useful and healing properties. After all, it was not in vain that they knew about it and used it in antiquity.

They treat many diseases - from skin to oncological; based on it, ointments, tinctures, solutions, tablets, patches and much more are made. It is allowed to almost everyone who does not suffer from allergic reactions to the waste products of bees.

let's consider available recipes from various diseases and how to use propolis. Take note!

1. From toothache

The most popular use of propolis in its pure form is its use for toothache. It is not surprising, because it helps even when you need to “survive” until the morning to run to the dentist, and no painkillers can save you.

To do this, take a ball of propolis in solid form (if you have a plate or a cube, roll it into a ball), put it on an aching tooth or directly into a hole in a tooth. The pain will pass with time. Do not forget to remove the ball afterwards, otherwise the tooth may begin to collapse.

2. For gums

With bleeding and for prevention, you need to chew propolis in the amount of 2 grams every day. The gums become stronger and stop bleeding - a fact!

3. With sinusitis

moisten cotton swabs in propolis tincture and a little vegetable oil, insert into the nose, lying down for about 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.

4. For coughs and colds

Drink tea with propolis tincture in the morning (about 30 drops) or chew honey with propolis 5-6 times a day. The disease will recede quickly enough.

5. For diseases of the stomach

Apply tincture inside in the morning and evening, 20 drops, adding it to tea. You need to take it like this: a week of admission, a week break.

6. With a stomach ulcer

For diseases of the stomach, take this: drink milk with propolis (25 drops). The drink should be consumed 2 times a day before meals.

7. For the treatment and prevention of cancer

Friends, that's all. And how are you treated, do you use propolis? For what diseases and in what doses? Do you have your proven recipe? healing ointments? Share it with us in the comments.

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Everyone knows the healing properties of bee honey, flower pollen collected by bees royal jelly and bee venom. But there are little-known bee products that have no less valuable qualities. For example, propolis. This biologically active product of the bee family is used both in medicine and in cosmetology.

Origin and composition of propolis

Propolis (derived from Latin word"glue", "seal") - bee glue, a viscous substance, similar to resin, with pleasant smell, yellowish-brown, produced by bees. With its help, bees cover up the cracks in the hive, polish the cells, giving them strength, cover the canvases that are on top of the frames, thus helping to keep the heat in the nest, wall up the pests that are in the hive. In autumn, on the eve of a long winter, the bees harvest propolis in large quantities.

Origin and exact chemical composition propolis is not yet fully understood. There is a hypothesis that bees bring the main part of propolis from sticky tree buds and from pollen grains. The composition of bee glue is not the same and depends on the location of the bee family, on average, propolis approximately contains:

  • up to 55% resins and balms;
  • 10% essential oils;
  • 30% wax;
  • up to 5% pollen and aromatic substances.

Healing properties of propolis

At the end of the twentieth century, interest in bee glue increased tremendously. Propolis, the medicinal properties of which are described in many medical treatises of the last century, is now widely used in folk and traditional medicine. Modern researchers have proven that propolis has a versatile effect on the human body:

  • cleanses cell membranes, normalizes cellular respiration, removes, suppresses pathological processes in the cell, does not generate chromosomal and mitotic abnormalities, restores the affected tissue;
  • involved in the regulation endocrine system, directly affecting the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland, promotes the release of corticosteroids;
  • improves the balance of albumins and globulins, acting as an analogue of Essentiale, reduces signs of necrosis in the liver;
  • has an antioxidant effect, inhibits growth cancer cells. When irradiated, it is desirable to take propolis, as it activates protective functions organism against radiation;
  • stimulates tissue regeneration, improves growth callus after fractures and helps to soften scars after burns;
  • positively affects the balance of hormones, enhancing the protective functions of the body: causes a plasmacytic reaction, stimulates the formation of antibodies and the growth of antitoxins in the blood;
  • has a general tonic effect on nervous system, improving the mood of the patient and reducing the feeling of depression and anxiety.

In addition, propolis is the most natural product, and with all the variety healing properties, it does not have such a destructive effect on the body as artificial drugs - the result of the development of pharmacology.

Propolis: recipes for treatment

For stomach ulcers, hypertension, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity you can just chew on 1-3 grams of propolis per day. After ten minutes of chewing, you need to take a two-hour break, then chew again and swallow. This simple way of using propolis also helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent caries. After all, it is not for nothing that propolis is included in the composition of many toothpastes.

With angina you need to slowly chew a piece of propolis the size of a 5-kopeck coin. In total, you need to eat about 5-7 grams per day. With this treatment and good propolis, the symptoms of angina disappear in two days without subsequent complications.

In the treatment of stomatitis, candidiasis, gingivitis and periodontal disease in initial stages when conventional antibiotics do not help or are not recommended, propolis can be used, manufacturing recipes alcohol infusion whom. Here is the most versatile: 50 g of purified and finely ground (you can use a hammer) propolis is poured into 80 ml of 70-degree alcohol and infused, stirring every day for a week, after which it is left for two days and filtered through a layer of cotton wool or gauze.

The affected area must first be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and dried with a stream of warm air, then, using a pipette, apply a few drops of propolis infusion and dry until a small film is formed that lasts throughout the day. Usually, after 5-8 days of such treatment, either a complete recovery or significant improvement is observed. Do not take alcohol tincture of propolis inside - alcohol is a poison.

At acute otitis media in ear canal a swab soaked in an alcohol tincture of propolis is introduced and left for a day. Treatment for 10 - 15 days provides positive result. You can instill 3-4 drops of infusion 3 times a day, but this method is less effective.

At chronic otitis media sore ear is freed from pus, for example, using hydrogen peroxide, and a swab soaked in propolis solution is inserted into the ear canal. The tampon should have good hygroscopicity and it is desirable to leave it for the whole day. Repeat the procedure daily for 20-25 days.

For the treatment of skin diseases best action renders 50% ointment with propolis, made on the basis of any vegetable oil. Such a composition is effective even with hyperkeratosis, trichophytosis, skin tuberculosis. It is necessary to apply the ointment in a thick layer and close it with paper for two to three days. The course of treatment lasts from one to two months.

Once again, we want to repeat - do not use alcohol tincture of propolis inside, it is dangerous. Instead, use a solution of propolis in water, which is prepared as follows: first, cool the propolis in the freezer for 15-20 minutes - this is enough for the propolis to become hard and brittle. Then it is crushed into powder. At the rate of 30 grams of the resulting powder per 100 ml of water, a solution is made, which is placed in an ordinary water bath for 1 hour. Don't forget to stir the solution. The solution is then filtered and allowed to cool for a while. The effectiveness of such a solution is not very long - no more than 7-10 days.

Honey with propolis - double effect

For improvement palatability and enhancing the healing properties of bee products are often mixed with each other. So, in combination with honey and propolis beneficial features honey increase, and due to the content of propolis, the mixture itself is more easily absorbed by the body. This composition has a powerful antiseptic, immunostimulating, wound healing effect.

Honey with propolis is a viscous mass, a mixture of crushed propolis with flower honey. You can buy a ready-made composition in a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. Honey with propolis is widely used in folk and traditional medicine for:

  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • prevention of oncological diseases and aging processes;
  • purulent wounds;
  • high blood pressure;
  • vascular spasms and headaches;
  • colds;
  • metabolic disorders.

Propolis, mixed with butter in equal proportions with honey, has proven itself in the treatment of certain forms of pulmonary tuberculosis and pleurisy. At the same time, the appetite of patients noticeably improves (the ESR decreases and weight is added).

All over the world, bee products are considered to be restorative and healing, including propolis, their use helps to strengthen the immune system, protects against the penetration of viruses, and is effective for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

Technological progress is moving forward, today there is great amount synthetic medical preparations, but funds for plant-based do not lose their relevance. One of the most famous, effective are natural products beekeeping, used for the prevention, treatment various diseases. The following describes what propolis on alcohol is - what it helps with, how it is recommended to use it, what vitamins, useful material contains how to strengthen the immune system with it.

Propolis tincture on alcohol

Propolis is a bee glue that bees collect from trees, modified by the action of enzymes. According to the observations of beekeepers, insects strengthen the hive with them. Bee products contain a huge amount of organic substances, including trace elements (potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, aluminum), vitamins, fatty acid, flavonoids, proteins, ketones, enzymes. Each component plays an important role biological role in the fight against the pathological link of diseases.

Medicinal properties

Due to widespread exploitation among the population, the remedy attracted attention and was carefully studied. The healing properties of the bee product include:

  • Antioxidant - expressed in the protection of cell membranes from destruction due to neutralization free radicals and prevention of lipid peroxidation.
  • Anti-inflammatory - the components of the substance, affect different parts of the inflammatory process, reduce their manifestations.
  • Vasoconstrictor, local hemostatic action - resins, essential oils in the composition of the tincture cause vasoconstriction.

There are other important beneficial actions that will help you understand what propolis tincture treats:

  • Immunostimulatory - stimulates the production of cells responsible for the immune response and increases defensive forces organism.
  • Antibacterial and disinfectant - inhibits growth pathogenic flora and destroy pathogens.
  • Dermoplastic - catalyzes the processes of regeneration in tissues and organs.
  • Detoxification - rids the body of toxins, waste products of cells, deactivates toxic substances.
  • Affects the protein-synthesizing function of the liver, normalizes the balance of albumins, globulins.


Like all remedies, the tincture has contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, allergies, intolerance, urolithiasis disease, various pathologies of the pancreas, liver, biliary tract. They can be detected only after examination by a specialist, which will warn the body against irreversible consequences. Side effects are detected in rare cases, but an overdose of the drug is possible, causing a number of health problems.

The use of propolis tincture on alcohol

Homemade propolis on alcohol - what helps: it is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections, diseases of the throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, hypertension, frostbite, burns, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, gynecological, urological problems, infectious processes in the body, allergic diseases. The following describes what propolis treats for alcohol in certain areas of medicine.

In gynecology and urology

Being a multifunctional agent, it is widely used in gynecology for colpitis, adnexitis, endometritis, salpingitis, erosions, in the presence of fungus, other infectious diseases. inflammatory processes. It is valued most for its antibacterial, antimycotic, local anesthetic characteristics. Alcohol tincture of propolis is taken orally, there are still suppositories, tampons that produce local action.

In urology, alcohol tincture of propolis is included in therapy inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, such as adenomas prostate. It leads to a decrease in the size of the prostate, normalizes it secretory function, eliminates the compression of the ducts. Rendering antitumor activity, the remedy prevents malignant degeneration, recovery occurs without surgical intervention.

For the treatment of the stomach and intestines

It is recommended to take patients with gastritis, they are also treated for stomach ulcers, the cause of which is often the wrong food in the diet. It relieves all symptoms including abdominal pain, bitter taste in the mouth, heartburn, nausea, general malaise. Reparative mechanisms accelerate the healing of the ulcer. Propolis tincture - useful drug to deal with bowel problems. Wide spectrum applications include the treatment of:


The perfect remedy for the common cold. Not addictive like others vasoconstrictor drugs. Eliminates nasal congestion, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane, protects against bacteria, allergens. Useful for coughing, relieves swelling from the mucosa, anesthetizes, accelerates healing. Thanks to its immunomodulatory properties, it contributes to speedy recovery. Often used to treat angina. Operated in different types, ingestion, inhalation, compress is possible.

Infectious diseases

Very effective treatment with propolis on alcohol infectious diseases. It has a bactericidal effect as an antibiotic, destroys bacteria, exhibits bacteriostatic properties, inhibits their growth. Prevents the reproduction of viruses such as herpes, influenza, hepatitis, chicken pox. Stimulates the phagocytosis system, when combined with antibacterial drugs enhances their effectiveness. Does not suppress normal flora does not lead to dysbacteriosis. Alien agents have no way to develop resistance to it.

For the skin

Propolis extract has become a popular product in cosmetology and the treatment of skin diseases. It protects the skin from exposure ultraviolet radiation. Masks help moisturize the skin, slow down the aging process. Lotions with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory action produce a deep cleansing of the face. Regular use of creams stimulates the healing of the dermis.

How to take propolis tincture on alcohol

Can be purchased pharmacy tincture or make your own infusion. Methods of administration and concentration differ with different pathologies. Gargle is used for sore throats, pharyngitis, colds, a solution of tincture, saline solution is used, they must be diluted 1:10. With a cold, it is instilled into the nose without diluting. For sanitation of the upper respiratory tract, inhalations are performed by adding a few drops of tincture to the apparatus.

In the case of otitis, put cotton wool soaked in the extract in the child's ear. In case of damage skin apply propolis ointments. Treatment course lasts up to two weeks, prevention - up to two months. The dosage for a child depends on age and is a certain part of the adult dose: up to a year - 1/20, up to 6 years - 1/10, up to 10 years - 1/5. Before taking it, it is necessary to consult a doctor, whose advice will not harm your health.


When ingested, the substance is rapidly absorbed into bloodstream and shows all strong effects. Supports, tones and normalizes the work of the whole organism, and individual bodies. It is often used in inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, relieves soreness of the gums. Per short span time, the necessary concentration is reached, and the result is not long in coming. How to drink propolis on alcohol depends on your goals.

Outdoor use

The agent is externally used as an antiseptic, analgesic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and healing agent. Great for both burns and frostbite. With microtrauma, wounds and trophic ulcers gauze bandages soaked in liquid are applied. Another indication is alopecia, which helps to restore the structure and accelerate hair growth.

How to prepare propolis tincture

There are other folk recipes with the addition of impurities: a few grams of honey, butter, pure alcohol, cup warm milk. Components for the preparation of tincture according to the recipe: 80 grams of propolis, 300 milliliters of medical alcohol. There are several stages in total:

  1. Cleaning stage - after aging in the refrigerator, the raw materials are ground on a grater and pieces of propolis are poured.
  2. Next comes the mixing of ingredients - crushed propolis, immersed in a container, should be poured with alcohol. The infusion process takes about two weeks.
  3. After filtration, the aqueous extract is ready, it can be consumed orally.


The production of honey by bees is a well-known fact. But not everyone knows about other products resulting from the activity of these insects. But there are not so few of them: wax, snowstorm, propolis, royal jelly. About propolis, the second most popular bee product after honey, you will learn today.

We will talk about the medicinal properties of propolis, contraindications. You will learn how to use propolis inside, whether it is possible to chew it, how much, whether it is harmful or not, and how to do it correctly.

Propolis or bee glue is a special substance produced by bees from resin and necessary for insects to seal cracks in the hive. Often in everyday life you can hear the statement that the product is bee droppings. Well, let's dispel this myth.

The true nature of the appearance of this substance is as follows: the bees collect and carry the resinous secretions of plants on their paws, process them in the hive with special secrets of the jaw glands, add wax and pollen. This is how propolis is obtained - an interesting and useful product for both bees and people.

Medicinal properties of propolis honey

The natural product has been famous for its medicinal properties since ancient times. What is the reason for this phenomenon? Benefit this product in phenolic components. Yes, propolis contains phenolic acid, flavones, flavonols, as well as ferulic, caffeic and benzolic acids.

These substances are biologically active ingredients and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it contains B-group vitamins and amino acids.

How and how much to take a healing product for angina and tonsillitis

Application possible different methods. It can be applied, chewed, used "inside" with honey or in the form of introductory and alcohol tinctures, sometimes it is advisable to use medicinal candles.

The method of using this substance is primarily dictated by the disease, and its use is recommended to be agreed with the doctor in advance. The main contraindication is an allergy to bee products.

What diseases can it help?

  1. stomach ulcer. Propolis, of course, is not able to cure the ulcer completely, but it will be an excellent addition to the complex of more strong drugs. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties and the vitamins it contains, it will help to cope with pain, as well as speed up the healing process. The recommended way of consumption is in the form of oil or alcohol tincture.
  2. Gastritis. Use for gastritis is one way to get rid of pain, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. This effect can be achieved by chewing or sucking the product, using it as part of tinctures.
  3. uterine fibroids. Treatment in this case is a tribute to traditional medicine. This method is not officially supported, but in any case it will not bring harm and will positively affect general state organism. Use propolis for this gynecological disease recommended in the form of tinctures or suppositories (balls) inserted into the vagina.
  4. Onychomycosis or nail fungus. Due to its high bactericidal, fungicidal and bacteriostatic qualities, propolis will relieve itching and inflammation, and also prevent the further spread of the fungus. Thus, the problem will be solved by the natural replacement of the diseased nail with a healthy plate. The recommended way of use is to wet the diseased part with the appropriate tincture.
  5. Helicobacter. Helibobacter pylori is a bacterium that lives in the human stomach and causes ulcers. One of effective ways to get rid of it is the use of water or alcohol tincture.
  6. Pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas. Propolis, which has unique healing properties, will not only help get rid of the disease, but also normalize the work of the entire body. digestive system. The right way use - tincture of alcohol, the greatest effectiveness is achieved in combination with complex medicines.
  7. Sinusitis. The most common treatment option for this disease is antibiotics, but traditional medicine offers its own alternative - propolis. And thanks to the antibacterial and regenerating properties of the substance, this way very justified. When sinusitis is recommended to use in the form of tinctures, drops or inhalations.
  8. Haemorrhoids. If you believe alternative medicine, the use of suppositories, ointments or microclysters is one of the most effective methods of treatment this disease. This "environmentally friendly" method has been tested by many and confirmed its effectiveness among the general public.
  9. Gastroduodenitis. Propolis setting is one of the main folk ways treatment of erosive gastroduodenitis. Efficiency this method lies in the ability of the product to relieve inflammation and envelop the walls of the intestine and stomach, protecting them from further irritation. Thus, over time, the covers are restored, and the disease disappears by itself.
  10. Liver disease. The benefits of propolis extract in this disease is manifested in the ability of the substance to become a catalyst for the restoration of damaged cells, while not harming the rest of the body.

    Propolis will not be effective and useful for all liver diseases and, in any case, is only auxiliary means.

  11. Bronchitis. For healing or treatment bronchopulmonary system propolis can be consumed both in the form of tinctures, and chewed or included in the composition of inhalations. Relieving inflammation in respiratory tract patient, this substance will be an excellent addition to the general complex of drugs and will help mitigate unpleasant symptoms diseases.
  12. Gum disease. Bleeding and rotting gums bad smell from the mouth - these not the most pleasant symptoms can be mitigated by applying and chewing propolis, which has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. This substance can completely cure mild diseases and become an assistant in getting rid of more severe ailments gums Before using it, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
  13. Prostatitis. Prostate problems are fairly common. male disease. You can get rid of it using candles, which you can buy at a pharmacy or make yourself.
  14. Bowel disease. With this problem, propolis will be a useful addition to the main course of treatment, it will help get rid of inflammation and restore damaged tissues.
  15. E ndometriosis or endometritis. The treatment of this disease is a rather long and laborious process that requires integrated work medicines and folk remedies. Good result gives the use of the product in the form of tincture (for vaginal douching) or special suppositories.
  16. Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis. At this disease the use of propolis is one of the most effective and environmentally friendly ways to get rid of irritation in the throat, as well as increase immunity. The recommended method of use is alcohol tincture, rinse solution.
  17. acne. The most effective will be the application of special plates to the desired areas of the skin or wetting them with tincture, and in a pharmacy it is possible to purchase a special ointment containing this substance.

Thanks to their unique properties Propolis will indeed be an excellent adjuvant in the treatment of various diseases and will help maintain a strong immune system. However, it would be foolish to rely only on him - the most effective is always used by complex method treatment that combines medicines and elements of alternative medicine.

And now let's take a closer look at the most common ways to use propolis.

Can you chew propolis?

The therapeutic method, which is chewing propolis in its pure form, is quite controversial and has both advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of chewing

  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, making chewing effective in solving problems of the oral cavity and throat.
  • Pain-relieving action.
  • Improving local immunity and preventing recurrence of diseases.

Cons of this method

  • Propolis is an active substance, close in its action to antibiotics and, if used improperly, will not only bring benefits, but also harm the body.


  • The most important restriction applies to anyone suffering from an allergy to bee products. This problem occurs in about 1% of all people and its owner chewing propolis is categorically contraindicated.
  • Pregnant women should refrain from: perhaps the mother's body does not react to the substance in any way, but there is a possibility of individual intolerance in the fetus.
  • Refuse this method of treatment or significantly limit it should be people with diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract.

If you are the owner of the diseases listed in the paragraph above, pay attention to propolis tinctures. They are much easier to perceive by the body and have much fewer contraindications for use.

How to use propolis correctly?

We have considered the pros and cons of this method, as well as contraindications. If you are still willing to try next way treatment, see the following rules chewing propolis:

  1. Propolis should be consumed in strictly limited quantities. The rate will depend on your gender, age and physical characteristics. The average dose is only about 3 grams, but during the period of illness it can be increased to 10.
  2. Accustom the body to this substance should be carefully. Be gradual: start chewing with a small amount, observe the state of your body, and only then bring the amount of the substance used to your norm.

Making tinctures for gargling

Propolis tinctures are one of the most versatile and convenient ways to use this beekeeping product. Propolis tincture helps with sore throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis, sore throat. It alleviates the symptoms of the disease and alleviates the condition. Consider the types of such drinks, as well as best recipes their preparation.

Alcohol tincture

For the treatment of diseases, alcohol tinctures with a concentration of 5 to 40% can be used: the higher the percentage of alcohol, the stronger the effect of the drink. However, the use of tinctures with excessive concentration is not recommended - they have too high an effect on body tissues and can irritate.

In this way, the optimal percentage of alcohol is only 15%. You can buy such a solution at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself, following this recipe:

To prepare 100 grams of tincture you will need: 15 grams of propolis and 85 milliliters of 75% alcohol.

The highest quality tincture is obtained by using pre-purified raw materials. If you could not find this, take the amount of the mixture, taking into account impurities (that is, not 15, but, for example, 22 grams).

Cooking algorithm: Put the propolis in the refrigerator. When the product has hardened, take it out and cut it carefully so that the size of one piece does not exceed 4 milliliters. Place the crushed propolis in a bottle (preferably opaque) and fill with alcohol, seal tightly and shake several times (to ensure the best penetration of the liquid between the particles).

Place the solution in a dry, dark place and infuse for two weeks, removing and shaking daily. When the infusion process is completed, strain the resulting solution through a sieve or gauze into a separate container.

The tincture prepared in this way will be most useful when proper storage last up to 3 years.

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Water-based tinctures without alcohol

Compared to water tincture, an alcoholic solution of propolis has much more contraindications (for example, it is categorically not suitable for children), and also retains fewer useful properties of the bee product itself. Most often water solution propolis is part of more complex medicines, but it can also be used as an independent drug.

For cooking you will need: propolis and distilled water in a ratio of 1/10 (that is, for example, for 10 grams of bee product, you need to take 100 grams of liquid).

Algorithm for preparing the tincture: First of all, cool the propolis to a solid state and grind it with a knife or grater so that individual pieces are about 2-3 millimeters in size. Then add the crushed substance to the water and insist for a day, shaking occasionally - you should get a clear drink with a light greenish tint and characteristic fragrant aroma. Filter the liquid and pour it into a dark glass vessel.

Shelf life is about a week.

Contraindications to the use of tincture

  • Individual intolerance to bee products;
  • The presence of acute eczema.

Beneficial features

Among all the ways of use, this option confidently takes the first place: in tandem, the properties of propolis and the properties of honey complement and exaggerate each other.

Thus, this combination is the strongest active substance comparable to antibiotics and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

How to use for treatment

  • In the form of an ointment for the treatment of hard healing external wounds;
  • As a basis for inhalation of the respiratory tract;
  • Dissolve against diseases of the oral cavity (½ spoon at a time);
  • At acute diseases take healing propolis 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day;

Is it normal that honey with propolis has a green tint? Yes, absolutely normal. Such honey (and propolis, respectively) is called honeydew, and is explained unusual color lack of flowering plants around the hive. Note that in terms of its beneficial properties, such honey is no different from a golden comrade and is also recommended for use. They can treat all the same diseases. And besides, you can gargle every 2-3 hours.

Propolis is a unique and useful product of beekeeping. It can be used in many ways and to combat a variety of diseases.

Products obtained from bees have been used by humans for a long time. These include not only honey, but also wax, as well as, or bee glue. Insects, collecting pollen from flowers, trees, on their paws also bring various resins secreted by the plant to protect buds and buds. Propolis retains healing properties, both representatives of the green world and insects.

The natural origin of the sticky substance - propolis - has led to its prevalence among traditional healers. It is necessary for bees to protect the nest, family from pests and diseases. And for a person, it is also a barrier that does not allow pathogenic bacteria to enter the body.

The sticky substance that bees produce with saliva, mixing plant pollen with resins, is called propolis, black wax, bond. The consistency of propolis is soft, elastic. And the color palette is diverse depending on the habitats of the bees, the storage conditions of the substance.

There are yellow, brown, black, green shades. Since the product is similar to the resin of trees, it has a similar smell. It combines the aroma of buds, pine needles, honey. The taste of the glue is bitter with honey tints.

If propolis is stored for a long time, then it becomes hard and begins to break down.

You can return the original properties to it by melting it in a water bath. When heating the resin, one should not be afraid that its useful properties will decrease. The bond dissolves well in alcohol, oil, and worse in water.

Propolis is necessary for the bee family to close the gaps, to insulate the walls of the dwelling. Ouse, black wax, bees disinfect cells of honeycombs, mummify insects that have flown into the hive, mice. During the season, from one hive, beekeepers collect from fifty to one hundred grams useful product. Propolis is a product of bees of mixed origin, in which the beneficial properties of plants are combined with the saliva of insects.

Scientists have found in the composition of propolis hundreds of compounds, about fifty acids of the organic type, which are beneficial to humans:

  • Half of the composition of bee glue is such components of any resin as aromatic acids, flavonoids. There is a lot of wax, essential oils in propolis, there is a little flower pollen. From vitamins there are representatives of groups B, P, E, and from minerals, amino acids, vanadium, strontium, sodium, glycine, cobalt, iron, copper are isolated. Hence the beneficial properties of the bee product:
  • Propolis is not without reason called natural antibiotic. It has a bactericidal effect, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory property. Therefore, the substance is included in toothpastes to prevent inflammation of the oral cavity. Black wax is also used in gynecological practice.
  • How the antioxidant uza is used in the treatment of diseases digestive tract. And the astringent components of the resin have a beneficial effect on cell growth and division.
  • Propolis is useful for those who are diagnosed with diseases of the urogenital area. It refers to choleretic and diuretic drugs.
  • Regulating metabolic processes in the human body, black wax helps to improve appetite, assimilation important trace elements. The bond helps to remove toxins, toxins, lower cholesterol in the blood.
  • Since the product heals wounds well, the facial skin tissues under the action of the resin quickly regenerate and renew themselves. Hence the rejuvenating effect of propolis.
  • Propolis shampoos are useful for those who have Thin hair prone to falling out.

The popularity of bee glue is justified by its benefits to humans, the ability to restore the body affected by pathogenic bacteria.

Bee glue can be chewed in its pure form. To do this, take propolis in the form of small balls and chew it thoroughly, biting slightly. In this manner useful elements gradually enter the human body. You can’t swallow the bond, they eat it in cases where it is recommended by a specialist. The dose of the product during chewing must be calculated so that there is no allergic reaction of the body to the resin.

The daily norm is five grams of the product.

The dose is stretched for a day when they are treating colds and flu. But with peptic ulcer of the stomach, intestines, pancreatitis, a five-gram dose is divided into three parts, chewing propolis and swallowing it. Inflammation in the oral cavity is relieved when the ouza is chewed daily in the amount of two grams.

Interestingly, pure ouza can be used by pregnant women, children from the age of five. The adhesive substance, having a bactericidal effect, will allow you not to use antibiotics that adversely affect the fetus. For treatment, propolis is chosen in the form of alcohol tinctures, ointments, balms, but it can also be used in its pure form without swallowing.

Of the most common dosage forms based on propolis is an alcohol tincture. It is sold in pharmacies, and at home it is easy to prepare. To do this, take:

  • One hundred grams of alcohol at 70 degrees and ten grams of resin.
  • Pieces of bee glue are placed in a container, heated in a water bath, poured with slightly warmed alcohol.
  • After mixing the components of the extract until smooth, you need to filter the mixture through several layers of gauze.
  • Store liquid in dark glass vials

Take a tincture of twenty - forty-20-40 drops, dissolving in half a glass of water, milk, tea. The solution is drunk before meals three times a day. Tincture lubricates the affected areas of the skin.

A water infusion based on propolis is necessary for those who are prohibited from drinking alcohol.

AT hot water pieces of bee glue are added, taking the components in a ratio of 2: 1, and heated in a water bath until the substance dissolves. The cooking process usually takes an hour. After that, the solution must be settled, which takes six hours.

An aqueous extract is used to rinse inflamed mucous membranes. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to dilute the infusion with water. Medicines based on propolis are effective in the treatment of many diseases.

Propolis has long won a place of honor in both traditional and folk medicine. For therapeutic purposes, alcohol tincture of the bee product is usually used:

  1. For the prevention and treatment of colds during flu epidemics, dissolve a teaspoon of propolis extract in a glass of green tea or milk. You can add a little ginger, cloves, honey to the drink.
  2. At elevated temperature bodies in melted butter add a spoonful of tincture and warm honey. The mixture is stirred and ingested. Such treatment can take place within three days, no more.
  3. One tablespoon of alcohol tincture is mixed with two vegetable oils and two or three drops are instilled into the nose, if it is blocked. Help relieve symptoms chronic rhinitis swabs soaked in a solution of oil and tincture, inserted into the nostrils for ten minutes. Similarly, tampons are used to treat otitis media, inserting them into each ear for two to three hours.
  4. Mixed tablespoonfuls of propolis and calamus tinctures are effective in treating inflammation of the teeth. A rinse diluted in boiled water tincture will help improve the condition of the oral cavity if stomatitis is detected.
  5. An alcohol infusion of bee glue is used in the treatment of nail fungus. Apply a few drops of the solution to the affected area or add them to warm water for foot baths- and the fungus recedes.
  6. Alcohol tincture is diluted in warm water(30 drops per half glass of liquid), taking half an hour before meals, if you suffer from pain in the stomach, high blood pressure.

Regular use of a medicine based on propolis will both strengthen the immune system and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of various pathologies.

The activity of the adhesive substance can also cause harm to the human body. Propolis is especially dangerous for those who have allergic reaction for bee products. It is manifested by bloating, painful spasms in the stomach, intestines, nausea, vomiting. In addition, a little later, symptoms of skin inflammation develop in the form of a rash, itching, and peeling.

Therefore, before starting treatment with propolis, it is necessary to check the body's reaction to the product.

To do this, a piece of resin or a swab dipped in an alcohol extract is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow bend. If after thirty minutes redness, swelling appears, then it is not recommended to use the product.

It is forbidden to take propolis and preparations based on it in the case when stones are found in the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, develops acute stage pancreatitis. Uza, black wax, is rarely harmful to human health.

Any product is useful if it good quality and fresh. Although propolis can be stored for a long time without losing medicinal qualities, but the one that is collected when the trees begin to bloom is valued. Usually the best period for collecting bonds is from July to August. Resin can be identified by its color. Better quality yellow, brown, with a greenish tint.

extracts active substance and it itself is stored in sealed containers, dark places so that the rays of the sun do not decompose propolis.

The temperature for the safety of the product should be below twenty degrees Celsius. The knot for storage is laid clean, it should not contain any impurities, residues of wax, wood. Even after ten years, propolis retains its healing properties, but it is better to use it earlier.

More information can be found in the video:

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