The most important trace element for health is zinc picolinate! Zinc deficiency in children: main symptoms. One of the most important trace elements involved in ensuring the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems

When it comes to taking vitamins or generally maintaining health, for some reason everyone forgets about the role of zinc. But in vain. Zinc is one of the most important minerals for humans.
Now Foods, a respected firm, has the best, most absorbable form of zinc picolinate.

Zinc picolinate is obtained by combining zinc with picolinic acid, which improves the absorption and assimilation of zinc by the body. This is a special form of zinc. It is used due to the fact that it is better absorbed by the body than many other forms and has maximum bioavailability.
Zinc is an essential mineral element that plays an important role in many enzymatic functions. Concentrated primarily in the kidneys, liver, pancreas, and brain, zinc also helps maintain healthy immune system function and is an important part of the body's antioxidant systems.
The main task of zinc is to maintain the immune system.

The lack of zinc in the body leads to a number of disorders. Among them are irritability, fatigue, memory loss, depressive states, decreased visual acuity, weight loss, accumulation of certain elements in the body (iron, copper, cadmium, lead), decreased insulin levels, allergic diseases, anemia, etc.
Zinc improves brain functions: memory, concentration, intelligence, etc.
Zinc is indicated for prostate enlargement (prostate adenoma). It helps to reduce it and alleviates the symptoms of the disease.
Zinc helps restore a healthy look to the skin, fights dryness and roughness of the skin.
Zinc plays an important role in the processes of skin regeneration, hair and nail growth, and secretion of the sebaceous glands. Zinc contributes to the absorption of vitamin E and the maintenance of a normal concentration of this vitamin in the blood.
Zinc deficiency is characterized by slow wound healing, brittleness and hair loss, memory impairment, and decreased attention.
Zinc helps to get rid of acne.
The content of zinc during pregnancy is reduced by about 30%. This can increase the chances of miscarriage and premature birth, and cause low birth weight.
Zinc deficiency weakens the gums' resistance to bacteria penetration, which can lead to the development of gingivitis or periodontitis - chronic infectious diseases of the gums.
In male infertility, there are usually few spermatozoa and / or they are not mobile enough. As a result, the probability of fertilization of the egg and, consequently, conception is reduced. One of the causes of infertility, as well as a decrease in the secretion of the male sex hormone - testosterone, can be a deficiency of zinc in the body.
Zinc enhances the action of vitamin D and promotes better absorption of calcium.
Even a slight lack of zinc in the body can reduce the ability of the immune system to resist tumor cells. A diet rich in zinc is a good prevention of these serious diseases.

As can be seen from the above, taking zinc supplements is absolutely necessary for any adult living in a city under stress.
Specifically, the doctor advised me to drink zinc when I complained of hair loss.
I became interested, started searching the Internet about the role of zinc in the body and found out what is written above.
Therefore, I give zinc to my husband to maintain men's health. The doctor found a problem with him, and while he was watching her, he prescribed a very expensive nutritional supplement. I bought a similar one on Iherb and zinc.

Our results are good. Hair falls out much less. Almost do not fall out. But in fairness, I'm waging war against shedding and attacking this hair from different fronts:
1. Wash my hair with this shampoo:
Review here:
2. Or this:
Review here:
There are others. I'll tell you about them a little later.
3. I take this drug:
Review here:
My husband also feels better.

This zinc is well tolerated by the body without nausea, rashes and other allergic manifestations.

You might also be interested in a few of my other posts on the topic of Iherb drug-free supplements:

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22 mg); also contains auxiliary substances: stearic acid, MCC, cellulose, magnesium stearate and dicalcium phosphate 93.4 mg (20 mg calcium).

Packaged in dark glass vials of 100 tablets each.

pharmachologic effect

Solgar Zinc Picolinate is a biologically active food supplement without being a drug. The recommended dosage of intake provides a person with 147% of the daily requirement of zinc, while not exceeding the upper allowable level.

It is a biologically active food supplement and at the same time an auxiliary source of zinc.

What is Solgar Zinc Picolinate used for?

This drug is used for the normal activity of leukocytes, antioxidant protection and strengthening of the immune system.

Our body actively uses zinc as an important mineral for the rapid healing of wounds, the fight against colds, support of the immune system and the fight against various infections. Zinc is involved in the regulation of sexual desire and testosterone metabolism, as well as in the formation of seminal fluid, and therefore it is very necessary for the good functioning of the male reproductive system.

"Zinc Picolinate Solgar" is very popular in Moscow. But many are familiar with this drug in the regions.

The human body does not produce zinc on its own, and therefore it must be obtained from the outside with food. What foods contain this essential trace element? Beef, lamb, liver, chicken, peas, seafood, etc.

However, the majority suffer from zinc deficiency, given its daily requirement of 15-30 mg. With an ego deficiency, wounds heal poorly, the sense of smell and taste buds are poorly developed, susceptibility to colds and flu is high, problem skin with acne, psoriasis, eczema, poor appetite, and slow development and growth in children. If all these signs are present, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Indications for the use of zinc

Solgar Zinc Picolinate will come to the rescue. The use of the supplement allows you to make a real breakthrough in the field of eliminating various ailments and improving the condition of the human body in a number of situations that were previously considered very difficult:

  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Treatment of diseases of the nervous system.
  • It is essential for diabetes.
  • For various skin diseases.
  • For sexual health.
  • As a wound healing agent.
  • Therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Treatment of peptic ulcer.
  • With eating disorders.
  • For eye health.
  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Zinc is also helpful in protecting the body from toxic substances that pollute the environment and their effects. affects the fact that a person becomes more susceptible and vulnerable to such harmful substances. This confirms the instructions for use for the preparation from Solgar Zinc Picolinate.

What are the contraindications?

The drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as for people with individual intolerance. But usually side effects are extremely rare.

Dosage and administration

Adults take one tablet per day with food. The dosage must not be exceeded.

Be sure to consult a specialist before using the drug.


"Zinc Picolinate Solgar" should be stored at a temperature of 15-30 ° C, out of the reach of children, protected from light and moisture.


This food supplement costs about 900 to 1000 rubles, depending on the pharmacy chain and the region.

Zinc is quite an essential element for our existence. In fact, we often forget about it. We often take courses of calcium, iodine, and iron preparations, because we know that they are vital, but zinc somehow remains on the sidelines.

Nevertheless, zinc is an essential chemical element that has a beneficial effect on reproductive functions in men, stimulates the formation of spermatozoa and the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, and also positively affects the prostate gland. In women, zinc also has a positive effect, contributes to the normal functioning of the ovaries, heals the hormonal background. Also, with a normal intake of zinc in the body in the required quantities, wounds and scratches heal faster on the skin, the activity of the sebaceous glands normalizes, and thus the body copes with acne, oily skin and other problems. Zinc is very important in the work of the thymus or thymus, an important organ of the immune system of the human body.

If you notice rapid fatigue, poor appetite, impaired attention and difficulty concentrating, you are often haunted by colds, your hair becomes brittle and brittle, white stripes appear on your nails, then it is likely that you have problems with zinc in the body, that is, it flaw.

Having experienced similar symptoms, at one time she took the drug Zincteral. Moreover, this drug was far from cheap, it took me just a lot of money for it. But this drug gave very unpleasant side effects, sometimes the stomach began to hurt badly from it, which was terribly uncomfortable and unpleasant. Therefore, this tool had to be abandoned. However, unlike the previous remedy, which contains zinc in the form of sulfate and has an acidic reaction due to hydrolysis, there is no acidic environment in zinc picolinate and it is much easier to tolerate by the body without causing such terrible side effects. And since zinc in zinc picolinate is in an organic compound, its bioavailability is quite high, and hence a more pronounced effect. One tablet of the supplement contains 25 milligrams of zinc, which is one and a half times higher than its daily intake.

I didn’t like the fact that despite the attached instructions, it does not reflect how much this drug should be taken, in what course and when the desired effect should approximately appear. Therefore, based on everything, I had to take, as they say, by eye. To avoid the risk of side effects, I took it after meals, so I think it will be more reliable.

Admission results

The first results appeared about a week after the drug was started. First of all, the oily skin has not become so - I looked in the mirror and this unpleasant shine is gone. A little later, the number of pimples on the back and in other parts of the body also became less, but they were constantly present with me and did not want to go away on their own. And not only did old searches begin to disappear, which were constantly sick, but new ones also stopped popping up. And finally, my nails began to take on a pleasant appearance, stopped exfoliating, became hard and shiny, that is, they acquired a healthy texture. Whatever you say, although the body needs quite a bit of zinc, its effect is very great, and I really felt it when I took this dietary supplement. Therefore, if you have similar problems, then zinc picolinate is just the option that you need - it is both effective and safe and is well absorbed and, most importantly, does not produce side effects.

Video review


One of the minerals that help in weight loss is zinc. The role of a useful element for the body is great:

  • Takes part in regulating the balance of hormones, especially testosterone. Many menopausal women often find themselves gaining weight. It's all about reducing the production of testosterone and estrogen. Zinc helps to balance hormones, reducing the rate of weight gain.
  • Participates in metabolism. The lack of zinc leads to the fact that carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed. This causes the accumulation of fat in the tissues of the body, a person begins to gain weight. Therefore, in order to lose weight, you need to consume a daily intake of zinc.
  • Regulates insulin levels. It is also associated with maintaining glucose balance. Accordingly, the lower the blood sugar level, the slimmer the figure, and vice versa. It is important to take zinc not only for diabetics, but also for people trying to lose weight.

The daily norm of a useful mineral for adult women is 8 mg. Men need a little more zinc - 11 mg. The daily norm for children, depending on age, varies from 3 to 8 mg.

According to the manufacturer, the zinc, which is part of the tablets, was specially enriched with picolinic acid. This has a beneficial effect on weight loss. Picolinic acid, or vitamin PP, regulates cellular metabolism, speeding up metabolic processes.

Each pill contains 22 mg of the mineral, which is slightly higher than the daily allowance. It is recommended to take zinc picolinate one tablet daily with meals. The result will be not only weight loss, but also an improvement in the condition of the skin and hair.

  • oysters - up to 60 mg;
  • calf liver - 16 mg;
  • egg yolk - 4 mg;
  • dry yeast - up to 8 mg;
  • pumpkin seeds - 7.5 mg;
  • wheat bran - 16 mg;
  • stewed beef - 9.5 mg.

Read more in our article on zinc for weight loss.

Read in this article

How zinc works for weight loss

A person needs a daily intake of vitamins and minerals. But the nutrients you need to stay healthy and feel good can also help you lose weight. One of the minerals that help in weight loss is zinc.

The role of this useful element for the body is great. Zinc works for weight loss by performing a number of important functions. The mineral takes part in regulating the balance of hormones. This is especially true for testosterone. Many women who have already entered menopause often find themselves starting to gain weight. It's all about reducing the production of testosterone and estrogen.
Zinc helps to balance the hormonal background, thereby reducing the rate of weight gain.

The mineral is also involved in metabolism. The lack of zinc leads to the fact that carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed. This causes the accumulation of fat in the tissues of the body, a person begins to gain weight. To lose weight, you must comply with the daily intake of zinc.

Another property of the mineral that has a positive effect on the figure is the regulation of insulin levels. It is also associated with maintaining glucose balance. Accordingly, the lower the blood sugar level, the slimmer the figure and vice versa. Therefore, it is so important to take zinc not only for those who suffer from diabetes, but also for people seeking to lose weight.

Expert opinion

Julia Mikhailova

Nutrition expert

The daily norm of a useful mineral for adult women is 8 mg. Men need a little more zinc - 11 mg. And the daily norm for children, depending on age, varies from 3 to 8 mg.

vitamins with minerals

Pharmacy counters offer consumers a variety of useful dietary supplements for every taste. Vitamin complexes often contain micro and macro elements, which include zinc. You can take it for weight loss as part of various drugs:

Watch the video about the benefits of zinc for the body:

Zinc picolinate for weight loss

Separately, it is worth noting the drug, which is produced by Solgar. Under this brand in the pharmacy you can find "Zinc Picolinate", which is indispensable for weight loss. It does not contain the mineral itself, but one of its forms, which is quickly and easily absorbed by the human body.

According to the manufacturer, the zinc, which is part of the tablets, was specially enriched with picolinic acid. Such a tandem has a beneficial effect on weight loss. Picolinic acid, or vitamin PP, regulates cellular metabolism, speeding up metabolic processes.

The drug is a dietary supplement, and not a drug for the treatment of deficiency of this substance. Each pill contains 22 mg of the mineral, which is slightly higher than the daily allowance.

Often, a mineral deficiency occurs due to the fact that women are on too strict diets and do not lose excess weight. But you can adjust your menu in such a way that you don’t have to take additional zinc for weight loss. It is enough to diversify the diet with products with its content, which will also lead to weight loss.

The mineral is found in both plant and animal foods. They have the highest concentration (the content per 100 grams of the product is indicated):

  • oysters - up to 60 mg;
  • calf liver - 16 mg;
  • some types of fish (eel, salmon, anchovy) ̶ from 1 to 12 mg;
  • boiled chicken hearts - 7 mg;
  • egg yolk - 4 mg;
  • dry yeast - up to 8 mg;
  • some nuts, for example, pecans - about 5 mg, in pine nuts - up to 6.5 mg;
  • pumpkin seeds - 7.5 mg;
  • wheat bran - 16 mg;
  • stewed beef - 9.5 mg.

Zinc is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but it only indirectly affects weight loss. By itself, the mineral does not have fat-burning properties, but it can improve carbohydrate metabolism and improve hormonal levels, which will definitely have a positive effect on weight loss. You can take zinc as part of various vitamin complexes.

But you need to follow the dosage, otherwise there is a chance of encountering side effects of an excess of the mineral.

Various compounds of the trace element zinc in the composition of biologically active food supplements are used for prophylactic purposes. Violation of male reproductive and copulatory function, fragility of hair and nails, acne, decreased immunity, fatigue are considered a reason to compensate for the lack of zinc. Dietary supplements with zinc are produced by various companies and are represented by different chemical complexes - inorganic and organic (chelate or picolinate).

What is the difference?

Chemical compounds of zinc and a number of other trace elements are absorbed differently in the human body. That is why the modern pharmaceutical industry seeks to replenish the drug market with drugs that bring maximum benefit.

The less loss of the drug in the body, the more benefit it will bring to the person. This property of medicines is called bioavailability. Such forms of the zinc chemical compound as sulfate and oxide have low bioavailability, which led to the need to create new complexes with the mineral.

The difference between the chelate and zinc picolinate lies in the type of chemical bonds with the microelement. The principle of operation of funds is no different. These complex compounds are part of dietary supplements, which are produced in the United States by various companies.

So, picolinate is produced by brands:

  • Solgar 22mg per tablet
  • Now Foods 50mg
  • Country Life and Thorne 25 mg.

Zinc picolinate "Thorne" 15 mg

The chelate compound is made:

  • Solgar 22 mg
  • 30 mg each - Nature's Way, Carlson Labs,
  • 50 mg each - 21st Century, Source Naturals.

The indicated dosages are prophylactic. For the treatment of diseases and conditions that require higher doses of the element, not dietary supplements are used, but medicines.

Which is better absorbed in the body?

The highest bioavailability in the body is possessed by such mineral compounds as citrate, acetate, picolinate and the chelate complex. This means that when entering the gastrointestinal tract, the microelement reacts with enzymes and is completely absorbed into the bloodstream. The concentration is maintained at a constant level.

Zinc chelate or picolinate are equally well absorbed, so they can replace each other if necessary. Some studies conducted to find out: zinc chelate or picolinate - which is better, it is confirmed that the degree of assimilation of the latter is higher.

An important difference between these chemical complexes and oxide or sulfate is the organic component. Compared to inorganic compounds, organic matter becomes almost 100% available to cells and tissues.

Indications for use and dosage

Both dietary supplements are used for the same purpose: to eliminate the symptoms associated with zinc deficiency. These include:

  • deterioration in hair quality, loss, dryness, early gray hair;
  • fragility of nails, the appearance of white striation;
  • acne;
  • tendency to slow wound healing;
  • male infertility factor due to impaired sperm quality;
  • decrease in potency with prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • decreased taste perception;
  • tendency to frequent colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Zinc picolinate or chelate should be taken once a day with meals for better availability. The course of prophylactic administration lasts 1.5-2 months, after which it is necessary to take a three-month break. You can repeat preventive treatment 2-3 times a year.

The compounds of the element, which are part of dietary supplements, are not a drug, therefore, they should be used in combination with etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment. This condition concerns the treatment of male infertility, impotence, acne, tissue regeneration disorders, for example, in diabetes mellitus.

What is better to choose?

There is no difference in the digestibility and effect of drugs on the human body, so you can choose any dietary supplement based on trust in a particular brand. If you focus on the cost, the chelate complex will cost 20% cheaper.

In the process of taking funds, it is necessary to remember about incompatibility with other microelements. So, parallel intake of calcium, iron, manganese and copper is not recommended. If there is a need to use these minerals, a two-hour interval between them should be observed.

Zinc requires constant replenishment from the outside. It is a trace element necessary for the full functioning of the antioxidant, immune, and reproductive systems. Thanks to monocomponent biologically active food supplements, it is possible to ensure a constant supply of the element.

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