About the benefits of breakfast, or what is useful to eat in the morning. What is good to eat for breakfast: recommendations for proper nutrition

To lose weight, sometimes people refuse to eat in the morning. Have you often had this: I’ll drink coffee with sugar and that’s enough? If you don't feel like eating in the morning, it doesn't mean you're not hungry. During sleep, the digestive system digests what has been eaten all day. For this, energy is released and in the morning the body needs strength for normal work.

By skipping an important meal, you deprive yourself of energy for the whole day. Having received a cup of coffee or something light in the morning (40 g of yogurt, a piece of sausage), very soon you will be very hungry. Thus, at lunch, more is eaten than required. Remember yourself. The long-awaited lunch break: run to the store, cafe or canteen, take everything that is more caloric. True, after such a dinner there is no desire to work at all? And at home - a late hearty dinner.

In the morning there is no appetite, because the body digested “heavy food” at night. The result of this diet is an excess of subcutaneous fat and cellulite on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks.

Why breakfast is so important

  • Fuel for the brain. Morning meal improves memory, promotes concentration. What can a hungry person think about?
  • Maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. Doctors say that breakfast helps keep cholesterol and sugar levels under control.
  • Morning meal is the basis of a healthy diet, harmony, youth. Everything that is eaten in the morning, the body will qualitatively process into energy for life.
  • Immune support. From 7 to 9 in the morning, digestive enzymes are actively produced. By skipping the morning meal, these enzymes burn out. As a result, it undermines the normal functioning of the body, weakens the immune system. It has been experimentally proven that people who eat breakfast are less likely to get colds.

What to do before breakfast

Food must be earned. You will not want to eat anything, just jumping in bed on an alarm clock. When you wake up, drink a glass of unboiled water at room temperature. You can add a slice of lemon for taste. This will "start" the body: the stomach, intestines, circulatory system. Drink water in small sips, with pleasure. This is the #1 weight loss habit..

Then do at least 3-4 gymnastic exercises. It can be right in bed. Ideally, it is good to perform a full-fledged gymnastics for 10 - 15 minutes. So you really get hungry and eat healthy food with a healthy appetite.

Top 3 most useful cereals

Food in the morning must be hot. A cold sandwich or corn flakes with milk will not activate the pancreas. Enzymes that help digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates will not begin to be produced. The body will not absorb such food.

According to nutritionists, whole grains are the answer to the question of what to eat for breakfast with proper nutrition. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for awakening.

Here is a list of healthy breakfast foods:

All cereals can be combined with sweet berries, ground nuts, sesame, etc.

Often recipes for cereals require heat treatment of cereals. But in order to fully preserve the biological value of the product (all vitamins and trace elements), it is recommended to simply dispense with soaking in cold or warm boiled water. You can do this with buckwheat or oatmeal, but with rice it’s salty 🙂

The morning meal sets the pace for the rest of the day. For successful weight loss, start planning your morning meal, then implement the habit of proper nutrition throughout the day. A healthy diet, combined with the observance of the regime, contributes to the achievement of the desired weight. The volume of breakfast should be no more than 300 gr. Get a kitchen scale to be sure.

What not to eat for breakfast

  • Citrus fruits eaten on an empty stomach provoke allergies, develop gastritis.
  • Raw vegetables are high in acid, which irritates the lining of an empty stomach.
  • Yogurt. Advertising tells us otherwise, but in the morning our body does not need yogurt bacteria. Therefore, the benefits of yogurt in the morning are zero.
  • Sweets. The pancreas is not ready for a large dose of sugar in the morning. A large amount of sweet makes the pancreas work for wear and tear, which can cause the development of diabetes.
  • Coffee. This drink increases the risk of developing gastritis, as it irritates the stomach lining.
  • Quick breakfasts (cornflakes and the like) are useless. The high sugar content stimulates the appetite even more.
  • A sausage sandwich. The composition of the sausage most often includes carcinogens that provoke the development of cancer cells. Such food on an empty stomach is especially harmful.

Eat breakfast only with healthy foods - the body will thank you.

My morning and breakfast

  1. The very first thing is that when I get up, I drink half a glass of water at room temperature (right in the evening I leave a glass on the bedside table near the bed).
  2. Then I do a little exercise ... although, I confess, not always 🙂
  3. I'm making porridge. Usually oatmeal, and sometimes with mango.
  4. Well, breakfast itself, of course.

10 minutes after eating I drink weak tea or cocoa (but not instant). For tea, sometimes I eat 1 slice of wheat bread with cheese. Bread should be yesterday's or dried in a toaster. Instead of a sandwich, I can eat cookies like "Maria". Just look carefully at the composition: even in the departments of diabetic nutrition, cookies, which include margarine, can be caught.


After the morning meal, after 3 hours, you can eat a second breakfast. This meal is also very important, I will talk about it in detail in a separate article. I will write what you can take with you to work.

Between the first meal and lunch you can eat:

  • Apple, pear, banana;
  • Yogurt, a glass of kefir or low-fat cottage cheese;
  • A handful of nuts (raw). Can be combined with dried fruits;
  • Slimming cocktail- quickly diluted in milk or water is ready!

If you do not have time, you can take breakfast with you to work. Take any jar, put a couple of spoons of oatmeal in it, fill it with hot water or milk. Add fresh fruits, seeds or any candied fruits. And when you come to work, you can safely enjoy a delicious dish.

I agree that it is difficult to follow a diet every day. Therefore, taking care of your health can fall on the shoulders of Internet providers. For example, using the service delivery-club.ru ordering a healthy breakfast (and not only) is easy and simple.

Train yourself to eat breakfast. According to psychologists, a stable habit is formed within 21 days. After this time, you will begin to notice how, after a healthy breakfast, you will begin to have lunch and dinner with healthy foods.

Good to drink for breakfast natural coffe, rather than soluble surrogates, or Black tea These drinks help you lose weight. Get out of the habit of cream and sugar in coffee - they will not bring benefits.

Myths about breakfast

Television and the media instill in us the stereotypes of breakfasts, which must be in every home, and we begin to believe them to be true. But is it really so?

The right breakfast for effective weight loss / shutterstock.com

Let's talk about these myths in more detail:

  • citrus juice for breakfast is actually not as healthy as people think. Due to fruit acids, it can irritate the stomach and cause discomfort, damage tooth enamel and interfere with digestion. Juice should be drunk no earlier than an hour after breakfast.
  • yogurt with special bacteria, which, in addition to nutrition, also supposedly improves immunity, in fact, is nothing more than an advertisement. Only yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 3-5 days and not from plastic jars can be useful. In widely advertised yogurts from real yogurts, there is only a name.
  • muesli, according to their manufacturers, is also an excellent breakfast, but the method of obtaining muesli is far from the principles of proper nutrition: flakes lose some of the beneficial minerals and vitamins , and fruit in muesli is gassed for vibrant color. According to many studies, some muesli has more fat than fried potatoes.
  • They say that it is bad to eat cheese for breakfast, they are fatty. But as we said above, a little fat in breakfast is only good, so a couple of pieces of cheese will give a serving of protein and fat for strength and vigor. Just do not eat spicy and salty cheese.
  • there is also a myth that breakfast is not worth it eat bananas because they are high in calories. Site opinion: banana calories for breakfast are not dangerous, in addition, due to its structure, the banana envelops the digestive system and activates peristalsis. In addition, bananas give a sense of calm and relieve the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

What can you eat?

You can make your own breakfast menu according to your desire and possibilities, because it is not difficult to eat tasty and healthy.

Here are examples of breakfasts:

  • oatmeal with raspberries, toast with cheese and butter, black coffee ,
  • pita bread with chicken and tomato, a cocktail of berries with cereals and yogurt,
  • cottage cheese casserole with apple, green tea,
  • steam omelette with dill and feta, coffee with cinnamon,
  • buckwheat with vegetables and meatballs, black tea with lemon.

There can be many options for breakfast, it depends on you what your morning diet and mood will be like for the whole day. Proper nutrition gives vivacity, not extra centimeters at the waist. Breakfast is not a meal that should be skipped.

What did you eat for breakfast today?


weight loss

Components of the formula:








Wrong formulas:

Skipping breakfast

Small portions

Breakfast should not be skipped, but its portions should not be reduced either. An unbalanced, too light version of it will only lead to a rapid resumption of hunger, as a result of which you will want to eat more food, and therefore consume more calories. If you stick to the above formula, the feeling of satiety will not leave you soon, and the energy you need for productive workouts will only increase.

Unbalanced diet

The feeling of long-term and "correct" saturation cannot be achieved even if breakfast consists, for example, only of carbohydrates or only of proteins. To achieve results in weight loss and improve health, you can use balanced meals.

Healthy breakfast examples:

Oatmeal with fruits and nuts

Calories: 328
Fat: 9.7 g
Carbohydrates: 51.1 g
Fiber: 7.2 g
Sugar: 16.6 g
Proteins: 11.8 g

Mix 1/2 cup water with 1/2 cup unsweetened soy milk. Pour the same amount (0.5 tsp) of oatmeal with the resulting mixture and cook over low heat until the water evaporates and the porridge thickens. After that, add a handful of berries, 1 tbsp. chopped walnuts and 1 tsp. maple syrup.

egg rolls

Calories: 345
Fat: 15.7 g
Carbohydrates: 36.8 g
Fiber: 9.7 g
Sugar: 3.2 g
Proteins: 17.4 g

Fry one egg and one egg white with 2 tbsp. black beans, ¼ teaspoon chopped tomato, 2 tbsp. chopped onion. When eggs are cooked, add spinach. Now put the resulting egg mass on a Mexican tortilla, put the diced avocados and 1 tbsp on top. salsa. Salt, pepper, add cumin and a little chili pepper.

Smoothie and hard boiled egg

Calories: 368
Fat: 12.6 g
Carbohydrates: 49.5 g
Fiber: 9.4 g
Sugar: 25.5 g
Protein: 25.4 g

Put in a blender two peeled and cut into small pieces of carrots, half a frozen banana, 2 cups of spinach, one cup of unsweetened soy or almond milk, 3 tbsp. protein blend, 1/8 cup raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. You can eat half of the prepared smoothie before training, and after - the other half and a hard-boiled egg.


We have repeatedly written that the right breakfast is an indispensable component of successful weight loss. It is very important to start your day with a balanced, nutritious and healthy meal that will not only help you wake up, energize, but also jump-start your metabolism. Based on the advice of nutritionists, we share a formula for a delicious and satisfying breakfast that can facilitate your weight loss process.

Components of the formula:


The calorie range for an ideal breakfast is 300-400 calories. If you're trying to lose weight, your morning meal should include 300-350 calories, but if you're just maintaining the right weight and combining diet with exercise, you should stick to the range of 350-400 calories.


45-55 percent of your breakfast should be carbohydrates, that is, about 40-55 g. However, as you probably guessed, we are talking only about their complex types. Sweet, starchy, overly processed foods should be left in the store, and it is better to fill your plate with non-starchy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.


Proteins should take 15-20 percent in the morning diet, that is, 13-20 g. With their help, you can feel full and satisfied throughout the morning. In addition, some studies have shown that getting at least 20 grams of protein for breakfast on a regular basis will help you in the fight against excess weight. Excellent sources of this element are eggs, dairy products, soy milk, protein shakes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.


From the total calorie content of breakfast, 30-35 percent should be fat (10-15 g). Instead of the saturated ones found in bacon or cheese, for example, eat monounsaturated ones like olive oil, nuts, seeds and oils, and avocados.


Fiber should be present in your daily diet in the amount of 25 g. More can be, but only if the digestive system is working normally. Berries, peaches, apples, green and other non-starchy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and whole grains will help you reach your weight loss goal.


If you eat right, make your breakfast balanced and rich, you won’t have to worry about the right amount of sugar. You simply will not have free space for sweets. However, if you still cannot completely give up sugar, remember that its daily norm is no more than 36 g. When you want to sweeten something, for example, tea, try not to exceed 6 g, that is, 1.5 hours. l. This includes white and brown sugar, maple syrup, honey and agave syrup.


The ideal time for your breakfast is 30-60 minutes after waking up. If its dense version is akin to a difficult test for you, divide your morning meal into two parts: first eat something light, and after 1.5 hours enjoy a more satisfying dish. This circuit is also great for those who love morning workouts. Only in this case, you need to consider that before classes it is better to eat more carbohydrates, and after - proteins.

Wrong formulas:

Skipping breakfast

When you sleep, all the processes in your body slow down. So if you wake up and don't let your digestive system work, your metabolism will function very slowly throughout the day. In addition, you will deprive the brain of the glucose necessary for its active activity and will feel lethargic and depressed. To prevent this, be sure to eat breakfast. Remember that the morning meal is an opportunity to saturate the body with many useful elements, such as calcium, iron and vitamin C.

What should be the right breakfast? What foods are good to eat for breakfast? Reasons why you shouldn't skip breakfast.

“Eat breakfast like a king, dine like a prince, and dine like a beggar.” Very precise and correct statement. The importance of the morning meal for our health cannot be overestimated. What we eat for breakfast largely determines our well-being and performance throughout the day.

In this article, we will tell you what the right breakfast should be, what foods are good to eat during the morning meal, and why breakfast should not be skipped. Let's start with the answer to the last question.

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Skip Breakfast

1. Good working capacity
After sleep, the body needs to replenish energy. A properly balanced breakfast helps to “start” digestion, restores blood sugar levels, and gives a feeling of satiety for many hours. A full morning meal is very important for people engaged in mental work. It strengthens memory, increases attention - both in adults and children, helps to tune in to a productive day. It has been proven that people who eat breakfast daily are more resilient both physically and mentally, and therefore get more pleasure from their studies and work.

2. Slim figure
If you do not eat in the morning, then the excruciating hunger that begins to torment you closer to dinner can cause you to overeat in the afternoon. In this state, a person eats what comes to his hand, without thinking about the size of portions, or about the dangers of the products used. Studies by American scientists have shown that people who constantly skip breakfast eat more during the day, and their likelihood of obesity increases 4.5 times. Also, in the course of research, it was found that breakfast improves metabolism, accelerates the burning of calories, and has a positive effect on hormonal levels.

3. Good mood
Refusal of breakfast can cause absent-mindedness, lethargy, irritability, because the body, especially in the morning, needs not only calories, but also mood-enhancing substances, the so-called joy hormones or endorphins. Therefore, the products, when consumed, which are produced in the body, it is very easy to eat for breakfast. These are strawberries, grapes, bananas, oranges, avocados, mustard, chili peppers, chocolate brewed with cocoa milk. A beautifully served, mouth-watering and delicious breakfast is the key to a good mood throughout the day.

4. Strong immunity
Breakfast, consisting of foods rich in iron, calcium, ascorbic acid and B vitamins helps strengthen immunity, reduces the risk of colds, supports the nervous system, serves as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood. Studies conducted in the UK have shown that people who constantly skip the morning meal are more susceptible to various viruses. So it turns out that a daily balanced breakfast is one of the most important steps to health and longevity.

What should be the right breakfast?

Breakfast should be both light and nutritious, consisting of healthy foods that improve health, improve mood, help cheer up, and energize the body for long hours. A healthy, balanced breakfast should consist of slow, high-fiber carbohydrates (cereals, durum wheat pasta, fresh vegetables, berries, and fruits), proteins (low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, lean fish), and healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, and flaxseed oil). ). Simple carbohydrates (muffin, white bread, sugar) in the morning menu should be as small as possible. These rules apply to all ages.

Right time for breakfast

The best time for breakfast is half an hour after waking up. A very useful habit is to start your morning with a glass of warm water. The liquid, drunk on an empty stomach, helps the body remove toxins, activates vital processes, and starts digestion.

If there is no appetite in the morning, buy yourself a bowl decorated with bright colors - the right utensils increase your appetite and improve your mood. Accustom yourself to have breakfast every morning at the same time, then your stomach after 2-3 weeks will remind you of food more clearly than any clock.

2-3 hours after breakfast, especially if it was light, you can have a snack with an apple, banana, nuts (raw and unsalted) or drink a glass of natural yogurt.

1. Fresh berries
Any forest and garden berries are both healthy and tasty. All of them, and strawberries, and cherries, and raspberries, and grapes, blueberries, and blueberries, are full of natural stimulants. From fresh berries, you can prepare a variety of desserts, eat them with cottage cheese, add to cooked ones.

2. Citrus fruits
Oranges, grapefruits, tangerines are a godsend for those who constantly sleep on the go. The juice of these fruits contains a lot of vitamin C - a wonderful natural stimulant. In addition, the smell of lemon, lime, orange makes the brain work more actively. In winter, natural juices from citrus fruits are very relevant.

3. Chocolate
Dark chocolate (if it is natural, of high quality, without harmful additives) stimulates the production of joy hormones - endorphins. A small piece of this delicacy a day is enough to activate mental activity and recharge your good mood.

4. Fish and bird
Many people think that eating poultry or fish in the morning is not worth it, but this is not the case. A piece of lean meat for breakfast is a source of proteins that are slowly processed. At the same time, energy is released slowly, it lasts for a long time, so a person does not have a constant desire to “snack”.

5. Nuts
Walnuts, almonds, cedar, pistachios, cashews, hazelnuts - any nuts are very healthy and nutritious. They are like batteries for our body. The main thing is to eat nuts without salt, raw, and even better - soaked, only in this form they are really useful.

6. Apples, bananas, apricots, persimmons
All these fruits are sources of vitamins, microelements, enzymes, pectins and easily digestible natural sugars. You can cook fruit salads in the morning, for example, mix apples, bananas, strawberries, kiwi, grapes cut into pieces and season it all with natural yogurt.

7. Kashi
Cereals are sources of minerals, fiber, slow carbohydrates and other substances that control the absorption of fats, help cleanse the intestines of toxins, and give a feeling of satiety for many hours. Oatmeal and buckwheat porridge are ideal for breakfast.

8. Dairy products
Cottage cheese, sour cream, feta cheese, hard cheese and homemade yogurt are best suited for breakfast - sources of easily digestible proteins and calcium. The main thing is that dairy products are natural and fresh, then the benefits from them will be maximum.

9. Eggs
They are the perfect breakfast food, especially if cooked properly - the yolk should remain half-baked. It is better to eat soft-boiled eggs or baked until half cooked in the oven. Very tasty and hearty breakfast - omelet with cheese.

10. Fresh vegetables
They will be an ideal addition to meat, fish and dairy breakfasts. Enzymes, which are rich in plant foods, help protein foods to be digested faster. From fresh herbs and vegetables, you can prepare salads, add them to omelettes and cereals.

11. Home baking
These include black bread with bran, whole grain flour cookies (with seeds, sesame seeds, nuts), cheesecakes, pancakes, buckwheat flour pancakes. You can serve these goodies with jam, honey, natural peanut butter - this breakfast will definitely be appreciated by children.

12. Smoothies
On hot summer days, it is useful to have breakfast with freshly squeezed fresh juices and smoothies - thick berry, vegetable and fruit cocktails with the addition of spices, spices, honey, various syrups, nuts and dairy products. In these drinks and desserts, unlike store-bought ones, there are no preservatives and dyes, and there are more than enough useful vitamins and minerals.

We hope that our article will help you realize the importance of breakfast - both for health, and for the figure, and for mood. Start your day with healthy foods - berries, vegetables, cereals, nuts, yogurt, cottage cheese. Prepare delicious salads, cereals, desserts for breakfast, and then you can’t do without it. Eat your favorite meals in the morning and be healthy!

Proper breakfast is the basis of every day, because without morning meals it is impossible to get the necessary energy for the full functioning of the body. Often the right diet, and with it the process of weight loss, is usually associated with monotonous and not very appetizing dishes. But breakfast can be made varied, tasty, interesting, and at the same time nutritious and healthy, if you choose the right drinks and foods, and be able to cook them in an original way.

What to eat for breakfast

Breakfast is called the most important meal of the day. It is proper nutrition in the morning that saturates the brain with glucose, regulates the metabolic process in the body, and gives strength for the whole day.

If you don’t eat in the morning, then over time there will be a feeling of fatigue, apathy, irritability, the body will begin to demand uncollected calories during lunch and dinner. As a result: the appearance of extra pounds, the risk of strokes and heart attacks, the appearance of diabetes, a decrease in physical and mental activity.

Therefore, a full healthy breakfast should include foods that provide the body with vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. At the same time, foods that are easily digestible by the body should be present in the diet - the total calorie content of breakfast should be no more than 40% of the total daily diet (from 350 to 520 kcal).

Breakfast should definitely include complex carbohydrates, supplemented with fiber, protein and vegetable fats.

It is preferable to eat the following foods at the first meal:

  • Eggs;
  • Tea or natural coffee;
  • Lean poultry meat;
  • Buckwheat or oatmeal;
  • Olive or vegetable oil;
  • Muesli or bran;
  • Fresh fruits.

But not every breakfast has health benefits. There is a list of foods that are not recommended for food in the morning:

  • Sweets (this includes sweet cereals);
  • Baking and baking (doughnuts, pancakes, pancakes, pies, etc.);
  • Fatty and smoked foods (sausages, sausages, bacon);
  • Dry breakfasts;
  • Curd mass and milk;
  • Citrus and bananas.

When choosing the right breakfast, you must also take into account the general condition of the human body. For example, with increased acidity or gastritis, you can not eat fresh fruits on an empty stomach or fresh fruits prepared from them.

The nutritional value and calorie content of breakfast and its options are selected individually: a light breakfast with carbohydrates should be eaten by people of mental labor, protein and high-calorie - by those who are engaged in physical labor.

Breakfast with carbohydrates

The ideal option for a “carbohydrate” breakfast with proper nutrition is cereal cereals or muesli. The diet can be varied with nuts, fruits or natural juices.

What you can eat:

  • Oatmeal. The most useful and popular choice with proper nutrition. Dried fruits, nuts, bananas, fruits, berries from jam can be added to porridge.
  • Muesli. Muesli can be poured with low-fat yogurt or cream.
  • Oatmeal pancakes. Pancakes are made from oatmeal with the addition of frozen berries, honey, jam.
  • sandwiches: with cheese, vegetables, lean meat. Options: bread + cucumber + chicken fillet + lettuce, bread + cheese + tomato, bread + tuna + cucumber.
  • Toast. Dip the bread into the beaten egg with milk, lightly fry in a pan.
  • Lavash with vegetables or fruits. The first option can be done with the addition of meat, the second one can be supplemented with cinnamon, honey or cheese.
  • Buckwheat. This healthy and tasty product improves digestion, provides resistance to stress, and gives strength. Like oatmeal, buckwheat can be seasoned with fruits or nuts. For breakfast, you can cook other cereals (barley, barley, millet). The main condition is that porridge cannot be eaten with meat or fish. If the porridge is unsweetened, it is better to eat it with a vegetable salad.

You can eat meat for breakfast with proper nutrition, although it is better to leave this option for dinner and lunch. You only need to cook lean meat: turkey, chicken, veal, rabbit. It is better to eat meat products with fresh or steamed vegetables.

We have breakfast with proteins

For breakfast, proteins are needed by athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor. An excellent source of protein is the traditional English breakfast - eggs, meat and vegetables. But this combination is somewhat heavy, so we offer our options for a healthy "protein" breakfast.

What you can eat:

  • Eggs. The easiest and healthiest recipe: boiled eggs with vegetable salad. You can also cook an omelette: with cheese, vegetables, croutons. From an omelette, you can make rolls in which to wrap vegetables or small pieces of chicken fillet.
  • Sandwiches. With scrambled eggs: fry the fried eggs in a pan, put it between two toasts. Can be eaten with vegetables or herbs. With cheese: Put cheese and white grapes on a whole grain bread.
  • Soft curd. A healthy breakfast option: sandwiches (mix cottage cheese with greens, spread on sandwiches), cottage cheese with dried fruits and honey, cottage cheese casserole.

Any of the proposed options can be supplemented and diversified by adding fruits, vegetables, honey, jam, berries.

Vitamins and fiber

We get fiber and vitamins from fresh fruits and vegetables, from which you can prepare an original and healthy breakfast:

  • Apples. Apples can be baked in the oven (microwave) with honey or a little sugar, cinnamon or muesli.
  • vegetable fritters. Dough pancakes that are heavy for the stomach in the morning can be replaced with zucchini, pumpkin, and carrot pancakes.
  • Fruit salad. It can be made with any seasonal fruit and topped with low-fat yogurt or honey. The salad is rich in vitamins, but they are unlikely to get enough, so it is better to eat it with porridge or toast.
  • Smoothies. This is a puree made in a blender from vegetables, fruits or berries. It can be diluted with yogurt or plain water if the puree is too thick.

A healthy breakfast can be varied with various fruit smoothies made on the basis of low-fat yogurt, fruits, oatmeal.

What to drink breakfast

On an empty stomach, about 30-60 minutes before a meal, you should drink a glass of warm water. During breakfast, preference should be given to:

  • Freshly squeezed juices (if there are no contraindications to use).
  • Green tea - removes toxins, improves metabolism.
  • Black weak tea.
  • Natural coffee without additives.

If a person is not used to eating in the morning, you need to accustom your body to breakfast, and starting with small portions and the lightest dishes. It is best to start with fruits, fruit salads and smoothies, gradually expanding the diet and adding portions.

As you can see, a healthy breakfast can be tasty and very varied, and in addition, provide the maximum energy boost for the whole day and keep you in good shape for physical and intellectual activity.

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