Herbs that improve memory and attention. Why memory fails us. Don't forget the famous saying about nerve cells

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Causes of memory impairment

Emotional stress and overload.
Lack of vitamins (especially vitamin B12).
Sleep disturbance.
Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
Taking antidepressants or sleeping pills.
Various diseases. For example, disruption thyroid gland, diabetes, multiple sclerosis or atherosclerosis.
Brain injury.
Natural aging of the body.

Folk remedies that improve memory:

Massaging … the brain

Studying the reflex connections of the tongue and the oral cavity, specialists from one of the Moscow institutes came to the conclusion that prolonged (5-10 minutes) rinsing of the mouth has a certain effect on the activity of the central nervous system. Studies have shown that the beginning of rinsing in most healthy and sick people is accompanied by activation of excitation processes. Then, at the moment of selection liquid saliva and especially at the end of the rinse, slow potentials increase on the encephalogram, the alpha rhythm becomes more regular and pronounced. Such complex changes can be compared with a kind of brain massage, which has a very beneficial effect on the processes occurring in it.

Food that activates memory.

Give preference to dried fruits, baked potatoes and apples, stewed carrots, as well as cottage cheese, a small piece of cheese every day, a slice of dark chocolate, vegetable salads in olive oil, 2 bananas a day, sunflower seeds, nuts. Use these products also as a snack if you can not eat a full meal. A protein diet is very useful for improving memory.

Clover improves memory.

Dial a full half-liter jar of clover heads, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking daily. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. l. once a day after lunch or before bed. You need to drink for 3 months, then a 3-week break, and drink again for 3 months. Repeat the entire course in three years. This recipe will improve memory, help against cerebral vascular sclerosis, headache, noise and ringing in the ears. It also lowers intracranial pressure.

Means to improve memory

Eat with horseradish dishes. 1 tbsp in a day - excellent tool for the brain.
or horseradish with lemon
- Horseradish. grate the root (0.5 mayonnaise jar) and 3 lemons with zest, add 3 tbsp. l. honey and insist in the refrigerator for 3 weeks. Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day with meals. Good for eyesight too.

- Walnuts.
It is necessary to eat 5-7 pieces a day, crushed with fresh cream.

– Finely grate 3 heads onion, squeeze the juice, mix in half with honey and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Fresh pine buds will improve memory.

In early spring, eat a few pieces of fresh pine buds 2-3 times a day before meals. This tool will sharpen memory, protect the body from early aging.

Elecampane improves memory.

1 st. a spoonful of elecampane roots pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 30 days, shaking occasionally. Drink tincture of 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 30 min. before meals. Drink for a month. Memory will improve.

Rowan bark improves memory.

It is necessary to drink a decoction two or three times a year, which is very simple to prepare. 1 tbsp Boil chopped red rowan bark in 250 ml of water for 10 minutes, then let it brew for at least 6 hours, then strain. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. The course should be three to four weeks. It is best to treat in spring, autumn and winter. This recipe perfectly cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis.

Blueberries improve memory.

Regular consumption of blueberries has a beneficial effect not only on visual acuity, but also improves memory. In the summer, eat blueberries a glass a day, and freeze the berries for the winter. By using them whole year you will get rid of many health problems.

Ginger will improve memory.

To improve memory, you need to brew slices of ginger: 10 g of raw materials per 250 ml of boiling water. You can add a little mint or lemon balm. daily rate- 1-2 cups.

Sage will improve memory.
Improves memory, increases the tone of the nervous system, efficiency such a herb as sage. Take 1 tbsp. l. sage and mint leaves, mix, 2 tbsp. l. collection from the evening put in a thermos and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Strain in the morning, take 50 ml 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

A tincture that will help improve memory.

To strengthen the memory, the following tincture will help: take 30 g of victorious onion feather (ramson), 20 g of lily of the valley leaves, 10 g of lemon balm leaves, 10 g of spring primrose, 10 g of Chinese magnolia vine root, 50 g of dark honey, pour all 0.5 l 40-degree vodka, insist 3 weeks and drink 15 drops during a meal.

"Golden" water will improve memory.

When treating with gold, put in a container with 2 glasses of water golden decoration without stones. The water is boiled until the volume is reduced by half. The resulting solution is taken 2-3 times a day, 1 tsp. After 2 weeks of taking "golden" water strengthens the heart muscle and improves memory.

Remedies for memory loss

With persistent memory loss, take a glass of settled water, 200 g of nettle, 100 g of iris roots, 50 g of golden root, 1 tsp each. red cloves and psyllium seeds. Bring to a boil and remove immediately. Insist, strain and drink 3 tbsp. l. 6-7 times a day

Collection for mental clarity, memory improvement
To reduce headaches, improve memory and mental clarity, take 3 tbsp. l. lingonberry and raspberry leaves, 4 tbsp. tablespoons crushed bergenia leaves, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oregano ordinary. 1 st. brew a spoonful of the mixture 2 tbsp. boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours in a sealed container, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. 2 times a day.

Ginkgo biloba stimulates the brain

The brain, no less than other organs of the body, needs nutritional support for the normal performance of its functions!
Ginkgo biloba can improve mental function, support and protect the membranes of brain cells. According to experts, this plant is a real leader among its own kind in strengthening the vessels and capillaries of the brain. Ginkgo biloba prevents fragility of capillaries and improves the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, thus preventing memory impairment. In addition, ginkgo biloba contains active substances that cleanse blood vessels, protect brain cells from the effects of free radicals, help reduce blood viscosity.
Of course, in the pharmacy you can buy various drugs containing ginkgo biloba. But try to cook healing drink with your own hands. You can do this as follows: take 1 tbsp. l. ginkgo biloba herbs, pour into a thermos, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours, drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Ginkgo biloba gives a charge of vivacity, helps to cope with depression.

Human memory stores priceless, dear to my heart moments, life experience and a huge amount of information necessary for the full existence and performance. With forgetfulness and a strong deterioration in memory, a person's life becomes extremely difficult.

Large-scale multi-year studies of pharmaceutical companies in search of a “memory pill” have not yet led to success. Pharmacies are filled with drugs that stimulate the brain and, according to manufacturers, improve memory. However, any medicine has its contraindications, has side effects and is not always effective even with long-term use.

Taking a pill and remembering where the keys or documents are is still a plot from the realm of fantasy. But do not despair. You can improve memory with folk remedies, the arsenal of which is quite large and affordable.

Causes of memory impairment and therapy

Memory impairment does not occur at one moment, it is preceded by a long period of time during which a person is affected negative factors. The main reasons for the weakening of mental activity and memory impairment are:

With the appearance of forgetfulness and persistent deterioration of memory, you do not need to give up. To restore brain function, there are many proven methods and folk recipes.

Features of nutrition for memory correction

You can improve your memory by adjusting your diet and including daily menu food products useful for the brain, containing micro- and macroelements, vitamins, mono- and polysaccharides. These include:

Vegetable and fruit juices are useful, always freshly squeezed: beetroot, carrot, apple, grapefruit, blackcurrant, tomato and even cucumber. AT daily menu it is desirable to add honey, green tea, olive oil, cottage cheese, milk, egg yolks, brewer's yeast, flax seed and dark chocolate. All of the listed products contain active substances that nourish brain cells, improve perception acuity and stimulate mental activity.

Important: In case of forgetfulness and deterioration in memorization, it is worth refusing or limiting the use of pickles, pickled vegetables, mushrooms, poppy seeds, legumes and red meat. We must not forget about the need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters clean water excluding coffee, tea and drinks.

Herbal tinctures

Traditional medicine has existed for many centuries. During this time, healers and healers have determined that certain herbs have a stimulating effect that improves brain processes. To improve memory, folk remedies are good because they have practically no contraindications. In our latitudes, herbal treatment is available to a person, on the basis of which it is easy to prepare medicinal tinctures vodka based, for example:

Important: Treatment with vodka tinctures is contraindicated for those suffering from heart and kidney diseases, as well as for pregnant women.

Decoctions for memory

Useful herbs for memory in the form of decoctions. Raw materials for their preparation are easy to buy at a pharmacy, good choice medicinal herbs and fees are high. Living in countryside and summer residents can independently prepare the necessary plants:

It is enough to choose any suitable recipe and drink 1-2 courses. Herbs for memory will give positive effect only when taken systematically.

brain training

The brain, like any part of the body, needs to be exercised. Daily activities will help restore clarity of thought and get rid of forgetfulness. Doctors advise loading the brain with simple exercises:

We must not forget about the benefits of physical education. Many, reading this word, grimaces. But an active lifestyle, 15-minute morning exercises, frequent hiking over long distances, they will completely replace the treatment with medicines not only for memory, but also for other diseases. "Movement is life" - this motto applies not only to the human body, but also to the work of the brain.

After active physical activity blood flow increases, the supply of brain cells with oxygen improves and biologically active substances thought processes are activated.


There are many factors that influence memory impairment. To maintain clear thoughts, concentration, tenacious memory, you need to work on yourself daily - move more, do memory exercises, give up bad habits, do not abuse drugs and observe sleep patterns.

In addition, it is important to change the diet by adding products necessary for blood circulation and brain function to the menu.

It is useful at least 1-2 times a year to take complex vitamin preparations, which include vitamins of group B. Will help improve memory and general state body folk remedies - decoctions and infusions, especially the raw materials for them are easy to find in the vastness of our country. Good result will only give A complex approach, and the memory will not fail for many years.

From the moment a child is born, his ability to remember becomes an important and integral part of his general development. In this article, Dr. Madhavi H. Rabadia talks about herbs that help improve memory, from infancy to old age.

Memory is vital important aspect which distinguishes humans from animals. In Ayurveda, herbs that promote intelligence and memory are called "Medhya" herbs. Their action is associated with the mind and is located in the brain and nervous system- especially in the higher cortical centers of the brain. Ayurvedic texts also describe a set of anti-aging measures to give biological stability to the tissues of the body. These remedies are called Rasayana.

Rasayanas that are beneficial for brain tissue are called Medhya Rasayana. They slow down the aging of the brain and help in the regeneration of neural tissues, in addition, they have an anti-stress, adaptogenic and memory-enhancing effect.

Popular Medhya Rasayanami plants are: Ashwagandha (it is an evergreen, perennial shrub native to the Middle East, Mediterranean and North Africa), Brahmi (Indian shieldwort is a creeping herb with bud-shaped leaves), Bacopa Monnieri Linn"), "Mandukaparni" (this plant has long been known also in China, where it has earned the name of the fountain of youth "Centella eyziatika linn") and "Sankapaspi" ("Convolvilles plurikalas Chua").

Herbs that act on the brain are called nootropic herbs (nootropic comes from the Greek and means to act on the mind), and their isolated components are called "smart drugs". These are herbs that improve memory and blood circulation in the brain.

Mental exercise improves memory in the elderly, while good food and drug therapy improve overall health and increase blood flow to the brain. Below is a list of the most effective herbs worldwide used to improve memory:

Brahmi ("Bacopa Monnieri")

Bacopa Monnieri is a sedative tonic known for its memory and focus enhancing functions. This Indian herb is recommended for infants to improve intelligence and mental health. Brahmi, a name derived from Brahma, the creator god of the Hindu pantheon of deities, is intended for a variety of uses.

Vacha ("Ekorus kalamas")

it medicinal herb also called "sweet flag". It's valuable medicinal plant, which is found almost throughout India. Usually it is used to treat the nervous system, improves the overall memory of a person, thereby strengthening the nervous system. Ecorus calamas root is used to treat cases of memory loss and is used concomitantly with other remedies such as Centella Asiatica, Bacopa monieri, and Ravulfia sephrtine. "Ekorus kalamas" great medicine for memory - as well as to increase activity and academic performance.

"Ginkgo biloba"

"Ginkgo biloba" is also known as "girl's hair tree", "kyu tree", "ginkyo" and "yinxing". This herb for good memory improves brain activity, increases oxygen supply to the brain and nutrients. It helps the body eliminate free radicals, and thereby improve memory, alertness, clarity, reducing depression and apathy in some people.

"Jotishmati" (translated from Latin "Panicle tree plier")

"Panicle tree plier" is found in almost all parts of India. In folk medicine, the seeds of this plant are boiled and used to purify the blood. These seeds are made into medicine, they are bitter, with an unpleasant odor and are usually used to improve memory.

Mandukaparni (Centella Eiziatika) (Gotu Kola)

Mandukaparni is a popular Indian herb that has been used for centuries in Indian systems medicine. This herb is used for purposes such as increasing intelligence, healing wounds, as a mild diuretic, to increase concentration, to increase alertness, and for anxiety and stress. Clinical Trials have shown that an extract of this herb increases the IQ in mentally retarded children.

Ashwagandha (Vivania Somnifera)

Ashwagandha has been used for thousands of years. It is one of the best known and most studied Ayurvedic herbs and is ranked special place in Ayurvedic traditions similar to ginseng in Chinese methods treatment. For this reason, Vivania somnifera is often referred to as "Indian ginseng". Vivania somnifera is used in a number of health products as well as in the treatment of numerous diseases.

"Yastimadhu" (translated from Latin "Licorice")

It is none other than licorice, an herb that is already known throughout the world for its various healing properties. It is an effective head tonic and is used as an excellent brain revitalizer. Like most of the other herbs mentioned here, this herb is known to rejuvenate the brain. During times of stress, this herb can stimulate mental functions. This herb increases blood and oxygen circulation in the central nervous system and also balances blood sugar levels. Usually this good medicine for students who are preparing for important exams, as it helps to remember small facts and pieces of information.

"Shankshushpi" ("Konvolviles plurikoles")

Relieves mental stress, controls blood pressure and also increases intelligence. Indians have been giving these herbs to their children for centuries to improve memory and intelligence, especially during exams. AT recent times"Shankshushpi" has gained popularity all over the world thanks to its natural properties improving memory.

"Guduchi" ("Tinospora cordate") ("Giloy")

This multi-purpose herb is useful for treating many ailments. It is known to improve defense mechanism body. It also repairs damaged cells, gives life to dying brain cells, and rejuvenates the entire body. This is very efficient plant in the fight against cancer, it is also used to increase immunity and improve memory.

"Avena sativa" ("oats")

It's good for recovery nervous tissue and brain tissue. Reduces cell oxidation and is helpful in stroke, blows to the head, and severe anorexia where cell death can occur. Avoid rolling oats as it is a processed grain that has lost most its nutrients.

"Rosemary officinalis" ("Rosemary")

It has been used since ancient times to improve and strengthen memory. "Rosemary" is a symbol of fidelity among lovers, thanks to its ability to improve memory. It is a warming herb that stimulates blood circulation in the head, improving concentration and memory.

"Santi" / "Adraka" (Latin for "Ginger officinalis") ("Ginger")

It improves memory and blood circulation in all parts of the body and brain. It also helps to increase the supply of brain nutrients.

Forgetfulness occurs at any age. Therefore, many are concerned about the question of how to improve memory with folk remedies. Using recipes traditional medicine you can not only restore memory, but also improve the condition of the whole organism without medical preparations.

The brain needs oxygen, so its lack negatively affects the ability to remember. The state of memory deteriorates with information overload. A person from an overabundance of information perceives it superficially, and the efficiency of the brain decreases.

Improper nutrition, due to which there is a lack of trace elements and vitamins that stimulate brain cells, may be the cause bad memory. With insufficient sleep, memory deteriorates. human brain recovers during sleep. If the brain does not have time to “rest”, then it loses the ability to remember.

Depression, stress, anxiety, negative emotions. Brain activity deteriorates with age. Memory decline usually occurs after the age of 50, and by the age of 65, memory declines in almost half of people. Often this is due to blockage of the capillaries, as a result of which the brain ceases to function normally. Memory can deteriorate due to smoking, alcohol abuse. It has been confirmed that in people without bad habits, significantly better memory and concentration.

Restoring memory with folk remedies

If the problem of memory impairment occurs due to insufficient cerebral circulation or reduced elasticity of blood vessels, overwork, then traditional medicine can solve it.

Calamus Root Powder. It is recommended to take 30 minutes before a meal, 1 tsp. calamus root, crushed into powder, washed down with tea or warm water. Treatment course - a month, 10 days break, then take the powder for another 15 days. Carry out a course of treatment every 10 months. Contraindicated in renal failure inflammatory diseases.

Elecampane tincture. 1 st. l. crushed elecampane root pour 1/2 liter of vodka. The medicine should be infused for a month. Strained tincture should be used before meals 3 times a day for a tablespoon. Treatment is recommended once a year for a month. Do not use during pregnancy, heart and kidney disease.

A decoction of rowan bark. Pour a tablespoon of rowan bark into a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes. Strain after 6 hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days. It should be done every 6 months. Do not use during pregnancy, increased blood clotting.

A decoction of a mixture of medicinal herbs. Grind 4 tbsp. l. badana, 3 tbsp. l. lingonberry or crimson leaves, 1 tbsp. l. oregano. tablespoon herbal mixture pour 1/2 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes. Strain after 2 hours. The course of treatment is 3 weeks, 2 times a year. The drug should not be taken during pregnancy, diseases of the heart and stomach.

Clover tincture. Fill a liter jar to the middle with clover, pour vodka to the top, leave for 15 days in a cool dark place. Take at night for 3 weeks, 1 tbsp. l., then take a break for 3 weeks and repeat the course. The remedy renders positive influence on brain activity, reduces intracranial pressure, helps to get rid of tinnitus, headache. Not recommended during pregnancy, heart failure.

Decoction of mint and sage. 1 st. l. sage and mint leaves brew 1/2 liter of boiling water, leave for 12 hours. Take the remedy for 15 days 30 minutes before meals, 50 ml. After taking a break for 30 days, repeat the course. The decoction will improve brain activity, increase efficiency.

A decoction of pine buds. A tablespoon of pine buds brew 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Means to take 2 tbsp. l. after meals 3 times a day.

Aromatherapy. Smells have a beneficial effect on memory: put a collection of eucalyptus, cedar, juniper in the bedroom to improve sleep and brain function. A mixture of cloves, coriander, eucalyptus, bay leaf put in a linen bag and keep at your workplace. This will improve memory and brain performance.

Natural juices for memory recovery

Foods that improve memory

Proper nutrition has a positive effect on brain activity. You should diversify the diet so that the body receives all the necessary substances. Foods to improve memory:

  1. Carbohydrates are the source of energy for the whole body, including the brain. "Slow" carbohydrates should be up to 70% of the diet of an adult. Therefore, you need to eat potatoes, cereals, soybeans, fruits and berries. best source healthy carbohydrates- it's honey. It is well absorbed, contains trace elements that increase efficiency.
  2. Proteins - accelerate the processes that affect the memorization of information. Contained in fish, seafood, meat, cottage cheese.
  3. Nuts, seeds, spinach, currants, bran, rice, lemon contain magnesium and calcium, necessary to improve brain activity.
  4. Parsley, dill, watercress, other herbs have a positive effect on the state of memory.
  5. Walnuts, oily fish, soy, olive oil, legumes contain polyunsaturated fatty acid that improve brain activity and the functions of the central nervous system.
  6. Egg yolk, tuna - useful for the prevention of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Tuna contains substances that stimulate brain activity, normalize its blood supply, and reduce the risk of inflammatory processes supporting nerve impulses.
  7. Cranberry - is considered the most "smart" product, thanks to the antioxidants contained in it.
  8. Blueberries, oranges, spinach, kale, avocados, beets are natural antioxidants that improve memory by preventing the accumulation of toxins that damage brain cells over the years.
  9. Beans - contains B vitamins that prevent memory loss, mental performance; improves mood, useful for depression.
  10. Sweet potatoes and beets are rich in vitamins A, B6, C, complex carbohydrates.
  11. Soy - due to the content of choline and lecithin, it slows down memory loss during aging.
  12. Chocolate - stimulates the growth of endorphins, is useful for overwork, improves emotional condition and attention. Dark chocolate contains flavanol, which enhances cerebral circulation.

Restoring memory is a very real thing, you just need to make a little effort. Traditional medicine methods combined with rational nutrition and in a healthy way life will help improve memory and preserve it for many years.

Let's talk about how to improve memory and attention in adults at home. I think many people notice that they do not remember information well, phone numbers, dates of birth of relatives or names of acquaintances. Often memory fails at the wrong time.

Human memory is characterized by an unlimited volume. It is represented by an unthinkable number of cells for storing information. Only people do not know how to use them, but memory and attention, like muscle mass, trainable.

Human memory is a fragile thing. Wrong image life, together with other factors, has a huge impact on the state of memory. What to say about old age, when the work of all body systems changes.

Folk remedies to improve memory and attention

The problem of forgetfulness and absent-mindedness is faced by many, regardless of age. To solve it, I recommend using traditional medicine recipes. They will help restore memory and improve attention without the help of pharmaceutical preparations.

  1. Calamus Root. A teaspoon of raw materials is ground into powder and taken half an hour before meals with tea. Duration treatment course- month. After one decade, the powder is taken for another two weeks, then they take a break for 10 months and repeat the course. The tool is not recommended for inflammatory diseases and renal failure.
  2. Elecampane. A spoonful of crushed root is poured with 500 ml of vodka and insisted for a month. Strained medicine is taken in a spoon three times a day for one month. No more than one course is held per year. During pregnancy and heart disease, it is better not to take the medicine.
  3. rowan bark. A tablespoon of raw materials is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes. After 6 hours, the broth is filtered and taken three times a day in a spoon for 30 days. Six months later, the course is repeated. In the list of contraindications increased clotting blood and pregnancy.
  4. Clover. A liter jar is half filled with raw materials and filled with vodka to the top. For two weeks, the medicine is kept in a cool, dark place, after which it is taken at bedtime for a spoonful of 20 days. After two decades of break, the course is repeated. The tool eliminates tinnitus, normalizes intracranial pressure and has a positive effect on brain function. Not recommended for heart failure and pregnancy.
  5. Mint and sage. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of mint and sage leaves and leave until the morning. Take an infusion of 50 ml half an hour before meals for two weeks. After a monthly pause, the course is repeated. The infusion increases efficiency and improves the functioning of the brain.
  6. pine buds. A spoonful of pine buds is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes. Drink home remedy three times a day, two tablespoons after a meal.
  7. Medicinal herb mix. First, grind 1 tablespoon of oregano, 4 tablespoons of bergenia and 3 tablespoons of raspberry leaves. A spoonful of the resulting mixture is poured into 500 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes. After 2 hours, the product is filtered. Take the medicine for two decades twice a year. The tool is not recommended for pregnant women and people with stomach diseases.

beneficial effect Aromatherapy has an effect on memory and attention. To improve sleep and normalize brain function, it is recommended to put a collection of juniper, cedar and eucalyptus in the bedroom. There is also an option for the workplace. This is a mixture of laurel, eucalyptus, coriander and cloves in a linen bag.

Simple ways to improve memory and attention

Technologies are developing rapidly and help a person to keep everything under control and remember everything. But in Everyday life it is impossible to do without memory and attention. It helps to realize in work, study and other areas of activity, but often fails. Consider simple ways and effective exercises improving memory and attention.

  • "Unloading" the brain. Do not remember events that are not important. An organizer or diary will help with this matter. The brain should be able to rest, and the little things prevent this.
  • Reading. Engages visual and motor memory. Additionally, the work of the brain departments that are responsible for logic, abstraction and association is activated.
  • Physical activity. At active way cells secrete more mitochondria, which have a beneficial effect on memory and attention.
  • "Blind" walking. Neutrophin is a substance secreted by the brain that determines its vital activity. Performing habitual actions with a blindfold on the eyes accelerates the release of a substance, which contributes to the development of memory.
  • Good dream. During sleep, the brain filters the information received throughout the day and decides what to keep in memory. At the same time, the level of memory depends on the duration of the phase of uninterrupted night rest.
  • Crosswords. A simple and fun activity that trains the brain. Finding a good crossword in our time is easy and simple.
  • Hobby. New interests play an important role in the development of memory. Start looking for new hobbies.
  • Refusal of cigarettes. The memory of a smoker is 30% worse than that of a non-smoker. Giving up a bad habit will help restore the abilities lost by memory, and as a bonus, it will save your health.

Acupuncture massage has an incredible effect on the state of memory. It activates blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the body. I recommend entrusting the procedure to a specialist. He knows which points to influence correctly.

Drugs to improve memory and brain function

I present to your attention pharmaceutical preparations, the reception of which improves memory and normalizes brain function.

Please note that this is an overview. Only a doctor can choose the right medicine.

Pharmacies offer a variety of means to improve memory. Some of them are freely available, others are sold exclusively by prescription. Consider a few options from each category.

Without recipe

  1. Glycine. The most popular remedy in Russia with emotional stress, high nervous excitement and stress. The medicine increases mental performance and attention. Take Glycine one tablet three times a day. Side effectsallergic reaction.
  2. Bilobil. The medicine is prescribed for people with sleep problems or impaired intellectual abilities. The drug improves blood circulation and promotes oxygenation of the brain. Drink one capsule three times a day for a quarter. The list of side effects includes insomnia, itching, redness, headache. For patients under 18 years of age, the drug is contraindicated.
  3. Ginko Biloba. The medicine is recommended for absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, dizziness and sleep problems. The drug improves metabolism and provides an antihypoxic effect. It is recommended to drink a capsule twice a day for 2 months. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women and children. The medicine may cause an allergic reaction.

On prescription

  • Nootropil. The medicine improves memory, concentration and does not have a psychostimulating effect. For children under 3 years of age, the drug is contraindicated. Children are given with dyslexia. It is used in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor. Side effects include irritability, nervousness, sexual activity, abdominal pain.
  • Picamilon. Long-term medication improves mental capacity and attention, reduces anxiety, normalizes sleep. Recommend to people with mental illness. Take 60 mg per day for 2 months. The drug is contraindicated for pregnant women. Can cause kidney failure.
  • Cerebrolysin. The drug minimizes the effects of glutamate on the body. Assign when coronary disease and hyperactivity in children. Take 60 mg per day for two months. Side effects in the form of insomnia, loss of appetite, burning at the injection point are rare.
Before using any of these drugs, consult your doctor and think carefully. Medicines have side effects that are not always reflected externally, but sometimes have a bad effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Ways to improve memory after 50 and after 60 years

For many people in old age, memory deteriorates and attention is scattered. This is due to the age-related decrease in brain activity. You can't stop aging, but you can keep your mind clear until old age under the power of everyone.

How to achieve this? For normal operation the brain needs good blood circulation, so it is recommended to perform regularly physical exercises and keep the muscles of the body in good shape.

Scientists have proven that nutrition greatly affects the functioning of the brain. They advise older people to include foods in their diet, saturated with acids Omega 3. These substances are rich in fish. It is also recommended to use blueberry juice. Antioxidants, which are part of the drink, have a beneficial effect on the brain.

Equally important is glucose, which is needed for normal memory function. Since it is more difficult to absorb this component from food with age, doctors advise taking special medications.

What else is needed to improve memory and attention in old age at home?

. Solving crossword puzzles logical tasks, the study of foreign languages ​​is far from full list activities that make the brain function. Any activity accompanied by the processing of a large amount of information is good for memory.
  • Relaxation. Regardless of your activity, take short breaks regularly. So the brain switches between activities more often, which has a positive effect on its functions.
  • Quiet life. Stress and anxiety burn nerve cells, as a result, attention decreases and memory deteriorates. The body of an elderly person perceives as stress even chronic sleep deprivation. Get enough sleep to rest your brain.
  • Using the organizer. This little thing is incredibly useful in old age. Any store will offer notebooks in stock. A simple device unloads the head and helps to plan things and fix important dates and events.
  • Reading. When reading visual memory works in tandem with the motor. Additionally, abstract, associative and logical thinking. In order for memory to really improve, it is recommended to read with retelling, paying attention to describing the characters of the characters and their habits.
  • Learning poetry by heart. In terms of improving memory, this simple exercise is incredibly effective regardless of age. Learn by heart the work of your favorite poet and train your memory at the same time.
  • Music. Music lessons have a positive effect on brain function. In old age, it is recommended to sing, master the game on musical instruments or a combination of both. Memorizing notes and lyrics, along with regular rehearsals, loads the brain and trains memory.
  • Psychology. Positive attitudes help in any business. Elderly people are highly susceptible to depression, which is bad for memory. So always stay positive. Even if youth is long gone, it does not mean that life is over.
  • How to train memory in adults - effective exercises

    I have already said that memory, like muscles, is easily trained. If a person visits regularly gym, his figure becomes slim and proportional. The same goes for memory and attention.

    The exercises that I will review below are effective for adults and teenagers.

    • Focus on details. A person does not remember all the information, because the brain focuses on important points. At the same time, geniuses remember any little things, which develops memory. A simple exercise will help with this. Place 10 small objects on the table and examine them carefully for ten seconds. Then turn away and describe each object in detail as quickly as possible.
    • Visualization. You will need an assistant to complete the exercise. Put on a blindfold, and let the assistant slowly read the description of the pictures. Try to visualize what you hear step by step. Alternatively, write down descriptions of the pictures on a piece of paper according to the order in which they were read.
    • Reading aloud. Reading aloud will help strengthen auditory memory. Every day, read aloud for 15 minutes fragments from your favorite works, then retell the information you heard in detail. Noticeable results will appear after two weeks of daily exercise.
    • Matches and visual memory. Scatter 5 matches on a horizontal surface, look at the resulting picture for a minute, remember the location of each match. Turn away and restore the composition. To increase the level of difficulty, increase the number of matches used.
    • Word learning. Write down ten words on a piece of paper. For 20 seconds, try to remember these words. Turn the paper over and write down the words that you remember. To complicate the exercise, I recommend increasing the number of words or replacing them with numbers.

    As you can see, the exercises are incredibly simple. I hope that with their help you will make your memory perfect and become an example for younger generations. See you!

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