Panchakarma bowel cleansing. Panchakarma is an Indian purification system. Contraindications for the procedure

EGIRIN [named after the Icelandic sea god Aegir] - m-l, Mon. pyroxene, contents 70-100 mol.% aegirine component, NaFe 3+ . Substitutions NaFe 3+ ↔ Ca (Mg, Fe 2+) are common. There are continuous isomorphic series between E. and augite, as well as E. and diopside. Tab. prism., needle. Oud. in. 3.6. Dark green. In alkaline syenites, granites and pegmatites. Among the metasomatic deposits of the strata of ferruginous quartzites, it forms aegirinites. different , Sa-E., V-E. Cm. Accept.

Geological dictionary: in 2 volumes. - M.: Nedra. Edited by K. N. Paffengolts et al.. 1978 .


(on behalf of the sea giant Aegir in Scandinavian mythology * a. aegirine, aegirite, acmite; n. Agirin; f. aegirine; and. egirina), is a rock-forming pyroxene family, NaFe 3+ (Si 2 O 6). It usually contains impurities of Ca, Mn, Fe 2+ , Al, is associated with transitions with Augite and Diopside - Hedenbergite (intermediate members of the aegirine-augite, aegirine-diopside series). It also forms a limit. solid solutions with jadeite. Sometimes there are impurities Ti (O, n%), Nb, Zr, V, Be, also Sc (up to 100-150 g/t), Cu, Ni, Co. Forms of secretions: short and long prismatic. fine needle-shaped crystals, radial-radiant aggregates ("suns"), less often parallel-columnar or entangled-fibrous (felt-like). Coloration from black and greenish-black to bright green or almost colorless. Glass luster. TV 6-6.5. 3500-3600 kg / m 3. Cleavage is perfect along the prism (along the elongation). E. is a characteristic rock-forming mineral of alkaline rocks; especially often associated with feldspar and quartz-feldspar veins, pegmatites, albitites. Tepomorphic for int. zones of alkaline feldspar metasomatites with rare metal mineralization, as well as for uranium-bearing albitites in the strata of ferruginous quartzites. It occurs in fenite aureoles around alkaline intrusions, in carbonatites, less often in acidic volcanic rocks with increased alkalinity. E. folded almost monomineral rocks - aegirinites. As an authigenic mineral, it is observed in sedimentary strata (Green River, USA). It is replaced by amphiboles, chlorite and micas. Distributed in alkaline rocks of the Khibiny, Urals, Ukraine, Tuva, Baikal region, Cp. Asia, Scandinavia, Canada, Portugal, etc. Potential receipt of scandium. Rocks containing E. are used in construction as a decorative stone.
T. B. Zdorik.

Mountain Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984-1991 .


See what "Aegirin" is in other dictionaries:

    Formula NaFe3 + (Si2O6) Sing ... Wikipedia

    A rock-forming mineral of the pyroxene group of the subclass of chain silicates, NaFeEGSF in Greek mythology son of Fiesta and his daughter Pelopia, who abandoned the child. He was raised at the court of his uncle Atreus, who once instructed him to kill Fiesta. ... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    Exist., Number of synonyms: 1 mineral (5627) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    aegirine- A mineral of the pyroxene group of green, reddish brown to black color; rare transparent crystals are used for cutting, needle inclusions form "hairy". [English Russian Gemological Dictionary. Krasnoyarsk, KrasBerry. 2007.]… … Technical Translator's Handbook

    A rock-forming mineral of the pyroxene group of the subclass of chain silicates, NaFe. Greenish black prismatic or acicular crystals. Hardness 6 6.5; density 3.5 3.6 g/cm3. Brown needle-shaped variety of akmit. The main mineral ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    aegirine- egirinas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formula NaFe atitikmenys: engl. accite; aegirine rus. accept; aegirine ryšiai: sinonimas - akmitas ... Chemijos terminų aiskinamasis žodynas

    - (on behalf of the god of the sea Aegir in Scandinavian mythology) a rock-forming mineral, a silicate of the group of monoclinic pyroxenes; chemical composition NaFe. Impurities Mn, Zn, Ti, Nb, Zr, V. Due to the isomorphism Na+ ⇔ Ca2+, accompanied by substitution ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Akmit ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Rock-forming mineral gr. pyroxene conn. chain silicates, NaFe. Greenish black prismatic. or needle crystals. Tv. 6 6.5; dense 3.5 3.6 g/cm3. Brown needle-shaped variety of akmit. Main alkaline igneous mineral ... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    EGIRIN- - mineral, NaFeSi2O6; monoclinic pyroxene. It is formed in alkaline syenites, granites, pegmatites, in metasomatic rocks ... Paleomagnetology, petromagnetology and geology. Dictionary reference.

Synonyms: Aegirite - aegirite, partially aegirine-augite - aegirine-augite, clinopyroxene, natrosiderite - natrosiderite.

origin of name

Named after the mythological Icelandic god of the sea, Aegir.

, Mg, Fe 2+ )

Chemical composition

To aegirine assigned pyroxenes with Na > 0.50 and Fe 3+ > 0.50 per formula. According to Deer, it is characterized by the content of Fe 0.7 3+ and higher per formula unit. Theoretical composition: Na 2 O - 13.4, Fe 2 O 3 - 34.6, SiO 2 - 52.0. Na is replaced by Ca, Fe 2+ , Mg, less often by K, Sr, TR; Fe 3+ - on Fe 2+ , Mg, Mn, Al, Ti, V, Zr; Si - on Ti, Al, Zr, Nb, Ta; the O part may be replaced by OH, F, Cl. Contains (in%): MgO - up to 5, CaO - up to 11.7, FeO - up to 11, Al 2 O 3 - up to 6, TiO 2 - up to 4, K 2 O - up to 1.25, Li 2 O - up to 0.11, Nb 2 O 5 - up to 0.5, Ta 2 O 5 - up to 0.01. High content Ca in some aegirines led to the isolation of "aegirines rich in calcium" by some authors. Increased content The TiO 2 in aegirine is presumably explained by the existence of a hypothetical "titanium aegirine" end-member. Known aegirines with a high content of Sr, Zr and Nb. The content of Sn in aegirines reaches 500-1000 g/m. Rare impurities include bitumoid (up to 0.0008%). Within the Lovozero intrusive complex, more sodic aegirines are found in foyaites and urtites, while less sodic ones are found in lujavrites; aegirines, whose composition is especially close to the theoretical one, belong to the latest generations.


Akmit - Akmit. Iron-rich aegirine brown, brown, reddish-brown.
The name is from the Greek "akme" - a point. It was originally distinguished by the spiky shape of the crystals; characterized by strong pleochroism.

Manganese aegirine - manganoan aegirine. The name was proposed by Frondel and Ito.
Synonym: Blanfordite - blanfordite, aegirine-augite - aegirine-augite; manganese-rich aegirine-augite.

Urbanite is similar to manganese aegirine - urbanite. Synonym: lindesite-lindesite.
According to the available data, manganese aegirine is characterized by a larger value of b 0 (8.818-8.841) than that of aegirine and, accordingly, a different ratio of the axes: 1.073: 1: 0.597, β = 105 ° 00 ".
Short-columnar crystals with facets a (100), b (010), m (110), e (011) are known. Twins in a (100). Color dark crimson, brown, dark orange, red-brown, lavender-blue, dark green, black. Dark red becomes brown when weathered. The dash is brown. Under the microscope, violet-blue, orange-brown, dark brown, pink. Pleochroism: according to Ng - blue, bright blue, cyan; according to Nm - lilac, violet, pale blue; according to Np - bright red, dark carmine, carnation pink, pale orange, colorless. Np>Nm>Ng. cNp = 0-10°. Biaxial (-). n g = 1.709-1.815, n m = 1.754-1.797, n p = 1.681-1.768; n g - n p \u003d 0.028-0.047. 2V = 50-80°. Decay structures are observed: lamellar inclusions of rhombic pyroxene along (100) and ilmenite (?) plates along (110). Simple twins in (100). Contains up to 6% MnO. Rare. It is found in metamorphic iron and manganese ore rocks of the Teploozernoe deposit (Small Khingan, Khabarovsk Territory), Uabash iron ore formation (Labrador Peninsula, Canada), gondites and pegmatites of India. It differs from ordinary aegirine in its increased manganese content, color, refractive indices, and pleochroism.

Vanadium aegirine - vanadous aegirine. Found in Libi, Montana (USA), described under the name vanadiferous aegirite.
Synonym: Vanadium acmite - vanadous acmite.
Contains up to 4% V 2 O 3 . Poorly studied.

Titanium aegirine- titanian aegirine. Also known as titan-aegirine. Contains up to 10% TiO 2 . Forms crystals, grains, and zones on segregations of other pyroxenes. Bluish green, strongly pleochroic. Very rare. Found as marginal zones on phenocrysts of salite and arfvedsonite, as well as inclusions of acicular crystals in feldspar in phonolitic accumulations of melanocratic leucitites of New South Wales (Australia); forms crystals in alkaline rocks of the Red Vein Complex on the Labrador Peninsula (Canada). An increased content of TiO 2 (5.88-6.28%) was noted for minerals from the Labrador Peninsula and the Katzenbukkel complex in Germany.

Crystallographic characteristic

Syngony Monoclinic.

Class. Prismatic C 2h = 2/m (L 2 RS).

Axis ratio. Like an augite.

Crystal structure

The structure of the mineral is similar to that of diopside and jadeite. According to the average interatomic distances, the angle between bridging oxygens (O(3)-O(3)-O(3) = 174.2°) aegirine is closer to jadeite than to diopside. Aegirine and jadeite contain Na in M(2) and Fe 3+ in M(1). This is reflected in the interplanar spacings, in which aegirine clearly differs from aegirine-diopside and aegiringhedenbergite.

Main forms:

Form of being in nature

Crystal Shape. The appearance of aegirine crystals is determined mainly by the development of the edges of the prism belt. The most common are short-prismatic, long-prismatic, and fine-needle crystals. Less common are crystals that are tabular along p(101) and strongly shortened along the c axis. Spear-shaped crystals with strongly developed faces.

Doubles. Growth twins according to (100) are known.

inclusions in the mineral.

A change in the appearance of aegirine crystals during the transition from early generations to late generations was noted: crystals of late generations, as a rule, are more elongated along the c axis. The smallest acicular crystals of aegirine form inclusions in nepheline, potassium feldspar, sodalite, eudialyte, and apatite. It is assumed that their regular arrangement in nepheline is associated with the decomposition of the solid solution. In the intrusive rocks of Lovozea and Keiv (Kola Peninsula), aegirine crystals sometimes contain poikilite inclusions of nepheline, sodalite, apatite, etc. chevkinite. Aegirine crystals contain inclusions of ilmenite, eudialyte, lamprophyllite, arfvedsonite, titanite, sodalite, nepheline, feldspar, albite, zircon, and garnet. Shells of akmit on crystals of aegirine proper are known. Known in pseudomorphs after augite, aegirine-diopside - aegirine-hedenbergite, riebeckite; also develops after arfvedsonite, znigmatite, epidote, diopside-hedenbergite, oligoclase, microcline, fine-grained albite.

Aggregates. Crystals (from hundredths of a millimeter to 100 cm) are radially radiant, spherulitic, tangled fibrous and pinnate aggregates, grains of irregular shape.

Physical properties of aegirine


  • The color is green, black, rarely brown (akmit), very rarely colorless, brownish-red, reddish and straw-yellow. The most alkali-rich aegirines are usually light colored. Brown tones are associated with Fe 3+, green - with Fe 2+. It has been suggested that green color may be due to V 3+ , and brown and reddish-yellow colors are due to Zr, TR, Mn and Ti or Ti, Mn 2+ and Mn 3+ impurities. The transmission spectra indicate a relationship between the color and pleochroism of aegirine and Fe 2+ and Fe 3+ . The color of some aegirines is zonal or spotted.
  • Line white, green.
  • Luster glassy, ​​semi-metallic.
  • The tide is silky.
  • Transparency. Usually opaque or translucent, rarely transparent.


Hardness 6 - 6.5. Microhardness 713-824 kgf/mm 2 .

Density 3.38-3.72; decreases when entering aegirine Al and Mg.

Cleavage perfect according to (110), separateness according to (100).

The fracture is uneven, splintery.

Chemical properties

Slightly soluble in acids.

Other properties

Weakly magnetic, electromagnetic. When calcined to 600-700°, the magnetism increases. The electromagnetic susceptibility increases with increasing Fe 3+ content. In cathode rays, it detects an orange-red glow.

Behavior on heating. On the thermogram of aegirine from aegirinite of the Lovozero massif, weak effects are recorded: endothermic at 105° (release of low-temperature water) and exothermic at 600-700° (oxidation of iron and formation of hematite); there is also a very weak endothermic effect above 900°. According to other authors, aegirine does not give thermal effects when heated to 900°, i.e., before the onset of melting. Thermal expansion coefficient α of aegirine from pcs. Wyoming (USA) in the range of 24-800° by a 0 = 0.727-10 -5 /°C. Heating aegirine in a hematite-magnetite buffer with an excess of H 2 O at a pressure of 2 kbar and a temperature of 870 ° leads to its incongruent melting with the formation, in addition to liquid, hematite and magnetite; at the same pressure with a quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer, aegirine at 880° gives magnetite + liquid. Natural and synthesized aegirine (the composition is close to theoretical) melt incongruently at 975–990° to form hematite. The same happens at 850-1100° and pressure from 0 to 45 kbar in nitrogen.

Artificial production of the mineral.

Was repeatedly obtained together with hematite by fusion constituent parts. Synthesized from a melt mixture of SiO 2 , Fe 2 O 3 , Na 2 CO 3 H 2 O and NaCl, from a mixture of silica, iron oxide and sodium hydroxide solution at a temperature of 250-500 °. In the Na 2 O-Al 2 O 3 -Fe 2 O 3 -SiO 2 system at 1350°, glass was formed, from which aegirine powder was obtained by holding it for a long time at 700-930°. In the aegirine-diopside system, it crystallized at 750° and a water vapor pressure of 1000 kPcm 2 . Glass was obtained from quartz, iron oxides, sodium, calcium and magnesium carbonates, and aegirine was obtained from it after keeping at 800-1000 ° for 39 days. Aegirine, obtained by the action of soda-chloride-carbonate solutions on cummingtonite schists and magnetite-amphibole quartzites, is stable in alkaline and close to neutral solutions at a temperature of 300-700 ° and a pressure of 300-1500 atm. It has been experimentally established that the formation of aegirine in quartz-magnetite-cummingtonite shales depends on the partial pressure of hydrogen. When exposed to shale solution of 0.5N NaHCO 3 and 0.5N NaCl at pH 8.0-8.2 and P 0bshch. 500 kg / cm 2 for 2.5 hours and heated to 600 ° with a drop in the partial pressure of hydrogen, cummingtonite is replaced by alkaline amphibole; at P H2< 20 кПсм 2 амфибол замещается эгирином. При 400° граница между полем эгирина и полем щелочного амфибола проходит через Р н2 <5 кГ/см 2 . При увеличении Р Н2 эгирин должен замещаться щелочным амфиболом, что было показано Островским. Синтезирован из гелей, содержащих составные части эгирина, в восстановительных условиях при 700° и давлении около 2 кбар. Чистый канареечно-желтый эгирин синтезирован из Fe(OH) 3 и аморфной SiO 2 после 3-часовой обработки сильнощелочным раствором, содержащим 100 г/л Na 2 O при 280°. Синтезирован совместно с андрадитом , волластонитом , магнетитом, кальцитом из шихты состава 5СаСO 3 + 2Fe(OH) 3 + 3SiO 2 в водном растворе Na 2 CO 3 при 500-900° и 400-800 атм. Получен в системе SiO 2 -NaF-Fe 2 O 3 -Н 2 O при 500° и давлении около 500 атм в щелочной среде. Как побочный продукт образуется при синтезе кварца благодаря воздействию щелочного раствора на стенки стального автоклава. В гидротермальных условиях синтезирован скандиевый аналог эгирина.

Diagnostic features

similar minerals. Hornblende (amphibole).

Under the microscope, it differs from fassaite, ferriaugite, omphacite, aegirine-diopside, and sgirine-hedenbergite (similar to aegirine in pleochroism colors and absorption scheme) by negative elongation and a negative angle of optical axes. From hornblende - according to the reverse absorption scheme, strong dispersion r>v, according to the nature of the change in colors of pleochroism. From tourmaline - according to the axis, the nature of cleavage, higher birefringence, according to mineral associations.

Associated minerals. Sanidine, plagioclase, nepheline, sodalite, etc.

Origin and location

Rock-forming mineral of igneous rocks of both acidic and basic composition: basalts, trachytes, andesites, etc.; also occurs in alkaline granites, nepheline syenites; widespread throughout.

Mineral change.

During hydrothermal postmagmatic processes, the formation of arfvedsonite, biotite, chlorite, chloropheite, celadonite, riebeckite, hematite, and alkaline hornblende is possible after aegirine. During sodic metasomatism, aegirine was partially replaced by albite. In the hypergenesis zone, hisingerite, iron ocher, and clay minerals are formed along it.

Place of Birth

It is a rock-forming mineral of alkaline rocks (acid of the middle series), observed in their pegmatites. Less common in hydrothermal formations associated with the same rocks. Found in shale xenoliths among volcanic rocks and in sedimentary rocks. Some granites of Cave on the Kola Peninsula, the Chingiz zone (Central Kazakhstan), the western slope of the Middle Urals, the Central Aldan, Primorye and North Korea, the Kardyvach magmatic cluster (Northwestern Caucasus), Quincy in pcs. Massachusetts (USA), Kigom Hills in Nigeria. As a product of metasomatism, aegirine is observed in the granites of the Taidut massif (Tsagan-Khurtei ridge) in the Chita region, in granite-like rocks with rare-metal mineralization of the Sob uplift (Polar Urals). It is a mineral of some albitites, common in nepheline and aegirine syenites (Lovozero, Khibiny on the Kola Peninsula), in titanite ijolites of Khibiny and Napaka in Uganda, in pyroxene aegirinites and almost monomineral aegirinites (Gremyakha-Vyrmes on the Kola Peninsula), in lujavrites and foyaites in Lovozero on the Kola Peninsula, in nepheline syenites (Saibar massif, Eastern Sayan), in syenites of the Dara-Piosa and Matcha massifs in the Turkestan Range, on the Queen Maud Land in Antarctica, in the Koksharovsky massif of Primorye, the Ditro massif in Romania, Kangerdluarsuk in Greenland, Alter- Pedroso in Portugal, Assunt in South Africa, Kogan-Zan in the Korean Peninsula, Iwagishima in Japan; found in the Cancrinitic Mariupolites of Itapirapua in Brazil.
Aegirine-containing volcanic rocks include tuffites of aegirine trachytes of the Uhersky region (Ccidcarpathia), volcanic tuff in the upper reaches of the Zbruch and Goryn rivers (Rivne region, Ukraine), plagioliparitic tuffs of the Ukrainian part of the Carpathians, Auvergne phonolites in France, rhyolites of the Oki Island and the Oga Peninsula (Japan), of the Hadzherel-Khallis region (Sudan), analcime dolerites of the Nemuro region in Japan.
In barren and rare-earth microcline pegmatites occurring in alkaline granites and granite-gneisses, aegirine is known in the North-West of Russia. Found in quartz-feldspar pegmatites occurring in corundum-biotite and pyroxene-amphibole syenites; forms intergrowths with feldspar and chevkinite. It is widely developed in pegmatites of nepheline syenites (often represented by several generations): the Lovozero and Khibiny massifs on the Kola Peninsula, the Saizhinsky pluton on the Vitim Plateau, the Synnyrsky massif in the Northern Baikal region, Korog Center - in Greenland, in association with rare silicates Ba and Ti - in Inaglinsky massif on the Aldan Shield in South Yakutia; is known in alkaline pegmatites cutting the main rocks of the Konder massif of the Aldan Shield.
In metamorphic ferruginous quartzites in association with magnetite, hematite, amphibole, dolomite is observed in the KMA and Krivoy Rog (Ukraine) regions. In the rocks of the iron-siliceous volcanic-shale formation of the Belozersky region of the Dnieper region (Ukraine), it was formed due to quartz and magnetite. Taconites in association with magnetite and manganeserite are observed in the Kayuna Ridge in pcs. Minnesota (USA). It is noted in the metamorphogenic manganese ores of the Black Rock in the Kalahari (Botswana), in the Glen Louis granulites (Scotland), in the glaucophane metamorphic schists of the Penzha belt (Koryak-Kamchatka region) and Hokkaido island (Japan), in the glaucophane schists of the Shikoku island (Japan). , in the riebeckite shales of Grout Creek in New Zealand, in aegirine-orthoclase, aegirine-orthoclase-pectolite, nepheline-feldspar-aegirine veins in the fenites of the Turie Peninsula (Murmansk region), in hydrothermal formations of pegmatites of Mount Nepkha in the Lovozero massif on the Kola Peninsula.
In the ore zones of TR, Fe, Ba, Nb, F hydrothermal deposits associated with alkaline syenites and granosyenites, aegirine is observed with fluorite, magnetite, quartz, huanchite, bastnäsite, barite, aeschinite, thorite, etc. formations of the Kayuna Ridge in pcs. Minnesota (USA), associated with quartz, adularia, rhodochrosite.
Mentioned as a mineral of India's bentonites, formed by the alteration of volcanic ash and tuff. Authigenic aegirine (akmite) in association with rhodusite, pyrite, and calcite was found in leaching voids of water-soluble minerals in silty marls of the Kumolinsky trough in Kazakhstan; in association with shortite, in sedimentary rocks of the Green River Formation in the states of Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah (USA).

Aegirine is an unusual stone that belongs to the group of pyroxenes. The black mineral has large quantity magical and medicinal properties which help a person to be more self-confident and become a leader.

"Akmit" is the old name for the mineral. It is translated from Greek as "point". It got its name thanks to appearance. The shape of the stone resembles a sharp wedge-shaped crystal.

Opening year - 1821

Country - Norway.

The first studies were carried out as early as 1821 by the scientist Jens Jakob Berzelius from Stockholm. This is an outstanding mineralogist and chemist who discovered several elements and minerals.

The stone received the name "aegirine" in 1835. So he was named by J. Esmark in honor of Aegir - the god of the seas from the German-Scandinavian mythology.


Chemical and physical properties

Chemical formula - NaFe3 + (Si2O6)

The main composition of the stone is sodium and iron silicate. There may be impurities of aluminum, vanadium, and manganese.

The color of the stone varies from light yellow to dark green. There are also brown, brown, gray specimens. But the most popular color is black. Aegirine is practically opaque, but has a characteristic vitreous luster. The brittleness index is very high, so it is necessary to handle the stone with extreme care.

The magnetic properties are weak, there are no reactions to acids. Only when melting at a temperature of 980 degrees Celsius, hematite is released.

magical properties

The main unusual property of aegirine, which distinguishes it from other stones, is the ability to turn negative energy into positive energy. If a person learns to do this, then all the trials of life will be nothing to him.

Aegirine is often called a psychotherapeutic mineral because it can help to understand difficult situation and stop being offended, as well as angry over trifles. It takes a person a lot of energy that can be spent in the right direction.

  1. Helps fulfill cherished desires and achieve your goals. And find your purpose in life.
  2. Learn to love life and enjoy every second of it. Often this is not enough for people.
  3. It helps to sort out your thoughts and not think about the bad.
  4. Will teach you to accept right decisions quickly and do not regret your actions.
  5. Develops intuition and teaches how not to be afraid to trust it. The subconscious mind helps a person make decisions, but not many people know how to listen to it.
  6. Helps get rid of bad habits such as alcoholism and drugs. And also remove toxins from the body. Often people who have suffered such a misfortune cannot find the strength in themselves and cope with the problem.
  7. Necessary for perseverance at work and rapid career growth.
  8. The talisman protects from enemies, envious people and damage.
  9. Helps travelers return home safe and sound.

Jewelry with aegirine is not only beautiful, but also useful for a girl. With such a talisman, the lady looks much more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

The amulet, which was presented by a dear person, has the greatest power.

Medicinal properties

Scientists have not proven the presence of healing properties in this stone, but many people have tested them on themselves and were satisfied with the result.

  1. Aegirine has a large number of positive energy. It is able to significantly increase the property of other minerals.
  2. Protects against harmful substances and radiation.
  3. Strengthens the immune system and helps a person get rid of many ailments.
  4. Helps to find inner strength. Opens a second wind when it seems that all is lost.
  5. It is used to treat the intestines, stomach and other human organs. It improves the condition in general, and is also necessary for prevention.
  6. Helps with nervous disorders and insomnia, gives peace and tranquility.
  7. Helps from constant fatigue and mood swings. Able to get out of serious condition depression.

Aegirine is a good amulet that can be presented dear person as a present.

Place of Birth

The mineral belongs to the rock-forming. Its deposits can be found in alkaline rocks of volcanic origin. Less often, they can form from sediments of the circulating bowels of the Earth - hydrothermal deposits.

There are not many countries where aegirine is mined. These include:

  • Madagascar;
  • Nigeria;
  • Canada;
  • Norway;
  • Scotland;
  • Sweden;
  • Greenland.

In Russia:

  • Ural Mountains;
  • Kola Peninsula.

Unique crystals are mined only in East Africa - the Republic of Malawi. Minerals large sizes can be found in Sweden and Norway.


Jewelry is the most popular application of aegirine. They are popular all over the world and are not expensive.

Processing stone is quite easy. To do this, use a cabochon (processing in which the stone becomes polished and convex) or tumbling ( technological process machining).

Popular jewelry is earrings, rings and pendants. They can serve as protection for doctors and nurses from the electromagnetic radiation they have to work with. With constant work at the office at the computer, aegirine is necessary in order to protect from negative radiation.

It is worth buying jewelry only in trusted stores, otherwise you can buy a fake.

Stones that are opaque are used to create costume jewelry. It can be bracelets, necklaces or beads. They are much cheaper and much easier to find.

Can be used as a decoration and a talisman in the home. In feng shui, aegirine is considered to be water. It is better to place it in a zone of relaxation and tranquility. It helps to think important points and make the right decision.

Most of all, transparent stones are valued by collectors, but they are extremely rare. You can find them in mineralogical museums or unique collections.

Often aegirine because of its unusual properties, used in lithotherapy - treatment with stones. Magicians use balls of this material to carry out their rites.


First of all, aegirine is a protector for the whole family, so the stone often decorates the house. He protects from envious and evil looks.

Beads distribute energy evenly and for a long time. You can wear them at any time of the year and under any outfit.

Stone helps to build harmonious relationship in the family and find the necessary compromises.


Aegirine activates the Root Chakra, which is responsible for the flow of Earth energy and the removal of "slags" from the body. If the balance is disturbed, then the person does not want to do anything, and enthusiasm for everything disappears. He only feels tired and does not understand the meaning of his life.

If the Main Chakra is normal, then internal energy and strength return to the person. This leads to new successes and prosperity in all endeavors.

stone stabilizes energy fields and the movement of Kundalini energy.

Often aegirine is used in meditation, as it is able to put thoughts in order.

stone care

Aegirine has a high degree of fragility, so when using it, you must be careful with it. Do not drop or throw jewelry made from this mineral. It is best to store in a soft bag or box. Rinse under running water without using aggressive chemistry. Such products can damage the structure of the stone, and it will lose its natural luster.

Influence on different zodiac signs

Aegirine best reveals its properties in people who were born under the sign of Taurus. The main problem of this sign is stubbornness. The mineral is able to make a person's character much softer and teach him to compromise. It also teaches you to enjoy every moment of life and in difficult times to find the strength in yourself to move on. It gives Taurus calmness and balance, which they often lack.

Aegirine is suitable for all signs of the zodiac, and there are no people whom it can harm. But it is worth remembering that you can not wear jewelry all the time.

Aegirine is a unique mineral that has an unusual shape and is used for meditation. It helps a person to find the balance of life.

Aegirine is a rock-forming mineral of many alkaline igneous rocks; silicate from the pyroxene group. First described in 1821 Swedish chemist J. Berzelius (Jons Jakob Berzelius) based on samples found near the city of Konsberg in southern Norway. Named after Aegir, the sea god in Norse mythology. The term "aegirin" was proposed by the Danish-Norwegian mineralogist J. Esmark (Jens Esmark) in 1835.

Another, earlier name for aegirine is akmit (Greek "acme" - point, point), which the mineral received for the characteristic pointed shape of crystals. The term "akmit" is more often used in relation to aegirine with a reddish tinge. Other synonyms: clinopyroxene, natrosiderite, aegirite.

Composition: sodium silicate, iron - NaFe+++. The syngony is monoclinic. Theoretical content of Na2O - 13.4%; Fe2O3 - 34.6%; SiO2 - 52%. It is the most alkaline mineral of the augite-aegirine isomorphic series. That is, in contrast to the other extreme member of this group - rich in iron and poor in sodium, aegirine contains minimal amount Fe and enriched with Na. It also forms miscibility series with (CaMgSi2O6) and (CaFeSi2O6). Other characteristic impurities: aluminum, vanadium, titanium, manganese.

It occurs mainly in the form of columnar and needle-shaped crystals, grains of irregular shape. It often forms radially radiant and tangled fibrous aggregates, as well as the so-called "aegirine suns". Well-formed prisms and thin aegirine needles often have very sharp ends; characterized by vertical shading. Their size is from hundredths of a millimeter to one meter. Twins are common.

Aegirine; a picture under a microscope; Arkansas, USA. © Milton Speckels

Colour: yellowish green to black. Occasionally there are reddish-brown crystals (akmit). The coloration of some varieties is zonal or spotted. Luster - glass. Usually opaque or translucent at the edges. Occasionally there are colorless transparent crystals.

Aegirine; picture under a microscope. © Milton Speckels

Trait: yellowish grey. In cathode rays, it has an orange-red glow. Intensely colored varieties show strong pleochroism from greenish yellow to green and greenish blue. The dispersion is strong. Refractive indices: 1.742 - 1.787; Al and Mg impurities reduce the refractive indices and pleochroism.

Fragile. Fracture: uneven, splintery. Cleavage: perfect prism with an angle of 87°. Hardness: 6 - 6.5. The average specific gravity is 3.5 g/cm3. Weakly magnetic. Reacts poorly to acids. At a temperature of about 980°C, it melts to form hematite.

Aegirine is a rock-forming mineral of many alkaline igneous rocks. Also found in their pegmatites, less commonly in hydrothermal formations associated with the same rocks. Usually associated with , .

On the territory of Russia, it is known in the deposits of the Lovozero and Khibiny massifs on the Kola Peninsula. Transparent yellowish-green crystals up to 5 cm in size are found on Southern Urals(Cherry Mountains).

Excellent collection specimens are found in Malawi on the Malosa plateau. Aegirine is represented here by well-formed columnar crystals up to 20 cm high, outwardly resembling sharpened pencils. Especially impressive are its black columns intergrown with white quartz or orthoclase.

Aegirine and orthoclase; sample about 6cm; Malawi. © Wendell Wilson

Aegirine of gem quality is known in the west of Madagascar (Prov. Touliara). Large crystals up to 30 cm in size are found in Norway (Buskerud county), where the mineral was first established. It is found in significant quantities in Scotland, Greenland, Nigeria, Canada, and the USA.

Perfect, mysteriously black aegirine crystals look like aliens from other worlds. At first glance, they do not make a strong impression, but looking at them more closely, you begin to understand why this rather modestly colored mineral was named after a powerful sea god.

Aegirine is usually easy to identify by the columnar-acicular appearance of crystals, dark green or greenish-black color, associations with alkali feldspars and amphiboles. It looks like varieties close in color, from which it differs in the presence of perfect cleavage and relatively low hardness.

Aegirine is a mineral of the pyroxene group. The stone got its name in honor of the Scandinavian sea god Aegir. The mineral was first discovered in Norway. Another name for the stone is aegirine. Aegirine mainly contains impurities of sodium oxide, iron oxide and silicon dioxide. Varieties of aegirine are called urbanite, vanadium aegirine and titanium aegirine in accordance with the chemical composition.

AT natural conditions the mineral forms crystals, aggregates and spherulites of various shades of green. There are black specimens. There are completely colorless stones. Outwardly, green aegirine resembles dark green. Minerals brown and red - brown are called acceptances. The mineral got its name from the Greek word “acme”, a point, because of its pointed shape. Thin sharp crystals can reach a length of 1.5 cm and form "aegirine suns".

A fragile mineral with a vitreous luster is usually opaque, slightly translucent at the edges. Colorless transparent specimens are rare. Aegirine deposits are located in the USA, Canada, Madagascar, East Africa, Scotland, Nigeria and Greenland. Large crystals up to 30 cm in size are mined in Norway. In Russia, aegirine was found on the Kola Peninsula in the Khibiny and in the South Urals.

The mineral is used in construction. From rocks containing aegirine, finishing tiles are made. The mineral aegirine is sought after by collectors. Black columnar crystals of aegirine, fused with white quartz, look especially beautiful. Radiant formations in charoite look attractive. Magnificent collectible minerals are found in Malawi. The shape of columnar crystals resembles sharpened pencils, their height can reach 20 cm.

Aegirine is used in jewelry as an ornamental stone. Raw materials for jewelry are mined in Madagascar.

The mystical properties of aegirine allow its owner to accumulate internal energy and effectively resist external influences.

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