Calculate important years by date of birth. Birth Numerology: How to Know Your Important Years of Life

In a person's life there are years (periods) that play a certain role in fate. At the same time, these years have the same meaning for almost all people.

21 years old - considered the age of majority. A person makes, perhaps the first important decision in his life (marriage, profession, place of residence), which determines the next seven or eight years. After this period, it is very important to correct the mistakes made. Otherwise, health problems may arise that will make themselves felt much later.

24 years - a period that determines what to be and what to go. If a marriage was concluded at the age of 21, a person may think about the advisability of continuing a relationship with this partner. If a certain profession has been chosen, the foundations of a second, additional or next profession can be laid, to which a person will turn later.

29.5 years - the period of manifestation of an adult personality capable of making serious decisions on its own. In terms of illness, this is rather a positive period, as health is stabilizing.

32 years - the period of the final choice of profession, or at least for the next seven to eight years. In general, this is a major period for a person to find his place in life, ending by the age of 35. In addition, during this period, a person needs a partner to solve many life problems. It is not surprising that by the age of 35 a person occupies a strong position at work and in the family.

42 years - the time of the next crisis (family, work, health), which ends by the age of 48. This is a period of change, after which comes stabilization until the moment of retirement.

At 56 man reaches the top.

63 years old - age is like 21 years, because it means a crisis, a reassessment of values, or, conversely, an affirmation in one's principles, which will now remain unchanged until the age of 84, if a person is destined to live to this age.

84 years old - a new and, perhaps, final revision of all life positions, an appeal to higher values.

Calculation of the fateful years of a person's life

Having lived a certain number of years, almost every person can note that there are years in which there are as many positive events as possible; There are some that go unnoticed.

Fateful years are certain years of a person that affect his entire future life. The main of these years is the year of birth, which is considered to be the starting point of a person's further movement through life, which leaves an imprint on the character and fate of a person.

Let's calculate the fateful years for a person who was born on 24/08/1961.

First life cycle:

1. We add the number 1 to 1961 (1st digit in the year of birth):

1961 + 1 = 1962 is the first fateful year.

2. To the year obtained at the 1st stage, we add the second digit of the year of birth:

1962 + 9 = 1971 - the second fateful year.

3. To the year obtained at the second stage, we add the third digit of the year:

1971+6=1977 is the third fateful year.

4. To the received year we add the fourth digit of the year of birth:

1977 + 1 = 1978 - the fourth and most important fateful year.

Second life cycle:

On the second cycle, we take the last fateful year of the 1st cycle as a starting point.

1978 + 1 = 1979 - 1st fateful year

1979 + 9 = 1988 - 2nd fateful year

1988 + 7 = 1995 - 3rd fateful year

1995 + 8 = 2003 - the 4th fateful year - the most important fateful year of the 2nd cycle of life.

Third life cycle:

On the third cycle, the calculation is similar to the previous ones.

The predictive part begins with the third cycle.

We take 2003 as a starting point - the last fateful year of the 2nd cycle.

2003 + 2 = 2005 - the 1st fateful year of the third cycle.

2005 + 0 = 2005 - the 2nd fateful year of the third cycle.

2005 + 0 = 2005 - the 3rd fateful year of the third cycle.

2005 + 3 = 2008 - the 4th fateful year (the most important) of the third cycle.

Fourth life cycle:

The starting point for the fourth cycle is 2008.

2008 + 2 = 2010 - the 1st fateful year of the fourth cycle.

2010 + 0 = 2010 - 2nd fateful year. There is an increase in the importance of a stage in a person's life.

2010 + 0 = 2010 - the 3rd fateful stage of the 4th cycle.

2010 + 8 = 2018 - the 4th, final, most important stage in a person's life.

Since 2000, the algorithm for calculating fateful years has changed. In order to make a calculation, it is necessary, starting from the second stage, to add not the number itself, but the difference (9 is the corresponding number, in all positions except the first), for example:

Date of birth: 07/24/2003.

We add the number 2 to 2003 (1st digit in the year of birth):

2003+2 = 2005 is the first fateful year.

To the year obtained at the 1st stage, we add 9 minus the second digit of the year of birth:

2005+(9-0)=2014 is the second fateful year.

To the year obtained at the second stage, we add 9 minus the third digit of the year:

2014+(9-0)=2023 is the third fateful year.

To the resulting year, add 9 minus the fourth digit of the year of birth:

2023+(9-3)=2029 is the fourth fateful year.

Method for determining the karmic years of a person:

- the first karmic year of a person is his year of birth.

- the second karmic year is calculated as: the year of birth + the sum of all the digits that make up the year.

- the third karmic year: to the second year obtained in the calculation, we add in order all the digits of the year of birth. And so on.

For example, your year of birth is 1961.

1961 is the first karmic year.

1961+1+9+6+1 = 1995 (second karmic year).

1995+1+9+6+1 = 2012.

2012+1+9+6+1 = 2029.

Karmic years for people born in 1961: 1961, 1995, 2012, 2029.

The life chart by date of birth is a calculated numerical rhythms that demonstrate energy surges and falls in different periods of human life. In other words, this is a clear example of the development that was laid down by nature itself at the time of birth. From this article, you will learn how to build a life schedule by date of birth for yourself personally in order to be able to predict not only your fate, but also the life of people close to you.

History reference

From the moment of coming into this world and throughout the whole period, a person constantly falls under the influence of various factors. Numbers in the life of every person play a special role: they help to predict important moments in life, find out about the most favorable time for decisive actions, and warn of the moments of greatest danger.

The famous scientist and thinker Pythagoras is considered the founder of numerology.

Few people know that it was he who was the great esotericist, the founder of the secret esoteric order and the progenitor of modern numerology.

This scientist was interested in the Pythagorean Life Schedule - a great way to calculate the most important moments in the life of every person. Pythagoras believed that the date of birth is the most important. That is why the number obtained as a result of special calculations based on the date of birth is so significant in the study of human character and its possible future.

Method of mathematical calculation

It is not at all difficult to calculate the life schedule by date of birth. It is important to know: the date, month, and year of birth. All data needs to be simply multiplied among themselves. The end result will be a five or six digit number. It is this number that is considered a universal code for each person.

When studying human life, the graph built on the basis of this number is the very first and most important one to be analyzed. This life schedule according to Pythagoras, by date of birth is the key knowledge that will help you understand the law of the development of life in different time periods, and will also provide an opportunity to correct your destiny.

Plot method

The graph is built using the ordinate and abscissa axes. On the ordinate axis, it should be noted starting from 0 and ending with the number 9. The abscissa axis is a time scale on which time intervals are indicated in cycles of 12 years.

The horizontal axis starts with your date of birth. Set aside the number of plots for 12 years as you wish.

Now start plotting. For example, you got the number 360921. Having found the number 3 vertically, put a dot over the first date (date of birth). The second number (ours is 6) will correspond to your next segment of 12 years. Thus, you must put all the received numbers into your chart. By connecting the dots, you will get a graph of life by date of birth.

Chart decoding

When deciphering the schedule, knowledge and advice are applied that were improved and systematized by the followers of Pythagoras.

Each number of the constructed graph determines the energy at the level of everyday life throughout its life, divided into 12-year cycles.

In order to decipher the graph, it is enough to look at the curve obtained by connecting the points lined up according to the received code number. You will immediately see the periods of your ups and downs.

The meaning of the lines

It is logical that the line directed upwards means good luck and prosperity. The down line warns of caution during risky ventures. It means a period of testing. The number on the decline of the line will help to understand the situation more accurately.

Horizontal lines are considered the most favorable, they mean a measured course of life. It is at these moments that the adoption of fateful decisions is the most successful.

The meaning of each number in your life code will also be important.

Meaning of numbers

The period of life under the sign of the number 1 will pass under the motto of dissatisfaction with events. A person will have to directly fight for his innocence, prove and defend his positions.

The number 2 in the chart predicts the presence of ups and downs in activity. This figure gives its owner the ability to control the situation and perceive everything from a philosophical point of view.

The number 3 guarantees the support of friends, and the position of the person himself will be precarious and unpredictable.

4 - predicts a calm and boring life. The business and personal life of such a person will occur without much change.

Lucky is the one who has 5 in the chart. It means novelty associated with a change in life. This period will be full of bright events.

The number 6 gives harmony and hope for peace. The goals of a person during this period will not affect moral principles, so everything will go smoothly, “as if it were knurled”.

7 - promises the emergence of a person's interests related to the comprehension of spiritual knowledge. It means comprehension of the hidden and secret.

The number 8 guarantees material success. This is the most favorable time for commercial transactions.

The symbol of success in life is the number 9. This is the pinnacle of human abilities. Those who have this figure in their schedule can be safely called lucky.

Unfavorable value 0

0 is quite common in the code number, says numerology by date of birth. A life schedule with such a number is considered not very favorable. After all, 0 means decline and a painful state.

In other words, the period of life under the beginning of this number is a streak of failures. Pythagoras considered it a number denoting the study of karmic problems. The scientist advised those who have the number 0 not to worry, but simply to be more attentive to all the events taking place during this period of life.

The life schedule by date of birth warns you when you need to be attentive to life, controlling everything that happens, and when you can relax and live for your own pleasure. Remember that the values ​​of the numbers are generalized; when constructing such a graph, it is important to take into account additional factors that affect a person’s life.

The fate of each person is hidden in the date of birth. When calculating your personal code, be as careful as possible. Give yourself a little attention and you will be surprised by the clues hidden in your date of birth.

Soon, very soon, the New Year 2013 will come. We are all waiting for something new, bright, joyful, with the hope that the new future will be better and more prosperous than the old past.

And I want, of course, to lift the veil of secrecy, to find out what will happen there - in the near and distant future. Practical numerology will help you, because simple calculations are subject to everyone. Let's start?!

Today I suggest that you independently determine the main, most important years in your life. These years are essential in your destiny, during these years significant and significant events for you are taking place or will still be taking place.

We calculate the "main" years of life: the first method

We add the sum of the digits of the year of birth to your year of birth. Next, we add the sum of its digits to this number.
For example, the year of birth is 1979:
Thus, for the year of birth in 1979, 2005, 2012, 2017, 2027, 2038, 2051 are significant. During these years, significant changes are coming in a person’s life. You should also pay attention to those years that are next to the “main” years (a year earlier, a year later). They also need to be taken into account.

We calculate the "main" years of life: the second method

Add up the sum of the digits of the year of birth. Our year of birth is 1979, we add it up: 1+9+7+9=26. The result obtained - the same number - is added to the main years.
For example,

Pay close attention to the years that you have matched (when calculating in different ways). And, I repeat, a year earlier, a year later - take into account too. Good luck with your calculations! And in order not to miss new articles on practical numerology, we recommend

The Life Path Number is the base and most important number of your Numerology Chart. This is the number with which you are born, which constantly guides you through life and never changes. This is a conscious goal towards which you are going, your nature and talents presented to the world. It contains your essence, meaning and value of your life.

The Life Path number offers us certain opportunities, but does not order us to move in the indicated direction. It presents an outline of the challenges and lessons we may face. Focusing on the values ​​​​given by this number, you are able to maximize your potential and gain the experience you need, that is, to fulfill yourself, and this is the most important spiritual need of a person.

This number is your main characteristic. Your personal history began long before you visited this world. She brought you to the point where you are now. You will continue your personal evolution with the possibilities and limitations that human life offers. The number of the Life Path, one way or another, reflects all the features of your development.

Knowing your You can go to the Compatibility page and analyze the general trend in your relationship.

In the book "The Magic of the West" by R. Cavendish, an example was given of an unusual pattern in following the most important dates in the life of a person and a country. Such a regularity can be found in the life of any phenomenon of living nature. Only the rhythms may differ, but the pattern remains. Take for example the history of the USSR.
Formation of the USSR 1917:1+9+1+7=18.
The beginning of the repressions is 1917+18=1935, but this is also the year of the preparation of the constitution, which lasted until 1977.
Death of Stalin 1935+18=1953.
The collapse of the USSR 1953+(18x2)=1989.

There are many such interesting examples from history. S. Vronsky, wrote: "No matter how fascinating the study of historical dates, the main task of numerology is a person. As inherent vibration numbers act on each person and how he can use them with the greatest benefit for himself - this is the essence of numerological analysis. Person's date of birth, as we already know, is the gate of being. It is she who determines the character and destiny of a person. Knowing it, we can determine the fateful years in a person's life.

Let's go back to the date of birth: 11/17/1953.
Stage 1. We add the number 1 to 1953 (1st digit in the year of birth):
1953+1 = 1954 is the first fateful year.
Stage 2. To the year obtained at the 1st stage, we add the second digit of the year of birth:
1954 + 9 = 1963 - the second fateful year.
Stage 3 To the year obtained at the second stage, we add the third digit of the year:
1963 + 5 = 1968 - the third fateful year.
Stage 4. To the received year we add the fourth digit of the year of birth:
1968 + 3 = 1971 - the fourth and most important fateful year.

On the second cycle, we take the last fateful year of the 1st cycle as a starting point.
Stage 1: 1971 + 1 = 1972 - 1st fateful year
Stage 2: 1972 + 9 = 1981 - 2nd fateful year
Stage 3: 1981+7=1988 - 3rd fateful year
Stage 4: 1988 + 1 \u003d 1989 - the 4th fateful year - the most important fateful year of the 2nd cycle of life.

On the third cycle, the calculation is similar. But the predictive part begins with this cycle. We take 1989 as a starting point - the last fateful year of the 2nd cycle.
Stage 1: 1989+1 = 1990 - the 1st fateful year of the third cycle.
Stage 2: 1990+9=1999 - 2nd fateful year of the third cycle.
Stage 3: 1999+8=2007 - 3rd fateful year of the third cycle.
Stage 4: 2007 + 9 = 2016 - the 4th fateful year (the most important) of the third cycle.

This is where the third cycle ends, and 2016 becomes the starting point of the fourth cycle.
Stage 1: 2016+2=2018 - the 1st fateful year of the fourth cycle.
Stage 2: 2018+0=2018 - the 2nd fateful stage coincides with the 1st. There is an increase in the importance of a stage in a person's life.
Stage 3: 2018+1=2019 - the 3rd fateful stage of the 4th cycle.
Stage 4: 2019+6=2025 - the 4th, final, most important stage in a person's life.

Possible biological age is 72 years. Let us pay attention to the special significance of the vibrational number 9 in human life.
Date of birth 1953= 1 +9+5+3= 18= 1 +8=9 - starting point of the 1st cycle of life.
Starting point of the 2nd cycle of life:
Starting point of the third nicle of life: 1989=1+9+8+9=27=2+7=9.
Starting point of the fourth cycle of life: 2016=2+0+1+6=9.
Thus, the number 9 determines the internal rhythm of a person, and the number of fateful years determines the external rhythm. The coincidence of internal and external rhythms gives the most fateful years in a person's life: 1971 - the year of admission to the institute: 1989 - admission to graduate school, job change, active internal work on self-awareness; from the field of predictions - in the third life cycle of such fateful dates as many as two 2007, 2016; 2025 - in the fourth cycle of life. Having traced this pattern in yourself, you can consciously plan and predict your life in these years. It is important to correlate the energy of the human vital body in these years

and the forecast of the auspiciousness of these years in terms of energy resonance (Human Mandala).

For example, in 1971 the energy of the vital body for the tested person was 5.5 points. This is a fairly high level of energy, which made it possible to "spend" it on the transition to another, student, rhythm and admission to the institute.
In addition, 1971 was a year with a general vibrational background of Neptune (9), and therefore a favorable year, given that the Golden Number of the test subject is 6. Thus, the vibrational resonance allowed itself to be most fully expressed this year.
Let us analyze what 1989 gave in this regard. The energy level was 2 points. This is a low level. It did not allow making any cardinal changes in life, i.e., it was necessary to harmonize internal and external rhythms and, using knowledge of human nature, minimize energy costs. However, the year demanded a lot, although it carried the harmonizing vibrations of 9 (Neptune), but ignorance of many laws led to energy overspending and illness. Diseases stimulated inner work and aroused interest in the knowledge of the esoteric side of life.

Since 2000 year, the algorithm for calculating fateful years changes slightly. In order to make a calculation, it is necessary, starting from the second stage, to add not the number itself, but the difference (9 is the corresponding number, in all positions except the first), for example:

Date of birth: 07/24/2003.
Stage 1. We add the number 2 to 2003 (1st digit in the year of birth):
2003+2 = 2005 is the first fateful year.
Stage 2. To the year obtained at the 1st stage, we add 9 minus the second digit of the year of birth:
2005+(9-0)=2014 is the second fateful year.
Stage 3 To the year obtained at the second stage, we add 9 minus the third digit of the year:
2014+(9-0)=2023 is the third fateful year.
Stage 4. To the resulting year, add 9 minus the fourth digit of the year of birth:
2023+(9-3)=2029 is the fourth fateful year.
... and so on...

There is no detailed analysis of these fateful years from the point of view of the transit inclusion of the planets of the Horoscope and Mandala. Our goal is to show how and what value such an analysis has.
It is important to note that in this way it is possible to analyze the date of any event or object in animate and inanimate nature. We can subject even a telephone number to numerological analysis, which is a vibrational series that has its own philosophical meaning and resonates with a person at the informational level. The house number, especially the apartment number, the last four digits of the phone are individual at the person level. Therefore, they have a great impact on human life. Having built the Mandala of a phone number or an apartment number, one can determine how their numerological series and the numerological series of a person interact. So we can find out the influence of a phone number or any other numerological series on the Essence and Personality of a person and on their manifestations in a person's life. It is advisable to choose phone numbers, houses, apartments, etc. in such a way that they correspond to your goals. How to do it right? More on this in the next article.

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