Chinese string instrument made of dragon wood. Musical instruments of ancient China. "Blossoming moonlit night on a spring river"


Yueqin (月琴, yuèqín, i.e. "moon lute"), or ruan ((阮), is a kind of lute with a round resonator body. The ruan has 4 strings and a short fretboard with frets (usually 24). also known as the octagonal-shaped ruan, played with a plectrum, the instrument has a melodic sound reminiscent of a classical guitar and is used both solo and in an orchestra.

In ancient times, ruan was called "pipa" or "qin pipa" (i.e. pipa of the Qin dynasty). However, after the ancestor of the modern pipa came to China along the Silk Road during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (circa 5th century AD), the name "pipa" was assigned to the new instrument, and the lute with a short neck and a round body began to be called " ruan" - named after the musician who played it, Ruan Xian(3rd century AD) . Ruan Xian was one of the seven great scholars known as the "Seven Wise Men of the Bamboo Grove".



Dizi (笛子, dízi) is a Chinese transverse flute. It is also called di (笛) or handi (橫笛). The di flute is one of the most common Chinese musical instruments, and can be found in folk music ensembles, modern orchestras, and Chinese opera. Dizi has always been popular in China, which is not surprising, because. It is easy to make and easy to carry around. Its characteristic, sonorous timbre is due to the vibration of a thin bamboo membrane, which is sealed with a special sound hole on the body of the flute.



The "sounding stone" or qing (磬) is one of the oldest Chinese instruments. It was usually given a shape similar to the Latin letter L, since its outlines resemble the respectful posture of a person during the ritual. It is mentioned that it was one of the instruments played by Confucius. During the Han Dynasty, it was believed that the sound of this instrument reminded the monarch of the warriors who died defending the borders of the empire.



Sheng (笙, shēng) is a mouth organ, a reed wind instrument made of vertical pipes. This is one of the most ancient musical instruments in China: its first images date back to 1100 BC, and some shengs from the Han Dynasty have survived to this day. Traditionally, the sheng is used as an accompaniment when playing the suon or dizi.



Erhu (二胡, èrhú), a two-stringed violin, has perhaps the most expressive voice of all bowed stringed instruments. The erhu is played both solo and in ensembles. It is the most popular stringed instrument among various ethnic groups in China. When playing the erhu, many complex technical bow and finger techniques are used. The erhu violin is often used as the lead instrument in traditional Chinese national instrument orchestras and in the performance of string and wind music.

The word "erhu" consists of the characters for "two" and "barbarian" because this two-stringed instrument came to China about 1000 years ago thanks to the northern nomadic peoples.

Modern erhus are made of precious wood, the resonator is covered with python skin. The bow is made of bamboo, on which a string of horsehair is pulled. During the game, the musician pulls the string of the bow with the fingers of his right hand, and the bow itself is fixed between two strings, making up a single whole with the erhu.


Pipa (琵琶, pípa) is a 4-string plucked musical instrument, sometimes also called the Chinese lute. One of the most widespread and famous Chinese musical instruments. The pipa has been played in China for more than 1500 years: the ancestor of the pipa, whose homeland is the region between the Tigris and Euphrates (the region of the "fertile crescent") in the Middle East, came to China along the ancient Silk Road in the 4th century BC. n. e. Traditionally, the pipa was used mainly for playing solo, less often in folk music ensembles, usually in southeast China, or as an accompaniment to storytellers.

The name "pipa" refers to the way the instrument is played: "pi" means moving the fingers down the strings, and "pa" means moving them backwards. The sound is extracted with a plectrum, but sometimes with a fingernail, which is given a special shape.

Several similar East Asian instruments are derived from the pipa: the Japanese biwa, the Vietnamese đàn tỳ bà, and the Korean bipa.



Xiao (箫, xiāo) is an upright flute usually made from bamboo. This very ancient instrument appears to be derived from the flute of the Tibetan Qiang people of southwestern China. An idea of ​​this flute is given by ceramic funerary figurines dating back to the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD).

Xiao flutes have a clear sound suitable for playing beautiful, pleasing melodies. They are often used solo, in ensemble, and to accompany traditional Chinese opera.



(hanging drum)


Paixiao (排箫, páixiāo) is a type of pan flute. Over time, the instrument disappeared from musical use. Its revival began in the 20th century. Paixiao served as a prototype for the development of the next generations of this type of instrument.



The Chinese suona oboe (唢呐, suǒnà), also known as the laba (喇叭, lǎbā) or the haidi (海笛, hǎidí), has a loud and shrill sound and is often used in Chinese music ensembles. It is an important instrument in the folk music of northern China, especially in the provinces of Shandong and Henan. Suona is often used at weddings and funeral processions.



The kunhou harp (箜篌, kōnghóu) is another plucked stringed instrument that came to China along the Silk Road from Western Asia.

The kunhou harp is often found on the frescoes of various Buddhist caves of the Tang era, which indicates the widespread use of this instrument during that period.

She disappeared during the Ming Dynasty, but in the 20th century. she was revived. Kunhou was known only from frescoes in Buddhist caves, ritual funeral figurines, and engravings on stone and brickwork. Then, in 1996, in a tomb in Qemo County (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region), two whole onion-shaped kunhou harps and a number of their fragments were found. However, the modern version of this instrument is more reminiscent of the Western concert harp rather than the old kunhou.



Guzheng (古箏, gǔzhēng), or zheng (箏, "gu" 古 means "ancient") is a Chinese zither with movable, loose string rests and 18 or more strings (modern guzheng usually has 21 strings). Zheng is the ancestor of several Asian varieties of zither: Japanese koto, Korean gayageum, Vietnamese đàn tranh.

Although the original name of this painting is "Zheng", it is still depicted here. Guqin and guzheng are similar in shape, but they are easy to distinguish: while the guzheng has a support under each string, like the Japanese koto, the guqin has no supports, and the strings are about 3 times smaller.

Since ancient times, the guqin has been a favorite instrument of scientists and thinkers, it was considered an exquisite and refined instrument and was associated with Confucius. He was also called "the father of Chinese music" and "the instrument of the sages".

Previously, the instrument was simply called "qin", but by the 20th century. the term has come to refer to a range of musical instruments: the cymbal-like yangqin, the huqin family of stringed instruments, the Western pianoforte, and so on. Then the prefix "gu" (古), i.e. "ancient, and was added to the name. Sometimes you can also find the name "qixiaqin", i.e. "seven-string musical instrument".

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Chineseother national musical instruments

The Chinese are a very musical people. They love music so much that in ancient times they learned to make musical instruments of “eight types”: from stone, silk, bamboo, wood, metal, skin, clay and gourd. The queen of instruments was the qin, which was played by lightly touching the strings with the fingertips. Qin resembles the Russian musical instrument gusli. The seven strings symbolized the seven planets known to the Chinese. In length, the qin had four measures and five more parts, which meant four seasons and five elements of nature: fire, earth, metal, wood and water. The Chinese believed that a person should never part with qin, since its sounds help to improve the mind and direct one's desires for good.

Traditional musical instruments (’†Ќ‘?ѕ№ zhongguo yueqi)

According to historical sources, in ancient times there were about a thousand musical instruments, of which about half have survived to this day. The earliest of these dates back over 8,000 years.

Traditional Chinese musical instruments are closely related to the emergence of music in China. They symbolize Chinese culture and were also indicators of productivity levels in ancient times.

Ancient researchers divided all instruments into eight categories or "eight sounds", according to the material that was taken as the basis for the manufacture of an instrument, namely: metal, stone, strings, bamboo, dried and hollowed gourd, clay, leather and wood .

Metal: refers to metal-made instruments such as gongs and bronze drums.

Stone: stone instruments such as carillon and stone plates (a kind of bells).

Strings: instruments with strings that are played directly with the fingers or in special thimbles - small plectra-marigolds worn on the performer's fingers or with a bow, such as the Chinese violin, 25-string horizontal harp and instruments with a large number of strings, like the zither .

Bamboo: instruments, predominantly flutes, made from bamboo stalk, such as the eight-hole bamboo flute.

Pumpkin tools: wind instruments in which a vessel made of dried and hollowed gourd is used as a resonator. These include sheng and yu.

Clay: clay-made instruments such as the xun, an egg-shaped wind instrument the size of a fist, with six holes or less, and fou, a clay percussion instrument.

Leather: instruments whose resonating membrane is made of dressed animal skin. For example, drums and tom-toms.

Wooden: tools made mostly of wood. Of these, the most common are the muyu - "wooden fish" (a hollow wooden block used to beat out the rhythm) and the xylophone.

Xun (? Xun)

The clay xun is one of the oldest wind musical instruments in China. Archaeological studies show that clay xun was used as a hunting weapon about 8,000 years ago. During the reign of Yin of the Shang Dynasty (17th - 11th centuries BC), xun was carved from stone, animal bones, and ivory. In the era of the Zhou Dynasty (11th century - 256 BC), the xun became an important wind instrument in the Chinese orchestra.

Zheng (in¶Zheng)

The history of the string instrument "zheng" has more than 2000 years. It was especially popular during the reign of Qin (221-206 BC) in the territory of modern Shaanxi, therefore it is also called "qin zheng".

According to ancient sources, the original zheng had only five strings and was made of bamboo. Under Qin, the number of strings increased to ten, and wood was used instead of bamboo. After the fall of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the zheng became a 13-string instrument, the strings of which were stretched over an oblong wooden resonator. Today, you can still enjoy the harmonious tone of the 13, 14 or 16-string zheng, which is still actively used in China both in musical ensembles and solo.

Guqin (ЊГ‹Х Guqin)

The guqin, a seven-stringed plucked instrument (somewhat reminiscent of the zither), was widespread in the Zhou era, and was often played in conjunction with another stringed instrument, the se.

The guqin is characterized by a narrow and long wooden body with 13 round marks on the surface, designed to indicate the positions of the overtones or places where the fingers should be placed when playing. Generally speaking, the high notes of the guqin are pure and harmonious, the middle notes are strong and distinct, and its low notes are soft and elusive, with clear and charming overtones.

The sounds of the upper tonality "guqin" are clear, ringing, pleasant to the ear. Mid-pitched sounds are loud, while lower-pitched sounds are gentle and soft. The whole charm of the sound of "guqin" lies in the changeable timbre. It is used as a solo instrument, as well as in ensembles and as an accompaniment to singing. Nowadays, there are more than 200 varieties of guqin playing techniques.

Sona (?? Suona)

Commonly known as the bugle or horn, the sona is another ancient wind instrument that is widely used in various folk performances. It first gained popularity in Central China in the 16th century. In folklore concerts for wind and percussion instruments, as well as in operas, the sona often plays the role of "first violin".

Resonant and intelligible, this instrument is ideal for playing amazingly lively and pleasantly striking numbers and is often the leading instrument in brass and opera orchestras. Its loud sound is easy to distinguish from other instruments. He is also able to set the rhythm and imitate the chirping of birds and the chirping of insects. Sona is rightfully an indispensable instrument for folk festivities and festivals.

Sheng (v™ Sheng)

Sheng is another ancient Chinese musical instrument that makes sound thanks to the vibrations of the reed. Sheng gained popularity during the Zhou Dynasty as it was often used as an accompaniment for court singers and dancers. Later, he found his way among the common people. It could be heard at temple fairs and public performances.

Sheng consists of three main parts: reed, pipe and what is called "douzi", and can perform solo, in an ensemble or accompany singing.

Sheng is distinguished by its bright expressiveness and incredible grace in changing notes, with a clear, sonorous sound in the upper key and gentle in the middle and lower keys, it is an integral part of folklore concerts for wind and percussion instruments.

Xiao anddand (? Xiao, “JDi)

Xiao - vertical bamboo flute, di - horizontal bamboo flute - traditional wind instruments of China.

The history of "xiao" is about 3000 years old, when "di" appeared in China in the 2nd century BC, having got there from Central Asia. In its original form, the xiao resembled something like a flute, consisting of 16 bamboo pipes. Today, xiao is most commonly seen in the form of a single flute. And since such a flute is quite easy to make, it is quite popular among the population. The two earliest pipes, dating from the Warring States period (475 - 221 BC), were discovered in the tomb of King Zeng in Suxian County, Hubei Province in 1978. Each of them consists of 13 perfectly preserved bamboo pipes, connected together in descending order of their length. The soft and elegant sound of the xiao is ideal for solo as well as playing in an ensemble to express deep soulful feelings in a long, gentle and sentimental melody.

Pipa (”b”iPipa)

The pipa, known in antiquity as the "bent-necked pipa", is a major plucked musical instrument, adopted from Mesopotamia towards the end of the Eastern Han period (25-220), and carried inland through Xinjiang and Gansu by the fourth century. During the Sui and Tang dynasties (581 - 907), the pipa became the main instrument. Almost all musical pieces of the Tang era (618 - 907) were performed on the pipa. A versatile instrument for solos, ensembles (of two or more instruments) and accompaniment, the pipa is renowned for its intense expressiveness and ability to sound passionately and heroically powerful, yet subtly subtle and graceful at the same time. It is used both for solo performances and in orchestras.

Chinese national musical instrument

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These are Chinese traditional musical instruments.

(Actually, there are many more varieties.)

Contemporary illustrations by artist Wang Kongde show how these tools were used.

Erhu (二胡, èrhú), a two-stringed violin, has perhaps the most expressive voice of all bowed stringed instruments. The erhu is played both solo and in ensembles. It is the most popular stringed instrument among various ethnic groups in China. When playing the erhu, many complex technical bow and finger techniques are used. The erhu violin is often used as the lead instrument in traditional Chinese national instrument orchestras and in the performance of string and wind music.

The word "erhu" consists of the characters for "two" and "barbarian" because this two-stringed instrument came to China about 1000 years ago thanks to the northern nomadic peoples.

Modern erhus are made of precious wood, the resonator is covered with python skin. The bow is made of bamboo, on which a string of horsehair is pulled. During the game, the musician pulls the string of the bow with the fingers of his right hand, and the bow itself is fixed between two strings, making up a single whole with the erhu.

Pipa (琵琶, pípa) is a 4-string plucked musical instrument, sometimes also called the Chinese lute. One of the most widespread and famous Chinese musical instruments. The pipa has been played in China for more than 1500 years: the ancestor of the pipa, whose homeland is the region between the Tigris and Euphrates (the region of the "fertile crescent") in the Middle East, came to China along the ancient Silk Road in the 4th century BC. n. e. Traditionally, the pipa was used mainly for playing solo, less often in folk music ensembles, usually in southeast China, or as an accompaniment to storytellers.

The name "pipa" refers to the way the instrument is played: "pi" means moving the fingers down the strings, and "pa" means moving them backwards. The sound is extracted with a plectrum, but sometimes with a fingernail, which is given a special shape.

Several similar East Asian instruments are derived from the pipa: the Japanese biwa, the Vietnamese đàn tỳ bà, and the Korean bipa.


Yueqin (月琴, yuèqín, i.e. "moon lute"), or ruan ((阮), is a kind of lute with a round resonator body. The ruan has 4 strings and a short fretboard with frets (usually 24). also known as the octagonal-shaped ruan, played with a plectrum, the instrument has a melodic sound reminiscent of a classical guitar and is used both solo and in an orchestra.

In ancient times, ruan was called "pipa" or "qin pipa" (i.e. pipa of the Qin dynasty). However, after the ancestor of the modern pipa came to China along the Silk Road during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (circa 5th century AD), the name "pipa" was assigned to the new instrument, and the lute with a short neck and a round body began to be called " ruan" - named after the musician who played it, Ruan Xian (3rd century AD). Ruan Xian was one of the seven great scholars known as the "Seven Wise Men of the Bamboo Grove".

Xiao (箫, xiāo) is an upright flute usually made from bamboo. This very ancient instrument appears to be derived from the flute of the Tibetan Qiang people of southwestern China. An idea of ​​this flute is given by ceramic funerary figurines dating back to the Han Dynasty (202 BC - 220 AD). This instrument is even older than the di flute.

Xiao flutes have a clear sound suitable for playing beautiful, pleasing melodies. They are often used solo, in ensemble, and to accompany traditional Chinese opera.


XUANGU - hanging drum


Paixiao (排箫, páixiāo) is a type of pan flute. Over time, the instrument disappeared from musical use. Its revival began in the 20th century. Paixiao served as a prototype for the development of the next generations of this type of instrument.


The Chinese suona oboe (唢呐, suǒnà), also known as the laba (喇叭, lǎbā) or the haidi (海笛, hǎidí), has a loud and shrill sound and is often used in Chinese music ensembles. It is an important instrument in the folk music of northern China, especially in the provinces of Shandong and Henan. Suona is often used at weddings and funeral processions.


The kunhou harp (箜篌, kōnghóu) is another plucked stringed instrument that came to China along the Silk Road from Western Asia.

The kunhou harp is often found on the frescoes of various Buddhist caves of the Tang era, which indicates the widespread use of this instrument during that period.

She disappeared during the Ming Dynasty, but in the 20th century. she was revived. Kunhou was known only from frescoes in Buddhist caves, ritual funeral figurines, and engravings on stone and brickwork. Then, in 1996, in a tomb in Qemo County (Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region), two whole onion-shaped kunhou harps and a number of their fragments were found. However, the modern version of this instrument is more reminiscent of the Western concert harp rather than the old kunhou.


Guzheng (古箏, gǔzhēng), or zheng (箏, "gu" 古 means "ancient") is a Chinese zither with movable, loose string rests and 18 or more strings (modern zheng usually has 21 strings). Zheng is the ancestor of several Asian varieties of zither: Japanese koto, Korean gayageum, Vietnamese đàn tranh.

Although the original name of this painting is "Zheng", it is still depicted here guqin (古琴) - a Chinese seven-string zither. The guqin and guzheng are similar in shape, but they are easy to distinguish: while the guzheng has a support under each string, like the Japanese koto, the guqin does not have supports.

Since ancient times, the guqin has been a favorite instrument of scientists and thinkers, it was considered an exquisite and refined instrument and was associated with Confucius. He was also called "the father of Chinese music" and "the instrument of the sages".

Previously, the instrument was simply called "qin", but by the 20th century. the term has come to refer to a range of musical instruments: the cymbal-like yangqin, the huqin family of stringed instruments, the Western pianoforte, and so on. Then the prefix "gu" (古), i.e. "ancient, and was added to the name. Sometimes you can also find the name "qixiaqin", i.e. "seven-string musical instrument".


Dizi (笛子, dízi) is a Chinese transverse flute. It is also called di (笛) or handi (橫笛). The di flute is one of the most common Chinese musical instruments, and can be found in folk music ensembles, modern orchestras, and Chinese opera. It is believed that dizi came to China from Tibet during the Han Dynasty. Dizi has always been popular in China, which is not surprising, because. It is easy to make and easy to carry around.

Today this instrument is usually made of high quality black bamboo with one blow hole, one membrane hole and six playing holes cut along its length. In the north, di is made from black (purple) bamboo, in the south, in Suzhou and Hangzhou, from white bamboo. Southern di's tend to be very thin, light and have a quiet sound. However, it would be more correct to call the di "membrane flute", since its characteristic, sonorous timbre is due to the vibration of a thin paper membrane, which is sealed with a special sound hole on the body of the flute.

According to history, in the distant past, there were at least a thousand musical instruments, only half of which have survived to this day.

At that time, Chinese traditional instruments were classified according to the material from which they were made. So, there were metal, bamboo, silk, stone, string, leather, clay, wood and gourd musical instruments.

Today, Chinese national musical instruments are still made in the traditional way, but their modern classification looks different.

woodwind instruments

Di is an ancient wind instrument. It is a transverse flute with 6 holes in the body. Traditionally made from bamboo or cane. Next to the hole for blowing air in the body of the di, there is another hole covered with a very thin reed film, due to which the timbre of the di is very juicy and resonant.

Sheng- lip organ. It is made from reed or bamboo thin tubes of various lengths, which are mounted in a bowl-shaped body with a mouthpiece. The sheng sound has a bright expressiveness and graceful variability. Not a single folklore concert is complete without this instrument.

Gong- a metal idiophone with an indefinite pitch. Produces a rich, lingering sound with a dark timbre. After the impact, the instrument vibrates for a long time, creating a voluminous, then growing, then receding sound. The gong is an obligatory instrument in the folk ensemble.

Chinese analogue of the Pan flute. It consists of 12 bamboo tubes interconnected in a decreasing row: from the longest to the shortest. This feature of the structure provides a wide range of sound. It has a soft and gentle tone.

Bowed strings

- string instrument. The body is made of coconut shell and a thin wooden soundboard. The long neck has no frets and ends with a head with pegs. In Northern China, the banhu was used as an accompaniment in musical drama, and now it has taken its rightful place in the orchestra.

Erhu- two-string violin with a cylindrical resonator. During the game, the musician with his right hand pulls the string of the bow, which is fixed between the metal strings and forms a single whole with the instrument. When playing with the left hand, a transverse vibrato is used.

Plucked malleus

Yangqin- a stringed instrument, similar in structure and method of extracting sound to cymbals. It is used as a solo, ensemble instrument, as well as an accompaniment in opera.

A stringed plucked instrument, a type of zither. Guqin is the most characteristic instrument of ancient Chinese music.

Pipa- a Chinese four-stringed lute-type instrument. It has a pear-shaped wooden body without resonator holes. Silk strings are fastened with pegs and string holders. The sound is extracted with a plectrum or fingernail. Most often, the pipa is used to perform lyrical pieces.

If you are interested not only in historical, but also in modern musical instruments, we invite you and your children to join us for classes. Here you can try your hand at mastering pop musical instruments, attend piano lessons for beginners, vocal art, get experience playing in a musical group, as well as performing on stage.

China is an original country, and this is manifested in all its components, including musical culture. Tourists who know a lot about music and want new sensations on this front will be pleasantly surprised by tours to China.

Traditional Chinese music is very different from what the ears of Western civilization are used to hearing. National musical instruments are played in it, and a special staging of performances can be traced.

The Origin and Development of Chinese Folk Music

This type of art in China originates from the time of the 5th century BC, from a work called "The Book of Songs". In this collection, 305 lyric poems were recorded.

The next stage in the development of traditional Chinese music is the creation in the 4th century BC. song and poetry school, founded by Qu Yuan. His most significant contribution is a collection called "Chusk stanzas".

The reign of the Han and Zhou Dynasties was a favorable era for the development of the musical institute in China. Specially appointed officials were engaged in the collection of folklore. Confucianism had a serious impact on music at that time, often in the works of this time one can hear ceremonial and religious notes.

Lip organ (sheng)

During the era of the Tang and Song dynasties, musical science continued to develop. Composers wrote hymns, works for the general and narrow public, lyrics, sang the Chinese people, the beauty of nature.

Important: In traditional Chinese spelling, the words "music" and "beauty" are written with the same character, differing only in pronunciation.

The 7th-11th centuries are notable for the appearance of musical theater and traditional Chinese opera in China. The performances were complex performances, including dances, music, costumes, dialogues and actors.

Until the 17th century, the music of China developed in a closed environment. The traditions that originated millennia ago were transformed into meager genres that differed little from each other, and only by the beginning of the 18th century did progress begin in the formation of new directions in music.

By the 20th century, China began to actively borrow Western trends in music, while maintaining exceptional authenticity. Until the beginning of the new millennium, several hundred musical genres appeared in the Celestial Empire, one way or another, having a basis in traditional folk culture.

Chinese folk instruments


Dizi, or just Di- This is a wooden transverse flute, actively used in almost all areas of Chinese music. According to legend, the instrument was created specifically for the Yellow Emperor Huangdi. There are several variants of the Dee flute - they are made of wood, bone, and even jade.


Chinese lip organ, or sheng, is one of the symbols of traditional music of the Middle Kingdom. The classic sheng organ had 12 octaves of sound, thanks to tubes made from bamboo. Modern instruments are made of metal, they are divided into three types according to the pitch - top, alto and bass.


Perhaps the most famous of Chinese folk instruments, the first centuries of its existence were used only for ceremonies and rituals. Now gong has more than 30 varieties, each of which is an attribute of its musical genre - from classical to experimental rock.

Chinese violin (erhu)


Chinese version of panflute - paixiao- was invented back in the II millennium BC. The instrument has survived to this day almost unchanged - 12 bamboo tubes form a single flute with a soft but deep sound.


The closest Chinese relative of the oboe. Guan is a reed flute made of bamboo or other wood species. The classic instrument has a row of 9 holes, although shortened versions of the guan have recently become popular.


Traditional Chinese violin with two strings. The sound is as close as possible to typical stringed instruments with high tuning. Currently one of the most sought after instruments throughout the East Asian region. Often erhu can be heard in the music of Western folk groups.

Qixianqin (guqin)


One of the oldest Chinese instruments, which has a second name - guqin. A stringed plucked instrument, a kind of analogue of the classical guitar. The sound range is 4 or more octaves. In the classical version, it has 7 strings, tuned very close to the guitar, the notches on the “neck” correspond to the chromatic sound and traditional pentatonic scale.


Chinese variety lutes. Unlike the European "sister", pipa It has only 4 strings and a limited sound range. It was supposedly invented in the 3rd century, but is now actively used in folk orchestras, as well as in solo performers.

Chinese lute (pipa)

Modern genres of Chinese music

Jungo Feng

Modern genre of Chinese music - Jungo Feng appeared at the very beginning of the 21st century. In fact, it is a mixture of all popular genres of the West with a unique Asian flavor. The style does not have a strict framework and is highly dependent on momentary fashion trends.

Mengu Minge

Mongolian style - Mengu Minge- despite the proximity of the cultures of the two peoples and the whole region of Inner Mongolia for most Chinese - exotic. For the Celestial Empire, this genre often stands on the same level as European folk, although in terms of its sound and stage surroundings, this is, of course, Asian aesthetics.

Xian Ming

The traditional tunes of Tibet by the end of the 20th century had become one of the genres of Chinese pop music. Xian Ming now - one of the most sought-after pop styles from the regional level - to state concerts. The melodious melodies of Tibet are often used in various Chinese vocal schools.

Daitsu Minge

Traditional genre of Yunnan province - Daitsu Minge- these are major songs and instrumental compositions for fast dances. A frequent element of the performance is a mixed choir of male and female voices. The signature instrument of the genre is hulusi flute.

Lao Shanghai

The genre that appeared in the era of Shanghai colonial dependence Lao is a symbiosis of cabaret and jazz traditions with folk melodies of the southern provinces of China. The genre was finally formed by the 1930s, and since then it has been actively introduced into various layers of Chinese music. An indispensable attribute of Lao is blues and jazz ballads in the style of the golden age of Hollywood and the "gangster" image of the musicians.

Gantai Gekyu

Term Gantai Gekyu- an actual synonym for Chinese pop music performed in Cantonese or Mandarin. For a long time, the two versions of the texts were irreconcilable competitors, but now there is a weakening of the contradictions and a certain symbiosis of dialects. Official concerts in Beijing are dominated by songs written in Mandarin, while Cantonese is closer to Hong Kong or Shanghai.

Xiaonan Mingyao

Chinese student song - Xiaonan Mingyao- this is a unique phenomenon in national music, comparable only with the culture of Soviet bards. In fact, this is one of the analogues of the author's song, performed to the accompaniment of an acoustic guitar with minimal involvement of other instruments. Lyrics vary from romance to protest.

Sibei Feng

A genre based on the northwestern music of China Sibei Feng absorbed the traditions of regional opera and borrowings from European culture. A distinctive feature is a rich rhythm section and bright texts on acute social topics. The genre is often referred to as the Chinese version of American pop rock.


Chinese word yaogong It is customary to call rock music in all its manifestations - from classic rock and roll to heavy metal. This genre appeared in China relatively late - only in the late 1980s, but with the development of culture it instantly became popular. There are now several thousand groups and solo artists working in the yaogong genre across the country. Entire schools have been founded in Beijing and other cities that train musicians of this genre.

Xiao Qinxin

A genre that appeared in the mid-2000s Xiao Qinxin became a kind of response of Chinese youth to the emergence of hipster culture. Qinxin's music is based on minimalist arrangements and sentimental lyrics about love and the modern world. From Western genres, the closest - indie pop.

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