Expensive drugs for the heart. Effective pills for pain in the heart. Useful videos about heart pills and their effectiveness

Modern pharmacology can satisfy virtually any human need. The demand for drugs has always been relevant, but over the past few years the number of people with heart disease has increased dramatically, in connection with this, heart drugs have become especially relevant. It is very important to know which medicines you need to keep at home so that the disease does not take you by surprise.

Often pharmaceutical companies try to sell the most popular product, expensive brands or just promotional products. But, according to statistics, in 95% of cases, these drugs do not give the desired effect or are intended for a different type of disease.

Before buying a medication, it is important to read the instructions, consult with a leading doctor or pharmacy employee, but, in addition to this, you need to know many other aspects.

Where information is provided about drugs

If obvious symptoms appear, expressed by a sharp pain in the heart, spasms or severe tingling, you should immediately consult a doctor.

At the hospital, the doctor will provide a special handbook with precise instructions:

  • Composition and chemical formula;
  • The principle of the effect of the drug;
  • Dosage distribution (for children and adults), optimal and maximum allowable per day;
  • How to use it correctly (before meals or after);
  • Contraindications and symptoms in case of overdose;
  • List of better or cheaper analogues.

The doctor is obliged to conduct a detailed consultation, issue an introductory sheet with all the medicines in alphabetical order, acquaint the patient with potential courses of treatment, compare certain medicines and choose the most effective remedy.

But inpatient hospitals do not always provide detailed information and are repelled by the financial capabilities of the patient, trying to prescribe the most expensive drugs.

For reliability, you can contact a paid clinic. They have a detailed price list with all existing types of drugs, their description and detailed properties. Specialists in a paid clinic do not show negligence, they always select an accurate and effective course of treatment.

What are the types of cardiac drugs, and what medicines are they?

In addition to standard medicines (Corvalol, Validol, and so on), there are more accurate drugs for the course of treatment and supporting the work of the heart. Below is a table that describes the groups of drugs and their prominent representatives.

This is not a complete list of medicines that are used for heart disease. It is not enough to know just the name and for what symptoms they are used - before taking it, it is necessary to study the instructions in detail and all possible side effects from the use of the drug.

GroupWhat medications areWhat are they for?
Regulate cerebral circulationPicamilion, Cinnarizine, Eufilin, Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) and so onRegulate and tone blood vessels, restore impaired blood circulation, saturate the brain tissue with oxygen
Improvement of myocardial blood supplyNitrates, Nitroglycerin and all its derivativesReduce myocardial oxygen demand, improve blood circulation
Drugs for myocardial infarctionPromedol, Tramadol, AnalginUsed only when there is a threat of myocardial infarction or in terms of rehabilitation drugs after its occurrence
With angina pectorisVerapamil, Amiodarone, Validol, No-shpa, Ticlopidin, Anaprilin, Nerobol, Lipin, Riboxin, Trimetazidine, Riboflavin, Persantin, Eufillin and many of its analoguesThey intensify blood supply with oxygen to the myocardium, reduce its need for oxygen, develop resistance of the myocardium to hypoxia ischemia, improve the process of oxygen delivery to the myocardium

For what diseases is the use of cardiac drugs acceptable?

Cardio drugs- an extremely serious thing that can worsen work a healthy heart, strongly affect the vessels and exacerbate diseases that have not yet manifested themselves.

Consider what heart diseases exist:

  • Arrhythmia;
  • Heart disease (congenital or acquired);
  • Ischemic group;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat over 120 beats per second);
  • Pericarditis;
  • Endocarditis and so on.

The list contains the most prominent representatives of their species. There are at least a few dozen heart diseases, but they can develop both in general and individually. Only contacting a medical institution will help to understand what disease the patient is dealing with, and what drugs should be used to eliminate it.

What to take for acute pain in the heart?

If the pain has overtaken unexpectedly and worsens every minute, it is always important to know what to take for first aid emergency:

  1. Nitroglycerine(or its equivalents). A fairly common remedy that is sold in any pharmacological institution (pharmacy). In the case of mild pain, it is enough to take two tablets under the tongue until completely resorbed, with especially acute pain - two tablets at once.
  2. Less effective, but no less common is considered Validol. Its characteristic property is breath freshening. He will help support the heart for the first time, but it is strictly forbidden to use it all the time (it is highly addictive). At a time, you can take up to two tablets under the tongue, until completely resorbed;
  3. With spasms of blood vessels, intramuscular and intravenous solutions will help well Papaverine or No-shpa. They quickly eliminate spasms and prevent their further development. From the tablet type, you can use Ketanov, which in its composition belongs to spasmalholics.
  4. Corvalol(analogue - Korvaldin). A highly recommended drug. Available in the form of drops, which contain phenobarbital. In general, it helps well to eliminate heart pain, but causes a strong dependence on the drug.

If the pain is chronic, you should immediately go to the hospital. After a series of tests and all procedures, the attending physician will prescribe an individual medicine for preventive purposes.

Note: It is recommended to have an examination every quarter a year (every three months).

Nitrates - features of the drug, scope

The most prominent representative of the nitrate group is nitroglycerin. At its core, nitrates are medications with vasodilating properties. The release form is only in tablets, which are taken under the tongue until completely resorbed.

Nitroglycerin is much better than its counterparts, fits perfectly into the budget. Positive qualities are very fast absorption in the body and availability in any pharmacy.

Like any drug, nitrates have their own list of contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to use for people with a sharp decrease in blood pressure, passing into fainting;
  • It is forbidden to use with glaucoma.

Side effects:

  • With frequent use, a severe migraine develops;
  • Vomiting, stomach cramps;
  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • Increased heart rate (the drug is prohibited for use by people suffering from tachycardia).

Pacemakers - what is their purpose and how do they work?

Pacemakers are medications that support and strengthen the cardiovascular system. They are prescribed as part of a preventive rehabilitation system, in some cases - at the birth of a child, when he has severe heart problems.

Release form - injections, tablets. Pacemakers are enriched with all the vitamins necessary for the heart, they are prescribed only on an individual basis and under the strict supervision of a doctor.

The main composition of any pacemaker is vitamins E and C, iron and magnesium. They are harmless to any patient, but not worth the risk.

The group of pacemakers includes the following drugs:

  • Cardiomagnyl;
  • Corvaltab.

Before buying, be sure to consult a doctor to determine the need for preventive measures and possible contraindications.

There is an analogue of pacemakers - cardiotrophic. They serve as a heart tonic and are available in the form vitamins in injections.

Cardioprotectors - protectors of the heart?

The main function of cardioprotectors is to restore and regulate the supply of oxygen to the myocardium.

The most effective cardioprotectors are called:

Many of these drugs are ineffective. For complete prevention, it is recommended to use them for a long time.

Medicines to watch out for:

  1. Cocarboxylase- the drug has not passed a number of studies, so far it is in the status of "experimental". Side effects have not been established, possibly severe rejection in people with allergies.
  2. Riboxin- an "aqueous" drug that does not have a specific beneficial property. Increases the synthesis of uric acid, affects the joints. It is extremely dangerous for allergy sufferers - it causes severe redness throughout the body, itching, and an asthmatic reaction.
  3. ATP(adenosine triphosphoric acid) - has an extremely low efficiency, acts for several minutes after intravenous administration, then quickly disappears in the body. In a pharmacy, you can often get a fake drug, which, unlike a certified analogue, is completely useless.

Antioxidants and antihypoxants

According to statistics, over the past few years, this group of cardiac drugs has reached the global level and has become the most relevant among young patients (under 50 years old) and in patients with the makings of ischemia.

The effectiveness of the drug is estimated by pharmacological specialists at 10 out of 10.

The drug is actively used by elderly patients with acute manifestation of myocardial ischemia or after several heart attacks.

This group has a wide range of choice of drugs with a single purpose - the elimination of lipid peroxidation processes (abbreviated LPO).

Cardiologists believe that this group of drugs can be used for prophylactic purposes as vitamins or means to eliminate the possible development of myocardial ischemia.

  • In order to prevent acute myocardial infarction;
  • To eliminate the consequences of strokes;
  • Microcirculation disorders in the pathology of arteries and veins.

There are also a number of contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to use after pneumonia;
  • For children under six or pregnant women;
  • In acute renal or hepatic insufficiency.

Potassium and magnesium preparations

A very common remedy, like a "vitamin" for the heart. Potassium and magnesium are trace elements that improve intracellular metabolism and play a key role in regulating heart muscle contractions. The most famous drugs of this type are Panangin and Asparkam.

  • With chronic heart failure;
  • For the treatment or prevention of tachycardia (helps to reduce the rapid heart rate in tachycardiacs);
  • To maintain the heart muscle.

A number of contraindications:

  • Serious kidney failure;
  • Hyperkalemia;
  • High blood pressure, weakened cerebral vessels.

Drugs for the treatment of heart failure

With the manifestation of symptoms of cardiac decompensation, drugs from the group of cardiac glycosides are prescribed.

Even taking into account the fact that all drugs are made from plant materials (various herbs), their incorrect use and incorrect dosage calculation can lead to severe intoxication.

Release form: tablets, drops, ampoules. Intravenous use only in an emergency.

The most famous drugs:

  • Digoxin;
  • Celanide;
  • Isolanide;
  • Gomfokarpin;
  • Erysimin;
  • Korglikon.

The main differences between the drugs are the rate of absorption in the body, the duration of the effect, and the excretion from the body. This type of drug lingers in the body for a long time, so most often the doctor prescribes them complete with diuretics.

Use of combined drugs

Heart diseases develop more and more intensively every year. According to the latest estimates of leading experts in the pharmacological field, the demand for drugs related to the heart has increased by 43%. Diseases began to manifest themselves in young people who are of working age, and working patients cannot always remember that the medicine needs to be taken on time.

Similarly, drug use is arranged in older people - they often do not remember if they took the drug. It is for this purpose that combined groups of cardiac drugs were created. They provide the opportunity to take one tablet a day at any time of the day, but also enhance the effects of active ingredients, which allows you to reduce the level of the required dosage.

The necessary drug will be prescribed by the leading doctor after a full examination and a full series of tests.

The most famous drugs are:

  • Walz N;
  • Noliprel;
  • Duplecore;
  • Nebilong AM;
  • Prestance.

Combination drugs have a greater health risk than conventional drugs. In pharmacies, they are released strictly by prescription. An overdose of these drugs may worsen the condition of the heart as a whole, open a severe cerebral hemorrhage, increase the likelihood of stroke and heart attack. Be vigilant, do not self-medicate.

How to take medicine correctly?

Often a person, taking a certain drug, can unknowingly harm himself. With the help of the table, it will be shown and considered which drugs are effective exactly as an emergency aid, what form of release exists, how and in what dosage it is correct to take, and what is the daily intake limit.

Name of the drugRelease formDosageLimit per day
CorvalolDropsNo more than 20 drops per glass of waterNo more than two uses
ValidolTablets1 tablet for an adult (for acute pain 2), half a tablet for a child (whole for acute pain)
NitroglycerineTabletsOne or two tabletsNo more than three applications per day
No-shpaTablets, intramuscular injectionsOne tablet for oral administration, if an injection - one injection intramuscularlyTwo to three times a day

The table lists the drugs that must be present in every first aid kit. If the doctor prescribes a medicine that has individual indications and dosage, he is obliged to inform about its correct use, for which disease to take, dosage and all side effects.

What are the side effects?

Each heart drug has its own individual elements, additives, different chemical composition. What works for one patient may not work for another. For these purposes, it is always recommended to consult a doctor or read the instructions for the drug.

A number of side effects are almost identical and are as follows:

  1. Severe increase in blood pressure.
  2. Dizziness, fainting.
  3. Pressure in chest, shortness of breath.
  4. Allergic reaction on the body (rash, acne, redness).
  5. Nosebleed.
  6. Increased eye pressure.
  7. Redness in the eyes (destruction of the capillaries of the eyeball).

The above symptoms are typical only in cases where the wrong drug was prescribed, the dosage was incorrectly calculated, or an allergic reaction to certain components of the drug occurred.

How to distinguish an original product from a fake?

High-quality drugs cost a lot of money, but pharmacists can offer a more budget-friendly analogue with the same composition and components. At first glance, everything can meet the requirements, and a gullible buyer will purchase the product. But underground offices have learned to create many analogues of well-known means that do not have any efficiency.

So how to distinguish the original drug from a fake?

  1. Pay attention to certification. Who certified the drug, whether it passed the experimental series, by whom and when it was released.
  2. Lack of instructions for use. Each manufacturer puts in the package with the drug (any form of release) an attachment with a brief description, dosage calculation and all the necessary information.
  3. There is a questionable release date. Heart drugs have a rather limited shelf life (3 to 6 months). In case the date seems suspicious to you, it is better to put aside such a product and look for it in another pharmacy.

Above were listed ordinary ways to identify the difference between the basement product and the original. A counterfeit product can not only be ineffective, but also cause serious damage to the health of the patient.

Why is it dangerous to self-medicate?

The use of incompatible drugs can result in serious complications, including:

Medicines for heart disease should always be on hand, especially in the elderly or in patients with an acute form of a certain disease.

You should never engage in self-prescription of drugs - you can not only worsen cardiac condition, but also exacerbate existing symptoms.

With prolonged pain in the heart, it is worth speeding up the process of visiting hospitals for a detailed analysis of the disease, taking preventive measures and (if urgently needed) a full course of rehabilitation.


The heart is the motor of the whole organism. The global ecological catastrophe, the modern pace of life, unbalanced nutrition and an increased level of daily stress lead to a disruption in the functioning of this vital organ. In most cases, heart disease leads to poor quality of life, dependence on medications or devices. And in some cases - to disability, in difficult situations - to the death of the patient. This article will discuss what heart diseases are known for: a list and symptoms, modern methods of treatment of official and traditional medicine.

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General symptoms

We will tell you what heart diseases exist: a list and symptoms, treatment - nothing will be left without attention. There are many types and subspecies of heart disease. Each case has its own characteristics and specific symptoms. But for the convenience of identifying the problem in medical circles, it is customary to classify heart diseases based on common signs. Therefore, it is possible to identify symptoms characteristic of most heart problems, in the presence of which a person should immediately contact a cardiologist for further examination:

1. Fatigue and fatigue. Unfortunately, this symptom occurs in almost every second person living in a metropolis. It is unlikely that anyone will pay attention to such a slight malaise. But if for you such a condition was not previously the norm, but appeared completely unexpectedly and dragged on for a long time, this is a serious cause for concern about heart health.

2. Frequent pulse and heartbeat. This condition is normally observed during physical exertion, experiences, fear or excitement. But if the arrhythmia manifests itself daily or even several times a day for no apparent reason, be examined by a specialist.

3. Shortness of breath - complicated breathing, a feeling of lack of air. This symptom occurs in 90% of people suffering from one or another heart disease.

4. Dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, sweating, swelling. Such signs in some patients appear regularly, while in others they are completely absent.

5. Chest pain is often a warning of an impending heart attack. The symptom has various manifestations: the pain can be sharp, short-term or long-term "squeezing", there are sensations of heaviness, stiffness in the chest. Unpleasant sensations can spread to the shoulder girdle, left arm or leg.

It is worth noting the fact that people often do not pay attention to most body signals. In addition, there is not always a pronounced pain syndrome of a particular heart disease. The list and symptoms in each case are individual. Neglect of one's own health worsens medical statistics: about 40% of all deaths are the result of heart disease.

The reasons

Why do heart diseases appear? The names, the list of such problems is getting longer every day. The causes of heart disease are varied. First of all, the hereditary factor influences, as well as various disorders of a woman's pregnancy, which contribute to the formation of pathologies in the development of the fetal heart muscle.

Acquired heart problems appear due to malnutrition. Doctors are discussing which foods lead to disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system. Some believe that excessive consumption of fatty foods and simple carbohydrates adversely affects health. While other luminaries of science argue that just the absence of animal fats, the oversaturation of the body with polyunsaturated acids leads to problems with the heart muscle. One way or another, we can conclude that in order to prevent cardiovascular diseases, one should adhere to the golden mean in nutrition and saturate the body with various useful substances.

Lack of physical activity, alcohol and nicotine abuse adversely affect the health of our internal natural motor. Nervous heart disease is common. The list of such health problems is growing daily.

Concomitant ailments can also lead to heart disease. For example, metabolic disorders, hematopoiesis and blood flow.

congenital ailments

There are congenital heart diseases. Names, list, symptoms depend on the nature of the pathology. During the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, in the presence of adverse factors, the development of various disorders in the formation of the heart muscle and adjacent arteries is possible. Such birth defects are the main causes of death in newborns and infants. Often, babies with congenital heart defects remain profoundly disabled.

The main risk factor is genetic. The secondary factors are the following: environmental, viral and infectious diseases suffered by a pregnant woman, chemical poisoning, nicotine and alcohol abuse, drug use by the expectant mother.

When pathologies of the development of the heart muscle are detected in a newborn, surgical intervention is often prescribed according to indications. But such a cardinal method has a high level of risk. Unfortunately, the prognosis is disappointing, the probability of death or disability is very high when a serious pathology is diagnosed.

Prevention of heart disease

Unfortunately, no one is immune from genetic and hereditary factors. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent congenital heart disease. Everyone should know the list and symptoms of such diseases, and at the first suspicion, you should contact a cardiologist for a professional examination. This significantly increases the chance of a full recovery.

In addition, a healthy lifestyle will help reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Eat right, watch your weight, be active in your leisure time, get regular medical check-ups, especially pay attention to diagnosing blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Watch your body's signals - a timely visit to a doctor can not only improve the quality of life, but in many cases save such a valuable gift.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are the most common pathology in Russia and throughout the world as a whole. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands and millions of people die every year from heart disease. Such a simple complaint: a heartache. And so much can be hidden behind it.

Currently, there are various medicines for pain in the heart. Cardiologists of all countries can advise a variety of drugs that will optimally solve the problem in your case. But first you need to figure out how you can correctly classify all drugs that affect the cardiovascular system.

Unfortunately, every year the number of people suffering from this or that pathology of the heart is only growing. More and more babies are being born with various valvular and chamber defects, and many middle-aged and even young people are also at risk of heart attacks.

congestive heart failure

Insufficiency of the heart muscle is one of the pathologies that results in a deficiency of oxygen-rich blood in organs and tissues, which leads to their hypoxia and dysfunction.

The main manifestations of heart failure in the pulmonary circulation:

  • respiratory disorders associated with a lack of oxygen;
  • change in the color of the skin to a marble-gray hue;
  • coughing up blood.

The main manifestations of heart failure in the systemic circulation:

  • puffiness and swelling due to stagnation of fluid in the body;
  • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
  • severe weakness and cold clammy sweat.

Heart failure causes serious disturbances in the work of various organs. The kidneys, liver, brain and lungs are most susceptible to the harmful effects of the disease. These organs have a developed vascular network, and a violation of their nutrition can lead to the development of necrotic foci in the tissues.

Disorders of the rhythm of the heart muscle

Arrhythmias are associated with the occurrence of an abnormal source of excitation in the myocardium. The atria contract separately from the ventricles, which causes unpleasant symptoms. The heart can beat much faster, which is called tachycardia, or slower, which is called bradycardia.

The main clinical manifestations of any type of arrhythmia:

  • feeling of a strong heartbeat;
  • the presence of pathological heart attacks;
  • frequent fainting and sudden loss of consciousness;
  • interruptions in the work of the heart.

Arrhythmias are dangerous because the heart muscle depletes its internal reserves much faster. The heart wears out, becomes unable to pump blood in the right volume, so heart failure is formed.

Cardiac ischemia and angina pectoris changes in the myocardium

Ischemia of the heart muscle occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the blood that flows to the heart. Angina pectoris is a sharp, pressing, squeezing and pulling pain behind the sternum, which is the main manifestation of ischemia.

You can get rid of an attack of angina pectoris if you take the appropriate medicine in the first few minutes after the onset of the pain syndrome.

Clinical manifestations of angina pectoris:

  • pain in the chest and behind the sternum;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • fear of death;
  • increased sweating;
  • speech disorder;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Arterial hypertension

An increase in blood pressure in the vessels above one hundred and forty to ninety millimeters of mercury in clinical terminology is called arterial hypertension. This is a very formidable pathology that causes massive damage to various organs and tissues. At the same time, its clinical manifestations are so imperceptible that this pathology can proceed almost asymptomatically for a long time.

The main manifestations of high blood pressure:

  • pressing pain in temples and in occiput;
  • hand tremor;
  • nosebleeds.

The most formidable complication of arterial hypertension is a hypertensive crisis, which can be complicated by stroke, myocardial infarction and retinal detachment.

In a hypertensive crisis, the upper pressure exceeds two hundred millimeters of mercury, and the lower pressure rises over one hundred. This condition requires immediate hospitalization.

Medicines that activate cardiac activity

Cardiotonics are designed to stimulate the heart. There are cases when the heart muscle cannot work without additional stimulus, and then doctors have to resort to this treatment method. It is worth remembering that almost all drugs of this group are prescribed and dispensed in pharmacies strictly by prescription. Misuse and overdose of the substance can lead to uncontrolled consequences.

Indications for the use of cardiotonic drugs:

  • right gastric insufficiency of the heart muscle;
  • left gastric insufficiency of the heart muscle;
  • combined insufficiency of the heart muscle;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • ciliary lesion of the ventricles;
  • pathological paroxysmal tachyarrhythmia.

Classification of agents that activate cardiac activity

Currently, a large number of different classifications have been developed by cardiologists and various scientific researchers. Currently, several of them are used at once, as this greatly simplifies the process of choosing drug therapy for a sick organism.

Glycoside preparations for the heart muscle

  1. Digitoxin;
  2. Celainid;
  3. Strofanthin combo
  4. Digixin;
  5. Lantoside;
  6. Spring adonis herb tincture;

Non-glycoside type drugs that affect the heart muscle

  1. Mylorinone;
  2. Amrinon;
  3. Ferein-dopamine;
  4. Dopamine gift.

The main effects of taking

It is worth taking cardiotonic medicinal substances only with a doctor's prescription. The dosages prescribed by the doctor are the most minimal of all possible.

Self-use can cause cardiac arrest and prolonged clinical death.

What gives the reception of cardiotonic drugs:

  • an increase in renal vessels in diameter;
  • improved filtration of fluid in the renal vessels, which causes frequent urination;
  • an increase in the volume of blood that the heart pumps out within one minute;
  • increased blood flow in the main vessels of the heart muscle;
  • an increase in the volume of oxygen that the cardiac myocardium uses for its life.

Drugs that control arrhythmia and tachycardia

If the heart has stopped beating in the correct rhythm, and you constantly feel interruptions in its work, you should contact a specialist. The doctor prescribes medicines for cardiac arrhythmias immediately after the initial diagnosis is established. You should start using them immediately. Medications for tachycardia of the heart are prescribed much less frequently, but it must be borne in mind that tachycardia is a type of arrhythmia. Regular use of these substances contributes to the normalization of the heart rhythm of the human body for many years.

Indications for the use of drugs in this group:

  • ventricular arrhythmias;
  • tachycardia of the cardiac ventricles;
  • fibrillation lesion of the ventricles;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • atrial and ventricular fibrillation;
  • supraventricular tachyarrhythmias;
  • combined cardiac arrhythmias.

Classification of antiarrhythmic drugs

All drugs against arrhythmia and tachycardia can be divided into two large groups: drugs that act on the heart cells, and drugs that act on the innervation of the heart. Such a division will most accurately indicate their function.

Means that affect mostly directly on the cells of the heart

Drugs that block sodium channels in the cell membrane:

  1. quinidine sulfate;
  2. disopyramide;
  3. Aymalin;
  4. Xylocaine;
  5. Meksiletin;
  6. Diphenylhydantoin;
  7. Flecainide;
  8. Propafenone;
  9. Moracizin hydrochloride;
  10. Carbetoxyaminodihydrochloride.

Drugs that promote the blocking of calcium channels in the cell membrane:

  1. Finoptin;
  2. Altiazem;
  3. Gallopamil;
  4. Dilacor.

Drugs that block potassium channels and lengthen the current potential:

  1. Bretylium tosylate;
  2. Cardiodarone;
  3. Sotahexal.

Medicines from other groups:

  1. potassium chloride;
  2. Asparkam.

Drugs that mostly affect the nerve supply of the heart muscle

Drugs that increase the effect of adrenergy:

  1. Isoprenaline;
  2. ephedrine hydrochloride;
  3. Novadrin;
  4. Ephedrine.

Drugs that reduce the effect of adrenergy:

  1. Oxprenolol;
  2. Specicor;
  3. Butoxamine;
  4. obsidan.

Drugs aimed at enhancing the effect of cholinergic:

  1. Edrophonius;
  2. xylometazoline;
  3. Phenylephrine.

The main effects of taking

After a long and timely intake of medications aimed at eliminating arrhythmia, you can forever forget about the discomfort in the heart area.

What do antiarrhythmic drugs give:

  • resumption of the correct rhythm;
  • inhibition of abnormal areas of excitation of the heart;
  • conductivity restoration;
  • normalization of the PQ interval on the electrocardiogram;
  • decrease in the frequency of myocardial contraction.

Medicines used to treat coronary disease

Ischemic heart disease with intermittent angina attacks is not a disease that can be ignored. Unpleasant pain in the chest, interspersed with lack of air, indicates the onset of an attack. To get rid of this condition, you need to use a certain drug.

Most often, medicines for angina pectoris are prescribed by a doctor, based on the sex and age characteristics of the patient's body.

The main indications for taking drugs from this group:

  • ischemic heart disease;
  • asthma caused by diseases of the heart muscle;
  • angina pectoris unstable heart disease;
  • Prinzmetal's angina pectoris;
  • angina pectoris;
  • a sharp narrowing of the lumen of the main arteries and veins of the heart;
  • swelling of the parenchyma and stroma of the lungs;
  • acute failure of the heart muscle;
  • acute cardiogenic shock and coronary syndrome;
  • chronic pathological insufficiency of the heart muscle.

Classification of anti-ischemic drugs

The mechanism of action of all anti-ischemic drugs is based on their effect on the oxygen composition of the blood. All medicinal substances of this group can be divided into those that reduce the need for oxygen in the heart muscle, which increase the amount of oxygen supplied to the heart, the combined group and drugs aimed at protecting cell membranes from excessive oxidation.

Medicines that reduce the heart's need for oxygen

B-receptor blockers:

  1. Pindolol;
  2. Anapyrilin;
  3. Betacard;
  4. Tenormin;
  5. Spasicore;

Medicines that increase the amount of oxygen supplied to the myocardium of the heart

Reflex acting means:

  1. Cormentol.

Means that affect the muscle cells of the cardiovascular system:

  1. Dipyridamole-ferein;
  2. Intercordin;
  3. Antistenocardin.

Combined medicines that affect both of the previous factors

Nitrates and nitrate-like compounds:

  1. Nitrolong;
  2. Nitrong;
  3. Sustak mite;
  4. Sustak forte;
  5. Trinitrolong;
  6. Trinitrogranulolong;
  7. Nitromac;
  8. Nitrocore;
  9. Nitromint.

Means that block intracellular channels for calcium:

  1. Gipril-A-Plus;
  2. Nifedipine;
  3. Tenox;
  4. Nisoldipine;
  5. Verapamil;
  6. Diltiazem;
  7. Lacidipine;
  8. Norvasx.

Drugs with a different mechanism of action:

  1. Koradoron;
  2. Syndrofarm.

Medications that protect the membranes of cardiac cells from the pathogenic effects of oxidative processes

  1. Actovegin;
  2. Cytochrome;
  3. Coenzyme Q-10;
  4. Mexidol.

The main effects of taking

The drugs of these groups are especially effective, since their action occurs within a few minutes after the start of the intake. The pain recedes, shortness of breath and abnormal heartbeat stop.

What happens in the body when anti-ischemic drugs are used:

  • relaxation of the smooth muscles of the tissues of spasmodic vessels;
  • a decrease in the amount of blood that enters the right side of the heart during its contraction;
  • increase in the period of relaxation of the heart muscle;
  • decrease in peripheral resistance of the vessels of the upper and lower extremities;
  • decrease in the pathological pressure gradient in the heart;
  • an increase in the diameter of veins and large arterial vessels in certain areas.

Medicines that lower blood pressure

The problem of high blood pressure is faced by the elderly, women during pregnancy, and even children and adolescents. Eliminating this problem with medication is quite simple: you just have to constantly take a certain dose of the medicine.

Timely diagnosis of the problem and the correct selection of treatment with various drugs will allow you to constantly monitor the levels of systolic and diastolic pressure and prevent the occurrence of a hypertensive crisis.

Indications for the use of this group of drugs:

  • uncontrolled increase in blood pressure;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • increased pressure in endocrine diseases;
  • increased pressure in diseases of the central nervous system;
  • increased pressure in the pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Classification of blood pressure lowering drugs

Usually, drugs that lower blood pressure are divided into four large groups based on the mechanism of action. The first group of substances affects the central and peripheral nervous system, with its help providing a hypotensive effect, the second group affects the muscle cells in the wall of blood vessels, increasing their diameter, the action of the third group is based on the inhibition of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system of the body, and the last group affects the urinary system.

Medicinal substances that affect blood pressure through the nervous system

  1. Catapressan;
  2. Methyldopa;
  3. Azamethonium bromide;
  4. Reserpine;
  5. Tropadifen hydrochloride;
  6. Regitin.

Medicinal substances acting on the muscular layer of the vascular wall

How drugs lower blood pressure:

  • an increase in the diameter of blood vessels;
  • a decrease in the volume of fluid in the body due to its excessive excretion by the kidneys;
  • relaxation of smooth muscles of organs and tissues;
  • decrease in angiotensin activity;
  • removal of water from the body;
  • influence through nerve impulses on the central regulation of pressure.

Summing up, we can say that in modern times there is a huge number of medicinal products of various categories. Thanks to this, you can choose the optimal drug and calculate its individual regimen. Your doctor will definitely tell you which pills to take and in what quantity. It is worth remembering that the right way to recovery is to follow the correct medication.

In contact with

Most patients suffering from myocardial diseases are forced to constantly take medications in order to prevent complications and not aggravate the situation.

Correctly selected and prescribed by a doctor pills for pain in the heart should always be at hand and in the home first aid kit.

Since diseases of the cardiovascular system are among the most common, pharmacies offer a huge range of different medicines that differ significantly in impact and cost.

Each person suffering from dysfunction of the heart muscle should know the list of drugs that can alleviate the condition during an attack and have a positive effect on myocardial function.

Types of drugs

In order for the therapy to bring a positive result, the prescribed medications must act on the causal factors that provoked problems with the myocardium.

Cardiologists warn that in most cases, patients need to take several drugs of different pharmaceutical categories at once, since this is the only way to have a complex effect.

The treatment regimen and the combination of cardiac drugs is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the type and stage of the disease, age, and individual characteristics of the body.

All medicines for pain in the heart are conventionally divided into the following groups:

  1. Reflex drugs. Usually they are prescribed for various forms of vegetative-vascular dystonia and neuralgia. The main task of reflex agents is to reduce pain.
  2. (beta blockers). This group of drugs is indispensable for arrhythmia, coronary disease and high blood pressure. Also, beta-blockers are often prescribed to patients with an increased risk of heart attack. The positive effect of the use is achieved due to the ability to deactivate the receptors that pass adrenaline to the myocardium. As a result, the patient's blood pressure decreases and the pulse normalizes.
  3. Antiplatelet agents. Cardiologists advise drinking them for heart failure, the formation of pathogenic blood clots and atherosclerosis. Antiplatelet agents help normalize the structure of the blood and help regulate blood flow, so that the likelihood of blood clots is reduced several times. Medicines in this category are often prescribed as a prophylaxis for atherosclerosis.
  4. Peripheral vasodilators. They are prescribed to prevent a heart attack, treat ischemia, angina pectoris and heart failure. Vasodilators dilate the smooth muscles of the capillaries, thereby reducing the onset of pain. The undoubted advantage of such cardiac drugs is that they begin to act after 4-6 minutes.
  5. calcium antagonists. They are prescribed to patients suffering from constant jumps in blood pressure, and are also effective in coronary heart disease. Such drugs prevent the entry of calcium to cardiomyocytes and expand the walls of blood vessels, which regulates the pulse and normalizes blood pressure.
  6. fibrates and statins. Prescribed for high cholesterol levels.
  7. Multivitamin complexes. Doctors recommend using them to reduce the risk of ischemia and as a preventive measure.
  8. metabolic agents. Improve metabolic processes in the myocardium.

Despite the fact that today there are many drugs on sale that can reduce pain in the heart and prevent the risk of progression of myocardial diseases, most patients still prefer drugs such as Nitroglycerin, Corvalol and Validol, as they are the most affordable and familiar .

When Are Heart Medicines Needed?

More than 80% of the population experiences minor pain in the heart from time to time. But cardiologists warn that discomfort in the myocardial region is not always the reason for taking heart medications.

You need to know that taking pills of these pharmaceutical groups is allowed only if serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system are detected, which are most often accompanied by such signs:

  • sleep problems, insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • dyspnea;
  • swelling on the lower extremities, face;
  • rapid pulse;
  • general weakness, increased fatigue;
  • periodic occurrence of dizziness, turning into a pre-fainting state.

If a person has most of these symptoms, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist who will prescribe the necessary studies and make an accurate diagnosis, after which the patient will be told which medications will help alleviate the condition and prevent the progression of the disease.

List of the most effective medicines

Despite the fact that some medicines for relieving pain in the heart area are dispensed without a prescription, it is impossible to prescribe them to yourself without first consulting a cardiologist. If you drink the wrong pill (and even more so take it regularly), the consequences of such an illiterate treatment can be the most deplorable.

It must be understood that heart drugs, like other drugs, have certain contraindications and often give side effects, so a preliminary examination by a physician is an integral stage of treatment.

The best pain relievers are:

  1. Medilazid, Gitoxin, Digoxin, Dibicor. Drugs with such names belong to the group of cardiac glycosides.
  2. Pectrol, Sustak. Nitrocor, Monozide. Among peripheral vasodilators, these drugs have the most positive reviews. Their undoubted advantage is that they are inexpensive and are sold in almost all pharmacies.
  3. Veracard, Cardil, Diacordin, Lekoptin. Each of these drugs belongs to calcium channel blockers. Such products differ completely in chemical composition, but they act quite gently and, if used correctly, do not cause side effects.
  4. Metoprolol, Betalok, Serdol. Beta-blockers, suitable for the elimination of severe pain.

Each of the above remedies is extremely effective and allows you to reduce pain in the myocardial area just a few minutes after taking it.

The most affordable drugs

Despite the variety of cardiac medicines, more than 65% of patients do not prefer the latest generation of drugs, but heart drugs that have an affordable cost.

Most cardiologists claim that inexpensive drugs also have a positive effect and help normalize the functioning of the heart muscle.

Medicines are dispensed without a prescription, but it is forbidden to take them thoughtlessly:

  1. Corvalol. The drug is available in the form of drops and in the form of tablets. In Russia, Corvalol is the most popular cardiac drug. As medical practice shows, patients use it to combat a variety of myocardial pathologies. The approximate cost of a pack of 20 tablets is 73 rubles.
  2. Validol. A drug with a pronounced sedative and vasodilating effect. Unlike most other heart drugs, Validol does not need to be taken with water, just put the pill under the tongue until completely absorbed. After it is completely dissolved, blood circulation in the myocardial area normalizes, and pain disappears. You can buy a package with 40 capsules of Validol for an average of 48 rubles.
  3. Nitroglycerine. These tablets went on sale more than 15 years ago, but they still do not lose their relevance. The positive effect of taking the drug is achieved due to the ability to relieve vasospasm and improve blood circulation in the heart muscle, which leads to a decrease in pain. Today, nitroglycerin is used not only to relieve pain, but also to treat the consequences of a heart attack. The average price of a package with 40 tablets is 42 rubles.

Experts assure that among inexpensive medicines, Nitroglycerin has proven itself best, since it was originally intended specifically for stopping pain. In addition, this remedy has relatively few side effects.

Admission rules

If the patient periodically experiences pain in the myocardial region, it is impossible to prescribe medications and start treatment on your own in any case. The best option is to make an appointment with a cardiologist immediately after the first attack.

After the doctor conducts a physiological examination and establishes an accurate diagnosis, he will tell you which remedies should be taken in a particular case.

It is important to understand that the duration and dosage of treatment are also selected individually, after a cardiogram.

If the patient is treated independently and at the same time exceeds the dosage of the drug, the treatment can lead to the most undesirable consequences, up to heart rhythm disturbances, visual impairment and psychosis.


All medicines intended to eliminate cardiac dysfunction and discomfort are allowed to be taken only if there are no contraindications. Most of these medicines are not recommended for use with such deviations:

  • low blood pressure;
  • hypertrophy of the heart muscle;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • sinus node dysfunction;
  • mitral valve stenosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe form of hypertension.

Each drug has certain contraindications, so before using this or that remedy, you must carefully read the instructions.

Possible Complications

Most patients who have illiterately used adrenergic blockers, antiplatelet agents and peripheral vasodilators complain of the following complications:

  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • deterioration and complete loss of appetite;
  • feeling of dryness and bitter taste in the mouth;
  • development of sinus arrhythmia;
  • severe headaches;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase in sugar levels;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • limb paresthesia.

When an ambulance is needed

It is necessary to call a medical team if the medicines prescribed by the doctor do not help eliminate the attack and the pain continues to increase. This is especially true if the attack lasts more than 10 minutes. You also need to call doctors if it happened to a person who is in a state of intoxication.

It is impossible to say which pills for pain in the heart are the best and most effective, since it all depends on what exactly provokes an attack, and on the characteristics of a particular organism.

General practitioner of the highest category in the clinic of Dr. Orynbaev.

Participant of international cardiological congresses and conferences. Author of articles on the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease.

Preparations for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases differ in the mechanism of action. Conventionally, they are divided into restorative and drugs with a medicinal effect.

Fortifying drugs for the prevention of vascular diseases are vitamin and mineral complexes to support the health of blood vessels and the heart.


The composition of the vitamin complex contains substances that support the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels:

  • hawthorn extract (200 mg);
  • magnesium (75 mg);
  • potassium (75 mg);
  • coenzyme Q10 (60 mg);
  • folic acid (2 mg), etc.

Regular use helps to strengthen the vascular walls, improve the functioning of the heart muscle, normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is recommended to take for the prevention and maintenance therapy of cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, etc.) 1 capsule per day.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, HB, pregnancy.

Omega Oil USA Argo

The complex is based on Omega-3 and vitamin E. Regular use contributes to:

  • improving the condition of cell membranes;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • acceleration of regenerative processes;
  • prevention of vasospasm.

In addition, the tool slows down atherosclerotic processes and prevents heart attacks. It is recommended to take these tablets for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, 1 capsule 2 r. in a day.

Contraindications: age under 18, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

If a patient has already been diagnosed with cardiovascular pathology, then in order to prevent deterioration of health and the development of complications, drugs are needed to prevent cardiovascular diseases with a certain medicinal effect.


Prevention of heart disease with drugs of the vasodilator group is appropriate for spasm, a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels. The use of drugs helps to reduce resistance in the blood vessels, expand and relax the vascular walls.


These are heart pills for the prevention of angina pectoris, heart attack, high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation. They are also used as an additional tool in the treatment of chronic cardio insufficiency. The use of the drug helps to relax vascular smooth muscles, reduce venous pressure, expand large coronary arteries, and normalize blood circulation. The recommended dosage is 1-2 tablets per day.

Contraindications: pregnancy, HS, low venous pressure, age under 18 years, acute angina attack, hypersensitivity.


The drug is used to block and short-term prevention of angina attacks. The tool quickly relieves heart pain, relieves spasm of vascular smooth muscles, improves metabolism in the myocardium. Prophylactic administration is indicated before physical or emotional stress. In the case of systematic use, resistance to the action of the drug develops.

Contraindications: hypotension, bradycardia, pregnancy, HB, vascular collapse, anemia.

Lipid-lowering drugs

The drugs are prescribed to correct the level of cholesterol in the blood, therefore they are an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent for atherosclerosis.


The drug inhibits the synthesis of cholesterol in the body. It has a positive effect on the vascular wall, cleanses the lumen of blood vessels, improves the rheological properties of blood. It is indicated for the prevention of atherosclerosis, with high cholesterol, as well as for slowing down the progression of atherosclerosis. The therapeutic effect is observed after 2 weeks of daily use. The recommended dosage is 20 mg per day.

Contraindications: severe pathologies of the liver, kidneys, pregnancy, HB, age up to 18 years, increased blood transaminases.


The drug enhances the process of splitting fats, promotes the rapid removal of harmful cholesterol from the blood. In addition, the use of the drug helps to normalize the process of platelet aggregation, which prevents thrombosis. The active substance acts on blood enzymes that regulate the level of fats. As a result of chemical processes, cholesterol loses its ability to linger on the walls of blood vessels. It is recommended to take 1 tablet per day.

Contraindications: severe pathologies of the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, HB, pancreatitis.


The drug reduces the absorption of cholesterol. Indications: elevated blood cholesterol, prevention of atherosclerosis, vasoconstriction due to cholesterol deposition. The recommended dosage is 4 g 1-3 r. per day, depending on the severity of the disease.

Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the active substance, obstruction of the biliary tract.

Antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants

Medicines for the prevention of heart disease groups of antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants are prescribed to thin the blood and prevent thrombosis. Antiplatelet agents inhibit the adhesion of platelets and the formation of blood clots, blood clots (Aspirin). Anticoagulants change blood viscosity, inhibit coagulation processes (Heparin).


It is one of the most popular and inexpensive antiplatelet agents that:

  • reduces blood clotting;
  • inhibits the process of gluing platelets;
  • prevents the formation of clots.

Indications: prevention of thrombosis, ischemic strokes, heart attack, hypertension, etc. Systematic administration is allowed, but with a low dosage. Otherwise, there is a high probability of bleeding, abdominal pain, stomach ulcers, headaches, etc.

Contraindications: stomach ulcer, high risk of bleeding, heart failure, pregnancy, hepatitis B, liver disease, kidney disease.


The drug inhibits tissue and plasma coagulation factors, blocks thrombin and stops the formation of fibrin, and also stops the growth of existing platelet clots. In addition to the effect on coagulation, the drug also has other properties: anti-inflammatory effect, lowering glucose levels. Indications: treatment and prevention of thrombosis, arterial embolism, angina pectoris, etc. With systematic use, it is necessary to monitor blood coagulation to prevent bleeding.

Contraindications: hemophilia, cerebral bleeding, severe hypertension, liver and kidney pathologies, menstruation, postoperative period, hypersensitivity to the active ingredient.

Pressure stabilizers

Pressure-stabilizing drugs for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases come in several pharmacological groups: sartans, beta-blockers, central action, etc. They reduce blood pressure in the vessels and prevent various pathologies of the cardiovascular system.


The drug belongs to the sartans. Prevention of heart disease with Losartan tablets is appropriate for pressure surges, the first signs of hypertension (sweating, facial flushing, arrhythmia, dizziness, etc.). It effectively reduces peripheral resistance in the vessels, reduces the load on the cardiovascular system, and has a slight diuretic effect. It is well tolerated and almost completely free of side effects. With prolonged use, it does not cause addiction and dependence, while abrupt discontinuation is allowed. The recommended dosage is 50 mg per day.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, breastfeeding, age up to 18 years.


Refers to antihypertensive drugs of direct action. The drug affects the central links in the regulation of blood pressure - special receptors in the brain. Reduces peripheral resistance and heart rate. Differs in fast action. It is recommended to take with arterial hypertension, pressure surges of 200 mcg 1 r. in a day.

Contraindications: bradycardia, unstable angina, pregnancy, hepatitis B, glaucoma, epilepsy, etc.


Refers to beta-blockers. Suitable for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular pathologies (angina pectoris, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, hypertension):

  • reduces the frequency and strength of heart contractions;
  • reduces the need of the heart muscle for oxygen;
  • lowers BP.

Due to a violation of the rheological properties of blood, a violation of the metabolism of polysaccharides, an increase in glycosylated proteins, and other factors, vascular walls in diabetes mellitus are prone to atherosclerosis.

Amaril- prevention of vascular complications in diabetes mellitus with this drug reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood and has anti-atherogenic (helps normalize cholesterol levels), antiplatelet (prevents thrombosis) action. Its intake in diabetes as a preventive measure prevents atherosclerotic plaques and reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular pathologies.

The drug belongs to hypoglycemic agents and is prescribed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, if glycemic control cannot be achieved through diet, exercise, weight control.

Contraindicated in insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1), diabetic ketoacidosis, severe liver and kidney disease, pregnancy, hepatitis B, hypersensitivity to glimepiride.

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