What to replace meat products. Alternative sources of protein instead of meat and fish. Here are some tofu recipes

The relatively high popularity of vegetarianism in last years makes many people look for something to replace the meat they refuse. Nutritionists, of course, do not recommend excluding meat food completely, but in fact, it is quite possible to live without it, if you do not forget about the main rule healthy eating- nutrient balance.

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Contrary to popular belief, humans are neither herbivorous nor "frugivorous" creatures. We are omnivores, our body is adapted to consume any food, both plant and animal. That is why we need animal products.

Meat contains a large number of biological complete protein, which contains all essential amino acids. In meat several times more vitamins group B, it contains animal fat and cholesterol, which many are afraid of, but which the human body needs. meat food rich in extractive substances that can increase appetite, stimulate the digestive glands. Finally, it is meat that contains the largest amount of iron, and in the form in which it is best absorbed. It is no coincidence that in the old days, people were given meat and liver for treatment.

However, meat does have its downsides. There can really be a lot of cholesterol in it, and because of this, the intake of animal food by people suffering should be limited. Extractive substances are not what patients need. fat people More importantly, what is difficult to achieve with the help of meat. Red meat and organ meats (liver, kidney, heart, tongue, etc.) also increase uric acid in the body. And this is a direct harm to health at.

Do not forget about the oncogenicity of red meat, especially in the form of sausages. A recent report from the World Health Organization explicitly "blames" these foods for increasing risk. Obviously, replacing meat with something safer is a smart move. But what to eat if you exclude beef, pork, poultry meat from the diet?

"Animal" meat substitutes

If a vegetarian is not fundamental in his beliefs and refuses only meat, he has plenty of opportunities to replace meat with other animal products.

Milk and dairy products

In terms of amino acid composition, it is closest to meat made from whole cottage cheese. It contains 15% complete protein, fully meeting the needs human body, as well as a large amount of calcium, phosphorus and. In addition, cottage cheese contains a number of substances (choline, methionine, etc.) that prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Low-fat cottage cheese (the so-called "skinny" with a fat content of 0.5%) is even more useful, since it has an exceptionally low amount of saturated fatty acids in it, combined with a fairly high protein load.

High concentration useful substances also found in cheeses. 25% protein, 25-30% fat - that's an approximate qualitative composition good cheese(Unfortunately, it’s quite difficult to find this on store shelves lately).

Any fermented milk drink can serve, if not a complete substitute for meat, then a good addition to the vegetarian diet of a vegetarian (to be precise - lacto vegetarian). A person can easily get the missing amino acids from a glass of milk, curdled milk, etc.

Egg white is recognized by all nutritionists as ideal. It contains all the necessary amino acids, it is absorbed by the body by 97-98%, if you use only it - cholesterol in digestive system does not fall, as it is contained in the yolk. Protein omelettes are an integral part of the set therapeutic diets. That is why eggs can be an excellent substitute for meat.

Fish and seafood

This category includes various representatives animal world that lives in the water. The protein contained in fish is not inferior to meat in its composition. A serious advantage of fish is that it is better digested than meat due to the low content of poorly digestible connective tissue.

The nutritional value of fish is also high due to elevated content in many of its varieties and omega-6 fatty acids. These substances are extremely important for the processes taking place in the body, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and inhibit the growth of "bad" ones. It is no coincidence that in countries with traditional high consumption fish relatively low rate of atherosclerosis.

Fish is also rich in trace elements: potassium, and most importantly, phosphorus, which is indispensable for maintaining bone strength. In addition, it contains many vitamins, especially group B, and the liver of many fish contains a high content of vitamins A, D, E.

The above described products suitable for those who refuse only meat. However, there is a category of vegetarians who completely ignore any food of animal origin, regardless of whether the animal was killed to obtain it or not. Such people are called vegans or Vitarians. It is somewhat more difficult for them to choose a complete replacement for meat, since neither vegetables, nor fruits, nor cereals individually contain a complete set of proteins. However, at correct selection Vegan diets can get everything they need from plants.


This category of plants includes, beans, and also mistakenly considered a nut. They contain a lot of vegetable protein, which is well absorbed by the body. The disadvantage of most legumes is the rather high content of carbohydrates that provoke. Peanuts also contain a large amount of fat, and this should be taken into account in the fight against excess weight. Another disadvantage of legumes is the lack of methionine in them.

Separately, we should talk about soy. This plant is amazing high content protein, in its composition as close as possible to the animal. Soy isolates, tofu, natto, miso, soy milk - all these products can be a complete replacement for any meat product.

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This category of plants can include all those products from which various cereals are made - rice, wheat, buckwheat. The latter is considered an ideal cereal, as it contains the largest number squirrel. Very useful also oat groats, however, due to its relatively high fat content, it should not be made a staple in a vegetarian diet.

The lack of essential amino acids makes cereals an inferior substitute for meat. The way out here may be to cook meals with the addition of soy milk enriched with vitamins - this will allow you to get a complete set of amino acids, as well as ensure that you meet the need for calcium, which is also lacking in cereals.

Vegetarians consider nuts to be exceptionally high in protein. However, even a superficial analysis of sites dedicated to the rejection of meat, shows that their knowledge is limited to this. But despite the high protein content, nuts cannot provide the body with all the necessary set of amino acids. They contain too little tryptophan and lysine, and without these substances normal metabolism is impossible. However, the combination of nuts with legumes and cereals solves this problem.

In fact, there are practically no minuses in the rejection of meat, if you do not switch to pure vegetarianism. Eggs, fish, dairy products may well provide a person with absolutely everything essential substances, including proteins, macro- and microelements.

Another thing is veganism. The main problem of vegans is the lack of vitamin B12 in plant foods. Some sites indicate that it can be obtained from seaweed, soybeans and other plants. However, this is blatantly false information. Vitamin is found only in animal foods, which include meat products (liver, kidneys), fish, shellfish. In much smaller quantities, it is found in cheeses, meat, eggs, and lactic acid products.

The lack of vitamin B12 in plant foods makes them biologically inferior. However, in the West, special vegan products are produced artificially enriched with this substance. In our country, we can recommend vegans additional reception vitamin complexes and food supplements containing vitamin B12.

inspired by example Scott Jurek(one of the world's most decorated marathon runners who has been on a vegan diet since 1999) also decide to go meatless. But changing your diet is about more than trying to replace meat with its vegetarian counterpart. This is an important change in your lifestyle.

Worst Meat Substitutes

Veggie Burger and Veggie Chicken Nuggets

Usually, frozen vegetarian meat substitutes do not contain a lot of fat, but they do have a lot of salt. For example, the average veggie burger contains about 400 mg sodium.

Nuggets are even worse: a portion of vegetarian nuggets contains a third of the recommended American Heart Association daily sodium intake. Some foods have been cooked in a sauce or marinade, which, of course, adds spice and taste, but increases the sodium content and monosodium glutamate. If you are going to strictly follow a vegan diet, read product labels carefully. In some products, in fact, you can find animal protein.

Protein Powder

Want to accelerate muscle growth? Adding whey powder to your morning smoothie will help you with that. However, do not turn it into one of the main sources of protein. According to nutritionists, additives cannot replace quality proteins found in meat or dairy products. If you still prefer supplements, opt for an unsweetened powder that contains natural ingredients.

Roasted, salted nuts

Contain a serving healthy fats in addition to protein, but if they are covered in salt or sugar, it will bring you more harm than good. Snacking on honey-roasted rather than raw almonds adds a teaspoon of sugar and 60 milligrams of sodium to your diet. Besides, roasted nuts, most likely, contain not so much useful elements. Roasting kills a lot of nutrients.

Tofu meat delicacies

We have all heard many times that tofu - it is a protein, energy and healthy product with low content fat, but when it takes shape sausages, pepperoni, bologna or fried turkey, it becomes no better than meat. Many meat substitutes, one of which is tofu, are actually equivalent to processed meat delicacies which tend to be high in sodium. Tofu products are made from beans and do not contain antibiotics, added hormones or animal products, but they are still undergo food processing.


- excellent source of protein and calcium, therefore 30-60 grams of cheese every day will not harm your body.

What you should not do is to replace beef or chicken in your diet with sandwiches from white bread and cheese for dinner every night. Despite its advantages, cheese is high in calories, fat, sodium and cholesterol, and can quickly deposit in your abdomen and flanks. Milk is a smarter dairy-based protein source. It contains seven to eight grams of total protein per cup. In complete protein there are all that our body cannot produce, so we must get them from food.

The best meat substitutes

It is a complete protein with a high content of amino acids, which is undoubtedly healthier than any steak, as it does not contain many calories and does not clog arteries with fat and cholesterol. Champions nutritional properties in the world of legumes, soybeans are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and plant compounds that can fight various diseases. It is best to consume soy in the least processed forms. Edamame, soy milk, tofu and natto- the best of the options.

Beans, peas and lentils

This is an inexpensive way to replenish your protein stores. A cup of lentils, for example, contains 18 grams of protein along with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Lentils cook quickly and can be added to salads, pasta sauces, or eaten as a side dish. Also try adding peas to a salad or vegetable soup or serve beans as a side dish. Make chickpea hummus and use it to make sandwiches.

Seeds and raw nuts

Nuts and seeds are super-sources of plant-based protein, as well as fiber and vitamin E. Some are rich in plant-based versions of the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acid. However, they are quite high in fat, so watch your portion sizes (a serving of almonds is 30 grams - about 23 pieces, which contains 164 calories and 6 grams of protein). Choose dried but unsalted varieties. Want to eat something more "harmful"? Use nut butter as a sandwich base or enjoy it as part of a snack, such as eating with apple slices.

Hemp and Quinoa Seeds

Quinoa and hemp seeds are examples of an ideal source of protein. A cup contains 9 grams of natural plant-based protein, so anyone looking for a healthy alternative to meat should definitely add it to their diet.

In addition to protein hemp seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids. Add powdered hemp to smoothies or whole seeds to salads and cereals. Be sure to crush the seeds or chew them thoroughly, as you won't get any protein or fatty acids if they're whole.

Whole grain products

- An excellent source of protein, as well as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help fight disease. Just make sure the grains you choose are whole, as processed grains lose fiber. natural vitamins, minerals and most squirrel.

Nutritionists are still arguing about the usefulness and necessity of using meat. We will not even begin a conversation about the moral side of this issue. Here everyone draws his own conclusions. Worse, meat is considered a heavy food containing a harmful type of cholesterol. Its excess is harmful to the body, since it is deposited in the form of fatty plaques on inner walls blood vessels and interferes with normal blood circulation, leading to diseases of the vessels and heart. By eliminating it from your diet, you can prolong youth and beauty. On the other hand, for a long time no one argues with the fact that this product contains essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins. But is it the only source of all these substances? Is it possible to obtain all these necessary vital components from other sources? It turns out that everything is not so scary, everything necessary components for the construction and functioning of the body can be obtained by consuming vegetable and seafood. So what can replace meat and how to make it painless for the family and own body. We offer you an initial list of products that perfectly replace meat dishes in the diet, and in addition we offer step by step plan switching to a meat-free diet.

What to replace meat

The opinion has been firmly established that for the northern regions of the planet, to which we belong, it is difficult to find an alternative to meat.

Northerners, more than southerners, need high-calorie food containing enough important amino acids, vitamins and iron. What advice can we give to our vegetarians, or patients who are forbidden or severely restricted from eating meat?

It turns out that everything is not so scary, all the necessary components for the construction and functioning of the body can be obtained by consuming vegetable and seafood.

Of course, you also need to know which products contain these ingredients and something about the right combination of them. Cereals and legumes can be a great substitute for meat. Those who decide to give up animal food and are wondering what can replace meat can be recommended to add legume-based puree soups, cereals, nuts and seafood to the diet. By following this nutritional strategy, you will be able to protect yourself from shortages. important components problems. Let's try to figure out how the listed products can replace meat for us.


Rejection of meat encourages the creation of stocks of cereals. The main ones are buckwheat, oats and wheat. Buckwheat grain out of competition in the content of trace elements, especially iron, as well as vitamins. It also contains proteins, although less than in legumes.

If buckwheat is consumed regularly, blood formation improves, the body becomes more resilient, blood sugar levels decrease, which is especially important for diabetics. It is no coincidence that buckwheat is a welcome participant in the diet of athletes and is revered by folk medicine.

The use of oats can fully provide the body with fats, which are essential for the smooth functioning of the nervous, as well as cardiovascular systems. It has been observed that oats bad cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure.

Most useful Wheat flour mixed with bran, which contains many valuable bioactive substances.

Legumes as a meat substitute

All legumes abound vegetable protein. Soy contains more protein than meat. Legumes are also generous for vitamins from group B (1, 2, 6) and trace elements. The fiber in beans cleanses the digestive tract.

Peas can be used to make porridges, soups or purees. You can bake pancakes or noodles from pea flour. Peas contain many minerals, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). There are even research results confirming its antitumor properties.

Beans are also rich in protein and also help the body produce interferon, a special protein that fights infections. Therefore, it is especially useful to eat beans in winter period threatening colds.

Soy contains the most protein. One kilogram of soy contains three times more protein than a kilo of beef. In addition, its protein is good because it is absorbed almost completely and is not burdened with cholesterol, like an animal.

Missing vitamins

If you are not very strict in your diet and allow yourself fish and other seafood, then easily digestible protein and vitamin B12, which is absent in legumes and cereals, enter your body with them. It is usually mentioned as the main argument for the use of meat. However, the body's need for it is small. Therefore, the use of various seafood will fully satisfy the need for it in your body. In addition, it is also present in microdoses in lettuce and fermented milk products.

Types of Vegetarians: A Brief Overview

In general, everything will depend on what kind of vegetarian you decide to become. After all, for each of them there are different directions in diets.

  • Vegetarians are people who have eliminated meat from their diet. But some of them completely exclude all products derived from animals, while others have left some exceptions for themselves.
  • Vegans or vegetarians eat only plant foods and do not use salt.
  • Raw foodists or Vitarians consume raw vegetables and fruits, allowing yourself and dairy products.
  • Fruitarians limited themselves to just fruits and nuts.
  • Lacto-vegetarians obviously eat dairy products.
  • Lacto-vegetarians add eggs to dairy products.
  • Semi-vegetarians exclude only the meat of mammals, which does not prevent them from eating poultry or fish.

The program of the transition to plant foods and the complete rejection of meat

We offer you a program that will allow you to cope with this painlessly.

"Not an ounce of meat from today!" you promise yourself as you set a plate of salad for breakfast and cabbage soup for lunch in front of you. However, at night after that, you continuously dream only of sausage sandwiches and juicy chops. To avoid such stress, it is necessary to correctly carry out the transition to vegetarianism. Let's take a look at this program.

Pros of Vegetarianism

Your body will feel relieved, freed from toxins and toxins, digestion processes will return to normal, skin condition and complexion will improve, as well as mood. You will sleep better and be less tired. In addition, the risk of stone formation in gallbladder and ducts, because vegetable fats much easier to digest. And the abundance of fiber contained in plant foods will help cleanse the intestines.

How to do it?

Step one - you need to prepare the body to the transition to a new diet so that he does not "strike". Arrange for yourself fasting days filled with fruits, vegetables and kefir. In the first week, only red meat (pork, beef, lamb, sausage, pates, etc.) and meat broths should be abandoned. In the diet, you can leave eggs, poultry, fish and dairy products. Not needed complete failure from meat products! But how to give up meat?

Step two - you will be surprised that you have lost the desire to eat roast beef or smoked sausage. Now you can exclude the bird. Cereals, vegetables, dairy products, fish, nuts and legumes, dried fruits remain in the diet. Here you can slow down a little, not excluding eggs, dairy products and fish, since their consumption does not reduce the effectiveness of the diet.

Step three is menu control. Meat is no longer in the diet, but your body still needs the trace elements and vitamins it contains. Therefore, a suitable replacement for meat rich in iron and protein (soy, nuts, legumes), calcium (cabbage, asparagus, raisins, eggs, dairy products), zinc (corn, buckwheat, seafood) and vitamin B12 (soy meat and cottage cheese, tofu and steaks).

Step four - do not forget about the variety of dishes. You can be proud that for three weeks you have not taken meat in your mouth. No longer visible on the table fried meat, dumplings, sausages, pates. Still, sometimes you feel a palpable lack of them, although you don’t experience them. constant hunger. So the problem lies elsewhere - in diversity, or rather in its absence.

If you can diversify your table, you will soon even forget about meat products. Get a vegetarian cookbook. Cook stew with mushrooms and vegetables, cottage cheese and bean pates, pizzas with vegetables and cheese, stuffed vegetables, pancakes with various fillings, mushroom omelettes, casseroles - there are more than enough recipes! Learn the right combination spices: they will help to more easily endure the rejection of meat. Soon you will see that the diet has helped you make your table more tasty and varied.

Step Five - Don't make it your goal to eliminate the occasional morsel of meat as your goal., such a rare retreat will not do harm. In the end, if you come to the conclusion that vegetarianism is not for you and return to the ranks of active meat-eaters, then you will still have a useful experience in order to periodically arrange vegetable and fruit “unloading” for the body.

And in conclusion, it is worth recalling once again the need for a reasonable approach to the transition to vegetarianism. If you are personally convinced that eating meat is harmful, then you should not rush to transfer the whole family to “roots”. Vegetarianism is not for everyone! It is important to know how to give up meat without harming yourself and your loved ones.

In fact, there are many products that, in terms of value and composition, are practically not inferior to meat. Check them out now and be sure to include them in your diet!

What can replace meat?

Eat the foods on the list daily small quantities and you will see that your body works smoothly, like clockwork.

Mushrooms. They have an amazing flavor and meaty texture, so you can substitute them for meat in any recipe. Make a mushroom stew, a delicious appetizer with mushrooms or stuff them.

Replacing meat in the diet - lean meals

Lent is considered the strictest among the Orthodox. Food is limited quite severely, and the duration of the post is considerable. The main difficulty is the absence in the diet meat dishes. This raises a reasonable question - how to replace meat in order to make up for the loss of what is so necessary for normal operation protein organism.

Nutritionists are of the opinion that the human body cannot live without proteins for more than 45 days. After all, the body does not synthesize protein, and the element performs a lot important functions. It takes an active part in the formation of hormones, promotes the construction of cells, helps the body absorb vitamins, fats and carbohydrates, and also strengthens the immune system.

Lent thus turns out to be a serious burden on the body, since it involves a complete rejection of animal food, which is the main supplier of protein.

True, there are also plant products containing an element in enough. How to enrich nutrition during fasting in order to deliver important protein to the body?

Nuts replace proteins by 100%. Doctors - nutritionists believe that this is an excellent source of protein from flora. In addition to proteins, nuts contain many vitamins. So, including them in your diet, we get a lot of useful substances.

The advantage of nuts is their pleasant taste qualities. You can use them at your discretion - add to vegetable salads, use as original spices for second courses or just prepare yourself a few servings of nuts for a snack between meals.

The most protein-rich nuts are walnuts. Almonds rank second in terms of protein content. To make up for daily dose protein to the body, it is enough to eat 4-5 nuts a day.

Another great source of protein in fasting is mushrooms. They also belong to plant foods, and even they are low-calorie foods that can perfectly satisfy hunger. True, it is not advisable to lean on mushrooms, this product is rather poorly digested and puts a strain on the stomach. Therefore, introducing them into the diet for every day is superfluous. Maximum - several times a week.

Mushrooms can be eaten raw, fried, boiled.

And champignons are even allowed to be consumed raw - in this form they are a good snack.

Many grains are rich in proteins. So, they must be present on the table during Lent. The leader in protein content is buckwheat. And if you cook it with mushrooms, you will get just a huge supply of proteins. By the way, buckwheat with mushrooms harmonizes perfectly in taste, so you will definitely like such a simple meal.

Plant based protein sources are a very good choice. Moreover, there is something to diversify your diet. Legumes are another great option for replenishing the amount of protein in the human body. For example, beans contain 23% of the total amount of protein. The body is able to assimilate this protein by about 78%. Pretty good numbers.

True, I want to immediately remind you that legumes are digested quite hard. And to avoid heaviness in the stomach, discomfort, you need to cook them with other products, by the way, this will significantly improve the taste of the cooked dish and make it easier to digest.

Many of these foods can be eaten raw. But protein is usually absorbed much better if foods containing it pass heat treatment. Although, it is hardly necessary for nuts, and no one will eat raw buckwheat. In any case, cook with love - this is the only way you can enjoy your meal, even if you had to give up some of your favorite foods.

Products that replace meat in the diet: a list

One of the downsides vegetarian diet- a lack of nutrients that a person receives from beef, fish and poultry. For example, omega-3 acids are mainly found in fish, as is protein. The meat is rich in protein and iron, it also has several vitamins.

If you have chosen to give up meat, you need to find a replacement for this product. Thanks to this alternative, you will enrich your body with all the necessary nutrients. Below you will see a list of substitutes that will only benefit you.

What can replace meat in the diet?

In fact, there are many products that, in terms of value and composition, are practically not inferior to meat. Check them out now and be sure to include them in your diet! Eat foods from the list daily in small quantities, and you will see that your body works smoothly, like clockwork.

Nuts - walnuts, peanuts, almonds, cashews. They contain great amount healthy fats and omega-3 acids. In addition, they contain protein and fiber, which are so important for a vegetarian diet. Remember about their high calorie content, it is enough to eat 30-40 grams of nuts per day.

Soy. What meat replacement products should be in the diet? We advise you to definitely include soy in the menu. In fact, they are not as harmful as the media tells us. In reasonable quantities, soy is good for the whole body, so you can safely consume it 2-3 times a week. There is practically no fat in soy food, it has a lot of protein and a minimum of cholesterol. In addition, soy protects against cancer.

Eggplant. Many do not even know that they are similar in composition to meat. Substitute it for chicken or beef, use it as a topping for lasagna or pasta. This vegetable is rich in fiber, beneficial antioxidants and potassium.

Legumes - lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans. This is one of the best meat substitutes, legumes are very satisfying and also high in protein. They are prepared quickly and are also inexpensive, complement them with tomato sauce and natural spices.

What can replace meat in the diet of adults and children

They have an amazing flavor and meaty texture, so you can substitute them for meat in any recipe. Make a mushroom stew, a delicious appetizer with mushrooms or stuff them.

Vegetables. Despite the fact that they are far from meat in composition, we still advise you to consume them in sufficient quantities. For example - cauliflower, potatoes and beets. They can be used to make delicious veggie meatballs or other snacks.

If you are not a vegetarian and you had to give up meat for financial reasons, we advise you to consume as much dairy products, eggs, fish, buckwheat, chickpeas as possible. Also, in order to make up for the deficiency of healthy fats, do not forget in the morning, half an hour before meals, drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. unrefined oil. You can choose the oil that you like best - pumpkin or linseed, walnut or sesame.

Sprouted wheat. Wheat sprouts are rich in antioxidants that prevent many diseases. They also contain proteins and slow carbohydrates. Sprouts will give you energy for the whole day and enrich essential minerals and vitamins.

Seaweed. It contains iodine and several B vitamins, which improve metabolic processes and prevent cancer. In addition, it has a minimum of calories and a maximum of protein.

Seeds. Just like nuts, seeds have many nutrients your body needs, including fats and proteins. We recommend using pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax-seed. Since they have high calorie content, do not overdo it.

Above, we have listed products that contain a maximum of protein and fat, and they are close in composition to meat. If you decide to give up meat, be sure to take note of this article, it will come in handy more than once.

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What can replace meat? Is it enough that I eat cottage cheese and milk (goat)?

You have to eat meat. That's what everyone tells me.

Send them somewhere, all of them :)), huh?
Nutrition should be balanced, and from what foods the body receives proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements - the body does not care 100% :))

I have a similar situation: it’s true, I don’t eat meat for a long time, but everyone criticizes anyway. I also replace dairy products + different nuts, fish (protein) and dried fruits, especially dried apricots (iron). Well, all kinds of sour milk: kefirs, yogurts, acidobifilin. Ryazhenka, bifidok.
It seems to me that you just need to listen to your body, and not someone else's advice, he himself will tell you, because. knows best what he wants. I don’t feel like I need meat yet, and I don’t eat it. Although when I wanted chicken for a month, I went without hesitation, bought it and ate it. calmed down. I don't want to do it anymore, but if I want to, I'll do the same :)

You have to eat meat. That's what everyone tells me. I understand. BUT I CAN NOT! Not what is, but to smell and see. Like at the very beginning. turned away, that's all. At first, I shoved boiled beef into myself, drank the broth (at the same time I washed it down with tea - it’s impossible otherwise), until I vomited from it ...
Sometimes I can eat my tongue, but you won’t eat it every day either ...
What can replace meat?

What can replace meat during fasting?

Is it enough that I eat cottage cheese and milk (goat)?
IMHO. the body is not a fool .. if you can’t even see meat, then you don’t need it now) milk. cottage cheese, fish. eggs. cheese..

Oh, can I have eggs?

Oh, can I have eggs?
and why not something???

if a strict diet (if there is a reason), then 1-2 pieces per week)

Mamochka malyavochek

06-08-2008, 16:29

From necessary for the body substances, meat contains protein, phosphorus and iron. But these same components contain other products. For example, proteins: fish, cheese, egg, cottage cheese, milk, bread, legumes, buckwheat, Hercules, semolina, millet, pearl barley, rice. The same products contain phosphorus. Still phosphorus contains sausages, sausages, sausages;). There is iron in legumes, pears, quince, spinach, figs, rose hips, dried apricots, apples, blueberries, prunes, buckwheat, dried apricots, raisins, even in wheat bread. Therefore, analyze your diet, for sure you eat all this. And if not, then start eating, :028:everything and more))))). By the way, about the content of nutrients. Meat, of course, contains iron, but if, for example, you have very low hemoglobin, then eat meat, don’t eat it .. you can’t seriously raise hemoglobin with meat alone! Only special. iron-containing preparations! Well, or this meat should be eaten so much !!! Good luck and bon appetit! And don't listen to anyone!

Why would you force yourself to eat meat??? I haven’t eaten meat for 15 years, I don’t complain about my health (t-t-t) 🙂
True, during pregnancy there was low hemoglobin, and I really wanted meat (at other times I was completely indifferent), I ate it for 5 months and calmed down. I don’t eat and I don’t listen to anyone 🙂

06-08-2008, 17:48

drink pomegranate juice - for good hemoglobin

I don't eat meat either. somehow I didn’t worry about this when I fed, which is what I wish you: flower:
chicken, fish - the same sources of protein

My hemoglobin is already indecently high - 140.
Then there is no reason to bother at all, there is no desire (and even more so there is disgust) - there is no need to force yourself


06-08-2008, 18:44

Eat chicken, fish, eggs…….same protein

author, do you even WANT meat?? any one?? or not at all? if you don’t - IMHO, eat vegetables and fruits and don’t bother ... but if you want ... I was already eating pork with might and main at 2 months of age 😉 I mean that it’s categorically “only beef” - not necessarily, always look at the baby 😉


06-08-2008, 19:02

Nope ... Yesterday my husband baked baked ham, so I didn’t know where to go from the smell ... Moreover, I still ate a piece with difficulty - because it seems to be necessary, so today I’m sick all day and I don’t get off with a push ... :(
And at the expense of beef - it seems to me that it is even more allergenic than pork. Hey, I don't respect either.

And say that sometimes you eat the tongue: 004:, it smells much worse while it is being cooked, or are you already buying it ready? Why not eat it every day? I am a big lover of the language, I buy it very often, I eat only one, there are no more lovers. :))

I think that it is as useful as the meat itself.

It smells - yes, but it is light, and not fibrous, like a meow. Eh, I’ll finish the GW - it will be possible not to eat meat! Hooray! And there is nothing at all.

06-08-2008, 19:24

I never ate fish at all, but the chicken is disgusting.

Well, there is a specialist in protein nutrition. "nutricomp". delicious:019:

Raisa Zakharovna

06-08-2008, 20:08

close in composition to buckwheat…
with oil eh .... :))

close in composition to buckwheat…
with oil eh .... :))

Raisa Zakharovna

06-08-2008, 20:14

Buckwheat is generally a hit, in the morning I eat it in the form of porridge with milk, and in the afternoon - here, I ate it as a side dish for meat. Buckwheat is also dreaming at night. But the skin from it is cool - it cleanses the body. But still, proteins in Greek are vegetable proteins, and in meat they are animals. And for GV, I understand that it is animal proteins that are important.
In general, my favorite dish is squash slop, as I call it - stewed with slices of zucchini with pumpkin. I can eat them endlessly. Well, the curd mass in the morning.

And I love zucchini too! :love:
I even wanted to eat, as I read: love:

06-08-2008, 21:01

so I turned away from meat immediately after pregnancy and still :(, I can’t stand fish at all, eggs also, in general, my situation seems to be worse than yours, and I also don’t take vitamins, I’m always allergic to them was

Raisa Zakharovna

06-08-2008, 21:18

Well, you give ... I have not heard at all that meat is NECESSARY, what horrors ...: 001:

by the way, yes ... I also don’t eat meat almost .... while I feed ...

Well, what about kaklets ??? :)) that they don’t go either?
Yeah, who will make them?:008:
So I don't like it.

How to cook beef in mushroom sauce?
Beef and mushrooms combined with sour cream give an exquisite taste.

To have enough of everything: how to replace meat with a vegetarian

This dish is not difficult to prepare. Here is the recipe: So, we need: a piece of beef about half a kilo, sour cream a couple of tablespoons, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper, mushrooms (dried porcini mushrooms are ideal for this dish), olive

How to lose weight on chicken meat?
If you wish to get rid of excess weight, and vegetarian diets or mono-diets on cereals do not attract you at all, you can try unloading on chicken meat. White meat chicken is an integral part of many popular diets. It is healthy and practically does not contain cholesterol. Exactly

How to cook lamb with mushrooms?
To cook lamb with mushrooms, you need to take the following ingredients: Lamb meat - seven hundred and fifty grams; Mushrooms - four hundred grams; Butter or ghee - one tablespoon; Onion - one small head; meat broth or water - one glass; Sour cream - two tablespoons; Flour is one

How to cook pancakes with turkey and mushrooms?
With turkey meat, any dish will turn out very tasty. And the filling for pancakes is even more so - the meat is juicy, tender, and mushrooms and spices will give the desired flavor. You can cook pancakes according to your proven recipe or use one of the recipes on our website. What you need for cooking

How to cook a turkey with mushrooms?
This dish is not only quick to prepare, but also very satisfying. Tender turkey meat is rich in proteins, mushrooms also give a feeling of satiety, so that the feeling of hunger after such a meal will recede for a long time. What you need to prepare 500 grams fresh mushrooms(champignons, oyster mushrooms) 500 grams of meat

How to cook meat casserole with mushrooms?
A very convenient dish for receiving guests. Mushrooms and meat can be fried in advance, and before the guests arrive, bring the casserole to readiness. Substitute chicken for pork if desired. What you need to cook 500 grams of pork or chicken meat 200 grams of mushrooms 100 grams of cheese 200 grams of sour cream

How to stew beef in wine with mushrooms?
Soft beef comes across not so often and the meat takes a long time to cook. If you add red wine to the meat, the cooking time will be significantly reduced, the meat will turn out not only soft, but also aromatic with a rich taste. What you need to cook Kilogram beef Two onions 300

What can replace meat in the diet
What can replace meat in the diet? The diet of most people consists of meat. On average, 10 to 30 percent of the food consumed is meat and meat products. Of all the foods consumed, it is the most rich in protein. If there is not enough protein in the body, problems with

How to cook meat in pots with mushrooms
How to cook meat in pots with mushrooms Recently, cooking in clay pots has become more common. They serve food in cafes and restaurants. Ceramic pots have appeared in the kitchens of many housewives. It is believed that cooking in clay pots means

How to cook mushrooms with meat
How to cook mushrooms with meat Meat with mushrooms, cooked in clay pots in the oven, is very fragrant, satisfying and exceptionally tasty dish. They can diversify usual menu or put on festive table. Cooking time 20 minutes You will need Pork - 1 kg Mushrooms - 0.6

What vegetarian diet foods can completely replace eggs and meat?

How to replace meat in proper nutrition?

or can't? ()
Asparagus seems to contain a lot of protein, legumes, spinach, and vegans seem to eat eggs and milk, you don’t kill anyone when you drink milk or fry eggs, eggs are without embryos, I understand when you whine they say you can’t eat dead animals, but eggs then with milk they are not animals, and in general people are by nature mammals, so I see no reason to deny myself milk Ekaterina Lyubimova ()
animal protein nothing to replace. Raschzve that synthetic proteins of dubious quality. Violet ()
Soybeans, legumes, mushrooms, nuts. But it is unlikely to completely replace ... Izolda Stanislavovna ()
replace with vegetable protein. Legumes, nuts, mushrooms. Although people who consume red meat get more micronutrients. And in the egg, the useful part is the protein, in the yolk there is a lot of bad cholesterol. Kotya I ()
Meat - soy, mushrooms But the egg, I think, can not be replaced by anything. adan ()
Soy, nuts and mushrooms can PARTIALLY replace meat (manufacturers now do this). A COMPLETE ... in the Southwest of the United States you can get acquainted with the remains of a civilization that has completely switched to plant based diet(corn, mostly), and that is not from a good life. Maori (after the extinction of the moa) and other Polynesians began to eat each other to make up for the lack of protein and trace elements. AL CAPONE ()
AT vegetable proteins there is a lack of key amino acids that are found in proteins of animal origin (lysine, tryptophan, methionine, etc.). Therefore, the exclusion of any essential amino acid from the diet is accompanied by the development of a negative nitrogen balance, exhaustion, stunting, dysfunction nervous system etc. Alyonka ()
Proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamins B and D - these are the beneficial substances that the body is deficient in prolonged failure from products of animal origin. According to vegetarian literature, almost all of this set can be obtained from plant foods. So, legumes - soy, peas, beans, chickpeas and lentils are considered sources of complete protein (containing all essential amino acids). But most researchers warn that only soy can compete with meat in protein quality. Proteins of other beans are digested much worse. Therefore, in order to fully satisfy the needs of the body, it is necessary to increase the portion size. With Omega-3 fatty acids the situation is better - seaweeds (both brown and red), as well as oils from cereal seeds, contain them in the right amount and acceptable quality. Calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin B2 in plants are also sufficient. For example, sesame contains an order of magnitude more calcium than dairy products, which are usually called the best suppliers of this element. And vitamins B12 and D, with all the desire, cannot be obtained from products plant origin. Here fortified milk (not an animal, but soy or rice), ready-made breakfasts and pharmacy vitamins. For example, vitamin D deficiency is perfectly eliminated by drugs that are given to children to prevent rickets.

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As vegan transition experts often point out, you can't just cut all meat products off the menu and settle for it. Our diet is easy to imagine in the form of a mosaic, where the place of pieces of multi-colored glass are various carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals, in an amount sufficient to maintain vital activity at the proper level. And, removing meat from the menu, you can find several gaps in this mosaic. Which now needs to be filled with something. So, if not meat, then what?

Two approaches to the question

You can approach this problem from two sides. Consult the reference literature to find out what nutrients meat is rich in - as one literary character said, "and now I'll show you what you just gave up" - and clarify in which vegetarian products their (nutrients) is not less.

It is clear that it will not work to replace meat with one thing, but it is possible to pick up a number of products that can provide the same set, only better. At the same time, you can see how much more diverse the menu will become.

Or, this is a different approach, to clarify what, as a rule, a vegetarian diet lacks (for example, by studying publications on the topic “why vegetarianism is harmful”). And then ask how you can fill this gap. There is, of course, a third method: contact a vegetarian nutritionist to find out what exactly vegetarians eat instead of meat. But still, to communicate with a specialist, it is useful to learn some amount of preliminary information.

What is "essential" in meat

There are a number of components of the nutrition system that are not replenished automatically when you refuse meat, and which, because of this, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Protein; there are certain difficulties in obtaining daily allowance protein, if the diet does not include meat and eggs;
  2. calcium, zinc; these trace elements are more difficult to absorb in the body when they are obtained from plant foods;
  3. Iron; also does not have high bioavailability in plant foods;
  4. Vitamins D and B, especially B12; the latter is most often spoken of as an "essential" element, the deficiency of which occurs if one does not eat meat.

A separate item is high the energy value meat products. But the experience of many people who adhere to a vegetarian diet and feel great doing so shows that it is still possible to replace meat.

  • Eggs. In the list of products that supply protein, they are in first place; nutrients from eggs are absorbed almost completely. Not all vegetarians eat them, but it is possible to replace the protein obtained with meat with an egg;
  • Fish and seafood. Fish protein is in no way inferior to meat, it has the same amount of amino acids and nutrients. Not exactly vegetarian, I guess; but it is good for replacing meat;
  • Legumes. Beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, chin, maize, chickpeas and others. Lentils, for example, are rich in vegetable protein, as well as iron and vitamins A, B and C. But it must be borne in mind that excessive consumption of lentils - more than 300 grams in boiled form - overloads gastrointestinal tract. To make legumes better absorbed, they are eaten in combination with vegetables;
  • Seaweed- an excellent source of protein and natural iodine, are also rich in minerals and chlorophyll useful for the body. (Due to high fermentation, they should not be eaten more than 150-200 grams per day per fresh or up to 30 grams in dried);
  • Dairy products consider good source protein and calcium. Here it is worth remembering that there are more proteins in cottage cheese and low-fat cheese;
  • Nuts and seeds. Due to the concentration of protein, it is even recommended to limit their daily intake. Vegetarians eat nuts and seeds also for the amino acids they contain, carotene, vitamins B, E and C, vegetable fats and other nutrients
  • cereals. Oatmeal, rice, corn and others will become additional source squirrel. Buckwheat ranks first in terms of protein content among cereals (more than 12%);
  • Vegetables have the least amount of protein. But they are still found in asparagus, zucchini, Brussels sprouts, cucumbers and potatoes.

Where to get iron, calcium and zinc

Legumes, cereals, leafy vegetables, dried fruits and sprouts are rich in iron. Pomegranate can also become a source of iron. Cereals are also sources of iron and other trace elements. Zinc is found in whole grains, nuts, legumes, quinoa, seeds, eggs, and dairy products.

Calcium is found in dairy and vegetable products - legumes, nuts, seeds. A lot of it in oatmeal, broccoli, okra, leafy vegetables, seaweed, oranges and dried fruits. It's easy to find cereal blends, soy products, and calcium-fortified energy bars.

B12 and other vitamins

  • Vitamin B12 is rich in fish and seafood;
  • It is also found in eggs and dairy products;
  • Cereal flakes are enriched with them and other vitamins;
  • Lack of B12 can be filled with sea kale and green leaf salad(the darker the lettuce leaves, the more vitamin it contains), spinach;
  • About "other vitamins" you can also add the banal: more fruit.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that with a deficiency of vitamin B12, as well as other vitamins, in our time it is customary to include in the diet those containing them. nutritional supplements. And the more strict type of vegetarianism is chosen, the more it is relevant.

By the way, experts advise using individual nutritional supplements in special situations, even when completely balanced diet e.g. in case of increased loads or bad weather conditions.

Of course, there is a lot of controversy, both at the level of scientists and researchers, and at the level of thematic publications repeating their arguments, about the effectiveness of replacing meat with these products; Much is said about the difficulties that lie in wait along the way. Let's just say: difficulties in compiling balanced diet food for those people who eat meat, no less. And there is something to replace it, if desired.

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