Vitamins and minerals in our diet. The nutritional value of legumes

Beans are in the top ten most useful for human body food. It belongs to the legume family and has several subspecies that differ both in appearance and in specific taste.

This product is specific, as it is not to everyone's taste. There is also an opinion that beans are a “heavy” product that takes a very long time to digest, but this is not so. In spite of taste preferences, each person is recommended to eat it in order to support their body and give it strength and youth.

Beans are the most balanced herbal product which contains many vitamins and minerals. Despite its nutritional value, it is considered dietary product bringing incredible benefits to the human body.

Its calorie content is only 23 kcal per 100 g of the product, and the protein content is about 3% of total weight, fats - 0.5% and carbohydrates - 3%.


Vitamin A 0,06 mg
Vitamin B1 0,1 mg
Vitamin B2 0,2 mg
Vitamin B3 0,5 mg
Vitamin B5 0,2 mg
Vitamin B6 0,2 mg
Vitamin B9 0,03 mg
Vitamin C 20 mg
Vitamin E 0,3 mg

Why is this product useful?

It contains a lot of proteins that are easily digestible, almost in the same amount as in meat. In order for the protein to be absorbed, it contains predisposing substances - a nicotinic acid and vitamin PP. These components provide positive influence to nervous and cardiovascular system and also contribute to the reduction blood pressure maintain visual acuity and prevent the development various diseases skin covers.

This product stimulates the digestive process, developing beneficial bacteria in the intestines, and also helps to eliminate cholesterol, toxins and toxins. It also has a mild laxative and diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate constipation and cure some kidney diseases.

Despite the long-term absorption of beans by the body, it is indispensable for eliminating excess body fat and helps to “endure” any diet, because after eating it long time do not want to eat. This product is indispensable for the nutrition of people with diabetes, as in its balanced composition contains arginine, which effectively lowers the level of sugar in the body. Also, beans normalize heart rhythm, help to cope with any stage of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

The main unique quality is its influence on the appearance of a person! It is thanks to this product that the skin practically does not age and dark spots disappear over time. Beans contain vitamins and minerals antibacterial action, which prevents the occurrence of dermatitis and rashes, and also nullifies acne already present on the skin. Many women appreciate this food product for its anti-aging properties, which consist in getting rid of wrinkles, giving dullness and elasticity to the skin.

Stewed beans with vegetables

Why is this product harmful?

It is used as food green beans, so are her beans. Raw this product should not be used in any case, as this can provoke the strongest food poisoning, which is affected by the content of phasin glycoside and phaseolunatin. These substances are highly toxic and can cause diarrhea, vomiting and strong problems with intestines.

Because of these properties, one should not refuse a valuable product without including it in the diet. The effect of glycoside and phaseolunatin can be weakened by simple soaking for 4-10 hours. Also, during cooking, the effect of these substances disappears, but the benefits of the product remain.

Soaking is necessary not only in order to get rid of the poisons included in its composition. This procedure allows you to rid the product of "heaviness", due to the dissolution of polysaccharides - sugars and protease inhibitors that are not absorbed in the body, but only cause gas formation and complicate the digestion process. Limit the use of this product should be people suffering from gout, pancreatitis and diseases of the stomach or intestines.

The benefits of string beans

String beans have been popular for a long time, they were eaten 5 thousand years ago, as evidenced by ancient writings. The useful minerals and vitamins included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, relieve bronchitis and rheumatism, and also prevent various problems with skin. In the fight against infectious diseases it occupies a leading position, as it contains a large amount of antioxidants, which also neutralize the action of free radicals.

In violation of the functions of hematopoiesis modern medicine and folk healers It is recommended to include this product in your diet more often, since the elements contained in it increase the number of red blood cells in the blood.

Rules for eating green beans and "beans":

  • Before cooking, it should be soaked in a soda solution or in Borjomi, which will help reduce flatulence;
  • Adding tomato sauce while cooking improves absorption useful substances and normalizes digestion;
  • Its use with lactic acid products, dill and fennel also favorably affects the functioning and general condition digestive system.

Of the many vitamins, 13 elements are distinguished, without which normal human life is impossible. Vital substances include:
- B1 (thiamine),
- B2 (riboflavin),
- B6 (pyridoxine),
- B12 (cyanocobalamin),
- PP (niacin),
- FROM ( vitamin C),
- A (retinol),
- D (calciferol),
- E (tocopherol),
- K (phylloquinone),
- Sun (folic acid),
- pantothenic acid,
- H (biotin).
Minerals necessary for maintaining metabolism are iron, copper, calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, etc.

Despite the abundance of vitamin and mineral complexes sold in pharmacies, the elements necessary for metabolism are best absorbed from food. Therefore, it is important to consume those foods that are sources important vitamins and minerals.

Bran, legumes, wholemeal flour, brown rice, milk, liver, kidneys, eggs, nuts, black bread contain a large amount of vitamins B1, B2 and B6. You can enrich the body with niacin by eating broccoli, beef liver, carrots, cheese, products from cornmeal, dates, fish, peanuts, eggs, milk, potatoes, pork, parsley, rose hips, and sorrel. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products: beef, pork, kidneys, liver, milk and cheese. Since childhood, the familiar ascorbic acid is found in rose hips, grapefruits, lemons, various berries, green vegetables, parsley, tomatoes, potatoes, cauliflower. The source of retinol is yellow color, carrots, liver, fish oil, sardines, green and yellow vegetables, and milk and dairy products. Under the action of sunlight, D is able to be produced. But it is obtained by the body not only with the help of the sun: this element is found in fish, fish oil and dairy products. By eating eggs, vegetable, leafy greens and soybeans, the supply of tocopherol is replenished. Folic acid is found in strawberries, leafy vegetables, yeast, liver. If you love spinach different kinds cabbage, nettle dishes, Exotic fruits, meat and dairy products, then with them you constantly get necessary stock vitamin K. Fish roe, yeast, liver, carrots, cabbage, eggs are rich in pantothenic acid. Biotin enters the body with cauliflower, eggs, kidneys, milk.

The body receives such a mineral as iron from the liver, kidneys, nuts, beans, flour; calcium - from milk and dairy products, walnuts; zinc - from meat, mustard, brewer's yeast, sodium - from salt, carrots, beets, kidneys; iodine - from seaweed, seafood, onions; copper - from peas, prunes, seafood, potassium - from dried apricots, potatoes, citrus fruits.

To maintain the necessary vitamin and mineral balance, it is not at all necessary to draw up a special menu and count the number of products in order to provide the body with the recommended daily doses of these important substances. It is enough to make your diet varied and include not only animal, but also plant foods.

Beans are a kind of energy capsules filled with protein, with nutritional value that can improve human health in many ways.

Unfortunately, beans don't have the best reputation. Beans are often dismissed for their potential side effect flatulence, as well as the fact that they are considered the "meat of the poor." The first stigma can be easily corrected with clever culinary techniques. As for the second - the food of the poor - no one cares about this for a long time.

In general, they are called "legumes": beans have so many various options which is hard to keep track of. In addition to black, red and white beans, we also know chickpeas, soybeans and everyone's favorite peanuts in this group. Below we give nutritional value legumes.

Protein in legumes

If you would like to keep building and repairing your body tissues, as well as contract your muscles on demand, then add some bean protein to your diet.

Half a cup of boiled beans contains approximately 7-10 grams of protein. For comparison: in 30 grams of beef it is the same.

Fiber in legumes

Keeping your gut healthy not only helps your body function properly, it also helps you manage your weight.

When it comes to these two things, alimentary fiber is a great addition to your diet. In half a cup of boiled beans, about 25-30 percent daily allowance fiber, which also excellently fights hypocholesterolemia (excess cholesterol in the cells).

It is a soluble type of fiber that reduces blood cholesterol. In addition, legumes promote the slow release of glucose, helping to control metabolism, which can also contribute to weight loss.

carbohydrates in legumes

Carbohydrates are considered the enemy of so many diets these days. Like it or not, we need carbohydrates for energy and brain function, but you need to get them from a reliable source. Beans contain about 25 grams of carbs per serving.

Culinary Tip: if you soak the beans (optimally - for 12 hours), and then also rinse them in cold water The water will dissolve the oligosaccharides, a simple sugar that can cause gas.

vitamins in legumes

Legumes are an excellent source of B vitamins. The B-complex consists of eight vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12), folic acid and biotin.

It's an amazing little band playing important role in everything from the liver, skin, hair and eyes to the health of the muscles of the intestinal walls and the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Beans retain almost 70% of their B-complex vitamins after being cooked, and high percent folate, which helps form red blood cells.

minerals in legumes

Minerals are the building blocks of the body that form and maintain bones, blood, and skin, among other things.

Iron, magnesium, phosphate, manganese, calcium, copper, zinc, and potassium are all minerals found in beans.


Polyunsaturated fats and lack of cholesterol are why legumes continue to be the optimal dietary choice.

Lipids create stored energy (mainly linoleic acid in beans), are part of cell membranes, participate in the transfer nerve impulse, in muscle contraction, as well as in many other body functions.

calories in legumes

you just got great amount calories found in everything from your morning coffee to your evening sandwich.

And half a cup of legumes has only 100-120 kcal, so go ahead, feast on your health!

Article prepared by: Lily Snape

Unfortunately, with the advent of potatoes in Russia, many valuable crops were ousted from the diet, and man artificially deprived himself of many nutrients. Surely, everyone knows about the benefits of legumes, but not everyone includes dishes from them in their menu - and completely in vain. These plants are low in calories, but very satisfying, contain a lot of fiber and vitamins.

About which legumes are the most useful and what exactly is them beneficial effect on the human body and will be discussed in this article.

The benefits of peas, beans and lentils for the body

vegetable beans- one of the ancient cultures. The Bible mentions beans, specifically red lentils. At all times, beans were treated differently. AT Ancient Egypt beans were considered a symbol of death, the priests were forbidden to use them. The ancient Greeks and Romans, on the other hand, sacrificed beans to the gods and enjoyed preparing a wide variety of dishes from them. One of these dishes was a pie with a bean baked in it, symbolizing a sacrifice to the god Apollo. The Europeans adopted this custom by baking the bean in a Christmas cake. The one who got a piece of the cake with a "surprise" was proclaimed the "bean king" of the holiday with the right to dispose and choose a "bean queen". In Russia, these crops have been cultivated for a long time, but with the spread of potatoes, they almost ceased to be eaten.

Currently, the legume family has about 17,000 species. Beans are back in the spotlight healthy eating. Legumes include peas, beans, peas, soybeans, lupins, mung beans (mung beans, golden beans), lentils, chickpeas ( chickpeas), rank.

Doctors consider peas, beans and lentils to be the most useful legumes - these crops are available to everyone, and it is extremely inappropriate to neglect them in your diet.

The health benefits of legumes are that they contain a large amount of protein, carbohydrates, a huge amount of fiber, vitamins C, PP and group B, provitamin A, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, molybdenum, and various enzymes.

The benefits of beans are obvious, first of all, because it helps, salts heavy metals and even radionuclides, so these vegetables are indispensable for residents of megacities and environmentally disadvantaged areas. What else legumes are useful for is that the molybdenum contained in them is able to neutralize the dangerous preservatives that are now found in almost any industrially produced product and are so common in the modern era of fast food.

The benefit of beans is also that their calorie content is very low: about 58 kcal per 100 g of product, but the beneficial effect on the body is simply enormous. AT digestive tract these vegetables envelop the mucous membrane of the stomach and stay there until the carbohydrates are completely converted into glucose, which allows it to feel hungry for a long time. For easy, fast and effective reduction weight, it is necessary to choose dishes with legumes, because this allows you to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. In addition, the body receives large dose necessary protein and vitamins, saturated with minerals.

The beneficial properties of legumes are found in their ability to lower blood sugar levels and remove "bad" cholesterol. To reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, it is enough to consume 100-150 g of beans per day. Already after 2-3 weeks of regular use of beans, the condition of the vessels improves markedly.

Useful properties of legumes: how peas are useful for the body

Peas have been known in Asia Minor since the Stone and Bronze Ages. He was popular in Ancient China, where it was a symbol of wealth and fertility. in ancient Greece and Ancient Rome peas served as one of the most important food plants for the population. During the time of Charlemagne, it became widely cultivated in medieval Germany as a valuable food product. One of the main daily foodstuffs of German soldiers of the 19th century. there was pea sausage. In Russia, peas have also been grown for a long time, because the proverb “It was under Tsar Peas” is known. in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. successfully began to breed sweet green pea.

So what is useful peas and how it can be eaten? Nutrients this culture contains quite a lot. This is especially true of protein, which is no less than in meat. The beneficial properties of peas are due to the fact that its protein consists of cystine, arginine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan - amino acids synthesized only by plants. What else is useful for the body is the fact that its green grains contain provitamin A, folic acid, in addition, sugars, fiber, fats, starch, iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium salts. Interestingly, the bread of coarse varieties, having increased amount vitamins, contains 5 times less vitamin PP, 2 times less vitamin B1 and 1.5 times less B2 than green peas. Unripe seeds (green peas) are eaten fresh and canned, soups, side dishes are prepared from mature pea seeds, they are used as an additive to flour when baking bread.

The calorie content of green peas is one and a half to two times higher than potatoes and other vegetables. The benefits of peas for the body are undeniable in the treatment cardiovascular disease: due to the presence of inositol (vitamin B8), which has an anti-sclerotic effect, and lectins that prevent the formation of blood clots, it has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Inositol, in addition, stimulates the work of the heart muscle.

The benefits of beans: what are the benefits of beans for the body and its beneficial properties

In this section of the article, you will learn how beans are useful and what are its beneficial effects on the human body. The common bean was first mentioned in chronicles for 2000 BC. This vegetable was especially popular among the Aztecs and Incas. In ancient Greece and Rome, beans were used only as remedy. It appeared in Russia in the 11th century. and immediately became one of my favorite dishes. Currently, more than 150 varieties of beans are known, among which the most famous are ordinary, holly, lima, adzuki.

The beneficial properties of beans are not only in their nutritional value: this culture has healing action on the body. special value is easily digestible, containing the amino acids tyrosine, lysine and methionine. Its quantity reaches almost 20%, while its quality exceeds animal protein. What else beans are useful for the body is the fact that this culture contains fiber, carotene, lemon acid, ash substances, vitamins C, PP, A, group B, carotene, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, iodine, copper. Bean pods also have beneficial properties and contain starch, sugar, minerals and amino acids.

Beans help to strengthen blood vessels, blood purification, normalization heart rate. Vitamin E - a natural antioxidant - strengthens blood vessels and improves heart function. Arginine also has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. A large amount of iron in beans causes oxygen to flow to blood cells, which affects the production of red blood cells and increases the body's resistance to infections. Beans are used to prepare decoctions for atherosclerosis, stress, nervous exhaustion, kidney disease, rheumatism, pancreatitis, skin diseases.

Useful properties of lentils and how it is useful for the body

Now the turn has come to talk about how lentils are useful for the body, and what are its benefits. beneficial features. Lentil food as one of important products nutrition is mentioned in the Bible. Lentils were grown in Central and Asia Minor, in the Mediterranean countries. It is difficult for us now to imagine, but until 1917 Russia was the world leader in terms of the volume of crops of this plant. Known historical fact, when in late XIX century, during a severe drought, only lentils in Russia were born to fame and actually saved the country from inevitable famine. Now it is unprofitable to grow lentils, because the main disadvantage of this crop is that it ripens unevenly, it happens that on one stem half of the pods can already fully ripen, and half remain green.

The beneficial properties of lentils are obvious: among legumes by content vegetable protein it takes the first place (about 60%). What else is useful for lentils is high content necessary for a person folic acid(in 100 g of plant grains there is about 90% daily requirement organism in this substance). Very beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract soluble fiber in lentils. Lentils contain potassium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and other useful substances. She doesn't always have a presentable appearance, but it has a subtle and pleasant taste. Boiled lentils retain almost all of their beneficial properties. It has long been known therapeutic effect. It was recommended to use it to restore peace of mind. What else lentils are useful for the body is its high ability to strengthen the immune system, restore metabolism, improve heart function and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Lentils should be used with caution in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Any housewife wants not only to feed her family delicious food but also make every meal healthy. One of the products that will decorate every table are beans. In our country, they are quite popular, and they love them in all forms: canned, fried, boiled.

In this article, we will find out what they are and what products are related to them, how they are useful, and for a better perception, we will give photos and short description various types.

Did you know? Interestingly, the beans wild nature do not live. This culture was brought out and actively eaten in ancient greece and Egypt.

Legumes can be divided into three large groups: fruit, decorative and fodder.


Many people want to know which foods are legumes and which are not, and if they are healthy. Others are afraid to buy and eat them, as they have heard that such food can cause gas, heaviness in the stomach and discomfort.

In fact, various beans with different properties fit the definition of "beans". Let's take a look at the list of legumes and find out if they benefit or harm our body.

Before you is the oldest product that appeared many years before our era. From here you can take the starting point for the development and spread of legumes. So from the bottom and the status of everyday food, it reached the plate of the French king and today has become a favorite dish around the world.

You can also grow peas in your country house, and in specialized stores you will find a wide selection different varieties. Among the most popular are sugar varieties: "Honey cake", "Children's", "Calvedon", "Beagle". This product contains a large amount of protein and almost the entire periodic table. Of the vitamins, there is a group of B, PP, E, A, H and K. In addition, fiber, starch, and dietary fiber, which are also present in every pea, play an important role for our body.

Important! Legumes take a long time to digest in our stomach: the process usually takes 4 hours. This property makes the product heavy and non-dietary, especially for those who suffer from diseases. of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal problems.

There are quite a lot of pea dishes, and on the Web you can always find a recipe to your taste. The most popular is soup, or cream soup. It can be prepared quickly and easily, and diversified even easier.

Another representative of legumes, which takes root well in garden plots, but, like peas, loves warm sunny areas. represented by 100 species various sizes, shapes and colors.
The benefits of this product are also great, because there is a set of all the necessary trace elements, among which a large amount of copper, potassium and zinc with phosphorus can be distinguished. At the same time, beans are not inferior to peas in terms of protein, carbohydrate and essential amino acids.

Cooking a bean dish is a rather lengthy process. It must be boiled well, since in addition to useful substances, it also contains toxic substances, which, when it enters the human body, begins to destroy red blood cells.

To neutralize the toxic component, you can use high temperatures. Therefore, do not spare time for cooking and consume only a healthy, well-cooked and softened product.

Important! All legumes before cooking, it is necessary to carefully sort out, weeding out ugly-looking, shapeless peas. After that, be sure to soak in water, so you allow the product to cook evenly. Readiness can be determined by the fact that the beans have become soft.

Colorful and loved by all lentils not only present in the menu of many restaurants, but also included in the list national dishes countries such as Germany, India and China. This product is useful due to the content in itself a large number well digestible protein and iron, however, in terms of the number of other substances in its composition, lentils are inferior to many legumes. It is important to note that:

  • omega 3 and 6 acids;
  • vitamins C, PP, group B;
  • trace elements such as iodine, copper, zinc, phosphorus, boron, molybdenum, manganese, cobalt.

Is there some more important element- isoflavone. it Chemical substance, which is found only in plant foods, and is similar in structure to human hormone estrogen, incredibly beneficial for women's health. Thanks to him, you can deal with a number of problems, such as heavy sweating, problems with the heart and blood vessels, breast cancer and osteoporosis.

Dishes from this type of legume are used to improve digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Interestingly, lentils can not be pre-soaked.

Important! Canned beans are best washed under running water before use. So you wash away extra salt, which was added during conservation.

Another representative wholesome food- this is soy. It is easy and cheap to grow, while getting a very large yield. It contains a huge amount of protein, essential vitamins and trace elements beneficial acids. Collectively they make soy unique product, source code for production yet more other products such as:

  • tofu cheese;
  • paste;
  • flour;
  • meat;
  • milk;
  • oil, etc.

Did you know?The amazing ability of soy lies in the fact that it is absolutely tasteless in itself, but at the same time it can absorb the aromas and tastes of other products.

To prepare soybeans, they are pre-soaked in water for 8 hours in a ratio of one to two. You need to cook soybeans for 5 minutes after it boils over high heat, and after - another 5 minutes on medium. Now it needs to be brought to full readiness with the participation of other products.

Convenient for growing for the purpose of obtaining and at the same time as a decorative decoration of the yard, it is also used in medicine. Its distinguishing feature is its ability to prevent the formation cancer cells, as well as their spread, like any other infection. This is a powerful orderly that cleanses our body of everything toxic and unnecessary.
His decoction is fought with wet cough and tuberculosis. perfectly treats fungal misfortunes, is an antibacterial, healing and anti-inflammatory agent.

A decoction is made from inflorescences in the amount of 3 teaspoons, which are boiled in a glass of boiling water. The drink should be infused for 6 minutes. You can take this remedy up to five times a day 20 minutes before meals, a quarter cup.

With confused. They are actually two different plants. has olive branches and bright yellow inflorescences. The most common species is silver acacia. can be observed from the end of January until the end of April, and sometimes in autumn period. The usefulness of the plant lies in the content of a large amount of tannins.

Used in medicine. Decoctions are made from its flowers, bark and leaves. It helps with gastritis; alcohol tincture lowers the acidity of the stomach, fights ulcers, treats diseases of the kidneys and liver.


And again a little confusion between the yellow flower mimosa, which men are accustomed to give to women for spring holidays and which belongs to another plant family, and our specimen legume family. The latter produces larger flowers in smaller numbers.

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