Isolation of digestive enzymes. Digestion aids are ideal stomach aids. Enzymes of plant origin

In combination with enzymes that promote digestion, it allows us to release our energy and direct it in the right direction. Balanced diet not only charitably affects appearance human, it is able to prevent many diseases, including cancer. In order for the body to fully function, it needs daily vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, as well as digestive enzymes, if those produced by the body are not enough.

Digestive enzymes and their action

The most important role in the process of chemical processing of food belongs to a variety of enzymes that are produced in the stomach, saliva and intestines. All digestive enzymes have some general properties. They have a special specificity, namely, each enzyme exists to catalyze only one separate reaction and acts on only one type of bond. Each of them is active at a certain pH value (active reaction of the medium) and operates in a narrow temperature range - 36-37°C. Beyond these limits, their activity is critically reduced, which provokes a violation of the digestive process.

Enzymes for digestion are highly active and break down a huge number of organic substances, such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, this contributes to the quality absorption of food. Due to the high specificity of the influence of enzymes, there is a fine regulation and organization of vital important processes cells and the body as a whole. There are three groups of these substances:

  • Lipase - part of gastric juice and produced by the pancreas. These enzymes are needed for the absorption of fat by the body.
  • Protease - digestive enzymes that promote the breakdown of proteins and normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract. Proteases include chymosin and pepsin of the stomach, chymotrypsin, trypsin, erepsin of carnivorous juice, pancreatic carboxypeptidase.
  • Amylase - serves for the processing of carbohydrates, under its influence they are easily destroyed and penetrate into the blood. The amylases are lactase pancreatic juice, amylase and saliva maltase.

In addition to substances produced in the body, foods containing their own enzymes can improve digestion: pineapple, banana, mango, various varieties of cereals. Some digestive enzymes will not only make food easier to digest, they can relieve inflammatory processes.

Digestion process

Enzymes for digestion, which are secreted in the pancreatic juice, they are inactive. AT duodenum they are activated for digestion by bile and enterocytes (enzymes produced by cells in the intestinal mucosa).

Depending on the amount and nature of the food you consume, the pancreas is able to produce the appropriate amount the right enzymes for digestion. For example, if the body enters a large number of your pancreas will synthesize mainly the enzyme for the breakdown of carbohydrates (amylase), and less other substances. But persistent imbalances in the production of enzymes can lead to acute and/or chronic disease pancreas.

Therefore, the main rule for achieving a healthy balance in education digestive enzymes and the highest quality work of the pancreas, as well as its long healthy condition: the body should consume food at the same time, in sufficient, but not excessive quantities, balanced in carbohydrate, protein and fat. After all, the process of enzyme synthesis is very complex, it can easily be disturbed when the pancreas is overloaded.

Correct functioning digestive tract and stomach affects the strength of nails, the health of human hair. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is directly affected by the number of enzymes that process food, its complete breakdown. In case of violation of the production of these substances, a person can use special drugs.

What are enzyme preparations

Digestive preparations that contain enzymes used to treat diseases of the intestines and stomach have found wide application among people. They are usually used when necessary replacement therapy when violations occur in the process of producing their own enzymes. Experts distinguish two directions of action of these drugs for digestion:

  1. Reducing pain in diseases of the intestines, stomach, dyspepsia (heaviness, belching, bloating, etc.).
  2. Help with the breakdown of food in violation of the pancreas - exocrine insufficiency.

The range of application of drugs with enzymes for digestion is very wide. As a rule, they are assigned to people:

  • with pathology of the gallbladder, liver, for example, with cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis after cholecystectomy;
  • diseases of the stomach, in which secretory function;
  • intestinal ailments: enteritis, chronic enterocolitis;
  • diseases of the pancreas: cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis, after resection of the gland;
  • functional dyspepsia;
  • disorders of parietal digestion: Crohn's disease, celiac disease, disaccharidase deficiency.

Due to the popularity of the problems of people with the gastrointestinal system, there are many drugs with digestive enzymes on the market. Physicians distinguish three main groups of funds:

  • made from the pancreas of pigs;
  • plant origin;
  • derived from the gland of a bovine animal.

Proteolytic Enzymes

In this group of medicines, the main active ingredient is pepsin. These drugs provide digestive enzymes that compensate for disruptions in the functioning of the gastric mucosa, are able to process all types of natural proteins:

  • Abomin;
  • Pepsin;
  • acidin-pepsin;
  • Pepsidal.

Digestive enzymes with bile acids

These are drugs to improve bowel function, which include auxiliary components: bile acids, hemicellulose, etc. They are involved in the breakdown of complex sugar compounds, stimulate the production of enzymes by the pancreas. The list of popular drugs in this group includes:

  • Festal;
  • Panzinorm;
  • Enzistal

The action of bile acids is aimed at improving the secretion of the pancreas, stimulating intestinal motility, gallbladder. These digestive enzymes provide emulsification of fat in the body, increasing choleresis. Peristalsis of the intestinal tract is stimulated by plant fiber. The composition of medicines includes dimethicone, simethicone, which relieve flatulence and are defoamers.

Medications for the pancreas

All effective pills for the pancreas contain pancreatin, which is the main enzyme that provides instant support in the event of a failure in the digestive process. The composition also includes such important lipolytic elements: lipase, amylase, trypsin. Preparations are made from the pancreas cattle or pigs. Medicines of this action include:

  • Creon;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Penzital;

Herbal Enzyme Digestion Tablets

These tablets contain specific protein enzymes that accelerate different reactions in the body, affect metabolism. Some enzymes are produced thyroid, the rest enter the human body with food. After some time, the natural formation of these enzymes decreases, so it is necessary to take the following drugs:

  • Oraza;
  • Pepfiz;
  • Festal;
  • Solizim;
  • Unienzyme.

Digestion tablets with disaccharidases

The composition contains the enzyme β-galactidase, which breaks down the disaccharide lactose. This group includes such effective and popular medicines:

  • Lactade;
  • Lactase;
  • Kerulak.

Preparations to improve digestion in children

Enzymatic problems, digestive disorders also occur in children. All of the above drugs are completely suitable for the child, but they must be prescribed by a doctor. He will be able to accurately determine the dosage of the medication, which depends on the age of the baby. The danger of taking such medications lies in the addiction of the body. After some time, dependence on medications may develop, and the production of enzymes on their own will decrease.

How to take digestive tablets? Even when overeating healthy person It is worth taking 1-2 tablets to improve the digestion of food.

Symptoms such as bloating and rumbling, a tendency to constipation or diarrhea, indicate digestive disorders.

In this case, the intake of enzymatic preparations is simply mandatory. But it is best to consult a doctor first and only after that take digestive tablets.

Human health begins with the smooth functioning of the stomach and intestines. And many diseases arise if a person neglects the laws of proper nutrition.

At first, digestive tablets help, the list of which is huge in our time.

But frequent errors in food eventually end chronic diseases organs involved in the digestion of food. This causes the entry into our body of toxins and low-quality "building blocks" for blood vessels, the brain, the heart, and the endocrine system.

The body begins to resist, the immune system and antioxidant systems work to the limit. At this time, a person complains about constant fatigue, malaise, often catches a cold, pimples pop up on the skin, hair splits, nails break.

If during this period you do not switch to Healthy Look Life and then a whole bunch of chronic diseases can develop.

What you will learn from this article:

How to eat right to prevent digestive disorders

  1. Give up semi-finished products, vacuum-packed cuts, dairy desserts and useless yogurts, smoked meats, pickles, canned food, margarine, ketchups, sweets and muffins;
  2. Consume more vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood, seaweed, turkey meat, lean beef, grain bread, bran and cereals, sour-milk products, vegetable oils, especially olive, linseed, legumes and nuts;
  3. Eat more often - up to 5 times a day, drink clean water, use spices (ginger, turmeric, cardamom), natural coffee, green tea and cocoa;
  4. Behave properly when eating: chew food thoroughly, do not eat or drink too much hot food and drinks, do not drink water with food, eat the most high-calorie food in the morning. Lunch should not be deadly satisfying, and dinner should be light. At night, drink kefir with cinnamon, never eat dry food;
  5. Give up alcoholic beverages, but do not refuse natural grape wines;
  6. Make sure that the intestines are emptied regularly and there are no constipation, diarrhea;
  7. Drink herbal teas: vitamin, anti-inflammatory, for digestion. Just for prevention!;
  8. Arrange yourself a "spring cleaning" of the intestines after the holidays and plentiful feasts.

What are the causes of indigestion

  • If you do not fulfill all 8 previous points, then this will be one of the the most important reasons digestive disorders. You will definitely need tablets for digestion. You will see a list of them later in this article;
  • Carious teeth, periodontal disease, inflammation of the gums do not allow you to thoroughly chew food and process food bolus saliva
  • Chronic diseases (gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, gallstones, enterocolitis, etc.) are accompanied by enzymatic deficiency;
  • Transferred operations on the organs of the digestive system;
  • Contributes to the process of digestion and colon. If you have bloating, constipation, or vice versa, frequent relaxation of the intestines, this also indicates dysbacteriosis, spasms or atony smooth muscle intestines, which also leads to violations of the digestion of food.

Indications for the use of tablets to improve digestion

  • Can a healthy person drink enzyme tablets for digestion? Even necessary! When overeating, eating errors, lovers of fatty or spicy foods;
  • If there are symptoms enzyme deficiency: bloating, unstable stool (constipation-diarrhea), weight loss, fatigue, sallow color and dry skin, brittle nails, falling hair;
  • With chronic pancreas, intestines, liver and after operations on the organs of the digestive system.

Pancreatin (Russia)- extract from the pancreas of domestic animals (pigs and cattle). It contains the main enzymes for the digestion of carbohydrate, protein and fatty foods amylase, protease and lipase.

Pharmaceutical companies in different countries produce this drug under different trade names: Mezim forte, Creon (Germany), Panzinorm (Slovenia), Enzistal, Festal (India), Micrasim (Russia), etc.

Enzyme preparations differ from each other:

  • according to the content of lipase activity in one tablet;
  • by additional components (presence of bile, hemicellulose, trypsin, chymotrypsin);
  • by the size of the microparticles of the drug, which for optimal absorption through the intestinal wall should not exceed 2 mm;
  • by release form (tablets, capsules with microspheres);
  • by price.

Similar features of the use of enzyme preparations:

  • All drugs can be used both for nutritional errors and for enzymatic deficiency caused by diseases of the digestive system, operations;
  • Some of these drugs can be safely used on their own as prophylactic when overeating and small, functional problems with digestion. For example, pancreatin, mezim forte;
  • Other enzymatic preparations have more stringent indications for use and should be prescribed only by the attending physician, based on your diagnosis and the severity of the disease, the degree of enzymatic deficiency;
  • All enzymatic preparations are used one to three times a day with meals. Tablets should not be chewed, capsules should not be opened, because in acidic environment stomach enzymes lose their activity. You need to drink medicines with a glass of clean water;
  • At one time, you can drink from one to several tablets. The dosage and course is set by the doctor. You can use the drugs for several days. And in many cases, people drink pills for months and years:
  • A common contraindication for taking enzyme preparations is acute inflammation pancreas (pancreas), intestinal obstruction.

Tablets for digestion. List of enzyme preparations

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An important role in the process of digestion is played by the enzymes of the stomach, which appear as a result of the work of the organs. gastrointestinal tract. The digestive system is one of the main ones, since the work of the body as a whole depends on its functioning. Digestion is understood as the totality of the chemical, physical processes, as a result of the interaction of which various necessary compounds that enter the body with food are broken down into simpler compounds.

Fundamentals of human digestion

The oral cavity is the starting point of the digestive process, and the large intestine is the final one. At the same time, digestion in its structure has two main components: mechanical and chemical processing of food that enters the body. At the starting point, a mechanical type of processing takes place, which includes grinding and grinding food.

The gastrointestinal tract processes food through peristalsis, which promotes mixing. chemical process chyme processing includes salivation, in which carbohydrates are broken down, and food entering the body begins to be saturated with various vitamins. AT gastric cavity already slightly processed chyme is affected of hydrochloric acid, which accelerates the process of decomposition of microelements. After this, the substances begin to interact with various enzymes that have appeared due to the work of the pancreas and other organs.

What are the digestive enzymes of the stomach?

In a patient, protein particles and fats are mainly broken down in the stomach. The main components of the breakdown of proteins and other particles are considered to be various enzymes, together with hydrochloric acid, produced by the mucous membrane. All these components together are called gastric juice. It is in the gastrointestinal tract that all microelements necessary for the body are digested and absorbed. At the same time, the enzymes necessary for digestion move to the intestines from the liver, salivary glands and pancreas.

The upper layer of the intestine is lined with many secretory cells that secrete mucus that protects vitamins, enzymes, and deeper layers. the main role mucus is to create conditions for easier promotion food products into the intestinal area. In addition, she performs protective function which is to reject chemical compounds. Thus, approximately 7 liters of digestive juices, which include digestive enzymes and mucus, can be produced per day.

There are many factors that speed up or slow down secretory processes enzymes. Any failures in the body lead to the fact that enzymes can be secreted in the wrong quantities, and this leads to a deterioration in the digestion process.

Types of enzymes and their description

Enzymes that promote the process of digestion are secreted in all parts of the gastrointestinal tract. They significantly accelerate and improve the processing of chyme, break down various compounds. But if their number changes, then this may indicate the presence of diseases in the body. Enzymes can perform one or more functions. Depending on their localization, several types are distinguished.

Enzymes produced in the mouth

  • One of the enzymes produced in oral cavity, is considered ptyalin, which breaks down carbohydrates. At the same time, its activity is preserved in a slightly alkaline environment, at a temperature of about 38 degrees.
  • The next type are the elements of amylase and maltase, which break down the disaccharides of maltose into glucose. They remain active under the same conditions as ptyalin. The enzyme can be found in the structure of blood, liver or saliva. Thanks to their work in the oral cavity, various fruits quickly begin to be digested, which then enter the stomach in a lighter form.

Enzymes produced in the stomach

  • The first proteolytic enzyme is pepsin, through which protein is broken down. Its initial form is presented as pepsinogen, which is inactive due to the fact that it has an additional part. When it is affected by hydrochloric acid, this part begins to separate, which eventually leads to the formation of pepsin, which has several types (for example, pepsin A, gastrixin, pepsin B). Pepsins produce uncoupling in such a way that the proteins formed in the process can easily dissolve in water. After that, the processed masses pass into the intestinal zone, in which the digestive process. Here absolutely all proteolytic enzymes developed earlier are completely absorbed.
  • Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fat (lipids). But in adults, this element is not as important as in childhood. Thanks to high temperature and peristalsis, the compounds break down into smaller elements, under the influence of which the efficiency increases enzymatic influence. This contributes to the simplification of the digestion of fatty compounds in the intestines.
  • In the human stomach, it increases the activity of enzymes due to the production of hydrochloric acid, which is considered an inorganic element and plays one of the main roles in the digestion process. It promotes the destruction of proteins, activates the activity of these substances. At the same time, acid perfectly disinfects the gastric zone, preventing the growth of bacteria, which can later lead to suppuration of food masses.

Digestive Enzyme Preparations - medicines, contributing to the improvement of the digestion process and including digestive enzymes (enzymes).

Preparations containing pancreatin (Pancreatin, Penzital, Mezim Forte, Panzinorm Forte - N, Creon, Pancitrate);

Preparations containing pancreatin, bile components, hemicellulase and other components (Festal, Digestal, Digestal Forte, Enzistal, Panzinorm Forte);

Herbal preparations containing papain, rice fungus extract and other components (Pepfiz, Oraza, Solizim, etc.).

However, in medical literature data appeared indicating a low enzymatic activity of enzymes of plant and fungal origin (75 times less effective than preparations of animal origin), and therefore they did not find wide application in practice. Enzyme preparations plant origin, containing papain, rice fungus extract and other components, can be used to correct exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, especially in cases where the patient does not tolerate pancreatic enzymes (allergy to pork, beef).

Combined enzymes containing pancreatin in combination with vegetable enzymes, vitamins (Wobenzym, Flogenzym, Unienzym, Mercenzym) contain bromelain - concentrated mixture enzymes from the extract fresh fruit pineapple and its branches. The choice of combined enzyme preparations is important in case of a combination of diseases of the biliary system and liver with digestive disorders.

An important factor determining the effectiveness of treatment is the form of release of the drug. Most enzyme preparations are available as enteric-coated dragees or tablets, which protect the enzymes from being released in the stomach and being destroyed by hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. The size of most tablets or dragees is 5 mm or more, there are enzyme preparations of a new generation in the form of microtablets (pancitrate) and microspheres (creon, likrease), the diameter of which does not exceed 2 mm. The preparations are enteric-coated (enteric-coated) and enclosed in gelatin capsules. When ingested, gelatin capsules quickly dissolve, microtablets are mixed with food and gradually enter the duodenum.

One of important factors determining the success of treatment is the correct choice of enzyme preparation, its dose and duration of treatment. When choosing a drug, the nature of the disease and the mechanisms underlying the digestive disorder are taken into account. The choice of the dose of the enzyme preparation is determined by the severity of the underlying disease and the degree functional disorders damaged organ.

When choosing an enzyme preparation in each case, the doctor pays attention to its composition and the activity of its components, the level of enzymes that make up them is taken into account. Preparations of the same qualitative and quantitative composition can give different effect, because it depends not only on the correct dose active substance but also on the individual tolerability of the drug.

Means containing pancreatin include lipase, amylase, proteases. The raw material for the preparation of these preparations is the pancreas of pigs, cattle, the main enzymes of which (lipases, trypsin, chymotrypsin and amylases) provide a sufficient range of digestive activity and contribute to the relief of clinical signs pancreatic insufficiency: loss of appetite, nausea, rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, etc.

Enzyme-containing preparations, along with pancreatin, may contain bile acids, hemicellulase, herbal choleretic components (turmeric), simethicone, etc. Bile acids, which are part of the preparations, enhance pancreatic secretion, normalize biochemical properties bile, and also regulate the motility of the large intestine. Enzymes of this group are not used in pancreatitis.

Hemicellulase provides the breakdown of plant polysaccharides (digestible fiber), reduces gas formation.

Enzyme preparations are well tolerated by patients, and rare side effects(diarrhea, constipation, discomfort in the stomach, nausea, irritation of the perianal region) are extremely rare and are associated mainly with the adoption large doses enzyme preparations.

Preparations containing pancreatic enzymes can be used both constantly, as replacement therapy, and once, with a high nutritional load. The dose is selected individually and depends on the severity of clinical and laboratory parameters of the exocrine function of the pancreas. The effectiveness of the dose is judged by clinical (disappearance of abdominal pain, normalization of the frequency and nature of the stool) and laboratory parameters.

An important feature of pancreatic enzymes is that they should not be administered after meals; doctors recommend taking enzyme preparations with meals.

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