What is useful sprouted grain. Sprouted wheat: benefits and harms, recipes. How to store sprouted wheat

Sprouted grain of wheat is called "living food". Wheat sprouts are the strongest biostimulant with antioxidant properties. Let us consider in more detail all the beneficial qualities of this product for the human body.

What it is

The nutritional supplement looks like slightly swollen grains, with young white shoots breaking out of them, 3-5 mm long. The sprouts have a characteristic taste of wheat with a pronounced taste of starch.

We study the composition

The composition of the product is balanced and ensures maximum absorption of all the useful substances contained in it. The body does not need to spend energy on the breakdown of minerals, proteins and fats. During the germination period, grain proteins are broken down into amino acids, and then into nucleotides.

Starch is converted into maltose, fats into acids. Grain substances that are not immediately absorbed by the body break down into elements that are components for the formation of nucleic acids - the genetic material of our body. During this period, vitamins and enzymes are formed in large quantities.

Important! You should not germinate a sprout over 5 mm long. Store sprouts for no more than 24 hours in the refrigerator. Before each use, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the grain, in order to avoid the development of fungal diseases.


Sprouted wheat grains have a rich vitamin composition (per 100 g):

  • tocopherol (E) - 21.0 mg;
  • niacin (B3) - 3.087 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 3.0 mg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - 2.6 mg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 2.0 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.947 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.7 mg;
  • folic acid (B9) - 0.038 mg.


Rich in wheat germ and minerals (content per 100 g):

  • phosphorus - 197 mg;
  • potassium - 170 mg;
  • magnesium - 79 mg;
  • calcium - 68 mg;
  • sodium -17 mg;
  • copper - 259 mg;
  • iron - 2.16 mg;
  • manganese -1.86 mg;
  • zinc - 1.7 mg;
  • selenium - 430 mcg.


The calorie content of germinated wheat leaves 200 kcal per 100 g.

Did you know? Wheat flour, like fire, water, milk, clothing, and iron, is mentioned in the Bible as essential to life (Sirach 39:32).

BJU ratio

During the process of grain germination, its nutritional value increases:

  • fats - the content increases from 2% to 10%;
  • proteins - from 20% to 25%;
  • fiber - from 10% to 18%;
  • but the carbohydrate content falls (and this is good) - from 65% to 35%.

The benefits of germinated wheat

There is no doubt that sprouted wheat is extremely beneficial for the human body.

This product is useful for:

Did you know?In Kievan Rus, sprouted wheat grains were used to make funeral “kutya” and “sochivo” for Christmas. This tradition has been preserved to this day.

Possible harm and contraindications

For all its usefulness, sprouted wheat sprouts also have contraindications:

  • they should not be used by children under 12 years of age, as well as people with duodenal ulcers and those who have recently undergone surgery;
  • joint use with dairy products can cause increased gas formation;
  • people who are allergic to gluten should use this product with caution;
  • at the beginning of the course, dizziness, diarrhea, weakness can be observed.

Can grains be used?

At certain times in your life, you should pay special attention to the foods that you eat, in particular during pregnancy, while breastfeeding and in the children's diet. This also applies to the product we are considering.

Important! The daily norm of sprouted wheat is not more than 100 g.

Pregnant and lactating

The vitamin and mineral complexes contained in the product are of natural origin, so the intake of sprouts is recommended both during pregnancy and lactation. If you are not allergic to gluten, taking sprouts is not only possible, but necessary.

In addition to all of the above beneficial qualities, sprouts contain a fair dose of folic acid, which is necessary for the proper formation of the fetal nervous system. The nutritional supplement will help restore the strength of a young mother after childbirth, improve the nutritional quality of breast milk.

Infants and older children

Children under the age of 12 are not recommended to use sprouted wheat grains, since the child's gastrointestinal tract is not yet ready for the proper absorption of such food. For this reason, a child can be given a little sprouted grains only after the specified age.

How to lose weight on wheat

If you decide that you need to lose a few extra pounds, try cooking some simple dishes with sprouts:

  • for breakfast, eat a cocktail of the following ingredients: green apple - 2 pcs., wheat sprouts - 2 tbsp. l. Components should be crushed with a blender. Such a healthy breakfast is high in iron and fiber, and its calorie content is about 240 kcal. The next meal (including tea, coffee and various drinks) should be carried out no earlier than after 4 hours, meals should be fractional;
  • take sprouts - 3 tbsp. l. and honey - 2 tsp. Pass the sprouts through a meat grinder, mix with honey. The resulting mixture should not be washed down, the next meal should be no earlier than three hours later;
  • mix 100 g (daily value) of germinated wheat with two diced cucumbers. Add herbs to taste and a spoonful of olive oil;
  • mix in a blender 3 tbsp. l. sprouts with a spoonful of nuts. Add 1 tsp. honey;
  • soak 8 pieces overnight prunes. In the morning, drain the water, add a grated apple and 0.5 cups of wheat germ to the prunes.

You can make such a dietary dessert:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • prunes - 4 pcs.;
  • sprouts - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • yogurt or kefir - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh fruit (chopped) - 1 cup.
Prunes need to be finely chopped, mix all the ingredients. Season with lemon juice and eat.

Germination rules

  1. We sort through the wheat, wash it with water, remove dry seeds and rubbish.
  2. Fill with water and leave for a day. After 12 hours, you need to change the water.
  3. After a day, drain the water, spread the wheat in a thin layer on a clean surface and cover with a damp towel.
  4. Moisten the towel from time to time to keep it moist.
  5. After 2-3 days, the seeds are ready, they need to be stored in the refrigerator.

Important! Regardless of how you eat sprouts (ground or whole), you should grind or chew them very carefully. The smaller the particles, the better and faster they will be absorbed.

How to take wheat germ

Sprouted grains are digested for a long time by our body. This quality contributes to the long-term preservation of a feeling of satiety. The daily norm of this food supplement is from 60 to 100 g.

You can divide the daily norm into two parts, eat one for breakfast, the other for lunch. In the evening, you should not do this, so as not to burden the body with work at night. It is believed that sprouts are most successfully combined with salads, dried fruits, honey and various types of nuts.

Wheat belongs to the family of cereal plants. Its chemical composition is characterized by an abundance of vitamins and trace elements. There are also certain secrets. The composition of the queen of cereals includes calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. For a grain crop, these are already good components. Vitamin B6 and B2 are also present.

However dry grain is almost half starch. The properties of all useful substances are awakened during germination. The concentration of vitamins increases dramatically.

Sprouted wheat, the composition of which can be called saturated has a fairly high calorie content. About 300 kcal per 100 grams. The calorie content of germinated wheat is due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fats in the composition. Acids are extremely useful, many of their types are found only in expensive varieties of fish.

Vitamins A, D and E dominate in grain germ. In total, more than 15 trace elements were found in wheat, some of which are not synthesized in the body on their own.

Useful properties of germinated wheat

It is believed that all the benefits lie precisely in sprouted wheat. In the process of growth, the impact of all components is revealed.

What are the benefits of sprouted wheat? First of all, it is a natural stimulant of the immune system. This is especially true during the period of viruses and colds. In winter, the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables become inaccessible, and sprouted wheat is a year-round vitamin. It strengthens the body and develops protective functions against bacteria.

What is useful germinated wheat for women? The beautiful half should pay attention to this supplement to the diet. Wheat slows down the aging process due to the amino acids in the composition. She, hair and nails thanks to vitamin A and E. For women, sprouted grain is the best way to combat hormonal changes. And also in the case of inflammatory diseases of the ovaries and cervix.

It is believed that open grains can prevent the formation of cancer cells. This fact has not yet been scientifically proven, but given all the benefits of germinated wheat for the body, this discovery will be expected.

Regular consumption of wheat improves metabolism and intestinal health. Organism, which is rich in the body of residents of large cities. Slags inhibit metabolism, and germinated cereals cleanse the intestinal walls and promote proper weight loss. That is why wheat is a favorite product of nutritionists.

  • People who suffer from memory impairment and decreased brain activity should also pay attention to cereal. When used, the potential for activity of the mental system increases.
  • With frequent mood swings and a tendency to depression, it is enough to include sprouted wheat in the diet. It stabilizes the state of the nervous system and improves mood, although it does not contain the hormone of happiness.
  • Magnesium in the composition of the grains improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It makes blood vessels elastic, which prevents the risk of strokes. The heart rate improves and, as a result of these processes, blood pressure decreases. For those who, it will not be superfluous to seek help from a simple and affordable wheat remedy.
  • Aches in the joints and the lack of chondroitin is a common problem for middle-aged and elderly people. Sprouted grains will help to make up for the lack of natural lubrication between the cartilage space.

Summing up, we can say that wheat can affect the following parts of the body:

  • Stomach and intestines;
  • Heart and blood vessels;
  • Nervous system;
  • Bones and joints;
  • Skin and hair health;
  • Normal function of the genitourinary system.

In fact, this is part of a large list of ailments that wheat germ can cope with.

Harm from sprouted wheat

Like any product, germinated wheat grains have benefits and harms. There are no absolutely perfect nutrients.

Wheat can cause stomach upset in the early stages of ingestion. This is the reaction of the body to everything new and unfamiliar. But when introducing sprouts into the diet, you should carefully monitor the symptoms that arise.

Sprouted wheat is not an allergen as such, but individual intolerance can be provoked gluten that is included.

This should be taken into account by parents if they decide to give wheat to children. If the child does not experience negative consequences from the use, then everything is in order. But the amount of wheat in the children's menu should be minimal. It can be small additions to the main dishes.

Contraindications include chronic diseases of the stomach, especially in the acute stage.

The real harm can come from wheat that has been improperly stored and treated with chemicals to increase its shelf life.

How to germinate wheat grains?

The benefits of germinated wheat have been proven, but not everyone knows how to germinate these healing grains. The process is not at all complicated and it is quite possible to carry out at home. First you need to choose the seeds for germination. Not all are suitable, but health food stores have the right option in their assortment.

You will need:

  • Tableware;
  • Gauze or clean cloth;
  • grains.

How to germinate wheat? You can germinate cereal in glassware. First, the wheat is washed and then poured with water. Those grains that have surfaced must be thrown away, this is an unsuitable product. Then the grain is poured with water for about 7-9 hours. After that, the wheat is laid out on a plate or in a bowl and covered with a damp cloth. It is important to ensure that the matter is not wet, but slightly damp.

After 10-12 hours, white sprouts will appear. This can be considered the final stage. Seedlings 2-3 mm long are already edible.

Sprouts, sprouts and wheat juice

In addition to sprouted wheat, sprouts and juice are eaten. Sprouts are obtained in approximately the same way as seedlings. The only difference is that after soaking the grain, it must be covered with moist soil. The landing container is exposed to sunlight. After the sprouts reach 20 cm, they can be eaten.

Juice is made from sprouts. It is obtained by pressing through a meat grinder or juicer.

Correct use

So, above you could read about what germinated wheat carries, the benefits and harms, now we will figure out how to take it correctly, depending on whether it is sprouts or juice from them.

germinated wheat

How to cook sprouted wheat? Wheat germ can be added to almost any dish. It all depends on excellent taste preferences. The only condition is the complete absence of heating, the sprouts must be eaten raw. Otherwise, the whole process loses its meaning. Heat treatment kills all useful substances of wheat.

Most often, sprouted wheat is added to porridge or salad. This is the most successful combination.

And you can eat a handful of sprouts in their pure form. The main thing is to try to stick to a dose of 100 grams.. This amount of the product is optimal and contains the entire daily requirement for vitamins.

Wheat should not be combined with dairy products, this can cause gas and diarrhea. How to take sprouted wheat, it is best to eat sprouted in the morning or afternoon.

wheat germ

Sprouts have fewer restrictions in use. They will appeal to people who like to eat greens: dill, parsley, etc.

Sprouts can be an addition to absolutely any dish. They can be crushed in soup or eaten as a snack. They can also become one of the ingredients of a smoothie or fruit cocktail. Get a vitamin hit on all ailments.

Wheat germ, the benefits and harms of which are similar to sprouts, can be an addition to a healthy diet. They don't compete with each other. Green stems and white shoots have approximately the same range of effects on the body. Chlorophyll appears only in the composition of sprouts. This substance cleanses the body and improves the condition of the blood.

Wheat juice (wheatgrass) or wheatgrass

The benefits of wheatgrass juice (wheatgrass) extend to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It can be drunk as a remedy for bronchitis. Wheat juice affects the acceleration of tissue regeneration. This effect will be noticeable in the rapid healing of wounds and burns, as well as in the prevention of the first signs of skin aging.

Wheatgrass juice has both benefits and harms. The juice has a diuretic effect. Here one must be careful not to be harmed by wheat juice. Especially for people with severe kidney disease. In other cases frequent urination will help hypertensive patients.

Drink juice should be 30 ml per day. Don't get carried away with the drink. The dosage can be raised to 100 ml, but only after the final adaptation of the body. In the first couple after the juice, nausea may occur. The thing is that it removes toxins and heavy metals from the body and this is a side effect.

Dry wheat germ

The benefit of dry wheat germ is a large amount of fiber. They are used as a component of various diets. They can be added to kefir or yogurt. And in this case, there will be no intestinal upset, since the product is dried.

In addition, it is a convenient alternative for those who do not want to spend time and germinate grains on their own. By the way, fresh wheat germ can also be found on supermarket shelves. They are packaged in convenient portion containers.

The modern market offers any form of wheat from grains to sprouts and even juice.

Doctors' advice on the benefits and harms of germinated wheat does not have negative warnings. But doctors recommend not to get carried away with grain and use it in reasonable quantities. And also keep a close eye on any side effects. Doctors also forbid giving sprouts to children under 12 years old. Although supporters of healthy lifestyles consider this a stupid fiction.

Wheat has been cultivated over 9,000 years ago. It was in those days that people appreciated the useful qualities of culture at its true worth. Later, the grains began to germinate to be used in this form for consumption. Scientists have studied the valuable and harmful qualities of the product thoroughly, and we will talk about them today.

The composition and benefits of germinated wheat

  1. The most valuable qualities are determined by the accumulation of protein, which is quite abundant in the grains. This element contributes to the strengthening and growth of muscle fibers, bones, teeth and enamel, nails. When compared to ordinary wheat grains, 6 times more protein accumulates in the growth.
  2. The product is rich in monounsaturated acids, which are responsible for the activity of the digestive system. With regular intake, the work of the intestines improves, even the oldest stagnation comes out.
  3. A lot of carbohydrates accumulate in dry grains, but in sprouted wheat they are 6.5 times less. Due to these properties, the product is consumed in case of weight loss and obesity. Culture sprouts contribute to the breakdown and removal of cholesterol, as well as body fat.
  4. There are a lot of B vitamins in the plant product. All of them are responsible for the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous system. Also, these substances accelerate the natural metabolic processes and purify the blood.
  5. As for tocopherol and retinol, there are a lot of these vitamins in wheat. In other words, we are talking about vitamins E and A, respectively. Natural antioxidants protect the liver and all internal organs from harmful decay products. Also, retinol with tocopherol improves the condition of nails, epidermis, hairline.
  6. Sprouts are useful for people with low or fallen vision. It's all about the content of beta-carotene, which strengthens the eye muscles and lubricates the apple.
  7. Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, has a positive effect on the human immune system. It is easier for him to endure seasonal colds and viral infections. In addition, the body is strengthened during the spring beriberi.
  8. In green sprouts, a special place is allocated for calcium, silicon, copper and chromium. These mineral compounds improve the functioning of the heart muscle, open blood vessels, and reduce the risk of thrombosis.

The benefits of germinated wheat

  1. Sprouts are recommended for people who, for some reason, often face stress or experience a tremendous nervous load. It's all about the ability of the composition to relieve stress and normalize the psycho-emotional environment.
  2. Also, the product has an auxiliary effect on the human body, which relatively recently underwent a serious operation, illness, general exhaustion of the body. Grains increase resistance to viruses, strengthen the immune system, restore the balance of nutrients.
  3. With the extinction of sexual function, germinated wheat will become an indispensable assistant. A systematic reception will relieve such a problem, increase erection, restore the ability to reproduce children.
  4. If you have an increase in cholesterol levels, you should take wheatgrass regularly. Doctors say that the product removes harmful substances from the blood, prevents thrombosis and atherosclerosis, and lowers blood pressure.
  5. As mentioned above, with problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, wheat is indispensable. It stimulates intestinal peristalsis and improves the microflora of the internal organ. Regular use will remove toxins, slagging, bile acid.
  6. Due to its low carbohydrate content and relatively low glycemic index, wheat is safe for diabetic patients to consume. The product normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system.
  7. With decreased vision, sprouts should be eaten systematically. Improvement will be noticeable in 2-3 months. If you combine the technique with special eye exercises, you can restore vision by 85-90% without additional medications.
  8. If, after the examination, the specialist revealed malignant or benign neoplasms, it is likely that the doctor will prescribe germinated wheat for admission. The composition cuts off blood flow to cancer cells and triggers their self-destruction.
  9. Interestingly, green sprouts accumulate almost the entire chemical list of mineral compounds. On this basis, the condition of the heart muscle improves, the production of blood cells increases.

  1. It is useful to include a wheat product in the diet of a pregnant girl. Before doing this, it is mandatory to consult a doctor. Make sure there are no contraindications. Wheat will be an excellent source of essential nutrients.
  2. It has been proven that the female body during gestation experiences severe exhaustion, often beriberi occurs. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to consume foods rich in vitamins and mineral compounds.
  3. The sprout is rich in folic acid, which is necessary for the expectant mother and the normal development of the fetus. Not always the fair sex manages to properly balance the diet. Sometimes the menu lacks the right and rich products.
  4. Also, wheat will be no less useful during lactation and recovery after childbirth. The composition well strengthens the immune system, improves the flow and quality of milk. In order to strengthen the body as a whole, it is enough to consume 50-60 gr. product daily. The crushed component should be taken at breakfast.
  1. When purchasing a composition in a store, pay attention to the quality of the product. Carefully review the list of optional components that may be included. Consider the date of manufacture and expiration date.
  2. When buying raw materials, give preference to outlets that specialize in healthy eating. It is forbidden to buy the composition in large bags by weight. As a rule, such grains are subjected to chemical treatment, from which the shelf life is significantly increased.
  3. Keep in mind that it is wrong to include such wheat in the diet. You cannot know for sure under what conditions the raw materials were kept. In order for the product to bring maximum benefit, you need to properly germinate the grains. Drain water systematically, especially in the first few hours after soaking.
  4. Be sure to get rid of pop-up and darkened specimens. Most valued sprouts with a length of about 3 mm. It is forbidden to germinate grains like a garden lawn. In this case, all the useful qualities of the product are irretrievably lost.
  5. Keep in mind that it is necessary to germinate the grains in portions, because the shelf life is no more than 2 days. There is no need to go through the process.
  6. It is also worth remembering that the abuse of wheat can adversely affect health. Despite the high quality, the daily rate should be in the range of 50-60 gr. Watch your body's reaction. Then you can increase the serving to 100 gr. per day.
  7. It is recommended to combine sprouts with other equally useful products. In this case, the components will be better absorbed, and the body will receive the maximum benefit. It is important to know that wheat in this case is not combined with dairy products.
  8. It is forbidden to eat one wheat daily, so you will cause significant harm to the body. Please note that it is not recommended to give raw materials to children under 12 years of age. Until this age, the unformed digestive system is unable to digest such a product. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or are allergic to gluten, wheat is contraindicated.

  1. There are some contraindications, if not observed, the human body will be harmed. Sprouts should not be consumed by patients with kidney and gastrointestinal tract ailments.
  2. If you are prone to diarrhea, it is recommended to consult a doctor first. Otherwise, sprouts are contraindicated.
  3. If you have celiac disease, eliminate wheat germ from your diet. The composition of the sprouts contains gluten, which will adversely affect health.
  4. Most often, after the start of use, a person develops a disorder in the digestive system. This is due to the restructuring of the body to a new product.
  5. If after a certain time you notice that ailments with the work of the digestive tract do not go away, stop taking sprouts. Most likely, you develop an individual intolerance.
  6. Grains are rich in fiber and protein. For this reason, the introduction of the product into the diet of the child is carried out after consultation with the pediatrician. Start adding a little ground grains to mashed potatoes or porridge.
  7. In all cases, harm to the human body will be caused if wheat germs were treated with chemicals during the cultivation process. The same applies to non-observance of expiration dates and storage conditions.

Sprouted wheat is undoubtedly beneficial for the human body. The product contains a storehouse of beneficial enzymes needed by tissues. It is important to follow the rules of consumption. If you have any doubts about your health status, you should first undergo an examination and consult with a specialist.

Video: how to eat sprouted wheat

Sprouted wheat, the benefits and harms of which cause a lot of controversy among experts, is very popular among adherents of proper nutrition. Sprouts have a large number of useful components and help get rid of many diseases, so Tibetan monks regularly use them. Among all biological supplements, sprouts are the most useful, therefore they are often recommended for use in diseases of the stomach and liver. Sprouted grains have been used to treat diseases for a very long time and now they are an essential component in the diet of a healthy person.

Grains have useful properties that are indispensable for the full functioning of the body. Sprouts are rich in vitamins and nutrients, so taking them regularly improves health and improves well-being. There are many techniques on how to properly germinate and take grains, but one thing that really remains the same is the benefits of the product. Unlike ordinary wheat grains, wheat sprouts are rich in all sorts of useful substances that help cleanse the body of toxins and restore good health. Sprouted wheat, the benefits and harms of which will cause fierce controversy for a long time, is useful and many have already managed to convince themselves of its healing properties.

Wheat contains a large amount of beneficial substances that are activated when sprouts begin to appear. Unlike wheat grains, sprouts contain substances that are easily absorbed by the body. At the time of germination, wheat undergoes changes in the organic composition. Fats become fatty acids and starches become maltose. Protein compounds in the process of decay are converted into amino acids, and then become nucleotides. After sprouting, all useful components become easily digestible, so sprouts are one of the most useful biological supplements. The composition of sprouts includes various components, among which:

  • fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins E, C, B, PP, K, M;
  • trace elements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and iodine;
  • amino acids;
  • organic acids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • enzymes.

The greatest benefits are sprouts 1-3 mm in size. They contain the maximum amount of useful substances, and when their size exceeds 3 mm, all the benefits decline.

Wheat is also rich in ash, soluble dietary fiber, twenty varieties of amino acids, vitamin complexes and mineral components, therefore it replenishes the daily norm of all substances necessary for health.

Sprouts have a large number of useful properties, so regular intake of grains has a beneficial effect on the state of the body as a whole. The positive effects of taking grains are shown when taken regularly, so it is important to include sprouts in your daily diet. Sprouts have a beneficial effect on all functional systems. Grains really have unique properties, so the use of sprouts is indicated for:

  • improving the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • cleansing the intestines from toxins;
  • restoration of beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • removal of stones from the kidneys and bile ducts;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • excretion of cholesterol in the blood;
  • preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • replenishment of iron deficiency;
  • improving brain function;
  • restoration of vigilance of the eyes;
  • lowering blood sugar;
  • normalization of pancreatic insulin production;
  • preventing the development of malignant tumors;
  • increase the protective functions of immunity;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

Medicinal properties of germinated wheat

Grains contain a whole range of useful substances that contribute to the complete rejuvenation of the body. Sprouts stimulate skin regeneration, strengthen hair and nails. Wheatgrass is known to be very useful for men, as it helps to increase potency and prevent the development of prostatitis. Grains are also useful for women, as they prevent the development of cysts and fibromas, normalize hormonal metabolism and help strengthen reproductive function. Along with the beneficial properties for strengthening the body, sprouted grains are also used for weight loss.

Greetings to all readers! If you knew the benefits of wheat germ, its powerful energy reactor and healing properties, you would discover a powerful way to maintain your health. It's really cool. And so we will talk about wheat sprouts.

Benefits of wheat germ

The first thing that surprises is the amount of vitamins. The sprout itself is arranged in such a way that when it is ready to germinate, it collects the full range of its capabilities, then it is most useful.

This product is rich in vitamins E and B. When sprouts appear, the percentage of phosphorus, calcium and iron in wheat increases.

These elements are very useful for bone tissue. As well as:

  • Phosphorus. It is an energy accumulator in the human body and is involved in the metabolic processes of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
  • Calcium. Participates in the fight against cholesterol.
  • Iron. This element is found in hemoglobin, which is responsible for saturating cells with oxygen. It follows from this that iron ensures the vital activity of our body.

Sprouts treatment

Due to its amazing properties and numerous useful components, wheat germ can literally restore our body from head to toe.

  1. To improve vision it is recommended to consume 100 - 150 g of germinated wheat grains for breakfast daily.
  2. Cleanses the body. Grain fiber swells under the influence of alkalis and acids of the gastrointestinal tract and absorbs toxic substances, and then excreted from the body.
  3. sprouts improve the cardiovascular system. Helps to better oxygenate cells.
  4. Relieves diarrhea and constipation. With these ailments, it is good to drink a steep infusion of this cereal. Pour 150 g of wheat with water (one to one) and leave overnight, covered with a cloth. Strain in the morning. The tincture should be drunk on an empty stomach.
  5. People suffering from diabetes diabetes, it is recommended to use 1 tablespoon of bran boiled in milk. Drink every day before meals.
  6. Healing the whole body can be used for general strengthening of immunity.
  7. By using this product regularly, you can observe resorption of various neoplasms- tumors, fibromas.

Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil is very useful. It is unique in its composition and has healing properties.

In the premenstrual and menopausal period, it will also be useful to use this oil. It has a beneficial effect in diseases such as cervical erosion, mastopathy, vaginitis. Regular use will be beneficial.

For men, wheat oil will also be useful. It prevents the development of prostate adenoma, stimulates the production of the hormone testosterone.

What is useful germinated wheat for female beauty

Girls, if you don’t need all these nuances and troubles, I want to give one more argument - beauty. Do you want to be always young, shine, be successful with men and catch admiring glances? Yes? Then, experts recommend drinking wheatgrass juice.

The lysine contained in this juice prevents aging, and such an element as tryptophan will provide you with beautiful hair and skin.

For women, there are many recipes to get rid of extra pounds. But few people know that wheat sprouts are an ideal assistant in the fight against excess weight.

They are an excellent substitute for bread and can be added to various dishes, such as salads, cereals, muesli.

With regular use of the product, you can achieve the following:

  • Slag removal and.
  • Improvements in the body.
  • Increase the endurance of the body.
  • Output of excess.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Boost .
  • For two to three tablespoons of sprouted grains per day will be enough. They saturate well, therefore they are recommended, for good absorption after use, do not seize anything.

For the best result, try to eat right, excluding sweets and starchy foods, as the result will improve much if you consume no more than 1200 kcal. in a day. Of course, if there is good physical activity, you can increase this amount of calories.

Growing seedlings at home

Many people do not take up this techniquebecause they consider this activity very difficult and boring. They think that this requires special conditions and a lot of time.

I want to make you happy, it's not. Everything is done very easily and quickly.

The main rule in this business is the freshness of the product. If the wheat is not fresh, it won't germinate in two days, which means it's time to throw it away.

Of course, after five days, sprouts may appear, but the beneficial properties in it will be minimal.

How to germinate wheat?

You need to take a small bowl and pour grain into it. Then pour drinking water, twice as much as grains. And leave for a few hours.

The wheat should increase slightly in size and the first sprouts will appear from it. After that, drain the water and rinse. We remove all excess garbage.

After you have washed the grain, it is necessary to spread it out in a thin layer on a flat plate and leave it again for several hours, possibly for a day.

All this time, you must ensure that the balance of water is maintained. If there is a lot of water, the grains begin to mold, and if there is not enough water, then they can dry out. Nothing will grow from dry grains.

After the time has elapsed, when we have quite large sprouts, we can put the wheat in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator. You can use them within five days.

You can see the method more clearly by watching this video:

Recipes with sprouted wheat

There are many options for how to cook a dish with the addition of wheat germ. It is best to chew them, then the beneficial substances are absorbed through saliva into the blood. But it's not very pleasant. Therefore, we advise you to prepare different dishes or cocktails with the addition of these cereals.

Cookies with prunes and wheat germ.

Those with a sweet tooth will especially love this recipe. It's so nice to eat tasty and healthy.

What do you need:

  • 1.5 cups of wheat germ;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 2 tbsp. poppy spoons.


1. We pass wheat and prunes through a meat grinder.

2. Add poppy seeds and mix.

3. We form flat ones and dry them in the oven for 5 minutes.

4. Turn over and dry for another 5 minutes.

Cookies are ready!

How to make a delicious cocktail

Here is another recipe for the perfect breakfast.

It is best to consume wheat in the morning, it helps to cleanse the body. But still, when and how to take them is up to you, since it all depends on your state of health and the individuality of the body.

What's wrong with this wheat

It would seem - what a wonderful tool! He grew wheat in himself, eat and do not know grief. You live happily ever after. But no. That won't work.

There is still one catch, one, very tiny, but significant nuance. It's called a lectin. Simply put, lectins are proteins and glycoproteins that bind carbohydrate residues on the surface of cells. As a result, there is a violation of the organ in the cells of which this happened.

Lectin, being in its natural environment (in wheat germ), performs a protective function. But getting into a foreign body, this substance can be harmful.

There is more lectin in wheat grains than in white flour. It can cause significant harm if you have problems with:

  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine system;
  • With metabolism in general;
  • It is also not recommended to use with stomach ulcers.

When eating sprouted wheat, be attentive to your well-being. If you feel discomfort, it is better to stop using this supplement in your diet. And I want to remind you that experts do not recommend the use of biological supplements without consulting a doctor.

Be healthy, but do not get carried away with self-medication.

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