Burdock leaves, what is their usefulness. Medicinal properties of burdock root and its widespread use at home. Useful properties of burdock

Burdock is an inconspicuous, modest plant that has earned the glory of a weed among ignorant people. Many people are very annoyed by its thorns (they serve as inflorescences for burdock), which often have to be torn off clothes or pet hair after going to nature. It grows in the steppe and forest-steppe zone, sometimes in the forests themselves.

And few of modern people, even villagers, guesses that in fact this burdock is a medicinal plant and extremely useful. It can be called one of the most popular and effective means in folk medicine and burdock has earned such fame for a very long time. Even the ancient Greek military doctor Dioscorides mentioned this plant, referring to its beneficial properties. And our ancestors have used its leaves, fruits, seeds and roots for centuries to prepare a variety of natural medicines.

In this case, the roots collected in the first year of life are especially valued. During this time, it accumulates many useful substances and trace elements, so it becomes very juicy. Starting from the second year of life, the root loses its attractiveness, giving everything to the rest of the plant. useful material- over time, it becomes dry, fibrous and ceases to be so useful. Collect young roots usually in September-October, and leaves - from June to September.

Roots and leaves are dried in attics or under a canopy, where it is dry and there is a constant influx fresh air. You can store the roots for no longer than five years, and the leaves - not longer than a year and preferably in wooden containers.

Application of burdock

Burdock has a very specific, easily recognizable smell and slightly sweet taste, and in some regions it has found its use mainly in cooking - in the Caucasus, Japan and the Siberian part of Russia, soups are prepared from its individual parts and added to salads.

The biochemical composition of burdock can be called truly amazing, because few plants can boast such high content a variety of useful substances. It consists of:

  • Up to 40% inulin polysaccharide;
  • Vitamins of groups B, E and C;
  • Stearic and palmitic unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Linoleic and oleic acids;
  • Stigmasterol, arkitiin and sitosterol;
  • Many proteins;
  • Essential and fixed oils;
  • And tannins.

At the same time, the high content of inulin makes this plant extremely useful for people suffering from metabolic disorders. The fact is that when it enters the body, it actively participates in metabolic processes, helping to remove toxins, absorb vitamins and normalize the digestive system. Inulin also regulates blood cholesterol levels and stimulates work.

Many medicines are prepared from burdock: decoctions, tinctures, ointments and creams. And they are used to treat very a wide range diseases:

  • Urolithiasis and gallstone disease;
  • Gout;
  • Arthritis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Dermatitis, boils and eczema;
  • Insect bites, burns, inflammation and itching of the skin;
  • Ulcers on the skin;
  • Rickets;
  • Even with tumors, burdock has found its application - it is used as a prevention of malignant tumors.

In cosmetology, the root of this plant is actively used - products based on it serve to moisturize and nourish the skin, remove oily sheen and eliminate wrinkles.

At the same time, if there is no desire to independently look for recipes and cook folk remedies based on them, you can always buy parts of burdock in pharmacies - traditional pharmacology has long made sure that such useful plant easily appeared in our first aid kit.

Burdock root

As a rule, two types of medicines are prepared from the roots of this plant: a decoction and an infusion.

To prepare decoction, take 2 tsp. crushed roots, cover with water and bring to a boil. Let the plant simmer for 4-5 minutes over low heat, and then leave to cool for about 20 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered and taken 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

It is usually taken for metabolic disorders, diabetes, liver disease, or gastrointestinal tract. Lotions and compresses are made from it for all kinds of skin problems: from acne to eczema.

Also suitable for outdoor use tincture of burdock on vodka. To do this, pour a quarter cup of crushed freshly harvested roots with a glass of vodka and let it brew for 2-3 weeks. When the remedy is filtered, it will be a good help in the treatment skin diseases.

Burdock Root Infusion mostly prepared for internal reception. It does not matter at all whether dry or fresh roots are used. The main thing is to grind them before cooking.

For a glass of already boiling water, take 1 tsp. chopped root and let it boil for 1-3 minutes. Then you should let the remedy brew for 2-3 hours, strain and you can take a third of a glass before meals. You can also use a thermos for cooking: pour the root into it, pour boiling water over it and you can start taking it in the morning.

Indeed, burdock root unique remedy to promote health and defeat the diseases themselves. And most importantly - they are effective at any age!

Burdock juice

The juice of this plant contains the largest number concentrated nutrients. It is extracted from fresh leaves or roots, and is also simply bought in pharmacies.

Usually it is used as a sweat and diuretic, as an antiseptic, healing and tissue regenerating agent. It perfectly copes with colds, inflammations and perfectly strengthens the immune system.

In addition, burdock juice copes well with digestive problems, diseases of the kidneys, liver, as well as gastritis, pancreatitis and stomach ulcers. The high content of bitterness and acids stops unpleasant fermentation processes in the intestines, stimulates the formation of bile and the pancreas - all this brings great benefit all digestive system person. Wherein, full course burdock juice is 6 weeks when consumed in 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

It is also used for allergic rashes on the skin, boils, eczema, burns, bruises, cuts, insect bites and skin pustules. Juice is also useful for problems with hair and scalp - rubbing the juice into the hair roots helps, hair loss, improve the condition of the hair and give it healthy look. Usually, burdock is better at these tasks than burdock oil, since its juice is more concentrated and washed off the head much easier.

Burdock treatment. Burdock in folk medicine.

Traditional medicine uses burdock very widely for a variety of problems with the body. In addition to the above diseases, he copes well even with such frightening things as mercury poisoning and bites from poisonous animals. It is also used in diseases of the joints and, remarkably, to suppress the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.

Prostate adenoma is treated with infusion of burdock: 1 cup is added to 2 tablespoons of raw materials (leaves, root or all together). hot water and let it brew for 2 hours. After that, you can drink half a glass 3-5 times a day.

For tumor diseases, a mixture of burdock root, honey and medical alcohol is used in proportions of 1 to 1. After two weeks of infusion, you can use 1 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day.

For gastritis, a decoction of burdock is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. crushed root with 2 cups of hot water and insist 12-14 hours. After this, the remedy is used four times a day for half a cup.

Another recipe helps from the same disease: 1 tsp. root is poured with 1 cup of hot water and allowed to boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Such a remedy is used up to 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

it amazing plant helps with asthma. It should be insisted for 5 days half a glass of burdock and aspen leaves, mixing them with tsp. fir, half tbsp. l. soda and a glass of water. A remedy is taken for 1 tbsp. l. once a day (usually after sleep or before bedtime).

Fresh leaves of this plant can also be wrapped around sore joints, leaving them overnight.

With boils, an infusion of their leaves of burdock is taken 2 times a day for ½ cup, and the juice from the leaves of this plant is taken in 1 tbsp. l.

Pain and others will help heal a special decoction: 1 tbsp. l. dried roots are poured with 2 glasses of water and infused for two hours. Then the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes and taken warm 3 times a day after meals for 1-2 days.

In folk medicine, burdock is used as tonic: 1 tbsp. l. root is poured with 1 glass of water and consumed in a glass twice a day. The course lasts 18-20 days.

The hair mask is prepared as follows: mix 1 tsp. burdock oil, 1 tsp honey, 2 tsp burdock juice, juice of a small onion and a little shampoo. All this is applied to the hair and covered with a cap for masks and something insulating for about half an hour. After that, the hair is washed with warm (not hot!) Water and dried without a hair dryer or other special means. After such masks, the hair roots are healed, and the hair itself becomes silky and gets a healthy shine.

To achieve a similar effect, you can rub Fresh Juice plants in the skin on the head.

This wonderful plant also provides indispensable help to people who have their own garden. Not very finely chopped burdock leaves are poured in such an amount to fill about half the bucket, and then filled with water to the brim. Infused in this way for 3-4 days, the burdock will become a good remedy from all kinds of pests - cabbage caterpillars, scoops, moths. Infusion should be regularly sprayed with all plants that need to be protected from pests.

Contraindications to the use of burdock products

Fortunately, this plant has no special contraindications. Most importantly, do not abuse it and violate the dosage or prolong the course of treatment yourself. In such a case, any medicinal plant can only hurt.

Also, do not use burdock products if you are allergic to it or have intolerance to certain substances in its composition.

During pregnancy or lactation, you should not independently prescribe treatment with this plant - you must first consult with a specialist.

In case of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or liver, a doctor's consultation is also necessary. After all, despite the benefits of this plant, you cannot know for sure how this or that component will affect your body, so only specialists will be able to study your medical history and take the right decision about the appointment of treatment.

Burdock is known and widely distributed throughout the world. The plant gained its popularity not only thanks to the fruits, annoyingly clinging to clothes. Both the beneficial properties and contraindications of burdock root have long been studied by physicians, and broad-spectrum preparations are produced on the basis of medicinal raw materials obtained from the plant.

Using the healing properties of the plant - affordable way elimination of many diseases, even without resorting to the help of doctors.

Burdock, popularly known as burdock, is always found near places where people live or work - in gardens and orchards, along roads and in ditches, in landfills or pastures.

The plant looks quite presentable - large fleshy leaves, a long and powerful stem with lilac-purple inflorescences are hard to miss.

But true value burdock is enclosed in the part that is hidden underground - in its rhizomes. Yes, and the rhizome looks no less impressive than the aerial part of the plant - its length reaches 60 cm with a width of about three cm.

Features of the biochemical composition of the plant

With a unique set useful components, medicinal properties burdock root is relevant in the treatment huge amount ailments, and even those with which official medicine unable to cope.

In the composition of the roots:

  • energetically valuable polysaccharide inulin, which promotes the removal of toxins and toxins, normalizes metabolic processes and strengthening the immune system, indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • essential oils;
  • trace elements - boron, manganese, iron and zinc;
  • resins;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • alkaloids with antitumor activity;
  • tannins;
  • proteins.

It is easy to imagine what burdock root treats if the compounds in its composition provide a choleretic, wound-healing, antibacterial, diuretic, antifungal, antiseptic, antipyretic, laxative, and blood-purifying effect.

Medicinal uses of burdock root

Almost all substances, compounds and trace elements in the composition of burdock rhizomes have healing powers.

Therefore, the list of indications for treatment with products prepared from burdock root raw materials is quite extensive:

  • gastritis, ulcers, hemorrhoids, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including dysfunction of the liver, gallbladder, ducts and pancreas;
  • diabetes;
  • joint pain with rheumatism, gout, arthritis;
  • disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and urogenital systems- cystitis, ICD, urethritis, prostatitis;
  • colds, viral and infectious diseases;
  • dermatitis, eczema, trophic ulcers, diathesis, seborrhea, abscesses, psoriasis, acne, burns;
  • children's rickets;
  • mastopathy;
  • tumor processes.

Traditional healers claim that medicinal products prepared from burdock root can cure any disease.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The healing properties of burdock root can not only remove painful symptoms with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also to assist in their elimination. With pain in the stomach, medicines prepared from the rhizome will relieve inflammation, normalize the level of acidity, and accelerate the healing of ulcers.

During treatment chronic gastritis and ulcers is especially effective raw root plants - it must be washed, cleaned and eaten as soon as possible after extraction.

With colitis and constipation, treatment is carried out with the help of decoctions from the rhizome. At various types hepatitis, cholecystitis or pancreatitis, it is appropriate to drink juice from the burdock root.

For colds and sore throats

Any medicines from the burdock root have an antiseptic effect. Therefore, they are indispensable in the treatment of throat diseases. To relieve pain, as well as reduce and gradually eliminate inflammation, it is enough to gargle daily with a herbal extract.

in the treatment of colds and viral infections the antibacterial, diaphoretic, antipyretic and analgesic properties of burdock will help.

For the treatment of joints

Compresses and ointments based on burdock root oil will help reduce inflammation and reduce pain in the affected joints. Remedies applied warm. To prolong the effect of exposure, it is necessary to maintain heat in the treated area. To do this, sick joints are wrapped, or covered with warm clothes.

Burdock root for diabetes

Thanks to burdock infusion, it is possible to improve the results of the treatment of diabetes. The plant stimulates the activity of the pancreas, helps to reduce blood sugar levels and normalize metabolic processes.

In diabetes, the use of burdock root is acceptable in any form, including raw or boiled. The course of treatment should last at least 20 days, accompanied by regular measurements of sugar levels.

If the dynamics of treatment with burdock turns out to be positive, a second course is held in two weeks.

In gynecology

With the help of burdock rhizome, you can solve a lot gynecological problems. Douching with a decoction or infusion of burdock is eliminated inflammatory processes with vaginitis, colpitis and thrush.

The introduction of tampons moistened with burdock root juice, honey and sea ​​buckthorn oil, will help in the healing of cervical erosion.

With uterine fibroids, any kind of burdock remedy is used as ancillary measures that restore health along with drug therapy.

Burdock root is no less effective in the treatment functional cyst ovary. An infusion of crushed burdock root is taken orally for two weeks.

In folk medicine, extracts from burdock roots are even used to treat sexually transmitted diseases.

Burdock root for oncology

Statement traditional healers about the effectiveness of treatment oncological diseases with the help of burdock root received the support of scientists. Studies have shown that burdock root, dug in May, contains maximum amount lignan compounds capable of resisting tumor processes.

The crushed raw materials are poured with boiling water and kept in a thermos for about 12 hours. Take half a glass several times a day for a month.

Additional application effect herbal remedy It is expressed in strengthening the immune forces of the body, preventing the appearance of neoplasms. In addition, burdock root is considered excellent prophylactic in the prevention of cancer.

Recipes for hair beauty

Most often, burdock root is mentioned as a revitalizing remedy for hair. On the basis of dry crushed rhizome or burdock oil, rinses are made, restoring masks and creams, shampoo additives and mixtures for rubbing into the hair and scalp.

If you regularly use burdock root for hair, the hair will become thick, shiny and silky, and the curls will gain elasticity and strength.

Decoctions and infusions of burdock are also used to treat dermatological problems scalp and baldness.

For weight loss

Burdock rhizome can be effectively used as part of diets or as an independent tool for weight loss.


  • will ensure the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • removes toxins, toxins and excess water from the body;
  • help to regulate processes natural cleansing organism.

And what is important - it will save you from the desire to eat after school hours. For weight loss, it is enough to take a decoction of burdock root several times a day.

And in the Middle Ages and in our time, burdock root remains in demand in cooking. In Japan, Italy, Brazil and Portugal, soups, salads and snacks are prepared from it. And in the UK, a traditional soft drink is offered from a decoction of the root.

Use in traditional medicine

In the advice of traditional medicine, there are many references to how and from what, burdock root helps. The choice of plant-based products is optimal - juices, teas, decoctions, infusions and tinctures, as well as oils, ointments and extracts.

To procure medicinal raw materials, burdock root is harvested in the fall. Moreover, only young plants are dug up, since healing power rhizomes are lost over time.

The collected raw materials are washed, dried and stored in glass jars away from sunlight.

Burdock root tinctures

Juice is used to make tincture. fresh root or crushed dry raw materials. The second main component is alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid, such as vodka.

Five parts of alcohol are taken for one part of the juice, shaken and kept for two weeks. Dry raw materials are poured in the following ratio - 20 g of root and 200 ml of alcohol. You can also add a few tablespoons of honey to the tincture.

Application means - 20 drops twice a day.


Preparation of a decoction involves a long heat treatment crushed rhizomes mixed with hot water. To preserve all the healing properties of the plant, it is better to use a water bath to prepare the decoction.

For 100 g of raw materials you need a liter of water. Cooking time - 40-50 minutes. Take in large sips several times a day.

Burdock root juice

The maximum amount of juice is found in young burdock roots. The rhizome of a one-year-old plant is thoroughly cleaned from the ground, washed and slightly dried. Then crushed and squeezed out the juice. Before use, it must be filtered.

The standard dosage is one to two large sips before meals.

The use of burdock juice is especially effective in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and joints.


Drinking burdock root tea is the easiest and effective way improve your health and avoid many diseases. Cooking healing drink takes a minimum of time. Enough is not a large number of dry powder from the root and burdock oil, pour water heated to 85 ° C, soak for 15 minutes, strain and drink.

It should be remembered that burdock rhizome tea has a pronounced diuretic effect.

Burdock root oil

Ready-made burdock oil is sold not only in pharmacies, but also in stores selling hair and face care products. But if desired oil solution you can do it yourself.

It is best to use the freshly dug root of the plant, as it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. But if this is not possible, use a powder prepared from their dry rhizomes.

Three tablespoons of raw materials are poured into a glass vegetable oil High Quality. Ideally, olive oil. The resulting mixture should be heated for 20 minutes in a water bath, then cooled and filtered.

Usage finished product depends on the purpose and form of application. Burdock oil is an invariable component of most hair care products, compresses and ointments for solving dermatological problems, as well as douching solutions.

The use of burdock oil in pure form appropriate for exacerbation of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, organs of the genital and urinary system, as well as at urolithiasis and diabetes. A small sip of oil several times a day eliminates pain, discomfort, and noticeably improves well-being.

Burdock root extract - instructions for use

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a remedy called "Burdock Root Extract". This preparation is a concentrated juice from the rhizome of the May burdock, and has the same medicinal properties as those from fresh or dried raw materials.

Method of extract treatment: half a teaspoon of the agent is dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water and used internally or externally, depending on the form of the disease.

For children under three years of age, the use of the Extract is contraindicated.

Contraindications for use

Some compounds in burdock can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, the use of products based on burdock root should be treated with caution, and if a rash and skin irritation, cough and runny nose appear, the course of treatment should be stopped immediately.

An absolute contraindication to the use of burdock products is pregnancy and lactation.

Greater burdock is a vivid example of the fact that many medicines can be successfully replaced with the gifts of nature. And this remedy literally words lie under our feet. You just need to bend over.

Botanical characteristics of burdock

One of the most widely used plants in folk medicine is burdock. AT medicinal purposes more often the root of the plant is used, and sometimes its leaves and fruits.

Burdock leaves are harvested in June and finished in September. The roots of a plant of the first year of life are harvested mainly in the fall - from September to October. If the plant has been growing for the second year, then the roots can be collected in the spring - from the end of April to the end of May.

The plant in the first year of its life, by the end of the growing season, accumulates all useful and nutritious substances in the root, so the root at this time is very juicy and fleshy.

The accumulated supply of nutrients begins to be spent in the second year of the plant's life. Nutrients spent on the formation of the stem, the root becomes flabby, woody and is no longer suitable for medicinal and culinary purposes. After the root is dug up, it is cleaned from the ground, washed thoroughly cold water and separated from the top. Next, the root is cut into pieces 10–15 cm long, if the root is thick, it is cut lengthwise.

After that, the root is dried in a well-ventilated area - for example, in the attic or under a canopy. You can also dry the raw materials in a cooled Russian oven, decomposing it thin layer on paper or fabric. dried burdock leaves traditional way- under a canopy.

After drying, the roots are stored for no more than 5 years, and the leaves - 1 year, in a wooden container.

Useful properties of burdock

Burdock roots contain up to 45% inulin polysaccharide, mucus, essential and tannic oils, bitter and fat-like substances, resins, protein, a large amount of vitamin C, mineral salts. Burdock leaves contain essential oil, mucus, tannins, ascorbic acid. The fruits of burdock contain quite a lot of fat (up to 20%).

Burdock roots have diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic and mild analgesic properties. Burdock root promotes the formation of pancreatic enzymes, acts as a mild laxative, improves skin condition. In addition, it has antimicrobial, antiseptic and disinfectant properties, relieves itching and allergic manifestations.

Burdock has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and anti-diabetic properties.

Burdock Recipes

Infusion of burdock roots. We prepare the infusion in this way: pour 10–25 grams of crushed roots with two glasses of boiling water, leave for 1 hour in a thermos. The drug should be used in warm form half a glass 3-4 times a day after meals. This infusion is recommended for renal and cholelithiasis, rheumatism and gout, diabetes, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, gastritis, hemorrhoids, eczema, exudative diathesis, furunculosis and rickets. The duration of treatment is from 20 to 50 days.

An infusion of burdock root is good for lubricating wounds, ulcers, warts, gargling with sore throat, washing and wiping the scalp - it will also relieve hair loss.

Infusion of burdock leaves. 60 grams of leaves are poured with three glasses of boiling water, insisted for 4 hours, filtered and consumed one glass 3 times a day for gastric and duodenal ulcers, kidney and liver stones.

Infusion of burdock seeds. Pour 20 grams of seeds with one glass of boiling water, leave for one hour, filter. It is recommended to use the medicine 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day, this will relieve chronic constipation.

Decoction of burdock roots No. 1. 15-20 grams of crushed roots are poured into a glass of water and boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, insisted for 30 minutes, filtered and consumed 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals. This medicine is used for urinary and gallstone disease, inflammation of the bladder, rheumatism, gout and osteochondrosis, as a diaphoretic for colds.

Decoction of burdock roots No. 2. It is necessary to boil 100 grams of crushed burdock roots in one liter of water until half of the original volume is obtained, strain, add honey to taste. Use the remedy for 3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. This decoction is used for urolithiasis, rheumatism, gout, hemorrhoids and exudative diathesis.

A decoction of the leaves and inflorescences of burdock. Boil 20 grams of burdock leaves and inflorescences in a glass of water for 5 minutes, after which gauze is moistened in the resulting broth and applied to sore joints. Apply this treatment for gout and rheumatism, you can add a decoction to the bath.

Juice from burdock leaves. Squeeze the juice from young leaves of burdock, mix it with crushed leaves. This mixture is applied to wounds, ulcers, burns and bedsores.

Burdock ointment. 25 grams of burdock leaves and roots are crushed, boiled in half a glass of water for 20 minutes, after which the resulting mixture is rubbed with 100 grams of butter and used to prevent and treat baldness, as well as to treat burns and frostbite.

Burdock oil. 75 grams of fresh root is poured with 200 grams of any fatty oil (sunflower, etc.), insisted for a day, then simmered for 15 minutes and filtered. Use this oil to improve hair growth and skin diseases.

To treat burns, they prepare such a remedy: the leaves and roots of burdock are boiled in water, and then rubbed with butter. For skin itching or headaches, burdock leaves are applied to the sore spot.

The use of burdock in folk medicine

In domestic folk medicine, burdock root is used quite widely and versatile - for example, in nephrolithiasis, diabetes, gout and rheumatism, dropsy, hemorrhoids, rickets and scrofula, furunculosis, chronic eczema, constipation. In addition, burdock is successfully used for poisoning with mercury preparations and for bites from poisonous animals. A decoction of burdock root is also used for sexually transmitted diseases, ache in the joints.

In Bulgaria, herbalists use burdock root as a diuretic and metabolic enhancer, as well as for kidney stones and bladder, with gastritis and stomach ulcers. With dermatitis accompanied by skin itching, burdock root is used externally as a compress.

Burdock infusion helps get rid of adenoma prostate. The infusion is prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of burdock are poured into one glass of water, left to infuse for 2 hours, and half a glass is used 3-5 times a day.

If a person suffers neoplastic diseases, then you can use burdock root in the form of infusion, decoction, powder. To prepare the infusion, they take equal proportions of burdock root, honey and medical alcohol. This mixture is insisted for two weeks, consumed 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

The infusion and decoction of burdock have proven themselves excellently in the treatment of gastritis. The infusion is prepared in this way: one teaspoon of burdock roots is poured with two glasses of boiling water, kept for 12 hours, consumed 4 times a day for half a glass. Another decoction is prepared as follows: one teaspoon of the roots is poured with a glass of boiling water, heated over low heat for 5-10 minutes, consumed 3 times a day, one tablespoon.

If you are worried about pain in the pancreas, it is good to use such a decoction of burdock roots: pour a tablespoon of crushed dry roots with two glasses of water, leave for 2 hours, then boil for 15 minutes. Consume warm three times a day after meals during the day.

Significantly relieve seizures bronchial asthma you can, if you take a tablespoon once a day (morning or evening), infused for 5 days, the following composition: half a glass of burdock and aspen leaves, one teaspoon of fir, half a spoon of soda and a glass of water.

Burdock is also quite effective for boils, for this an infusion of burdock leaves is prepared and taken twice a day for half a glass; if treated with juice from burdock leaves, then it should be taken in a tablespoon.

Burdock can also help sore joints: for this, you need to wrap sore joints with fresh burdock leaves and leave overnight.

In order to achieve a general strengthening effect on the entire body, you can prepare such a decoction: pour one tablespoon of burdock roots with one glass of water and drink one glass twice a day for 3 weeks.

Probably, many people know how burdock roots have a beneficial effect on hair. Burdock strengthens hair, gives it strength, beauty and silkiness. Many people know this property of burdock, and the recipe has come to us from the most ancient times. To prepare such a drug, you need to take one teaspoon of burdock oil and honey, the juice of one small onion and 10 grams of burdock juice and shampoo (it is recommended to use shampoo for dry hair). The resulting mixture should be applied to unwashed hair, put on a plastic cap and a warming cap on the head, leave for half an hour. After this time, you need to wash your hair warm water and let your hair dry without using a hair dryer. You can also just rub fresh burdock juice into the scalp 2-3 times a week - and your hair will certainly please you.

Summer residents and gardeners appreciate burdock for its valuable property as the ability to exterminate pests Agriculture. For this purpose, such an infusion is prepared from burdock leaves: half a bucket of crushed leaves is poured to the top with water and insisted in for three days. After that, the infusion is filtered and sprayed with the resulting product. garden plants and shrubs, this saves them from caterpillars of cabbage whites, scoops and moths.

Contraindications to the use of burdock

There are not so many contraindications for this plant. It is important not to use this plant if a person has an individual intolerance to any of the substances that make up this plant.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Burdock refers to plants that grow everywhere. Everyone is used to treating it like a weed that is difficult to eradicate, with thorns that cling to clothes, sneakers, hair, animal hair, etc. But not everyone knows about the countless beneficial properties of this plant, thanks to which it has gained its popularity in traditional medicine, and about the possibilities of its use in cosmetic purposes. Therefore, it is worth getting to know burdock better, finding out its beneficial properties and preparations that you can even prepare from it yourself at home (especially since you won’t have to look for raw materials for a long time).

Not every burdock is considered medicinal. In fact, there are several types. Of particular interest to medicine are felt burdock and burdock. In principle, they are not much different from each other, and in medicinal purposes almost all of its parts are used: root, leaves, inflorescences, only hard stems, usually reaching a height of 1 m or more, are not used.

You don’t have to talk much about what burdock looks like, since everyone has seen it more than once. Huge leaves with finely carved edges grow from one center, and on the tops there are inflorescences - burdock, which has a red-pink color, a lot of hooked spines, with which it clings to everything that is horrible, and small wrapping leaves.

The widespread use of burdock in folk medicine is due to its rich chemical composition. Moreover, as mentioned above, useful substances are found in almost all its parts:

  • burdock leaves are rich in arctiopicrin (it is this component that gives bitterness), ascorbic acid, beneficial mucus and tannins;
  • burdock root contains vitamins B, E, D, as well as whole complex acids, polysaccharides, inulin, carotene, essential and fatty oils, resins, mineral salts, trace elements (iron, zinc, boron, manganese) and many other useful substances;
  • burdock seeds are known for their high content of essential oils.

You can use different parts of burdock to combat so many diseases of various directions. Burdock-based preparations have the following effects on the human body:

  • diuretic, thanks to which burdock is great for cleansing the whole body of toxins and toxins;
  • choleretic. Burdock is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder and kidneys;
  • antibacterial and healing, which allows the use of various parts of the plant and for external use for wounds, burns, acne rashes, psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • laxative, so extracts of burdock help to cope with hemorrhoids and constipation;
  • anti-inflammatory, which is especially important for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, as well as diseases that occur in the oral cavity;
  • antipyretic for colds and infectious diseases;
  • analgesic, so burdock is also used to treat a complex of joint diseases.

In fact, the list of specific diseases that burdock helps fight is endless. Due to the fact that it can be used both internally and externally, a large amount is prepared on the basis of this plant. various drugs: decoctions, infusions, alcohol-based tinctures, teas, creams, ointments, lotions, etc., and are also used in fresh.

In fact, there are very few of them and they are quite commonplace. Burdock should not be used:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with individual intolerance to the components that make up the burdock.

That's all. Therefore, if a particular person does not fit either the first or the second group, then he peace of mind can use burdock to improve their appearance and treat diseases.

Of all the parts of burdock used in folk medicine, it is its root that is most often used to treat diseases, and the leaves are still more often intended for external use.

Burdock root can only cause harm if it is consumed in excess, so you should always know when to stop even when using traditional medicine. This is especially true for ingestion.

Also, when collecting and harvesting burdock roots on your own, you should pay attention to the places where it grows - you should not collect plants from roadways, as they can be toxic. And before use and processing, freshly harvested burdock must be thoroughly washed.

It is believed that it is freshly squeezed juice from the roots or leaves of burdock that is most effective. For its preparation, it is necessary to soak the previously collected raw materials in cold water for a few hours. This operation will help remove bitterness. Then you need to dry the leaves and roots of burdock so that water does not get into the juice.

After the drying stage, the raw materials are crushed in a meat grinder, passing it several times. The resulting slurry is wrapped in a piece of gauze and squeezed. All the secreted juice is poured into sealed dark glass bottles and stored in the refrigerator.

In principle, burdock juice can also be consumed fresh, but the main problem will be that its shelf life in the refrigerator does not exceed three days. And as you know, the parts of burdock collected in May will be considered the most useful for obtaining juice. Therefore, for the constant use of burdock juice in courses, it is often preserved with vodka or honey, added to the raw materials in a 1: 1 ratio and mixed.

Burdock tincture

This product is prepared using alcohol base. Below are a few recipes for making such tinctures.

Recipe 1. Tincture of burdock inflorescences

Raw materials need to fill 1/3 part glass jar and top up with vodka. Leave to infuse for 21 days in a dark, cool place, and after this time, filter through gauze and pour into resealable storage bottles. It is recommended to take this tincture 15 minutes before meals in the amount of one teaspoon.

Recipe 2. Burdock root tincture

Dry crushed burdock root should be poured with vodka in a dark glass bottle in a ratio of 1:10, respectively, and the mixture should be infused for 10 days. At this time, you need to shake the bottle at least a couple of times. After the mixture has been infused, it is filtered and squeezed. The tincture is usually taken with honey or aqueous extract propolis taken in equal parts(1 tbsp each), half an hour before meals, after dissolving in a small amount boiled water(1/4 cup).

Recipe 3. Burdock tincture with honey

Here, honey will be introduced as a full-fledged ingredient in the tincture. To prepare it, you need to take 10 g of chopped burdock root and the same amount of honey and pour a glass of vodka. Within 10 days it is necessary to infuse the mixture, and then filter. It is usually taken half an hour before meals three to four times a day. Moreover, you first need to dissolve 1 tbsp. the resulting tincture in ¼ cup of boiled water.

Burdock tea

Tea can be prepared from the root, leaves and blossoms of burdock. It is taken orally in a warm form, half a glass twice or thrice a day. To prepare it, 1 tbsp. crushed burdock root pour a glass of hot water. The mixture is heated in a water bath for 30 minutes under a lid, allowed to cool for 10 minutes, filtered through gauze, while squeezing out the roots, and boiled water is added to obtain the initial volume. Thus, the tea becomes ready for drinking.

With oncological diseases

At cancer the use of tinctures and decoctions from the roots and leaves of burdock helps to stop growth and development cancer cells, slow down the development malignant tumors, as well as increase the body's immunity in order to improve work protective functions. For these purposes, use inside:

  • a decoction of burdock root (chopped burdock root is poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled) 20 minutes before a meal, half a cup;
  • infusion (50 g of crushed root pour 0.5 l of boiling water and infuse for 8 ... 12 hours) 100 g before meals;
  • tincture with honey and vodka (according to recipe 3);
  • fresh plant root, chopped on a fine grater, no more than 30 g per day (taken in portions, up to 5 times a day);
  • burdock root juice 1 tbsp. 20 minutes before eating.

However, burdock can also be used externally. For example, in case of breast cancer, it is recommended to collect the leaves of this plant, rinse thoroughly and apply to the mammary glands for a while.

you need to grate the burdock root with butter, take the ingredients in a ratio of 1: 4, respectively, boil for 15 minutes and, finally, strain. One is added to the resulting mixture. egg yolk and mix well.

Recipe 1. For the treatment of infertility and spontaneous abortions

Here it is proposed to make a collection by mixing 1 tbsp. cutter herbs, 5g chopped burdock root, 3g chopped chastefruit, and 3g orchid roots. It is desirable to make a dry mixture immediately in a thermos, you need to mix well and pour two glasses of boiling water. The thermos is closed with a lid and the collection is left to infuse for 12 hours. The course of treatment lasts for a month, after which they take a break for 10 days, and then continue again. To achieve the effect, you will need to take at least three such courses. It is recommended to take the collection up to 4 times a day, 50 ... 100 ml.

Recipe 2. With uterine myoma

Freshly squeezed juice from burdock root should be mixed in equal amounts with sea buckthorn and St. John's wort oils and add honey. Mix the whole mixture well and at the end add mummy in the amount of 0.2 g. Dip a tampon into the resulting mixture and insert it into the vagina all night. Take it out in the morning and throw it away.

Benefits of burdock for women

In addition to the above possible gynecological health problems in women, permanent reception decoction (tea) from burdock helps to reduce pain during menstruation, as well as regulate its cycle. And with abundant uterine bleeding you can use the following recipe:

5 g of dry burdock root, powdered, pour two cups of boiling water in a thermos. Leave to insist overnight, and then filter and take daily 4 times 100 ml. Usually one course of treatment lasting a month is enough. If necessary, the course is repeated, but a pause of 10 days is observed between them.

Thanks to their healing properties Burdock is also widely used in cosmetology - its extracts are used in numerous masks and creams, as well as in hair care products. Below are a few folk recipes using burdock, which will help improve the condition of the skin of the face and hair at home.

  • For face

Recipe 1. Mask for problematic skin rash prone person

You need to boil half a liter of milk, add 6 pieces of medium-sized burdock leaves and cook everything together for a quarter of an hour over medium heat. After removing the mixture from the stove, it is allowed to cool. The leaves themselves are taken out and applied to the face for 15 minutes, then removed, and the face is washed with warm water.

Recipe 2. Homemade nutritious cream for face

To prepare it, you need to take 1 tsp. dry lavender and dry burdock root and pour a glass of clean mineral water without gas. The resulting mixture is put on fire and boiled after boiling for 5 minutes. Once the mixture has cooled, it must be filtered. To prepare the base, you will need to melt 1.5 tbsp in a water bath. beeswax and add 1 tbsp to it. almond oil. When both components are melted, the previously prepared broth is added to them. The mixture is kept in a water bath until the required thick consistency is obtained, after which the ready-made hot cream is poured into a jar and waited for complete cooling. Then it must be stored in a dark, cool place.

  • For hair

Recipe 1. Ointment to improve hair growth

100 g of chopped burdock root should be poured into 150 ml olive oil and leave to infuse in a warm, dark place for 48 hours. After the specified time, the mixture is taken out and put on a slow fire. Cooking such a mixture after boiling is recommended for 20 minutes, followed by cooling and filtering. The ointment prepared in this way is recommended to be rubbed into the scalp.

Recipe 2. Decoction for hair loss

To prepare it, you need to make a mixture of 200 g of crushed burdock root, 10 g of calendula flowers and 15 g of hop cones. The whole mixture is poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for 15 ... 20 minutes, then let it brew and filter. Washing your head with such a decoction is recommended at least 1 time per week.

It is often used for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases (acne, seborrhea, dandruff), as well as for the healing of minor wounds and sunburn. Burdock oil helps to quickly remove pruritus. In cosmetology, burdock oil is used to improve the condition of aging skin and strengthen hair follicles which helps to fight baldness and hair loss.

Burr oil can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently using one of the two recipes below.

Recipe 1. Burdock oil from fresh roots

Dug up burdock roots (it is advisable to dig in early spring or late autumn) should be finely chopped. Next, 100 g of crushed raw materials are poured into 200 ml of any oil plant origin(suitable sunflower, rapeseed, olive, etc.) and leave to infuse in a dark, warm place for a day. After this time, the oil is taken out and put on low heat. You need to cook for 20 minutes, while it is recommended to constantly stir the contents of the saucepan, otherwise it may burn. after removing the oil from the fire, it is filtered through gauze and poured into a container for storage. For these purposes, a resealable glass jar or bottle is perfect.

Recipe 2. Burdock oil from dried roots

Here it is proposed to pour 100 g of dry crushed raw materials with 0.5 sunflower oil. This method does not include boiling and straining. However, the duration of cooking the oil is quite long - it will take three weeks to insist in a dark, warm place.

If you don’t want to collect and harvest burdock yourself, then there is always the possibility of acquiring already finished products in a pharmacy. Of course, prices may vary depending on the region of the country, so only an approximate cost will be given below:

  • dry crushed burdock root without additional additives - a package weighing 50 g costs about 50 ... 70 rubles;
  • burdock leaf juice - 100 ml of the drug costs at least 300 rubles;
  • burdock root juice - the price of 75 ml of the drug reaches 1000 rubles;
  • burdock oil with the addition of various components - 100 ml of the drug can be purchased at a pharmacy for 40 ... .70 rubles.

Prices for various cosmetic products based on the use of burdock extracts, such as shampoos, creams, etc., vary greatly and depend on the country of origin, the producing company and other factors, so they will not be listed here.

In any case, self-collection and harvesting of burdock for medicinal purposes will cost much less than purchasing funds based on it in a pharmacy.

Burdock, burdock - a plant familiar from childhood, perhaps, to everyone: everyone knows how difficult it is to remove prickly inflorescences from clothes, their hair, from animal hair. Therefore, the attitude towards the plant is often negative, even in Russian the word burdock means a simpleton, and burdock means annoying. And not everyone knows that burdock, in fact, is not as simple as it seems. In Japan, it is grown as a horticultural crop and used as food for young leaves (of which salads and soups are made) and roots of first-year plants (they are boiled, fried, eaten raw and added to soups, replacing potatoes with them). In addition, burdock is used by folk medicine for the preparation of decoctions, compresses and ointments in the treatment of the most various diseases.


Burdock(another name: burdock) is a biennial plant with a powerful stem and fleshy root up to 60 cm long. Flowering: mid-summer (June, July). Inflorescences: quite large, have the form of an umbrella-shaped brush.

Places of growth: near embankments, fences, walls and roads. Burdock can be found in places where cattle graze, in wastelands, near streams.


  • diuretic;
  • antifungal;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antibacterial;
  • healing;
  • choleretic.

plant parts used

AT different countries world for traditional medicine recipes use almost all parts of the plant in processed or fresh form: roots, leaves, fruits, flowers.

The roots of the plant contain stearic acids, mucus, proteins, little essential, resinous and tannins. In the leaves of the plant are found: tannins, vitamin C, mucus, essential oil.

The harvesting of burdock rhizomes is carried out in the fall, in this way: the dug root is cut into pieces and dried, providing constant access to fresh air.

Diseases for which burdock is used

Disease Mode of application Action
, the collection, which includes burdock root, is used for bathing; - stimulation of metabolism;

- diaphoretic;

- diuretic

Ulcer, gastritis Decoctions - healing;

- restoration of acidity

, ulcers Infusions and decoctions from the roots - healing,

- antibacterial;

- blood-purifying

Diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys Leaf infusions - choleretic
Stomach disorders (constipation) Infusions of leaves or roots
Skin diseases, hair strengthening Outwardly use decoctions (in the form of compresses) or burdock oil - antifungal;

- healing

Edema Fresh seeds are taken inside - diuretic

Preparation of burdock

Burdock rhizome tinctures are prepared in this way: a tablespoon of powder from dried burdock roots is poured into a glass of chilled boiled water and left for 12 hours in a cool, dark place. After that, the product is brought to a boil and cooled. Take the infusion daily 4-5 times a tablespoon.

A decoction of burdock is prepared from rhizomes boiled over low heat. Proportions: a tablespoon of root powder per 500 ml of water. Boil 10 minutes.

Burdock leaves. fresh leaves a young plant is used for, with joint pain, for wound healing, simply by applying a leaf to a sore spot. Leaves can be dried, and before use, hold over steam for a few minutes, use dry leaves as fresh.

Burdock oil can be made at home from fresh burdock roots. The roots (they should turn out to be 3 tablespoons) are finely chopped and poured with a glass of olive (can be replaced with sunflower) oil; leave for a day in a warm place, then boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Strained oil is poured into a container and stored in the refrigerator. Burdock oil is used to heal wounds and treat burns.

Burdock in folk medicine

Salt deposits are treated with burdock leaves. Leaves are harvested in May, washed, juice is squeezed out (half a liter), the same amount of honey and a glass of vodka are added to it. Take the remedy in stages: half is drunk freshly prepared before meals in a tablespoon three times a day, the remaining half is drunk six months later (in autumn). Finished medicine must be stored in the refrigerator.

To strengthen the hair, and itching of the scalp, wash the head with a decoction of the rhizomes of burdock and willow bark. The number of components must be the same.

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