C-section. Absolute and relative indications for caesarean section

It is known that in our time the number of children born by caesarean section has increased significantly. Modern American trend - women choose caesarean section of their own free will , not for medical reasons. In Russia, such an operation will not be carried out only at the request of the pregnant woman, no matter how she insists. Details about the operation itself and its consequences can be found in the article "". And today the site for moms will tell you what there are indications for caesarean section.

Russian women, for the most part, strive for natural childbirth, because it has long been proven that it is better for a child to appear as nature intended. But, unfortunately, there are cases when a caesarean section is indispensable.

And in some cases, you can immediately, during pregnancy, determine that there will be an operation, and in others - only during childbirth. So what are the indications for caesarean section, which are determined even before childbirth?

maternal indications for caesarean section

  • narrow pelvis may be an indication for caesarean section. With this diagnosis, the pelvic ring is very narrow, it does not allow the baby's head to pass. Interestingly, modern obstetricians are able to take a natural birth with a narrow pelvis in several ways, and surgery is extremely rare. A possible operation becomes known even during routine examinations of a pregnant woman by an obstetrician-gynecologist in consultation.
  • Another indication for caesarean section is danger of uterine rupture along the scar. For example, when there was already a similar operation. If the scar has healed well, natural delivery is possible, but if it is less than 3 mm wide, then surgery is planned.
  • Another of the indications for caesarean section is any obstacle, such as a tumor, uterine fibroids, deformity of the pelvic bones, ovarian tumor, and so on.
  • Maternal illnesses the unborn child can also lead to surgery. For example, heart disease, kidney disease, cancer. There are also the following indications for caesarean section - the mother's vision (there is a risk of blindness due to eye strain during attempts, if the mother has poor eyesight), exacerbations of chronic diseases of the genitourinary tract, in which there is a risk of infection of the child when he passes through the birth canal.
  • Complete placenta previa makes natural childbirth impossible - this is an indication for a planned caesarean. Since the cervix is ​​​​completely blocked, the child simply has no way out. But presentation is determined only at the end of pregnancy, since the placenta can rise.
  • Preeclampsia or late toxicosis is one of the most common indications for caesarean section.
  • oxygen starvation or child hypoxia is a very common indication for caesarean section. If the doctor diagnosed fetal hypoxia in late pregnancy, then an operation can be performed.
  • Incorrect position of the baby. Sometimes, even if the child is in the wrong position, a woman is allowed to give birth herself, but if she has a multiple pregnancy, then this is an absolute indication for surgery.
  • Large fetus, multiple pregnancy.

Fetal indications for caesarean section

If none of these indications were found, the woman prepares to give birth to the child herself. But even during childbirth, a decision can be made about emergency surgical intervention. Now the site will tell you what indications for caesarean section appear during childbirth.

With the outflow of amniotic fluid, a loop of the umbilical cord may fall out. This situation is considered dangerous for the child, because he ceases to receive food due to compression of the umbilical cord.

  • If a the birth process is greatly slowed down or stops, and medicines do not help, then a decision is made about an emergency operation.
  • Premature detachment of the placenta This is a big threat to the life of the child. If there are signs of placental abruption during childbirth, an emergency operation is performed.
  • Risk of uterine rupture or occurring during childbirth uterine rupture also pose a threat to the life of the fetus. The only way to save the life of the child and the mother is an emergency operation.

Thus, you have seen what indications exist for a caesarean section. Most often, the expectant mother has not one, but several indications for surgical intervention. If there are several indications, the doctors decide to carry out a planned caesarean section.

Not all of these indications are absolute, a qualified doctor determines whether natural childbirth is possible even if one of the indications is present.

But do not think that it is more convenient for doctors to perform an operation than to allow a woman to give birth herself. Doctors determine all the pros and cons of surgery and choose the most safe method for both mother and child.

A cesarean section is a surgical operation designed to deliver a woman by laparotomy (incision of the abdominal wall) and dissection of the uterine wall, when childbirth through her natural birth canal is impossible for any reason or is accompanied by various complications for the mother and fetus, after which the fetus is taken out through these cuts.

Indications for a caesarean section (CS) are determined during pregnancy (elective, emergency) or during childbirth.

Planned caesarean section

A planned caesarean section is considered when the indications for it are established during pregnancy. In this case, the woman goes to the pathology department in advance, in preparation for a planned caesarean section, a detailed examination of the pregnant woman is carried out and the condition of the fetus is assessed. In this case, the anesthesiologist will discuss with you the type of anesthesia used, and find out if you have allergies or hypersensitivity to certain medications.

Indications for elective caesarean section during pregnancy

  1. Placentation disorder:
    • placenta previa - complete or incomplete (partial) with severe bleeding in unprepared birth canal. Premature detachment of a normally located placenta. The operation is performed at 38 weeks of pregnancy or earlier if bleeding occurs.
  2. Changes in the wall of the uterus:
    • failure of the scar on the uterus according to ultrasound (after CS, myomectomy, perforation of the uterus, removal of the rudimentary horn, excision of the uterine angle during tubal pregnancy, plastic surgery on the uterus). A scar on the uterus is considered insolvent if, according to ultrasound, its thickness is less than 3 mm, the contours are uneven and there are inclusions of connective tissue;
    • two or more CS in history. May increase the risk of uterine rupture along the scar during childbirth;
    • multiple uterine fibroids with the presence of large nodes, especially in the lower segment, malnutrition of the nodes, cervical location of the node.
  3. Obstacle to the born fetus:
    • obstruction from the birth canal to the birth of a child (anatomically narrow pelvis II or more degree of narrowing, deformity of the pelvic bones, tumors of the uterus, ovaries, pelvic organs);
    • congenital dislocation of the hip joints, after operations on the hip joints, ankylosis of the hip joints;
    • estimated large size of the fetus (more than 4500 g) at the first birth;
    • pronounced cicatricial narrowing of the cervix and vagina;
    • pronounced symphysitis (divergence of the pubic bones), while there are pronounced difficulties and pain when walking;
    • a history of plastic surgery on the cervix, vagina, suturing of urogenital and enterogenital fistulas, rupture of the perineum III degree.
  4. Incorrect position and presentation of the fetus:
    • breech presentation, combined with a fetal weight of more than 3600 - 3800 gr. (depending on the size of the pelvis of the patient) and less than 2000 gr., extension of the head of the III degree according to ultrasound, mixed gluteal (gluteal-leg) presentation in primiparas;
    • with multiple pregnancy: breech presentation of the first fetus with twins in nulliparous, triplets (or more fetuses), conjoined twins;
    • monochorionic monoamniotic twins;
    • stable transverse position of the fetus.
  5. Extragenital diseases:
    • extragenital and genital cancer (ovaries, cervix);
    • myopia of a high degree (myopia), combined with changes in the fundus of the eye (threat of retinal detachment) (an ophthalmologist's opinion is required);
    • acute genital herpes (rashes in the vulva) 2 weeks or less before delivery;
    • extragenital diseases (cardiovascular system, diseases of the lungs, nervous system, etc.), deterioration of the pregnant woman;
    • history of kidney transplantation, artificial heart valve.
  6. Fetal status:
    • chronic hypoxia and fetal growth retardation III degree, not amenable to therapy;
    • death or disability of the child associated with complications in previous births;
    • fetal malformations (gastroschisis, large tailbone teratoma, omphalocele, etc.).
  7. In vitro fertilization: IVF, especially repeated, in the presence of additional complications.

Indications for EMERGENCY caesarean section during pregnancy

An emergency caesarean section is performed in cases where during pregnancy there is any unforeseen situation (complication) that threatens the health of the mother or child:

  • any variant of placenta previa, bleeding;
  • premature detachment of a normally located placenta;
  • symptoms of a threatening, incipient, completed rupture of the uterus along the scar;
  • acute fetal hypoxia;
  • severe forms of gestosis, not amenable to therapy, eclampsia;

Indications for caesarean section DURING DELIVERY

During childbirth, the indications for a caesarean section are the same as during pregnancy. In addition, it may be necessary to perform a caesarean section with the following complications of childbirth:

  • violation of the contractile activity of the uterus, not amenable to drug therapy (weakness, discoordination of labor activity);
  • clinically narrow pelvis. This is a discrepancy between the fetal head and the mother's pelvis;
  • incorrect insertion and presentation of the fetus (frontal, anterior view of the facial, high straight standing of the sagittal suture);
  • prolapse of a pulsating loop of the umbilical cord and / or small parts of the fetus with head presentation, with breech presentation and incomplete opening of the cervix;
  • symptoms of a threatening, incipient, completed uterine rupture;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid and the lack of effect from labor induction. When water is poured out before the onset of contractions, they are tried to be induced with the help of medications (prostaglandins, oxytocin), but this does not always lead to success;
  • foot presentation of the fetus.

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Pregnant women always have some fears about the upcoming birth, especially if they are carrying their first children. Most doubts are experienced by women who have to go through a caesarean section. Meanwhile, this operation is considered one of the most frequently performed in the world. And cases when a caesarean section saved the life of both mother and baby are not at all uncommon.

Naturally, like any surgical intervention, a caesarean section is performed according to certain medical indications.

Indications for caesarean section

The need for a caesarean section arises if natural childbirth is not possible or dangerous to the life and health of the mother or baby.

Absolute and relative readings

Medical indications can be absolute, in which a pregnant woman is given birth by cesarean section without fail, or relative, in the presence of which the doctor decides at his own discretion whether to perform a cesarean section or allow the woman to give birth herself. However, if there are several relative indications at once, surgical intervention becomes mandatory.

Absolute indications include:

Indications for emergency caesarean section

For cesarean, indications can occur both during pregnancy and directly during childbirth, so this operation can be both planned and emergency. The above indications may lead to planned surgery. The decision to conduct an emergency operation may occur in the following situations:

Narrow pelvis, scars, fibroids

One of the reasons for performing a caesarean section is the anatomical features of a woman, the so-called "anatomically narrow pelvis". This diagnosis speaks about the size of the pelvis that do not correspond to the norm (less than the norm). The diagnosis is made by an obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the pregnant woman. In addition to the diagnosis of "anatomically narrow pelvis", there is a "clinically narrow pelvis". Doctors can put it by comparing the anatomical parameters of a woman and the size of the fetal skull.

With a narrow pelvis, there is a risk of that the baby will not pass through the birth canal, or may receive injuries incompatible with life. The same risks arise if the mother has scars from previous sections or various tumors and fibroids.

In addition, with a "narrow pelvis", the likelihood of malpositioning of the fetus increases significantly, which in itself is an indication for a caesarean section.

Myopia, serious pathology of the fundus

Myopia (nearsightedness) is one of the most common reasons for caesarean delivery. With myopia, the eyeballs enlarge, which leads to thinning of the retina. When the situation worsens in the network holes can form in the fabric, which, in turn, leads to an even greater deterioration in vision.

Natural childbirth can provoke such ruptures, and the risk increases with increasing degree of myopia. However, myopia is not always an absolute indication for a caesarean section, but only if there is a stable deterioration in vision, the woman has diabetes mellitus, previous operations were performed due to retinal detachment, there is retinal detachment or dystrophy, as well as serious pathological changes in the fundus . Moreover, the determining factor is the condition of the fundus of the eye.

large fruit

A large fetus (macrosomia) is a concept that does not have a common definition for all women in labor. Here everything is calculated individually. So, for a thin, short woman with a narrow pelvis, the diagnosis of "large fetus" can be made when the fetus reaches only 3 kg.

However, a pregnant woman of any complexion has a risk of making such a diagnosis, and in most cases the cause of its occurrence will be the wrong regimen of the expectant mother herself. Macrosomia will contribute to the immobility of the pregnant woman, the use of a large amount of carbohydrate food. There may also be unrelated reasons from the behavior of a woman: diabetes mellitus, thickening of the placenta, taking drugs that improve placental blood flow. In addition, the risk of macrosomia increases if a woman is not expecting her first child, since with repeated births, as a rule, each baby is born larger than the previous one.

To avoid this situation, doctors recommend that expectant mothers daily engage in special exercises for pregnant women, do not consume excessive amounts of sweet, starchy, fried and fatty foods. Also, if the obstetrician sees a risk of developing macrosomia, he can refer the pregnant woman to an appointment with an endocrinologist and a blood test for glucose.

Late preeclampsia

Gestosis is early and late. Early manifested by nausea and vomiting in the first months of pregnancy. It does not harm the health of a woman. Late gestosis, manifested in the form of edema, increased pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine test, is more dangerous. It can provoke a deterioration in vision and blood clotting, disrupt the functioning of the kidneys.

Severe late preeclampsia may be an indication for a caesarean section, and with its mild and moderate forms, natural childbirth, in the absence of other indications, is not prohibited.

Malposition of the fetus

During pregnancy, various fetal upheavals are natural and should not cause concern. However, after 33 weeks the baby should take the correct position "upside down". If this does not happen, and the baby is located, as if sitting, then we can talk about the breech presentation of the fetus. If the child remains in this position until the very birth, doctors may decide to perform a caesarean section. This will also take into account the weight of the child, the age of the mother, the sex of the baby (if it is a boy, then a cesarean section will be scheduled), the size of the pelvis, how the fetus is located (with a foot presentation, a cesarean section will be scheduled).


There are no absolute medical contraindications to caesarean section. However, there are relative factors increase the risk of postoperative inflammation. These include:

  • the duration of natural childbirth before surgery is more than 12 hours;
  • anhydrous interval longer than 6 hours;
  • acute illness in the mother;
  • reduced immunity.

In the presence of these factors, caesarean is still prescribed, but it is carried out under more careful control. Also, doctors more carefully monitor the condition of the woman after the operation, prescribe additional treatment with antibiotics and drugs that stabilize the immune system.

Recently, there have been cases when pregnant women ask for a caesarean section, despite the absence of medical indications. And although a cesarean section, like any other operation, should be prescribed only if there is evidence for this, doctors can make concessions and prescribe a cesarean section if the woman is psychologically unprepared to give birth naturally. If she is so afraid of childbirth that there is a risk of her inappropriate behavior during them.

A modern cesarean operation with spinal anesthesia allows the mother not to fall asleep and see her baby immediately after birth, and modern painkillers help to endure the postoperative period quite easily. Therefore, pregnant women those who have indications for this method of delivery should not be afraid of the operation.

Today, the birth of a child with the help of surgical intervention is an actual way to solve cases where the life of the mother and child is at stake. Like any other surgical intervention, it has postoperative complications, however, quite infrequently. Children born by the method of dissection of the anterior wall of the abdomen quite abruptly enter the new environment and childbirth with the use of anesthesia also affects the general condition of the child. Adaptive skills deteriorate, and neurological and respiratory pathologies appear over time. Therefore, the natural method is much safer and better. But there are a number of situations where it is more important to save the life of the child and his mother.

The need for such an operation is needed by mothers who, for physiological reasons, cannot give birth naturally.

Historians suggest that this operation was carried out even in ancient times. The people made up legends about how the father of Julius Caesar saved the baby's life by cutting the belly of the woman in labor, as she died during childbirth. During the reign of Caesar, a law was introduced, upon the death of a woman in labor, it is imperative to try to save the child by dissecting the abdomen. Such a procedure became known as a caesarean operation, and only then a caesarean section, which comes from the word flog. This terminology was introduced in 1598.

Basically, all indications for caesarean section are based on the inability to give birth in the usual way. In England, the expectant mother herself can decide how she will give birth, but so far, we do not have such a practice and for indications for such an action, examinations should be carried out, on the basis of which they will exclude the ability to give birth on their own in the standard way. However, there are no documents for the ban either. So, in some cases, future mothers themselves can decide the method of delivery.

Please read: indications for caesarean section list 2017

Reasons for surgical intervention can be divided into two subgroups:

  1. When the condition of the patient or baby makes doctors need to perform a surgical intervention in order to ensure safety for the mother and her child. This is an absolute reading;
  2. There are also relative indications. In the event that the expectant mother can still give birth on her own, a meeting of medical workers decides all the pros and cons and discusses the risks and consequences that may arise if the operation is not performed and come to a consensus. The outcome will depend on the decision of experts.

In addition, there are still unplanned situations that occur during childbirth or pregnancy. They are divided into two causes: fruit and maternal.

The reasons for the expectant mother to allow a caesarean section may be:

  • Anatomical narrowing of the pelvic bone. Depends on the degree of narrowing. A degree greater than 3-4 can lead to negative consequences for both mother and child. Most women with a narrow pelvis during childbirth experience:
  • Weakening of contractions;
  • Premature convergence of waters;
  • The possibility of infection of the fetus with infections, the appearance of endometritis and chorioamnionitis;
  • The development of hypoxia in the womb.
  • With attempts, the following consequences should not be ruled out:
  • uterine rupture;
  • Birth trauma of the fetus;
  • Injuries of nerve endings and pelvic joints;
  • Tissue death and fistula formation in the genitourinary and intestinal tract;
  • With the admission of the third stage of childbirth, perhaps postpartum hemorrhage.
  • Overlapping of the internal os by the placenta.

The placenta is an integral link between the child and his mother throughout pregnancy. Through the placenta, the child receives all the nutrients for normal development and growth. Without pathologies, it is located either in the uterus, or in the posterior, anterior wall. If the location of the placenta is disturbed, and it completely covers the internal os, similarly closing the exit of the fetus in a natural way, surgical intervention is necessary here. In addition, this condition is fraught with uncontrolled bleeding from the mother during the entire pregnancy.

  • Incomplete occlusion of the internal os by the placenta, accompanied by bleeding.

This is the condition when the placenta covers only part of the lateral or marginal pharynx.

  • With lateral overlap, the pharynx is half closed;
  • The edge overlap slightly touches the internal pharynx.

This situation promises a large blood loss, the intensity of which cannot be guessed. Most often, it occurs at the time of contractions, when the internal os opens and the placenta begins to separate. Due to bleeding, this condition promises a danger to the health and life of both. The best way out of this situation is a caesarean section.

  • Earlier discharge of the placenta with a usual location.

With early detachment of the placenta, bleeding also opens. It appears in closed, open and mixed forms. Closed bleeding accumulates between the wall of the uterus and the placenta without visible, at first glance, symptoms, open bleeding is characterized by obvious bloody through the vagina, mixed, combines both types of bleeding at the same time. This can not only harm the health of the fetus and mother, but also threatens their lives. To prevent a disastrous outcome, an emergency operation is performed to extract the fetus.

  • Rupture of the uterus

Many factors can lead to this condition. Inexperienced obstetrician, incorrect distribution of the force of attempts, a neglected state of the disease. When the uterus ruptures, neither the mother nor the child remains alive.

  • Wrong scar

With improper suturing after any surgical intervention in the uterus, a caesarean section is done. The inferiority of the scar is determined by ultrasound and by the general postoperative condition of the patient.

  • Carrying out two or more operations

The presence of two or more scars on the uterus is a contraindication to the normal way of having a baby. The consequence of such actions may be ruptures of postoperative sutures.

  • Unsuccessful treatment of seizures

Late, characterized by convulsive seizures followed by a coma with negative results of therapy, promises an emergency surgical intervention to extract the fetus within two hours, since with inaction, a fatal outcome for mother and child is guaranteed.

  • Severe illness during pregnancy

A caesarean section is done if:

  • Violation of the heart;
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the nervous system;
  • Severe condition of thyroid diseases;
  • Hypertension and other related diseases;
  • Diabetes.

There are contraindications for normal childbirth, in case of eye surgery or complicated myopia. With prolonged and strong attempts, a woman can go blind due to retinal detachment.

  • Improper development of the uterus and birth canal

In this case, the fetus cannot come out on its own due to weakness of uterine contractions and obstruction and will require surgical intervention.

This state can be caused by:

  • The presence of tumors in the pelvic organs. Uterus and appendages;
  • The tumor can close the birth canal and the child will not be able to be born naturally;
  • malignant tumor;
  • late pregnancy.

In late pregnancies, the chance of having a normal birth is greatly reduced. With age, the elasticity of the vaginal muscles is lost, which can lead to significant vaginal tears.

  • Demand for the fetus in surgical intervention
  • The fetus is malpositioned

The normal location of the fetus is considered head down to the pelvis of the pregnant woman. If the weight of the child is less than one and a half kg or more than three six hundred, a caesarean section is performed if the fetus is in the wrong position. Despite the weight, only boys need surgical intervention, because a deviant position during the exit from the still unexpanded birth canal can lead to compression of the testicles, which, in turn, can result in congenital infertility of the boy, as well as squeezing the baby's head.

  • hypoxia

In this situation, the child does not receive the amount of oxygen that he needs in the womb. In this case, a caesarean section is done immediately because it only worsens the baby's condition, and he can suffocate.

  • Cord prolapse

Surgery must be urgent. The loops of the umbilical cord cover the baby so that he simply suffocates. Unfortunately, very infrequently, doctors manage to save the child.

  • Life of the fetus after the death of the mother

With the death of a woman in labor, the fetus can remain alive for some time. In this case, a cesarean is done to save the fetus.

  • narrow pelvis

Surgical intervention is carried out when there is, during normal childbirth, a mismatch in the size of the head and pelvic inlet. Such a situation could happen with a particularly large fetus, insufficient strength of contractions, an incorrect position of the head, and much more.

  • Divergence of the pelvic bones

All women experience a divergence of the pelvic bones during pregnancy. There is pain in the pubic area, swelling and clicking when walking or probing. The gait is changing. It is difficult for a woman to get up and walk herself. After diagnosis, bed rest and rest are recommended, plus a special corset. More often, in order to comply with all norms, the patient is hospitalized or otherwise placed in the hospital for preservation.

If the pelvis does not diverge enough, the weight of the child is about three eight hundred grams, and the woman is physiologically required to have a caesarean section. To prevent breaks.

  • Weak tribal forces

If, at the opening of the fetal bladder, it is still not possible to activate independent childbirth, a caesarean section is performed. This is necessary so that the fetus does not suffocate and to prevent postpartum hemorrhage and injury.

  • Pregnancy beyond term

In this case, surgical intervention is necessary when the stimulation of labor shows a negative result, insufficient intensity of contractions, gynecological pathologies and diseases in the pregnant woman in a serious condition.

  • Artificial insemination and long-term infertility

Diagnosis of indications regarding the resolution of natural birth is made. In the presence of abortions, the birth of dead fetuses, rejection of the embryo, the normal method is excluded.

  • Fetal growth retardation and lack of oxygen

If the fetus did not receive enough oxygen throughout the pregnancy and this problem was not solved with medication. Doing a caesarean ahead of time in the interests of the child himself.

  • Immature cervix

In this case, a caesarean section is mandatory. The uterus is not prepared for such loads during a natural birth.

  • big baby

A large child is considered if its mass exceeds four kilograms. Children are called heroes, whose weight exceeded five kilograms. Operational intervention here does not need an explanation. Mom is simply not able to give birth without consequences on her own. There may be numerous tears, and injuries to the fetus itself.

  • Large pregnancy

If the pregnancy consists of three or more babies, such a measure is mandatory.

  • Varicose veins

The pubic varicose veins during pregnancy and childbirth are dangerous because with strong attempts, these veins can burst and bleeding will open, which is life-threatening for mother and baby. Therefore, with such a disease, surgical intervention is necessary.

Any actions are performed in the interests of preserving the fetus and mother. If this is not possible, save someone alone. The limits are not absolute.

  • Prematurity, death of the baby;
  • Severe infection of the child;
  • Diagnostics carried out through the vagina more than 5 times;
  • Chorioamnionitis during childbirth, accompanied by a feverish state;
  • Childbirth lasting more than a day;
  • Negative results when trying to give birth naturally.

  • Living fruit. In the case of a dead fetus, the operation is performed to save the life of the woman in labor;
  • Consent in writing for a caesarean section;
  • A catheter to remove urine from the bladder. The need for surgical intervention;
  • Diagnosis of lesions before childbirth;
  • The operation must be performed by an experienced obstetric surgeon in a specially equipped operating room;
  • Accurate diagnosis of indications and agreement of the expectant mother in writing.

It is best to do a caesarean section when labor has begun. In this state, uterine contractions will help the process and further adaptation of the child to external stimuli. With a planned operation, they are hospitalized at the 38th week of pregnancy, definitely not earlier. If the operation is not urgent.

Often, doctors make the deepest mistake by notifying a pregnant woman of the need for an operation long before the process itself. Such a turn of events will only create a nervous state for a woman in anticipation of a baby. It is best to say this directly closer to the deadline. For women who need a caesarean section, thorough examinations are carried out for foci of infections and bacteria, for their timely detection. This is done so that during the operation they do not get into the small, still very weak body of the newborn, and also do not lead to more complicated types of focal infection of the woman in labor.

Before the start of a planned operation, a complete diagnosis of the patient is carried out, including ultrasound to exclude pathologies or abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Of course, no one canceled urine either. Other directions for additional examinations will be assigned for each individual case.

You need to make sure that the woman is in a positive mood, otherwise even such a trifle can lead to complications during the operation. It should be examined by an anesthesiologist, a therapist and the head of the department, after which they should explain the validity of this operation and emphasize the safety of its implementation.

The day before the planned operation, the expectant mother should eat lightly. An enema is given at night, as well as two to four hours before surgery.

On the way to the operating room, the doctor checks the baby's heartbeat and marks the location of the head.

Before an urgent operation, if the pregnant woman ate the day before, the stomach is cleansed through a probe and a cleansing enema is given.

An anesthesiologist selects methods of anesthesia individually. But most often anesthesia is performed spinally.

After the operation, an ice compress will be placed on the lower abdomen. Within 1-6 hours after a caesarean section, medical workers closely monitor the condition of the woman in labor. They check the pulse, skin tone, condition of the mucous membranes, pressure and pulse, discharge, body temperature. Conduct breathing exercises to alleviate the postpartum condition.

Cesarean section is done under local anesthesia, mainly spinal. During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus, after which the child is carefully taken out. All incisions are closed with a continuous suture and staples are applied to the sutures. It is removed on the sixth day after the operation, almost before discharge. They are allowed to go home on the sixth or seventh day after surgery with the condition that there are no complications.

  • The psychological state of a woman. Often, mothers begin to regret that they did not give birth to a baby in the usual way;
  • Complicated exit from anesthesia with manifestations of dizziness, vomiting, nausea, headaches;
  • Inability to look after the child herself immediately after childbirth;
  • Inability to start breastfeeding from the very beginning;
  • Postoperative antibiotic therapy;
  • Neurological complications in a child.

There is a version that children who were born by caesarean section are not adaptive or poorly adaptive to the external environment. Since they were born in a simplistic way, and due to this, they lack the instinct to fight. Although for such a famous person as Gaius Julius Caesar, this was not at all noticeable, from the point of view of doctors, the conclusion remained the same. A caesarean section is justified only if there are no suitable conditions for conventional, natural childbirth or in emergency cases where the life of the mother and child, or at least one of them, is at stake.

Sometimes during pregnancy and childbirth, caesarean section is a lifeline for mothers and their children. There are many situations where, without surgical intervention, you can lose both participants in childbirth or lead to colossal errors that can become critical for the life and health of the child. Before agreeing to such a responsible step, it is worth thinking about the consequences that may occur after the operation. Count all the pros and cons, positive and negative aspects of such an important step.

Listen to the opinion of a specialist, he will be able to thoroughly explain the whole outcome of events to you. Do not be stubborn, it's about urgency, especially if your life and your baby are at stake. Go through all the consultations and scheduled ultrasound scans in time, so that you can monitor the condition of your baby and, in case of any deviations or developmental disorders, you can provide timely assistance. Don't be afraid to visit your gynecologist if you feel something is amiss. Women's intuition is a very interesting and mysterious thing, listen to it.

Even if everything is fine, for your own peace of mind, just check with your doctor. Hear that everything is fine with you and your baby and calm down. In this position, the nerves will only interfere and disrupt the normal process of fetal development. Get more rest, do not load yourself with heavy physical exertion, especially if you have serious contraindications for this. Even if you have some kind of problem that requires a caesarean section, don't worry. Specialists will do everything possible to keep your child and you without harm to health and serious consequences. Do not cut off the shoulder, think carefully before agreeing or refusing the operation. Think not only about yourself, but also about the health of your baby. Set yourself up for the positive. Do not think badly, because everything you say and think is attracted to you. Take care of your health and your baby's development.

We can only wish you peace, patience, great and good health to you and your baby and easy childbirth for you!

The most serious achievement of modern obstetric art is the caesarean section - an operation that allows even in the most difficult cases to save the life of the child and mother.

Historical facts confirm that such operations were carried out in antiquity, but now a cesarean section very often acts as a way to save the woman in labor. Recently, the number of indications for caesarean section has increased significantly, since for many women, vaginal delivery is risky.

However, it should be borne in mind that a planned or emergency caesarean section may cause complications and consequences in the distant future. But at the time of the operation, saving the life of the child and mother plays an important role.

The name of the operation comes from the legend about the birth of the emperor of the Roman Empire Gaius Julius Caesar. In the process of childbirth, the mother of the future emperor died, and then his father, wanting to save the life of the child, cut open his stomach and pulled out the baby.

When is the operation performed?

Births by cesarean can be planned, scheduled and emergency. During a planned operation, its exact date is assigned (often a week or two before the expected date of birth) and is carried out if there are normal indications in the mother and fetus, as well as at the first signs of the onset of labor.

A woman learns about a planned caesarean section, often even during pregnancy (sometimes at the very beginning). But even in this case, childbirth begins to be carried out in a natural way, and is completed abdominally.

There are a number of factors that are necessary indications for a caesarean section:

  • The fetus is alive, and can continue to exist in the womb, but to save the life of the mother, it is removed ahead of time;
  • The woman must give written consent to the operation;
  • A catheter is placed in the patient's bladder, since cesarean is performed only in conditions of an empty bladder;
  • The mother has no signs of infection;
  • Surgical intervention should be carried out only in the operating room with the participation of an experienced obstetrician-surgeon.

Main indications

There are two large groups of factors that can lead to the completion of a pregnancy by cesarean:

  • Absolute indications for which there is no other way of conducting labor;
  • Relative indications under which a woman can give birth to a child in a natural way, and the decision to perform the operation is decided at the council.

In addition, there is a division of provoking factors into maternal and fetal. An emergency operation may also be performed during childbirth or in the last stages of pregnancy.

Absolute readings

Indications for which a caesarean section is mandatory include an extensive list of maternal and fetal factors. These include:

Anatomical narrow pelvis

There are two groups of narrowing of the pelvis. The first includes a flat, transversely narrowed, flat rachitic and generally evenly narrowed pelvis. The second includes the oblique and oblique pelvis, as well as the pelvis deformed under the influence of tumors, fractures or other external factors.

If a woman has a narrow pelvis of grade 3 or 4 (the size of the conjugate is less than 9 centimeters), complications may arise before the process of labor:

  • Oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • Weak contractions;
  • child infection;
  • Early rupture of the amniotic sac;
  • Prolapse of the loops of the umbilical cord or limbs of the child.

The anatomical narrow pelvis also provokes the development of complications of the pressing period:

  • Secondary weakness of attempts;
  • Injuries of the joints of the pelvis and nerve endings;
  • Oxygen starvation of the child;
  • Birth trauma and uterine rupture;
  • Necrosis of internal tissues with subsequent formation of fistulas;
  • With an anatomically narrow pelvis, childbirth in the third period can provoke bleeding.
Complete placenta previa

The placenta is formed in the body of a woman only during pregnancy and is necessary for transporting blood, oxygen and nutrients from mother to baby. Normally, the placenta is located at the bottom of the uterus or the back or front machine of the organ. However, there are times when the placenta forms in the lower segment of the uterus and covers the internal os, making natural delivery impossible. In addition, such a pathology can cause complications during pregnancy in the form of bleeding, the intensity and duration of which cannot be determined.

Incomplete placenta previa

This pathology can be lateral or marginal, that is, the placenta covers only part of the internal pharynx. However, even an incomplete presentation can cause sudden bleeding. Especially often, bleeding begins already during childbirth, when the internal pharynx expands, provoking a gradual one. The operation of caesarean section in this case is carried out only with a strong loss of blood.

The threat or presence of uterine rupture

There are many reasons that can cause uterine rupture: improper delivery, poor coordination of labor forces, too large a fetus. If the patient is not provided with medical assistance in a timely manner, the uterus may rupture, in which case both the woman and her child die.

Early placental abruption

Even if the placenta is attached in the right place, during pregnancy or during childbirth, it may begin to flake off. This process is accompanied by bleeding, the intensity of which depends on the degree of detachment. In moderate and severe cases, an emergency abdominal delivery is performed to save the mother and child.

Scars on the uterus (two or more)

If a woman has previously given birth at least twice by caesarean section, natural childbirth is no longer possible in the future, since in this case the risk of uterine rupture along the scar increases significantly.

Insolvent scar

Stitches on the uterus can appear not only after abdominal delivery, but also after any other surgical procedures on the internal genital organs. A scar that arose during a complicated postoperative period is considered defective (the woman had a high temperature, the skin sutures healed too long or endometritis developed). It is possible to determine the usefulness of the scar only with the help of ultrasound.

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