The third eyelid is an atavism or rudiment. Rudimentary human organs (9 photos)

vestige of a man- a part of the body or an undeveloped organ that has lost its necessity due to the changed conditions of existence, but is still present in the present time, while not carrying any semantic load.

Availability rudiments in humans absolutely unconditioned, but the existence vestigial organs continues to be passed down from generation to generation.

The very first thing that comes to mind when discussing the rudimentary human organs is coccyx. The coccyx in humans is formed by the fusion of several vertebrae (usually from 4 to 5).

There were times when the coccyx was part of the tail - an organ for maintaining balance, and it also served to give various signals, thereby expressing one's emotions.

Over time, as a person became an upright creature, the forelimbs gradually became free and took over many functions, including those performed by the tail, so the tail lost its significance in transmitting social signs and in maintaining balance, turning into vestigial human organ.

Appendix- appendix of the caecum, also is the rudiment of man performing absolutely no function.

There is an opinion that earlier the appendix served for long-term digestion of solid food (for example, cereals). On this occasion, there is another opinion - the appendix served as a kind of reservoir and breeding ground for digestive bacteria.

Appendicitis is a disease in which this appendix (rudiment) becomes inflamed and has to be removed. This operation is very common.

Wisdom teeth they are called so because they germinate much later than the rest of the teeth, at the age when a person, as it were, becomes “wiser” - 16-30 years.

In most cases, wisdom teeth do not have enough space and they begin to disturb, interfering with neighboring teeth and they, like the appendix, have to be removed, which allows you to also attribute wisdom teeth to human rudiments.

Goosebumps- a very interesting protective function of the body, which has lost its relevance in relation to humans, but still exists to this day. Goosebumps appear when triggered pilomotor reflex, the main reasons for which are cold and danger.

When goosebumps appear, the hair on the body rises, which, by the way, also is the rudiment of man, for the simple reason that it has lost any meaning and does not perform any useful functions.

Many other rudiments of man can be cited, such as hair on the head, nails, toes, muscles that move the ears, and so on.

Atavism in man- the appearance of certain signs that were characteristic of our distant ancestors, but are no longer present in others.

The main difference between atavism and the rudiment of man it is believed that atavism is a certain deviation that occurs in rare cases, for example, abundant facial hair or a kind of webbing between the fingers (very rare), and everyone has rudiments, they just lost their meaning over time

Let's take hair as an example. They play an important role in the "work" of the skin. Next to the hair follicle are sweat and sebaceous glands. excretory ducts parts of the sweat and most sebaceous glands come to the surface of the skin along with the hair. Sebum prevents the development of microorganisms, softens the skin and gives it elasticity. However, if a person's entire body is covered with hair, including the face, then materialists call such a pathology atavism and associate it with inheritance from distant ancestors. Why? Yes, because monkeys and many other animals are completely covered with hair - wool.

Vestigial organs or vestiges are components biological systems, which have either lost most of their functionality or become completely non-functional. From the point of view of evolution, rudiments are organs or parts of organs of a living being that have lost physiological significance and which are preserved only by inheritance.

The existence of "residual organs" is often cited as evidence for Darwinian evolution.

It is assumed that the residual organs in the organism of descendants in the course of evolution and development have reached a state where they are no longer needed or extremely difficult for current conditions. Thus, from this point of view, some vestigial organs, in general sense or extremely little useful, or useless, and to me, in the opinion of a number of researchers, they can even be harmful.

  • digestive (incubator for bacteria involved in digestion)
  • endocrine (hormone production)
  • immune (production of protective agents of the body)
Remains of a tail, like some primates These vertebrae make up the coccyx and are necessary for the functioning genitourinary system and large intestine, serve to strengthen the muscles. play a role in distribution physical activity on the anatomical structures of the pelvis, serving important point tilt supports. Wrinkles on the body of the embryo Gill slits (gills - respiratory organs of fish) These folds in the upper part of the embryo have nothing to do with breathing, these are the rudimentary forms of the tongue, mandible and neck. epiphysis Disappearing and useless gland, original meaning unknown * Regulates a number of others important glands including pituitary, adrenal, thyroid gland and sex glands.
  • plays a role in maintaining the circadian rhythm, (the body's day-night cycle)
  • plays a role in the development and growth of cancer cells (little studied)
  • affects the ability involuntary muscles shrink, and force contraction.
Hairline on the head
  • Protection of the head from the action of the external environment
  • Eyebrows protect the eyes from strong light, dripping sweat and other liquids on them
  • The function of eyelashes is to protect the eyes from dirt particles, as well as from small insects.
  • Aesthetic function (human beauty)
Hair on the body Remains of wool/fur (animal hair) * Preservation constant temperature body
  • Prevention of diaper rash
Wisdom teeth Disappearing unwanted teeth * Grinding food
  • Reserve for molars (in case of damage or complete loss)
tonsils Useless organ, original meaning unknown The most important organ of the immune system, helping to protect the body from foreign microorganisms. male nipples Sign of ability to breastfeeding, which was lost in the process of evolution They are formed at that stage of embryo development, when its sex is not determined. In the future, they develop, in complete dependence on the presence of female hormones.


The caecum and appendix

Appendix(synonym: appendix, appendix vermiformis, appendage) - an appendage of the caecum. Inflammation of a person's appendix is ​​called appendicitis.

Not so long ago, the appendix was considered a useless and even harmful organ (rudiments). Children who in early age unreasonably removed the process of the caecum, lagged behind their peers both in physical and mental development, people with "accidentally" removed appendixes suffer from many diseases more often than others. People with an appendix removed have a harder time restoring their gut microflora after contracting an infection.

AT appendix caecum (appendix) there are group lymphatic follicles (Peyer's patches) - accumulations of lymphoid tissue.

The mucous membrane of the appendix is ​​rich in lymphoid tissue, which neutralizes bacteria and toxins.

The appendix is ​​a reliable repository for bacteria, which usually does not contain the contents of the intestine, so that the organ can be a kind of "farm" where beneficial microorganisms multiply. Modern man does not need this function (with the disappearance of microflora, bacteria can easily be obtained from other people, while in ancient times the population density was very low, entire countries died out during epidemics, so the appendix was very important)

The appendix is ​​a very important organ in the human body, and in no case can it be considered rudimentary, that is, unnecessary and useless.

Tail vertebrae

Spine(lat. Columna vertebralis) - the supporting element of the skeleton in vertebrates. The vertebrae from which it is built spinal column, y different groups living beings have different structure. For example, in fish, the spine is relatively simple and consists of two sections (trunk and tail). Tail - part of the segmented body, located behind anus and without intestines. The presence of a tail in the sense of the accepted definition is characteristic only of some chordates. So in birds, the "tail" is formed by the so-called "steering" feathers attached to the terminal vertebrae.

The human spine is made up of 33 vertebrae

In humans, the spine consists of 33-34 vertebrae and is divided into 5 sections. The most massive 5 vertebrae are located in the lumbar region. On the lumbar there is a very large mass, so lumbar vertebrae the largest. The vertebrae of the last part of the human spine (caudal region) form the coccyx.

The anterior sections of the coccyx serve to attach the muscles and ligaments involved in the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system and distal departments large intestine (coccygeal, iliococcygeal and pubic-coccygeal muscles, forming the muscle that lifts anus, as well as the anal-coccygeal ligament). Also, a part of the muscle bundles of the gluteus maximus muscle, which is a powerful hip extensor, is attached to the coccyx.

In addition, the coccyx plays a role in the distribution of physical load on the anatomical structures of the pelvis, serving as an important fulcrum - when a seated person is tilted forward, the buttocks and lower branches sit bones; when tilted back, part of the load is transferred to the coccyx.

Evolutionary biologists claim that human embryos early stages developments have a noticeable tail (this theory was especially popularized by E. Haeckel, developing the law of recapitulation, which was later recognized as false). In reality, the embryonic spine consists of the same 33 vertebrae, but it sticks out due to different growth rates. During the development of the embryo, the surrounding parts overtake the spine in growth, and as a result, it ceases to protrude above the surface of the body.

Thus, the tail vertebrae in humans, which make up the coccyx, have a rather important functional significance and are not a “rudimentary tail”.

Wrinkles on the body of the embryo

Gills are a respiratory organ that absorbs oxygen from the water and releases carbon dioxide(mostly fish).

Evolutionists claim that the folds in the embryo (see figure) are gills, which indicates that among the ancestors of man there were fish or other aquatic creatures with gills (this theory was especially popularized by Haeckel, developing the law of recapitulation, which was later recognized as false).

In fact, human embryos never had gills. The observed folds are only pharyngeal fissures developing into organs that have nothing to do with breathing. The pharyngeal fissures divide the pharyngeal arches that arise in the crest into outer area neck of the embryo. The first arch is involved in the development of the face and also develops into the malleus and incus in the middle ear. The stirrup of the middle ear is formed from the second pharyngeal arch. Most of the muscles of the larynx, pharynx, and soft palate develop from the fourth and sixth arches.

Human embryos never had gills and at all stages the embryo goes through only part of the developmental process to form a baby. As God intended, man is man from the moment of conception.

Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth- special back molars, usually cut through at the age of 16-30 years in the upper and lower jaws.

It is generally accepted that wisdom teeth are so called because they appear much later than other teeth, at an age when a person is supposedly wiser than in childhood.

Evolutionists believe that wisdom teeth are disappearing teeth (before there were supposedly more of them) - evidence of the fact that the human jaw has become smaller compared to the human skull in the course of evolution.

No evolutionist has been able to explain how smaller jaws confer an evolutionary advantage that aids in human survival.

Previously, when dentists were masters of pulling out diseased teeth, by the age of 16-30 indicated above, a person, as a rule, lost large molars. Moving, the wisdom teeth replaced the loss, providing a normal ability to chew.


epiphysis, or pineal body- a small organ that performs endocrine function, considered integral part photoendocrine system; refers to diencephalon. An unpaired formation, the size of a cherry stone, grayish-red, located in the center of the brain between the hemispheres (at the site of interthalamic fusion).

Some followers of evolutionary theory consider the pineal gland to disappear and not the right body, due to lack of appointment. This is due to the fact that pineal gland have been little studied for a long time. It is worth noting that a similar organ in animals has also been poorly studied and it is not clear why, from the point of view of evolution, it appeared at all.

The secretory cells of the pineal gland secrete into the blood the hormone melatonin, synthesized from serotonin, which is involved in the synchronization circadian rhythms(biorhythms "sleep - wakefulness") and, possibly, affects all hypothalamic-pituitary hormones, as well as the immune system. Adrenoglomerulotropin (Farell 1959) stimulates the production of aldosterone, biosynthesis is carried out by the restoration of serotonin. To the famous general functions epiphysis include:

  • inhibits the release of growth hormones;
  • slows down sexual development and sexual behavior
  • inhibits the development of tumors.
  • affects sexual development and sexual behavior.

In children, the pineal gland is larger than in adults; upon reaching puberty, melatonin production decreases.

Central to these functions is the production of melatonin, of which pineal gland is the only known source.


Tonsils(lat. tonsillae) - paired accumulations of lymphoid tissue, which are located in the depression between soft palate and language. In the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract between palate and tongue.

The palatine tonsils are colloquially referred to as tonsils.

The tonsils were once considered a useless (rudimentary) organ, although in reality, the tonsils play an important role in immune system. It is now known that the tonsils are the first line of defense against foreign pathogens.

Fewer tonsillectomies are performed today than in the past because it is now known that the tonsils remove many of the pathogens that enter the pharynx; therefore, they are a first line of defense against invasion of the body"

"Fewer tonsillectomies are performed today than in the past because the tonsils are now known to remove many pathogens that enter the throat, so they are the body's first line of defense against invasion of the body" Investigative Life 10th edition, Mader, McGraw Hill, 2003 copyright p293

Tonsils (tonsils) - are not a vestigial organ.

male nipples

Before puberty, the breasts of girls and boys are no different. The male mammary gland has fundamentally the same structure as the female, but with normal hormonal balance organism does not develop.

One early scientific theory suggested that male nipples were a sign of the ability to breastfeed that had been lost through evolution. However, later studies showed that none of the male primates and other mammals had ever had such a bodily function.

Currently, it is generally accepted that the nipples are formed at that stage of embryo development, when its sex is not determined. And only later, when the fetus begins to independently produce hormones, it is possible to determine who will be born - a boy or a girl. Therefore, the nipples in men remain from the moment of intrauterine development.

A five-week human embryo, all 33 vertebrae and folds are visible - the future parts of the head


Organ Lost meaning (in terms of evolution) Actual value
Considered a vestige or atavism A modified comma bone, sometimes thought of as a finger, is needed by the panda to pick up and eat bamboo stalks (the panda's main diet).
Atrophied hind limbs The sacrum and pelvic bone in cetaceans are not an unnecessary organ, as they are necessary for reproduction. The penis of a whale at its base consists of two branches connected to pelvic bones: woven together they form an organ resembling a rope.

panda finger

panda eating bamboo

Despite the fact that pandas are carnivores, their diet is overwhelmingly vegetarian. In fact, they only eat bamboo. An adult panda eats up to 30 kg of bamboo and shoots per day. Technically, like many animals, pandas are omnivores. So pandas are known to eat eggs as well as some insects along with their bamboo diet. Animal food for pandas is necessary source squirrel.

Giant pandas have unusual paws, with thumb» and five ordinary fingers; " thumb is actually a modified carpal bone.

panda eating bamboo

The panda's "thumb" has necessary function in real operating conditions. The 2 extra digits (often referred to as fingers) are used to process and eat the bamboo. The panda uses its wrist appendages for claw-like movements to grasp bamboo. If they were not there, the panda will starve or have very serious problems.

The three-dimensional images we obtained indicate that the radial sesamoid bone cannot move independently of its articulated bones, as has been suggested, but rather acts as part of a functional unit of manipulation. The radial sesamoid bone and the accessory carpal bone form a double pincer-like apparatus … enabling the panda to manipulate objects with great dexterity … We have shown that the hand of the giant panda has a much more refined grasping mechanism than has been suggested in previous morphological models. (Dr. Endo.)

Translation: The obtained 3D images show that the radial sesamoid bone cannot move independently of the bone that articulates with it, as suggested, but works as part of a functional manipulation unit. The radial sesamoid bones and the double pincer mechanism of the carpal bone… enable the panda to manipulate objects with great dexterity… We have shown that panda paws have a much more refined grasping mechanism than suggested by previous morphological models.

According to the theory of evolution, humans evolved from monkeys. Millions of years from this process the appearance, character, mental capabilities of Homo Sapiens changed, moving him away from his ancestors. Epoch technical progress brought the human species to the highest stage of evolutionary development. The presence of common ancestors with the animal world is now presented in the form of rudiments, examples of which will be discussed in this material.

In contact with


Vestigial organs- certain parts of the body that have lost their original meaning in the course of evolutionary development. Previously, they performed the leading functions of the body, now they carry secondary ones. They are laid on initial stage embryonic formation without fully developing. Rudiments are preserved throughout the life of an individual. The function that they carried during standard development is significantly weakened in their ancestors, lost. Modern world cannot fully explain the essence of the presence of such underdeveloped organs in the physiological structure.

Vestigial organs are the main example of evidence for evolution by Charles Darwin, who spent many years observing the animal world before coming to a revolutionary conclusion.

Such body parts are directly confirm family ties between extinct and modern representatives of the planet, helping to establish a path historical development organisms. Natural selection The baseline removes unnecessary attributes while refining others.

Examples of Rudiments among the animal world:

  • bird fibula;
  • the presence of eyes in underground mammals;
  • residual hip bones, partial hairline of cetaceans.

Rudiments of man

To rudiments of man include the following:

  • coccyx;
  • wisdom teeth;
  • pyramidal muscle of the abdomen;
  • appendix;
  • ear muscles;
  • epicanthus;
  • blinking stomach.

Important! Examples of rudiments different people are common. A few tribes and races have similar organs, characteristic only of their species. Each example of rudiments in humans can be identified and described in detail to bring clarity to the topic under consideration.

Types of basic rudiments

represents lower section spine, which includes several fused vertebrae. The function of the anterior part of the organ serves to attach ligaments and muscles.

Thanks to him, there is a correct, uniform load on the pelvis. The coccyx is an example of a tail vestige in modern man, serving as the center of equilibrium.

Wisdom teeth - these are the most belated and obstinate bone formations oral cavity. The original function was an auxiliary process of chewing hard, tough food.

The modern meal of people includes more thermally processed products, therefore, in the course of evolution, the organ atrophied. Located last in a row, wisdom teeth often come out in people at a conscious age. A common phenomenon is the absence of "eights", partial eruption.

Morgan's ventricle- paired saccular depressions located in the right and left parts of the larynx. Organs help create a resonant voice. Apparently, they helped their ancestors to reproduce certain sounds, to protect the larynx.

Appendix- vermiform appendage of the caecum. Helped distant ancestors to digest coarse food. At present, its functions have diminished, but it has been preserved important role, consisting in the concentration of the focus of education beneficial microorganisms. The presence of this organ in humans has a significant negative quality- the possibility of inflammation. In this case, it needs to be removed. surgically. The microflora after the operation is hardly restored, infectious diseases become more frequent.

ear muscles also belong to the rudimentary features surrounding auricle person. Ancient ancestors had the ability to move their ears, enhancing the hearing needed to avoid encounters with predators.

Attention! Intentionally getting rid of some of the listed organs is strongly discouraged, because they still perform secondary functions.

Vestigial organs of certain races

Epicanthus - rudimentary vertical extension upper fold of the eye. Exact reasons and functional features this organ is not well known. There are suggestions that the skin fold protected the eyes from weather conditions. Characteristic of the Bushmen.

The pyramidal muscle of the abdomen continues the list of rudimentary organs, representing a triangular shape. muscle tissue. The main function is to stretch the white line of the abdomen.

Steatopygia - accumulation of fat in upper parts buttocks. It has a reserve role, like a camel's hump. It is characteristic of some African tribes, although this is a rudiment or pathology that has not been fully elucidated.

Human atavisms and differences from rudiments

There are peculiar external signs kinship human species with the animal world. Atavism is a sign that was present among the ancestors, but not present in its current form.

Those who encode it persist, continuing to pass on its properties to the next generation. They can be called "sleeping", they wake up only at the birth of an individual with an atavistic trait. This happens with the loss of genetic control, or with external stimulation.

The main difference between atavism is the manifestation of signs in single individuals. The human individual during embryonic development partially passes the path of distant ancestors. Embryos in certain weeks have gills and processes in the form of a tail. If these signs persist during childbirth in a child, then they represent an atavism.

Atavisms and rudiments alike serve as proof theory of evolution, but if the first features of the function are absent, then the second carry a certain useful value. Some types of this phenomenon can bring a threat to health, or disrupt some life processes. Some are still thinking about the topic: is the appendix the norm in the form of a rudimentary organ or an atavism.

Attention! Many atavistic signs are easily removed surgically, making life easier for the wearer.

Examples of atavisms

Many people still confuse atavisms and rudiments, referring one to the other. The former have two types of signs:

  • physiological;
  • reflex.

The examples of human atavism should be thoroughly studied in order to make the difference clearer.

If people do not have external signs of one or another, this does not mean that the genes for the signs are absent, having the ability to manifest themselves in the future.

Atavisms are extremely rare in the population and appear only in those cases when the ancient genes of the ancestors unexpectedly appear in humans.

Here are the most common and obvious types of human atavism, which make up the following list:

  • excessive hairiness;
  • protruding tail;
  • cleft lip;
  • polynipillarity in humans;
  • second row of teeth;
  • hiccups
  • grasp reflex in newborns.

These features clarify the dispute of many about whether wisdom teeth, hidden or erupted, are a vestige or atavism. They are characteristic of many species, but not all come out. If wisdom teeth, or other rudimentary parts of the body were found only in single specimens, then it would be possible refer them to atavism.

We study what rudiments are, examples

12 rudiments in humans


Homo sapiens- complex organism, which has a diverse system of vital activity, changing million years of evolution. Everyone has examples of their types. The main difference between atavism and rudimentary parts of the body is that only a few possess them, and a person can easily live without them.

Our body is a complex system that consists of various organs that perform a particular function. Meanwhile, each of us also has a number of organs or their remains, as well as atavisms (signs that make us related to the animal world), which have lost all or part of their functions in the life of the organism. What organs are superfluous in the human body?

Such organs can cause a number of troubles or, on the contrary, make us unique. Consider what mother nature forgot to remove from our body in the process of evolution, that is, extra organs.

1. Coccyx.
This is the lower part of the spine, which consists of three or five fused vertebrae. It is nothing more than our rudimentary tail. Despite its rudimentary nature, the coccyx is quite important body(as well as other rudiments, which, although they have lost most their functionality, still remain very useful for our body), but is also a problem when struck.

2. Appendix.
Known to many. Once he participated in hematopoiesis, produced leukocytes - white blood cells. Now he does not have this function, but is a source of infection. It may even lead to surgery.

3. Wisdom teeth.
Who has not experienced wisdom teeth? We do not become wiser, but discomfort with their growth can be. Wisdom teeth are considered rudiments: at one time our ancestors needed them, but after the diet of Homo sapiens changed significantly (consumption of hard and hard food decreased, people began to eat food that had undergone heat treatment), and the volume of the brain has increased (as a result of which nature “had” to reduce the jaws of Homo sapiens) - wisdom teeth resolutely “refuse” to fit into our dentition.

4. Body hair.
No doubt, once upon a time, about 3 million years ago, we were completely covered with them. But with the advent of erectus, they became useless to us.

5. The effect of piloerection or "goosebumps".
When reacting to cold, raised hairs contribute to the fact that the layer of air warmed by the body lingers at the surface of the skin. When reacting to danger, raised hair makes animals outwardly more massive and gives an intimidating appearance.

6. Tonsils or tonsils.
They trap bacteria, but they are also prone to swelling and are not resistant to infections. Children often experience this. Fortunately, our tonsils decrease in size with age, and if they bring any problems, they are removed.

7. Ear muscles.
They are the muscles of the head that surround the auricle. Ear muscles (more precisely, what is left of them) is a classic example of vestigial organs. This is understandable, because people who can move their ears are quite rare - much rarer than people who would not have a coccyx, appendix, etc. rudiments. The functions that the ear muscles performed in our ancestors are quite understandable: of course, they helped move the ears in order to better hear the approaching predator, rival, relatives or prey.

8. Epicanthus.
This rudiment is characteristic only for Mongoloid race(or, for example, for African Bushmen - most ancient people on the planet, whose descendants, in fact, we all are) and is skin fold upper eyelid, which we see with the eastern section of the eyes. By the way, it is thanks to this fold that the effect of “narrow” Mongoloid eyes is created.

9. Nipples in men.
Men have nipples and something similar to female uterus. In turn, in women, next to the ovaries, there are male vas deferens, which tend to become inflamed.

The difference between rudimentary and atavistic traits lies in which particular ancestors of a given individual - nearest or distant, one or another trait is observed, as well as whether it is a norm or a deviation.


An atavism is a trait that was present in the evolutionary ancestors of a given species, but is now existing species he is not present. However, the genes that code for it persist and continue to be passed down from generation to generation. Under certain circumstances, these "sleeping genes" can "wake up", and then an individual with an atavistic trait is born.

For example, the tarpan, the extinct wild ancestor of horses, had stripes on its legs. Modern horses do not have them, but individuals with similar markings are occasionally born. At the beginning of the 19th century, the birth of such a foal in a horse that had been mated with a male zebra 2 years before to no avail, served as an impetus for the emergence of a pseudoscientific theory of telegony.

There are atavistic signs in people. Sometimes people are born with a solid hairline like in monkeys, with additional mammary glands like in, with an appendage in the form of a tail. Until the middle of the 20th century, such people had one way - to a fair booth or to the circus, to amuse the public with their unusual appearance.


A rudimentary trait is also a legacy of evolutionary ancestors. But if atavism is the exception, the vestige is the rule.

Rudimentary organs have degraded and lost their functionality in the course of evolution, but all representatives of this species have them, therefore, the birth of an individual with such a trait is not a deviation from the norm.

An example of a rudimentary organ is the eyes of a mole: very small, practically not seeing. However, normally, moles are born with eyes, the birth of a mole without eyes is possible only as a result of a genetic anomaly or a violation of intrauterine development.

An example of a vestigial organ in humans is the muscles surrounding the auricle. They help other mammals move their ears, listening, but few people are capable of this. The coccyx is a vestige - a degraded tail.

Homologous organs should not be confused with rudiments, which in the prenatal period occur in everyone, but fully develop and function in individuals of only one sex - for example, underdeveloped mammary glands in men. Provisional organs, which exist only in embryos and subsequently disappear, should not be confused with rudiments.

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