After the gum incision is possible. Why is drainage installed in the gum, what does the incision look like after tooth extraction and with flux? Nutrition and systemic disorders

Periodontium is the connective tissue that fills the space between the tooth and its attachment to the alveolar processes of the jaw. The periodontal fissure originates from the base of the gingival mucosa and ends in the area alveolar process. The gap in its different parts has a different thickness. It becomes narrowest near the middle of the root.

In the periodontium there are nerve endings and lymph vessels that feed the incisor and numerous collagen fibers. Each such fiber is formed large quantity variety of proteins and polysaccharides. The main task of this structure is to provide the tooth with a sufficient level of mobility. In order to successfully perform this function, sections of fibers penetrate the cement and bone tissue. Moreover, immersion in the bone is more significant.

The main purpose of the periodontium:

  1. Shock-absorbing- gently distributes the load on the teeth;
  2. Trophic- evenly distributes gravity throughout the jaw bone;
  3. Plastic- due to the presence of cementoblasts and osteoblasts, it participates in the construction of cement and bone, and also partially affects the process of teething and changing teeth.
  4. Barrier- does not allow the spread of germs.

periodontal inflammation

Periodontitis is an inflammation of the root membrane of the tooth and its connective tissues. Chronic periodontitis poses some threat, since all of its symptoms do not appear immediately. The disease has no age restrictions and can affect patients of any age.

The first and most minor symptoms is the appearance of bad breath, the appearance of blood from the gums when brushing your teeth. Patients often complain of discomfort when eating. It manifests itself when the infection penetrates from the root canal, through the hole at the top of the root, and also, due to caries affecting the tooth. The main symptom of the disease is localized pain, which is pulsating in nature, has no clear location and increases with time.

It increases with greater load on the teeth, and when clenching the teeth, it becomes simply unbearable, which makes it impossible to eat even liquid food, and all this against the background of an increase in temperature. Under these circumstances, immediate dental care is essential.

The occurrence of periodontitis

The reasons that ultimately lead to periodontitis are different. Depending on the factors affecting the periodontium, there are:

  • infectious;
  • traumatic;
  • medical.

Infectious- occurs when inflammation of the connective membrane occurs due to the ingress of microorganisms through the root canal during (inflammation of the neurovascular bundle inside the tooth and root canals). This also includes periodontitis caused by complications arising from poor-quality sealed canals and poor-quality tooth depulpation. In the first and second cases, the disease began due to a medical error.

Traumatic periodontitis is the result of trauma, both sports and domestic. Permanent mechanical stress due to poor prosthetics can lead to injury. This group also includes pulpitis caused by tooth dislocation or root fracture.

medical. Occurs as a result prolonged exposure on the canals of the tooth of various annoying factors- arsenic, menthol, formalin, and, also, with sepsis (blood poisoning). When the incisor becomes inflamed from the inside, the fluid concentration increases. If there is an outflow through the root canal, then the pain is not very disturbing, but there is a risk of chronic periodontitis. If there is no outflow, it develops acute inflammation connective tissue: first serous, as initial stage, and after and purulent. Another reason could be allergic reaction for filling material.

Common signs of all forms of the disease

How to determine that it is periodontitis that brings you anxiety? When sharp pain does not leave any opportunity to touch the tooth if it staggers, the gum swells, and, sometimes, the lip with the cheek, and all these manifestations of the disease are accompanied by sharp rise temperature - that means pulpitis has already done its dirty work. Your long-suffering led to the fact that from the root of the incisor, the inflammation went beyond its borders, and, capturing the tissues surrounding the tooth, caused it.

Sometimes periodontitis is the result of gum injury, with unsuccessful treatment pulpitis, or after biting hard on very hard objects. Therefore, dentists recommend protecting incisors, not chewing nuts and anything in a hard shell.

Serous periodontitis

This is the initial stage of the development of inflammation in the body. It develops as a complication when timely treatment has not been carried out. The patient complains about severe pain whose source cannot be determined. The tooth is most often partially or completely destroyed. The mucous membrane in the area of ​​the tooth is inflamed and red. General reaction body on serous periodontitis is not manifested, even the temperature usually does not rise.

On examination, it is easy to identify a tooth that is causing concern. It always has a deep carious cavity, the probing of which does not cause pain. Pain occurs when you lightly tap on the tooth. There are no changes on the x-ray.

If you do not start treatment carious tooth on the this stage, the disease progresses and purulent periodontitis occurs.

Purulent periodontitis

It is most often based on the already familiar serous form of the disease, which was not cured in time. A patient with purulent inflammation of the connective tissue is already experiencing malaise - weakness, fever and headache. When touching a diseased incisor, the pain increases, although, as before, the patient cannot determine exactly the source of the pain. The pain increases when biting, so the patient, sparing the diseased tooth, chews with the teeth on the other side of the jaw.

Sometimes the tooth is under a crown, or under a filling. The pain has a pronounced character of attacks, in which sharp pain alternates with short-term relief. Also, an inflamed tooth can be in varying degrees mobile.

Signs of purulent periodontitis:

  1. Pulsating pain that radiates to the temples, eyes and greatly increases in a horizontal position;
  2. There are sensations of a “grown” tooth due to the accumulation of exudate;
  3. Any touch of the tooth leads to increased pain. The patient keeps his mouth open, trying to avoid unpleasant, severely painful sensations;
  4. Sharp deterioration general well-being. Headaches and severe weakness;
  5. Rise in body temperature;
  6. Swelling of the face on the side where the diseased tooth is located;
  7. Enlarged lymph nodes;
  8. Very rarely, the tooth becomes mobile;
  9. There may be changes in the blood. In particular, an increase in the number of leukocytes;
  10. In the picture, the size of the periodontal gap increases.

The purulent form must be differentiated from other diseases that have similar symptoms: serous periodontitis, purulent periostitis, odontogenic osteomyelitis.

The main task facing the doctor at the first stage of treatment is to remove pus and affected tissues. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of pus through the dental canals. In extreme cases, when tooth mobility is significant, extraction may be suggested.

Complications in acute periodontitis

insidiousness similar shape disease leads to all sorts of complications, such as jaw osteomyelitis (inflammation bone marrow), purulent processes in the soft submandibular tissues of the face and neck, and worst of all to blood poisoning.

Sometimes periodontitis is the result of gum injury during unsuccessful treatment of pulpitis, or after a strong biting on very hard objects. Therefore, dentists recommend protecting incisors, not chewing nuts and anything in a hard shell.

Chronic form

It leads to high mobility of the teeth in the dentition, gaps can form between them. The gums begin to bleed not only when brushing, but also relatively calm state- at night. characteristic feature the course of this process are successive transitions from acute stage to chronic and vice versa. For example, with granulomatous periodontitis, the patient can tell that the tooth hurt at one time, and then everything stopped on its own.

With such a course of the disease, it is possible to identify the presence of pathology only using x-ray. Because apart from minor discomfort, darkening of the tooth, loss of fillings and an unpleasant smell, we have nothing. Survey carious cavity probe does not cause pain.

That's when an x-ray is assigned, on which the area with tissue destruction will be clearly visible with a formation that has round shape. This is a granuloma, or if its size exceeds 1 cm - cystogranuloma.

In the chronic form, inflammation of the top of the dental canal occurs in stages, so it does not bother you much. But, multiplying around the teeth, various pathogenic bacteria release toxins that poison the body. Due to intoxication, diseases of the heart, joints, kidneys and other organs are different in essence, but the same in the way of infection.

How to treat periodontitis?

Exclusively in dental departments. Only long-term highly qualified medical intervention help save your teeth.

The method of eliminating such a problem as periodontitis provides two ways. Conservative therapeutic and surgical. Physiotherapy is an effective supplement. Here positive result will be obtained by using electrophoresis with potassium iodide, UHF with an effect on the area of ​​​​inflammation, magnetotherapy, laser therapy and sometimes paraffin applications.

Treatment is never one-step. Until complete recovery, the patient will have to visit the dental chair more than once. There is a certain order of assistance.

First you need to ensure the elimination of pus from the focus of inflammation. Periodontitis, treatment - the root of the tooth is freed from the remnants of the inflamed connective tissue, a thorough cleaning and disinfection is performed, and only after similar procedures a temporary filling is placed.

A week later, if there are no signs of progress of the disease, an x-ray is taken and, according to its results, a filling is installed, this time permanent.

But, there are cases when there is no way to save a tooth: this is when the root canal is too narrow for the outflow of fluid and with such a course of the disease, the treatment will not give any result. If the patient's condition worsens, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, and if the condition does not improve further, surgery is performed.

The incision of the gums during periodontitis is made when there is no way to ensure the removal of fluid from the inflamed part of the oral cavity by other procedures and thereby alleviate the patient's condition.

From the foregoing, it follows that caries treatment should not be neglected in order to avoid more serious problems with pulpitis and, as a result, with acute and chronic form periodontitis. acute form disease leads to complications long-term treatment. Ah, insidious chronic periodontitis, causes a persistent deterioration in health due to intoxication of the body. Take care of your teeth, don't chew nuts, visit your dentist more often - and be healthy.

When providing assistance, it is impossible to exclude the occurrence of errors. In case of incorrect diagnosis, the cause of the problem is not correctly determined, and the entire treatment process may be ineffective. On the contrary, further deterioration of the patient's condition will occur. special attention when providing assistance, channels are required. Their processing is a very complex process. In the recent past, canal perforation has occurred very frequently. This further complicates the healing process.

Gum tissues have a very delicate structure that is easy to injure and damage. With high immunity, they are quickly restored, and the damaged areas are tightened. But any requires mandatory treatment, because when bacteria enters, it begins severe inflammation. The wound causes pain and discomfort, threatens with problems with teeth and other parts oral cavity. Such symptoms should not be ignored, so as not to face further dental diseases and pathologies.

You are at risk, you have more than three pronounced signs of periodontitis. You can’t do without the intervention of a periodontist.

You are in the border zone, there is a risk of developing periodontitis. Pay attention to hygiene and systematic professional examinations.

Do not look for the answer on the Internet, sign up for a free consultation.

There is no catastrophe, but it is not worth bringing to it either. Scheduled visits to the dentist at least once a year and proper hygiene.

Do not look for the answer on the Internet, sign up for a free consultation.

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Periodontal tissues and hard parts of the periosteum are reliably covered with a mucous membrane - soft gums. This is a large area in the mouth, responsible for the blood supply and nutrition of the roots of the teeth. It is pierced tiny capillaries and nerve endings, so damage is always painful and unpleasant. According to their condition, the doctor visually determines the health of the entire oral cavity, identifies possible foci of inflammation and disorders.

Even a small scratch on the gum is a reason to go to the dentist. After all, in the language inner surface The cheeks always have an active microflora, consisting of hundreds of species of bacteria, fungi and spores. Some of them are conditionally pathogenic. This means that when they penetrate into soft tissues, they can disrupt the processes inside the periosteum and lead to periodontal infection.

Often, a scratch on the gum appears when hygiene is violated or due to other banal reasons:

  1. Using an overly hard toothbrush. Sharp villi, when pressed, can rub and injure the delicate mucous membrane, which leads to irritation and microscopic damage.
  2. Chewing foreign objects. This includes toothpicks and matches, pen caps or pencil tips. With careless movement, it is easy to scratch the gum and get a painful wound. Often the problem occurs in babies who unconsciously pull various surrounding things, tools and toys with sharp edges into their mouths.
  3. Violations of technology during filling or extraction of teeth. A dentist in a hurry can touch the soft tissues of the periodontium with a needle or drill, accidentally hook them when installing the prosthesis. The patient does not notice bad moment, because his jaw is anesthetized with potent drugs.
  4. Damage to the mucosa when chewing too hard food: lollipops and roasted sweets, crackers, seeds.

In most cases, such a wound on the gum hurts only a few minutes after application, and the unpleasant discomfort gradually subsides. At favorable conditions it is quickly covered with a layer of healthy epithelium and disappears without a trace after a few days.

Complications after a cut on the gum

Sometimes after an injury, a person may notice pain in place of the scratch. The gums swell up a lot, they appear that interfere with chewing, there is aching discomfort and. A mark is formed near the base of the tooth, which is surrounded by inflamed tissue. To the naked eye, redness and an increase in volume are noticeable. You should contact your dentist immediately if you have the following symptoms exacerbations and inflammation:

  • The scratch becomes white color rises above the gum surface.
  • Muddy contents or ichor ooze from the wound.
  • The pain becomes jerking or throbbing, goes to other parts of the jaw.

Most likely got into a cut on the gum pathogenic infection or harmful microorganisms, started purulent inflammatory process. This moment cannot be left unattended: infected exudate can penetrate into the root of the tooth, disrupt blood circulation in the periodontium and lead to the formation of acute or other complications.

In addition, the person has constant pain, which does not allow you to sleep normally, interferes with eating and smiling. characteristic feature inflammation - acute reaction on certain foods: pepper, salt, spices or vinegar. The wound begins to pull and bake, practically does not heal and continues to increase in size. It can cause stomatitis and rashes in the oral cavity.

How to treat an inflamed scratch on the gum?

Dentists do not recommend self-treatment and delaying a visit to the dentist's office. The specialist will assess the complexity of the situation, select the best drugs and help prevent the development of sepsis or gingivitis. If the wound does not heal well and causes discomfort, should be handled carefully. special ointments with antiseptic action:

  1. Apident.

These drugs contain many complex components, therefore, they well eliminate pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity, improve the condition of the mucosa and restore its elasticity.

If a white scratch has formed on the gum, we are talking on suppuration of the upper periodontal layer. This is where a little bit of surgery comes in handy. So that the inflammatory fluid does not harm the roots of the teeth, the dentist carefully opens and thoroughly cleans the wound. It not only removes accumulated exudate, but also treats the cut mild antibiotics local action.

At home, the patient will have to continue treatment with rinses. At the pharmacy you can buy one of the following products:

  • Stomatofit;

On the advice of a dentist, they are used after each snack, and at least 5 times a day. In the morning and evening, before using the solution, the cut is washed with hydrogen peroxide, trying to remove any plaque and pus.

Folk remedies

When receiving a wound on the gum, do not wait unpleasant consequences. It is better to immediately begin to prevent inflammation. To do this, it is not necessary to use powerful pharmacy antiseptics. Enough to apply simple recipes from traditional medicine based on herbal ingredients. They rarely call side effects and perfectly cope with non-healing scratches on the mucosa.

The following compositions quickly and easily eliminate redness and burning against the background of an infection:

  • Calendula tincture, diluted plain water. She carefully rinses the wound, applied as a compress to the jaw.
  • A piece of propolis: it is used for cooking alcohol infusion. Also from natural component make a soft cake, which is left for half an hour on the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gums several times a day.
  • Chamomile flowers and sage leaves mixed in equal proportions. From these plants, you can prepare a decoction that will become an excellent antiseptic, help remove purulent contents and complement the main traditional treatment.
  • A mixture of dried St. John's wort, oak bark and flax seeds will improve the microflora and remove the cause of the infection in the oral cavity.

To speed up the treatment, the patient will have to switch to soft or highly crushed food, temporarily give up hot spices and sour pickled foods. Helps prevent gum scratches from reappearing right choice hygiene products: high-quality toothbrush and paste, rinse solution. It is important to avoid such bad habit, like smoking, and raise local immunity, which will be able to resist any infection in the future.

From this article you will learn:

  • why does a flux (abscess) occur,
  • abscess on the gums: treatment, antibiotics,
  • opening of gum abscess: video.

Flux on the gums is swelling of the gums associated with the development purulent inflammation. Dentists do not use the term flux or abscess (only patients say so), but use terms such as “gingival abscess” or “periostitis”.

Flux on the gum: causes

The situation when a person has swollen gums can be mainly associated with three factors: the lack of timely treatment of caries and pulpitis, poor-quality treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis in the past, as well as the presence of concomitant inflammation of the gums.

  1. Untreated caries and pulpitis
    if caries is not treated for a long enough time, then the infection from the carious cavity penetrates into the pulp of the tooth, in which inflammation develops. Pulpitis is characterized by sharp or aching spontaneous pain in the tooth. If at this stage you also do not go to the dentist, then the inflammation progresses and the infection goes beyond the pulp of the tooth - into the tissues surrounding the tooth. As a result, purulent inflammation develops around the tops of the roots of such a tooth - Periodontitis (Fig. 4a).

    With periodontitis, a so-called periodontal abscess is formed in the region of the root apex (in the common people - purulent sac). With the active course of inflammation, intense formation of pus occurs, which leads to the release of pus under the mucous membrane of the gums (Fig. 4 b). After the release of pus into soft tissues, a person immediately feels that his gums are swollen, i.e. flux has formed. As a rule, the flux is combined with swelling of the soft tissues of the face.

    Case Study: Flux Development upper jaw
    → In Fig. 5 you can see a patient who applied to the dentist with complaints of swelling of the cheeks and gums. An external examination determines the asymmetry of the face due to edema, as well as painful induration soft tissues of the cheek (shown by arrows).
    → When viewed in the oral cavity (Fig. 6), we see that the swelling of the gums is determined by the transitional fold (shown by white arrows), and in the projection of the swelling there is a half-destroyed tooth (shown by a black arrow).
    → In Fig. 7 we see a radiograph of the causative tooth: there is a darkening in the region of the root apex, which indicates the presence of a periodontal abscess.

  2. Poorly sealed root canals
    periodontal abscess at the tops of the roots of the tooth can form not only in the absence of timely treatment of caries and pulpitis, but also poor quality treatment root canals. It is customary to seal root canals in the treatment of pulpitis, periodontitis, and in preparing teeth for prosthetics.

    If the root canals are not filled up to the top of the root, then conditions for the development of infection are created in the unfilled part of the root canal. In this section pathogenic microflora gradually multiplies and then goes beyond the tooth. As a result, in the area of ​​the tops of the roots, the canals of which were poorly sealed, a focus of purulent inflammation (periodontal abscess) appears.

    Analysis of the quality of root canal filling by radiographs –

    • In Fig.8-9 you can see poorly treated root canals. Unfilled parts of the canals are marked with white arrows. The focus of purulent inflammation (periodontal abscess) on x-ray looks like a pronounced darkening at the root apex (limited by black arrows).
    • In Fig. 10 you can see how well-filled root canals look on the radiograph. Black arrows mark the tops of the roots of the three lower incisors. Please note that each of the three teeth is filled to the top of the root.
  3. Swelling of the gums with exacerbation of periodontitis
    in periodontitis, between the root of the tooth and the gum, the dentogingival attachment is destroyed, and thus periodontal pockets appear (Fig. 11). On the surface of the root in such a periodontal pocket, there are almost always hard subgingival dental deposits, and the pocket itself is filled with granulations and pus. If the pocket is deep enough, then the outflow of pus from it may be disturbed. In this case, swelling or fistula occurs in the projection of the pocket on the gum.

    In Fig.12 you can see a periodontal abscess on the gum in the projection of the upper central incisor. Probing this tooth revealed a periodontal pocket of about 8 mm. On the X-ray of this tooth (Fig. 13) we can see that the depth of the pocket (depth of bone destruction) in the interdental space is more than 2/3 of the root length.

  4. Flux on the gum: treatment

    Flux treatment on the gum will include several stages -

  • examination, x-ray, identification of the causative tooth,
  • decision on the removal / preservation of the causative tooth,
  • tooth extraction (or tooth treatment), flux opening, antibiotic therapy.

1. If the causative tooth is decided to be removed
first held local anesthesia after which the tooth is removed. Immediately after tooth extraction, an incision is made in the gum with a scalpel (this is necessary, because part of the pus is in the soft tissues of the gum). Depending on the size of the flux, the incision can be from 1 to 2 cm. After that, the wound is washed with antiseptics, and the wound is drained. Drainage of the wound consists in the fact that a thin strip of rubber is inserted into the wound, which is necessary for this. so that the edges of the wound do not stick together and do not disturb the outflow of ichor and pus.

Flux on gum: autopsy video

2. If it is decided to save the causative tooth
To do this, all tissues affected by caries are drilled, then the nerve is removed from the tooth, after which the root canals are treated. If the root canals have already been previously sealed, then they are unsealed. A filling is not applied to the tooth, but left open so that the pus can also come out through the root canals. After the tooth has been opened, the patient is sent to the surgeon for an incision.

If the root canals of this tooth are sealed, then in some cases (if there is a crown on the tooth or a pin is installed in the canal), it does not make sense to unseal the root canals. In this case, an incision is first made along the gum, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. And after the inflammation subsides (after 2-3 weeks), it is done.

If the swelling of the gums occurred due to the presence of a deep periodontal pocket, then first, of course, an emergency will be provided. surgical care- an abscess was opened, antibiotic therapy was prescribed, and later it should be carried out.

3. Doctor's appointments after opening the flux
soda-salt baths are usually prescribed (they are needed to draw out pus and ichor) and / or rinses with a 0.05% Chlorhexidine solution (this is an excellent antiseptic). Rinses should not be very intense, they need to be done 4-5 times a day for 30 seconds.

Antibiotic therapy –
standard in this case is the appointment (2 capsules 3 times a day, only 5-7 days), or the same antibiotic only in intramuscular injections (2 ml 2 times a day). For example, if you have problems with the stomach and intestines, then it is advisable to replace Lincomycin capsules with injection form antibiotic.

If you have no one to give injections, then there are effervescent soluble antibiotics, which, when they enter the intestines, are absorbed very quickly, without having time to cause significant harm to the microflora. An example of such drugs are Flemoxin Solutab, Unidox Solutab (they are also taken for 5-7 days, dosages according to the instructions).

Last revision of the article: 02.10.2017

On forums like “question-answer”, people often ask what to do if dentists cut the gum of a wisdom tooth, how much will it hurt and how can this pain be relieved? How long the gum heals depends on many factors: from following the doctor's recommendations for the recovery period and from complications.

Gingival incision above the wisdom tooth

What is the problem with wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth begin to grow in people from 10 to 25 years old, and immediately permanent, unlike the rest of the teeth, which begin to be replaced by permanent ones at 6 years old. When the wisdom tooth nevertheless begins to erupt, it turns out that all the places in the mouth are already occupied. As a result, he begins to win a "place in the sun" pushing his comrades aside, causing damage to the gums and even the cheek.

  • The upper wisdom teeth often begin to press and cut the cheek during growth.
  • With growth lower teeth only the gums are injured.

The wisdom tooth erupts through soft tissue, which in the process becomes inflamed and hurts. This tissue is called a gum hood. When unfavorable, but frequent development events under the hood, rot is formed, due to which a person’s well-being becomes worse than ever: heat, headache and bad smell from mouth. The rot appears different reasons among them the main one is pollution. The wisdom tooth grows in a hard-to-reach place and it is a problem to clean it.

Possible growth positions of the wisdom tooth

Why cut the gum?

The pain in the gum lasts for a long time - this is a natural accompaniment of growth for the tooth. Call your doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Severe pain, when chewing food or occurring spontaneously, for no reason.
  • When bad breath appears, this is a sign of pus under the hood.
  • If the gum not only hurt, but also turned red and swollen.
  • The temperature has risen great weakness, headache.

Dentists will offer to cut the gum, be strong - this is not such a scary procedure as it seems. The rot will come out after the incision, the gum will heal, the pain will subside and the tooth will no longer cause anxiety. At different patients gum healed in different time: usually it takes from two days to two weeks.

How is the operation performed

Cutting can be done in several ways, depending on individual characteristics wisdom tooth growth. The whole operation is divided into stages:

  1. Introduction of anesthesia.
  2. The doctor, using instruments, makes a neat incision in the mucosa.
  3. Blood flows from the incision, which must be stopped, and then the wound is washed and the dentist applies medicine to heal.
  4. 10 minutes after the end of the operation, a blood clot is formed, and within 3-4 hours - granulation tissue.
  5. After 2-3 weeks, the patient will find that the incision is overgrown, but complete healing may take longer.

Gum healing after incision

After the incision, the dentist will give the patient recommendations and make an appointment for a follow-up appointment to check how the wound heals. After the operation, you should rest a little, lie down on the bed. For the next 3 hours, it is advisable not to eat or drink anything, and for at least 3 days do not eat hard, hot or spicy food. You should not drink alcohol during the week and it is advisable to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The dentist will advise you to rinse your mouth with water-salt solutions for several days.

Something went wrong…

What to do if the gum, which is supposed to heal after the operation, still hurts terribly? The problem may be with adjacent tooth. The wisdom tooth grows crooked, touches the neighbor during the growth and can damage his enamel so that the neighbor starts caries. In this case, the only correct solution is to remove the "eight", but this complex operation which will require a strong painkiller.

After the operation, the following complications occur:

  • When the gum is cut, it often swells. In other cases, the tumor becomes so large that the cheek swells. This is a symptom of alveolitis of the hole - a common disease that occurs due to an infection that has entered the wound. Gum healing stops. Alveolitis is a simple disease, but it brings its share of discomfort and pain. Noticing her symptoms, do not delay longer, consult a doctor.
  • Sometimes after surgery profuse bleeding: due to blood pressure or vessel damage. Bleeding started at home? Fold a swab and apply to the wound or apply some ice to the cheek. Does the bleeding go away over time? call ambulance, here on their own will not cope.
  • High temperature indicates inflammation. Take antibiotics as directed by your doctor.
  • After the operation, the patient is often tormented by pain. Severe toothache is muffled by painkillers prescribed by the dentist.

What can not be done and folk methods

With wisdom teeth (as with any other teeth), an iron rule is associated: do not use traditional medicine. Can be used different herbs, such as a decoction of chamomile, for pain relief, but it is better to lay the treatment and operation on the shoulders of the dentist: “Better is a glass in your teeth than teeth in a glass.”

The second rule is not to heat an inflamed or aching tooth. Some caring but conservative fathers wrap a scarf around the child's head to make it "lighter". On the contrary, it will become worse, moreover, a purulent process may begin. Instead of scarves and heating pads, put ice or a towel soaked in cold water on your cheek.

The healing gum will hurt, perhaps even that the pain will be unbearable. Call the dentist, and even better - check with him in advance which painkillers can and cannot be taken. And do not exceed the prescribed dose so that the situation does not happen: “there was pain - there was no person.” In case of complications, contact your doctor, do not try to be treated on your own.

How long does the gum of the tooth heal after the incision? How much blood should go?

If they went with a flux and with a swollen face, then they will cut the gum, or they can immediately pull out the tooth and let it go. Then it will be very painful after the end of the freezing effect. But by the second day, the tumor will begin to subside, antibiotics can be prescribed. you can eat in two to four hours, but very light food, broths. And the blood goes as usual after pulling out a tooth, the main thing is not to touch the wound with your tongue.

No, it drags on in a couple of days, but it will completely heal within 7-10 days. The only thing is that something like a scar may remain at the incision site, which will be felt for a long time if you run your tongue over it.

The blood does not go for a long time, or rather, it stops almost immediately, as it happens with a regular cut, a clot can be seen, the main thing is not to rinse it out and not clean it with your tongue. If the blood goes for more than two hours, this is not an ichor, then you need to contact the clinic again.

Unless you have a low platelet count due to a medical condition, bleeding is usually short-lived. After a couple of hours (after removing the cotton wool, and also if the hole is not disturbed by the tongue or constant rinsing with water), the bruising stops.

It is not necessary to wash out the blood clot formed in its place on the day of tooth extraction. During the night, the gums will move away from anesthesia and internal tissues drag on a little. Over the next day, the blood clot will dissolve with the help of saliva.

Although I had a case when the gum healed for two months. deleted upper tooth and had problems with the bones of the nasal sinus. That's another story.

Everyone has it differently, depending on the properties of the body, in order to live faster, you can smear dental solcoseryl, this special paste for the healing of any wounds and cuts on the gums.

As a rule, the doctor closes the incision site with a swab and asks to press it for a while. The blood stops flowing soon enough. Usually after an hour the bleeding stops. of course, the saliva will still be colored, which is why blood clots are washed out with saliva. The most important rule after such an intervention (as, by the way, after a tooth extraction is not to rinse your mouth with any solutions or infusions. This will only blur the blood clot. Final healing occurs in about a week, and eating discomfort will persist for several days. But all this only average figures.In fact, everything is very individual.

If you are planning to implant or remove a cyst, be prepared for the dentist to cut the gum. When an unerupted or incompletely erupted wisdom tooth is removed from the gum, an incision is also inevitable.

Postoperative complications such as swelling, bleeding, aching pain. The reasons are reduced immunity, an infection in the mouth, or improper care in the postoperative period. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to remember and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Complications after gum incision

Tumor (edema)

As a rule, edema occurs after the removal of a wisdom tooth with a gum incision. This is a typical reaction of the body to surgical intervention. However, in some cases, the tumor reaches a gigantic size, the cheek or lip swells strongly. it clear sign alveolitis (inflammation of the hole), in this case it is urgent to visit your doctor!


An increase in temperature to 37-37.5 degrees is also considered normal. However, if the thermometer shows more than 38 degrees, then, most likely, an inflammatory process has begun. You need to contact the doctor who performed the operation. You may be prescribed a course of antibiotics.

The pain occurs immediately after the end of the action of the anesthetic (after an hour and a half). Pain is a response to injury. nerve endings surgical scalpel. In order to temporarily alleviate the condition, it is recommended to take a tablet of Ketanov, Pentalgin or Analgin. The pain will gradually subside after 3-4 days.


Excessive bleeding may occur due to damage to the vessel during the injection of anesthetic, increased capillary fragility, or high blood pressure in the patient.

What stops bleeding? Immediately after the gum incision, the doctor applies hemostatic sponge and, when the bleeding stops completely, sews up the wound.

But if that doesn't help, call an ambulance.

Flux is an inflammation of the periosteum ( dense fabric covering the jawbone). Such a complication is a consequence of infection of the gums, after which the infection penetrates deeper and deeper, affecting the periosteum. In the area of ​​inflammation, pus accumulates and forms painful lump. With flux, a laxative incision is made in the gums (opening the abscess) and drainage is installed to drain the purulent exudate.

How gums heal

After surgical intervention connections between tissues and cells are broken. The healing process is the formation of new physiological and anatomical connections between them.

  1. Education blood clot- is formed 5-10 minutes after the operation and serves as a protective barrier against infection and harmful microbes.
  2. Formation granulation tissue– within 3–4 hours, the production of granulation tissue (young connective tissue) begins.
  3. Epithelization and collagen formation - lasts up to 7-10 days and is sometimes accompanied by slight itching.
  4. Regeneration and maturation - the wound "tightens" after 2-3 weeks, but the complete healing of the fibers takes several months.

What to do after the procedure

  • when you arrive home, you just need to lie down and relax;
  • do not eat or drink for 3 hours;
  • for 3 days after the operation, you should not open your mouth too wide, as well as eat hard and hot food;
  • limit emotional and physical stress;
  • hot baths, sauna visits, gym- prohibited;
  • It is advisable to completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol for a week.

Remember: in no case should you apply hot compresses, cauterize the wound with alcohol, iodine or brilliant green. It will only get worse!

A dentist-surgeon may prescribe applications of wound healing and antimicrobial ointments (Cholisal, Solcoseryl, Stomatofit, etc.). To strengthen general immunity, you can take immunomodulating agents and multivitamin complexes.

How to rinse the gum after the incision?

Any rinsing should be done strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Usually the doctor recommends rinsing the mouth saline solution, decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage ( room temperature), they have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Ready-made antiseptic solutions from a pharmacy are also suitable - Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

If you feel that after the operation, inflammation of the gums has begun, or you notice a discharge of pus, do not postpone a visit to the dentist! AT emergency cases you can contact the duty doctor of the state polyclinic, he accepts even at night. You can find the nearest institution on our website.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the materials about complications after implantation.

Drainage in the gums is a method of treatment or prevention of purulent-inflammatory diseases.

Its installation is a small, low-traumatic operation and is performed by dental surgeons in outpatient settings or in a hospital.

Characteristics of dental drainage

Drainage or dehumidifier is a device placed in the postoperative incision of the gums. It serves to prevent the accumulation of blood or pus in the wound, to ensure the outflow of these biological fluids out.

One end of the drying system is placed in the deepest area of ​​the incision, the other end goes into the oral cavity. Blood, pus, exudate (fluid resulting from inflammation) do not linger in the wound area, but flow out of it. This principle allows you to prevent the spread of infection throughout the body and avoid serious complications:

  • purulent sinusitis;
  • meningitis;
  • mediastinitis.

What does a dental drain look like?

Most often, the device has the form of a rubber strip. It is cut from sterile latex and processed alcohol solution, or hydrogen peroxide. This procedure allows you to achieve the sterility of the rubber desiccant, that is, completely destroy any kind of microbes on its surface.

Less commonly, a dental inlay is made from a polymer (polyvinyl chloride) tube of small diameter (up to 3-5 mm). This structure allows fluid or pus to actively flow out of the wound without accumulating inside it.

It is extremely rare that small sterile gauze is used for drying. Such drainage requires daily processing of the incision and examination, and is installed in the gum only in a hospital during severe operations.

Why and when is it done: in what cases is the gum cut?

Drainage in the gum area is installed in cases where a person has inflammatory disease dental system, most often this (or ) - infection periosteum covering the upper and lower jaw and located just under the gum.

With flux, pus accumulates in the bone, appears severe swelling, body temperature rises, well-being worsens. To help the patient, the doctor cuts the gum and places a drain into it, through which the outflow of pus will occur.

Very often, drainage is used after the removal of the upper and lower last (or). The operation of extracting them is often traumatic, and the teeth themselves are located near important anatomical structures - the maxillary (maxillary) sinus, the mandibular canal, and the peripharyngeal space.

Therefore, after the removal of molars, drainage is placed with preventive purpose- to prevent the accumulation of blood in postoperative wound and its subsequent suppuration. The method also makes it possible to reduce the size of a hematoma in the cheek and avoid swelling of the face on the first and second days after surgery.

Contraindications for installation

Gingival dissection should not be done if the patient has diseases, causing violation blood clotting (hemophilia). This method of treatment is used with caution while taking Thrombo-Ass, Aspirin, Warfarin. In all these cases, there is a risk of bleeding from the open wound, and a desiccant can only worsen the condition and increase blood loss.

Relative contraindications are diseases of cardio-vascular system in acute period- hypertensive crisis, myocardial infarction, stroke, angina attack. In these cases, the patient is transferred for treatment to a general practitioner, and surgical treatment and the installation of the structure is postponed until the general condition is normalized.

Drainage algorithm

Installation is carried out according to a strict algorithm:

  1. Before the operation, the dentist makes the necessary jaw area in order to accurately determine the source of the problem - purulent inflammation, or the location of the tooth in the jaw.
  2. Held local anesthesia anesthetic solution. The doctor is obliged to choose a drug that will not cause allergic reactions in the patient.
  3. 10-15 minutes after the injection of the anesthetic, a gum incision is made with a scalpel.
  4. Pus or inflammatory exudate is released to the outside. The wound is thoroughly washed antiseptic solution- Chlorhexidine, Furacilin or Iodinol.
  5. After the gum has been cut, a strip or tube of the drainage system is inserted into the incision. One end is in the wound, and the other goes into the oral cavity. Latex graduate should not rub the cheek, cause discomfort or discomfort.
  6. To prevent spontaneous loss, the liner is sewn to the gum with absorbable material - Catgut, Vicryl.

In the photo, the drainage process and the end result - installed drainage in the gum

On average, the system is installed for 24 hours. Previously, it cannot be removed, since all the exudate will not have time to leave the wound. Leaving a drying graduate in the gum for longer than a day is also not worth it, as it will interfere with the normal healing of the wound.

Possible complications: what to do if the drainage fell out

After the installation of a drain, some patients may experience complications. The most common is an allergic reaction to the material from which the desiccant is made - latex, polyvinyl chloride, less often - to the antiseptic that was used to treat the drainage - alcohol,.

Usually, before using this method of treatment, the doctor asks the patient about the presence of an allergy to any drugs.

Sometimes a person is not aware that he has hypersensitivity on latex or alcohol, then a few hours after the installation of the device appears severe itching and burning in the wound. Edema after surgery on the gums may increase, and there is more discharge from the wound, the person will constantly feel bad taste in the mouth.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately contact your doctor, who will remove the desiccant from the gums and replace it with a similar one, but from a different material.

Sometimes, after installation, the drainage falls out of the gum on its own. In such cases, it is recommended to seek the advice of your doctor. Further actions will depend on the initial severity of the disease, as well as on how long after the operation the desiccant fell out:

  • if the swelling and inflammation of the gums were not pronounced, and the desiccant separated from the gums after 24 hours or more from the moment of its installation - most likely, nothing needs to be done, the desiccant has already fulfilled its function;
  • if the disease was serious, the operation was traumatic, and the tube fell out an hour after it, then you will need to come to the dentist and re-install the drying element in the gum.

What can you do yourself

If there is no time to come to the doctor a day after the operation and remove the drainage, you can remove it yourself:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rinse your mouth with distilled water.
  2. Take a clean pair of tweezers and rub the tips thoroughly with alcohol. As a disinfectant, you can use vodka or cologne.
  3. Grab the edge of the graduate, which lies freely in the mouth, with tweezers, and gently and smoothly pull it towards you.
  4. The wound must be covered with a sterile gauze for 20 minutes.


When pain after the operation, it is allowed to take painkillers (Ketanov, Pentalgin, Nise) for 3 days. Mandatory is a course of antibiotic therapy for 5-7 days. Preparations for treatment and their dosage are prescribed strictly by the attending dentist.

After removing the drainage from the gums, the wound will heal in about 7-10 days. To speed up tissue regeneration, you can rinse your mouth with herbal solutions (chamomile, oak bark, calendula).

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