Does it hurt to put braces on your teeth: unpleasant moments, what can be done? Does it hurt to put and wear braces on your teeth Does it hurt to put in

For many, braces are the only real way to get a beautiful smile and healthy teeth. Wearing this orthodontic appliance is long and rather unpleasant.

Recall that braces are usually installed for children no earlier than 12-14 years old, when all milk teeth will be replaced. Many do not want to agree to treatment because of possible pain. Let's try to figure it out why pain may occur and is it worth it to be afraid?

Feelings during installation

After diagnosis and manufacturing, the bracket system is installed on the patient's dentition at a time. Installation always takes place in several stages, at each of which the doctor performs various manipulations.

Additionally, before installation, the surface of the teeth should be properly prepared.

For this a full range of professional teeth cleanings, which can bring some discomfort in the same way as the treatment of caries and other dental diseases before starting orthodontic therapy.

The installation process of the braces

  • First stage - enamel cleaning treatment, washing it and drying it.
  • Further, on the extreme teeth involved in the installation of the system, fixing special rings or locks, which will serve to fix the two ends of the arc.
  • After that it starts the process of attaching each bracket to the enamel. This is done using special compounds that firmly fix the elements.
  • After bonding the braces, arc setting allowing tooth movement. It is worn from the ends, and then inserted into the groove of each bracket.

The installation process itself brings a little discomfort only at some stages. First of all, this is the installation of fixing rings, for putting on which the doctor needs to make some effort.

Everything else is completely painless, but very painstaking procedures. taking a lot of time.

Installation alone can take about 2-3 hours. All this time, the patient is forced to be in the dental chair, while opening his mouth quite wide.

Despite a special device that fixes the jaws in an open position, the facial muscles naturally get tired in an unusual position. it can be expressed by a feeling of pressing tension and severe discomfort especially in people unaccustomed to dental procedures.

What can be done

Those sensations that are experienced during the installation of the bracket system are unlikely to be removed completely. However, you can give some advice for the patient: do not be nervous before the procedure, sleep well and have a snack in advance.

You can additionally take a light natural sedative in the form of drops. This is especially true for those who find it difficult to tolerate dental treatment in general.

How braces are installed and at what stage pain may occur, look at the video:

How is addiction going?

The most difficult in terms of the occurrence of unpleasant reactions of the body to the bracket system is, perhaps, the initial period of wearing, which is called the adaptation period.

The biggest "troubles" that are expected from these orthodontic constructions can occur right now. Complaints that braces are painful to wear date back to this period.

Depending on the individual perception and complexity of the clinical case addiction can last from 3-4 to 10-14 days.

Quite rarely, there are also cases when the adaptation period takes longer - up to a month.

Unpleasant moments in the process of getting used to braces:

  • diction disorder due to the unusual position of the lips, as if they were put forward by an established design;
  • feeling of aching and pressing pain, sometimes quite strong, completely in the entire dentition (if the installation was carried out from above and below, then on both);
  • difficulty chewing food, which is usually accompanied by pain (perhaps severe, but not sharp);
  • rubbing or irritation of the mucous, which the structural elements touch;
  • pain while brushing teeth and performing all the necessary hygiene procedures, which become more during treatment with braces.

Pain occurs because the teeth begin to move under the pressure exerted on them by the arch.

The principle of operation of braces lies in the body's ability to somewhat rebuild the bone tissue of that part of the jaw where the teeth are held in the holes. On the one hand, its sections begin to dissolve, and on the other - to grow.

At this time themselves teeth and bone begin to succumb to unusual "loads", which provoke a response of nerve endings which we perceive as pain.

What can be done

  • First of all, patients should Report all discomfort, symptoms and pain to your doctor. This can be done at periodic examinations that will be scheduled, and if something is very disturbing, then urgently.
  • To protect the mucosa from metal and other elements of the established design that are too coarse for delicate tissues apply special wax for braces.
  • To minimize the pain and discomfort that may bother you while eating, you should follow a temporary diet. It does not involve the use of fresh vegetables and fruits in their natural, whole form.

    Nuts, sweets and other foods that need to be chewed hard due to their hardness are also excluded.

  • Most of the food that will be available during this period is soft, semi-liquid or liquid. Also, it should not be hot, so the use of freshly brewed coffee that comes out of steam should be temporarily abandoned.
  • Additionally, you can take painkillers that will make the pain less acute if necessary, such as ibuprofen.
  • You need to try (especially this advice applies to children) do not touch your teeth unnecessarily with your hands, tongue or some objects, as such touching can make the sensation and soreness more intense.

Is there any discomfort while wearing?

After the body gets used to the new design, the pain gradually decreases. The same happens with other unpleasant sensations that the patient experienced. He become less intense and gradually disappear altogether..

In the process of wearing a bracket system, most of the time there is not only pain, but also problems with chewing and other inconveniences - patients simply do not notice them.

However, treatment requires periodic replacement of orthodontic archwires with new ones. They can change the strength of the pressure exerted, thereby again provoking the appearance of pain.

Sometimes the teeth do not hurt, but seem to itch after the activation of the next arc. It speaks of the habituation of the body.

This phenomenon is usually passes in 1-4 days, and then the structure again ceases to be noticeable. If, nevertheless, the pain is very strong, then it is recommended to drink painkillers, after consulting with your doctor first.

How does the patient feel during the removal of the system?

The last stage of treatment before the retention period is the procedure for removing the braces. As in the previous stages, the sensations experienced by the patient are purely individual and depend on many factors.

However, we can say that the vast majority will certainly experience some discomfort.

In order to explain Where does discomfort and pain occur during the removal of braces? should describe the entire procedure in detail.

If a self-ligating system was used for the treatment, then the first step is replaced by the opening of the fixing device, which is part of the design of each component.

Removal of braces - details

  • Detachment with tweezers of ligatures– fasteners that hold the wire in tension in the groove of each bracket.
  • At the next stage, the arc extraction.
  • The most difficult and lengthy part of the procedure is removal of braces glued to the enamel. The doctor does this with the help of a special tool - dental pliers, resembling pliers.
  • Lastly, produced hygienic treatment of the surface of the teeth, since particles of glue or composite cement remain on the enamel, with which the system was attached. To do this, the enamel is subjected to grinding.
  • Additionally, they also hygienic cleaning, which is designed to remove plaque accumulated during the wearing of systems.

It is also necessary to mention the features of the removal.

The procedure time is from 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the type of construction. Additionally, you should take into account the time that will be required for grinding and cleaning - this is about 20 and 40 minutes, that is, about an hour more.

The nature of sensations depending on the stages of withdrawal

  • In the first few stages, up to the removal of the arc, the patient is not in pain. There can only be slight discomfort from the constantly open mouth and dislike for the manipulations themselves.
  • Removing braces with forceps may be accompanied by pressure on the dentition, which the patient sometimes clearly feels. However, the duration of the procedure is short, so this stage is not painful.
  • The most unpleasant for most is the grinding procedure.. This is done using a tool that works on the principle of boron.
    There will be no intense pain here either, however, some heating of the enamel is possible, which, combined with the sound of the drill, is very unpleasant.
  • Cleaning procedure also not too painful, however, both ultrasound and mechanical cleaning suggest some effect on the enamel. It may cause mild pain or rather tooth sensitivity to various irritants within one to three days after the procedure.

You have finally decided, very soon you will have to take an important step - to install a bracket system. And it is quite natural that you will be worried about the question: does it hurt to put braces. Well, let's find out. To understand what to expect, you need to familiarize yourself with the procedure itself, as well as with the reviews of those who have worn or wear braces.

Does it hurt to put braces on?

Does it hurt when getting braces or not?

You will have to wear the design for more than one month, so it is very important to carefully prepare for treatment in order to eliminate the possibility of problems with caries, as well as gum disease, to the maximum.

The installation process of the system takes place in several stages:

  1. Oral preparation:
  • treatment of carious teeth,
  • removal of plaque and stone,
  • the doctor will remove the "extra" teeth, if necessary.
  1. The specialist adjusts the system to your jaw.
  2. Then the installation starts directly:
  • each bracket is glued to its own tooth using a special adhesive,
  • then an arc is threaded into the locks and fixed.

The whole process is absolutely painless. You, of course, may be unpleasant from the manipulations that the orthodontist will perform in your mouth. But pain as such should not be.

Read also in a separate article

Period of adaptation to the system

If the installation process is painless, then for the first time after that you will have to be a little patient. Of course, each person has his own characteristics, his own pain threshold, nervous system, and so on. The process of getting used to each will take place individually.

In the early days, you may experience the following problems:

  1. Braces can rub the mucosa.
  2. Diction may suffer a little.
  3. Problems with chewing food are also not excluded.
  4. Since the arch puts pressure on the teeth, they can hurt from the habit.
  5. A foreign body may interfere with the tongue.

All these troubles pass very quickly. You can ease your pain with the following tips:

  • you must have one that will save your mucosa from wounds and sores (in good clinics, wax is given out for free after braces are installed),
  • if the pain becomes unbearable, you can drink painkillers,
  • follow a diet: food should be warm and liquid.

Testimonials from people who have had braces

In order to better understand what to expect, let's take a look at the reviews of those people who have gone through all the stages of orthodontic correction with braces.


I got braces at 9 years old. I was very afraid that it would hurt, it was very scary. But to my surprise, the doctor did nothing so terrible. The worst thing for me was that I had to wear braces for 2 years, no one warned me about this. Yes, and lying in a chair for 2 hours with an open mouth was difficult.


I am now wearing the system for the second time. For the first time, my jaw was expanded so that the “extra” teeth would not be removed. And for the first time, almost throughout the entire treatment, my jaw hurt. It was a nightmare. My advice to anyone who decides on braces: find a good specialist. This is a very important factor. You will have to walk with the system not for a month, but for a year or even more. And if any problems arise, the doctor must be ready for this.


I’ll tell you how everything was with me, write everything down point by point, maybe it will be useful to someone:

  1. I was absolutely pain free. The doctor carefully glued the braces to the teeth, passed an arc through them. He asked what kind of rubber bands I want: or transparent ones. I chose transparent. With their help, the doctor attached the arc to the system.
  2. All manipulations took about half an hour.
  3. After the installation was completed, I was given the following devices:
  • detailed instructions for the care of the system,
  • 2 toothbrushes, these are not ordinary brushes, but specially designed for cleaning braces,
  • special wax (there were 3 strips of wax in the box), which saves the mucous from rubbing. When you run out of it, a new package can be bought from a doctor,
  • I was warned that my teeth might hurt for the first few days and was advised to drink ibuprofen. It is better to always have it at hand, since the pain really was, and sometimes very strong,
  • Don't be afraid to get braces. You know why you go to the orthodontist. Believe me, I have no regrets, because after a year and a half my teeth have aligned and I'm just proud of myself.

Orthodontic patients have many questions during treatment. Many of them focus on one topic: Does it hurt to put braces on your teeth?

Questions on the topic of pain during their installation are of the following content:

  • How long can teeth hurt after braces?
  • How severe will the pain be during treatment?
  • Is it unpleasant to wear braces and take them off?
  • How can these feelings be eliminated?

In general, treatment with braces is not the most pleasant of dental procedures. The treatment will not be completely painless. But fears often exaggerate the state of real things. Your child is likely to say that it was painful for him to get braces. But as long as you follow your orthodontist's recommendations, you can keep discomfort to a minimum.

Remember that the best way to reduce the pulling and irritating feeling during treatment is to take good care of your mouth. Therefore, braces are almost painless!

We will understand what is happening and how you will feel at each stage of treatment.


Installing braces is not scary at all. However, mild soreness often begins a few hours after insertion and can last up to a week. Most patients describe this feeling as "pulling" or "annoying".

The process itself usually lasts one or two hours.

The orthodontist must place and fix the braces on your teeth using a special adhesive. This material is almost always cured with a dental light. Then a metal arc is fixed into the grooves of the brackets and cut off on both sides. It is fixed with the help of elastic ligatures (they come in different colors).

At no stage in this process will you feel any significant pain, only slight discomfort. These sensations can be caused by the impact of dental instruments that you are not used to. Sometimes, with prolonged forced opening of the mouth, there may also be discomfort in the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint.

The process of fixing braces:


According to reviews, some patients experience mild soreness within four to seven days after the installation of braces. Sometimes discomfort can reach a "moderate" level.

You can note the presence of the following manifestations during this period:

  1. Discomfort on the inside of the oral mucosa caused by the action of various elements of the bracket system.
  2. Soreness of the tongue on contact with ligatures or an arc.
  3. Itching and soreness of the gums on the lingual and vestibular side, especially when chewing.
  4. Getting used to eating (jaw movement) and articulation (making sounds) after braces is usually more of a problem than minor discomfort.

That's why it's important to follow a proper diet with soft foods. But more on that later. For now, let's discuss what to expect when the bracket system is activated.


Activating your braces is almost always the most frustrating step. Most patients report strong pulling sensations a couple of days after this procedure occurs. In order for the bracket system to perform its function, the arc must firmly fix the brackets throughout the entire treatment process, which takes from one year.

This requires several visits to the doctor during the course of treatment. After the first few visits, gum irritation is likely to be at its worst, but don't be surprised if subsequent visits create similar feelings.

Elastic ligatures look like this:

Video with the process of how metal ligatures are inserted:

Other issues

Braces cause an annoying feeling because they change the position of your teeth. However, pain in the teeth when they are moved with braces is not really the only annoyance, there are other problems that arise during the treatment.

Here is some of them:

  1. All patients need to carefully monitor oral hygiene. Dental care becomes a little more difficult with braces. Poor hygiene leads to gum disease and dental caries among patients.
  2. Various components of bracket systems can create minor injuries on the inner surface of the cheeks. Ceramic braces are especially known for this. The tip of the archwire can also cause problems by contacting the inner surface of the cheeks.
  3. Some patients are shown the use of elastic intermaxillary traction. The use of these devices can cause discomfort in the masticatory muscles.

However, there are many options for alleviating the discomfort associated with treatment.

Pain relievers

Unfortunately, it is difficult to completely eliminate the pain associated with orthodontic treatment. However, there are several strategies that you can implement to keep discomfort to a minimum.

  1. Use painkillers in tablet or gel form. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are excellent medications to help manage irritated gums.
  2. Choose metal braces over sapphire ones. Ceramic braces are more aesthetically pleasing than metal braces, but may have a more aggressive effect on the soft tissues in the mouth.
  3. Take care of your teeth. As mentioned earlier, decaying teeth can be a major source of pain in patients with braces. Prevent cavities from forming while you are undergoing orthodontic treatment.
  4. Take care of your braces. Practice good oral hygiene and avoid hard and sticky foods.
  5. Schedule unscheduled visits as needed. In the event of unwanted changes or breakdowns, consult your doctor without delay.
  6. Use a retainer. Once your teeth are in their new position, a retainer will likely be made for you to hold them in place. If neglected, you may need to re-treat with braces.

Wearing braces may seem like a lot of trouble at first glance, but the more you take care of them, the less discomfort you'll experience in the long run.

The only thing that needs to be followed is a simple diet plan and good oral hygiene.


A proper diet is one of the best ways to reduce the overall discomfort of braces. Also, make sure you don't eat foods that promote cavities.

Some foods that are allowed to be consumed during treatment:

  • Yoghurts
  • Soft desserts without sugar
  • Mashed potatoes and french fries
  • Sauces
  • cocktails
  • Soft fruits such as berries
  • soft vegetables
  • Various cereals

You can also find recipe ideas online.

Between visits to the orthodontist, you should not have problems with toothache while eating. Your orthodontist will provide you with a list of foods that can damage your braces, but you will be able to enjoy most of your favorite foods during treatment.

So, the appearance of questions about pain during the installation of structures to align the teeth is natural. Many people have an irrational fear of dental treatment that centers around imaginary pain. Orthodontic treatment, like other dental procedures, is a concern for some patients.

The fact is that many dental procedures are associated with discomfort. They can occur both during the procedure and after. Wearing orthodontic appliances is no exception.

Toothache from braces is perhaps the most important factor forcing people to refuse to correct their bite. This is a very common fear: almost every inhabitant of the planet is at least a little afraid of treating their teeth. Therefore, answers to questions about whether it is painful to put braces on your teeth, and how long these discomforts can last, are extremely important. We invite you to find out how a person feels at each stage of the installation of the system, and also find out if it really hurts to install braces.

Pain when installing the system

Science has long confirmed the hypothesis that any pain lasts much less than we think. As little as possible, remember the stories of experienced people about how your teeth hurt from braces, and do not set yourself up in advance for the fact that it will be especially painful for you personally to put or wear them - each organism is individual! Better think about how much joy your perfect smile after braces will bring to you and those around you. We will help you understand the technology of installing braces and answer the question of how badly your teeth hurt and why this happens.

  1. The installation process begins with preparatory work. The doctor cleans your teeth from plaque and caries so that you do not have to worry about dental diseases during the correction period. You will have to wear a bracket system for quite a long time.
  2. After that, the specialist glues small brackets to the enamel in order to subsequently connect them with a thin metal arc. It will push the teeth in the right direction and form the correct bite. Therefore, gluing parts of the braces is the most important and lengthy step: the orthodontist must install them very carefully so that the system brings only benefits.

However, the teeth at this stage do not hurt at all - there is no reason for this. The installation procedure does not affect the nerves and does not change the position of the teeth, so all the stories about how painful it is to put orthodontic braces are embellished.

If your doctor is qualified and experienced, and you follow all his instructions, then the answer to the question of whether it will hurt to put braces will be negative for you. However, tense jaw muscles can ache quite a bit, since it will take 1.5-2 hours to insert the bracket system. You can ask the doctor to tell you in advance how long the procedure will take in your case in order to mentally prepare.

Pain while wearing braces

After the installation process is completed, you will leave the doctor's office and begin a new life in which braces play a significant role. In addition to the fact that you will need to get used to new procedures and diet (as a rule, everyone who decides to put an orthodontic system knows about this), you will also have to feel how your teeth hurt after braces are installed. But we hasten to reassure you: everything is not so scary!

  1. In the first few days, the teeth begin to actively shift to the desired places, and this really causes some pain. In addition, the elements of the system put pressure on the soft tissues of the oral cavity, which is also quite painful. During meals and after meals, discomfort may increase due to the active work of the jaw. At the initial stage of wearing braces, such phenomena are quite normal, but it all depends on how long the pain lasts.
  2. If the doctor correctly calculated the pressure force with which the braces act on the teeth, then by the end of the first two weeks after the installation of the system, the pain should decrease. There will be only a slight discomfort from the presence of a foreign body. However, at the reception at the orthodontist, do not hesitate to describe all your feelings. And to the question of whether it hurts to wear braces, answer honestly, because your teeth should not suffer.
  3. During the process of wearing braces, you will need to periodically put a new metal arc, as the teeth gradually change their position, and the pressure on them will decrease. After replacing this part of the bracket system, pain may appear again, but on a much smaller scale. As painful as at the initial stage, you definitely won’t be.

Pain when removing braces

After you understand how painful it feels when braces are installed, it is logical to say a few words about what unpleasant sensations can overtake you on the day of their removal. We answer honestly: removing braces is absolutely not painful. Firstly, you will already get used to visiting the dental office, and secondly, the desire to see straight teeth and a dazzling smile in the mirror will overshadow all worries.

As in the case of installation, when removing the system, the doctor does not affect the nerve endings of the teeth and does not affect the gum tissue intensively. Therefore, unpleasant sensations have nowhere to come from. Have a good rest before this significant day, and let the question of whether it hurts to remove braces does not even appear in your head. Everything will be great!

Pain relief methods

From the foregoing, it follows that at first wearing fixed braces will really hurt a little. Fortunately, there are ways to help ease the discomfort. It is better to familiarize yourself with them before you decide to put a bracket system. In an emergency, you can quickly take the necessary measures. So, what to do if your teeth hurt badly from braces?

  1. If braces irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth, use a special orthodontic wax. Stick it on the part of the system that causes you discomfort, and the discomfort will soon disappear.
  2. When you feel pain from the pressure exerted on the teeth by the elements of the system, you can rinse your mouth with warm water with the addition of 1 tsp. regular salt.
  3. Before getting braces, ask your doctor for advice on a disinfectant in case of sores in the mouth. Such drugs quickly restore damaged tissues and prevent infections from developing.
  4. If your teeth are very painful, and folk remedies do not help, take any over-the-counter pain medication. Do this after meals and strictly follow the dosage. If the pain does not subside within a whole day, see a doctor as soon as possible..

For regular care, you can use rinsing from a decoction of chamomile or calendula. These herbs will have a soothing effect and speed up the healing of sores - you will not be unbearably hurt. Remember that braces are the way to an irresistible smile, under the charm of which all the people around you will fall. If you want to know the opinion of the happy owner of braces on the account of pain, watch the final video.

Many patients worry about whether it hurts to put, wear and remove braces on their teeth. After all, the bite is corrected only with their help, and the treatment process lasts quite a long time - an average of about two years. And during this period I do not want to experience unpleasant feelings.

And although each person has his own pain threshold and bite characteristics, there are still main points when you can expect discomfort or tangible pain. We will describe all such cases, as well as give recommendations on how to deal with it.

Pain when using structures - is this normal?

To understand why there is pain during orthodontic treatment, you need to understand what it is in general. The doctor fixes a special plate with a lock on each patient's tooth and passes an arc through them, which has a special property - the desire to straighten. As a result, she pulls each unit along, aligning the entire row. This is the main corrective effect of braces.

But how each person will feel such pressure and whether teeth should hurt at the same time is already strictly individual. Since the effect of the arc is not only on the units themselves, but also on the surrounding tissues that hold it in the hole, the final sensations will depend on bone density, muscle functionality and the complexity of the defect.

Doctors note that this is similar to krepatura, which appears in a person with unusual physical exertion on a certain muscle group in the gym. So here, the tissues that hold the tooth are not used to such pressure, and therefore they begin to whine or hurt from unusual work. It goes away on its own after two or three days.

The process of preparing for the installation of an orthodontic structure takes some time and involves the following manipulations:

  • treatment of dental problems (for example, caries);
  • preventive treatment of surfaces with mineral compounds.

Some patients feel pain even after the first paragraph, as the teeth become too sensitive. But it goes away after a few days. But the treatment of cavities or other diseases can cause pain or discomfort, depending on the neglect of the problem.

When it comes time to wear braces, nothing bad is expected. After all, the locks are installed on the surface with glue, and there is no effect on the nerve endings. The only thing worth considering is that the installation procedure lasts 1.5-2 hours, but it does not cause pain itself.

The problematic point may be the fixing of the extreme points between the molars. Indeed, for this, the doctor will need to slightly expand the units and free up the space necessary for manipulation. How long will it feel like? Usually a few hours after the procedure, the pain in this place disappears.

Some particularly sensitive patients may experience discomfort when pulling on the archwire. This is the first signal that the displacement of the teeth in the right direction has begun. If you know that your pain threshold is very low, then immediately warn the doctor about this so that he does not tighten the fasteners too much. So, the correction process will become a little slower, but more tolerable in terms of sensations. Otherwise, you will not be able to perform the usual procedures, talk and eat, and you will suffer greatly.

Discomfort while wearing braces

The entire first period after the braces have been placed is called adaptation, since both the teeth, the mucous membrane, the tongue, and the patient himself get used to the foreign object in the mouth. This time is accompanied by discomfort, pain and other unpleasant sensations. The reasons for this are:

  • arc pressure on hard tissues when the tooth moves in the right direction;
  • extra objects in the mouth interfere at first with speaking, eating and performing the usual hygiene procedures;
  • sharp edges of the system can injure or mucous;
  • sometimes the patient is allergic to the material from which the braces are made, which also causes discomfort;
  • illiterate actions of a doctor can lead to unnecessary trauma or improper displacement of teeth.
Such manifestations are purely individual. And if some patients do not feel anything special for the entire period of treatment, others may suffer for two years while the correction takes place. How many days do teeth hurt after braces? If this is just an adaptation period, then depending on the characteristics of the body, it passes in two weeks or faster.

Also, similar discomfort occurs during operation after tightening or replacing the arc, which is done every month. As the treatment progresses, these sensations will become weaker and faster. It must be understood that the intensity of pain largely depends on the degree of the defect. By the end of the correction, the teeth are already placed almost correctly, so the discomfort even when the system is tightened is reduced.

Obviously, there is no single answer to the question “does it hurt to wear braces?”. Each of these feelings will be different. And the moment when discomfort ceases to appear is also a purely individual feature. The following factors can be identified that influence this:

  • the location of the teeth, the complexity of the defect, the type of bite;
  • the quality of the selected bracket system, its individual or standard production;
  • pain threshold of the patient, tendency to allergic reactions;
  • the experience of the doctor, the literacy of his actions.

Is it unpleasant to remove orthodontic constructions?

Those patients whose teeth hurt a lot while wearing braces are very afraid that their removal will be an unbearable procedure. But it is worth noting that if during the installation of the plates and the activation of the arc, discomfort appears from the tension of the system, then when the structure is removed, everything happens much easier.

You may be intimidated by the dentist's tools that are used to remove the locks, but they do not cause pain. Discomfort can appear only when cleaning the surface of the teeth from the adhesive. The whole procedure takes much less time than installation and is easier. Any discomfort disappears immediately after the end of the manipulation.

In addition, the psychological state of a person is rapidly improving. After all, you can observe the achieved result, and there are no more foreign objects in your mouth! This is probably the most enjoyable part of the treatment that patients look forward to. All that remains is to consolidate the result, strictly following the recommendations of the doctor and realizing that all the difficulties were not in vain.

What to do if your teeth hurt from braces?

At whatever stage the pain occurs, and whatever the reason for it, this should not be tolerated. There are several ways to eliminate any discomfort associated with orthodontic treatment:

  1. Start with a mental attitude. The easier you treat it and the more patient you are, the easier it is to withstand any trouble. Always remember why you installed the structure and how happy you will be with the result - a perfect and beautiful smile. A positive attitude will make it easier to endure the difficulties of treatment, however, it will not relieve severe pain.
  2. In the first adaptation weeks, it is advisable to switch to sparing food - soft, semi-liquid. So, the process of eating will not cause additional pain. Solid foods should be avoided throughout the treatment period.
  3. For particularly sensitive patients, doctors prescribe painkillers. It can be banal paracetamol or other means - meloxicam, aceclofenac, etc. But remember that you can take them for no longer than a few days. If the pain does not decrease, then be sure to consult a doctor for help.
  4. To alleviate the condition of the mucosa, relieve the resulting inflammation or sores, a soda solution is used in the form of rinses. You can also use herbal infusions or special pharmacy products. There are even special anesthetics, such as Orajel or Colgate Orabase. Just be sure to read the instructions before use so as not to encounter side effects.
  5. If braces deliver pain due to their sharp corners or protruding elements, then a special one will help you get used to their position, which the doctor will issue immediately upon installation of the structure or recommend purchasing it at a pharmacy.
  6. Remember that when wearing braces is especially important. But it must be done in gentle ways - with soft brushes, an irrigator, and special brushes.
  7. You will have to give up sticky products, chewing gum, because they can clog under the structure, cause inflammation of the mucous membrane, the spread of caries, and also break or displace the elements of the orthodontic system.
  8. Doctors also advise purchasing a paste with an anesthetic effect. It should contain a concentration of potassium nitrate. Such products are usually intended for sensitive teeth, but will also help with adaptation to the braces.
  9. To relieve pain symptoms in the early days, you can use cold foods or apply ice. Even the simple use of ice cream will greatly alleviate the discomfort.
  10. But acidic foods should be avoided. Not only will they cause an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel, but they will also increase the pain if the mucous membrane has been injured.
  11. When the discomfort does not go away in the first days after the installation of the system or the tension of the arc, then make an appointment with the dentist so that he identifies the cause of the discomfort. Perhaps the design needs to be corrected - bend the edge of the arc, weaken its strength or change some elements. Feel free to ask your doctor about it.

You need to understand that the whole period you should not be alone. In the process of correction, there is always a doctor nearby, a specialist who has extensive experience working with these systems. He will help with advice, recommendations, secrets on how to relieve pain or find and eliminate the cause of discomfort in time. In close relationship with the orthodontist, you can count not only on a good result of treatment, but also on psychological support and all possible assistance in alleviating an unpleasant condition.

Video: braces - pain, first days ...

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