Dr. McFerrin's method: Cleansing the body through the skin. How I cleansed the vascular system of the body for a healthy lifestyle

Among the many attractive products that flood the consumer market today, there are many that are completely useless for our health. Unfortunately, sometimes bright packaging is much better than its contents, which do not promote health, but, on the contrary, cause disorders in the functioning of body systems, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and hormonal imbalance. If you are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and have opted for healthy diets, it is imperative to include foods in your diet that help cleanse blood vessels and arteries.

Today, doctors and health experts are increasingly saying that excessive consumption of low or very high fat foods raises blood cholesterol levels and significantly increases the risk of serious diseases. These should be avoided and more used those that help naturally cleanse the body from the negative effects of eating unhealthy foods.

TOP 9 Foods to Help Clean Blood Vessels

1. Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate is the number 1 product for the body, it is ““, which block, which are the cause of the appearance of cancers. Everything in a pomegranate is useful for the body, including the unusually tasty pomegranate juice. You can read more about this. By content useful substances it surpasses such recognized natural products like blackberries, blueberries and oranges.

Daily use pomegranate juice well cleanses blood vessels and arteries, minimizes the effects of atherosclerosis, helps to normalize the level

2. Oily fish

It is the main source of nutrients that are not fully produced by the body, but which, when absorbed, help improve performance. of cardio-vascular system.

When included in the diet of oily fish at least twice a week, it will help unblock clogged vessels and arteries, regulate lipid levels, and prevent vein sclerosis.

In addition, it should be remembered that oily fish has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is great for the treatment of dilated veins.

  • salmon,
  • tuna,
  • trout,
  • herring,
  • sardines,
  • mackerel.

3. Fermented cabbage

Simply put, it is sauerkraut. About its usefulness the best product in winter time With large quantity vitamins, everyone knows. It turns out that such cabbage is also a natural source of nutrients that have a positive effect on work. digestive system and heart health.

When adding sauerkraut in the diet, the processes of cleansing the body as a whole and blood vessels improve, in particular, the level of cholesterol and the removal of toxins change for the better. Fermented cabbage helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of many infectious diseases.

4. Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the best sources of essential fatty acids that contribute to natural cleansing blood vessels and arteries. Its consumption in its raw form helps to remove excess triglycerides, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and possible cerebral hemorrhages. The antioxidants found in olive oil, also block free radicals and prevent vascular sclerosis.

5. Sesame seeds

They are rich in fatty acids, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, they are able to effectively protect the heart, greatly facilitate the processes of blood circulation and prevent the progression of atherosclerosis. Adding them to salads, vegetable, meat and fish dishes promotes blood vessel cleansing and arterial health.

6. Tomatoes

Everyone's favorite tomatoes contain the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which lowers blood sugar levels. bad cholesterol in vessels and arteries. Including them in the diet, we do not just enjoy delicious and ripe tomatoes, but first of all take care of the heart and blood vessels, while the health benefits of the product increase tenfold.

7. Oats

The fibers that make up oat grains not only improve digestion, but also help metabolic processes, cleanse blood vessels from fatty plaques, and normalize cholesterol levels.

8. Nuts

They are, but also an excellent cleanser of clogged vessels and arteries, which complicate the work circulatory system. Nuts are rich in monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which prevent the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body. The most useful for the body are:

9. Watermelon

fruit with very low content calories and plenty of antioxidants is an excellent product for protecting blood vessels and arteries.

Its diuretic properties help control inflammation, improve blood circulation and eliminate residues. toxic substances circulating in the blood.

Watermelon contains the essential amino acid L-citrulline, which is effective in the fight for normal blood pressure.

Natural drinks that cleanse the blood vessels

They are especially useful for older people, because with age, blood vessels become clogged due to overweight, bad habits, stress and accumulated diseases. By drinking natural drinks that have a medicinal effect, you can naturally solve the problem of vascular cleansing.

1. Celery juice

The healing root is rich in C, E, minerals, primarily zinc and selenium, components that help protect the health of blood vessels and arteries. In addition, celery contains phthalide, which relaxes the muscles that surround blood vessels and arteries, thereby facilitating blood circulation.

Celery is one of the best cleansing foods as it is great for removing toxins, excess water, and laxative properties.

2. Pineapple juice

Tropical fruit juice is rich in potassium, which has a positive effect on the health of blood vessels and stable blood pressure. It is an excellent cleanser, helps fight obesity and gradually lose weight. To cleanse the vessels, it is useful to use during the day, both itself and the juice from it.

3. Pear juice

Our sweet and delicious fruit also rich in potassium, has excellent properties for maintaining the health of the arteries. It has a dilating effect on the vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole, and also positively regulates blood pressure.

Pear juice goes well with pineapple and celery and is one of the best cleansers for blood vessels.

Including the above products in the diet, you are guaranteed to help the body avoid problems with blood vessels, which can have very serious consequences, such as heart failure, seizures, heart attacks, strokes. natural drinks with medicinal properties with regular use, they will also help cleanse blood vessels and arteries in a natural way, avoiding the risk of developing serious diseases.

Don't stop taking care of yourself and your health! It is the key to all life successes and achievements!

How I cleansed the vascular system of the body for healthy lifestyle life

A healthy lifestyle will be the beginning for the development of all human activity, bringing it closer to a long life, full-fledged social functions. Knowledge about the cleansing of blood vessels will help to maintain health for a long time with longevity. Cleansing the vascular system is a major health concern.

The human body is a very complex chemical laboratory that requires constant cleaning of the vascular system. You need to take care of your body like a flower, otherwise it begins to fade. With improper food intake and immobile work, the walls of the vessels lose their elasticity, slagging the vessels, which leads to their deformation. I have long felt heaviness in the body and decided to try to get rid of cholesterol plaques that were formed during my life from ingesting cholesterol along with food. Its excess in the body is very undesirable, it causes severe illness. It is the slagging of blood vessels that leads to many diseases. I feel how often my blood pressure changes, shortness of breath, malaise, heart disease.

Incredibly fast help

To give first aid to myself, I made a tincture by mixing lemons and garlic. I prepared a mixture for the first portion, mixed four heads of garlic and 4 strong ripe lemons into a thick mass. I cut clean lemons into arbitrary pieces with peel, crushed them with garlic in a blender. I filled a 3-liter jar with the product, covered it tightly with a lid and put it in a dark, cold place for three days. Treatment is carried out for 4 weeks.

Preparation of medicinal tincture

Every day I mixed the healing mixture in the jar. On the 4th day, it was ready, filtered, you can use sterile gauze in four layers, poured into a clean flask, sealed it tightly and sent it to the cold. I took this infusion before meals, 100 g 3 times a day before meals for 30 minutes. You can take three tbsp. l. before meals. Improvement in the body felt immediately. Doctors recommend this infusion to those who do not have a serious chronic disease, who have a healthy stomach.

There is an alternative way to clean vessels with walnut pulp

I bought high-quality peeled walnuts in the amount of one and a half kilograms and grinded them into a solid mass with a meat grinder. Store the product in the refrigerator. Every morning and evening I ate 1 full tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. It is advisable to drink the nut mass with a glass of clean water. The course of treatment is designed for 2 months.

Therapeutic diets

A balanced diet is achieved through its diversity, food products of different groups. Often, active inclusion in the food menu helps to get rid of plaques in the vessels.

1. Apples.

2. Pomegranate.

3. Their juices.

4. Viburnum berries.

5. Rowan. I drank up to two liters of water, excluded fried and smoked dishes, switched from beef to turkey, fish, but at the same time I ate a lot of vegetables and fruits. From folk recipes, I used whey, which I make myself from goat milk with a clove of garlic before meals, one glass is enough. I saved myself with vitamin tea.

Healing decoctions

The decoction helped me well bay leaf cleanse the joints of salt deposits. I prepared it this way: I put 6 bay leaves into a liter of water, boiled for exactly 6 minutes and poured it into a thermos for 5 hours. Then experts recommend straining, you need to drink one tablespoon (no more, otherwise nosebleeds will open) 30 minutes before eating on an empty stomach, drink the whole broth in a day. I made a decoction on the 2nd day, then I took a break for a week, after another 3 days I used it. I used decoction treatment four times a year, and now I am doing one treatment. I tried to eat vegetarian food and did not add salt. This decoction cleanses well even the small vessels of the brain, it helped me a lot.

human vascular system

All heart diseases occur for the main reasons - the vascular system is polluted, atherosclerotic plaques appear on the vessels. They slow down the blood flow, causing narrowing of the artery, which leads to the degradation of internal organs. With the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients are distributed, with vasoconstriction, the flow of blood slows down, and if it does not get what it needs, after 2 minutes the cell dies. By cleaning the vessels, we help the appearance of new cells. For me, this has become a major goal.

Atherosclerosis sends signals:

1. Hands with legs freeze, the color of their skin changes, they acquire a bluish tint.

2. The pain is given in the back, in the heart, goes to the left hand.

3. Memory deterioration progresses.

4. You are irritable and inattentive.

5. Sleep was disturbed, and a headache appeared.

6. Feel chronic fatigue.

7. May occur diabetes With high pressure(hypertension), there will be pain in the kidneys.

I have already grown the entire set of diseases listed above and they have grown stronger. The smallest vessels with capillaries, gradually destroys atherosclerosis, capturing the most large vessels. It is necessary to constantly clean the vessels of the brain, preventing the appearance of its ischemia, when dementia develops, changes mental condition and intelligence declines. Purification of cholesterol is necessary to protect against the destruction of the function of urine production, against the occurrence of hypertension. Before cleaning the vessels, you need to check with a doctor.

Different ways to clean the vessels from cholesterol plaques

Often, many people use folk recipes. The procedure for cleaning the vessels is harmless to the body, there is a complete cleansing of the vessels. The vascular system is cleaned according to the established course, experts recommend doing it twice a year. Autumn or spring weather is better suited, when strong immunity is needed, after cleaning the vascular system, it will noticeably improve.

To clean the vessels, a tincture of herbal ingredients was prepared. This mixture included (the same amount) chamomile, St. John's wort, Birch buds, immortelle, ginger powder (100 g each). I took from mixed herbal collection one teaspoon with the top, and a glass of boiling water brewed. I covered it with a warm towel, insisted on time for 20 minutes. After straining the infusion, I diluted honey in it to taste. I tried to drink this prepared drink in the morning and before going to bed. The whole mixture was consumed in a month. This is considered the main course of cleaning vessels. Substitute ginger powder is allowed fresh root fruit, pre-cut into small pieces. Before starting the procedure for cleaning the vascular system of the brain, try to pass an encephalogram, and after cleaning is completed, it is recommended to repeat the test. Feelings of lightness I felt from the cleaned vessels after 7 days from the beginning of the procedure.

I set the composition and nutritional norms, increased the menu with fresh red vegetables, orange fruits, spinach, dill, parsley, sorrel, and other green foods with coarse fiber. In the morning on an empty stomach, I drink a cup of water with lemon juice and honey every day. A complex approach to clean the vessels accelerated my result. Be sure to try all options.

Cholesterol is the enemy of blood vessels

People over 50 years of age with an existing hereditary predisposition to a disease of the vascular system, prone to smoking and alcoholism, are at risk. For quite a long time, they collected and tested on thousands of people, therapeutic methods for removing harmful excess cholesterol, which were able to prove their reliability in the destruction of this difficult disease. It does not bother and practically no one notices it until the gap between the walls of the vessel narrows to 75%. The walls from the inside are already covered with a thick layer of insoluble cholesterol plaques. All this leads to a change blood pressure, the blood becomes thick, blood clots appear. oxygen starvation brings suffering to all internal organs, and special suffering is assigned to the brain and heart. Dangerous diseases from atherosclerosis - this is the appearance of myocardial infarction, stroke, angina pectoris - often leads to death.

Cholesterol plaques are dissolved and cleared

The intake of cholesterol from food can be completely avoided if you reduce and revise the diet. Treat processed sausages, offal with disdain, do not get carried away (reduce to 20 grams per day) with butter, cheese, strong drinks from tea and coffee. Know the measure for everything. Increase the intake of fish and seafood up to 3-4 times, switch to sour-milk products with a fat content of no more than one percent. There is a large selection of foods that are rich in fiber. It is mandatory to drink clean water up to 2 liters per day, first courses and tea are not taken into account. Useful vegetable oil is corn, but you need to use it no more than 2 tablespoons, you can use others.

Daily health-improving therapeutic exercises, walking, jogging distance up to 5 km. Eat at the same hours without overeating. Quit smoking and drinking. By fulfilling all the requirements of healthy lifestyle, the level of cholesterol in the blood will begin to decrease. You will feel how your health improves. You need to do it regularly, without interruptions, following a diet, you will lower cholesterol, oxygen will enter the blood in a timely manner and you will want to live a new healthy life.

Lidia Petrovna Smirnova, Yelets, Russia.

Hydrotherapy is powerful tool to strengthen and improve blood vessels. This is largely due to the effect of water on both skin and for the entire organism as a whole. Even the ancient luminaries of medicine were familiar with the following principle of the body's reaction to irritation: what stronger irritation, the stronger the rush of blood to the site of irritation. This law has become supreme law hydrotherapy.

As Avicenna wrote, “bathing in cold water immediately precipitates the innate warmth inside the body, then it again sticks to the surface of the body, strengthened several times.”

By acting with heat or cold on the skin, it is possible to achieve a response of the vessels of any organ. Under the influence of cold, the muscles of the body contract, due to this there is less heat loss, but at the same time metabolic processes increase. Hot water, like cold water, first contracts the muscles of the skin, thereby contributing to vasoconstriction. After a while, the vessels dilate, the metabolism decreases, sweating begins, which prevents the body from overheating.

The use of baths in hydrotherapy

Immersion in the bath is a kind of short-term return to its origins, because it is not for nothing that all living things once came out of the ocean, like from a cradle. Water will cleanse your body, open your pores, and allow your body to more actively receive the necessary oxygen supply. Water will wash away physical and energy fatigue, soothe, absorb negative energy.

Any bath can improve your well-being, restore a good mood, but for this you need to know the basic simple rules hydrotherapy.

In order for the bath to have the desired effect, it is necessary to adhere to a certain temperature regime. In the practice of hydrotherapy, cold baths (up to 20 °C), cool (20–33 °C), indifferent (34–37 °C), warm (38–39 °C) and hot (from 4 °C and above) baths are used.

cold and cool baths tone, stimulate the nervous system, blood vessels and heart, normalize metabolism and increase blood pressure.

Warm and indifferent baths relax muscles, reduce pain, soothe, as well as improve sleep and lower blood pressure. Therefore, with insomnia, it is often recommended to take warm baths in the evening.

Hot baths are relaxing, increase sweating, stimulate metabolism and lower blood pressure.

The duration of warm and indifferent baths is 10–20 minutes, the rest should be taken no more than 3 minutes so as not to harm your body.

Attention! You can not take baths in acute inflammatory processes and uterine bleeding.

Hygienic baths

A hygienic bath is best taken in the evening, before going to bed. The recommended water temperature is 37–4 °C. Bath time 10 minutes. At the end of the procedure, do a little self-massage using a massage brush. Character and general scheme massage movements: circular movements, starting from the toes to the heart, then from the hands also in the direction of the heart.

After the bath, rinse in the shower and wrap yourself in a heated towel or bathrobe. Your skin will turn pink, a pleasant warmth will spread over your body. After such a bath, he sleeps very well.

If the bath is taken in the morning, at the end of it, the body should be massaged with a dry brush or mitt. A wonderful effect gives a massage with a damp linen towel.

herbal baths

Particular attention in hydrotherapy is given to herbal baths. Basically, all bath infusions are prepared in the same way. You need to take a herb or a mixture of herbs (100 g of dry or 600 g of fresh raw materials). Plants pour 1 liter of cold water, bring to a boil and soak for 1 hour in a warm place. Pour the strained infusion into the prepared warm or indifferent bath (36–38 C). The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes. After it, you need to rest for at least 2 hours. Such baths are recommended to be taken every other day for a month.

Baths with infusions of chamomile, nettle, oregano, string and celandine increase vitality organism, its resistance to adverse effects environment, have a rejuvenating effect, making the skin more elastic.

Baths with the addition of oak bark have an anti-inflammatory effect. They are often recommended for skin diseases and varicose veins.

Baths with thyme improve metabolism, calm the nervous system, they are indicated for neurosis and insomnia. Often recommended for people who experience stress and nervous tension at work.

Baths with the addition of valerian infusion calm the nerves, help reduce pressure and get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Coniferous baths also calm the nervous system and normalize sleep. They are usually recommended to people whose activities are associated with intense mental work.

Baths with infusion of hay. By acting on the capillaries of the brain, this procedure has a strong calming effect in case of nervous tension. It helps well with insomnia, nervous palpitations, sclerosis, chorea, neurosis and irritability due to overwork.

Turpentine baths of Dr. A. S. Zalmanov

The basis of capillary therapy, the method of Dr. A. S. Zalmanov, is the purification of the capillary system, in which three active components take part - water, heat and turpentine. The substances included in the composition of the baths penetrate well through the skin to sensitive nerve endings, whose excitation reflexively causes a number of biochemical reactions that are beneficial for the body. At the same time, capillaries are opened and blood circulation is revived throughout the body. Accordingly, the metabolism improves and restoration in progress impaired body functions in a variety of, even severe pathologies. Baths of A. S. Zalmanov are an excellent regulator of blood pressure.

Turpentine baths are capable of exerting such an effect that leads to the functional restoration of capillaries and the healing of the whole organism.

Special turpentine mixtures for baths, made according to the recipe of A. S. Zalmanov, are best purchased at pharmacies. Self-manufacturing these mixtures is a laborious and unsafe process, and the results can be unsatisfactory.

All types of baths at first can be taken daily for 10 days (1 time per day), then every other day and after the end treatment course- 2 times a week to maintain vascular tone and prevent diseases.

Indications for the use of turpentine baths

Taking turpentine baths is recommended for the following diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertension, ischemic disease hearts ( coronary insufficiency in the absence of heart failure), angina pectoris. Therapeutic effect they also have thrombophlebitis, obliterating endarteritis and vascular atherosclerosis lower extremities, Raynaud's disease, with the consequences of a stroke (paralysis, paresis).

Contraindications and restrictions

Proper use of turpentine baths never causes any harmful side effects. A gradual increase in water temperature to the upper limit of the comfort zone significantly softens or eliminates discomfort.

However, it should be borne in mind that baths have a strong pronounced action on the body. And using them at home without consulting an experienced doctor is sometimes risky and unsafe for health.

Open form of tuberculosis;

Ischemic heart disease with symptoms of angina pectoris;


Heart failure above stage I;

Hypertension II-III stage;

Chronic nephritis and hepatitis;

Cirrhosis of the liver;

Acute eczema;


Spicy inflammatory process or exacerbation chronic diseases;

Diseases of the genitourinary organs;

Malignant neoplasms;

Second half of pregnancy;

Individual intolerance to turpentine baths.

White bathtubs

Turpentine baths with a white emulsion restore impaired capillary functions, stimulate skin capillaries and all organs, providing beneficial effect on the general condition of the body as a whole. While taking a bath, capillaries contract and expand rhythmically, doing a kind of "gymnastics".

Increased capillary pulsation contributes to an increase in blood pressure, intensifies peripheral circulation and improves the trophism of all tissues. Breathing deepens, oxygen supply to the lungs increases, oxidation and combustion of metabolites and slags are activated.

Attention! When starting treatment with turpentine baths, it should be remembered that white baths can only be used by patients with low or normal (not higher than 140–150/90 mm Hg) arterial blood pressure. Sick with high blood pressure only yellow tubs are shown.

If during the treatment with white baths the blood pressure becomes higher than normal, it is necessary to immediately switch to mixed baths, combining different volumes of a white emulsion and a yellow solution.

Session schema

After shaking the emulsion, pour it into the bath. Baths are taken twice a week.

yellow baths

Turpentine baths with a yellow solution reduce systolic pressure blood, contribute to the improvement of capillary blood circulation, expansion of capillary lumens, resorption of hematomas, scars and adhesions. By enhancing internal oxidation and expansion of capillaries, the yellow solution helps to dissolve pathological deposits in the articular cavities, in periarticular tissues, in tendons and ligaments, in the lenses of the eyes, in the walls of blood vessels and in the capillaries themselves.

Session schema

To take the procedure, pour the emulsion into a hot water bath.

Mixed baths

Possessing a wide range actions, mixed baths improve capillary circulation, normalize water-salt exchange, contribute to the resorption of hemorrhages, adhesions and scars, little change blood pressure. These baths are recommended to be used 2 times a week for patients with normal blood pressure for the same indications as white and yellow baths separately.

Contrast shower The impact of this procedure has the most beneficial effect on blood vessels and connective tissue.

A contrast shower trains the thermoregulatory systems, ligaments and blood vessels in the same way that muscles are trained during physical exercises.

This is an intensive hardening procedure. The contrast shower works like this. Warm water relaxes, cold - increases the tone of muscles and blood vessels. Alternate constriction and expansion of blood vessels causes blood to move more actively along the vascular bed. The blood supply to organs and tissues improves, metabolic processes in them increase, the body is intensively freed from toxins and metabolic products.

Start the procedure with warm water, gradually increasing its temperature until steam appears. Then switch to cold water and douse it quickly. Douche phase cold water should be at least 2 times shorter than hot pouring. Repeat the procedure 3-6 times and finish it with cool or cold water. After that, rub with a hard towel until the skin turns red.

The temperature difference for non-hardened people should be 6–7 ° C, and for hardened people - 2 ° C or more; the stronger it is, the greater the effect of this procedure. A contrast shower should always leave a pleasant feeling!

Attention! Consult your doctor if you have serious problems with health, including diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

In unhardened, untrained people, the use contrast procedures during acute respiratory disease can cause an exacerbation of a chronic, sluggish process.

vitamin therapy

What vitamins do our vessels need

Along with the treatment that your doctor will prescribe, the body must receive a sufficient amount of substances that help strengthen blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots and normalize processes at the microcirculatory level.

Rutin (vitamin P), especially in combination with vitamin C, restores vascular elasticity, reduces capillary permeability and fragility. AT in large numbers this substance is found in rose hips, citrus fruits, blackcurrant berries, mountain ash, chokeberry, green tea and, oddly enough, in coffee, beer, grape wine.

A lack of thiamine hydrochloride (vitamin B t ) leads to muscle weakness, loss of sensation in the legs, burning, swelling of the limbs. This vitamin is found in beans, cereals, meat, especially pork, liver and brewer's yeast.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B 5) is necessary for many chemical processes in the body, in particular, it is involved in hematopoiesis. With a lack pantothenic acid people experience pain in their legs, muscle spasms skin diseases appear. Sources of vitamin B5 - liver, peanuts, grains, cereal sprouts, brewer's yeast, bran, egg yolk, chicken meat, broccoli cabbage.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is involved in the production of vital substances such as adrenaline; contributes to a better supply of blood with iron; supports the body in the fight against diseases ... If you bruise easily, wounds heal poorly, if you are prone to frequent colds, prone to depression, complain of weakness, loss of appetite - most likely, the body lacks ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is found in large quantities in citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, melons, tomatoes, herbs, etc.

Retinol (vitamin A) ensures the safety of epithelial cells, is responsible for the growth and development of bones. If this vitamin is lacking, any wounds on the body, including trophic ulcers, will heal very poorly. Contains vitamin A in the liver, melons, carrots, spinach, cabbage, pumpkin, fresh apricots, milk. Vitamin A should never be overdosed, so the dose is selected by the doctor for each patient individually.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) protects cell membranes, protecting the body from viruses and bacteria. Signs of tocopherol deficiency are nervous and muscular disorders, difficulty walking, weakening of some reflexes, decreased sensitivity to vibration. Rich sources of this vitamin are vegetable oils: sunflower, cottonseed, corn, as well as margarine, almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds.

In addition to vitamins, our body also needs microelements - copper, zinc, calcium, manganese, potassium, sodium, fatty acids.

Vitamin fruit drinks

Cranberry juice. Grind 0.5 cups of cranberries with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Pour 1 liter of water at a temperature of 70–8 °C. Insist night. Strain. Drink during the day.

Morse from plum-sloes. Improves cerebral circulation, helps recovery after a stroke, with migraines. Dissolve 600 g of sugar in 1 liter of boiling water. Pour 1 kg of plums with this syrup. Boil 10 minutes. Cool down. Take 100 ml per day.

Morse from sea buckthorn. It is indicated for hypoavitaminosis, metabolic disorders, peptic ulcer stomach. Dissolve 500 g of sugar in 1 liter of boiling water. Pour 1 kg of berries with this syrup and boil for 5 minutes. Take 100 ml per day.

Black currant juice. Increases the body's resistance by high content vitamin C. Dissolve 400 g of sugar in 1 liter of boiling water. Pour 1 kg of berries with this syrup. Boil 5 minutes. Take 100 ml per day.

Morse from red viburnum. Indicated for hypoavitaminosis, liver diseases, gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis, colds. Dissolve 200 g of sugar in 1 liter of boiling water. Pour syrup over 1 kg of berries, boil for 5 minutes. Take 100 ml per day.

Chokeberry juice with a decoction of herbs. It is indicated for low hemoglobin, nervous tension. Squeeze juice from berries. Add 30% water to it. Make the following mixture of herbs: 5 g of nettle, 20 g of motherwort, 15 g of mint, 10 g of calendula, 10 g of chamomile. Pour the herbal mixture with 1 liter of water, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Take 50 ml 2 times a day before meals.

vitamin teas

Rosehip infusion. To 2 tbsp. spoons of dry rose hips ground in a coffee grinder add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and a slice of lemon 2 cm thick. Pour 1 liter of water at a temperature of 70–8 ° C. Insist overnight in a thermos. Strain. Drink during the day.

Nettle and rosehip tea. The best remedy for beriberi. This tea supplies the body with all essential vitamins and micronutrients. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of dry or fresh nettle leaves and crushed rose hips. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of cranberries, mix well and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Infuse for at least 3 hours, strain. Drink morning and evening 7 g glass 30 minutes before meals.

Rosehip tea with raisins. This tea is especially useful for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, since both rose hips and raisins strengthen the heart muscle.

Rinse the raisins, finely chop them, pour boiling water at the rate of 10 g of berries per 100 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Add the same amount of rosehip infusion to the resulting broth (preparation method: pour 1 tablespoon of dry fruits crushed in a coffee grinder with 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, leave for 2-3 hours, strain). Take 1/2 cup several times a day.

Tea from rose hips and rowan. Mix in equal parts rose hips and rowan berries. Pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, add sugar to taste. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

Rosehip and blackcurrant tea. This tea is especially useful for patients with influenza and infectious diseases. Mix equally the rose hips and blackcurrant berries. Pour 2 dess. tablespoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, insist for an hour. Strain, add sugar to taste. Drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

Tea from dried fruits of hawthorn. Pour 1/2 cup of dried fruit in a thermos with 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse for 7-8 hours, strain and drink after meals with sugar, honey or jam.

tea from lingonberry leaves. Pour 1/4 cup of lingonberry leaves with 3 cups of cold water and put on fire. Leaves should boil well. Strain. You will get a dark transparent infusion, slightly astringent in taste. Drink warm after meals 2-3 times a day.

This tea is good for gout, especially when mixed with chamomile and lime blossom (or raspberry leaves), which are taken for brewing 1 tbsp. spoon. Consume no more than 4 glasses per day.

Chamomile tea. This tea normalizes sleep, disinfects and soothes irritated intestines, improves its peristalsis. Brew 1 dec. a spoonful of chamomile flowers 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Before use, add sugar and cream.

Folk remedies for healing blood vessels

Vessel cleansing methods

Vessel cleansing has a positive effect on the body, washing out plaques from the vessels, making them elastic and flexible. As a result, the manifestations of atherosclerosis are significantly reduced, the likelihood of a heart attack and stroke is reduced, and headaches disappear. Using the methods listed below, you can improve vision, hearing, cope with varicose veins in the legs.

Traditional medicine offers following methods vessel cleansing.

Take 100 g of St. John's wort, chamomile, immortelle and birch buds (herbs are taken dried and crushed). In the evening 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain through a cloth (but not gauze) and squeeze. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of this infusion and drink it before going to bed, then do not eat or drink. In the morning, steam the remaining liquid, dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in it and drink 15–20 minutes before breakfast. Do this daily until the mixture runs out (keep it in a tightly closed jar). The cleaning course is repeated after 5 years.

As a result of treatment, the metabolism improves dramatically, the vessels are cleared of fatty and lime deposits and become elastic, which prevents sclerosis, heart attack, and hypertension. Noise in the head, dizziness passes, vision is restored.

Take 15 g of valerian root and lemon balm leaves, 50 g of yarrow herb; Pour 2 teaspoons of the collection with 1 glass of water and insist in a cold place for 3 hours, then boil, cool and strain. Drink several times a day. Full course of cleansing - 3 weeks.

Japanese Sophora cleans vessels from organic deposits. Take 50 g of fruits or flowers, insist 30 days in 500 ml of vodka. Strain. Drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Sophora infusion is somewhat weaker: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. The course of purification is 3-4 months.

White mistletoe removes inorganic deposits from vessels. Grind mistletoe grass to flour, pour 1 teaspoon with 1 cup of boiling water in a thermos and leave overnight. Drink 2 tbsp. spoons 2 times a day. The course of purification is 3-4 months.

The following cleansing method not only helps the vessels, but strengthens, cleanses and heals the heart. It is calculated for 2 weeks. For every day you will need 3 lemons and 1 liter of milk. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 1/3 liter of milk, and then the juice of one lemon. Repeat the same at noon, and then before going to bed. During cleansing, it is advisable to eat only plant foods.

Take 2 lemons and 2 oranges, cut them into pieces, remove the seeds and pass through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mixture with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Keep in a glass jar overnight room temperature then refrigerate. Take 2-3 teaspoons of the mixture per day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, then take a 2-week break.

Mix 1 cup dill seed with 2 tbsp. spoons of ground valerian root and 2 cups of natural honey. Place this mixture in a thermos and pour boiling water so that the total volume of the infusion is 2 liters. Leave for a day, then place in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, until the entire infusion is over.

Cleansing of vessels with blue iodine. This procedure cleanses blood vessels, improves their elasticity, relieves spasms. It is a good remedy for stroke, helps with post-stroke conditions and paralysis, strengthens the immune system. Blue iodine lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Recipe for blue iodine: dilute 1 teaspoon with top of potato starch in 50 ml of warm water, stir, add the same amount of sugar and a few crystals (on the tip of a knife) citric acid. At this time, boil 150 ml of water and pour the resulting starch solution into boiling water. After cooling the resulting mixture, pour 1 teaspoon of 5% iodine tincture into it.

Take 4-6 teaspoons after meals 1 time per day for 5 days followed by the same break or every other day (for allergies, take 2 tablets of activated charcoal on an empty stomach).

This drug can be stored in a closed container at room temperature for several months. Can cook blue iodine without sugar and citric acid, but its shelf life is reduced to 10 days.

Attention! Too much iodine is harmful. This drug should be discontinued in the following cases: with an increase in the amount of mucus in the nose, the onset of a cold, urticaria.

Recipes to strengthen blood vessels

Drink the juice of 1 lemon daily (only with normal or low acidity of gastric juice!).

Grate lemon zest or grind into powder. Mixed with honey, use during the day as jam with tea from rosehip leaves, raspberries, black currants.

Mix 1 teaspoon of honey, juice of 1/2 lemon, 3/4 cup of boiled water. Drink 1 time per day at night.

Cut into pieces 2 lemons and 2 oranges, remove the seeds from them, pass through a meat grinder. Mass mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Soak in a glass or porcelain dish for one day at room temperature, then refrigerate. Take 2-3 teaspoons daily before meals or with tea.

Take 350 g of butter, lard, honey, sugar, 3 cups of cream, 8 yolks and 100 g cocoa. Mix everything, whisking slightly, pre-heating the oil and fat together. Then boil until you get the consistency of batter. Cool and take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. This is an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases.

Garlic Based Recipes

As you know, garlic, or rather, garlic juice contains trace elements such as aluminum, selenium and germanium. It is they who make the walls of blood vessels elastic, strengthening them and restoring tone. Garlic helps to break down or dissolve the fibrin protein from which blood clots are formed, thereby helping to cleanse the vessels. In addition, garlic has a beneficial effect on cholesterol metabolism in the liver, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and promotes the resorption of atherosclerotic plaques. There are a lot of ways to use garlic in folk medicine. We present here only the simplest of them.

Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic daily. You can chew parsley or a slice of lemon to counter the smell of garlic.

Stir 2 cloves of garlic, chopped kernels of 10 walnuts, 1 tbsp. spoon vegetable oil(unrefined). Spread the resulting mass on bread and eat.

Turn 1 head of peeled garlic and 1 lemon through a meat grinder, pour 600 ml of boiled chilled water. Insist 2-3 days. Strain and drink every morning 50 ml 15 minutes before meals. Shake before use.

Garlic oil is useful for the prevention of multiple sclerosis and is effective vasodilator. It relieves spasms of cerebral vessels, cardiac spasms, relieves shortness of breath. To prepare the oil, you need to peel a medium-sized head of garlic, crush it into gruel, then pour a glass of unrefined sunflower oil in a glass jar. The next day, mix a tablespoon of the resulting oil with a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice ( single dose). Take this mixture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1 month. Then take a break for a month, then repeat the course of treatment.

Tibetan method of purification and strengthening of blood vessels

Finely chop 350 g of selected peeled garlic, and grind in an earthenware, glass or wooden bowl with a pestle. Let the gruel stand in a dark place. Then take about 200 g of its most liquid part and pour 200 g of pure medical alcohol (in extreme cases, you can use vodka). Close the mixture tightly and put in a dark, cool place (preferably not in the refrigerator). After 10 days, squeeze the mass through a dense linen cloth. Place the resulting liquid in a cool dark place for 2 days, after which the product can be consumed.

Garlic infusion should be drunk in drops according to the scheme below half an hour before meals. Drink milk or water.

Drink the remaining tincture 25 drops 3 times a day until it runs out. You can carry out such cleansing of the vessels every 5 years or more often, best of all in the fall.

Recipes using honey

Everyone knows about its benefits. Honey has an amazing ability to preserve vitamins and minerals, necessary for the body. It is known that it contains biogenic stimulants - substances that can raise the overall vitality and tone of the cardiovascular system. In vascular diseases, honey is especially useful in that it improves blood circulation, increasing blood flow.

Here are a few recipes that can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for problems with blood vessels.

The simplest and effective way- take 2 teaspoons of honey before each meal for 2 months.

Pass 2 kg of blue onion through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice through a dense cloth, add 300–400 g of honey. Mix, transfer to a jar, store in the refrigerator. Take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon 30-40 minutes before meals.

Take 1 kg of cranberries, 200 g of garlic and 100 g of honey. Grind everything in a meat grinder and leave for 3 days. Take 1 dec. spoon 2 times a day before meals.

Take 1 liter of honey, 10 lemons and 5 heads of garlic. Squeeze lemon juice into honey and add mashed garlic. Mix everything and leave for a week. Take 1 teaspoon once a day, eat slowly.

Take 20 g of ginseng root and 1/2 liter of honey. Mix the powder with honey, leave for a week, stirring frequently. Take 3 times a day for 1/4 teaspoon.

Grate orange with zest and mix with 200 g of honey. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Indian mix. Consists of ground walnuts, dried apricots, prunes, grated lemon peel, raisins and honey in a free proportion. You need to take it every time after meals for a month. Then you can take a break and resume prevention after a month.

Mix honey and flower pollen in equal proportions and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1.5–2 months.

Cleansing. How to start the process of slag removal Andrey Aleksandrovich Mironov

Cleaning of capillaries. Cleansing at the cellular level

The theory and practice of capillary therapy was developed by the famous medical scientist of the last century, Abram Zalmanov. He was deeply convinced that the role of capillary nutrition, not only of every organ, but of every cell of the human body, is largely underestimated. Almost any disease is caused not so much by infections or physical damage to tissues as it is a consequence of insufficient nutrition of organs and cells due to blockage of capillaries. By normalizing capillary blood flow, we get rid of the cause of diseases. Often the body then self-repairs without additional symptomatic treatment. The same applies to getting rid of toxins and toxins. With proper capillary nutrition of organs and cells, no toxins accumulate in the body. Therefore, there is nothing to purify and nothing to clean. And they do not accumulate due to the fact that through the same capillaries, through which blood that feeds organs and cells is supplied to each point of the body, all the materials unnecessary to the body, all waste are constantly transported through them in the direction of the excretory organs. Thus, having restored capillary blood flow, we start the processes of self-healing and self-purification of the body at the cell level. And that is exactly what we are striving for. Let's look at the teachings of Dr. Zalmanov in more detail in order to understand what needs to be done in order for self-purification to start working.

Man is not only a physical organism, not only a set of organs that perform certain functions. We are a part of the Universe, inimitable, unique, fraught with inexhaustible secrets and still unknown possibilities and reserves, including self-purification. And thinking people do not doubt the fact that the disease requires not only intervention on the physical plane, but also adjustments on other levels of the entire most complex system, whose name is man. "Patch holes" and get rid of unpleasant symptoms you can endlessly - just like, say, monthly clean this or that organ from constantly accumulating toxins. But this is a struggle with the manifestations of the disease, but not with its cause.

For some reason, in domestic medicine, it is customary to oppose physicians, whose field of activity is the physical level of the disease, and healers, who are trying to penetrate into the deep, sometimes metaphysical levels of the disease.

The desire to combine these two points of view has led to the emergence of an alternative medical system called naturopathy. It is primarily concerned with the study of the body's ability to heal and maintain itself. Naturopaths believe that it is necessary to bring to a common denominator the foundations of classical medicine, methods of traditional healing, herbal medicine and nutrition.

Naturopathy considers a person as a single system in which all processes are inextricably linked with each other, as soul and body are inseparable. Therefore, the mental state of a person needs to be corrected to the same extent that the physical body needs treatment.

And most importantly, naturopathy assumes that a person must fully assume responsibility for their health. And then it is necessary to adjust the work of the stray system in such a way that the body begins to heal itself. It would seem that this sounds a little unscientific - at least you don’t often hear something like this from the lips of medical professionals. However, among prominent representatives there were many doctors in naturopathy, we have already written about Dr. Zalmanov.

In his books, he shared the results of many years of experience in the treatment of various chronic diseases, which was based on the theory of the exclusive role of the capillary system in the development of diseases and the healing process. An outstanding physician called for the fight against diseases to stimulate the natural defense mechanisms of the human body. And for this, he believed, it is necessary to influence the capillaries and metabolic processes that depend on them.

Zalmanov did not just put forward a theory. He also proposed an effective way to implement it in practice, creating turpentine mixtures and his famous baths. Their mechanism of action is ingeniously simple. Session after session, turpentine baths open closed capillary vessels, improve cellular metabolism, restore the nutrition of organs, improve the removal of toxins - in other words, restore the normal, healthy life of cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism as a whole. According to Zalmanov, turpentine baths gave results even in those difficult cases when traditional methods of official medicine were powerless.

Zalmanov's turpentine baths are good, first of all, because they affect the capillary network as a whole - in a complex way. And, since the work of all capillaries improves at once, the potential of each cell - and the whole organism - increases.

Zalmanov's baths belong to physiological methods treatment - that is, to those methods that do not contradict physiological functions human body, but act as a support for his natural ability to heal himself.

Turpentine baths also have other advantages, among which, perhaps, the main thing is accessibility. In principle, each patient can conduct a series of wellness sessions according to the method of Dr. Zalmanov at home.

True, we note once again: naturopathic approaches require thoughtfulness. You must deeply realize that the responsibility for your well-being lies entirely with you.

Listen to your body and choose the type of bath that is right for you. There are three types of turpentine baths in Dr. Zalmanov's system: white, yellow and mixed, depending on the turpentine mixture used. Their effect on the body is significantly different from each other.

The composition of white turpentine includes drinking water, purified gum turpentine, baby soap, salicylic acid and camphor. White turpentine baths cause rhythmic contractions of capillaries and act on the body as a whole. Thus, each session becomes a kind of training of the capillary system. At the same time, the flow of oxygen into the lungs increases, and the combustion of toxins increases. Hardened ligaments, tendons and muscles lose their stiffness. During the session, tingling of the skin is felt.

The composition of yellow turpentine includes drinking water, purified gum turpentine, Castor oil, oleic acid, sodium hydroxide. Yellow turpentine baths fight pathological deposits in the joint cavities, tendons and ligaments, eye lenses, blood vessel walls and the capillaries themselves. Such procedures help lower blood pressure, dissolve salt deposits. During the session and immediately after it, the patient sweats profusely.

Mixed turpentine baths are prepared using both mixtures - white and yellow. Accordingly, they have the properties of both baths. The main thing is that when they are used, a tangible analgesic effect is observed.

Regardless of which type of bath you choose, the principle remains unchanged: the human body does not tolerate violence against itself. He only needs help to cope with the disease on his own. It has great healing power. And our task is only to remove obstacles so that this force can start working and be able to restore our lost health.

Having become acquainted with the ideas and methods of Dr. Zalmanov, you will be convinced that the human body is fraught with many untapped possibilities. But we can start using them to our advantage.

Remember that turpentine baths, like any other method of treatment, have a number of contraindications. And, of course, the use of this method does not imply complete failure from medical care. It is the mobilization of the body's reserve forces necessary to restore a healthy balance. And it is in combination with medical methods can have a significant effect.

In our body at any moment there are many more physiological possibilities than physiology itself suggests. But a disease is needed for these possibilities to open up to us. It must never be forgotten that a large number of illnesses are initially only minor deviations from physiological processes. And we often don't know them. We do not even know the mechanism of vasodilation, while these processes occur daily in the most elementary pathology.

We have a scheme: cause-damage-symptoms. Treatment is primarily addressed to local damage. Between the cause and the damage, between the damage and the symptoms, a violation (at first minimal) of the functions of the body is invariably wedged. This dysfunction is often the cause of damage.

There are no local diseases, diseases of organs. The sick person is always the whole person. Therefore, there is no local treatment. There is not a single therapeutic measure that would not produce greater or lesser changes in the whole organism. The slightest therapeutic act, even the most insignificant, has important biological consequences, causes complex chemical phenomena, the movement of fluids, the movement of leukocytes.

Life is unthinkable without death. Partial death is a sure guarantee of the vital integrity of the organism. Only permanent destruction the contents of cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism guarantees the constant restoration of cells, tissues, organs and the whole organism.

At the same time, the slowdown in secretions leads to qualitative damage - poisoning with the body's own waste products (urea retention, sodium chloride, water, calcium, bile). Very well known for a long time dangerous infection arising from the penetration into the body of ptomaines - very toxic alkaloids that are formed during cadaveric decomposition. Millions and millions of cellular microcorpses arise every moment in the human body. They leave arterial loops blood capillaries, penetrate into interstitial fluids, into the lymphatic capillaries, into the blood, lymphatic and bile capillaries of the liver, as well as into the brain.

Despite the numerous opportunities to accumulate and get stuck in various areas of the body, however, they undergo decay, are removed without harm to the body - but only on condition that the body is not tired and works without failures.

For a balanced organism that breathes well, is well irrigated with blood, for an organism that has a normal excretion - a system of well-arranged sewage pipes - the invasion of poisonous ptomains does not pose any danger. Such an organism is in a state of complete neutralization.

A person must live up to 90 years, while maintaining social value and human dignity until the last breath. Let's consider the problem of aging from the point of view of a physiologist and a doctor and try to find the most effective and least expensive solutions.

First of all, old age means increasing fatigue. Calcium, in combination with phosphates and carbonic salts, moves from bones, from organs where it is useful, to organs where it is harmful, resulting in senile osteoporosis, rheumatism, bone fragility, fractures (which sometimes do not heal). The released and "wandering" calcium is deposited in tendons, ligaments and other organs. Often there is the formation of periarticular nodes, leading to compaction of the spine. The skin becomes dry and loses its elasticity. All surgeons know slow scarring postoperative wounds in older people.

It is known that the speed of scarring of wounds depends on the degree of cell reproduction. Healing occurs fastest in children, slowest in the elderly. It is the degree of cell reproduction that is the true measure of the degree of aging.

Secondly, old age is cellular aging. Is it possible to influence such cellular decrepitude, is it possible to stop it, is it possible to achieve cellular rejuvenation? Modern physiology and clinic are skeptical about these issues.

This skepticism is understandable. Capillaries carry nutrients in their arterial loops to each cell (oxygen, amino acids, glucose, electrolytes, vitamins). And venous capillary loops remove the products of cellular metabolism from the body. If the capillaries are blocked, then there is no influx of nutrients, and the accumulation of cellular metabolic products interferes with the work of cells. This is the mechanism of cellular aging.

Why is this happening? They talk about the degeneration of cells and their replacement with connective tissue. In turn, fatty degeneration occurs mainly in organs and areas of the body that are poorly irrigated with blood and poorly nourished. When the cell has completed its mission, it dies, making way for a younger cell. All unnecessary products enter the bloodstream and are excreted through the liver, kidneys, skin - thus, the huge role of the excretory organs becomes clear.

The key to the so-called senile cell sclerosis is the lack of capillary irrigation in the body. Even partially restoring capillary circulation, we automatically restore blood supply to all tissues of the body. Half-dead cells are renewed normal work. They are freed from toxic metabolic products. Cells free from toxins become again able to take in nutrients. The action of cellular enzymes is renewed, the life of cells is revived again.

Rejuvenation of the body begins with the skin, which becomes smooth, elastic and better supplied with blood. Skin temperature rises. Joint movements become more flexible, breathing becomes more intense, peripheral blood circulation is revitalized. Increased blood supply coronary arteries improves nutrition of the heart muscle. The activity of the heart is normalized, the rhythm is restored. The brain, thanks to an improved blood supply, becomes more receptive again, associations become more rapid and definite, intellectual and emotional life is revived. Senile numbness and indifference are replaced by an awakened interest in life.

By increasing the flow of oxygen to the cells, stimulating capillary systole, increasing the flow and back-and-forth exchange between blood and lymph, on the one hand, and the intracellular environment, on the other, by organizing the removal of intracellular waste, we can protect the integrity and energy of cells. This is a real therapy for all diseases without exception, which does not cure, but modestly and obediently opens the way to self-purification and self-healing. Health directly depends on the number of cells in the body that are not affected by painful aggression.

By self-healing, we mean the restoration of anatomical structures and the normalization of the following functions:

Restoration of normal circulation in capillaries, arterioles and venules;

Recovery normal rhythm opening and closing of venous valves in large, medium and small veins;

Normalization of the functions of sweat and sebaceous glands;

Normalization of motor and sensory centers of the brain and spinal cord;

Disclosure of closed lung alveoli;

Restoration of the caliber of renal tubules filled with metabolites;

Restoration of the rhythm of oscillatory movements of the diaphragm, improvement of the functions of the gastric mucosa, which secretes not only pepsin and hydrochloric acid, but also performing an anti-anemic function;

Reducing the volume of blood lakes in the liver and spleen containing reserve blood;

Restoration of normal blood circulation in the capillaries of the liver;

Normalization of the activity of tired leukocytes.

Therapeutic baths stimulate the body's ability to self-purify and self-heal. Self-healing is the basis for spontaneous extraction and restoration of the rhythms of a diseased organism. Every disease begins with a rhythm disturbance. In a healthy body, everything is rhythmic: breathing, pulse, capillary systoles, oxygen release, biochemical reactions. To correct the rhythm means to influence the inflow required amount quantum of energy to cells and tissues.

The cell - a functional unit of the body - must breathe, eat, get rid of all sorts of toxins and waste to ensure its own existence. This triple role is performed by the blood, which is connected to every cell in the body through a capillary network. The value of the system of blood capillaries is enormous. As soon as some organ is not sufficiently supplied with blood or completely deprived of blood (slowing of blood flow or stagnation), its activity against infection will sharply weaken. In the fight against infection, capillaries are the main defender (oxidation, phagocytosis, removal of toxins).

Old age can be defined as the desiccation of the body due to the gradual closing of capillaries, the appearance of dried-out cell islands and the slowing down of vital processes. The great advantage of turpentine baths lies in their effect on the capillary network as a whole: in strengthening its activity and, consequently, in increasing the vital potential of each cell. And this is achieved by physiological treatment, not drugs.

Already these indications are enough to understand the second field of influence of these baths, namely the impact on the main function of tissues. It is especially important to note that baths give good results in the treatment of those diseases that are not amenable to modern drug therapy or in the treatment of which it achieves only a temporary and deceptive effect. These are the following diseases:

General or local arteritis, angina pectoris and arteritis of the lower extremities;

Sciatica, neuritis and polyneuritis;

Deforming arthrosis and rheumatism;

Consequences of poliomyelitis and unilateral paralysis, Bechterew's disease, consequences of myocardial infarction;

High blood pressure;

Effects various injuries(accidents, consequences of military wounds);

Postoperative scars and adhesions.

The turpentine baths that we use, opening the closed capillaries step by step, restore the blood supply to the dried islets in the tissues, provide oxygen supply and drainage to remove metabolites - and the life of tissues and cells is restored.

Every chronic illness is premature aging. Any true cure must be accompanied by rejuvenation. We should and we could die at 90-100 years old, remaining relatively young and active.

Turpentine baths are harmless remedy fight aging as well as disease. More than 200 patients over 75 years of age, who were treated directly by Dr. Zalmanov himself, became the first witnesses to the effectiveness of this treatment. Together with their rheumatic diseases, they also lost the stigma of old age.

The term of thermal water treatment is short - three to four months. In winter, most spas are closed. Concentration active substances in warm springs remains always constant. Turpentine baths, on the contrary, can be used all year round. The concentration of active substances can be changed, gradually increased. This is a true gymnastics for the capillaries and re-education of the circulatory organs.

In the future, we will deal with two types of liquid: an emulsion and a solution, which have their own special dosage. For the emulsion there are 18 gradations, for the dosage of the solution 10 gradations. In addition, mixed baths can be given from a combination of emulsion and solution. For mixed baths there are 12 gradations, therefore a total of 40 gradations.

The emulsion concentration starts with 20 ml diluted in 170-200 liters of bath water and goes up to 100-120 ml of emulsion per bath. General baths with a white emulsion, given the number of open capillaries, cause a moderate rise in blood pressure.

White emulsion and yellow solution have their own characteristics. The first performs capillary gymnastics, stimulating skin capillaries and all organs, therefore, it affects the general condition. It raises blood pressure. The other, by enhancing internal combustion and expanding capillaries, helps to dissolve pathological deposits in the articular cavities, in periarticular tissues, in the walls of blood vessels, in tendons, in the lens (cataract).

This bath lowers blood pressure. Both of them have an extremely analgesic effect. Both forms of turpentine baths, whose action complements each other, allow you to adapt the treatment to each individual case and change it at any time.

This treatment is available to every doctor. It can also be used at home, and if performed accurately requires only limited medical supervision.

Baths should start at 36 ° C, after 5-10 minutes reach 39 ° C, slowly adding hot water. After three baths, the water temperature is gradually raised to 40 °C starting from the 12th minute. After the fifth bath, the temperature of the water is kept at 41°C for the last four minutes. And from the 12th bath, the temperature of the water is brought to 42 ° C, always making sure that the stay of the patient in water at 41 ° C or 42 ° C does not exceed four minutes.

The yellow solution resolves exostoses (growths on the surface of the bone) that occur in hypertrophic deforming rheumatism, calcium deposition in ligaments and tendons. With the consequences of a cerebral hemorrhage, with myelopathy, the yellow solution washes out the remnants of dead cells around the surviving neurons, releases neurons compressed by metabolites and creates favorable conditions to revive the latter.

In chronic myelopathies (for example, in some types of dorsal tassels) with an increase in blood pressure, one should start with a series of yellow baths, of course, with a diet poor in salt and proteins. When the maximum pressure reaches 160 mm. rt. Art., a white emulsion is added to the yellow solution (15-20-25-30 ml, up to 60 ml, of a white emulsion to 60 ml of a yellow solution). Mixed baths can be given even at a maximum blood pressure of 180, including through two mixed baths one yellow according to the formula given for hypertension.

In the case of hypertension caused by renal disorders and hypertension, accompanied by excretion of urine with a lack of urea (below 10-12 g / l), uric acid (less than 0.40 g / l), sodium chloride (less than 7 g / l), can be achieved very good results. Firstly, a salt-free and low-protein diet should be prescribed to the patient and, secondly, every three days, giving a bath with 60 ml of a yellow solution with a water temperature in the bath of 30-40 ° C, lasting 15-16-17-18-20 minutes .

In spondylosis, high blood pressure is rare. The only way to cure this terrible disease that cannot be cured by other methods is to use hyperthermic baths every two days with a water temperature of 37 ° C, constantly reaching 41-42-43 ° C. After the bath, the patient, wrapped in several blankets and drunk with a hot drink, sweats profusely for 45 minutes, then he, well covered, rests in bed for two hours. Thus, we aim to cause an artificial increase in temperature by 0.8-1-2-3 °C. The results are often amazing.

In cases of consequences infantile paralysis, almost always accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and tachycardia, to improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver, they take baths with a white emulsion of 20-25-30-40, up to 90-100 ml (the "goosebumps" reaction, tingling, as it were with an electric current, should not continue 45 min). It is necessary to start from 38 ° C, the second bath - 38.5 ° C, the third - 36 ° C, continue with a water temperature of 39 ° C, duration - 15 minutes. Thus, in a few months, muscle recovery and an almost normal blood supply to atrophied parts of the body are achieved.

It is pointless to count on improvement from the use of various drugs and injections, since the disease still continues to progress and spread to the entire body. There is no isolated arthritis of the lower extremities alone. If you patiently measure the skin temperature not only of the feet and lower legs, but also of the hands and forearms, it will always turn out to be very low. With arteritis without increased pressure, white baths are prescribed; if blood pressure is above 180 mm - yellow baths; at a pressure of 170–190 mm - mixed baths.

It is customary to radiograph joints affected by rheumatism deformans in order to sum up the destruction caused by the disease. It turns out the picture bone changes. But at the same time, they forget that the joint has not only bones, but also cartilage, synovial fluid, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, blood and lymph vessels, and skin around the joint. In addition, it must be remembered that the intra-articular fluid is in constant contact with extracellular fluids. If we improve at least some of these constituent parts, significant results will be achieved.

It is easy to understand that by creating a natural musculoskeletal protection, it is possible to achieve a much more real and much longer lasting improvement in the functioning of the joints than with the help of surgical intervention. Baths in combination with an appropriate regimen and treatment of a person as a whole, streamlining breathing, blood circulation, excretion in most cases (80%) help to restore the normalization of calcium metabolism. With a low level of calcium (osteomalacia), the dose of calcium is brought to normal, with an excessive level, excess calcium is dissolved, because only through capillaries, only through increased blood supply can normal joint mobility be created.

There are over seventy medicines for the treatment of rheumatism. Their number indicates how ineffective they are. But they are looking for new drugs that act only locally on the joints, they do not think about the need to treat the body as a whole, they do not take into account that the disease is a complex of disorders of the entire human body.

Why do they forget how the bones grow in baby? How does an infant get the reserve material necessary for bone formation? From milk, through the villi of the intestines into the blood. From this it is clear why with osteomalacia (softening of the bone tissue) the patient must be given milk. A patient with deforming arthritis, which is almost never accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, is prescribed only white baths.

With angina pectoris without an increase in blood pressure - white baths, with high blood pressure - yellow baths, after normalization of pressure - mixed baths. This modest balneotherapy, used in angina pectoris, gives, without exception, more than satisfactory results, and the attacks stop for a very long time. Such patients begin to give baths after 3-4 weeks of conventional pre-treatment.

Consult again with your doctor and try the practice of turpentine baths to cleanse the capillaries. Perhaps this is just for you. Every cell of the body will gratefully respond, many diseases will remain far in the past, you will feel much younger. And this will be a reality, because capillary therapy according to the Zalmanov method provides a comprehensive cleansing at the cellular level. Turpentine bath emulsions can be purchased at a pharmacy or ordered from an online store.

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Chapter 7 Cleansing the Capillaries and the Microcirculation Before we begin this very important section, I would like to say a few words about the microcirculation.

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels are perhaps the most serious destroyers of health. Cordially vascular disorders every third person on Earth suffers. To a large extent, this is facilitated by the modern rhythm of life - colossal mental stress, food devoid of vitamins, overeating, smoking, lack of physical activity.

And worst of all, heart disease is very insidious: a person can carry the disease in himself for years and not know about it until it happens to him. heart attack or a stroke.

The first symptoms of problems in the cardiovascular system are headaches, heart pain and high blood pressure. If you notice these manifestations in yourself, you must definitely clean the vessels and go through medical examination. Cleansing procedures will remove fat and lime deposits from the vessels, make the vessels flexible and elastic. As a result, blood pressure returns to normal, atherosclerosis is cured, the risk of heart attacks and strokes is reduced, headaches disappear, and the venous "mesh" on the legs disappears. Along the way, you get rid of insomnia, irritability, become a more energetic and cheerful person. And more authoritative! After all, and Fire is responsible for everything related to leadership and vocation. After cleansing the blood vessels, most people get rid of psychological clamps, it becomes easier for them to express themselves, which, you see, makes life easier.

Cleansing blood vessels and heart

The vascular cleansing system includes a mood, accompanied by a breathing exercise, and a reception herbal infusions, which is recommended to be combined with with . The most favorable time for cleaning is from May to August.

Lie on your back, relax and read the mood. Read at a slow pace, accompanying the words with mental images and sensations of everything you are talking about. Editing the mood text is not allowed.

I feel a stream of bright white light enter me through the top of my head. This is the energy that brings life and excellent health. Bright white energy pours into my heart and begins to circulate along with the blood through the vessels. All my blood vessels from the top of my head to the tips of my fingers and toes are fully open along their entire length. Bright white energy washes my blood vessels cleanly. The blood vessels are cleared. Fat-lime flakes separate from the walls, dissolve in bright white energy, turn into smoke-fog and evaporate through the pores of the skin. Bright white energy circulates through all my blood vessels. The bright white energy creates vigorous free circulation throughout my body. All my vessels breathe easily and freely, they are open along their entire length. My heart glows - shines like the sun. My heart is increasing its energy reserves every second. healthy blood strong-energetic flow freely moves through all the vessels. Vessel walls are clean-strong-elastic. My heart and capillaries work with tremendous stability. My vessels live an energetic, joyful, full-blooded life. I feel a vigorous free circulation of blood throughout my body. My body is relaxing. A bright white energy-joy-life spreads all over my body. My whole body becomes light, light, weightless. My whole body glows, shines. I become a healthy, cheerful, cheerful person. stay in lying position. Palms lie along the body, legs together. While inhaling, raise your left hand, move it behind your head and place the back of your hand on the floor, while stretching forward left heel without taking your feet off the floor. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds, holding your breath at the same time. Exhale as you return your arm and heel to the starting position and relax. Repeat with the right arm and leg, and then with both arms and legs. The described procedure is carried out for 11 days, preferably from 11 am to 3 pm, when the energy of the cardiovascular system is on the rise. On the 12th day, start taking any of the following herbal infusions and turpentine baths (if there are no contraindications).

Herbal infusions

Recipe #1

Mix 100 g of St. John's wort, chamomile, birch buds and sandy immortelle. Put the herbs in a glass jar, mix thoroughly and close the lid. In the evening, shortly before bedtime, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain through a thick cloth and squeeze. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of infusion and drink.
After taking the infusion, you can not eat or drink anything. In the morning, heat the remaining liquid in a water bath, dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in it and drink 15-20 minutes before breakfast. Do this every day until the mixture runs out. Store herbs in a tightly closed jar. The course is carried out no more than 1 time in 3 years.

Recipe number 2

Mix equal parts of birch buds, sandy immortelle flowers, valerian root, oregano, angelica root, St. dandelion leaves, plantain, motherwort, chamomile, pine buds, grass cudweed marsh, yarrow, thyme, medicinal sage, eucalyptus, Alexandrian leaf. One ingredient may be missing.

Pour 10 tablespoons of the mixture with 1200 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil again, close the lid and leave for 3 hours. Take 3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals for 21 days.

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