White discharge from the ureter. Physiological and pathological secretions. Examination methods for pathological discharge from the urethra

Normally, there should be no discharge from the urethra outside of urination in women. But anatomical features lead to the fact that the urethra of a woman is often subjected to infectious attacks. The appearance of a discharge with an unpleasant odor, of varying consistency and intensity indicates the development of an inflammatory process -. The causes of the disease are different, as well as their manifestations.

specific inflammation

The leading place among urethritis is occupied by infection with sexually transmitted infections: gonorrhea, trichomonas, chlamydia, ureaplasma. In the male body, these pathogens rarely manifest themselves, but once in a nutritious female environment, they begin to actively multiply. Discharge from the urethra in women with specific urethritis depends on the etiology of the disease.

  • With trichomoniasis, the discharge is dirty green, frothy with a sharp repulsive odor. With the aggravation of the process, purulent streaks and an admixture of blood appear.
  • Chlamydial lesion is characterized by scanty discharge of a greenish color, accompanied by severe itching in the vulva.
  • Abundant yellow discharge from the urethra with a putrid odor indicates infection with gonococcus.

Pathologies are accompanied by other unpleasant sensations: itching, hyperemia, swelling, burning during urination. The symptoms are most pronounced at the beginning of the disease, in the acute period. In the absence of adequate treatment, the disease becomes chronic, the amount of discharge decreases, the symptoms disappear, and a false feeling of recovery arises.

Action of opportunistic flora

In a woman's body, along with beneficial microflora, conditionally harmful microflora lives: fungi, gardnerella. With a small amount of it, regulated by immunity, there is no threat to women's health. But the weakening of the protective forces leads to an increase in the number of microflora and the development of urethritis.

  • Candidiasis is accompanied by white discharge, resembling flakes. Unbearable itching of the urinary orifice and surrounding tissues, hyperemia, and edema are noted. The discharge has a specific sour smell and a curdled consistency.
  • The urethral canal may be exposed to gardnerella. There is itching, burning during urination, discharge of a dirty white color. Vaginosis and colpitis join the inflammation of the urethra. There is a characteristic smell of "rotten fish".

Non-inflammatory processes

Discharge from the urethra in women may be non-inflammatory. The amount of mucus increases during pregnancy, but it has a transparent color and is not accompanied by discomfort.

Calculi in the urethra give the discharge a brown tint. This is due to damage to the urethral mucosa during movement. This condition is accompanied by dysuric disorders and pain when visiting the toilet.

The appearance of small colorless spots on underwear should not worry a woman. But if abundant mucus is secreted, acquiring unpleasant shades and smells, such manifestations cannot be ignored.

By the number of secretions and their type, one can judge the state of health and the ongoing processes in a particular organ.

Discharge from the urethra in women is no exception.

Since the human excretory system helps the body get rid of various toxins, decay products and metabolism.

What does discharge from a woman's urethra mean?

The female body at any age is subject to various infections and inflammatory processes. Due to anatomical features, in women, more often than in men, such phenomena appear in the form of the appearance of a secretory substance from the urethra - the urethra. This is the main symptom that determines disorders in the genitourinary system, the presence of infections in it.

During the menstrual cycle, the discharge from the uterus changes. Since it is close to the wall of the vagina, it is difficult to distinguish secretions from the urethra with those from the vagina. The secretion secreted can be of different colors, transparency and have a different smell. The reasons for its appearance can also be completely different.

What color is the discharge

The secret secreted by the urethra contains in its composition various components, due to the difference of which there is a different color of the substance secreted by the body:

  1. yellow-green discharge. Always formed with infectious lesions of the urethra due to the abundance of pus. The stronger the infection, the more purulent discharge. If an unpleasant smell of rot is added to this color, then this is an infection with gonorrhea. In gonorrhea, the discharge is very profuse, accompanied by itching and pain when urinating, in the kidneys.
  2. White curdled discharge. Accompany candidiasis or thrush (fungal infection). Abundant and thick discharge is formed both in the vagina and in the urethra, accompanied by a sour-milk smell.
  3. Yellow discharge with a reddish or brown tint. Characteristic accumulation of pus and blood, appear during and inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder and urethra.
  4. Clear and mucous discharge- the norm, appear during the period of ovulation, after intercourse, and it is also possible that such a secret may appear with small inflammations in the urethral mucosa.

Often, inflammation of the urethra and, as a result, the occurrence of discharge, in women manifests itself without any symptoms, but sometimes there is:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain at the end of urination;
  • pain in the kidney area;
  • vaginal discharge;

All these are signs of various diseases in the urogenital area, as a result of which discharge from the urethra occurs in women.

Causes of discharge and bad smell

The appearance of an excretory secretion of the urethra occurs for various reasons. When it is transparent and does not have an unpleasant odor, then often a woman may not notice their occurrence. But in infectious diseases there is always a change in color, an unpleasant odor and an abundance of secretory substance. The reasons can be both physiological and pathological.

Physiological features

The normal physiological state is a transparent, colorless and odorless secret secreted from the urethra. In such cases, you should not worry and carry out any therapeutic actions.

This happens in the following cases:

  • during ovulation, when the egg descends into the fallopian tube, transparent, thick substances appear from the urethra and may appear within a few days;
  • after sexual intercourse, as a result of excitement and the release of a large number of hormones;
  • improper nutrition.

After a certain period of time, the released secret, which arose due to the listed physiological reasons, ceases to manifest itself and resumes when these circumstances repeat. But when it acquires an unpleasant odor and changes color and transparency, this indicates pathological processes.

Pathological diseases

The main cause of discharge from the urethra of a woman is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra (urethritis).

There are several reasons for the occurrence of urethritis and the appearance of various secretory substances:

  1. infections. The most dangerous are venereal infections, as well as all other sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes virus and others). There are non-specific bacterial infections caused by Escherichia coli, fungi, streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus. The course of the disease in the first days is usually asymptomatic, which is very dangerous. The disease becomes chronic. Exacerbations of the disease occur after sexual intercourse or hypothermia. The color and smell of secretions from the urethra are specific to a particular type of infection. and . Basically, infectious urethritis occurs after contact with a sexual partner, that is, it is transmitted sexually.
  2. . The causes of this type of disease can be: injuries of the urethra during urological, gynecological manipulations, as well as rough sex using special devices; as a result of an allergy to synthetic underwear, pads, or when taking contraceptives.
  3. . With or small stones, the mucous membrane of the urethra is injured, it swells and the infection penetrates into the wounds. Discharge from the urethra includes blood, after a while - pus, if you do not take antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In the case of weakened immunity and the presence of provoking factors (hypothermia, mechanical damage), non-infectious urethritis can turn into infectious.

Causes of discharge from the urethra during pregnancy

When a woman is expecting the birth of a child, her body works under load: the hormonal background changes, the load on the organs of the excretory system increases. All this leads to an increase in the appearance of a secret from the urethra and from the vagina, which have a characteristic color: yellow or brown. As the term increases, so does the fetus. As a result of this, pressure on the pelvic organs increases, the bladder is deformed, urine lingers in it and becomes dark in color when urinating. This is not a pathology.

But in the case when a pregnant woman has all the symptoms of infectious urethritis: itching, burning, frequent urination, purulent discharge mixed with blood and an unpleasant odor, doctors take urgent measures to establish the cause and treat such pathologies.

The fact is that these types of urethritis can lead to pathologies and even death of the unborn child in the womb or cause premature birth, so it is very important to diagnose the cause of inflammation of the urethra in time.

Diagnostic methods

A woman, even with mild manifestations of discomfort and the appearance of substances from the urinary canal, should definitely consult a doctor. First, see a gynecologist, since often a gynecological disease or infection can be the cause. If necessary, a female doctor will give a referral to a urologist.

Most often, the specialist prescribes to undergo the following types of research:

  • general blood analysis;
  • bacteriological analysis for the presence of a specific infection (scraping from the walls of the urethra);
  • urinalysis using the "three-glass" sample ();
  • bacteriological analysis for the presence of infection;

After passing all the prescribed tests and examination methods, the specialist, having studied the results, as well as all the symptoms and complaints of the woman, establishes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes therapy.

In most cases, a course of antibiotics is prescribed, depending on the specifics of the bacterial infection. It is selected individually. Previously, the doctor may prescribe a test for a specific antibacterial drug for a more effective effect on the infection.

It is also important to take immunomodulatory drugs in parallel, follow a diet, and give up sexual life. Additionally, it will be useful to take baths or baths in the urethra with herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects. The use of tampons and suppositories with therapeutic and anti-inflammatory effects, which are prescribed by a doctor, is used in a complex way.

So, if a woman notices transparent discharge from the urethra during the period of maturation and the release of the egg from the ovary into the fallopian tube, then this is a normal, physiological process that will end in two to three days.

But in the case when there is a discharge of any color with an unpleasant, specific odor, you should definitely consult a doctor, undergo an examination and find out the cause. Because not fully cured urethritis, especially caused by a bacterial infection of any kind, will lead to chronic inflammatory processes in the kidneys and other organs of the female body.

The main symptom, which reflects disturbances in the functioning of the urinary tract due to genital infections and other factors, is discharge from the urethra. The secret is released from the external opening of the urethra and can have a variety of shades, consistency and transparency. It occurs in people of all genders and ages.

Physiological and pathological secretions

Physiological secret in women and men

The secret of a transparent color coming out of the urethra is a normal physiological condition that does not require therapy. Transparent and thick discharge in women often begins a few days before ovulation and lasts about 3 days. Such discharge during urination is due to changes in the hormonal background. Sometimes similar mucus can also be released from the vagina, and after a couple of days the process stops on its own. A scanty transparent discharge from the urethra, both women and men, can be observed after sex, which in this case indicates strong arousal. This can be explained by the release of a large number of hormones, which is also a normal physiological phenomenon.

Pathological discharge and their causes

Inflammatory processes

Purulent discharge against the background of burning and itching in the urethra are the causes of diseases that are dangerous for a woman's health.

If we talk about pathological discharge from the urethra, then it is important not only to notice them, but also not to ignore them, try to cure them as soon as possible. So, pus from the urethra in women during urination indicates the development of inflammation in the pelvic area. The secret may have a different color - from yellow-green to gray, the consistency will be thick. In addition, patients feel burning and itching in the urethra, pain in the lower peritoneum. Since more than one disease provokes purulent discharge, the cause of their appearance is revealed after the patient visits a specialist and passes the necessary tests.

Infections and neoplasms

If there are diseases caused by infections of the genital tract, a woman feels a burning sensation in the vagina, a man in the urethra. There is discomfort during urination, there is a secret of white color. Flakes often get into the urine and it changes its smell. In women, there are failures in the menstrual cycle, in men - problems with erection. When bloody discharge from the urethra and brown discharge are observed, this often indicates the development of neoplasms in kidney diseases, bladder injury. Many diseases are also associated with the smell of urine that has changed, so it is important not to delay visiting a doctor with such symptoms.

Other provocateurs

Mucous discharge is characteristic of urethritis.

Mucous discharge during urination is diagnosed with urethritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the urethra, which is often confused with inflammatory processes in the bladder). Often they are transparent and non-viscous, but sometimes curdled discharges are also observed. A transparent pathological secret differs from a physiological secret in meager volumes at first. It does not disappear without the use of special preparations, and the amount of separated fluid gradually increases. Also, the mucous secretion from the urethra, both in the female and in the male, speaks of frequent sexual intercourse, the so-called "newlyweds' disease." At the same time, treatment is not necessary, it is enough only for a certain period of time to stop intimate contacts and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

What color is the secret?

The secret is composed of fluid, mucus and a variety of cells. Let's take a closer look at what color it can be:

  1. Yellow discharge with a greenish tint during urination is observed, for example, with prostatitis, as well as at the onset of various infections that have entered the genitourinary system. If they also have an unpleasant odor with perceptible notes of rot, this indicates gonorrhea. When patients develop profuse discharge, pain when urinating, pain in the kidneys and itching.
  2. White discharge of a thick consistency in women is formed with thrush, in male patients - with candidiasis.
  3. Transparent, meager and rather viscous secrets are released from the male with various sexually transmitted diseases. With the course of the disease, they can change color to whiter, yellow with impurities of pus. Sometimes there is also a burning sensation in the urethra without discharge.

Symptoms of pathology

Discharge from the urethra may be accompanied by pain in the kidney area.

Discharge from the urethral canal often does not have additional symptoms, but the following signs are sometimes observed:

  • frequent urination;
  • itching and burning during urination;
  • feeling in the morning as if the urethra were stuck together;
  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • severe pain at the end of urination;
  • kidneys hurt;
  • sore pubic area;
  • discomfort in the bladder;
  • vaginal discharge.

Features during pregnancy

Often, discharge from the urethra in women during pregnancy provokes urethritis, which can not only have a negative impact on the entire course of pregnancy, but also lead to the development of abnormalities in the fetus. Particularly dangerous types of this disease are chlamydial and ureaplasmic urethritis, they cause the greatest harm to the unborn child. Gonococcal urethritis is considered no less dangerous, since gonococci often reach the fetus and are able to kill it or cause early labor. Urethritis that is not caused by infections is considered the safest during pregnancy, but even in such situations, various complications often occur if the disease is not treated properly. That is why it is important to constantly visit a doctor, follow all his prescriptions, and not self-medicate.

The female body is designed in such a way that its urinary tract often attracts various pathogenic bacteria. Their rapid penetration and development of activity is due to the special structure of the canal - rather short and wide, unlike the male one. The main indicator of the resulting infection is discharge from the urethra in women. By their nature and character, it is possible to determine the causes of the inflammatory process.

Causes of discharge

Discharge from the urethra in women indicates the presence of urethritis. By their nature, it is possible to determine the causes of the inflammatory process up to the type of bacteria that caused the disease.

  • White discharge can only indicate inflammation itself. Finding the reasons for its appearance in this case is possible only with a more detailed study.
  • Yellow discharge from the urethra indicates that the disease is infectious. Brown discharge, which is most often purulent, can also be attributed to this category.
  • Bloody discharge that occurs when blood vessels are damaged. Their cause is urolithiasis or other factors affecting the integrity of the mucous membranes of the entire system. When the stones themselves are removed, the walls of the urethra are injured, which is why bleeding wounds occur.

Venereal diseases

  • ureaplasmosis;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • gonorrhea.

Infection with these diseases occurs during unprotected intercourse. Due to the proximity of the vagina, a hit occurs.

Discharges that have such an origin are also classified according to external signs and determine the type of infection:

  • whites correspond to Trichomonas urethritis;
  • pus indicates a bacterial nature, and the presence of a yellowish tint indicates gonorrhea.

Other causes of discharge

May be caused by the following factors:

  • A common reason for the occurrence can be a low degree of general body defense - a weakened immune system. In this case, for the appearance of secretions, a slight hypothermia will be sufficient, which will contribute to the reproduction of pathogens.
  • One of the most dangerous causes of spotting can be neoplasms in the kidneys. They can cause damage to the tissues of the organ, which will be the reason for their appearance. Under such circumstances, you should immediately contact a medical institution.

Neoplasm in the kidney

  • Pathology of the intestinal microflora. Streptococcus and other pathogenic bacteria can contribute to their occurrence.
  • Separate consideration requires the presence of discharge from a woman during childbearing. Pregnancy has a set of determining factors, the main of which is the same low threshold of general body defense. Normal physiological processes can also be included here: an enlarged uterus, under its weight, presses on the urethra. This leads to another type of urethritis - non-infectious. Ignoring this disease can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus.
  • Also, the presence of white secretions of a curdled consistency indicates a reduced immunity. This symptom is typical for thrush or candidiasis. Another factor influencing the appearance of this fungus is malnutrition.

Diagnosis and treatment

Discharge from the urethra in women primarily requires a visit to the gynecologist, because due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the genitourinary system, the patient cannot independently determine their source (vagina or urethra).

Due to the fact that some types of discharge can be signs of a number of diseases, the examination should be as complete as possible and give comprehensive answers to the question of the causes of their occurrence.

Therefore, the following activities are carried out:

  • standard oral questioning of the patient;
  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • ureteroscopy;
  • taking a smear from the vagina;
  • various types of blood and urine tests.

Associated disease symptoms

When making a diagnosis, specialists are guided by the personal feelings of the patient, which are revealed during the survey.

Women with urethritis may experience the following symptoms:

  • spasms;
  • pain in the kidneys;
  • weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • and when urinating.

Some diseases can be asymptomatic, which is very dangerous because they can become chronic over time. The same applies to untreated infections. Most often they take place during self-treatment: the patient resorts to third-party advice, ignoring a visit to the doctor.

Treatment of discharge from the urethra

Based on all the studies carried out, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, which is of a medical nature. Often, the doctor adds vitamin complexes to the main drugs.

They help strengthen immunity, which is negatively affected by the strong. This is especially true in cases where the cause of the discharge is sexual infections.

Another prerequisite for a positive course of treatment is the complete rejection of bad habits.

In cases where the cause of the discharge is a fungus, a special diet may be prescribed. At the time of treatment, a woman is forbidden to have sexual intercourse, since the infection can be transmitted to a partner. Such restrictions are imposed until repeated tests are taken.

In the treatment of urethritis in pregnant women, in most cases, they resort to the use of topical gels and ointments. Their introduction is most often made by the gynecologist himself.

Preventive measures

One of the main measures to prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the urethra is the careful observance of all the rules of personal hygiene. Also, special contraceptives will protect against characteristic diseases. The third preventive measure is regular visits to the gynecologist (at least once every six months). Often, a doctor can detect symptoms of an infection that do not manifest themselves, which means that they can prevent its development to a chronic stage.

Discharge from the urethra in women- This is a symptom of an inflammatory process in the urethra, which has the medical name urethritis. often combined with inflammation, vagina, ovaries. To recognize the cause of the disease, to identify the prevalence of pathology, to conduct a comprehensive adequate treatment is called upon by a doctor.

Features of female physiology allow urethritis to proceed hidden, which leads to a long-term chronic inflammatory process. For an early diagnosis of inflammation of the urethra, every woman should undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist, with a smear taken from the urethra.

Signs of urethritis in women

  • Acute flowing urethritis manifests itself with pain during urination, a burning sensation or itching, morning discharge from the urethra. Chronic urethritis may be asymptomatic.
  • The color of discharge from the urethra in women acquires a green tint, often with an admixture of blood.
  • White cheesy discharge from the urethra in women is rare, usually such discharge accumulates under the skin covering the channel.
  • The increase in body temperature does not reach high rates, it keeps within 37 - 37.7. Latently flowing inflammation does not lead to a change in body temperature.

Causes of discharge from the urethra in women

Urethritis is classified into specific infectious and non-specific infectious, non-infectious urethritis.

  • Specific urethritis develops after the introduction into the mucous membrane of pathogenic bacteria that cause infections of the reproductive apparatus (gonococci, ureaplasma, chlamydia, trichomonas). Discharge from the urethra in women increases after intercourse. Inflammation of the urethra in this case is not isolated, it is combined with damage to the urinary system and genital apparatus.
  • Nonspecific urethritis occurs with a decrease in local immune defense due to hypothermia, abuse of strong alcoholic beverages, spicy spices. Favorable background are diseases of the endocrine glands, urolithiasis, pathology of the structure of the urethra (curvature). The cause of discharge from the urethra in women in such cases are opportunistic bacteria (streptococci, staphylococci, fungi, E. coli).
  • Non-infectious urethritis characterized by the appearance of itching or burning during a small need. There are no bacteria in the smear, but a large number of shaped elements that appear during inflammation or allergic conditions. The cause of such urethritis is a mucosal injury after catheterization or an allergy to the use of intimate cosmetics, intimate lubricants, or a drug.

Diagnosis of urethritis

The urologist carries out diagnostic measures and eliminates the causes of discharge from the urethra in women, if necessary, together with a gynecologist. The survey has the following layout:

  • Taking a smear of discharge from the urethra, followed by its microscopic analysis by Gram staining or PCR.
  • Blood tests for STIs by ELISA.
  • Bacteriological studies to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system, ureteroscopy.

Private clinics in Moscow offer to undergo a comprehensive examination of women with complaints of discharge from the urethra within the walls of one medical institution, or use the service. When calling a urologist at home, the quality of the service remains at the proper high level. You can make an appointment with a doctor in one of the paid clinics through the website of the “Your Doctor” Information Center.

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