When can you give an orange to a baby. At what age can you give your child an orange and juice from it? Delicious fruit dessert for kids: video

On the eve of new year holidays the domestic market welcomes exotic guests from warm lands - bright fruits oranges. In November-December, their mass collection begins, and throughout the long winter they will give us a special mood, enriching the diet. useful substances. Children are delighted with the citrus "sun". And if you approach the first acquaintance correctly, considering at what age an orange can be given to a child and in what quantity, then the joy will not be overshadowed by anything.

Under the golden peel hides real wealth - vitamins, minerals, fructose, essential oils, organic acids, pectins, phytoncides, fiber and alimentary fiber. A similar composition provides a growing organism:

  1. Raise defensive forces against colds (oranges are in the TOP-10 fruits with a high content of vitamin C).
  2. Removal of toxins and toxins with the participation of pectins and fiber.
  3. Normalization of the functions of the endocrine, cardiovascular and immune systems.
  4. Help with hypovitaminosis (contain vitamins of group B, PP, E, beta-carotene, potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper, calcium).
  5. easy flow and fast recovery in diseases respiratory tract at the expense natural antibiotics- phytoncides with antimicrobial activity.
  6. Improvement of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as the condition of the skin, nails and hair due to the presence of vitamin H (biotin).
  7. Cleansing of nitrates and nitrites, in which citric acid is actively involved.
  8. Efficient functioning of the digestive system, a good appetite, production of bile for the digestion of fats, inhibition of decay processes in the large intestine, regular stools.

When can you give?

Oranges are not recommended for children in the first year of life. There is no need to load the fragile digestive system of the baby with exotic, and high risk appearance allergic reaction is not justified by the desire of parents to please the crumbs with tasty and useful fruit. Most children's nutritionists tend to later familiarize the child with these citrus fruits and consider that the probability unwanted effects significantly reduced by 3 years of age. Therefore, in general case It is at the age of three that a baby is allowed to taste an orange.

First meeting rules

Practice does not always coincide with theoretical instructions, and here the responsibility for an independent decision - to introduce citrus fruits into the children's diet - falls on adults. To avoid unpleasant consequences you need to be careful and start giving your child an orange according to the rules:

  • dilute fruit juice in half with water and offer no more than 2-3 drops after the main meal;
  • choose the first half of the day to get acquainted with the orange and carefully monitor the reaction to it (reddening of the cheeks, rashes, swelling of the lips, tongue);
  • do not give new products for the child on this day in order to easily identify the cause of a possible allergic reaction.

Age norms

clear age norms there is no orange for eating. The main thing is not to overdo it in quantity, which can lead to a pseudo-allergic reaction. This is a condition in which the baby does not have an allergy to the product itself, but an overdose brings its symptoms to life.

Approximate norms: 1 slice for each year of life.

At what age can you give your child a whole orange? From 5-6 years old, but not daily, but 2-3 times a week.

Under 6 years old are not allowed to be added to children's meals orange peel. The ban is due to the desire to protect the child from potentially dangerous chemical substances accumulating in the peel from environment and after processing the fruits with means for ripening and transportation.

Harm and contraindications

Oranges can harm if the baby is not ready to meet with citrus fruits by age or "in one sitting" ate an excessively large number of them. An unsuccessful acquaintance is more often manifested by abdominal pain, vomiting, indigestion, and allergic rashes.

The presence of organic acids in the composition irritant effect on the mucous membranes, and the sugar content (up to 10 g per 100 g of the product) can disrupt carbohydrate metabolism. In this regard, oranges are contraindicated in the diet of children suffering from:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • allergic to citrus fruits.

Why is orange allergy common?

With all the magnificence of oranges, a significant drawback - allergies - limits their use in childhood. The reason for the appearance of an inadequate reaction from the body is caused by one or a combination of several factors at once:

  • insolvency of the digestive system due to the age of the child (usually up to 3 years);
  • hereditary predisposition, when parents have a confirmed allergy to fruit;
  • the use by a woman of a large number of citrus fruits during pregnancy or lactation;
  • diseases gastrointestinal tract or autoimmune diseases that provoke an allergic reaction;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions, aggravating immune status child and conducive to the emergence food allergies.

Risk factors also include the "overseas" nature of the orange, which differs from the fruits of local growth. No wonder pediatricians and nutritionists insist on parents compiling a diet for children from fruits that are familiar to a particular place of residence.

The risk of developing allergies can be associated with the use of "chemistry" during cultivation (fertilizers, drugs to combat diseases and pests, maturation stimulants). The danger is also represented by the processing of fruits with means to facilitate transportation and preserve the presentation.

How to give?

Delicious fruit children are happy to eat in fresh. Adding it to cereals or salads makes dishes brighter and more appetizing. Orange juice is valued for its refreshing effect and the long-lasting energy boost it can give. And sweets with the participation of these exotic fruits give children benefits and at the same time a lot of pleasure.

Orange juice

Last of all, juices from citrus fruits are introduced into the child's diet. Pediatricians recommend offering them to children at the age of at least 1.5 years, and better - upon reaching 3 years.

For children from 7 to 10 years old, the daily amount of the drink should not exceed 70-100 ml, for preschoolers - 30-50 ml.

  1. Orange juice must be diluted 1: 1 chilled boiled water.
  2. It will benefit if taken 10-15 minutes after preparation with meals or at the end of a meal, and not on an empty stomach.
  3. More vitamins will keep the drink not in contact with metal utensils.
  4. Children's tooth enamel is sensitive to fruit acids, so after drinking juice you need to rinse your mouth or drink a few sips of water.

Salad with oranges

From the age of 2, gastroenterologists advise diversifying the children's menu with fruit and vegetable salads. But if an orange is the decoration of the dish, it is more reasonable to please the child at the age of 3, not earlier.

Juicy and fragrant fruit perfectly complements salads made from fresh fruits, cheese, vegetables, chicken fillet, boiled fish. As a dressing, it is preferable to choose vegetable oils, kefir, yogurt, but in no case mayonnaise. For salad, the orange is thoroughly peeled, white fibers and films.

Jam and jam

Sweet orange preparations are a celebration of taste and citrus aroma. All parts of the fruit are suitable for them: only the pulp or peel, zest or the whole fruit with the skin. The delicacy can also combine other ingredients: berries, fruits, and even individual vegetables (for example, pumpkin).

The faster the jam or jam is cooked, the more vitamins will be saved. A spoonful of jam, diluted with water, as a fruit drink home cooking successfully replace store juice.

Candied fruit

Present useful alternative sweets for the little ones. There are a lot of phytoncides in orange peels that inhibit the growth and reproduction of viruses and bacteria, which is important during the period of "revelry" of infections.

Candied fruits are added to cereals, desserts or offered to kids as an independent dessert dish.

But high content carbohydrates (sugar) excludes them from the menu of diabetics and requires restriction for overweight children.

How to choose for a child?

On the Russian market oranges are imported from South Africa, Pakistan, Morocco, Turkey, China, Spain. All receipts are subject to strict control by the Rosselkhoznadzor, and the state refuses purchases with dubious quality or the presence of dangerous quarantine organisms.

The information on the packaging and the labeling of the fruits themselves provide information about the exporting country, harvest time and varietal affiliation.

When choosing fruits for a child, opt for sweet varieties with a slight sour taste. For example - on the popular variety Valencia(Valencia) from Spain with characteristic red patches on the skin and flesh, Shamouti(Shamouti, or Jaffa) from the Mediterranean or red variety Tarocco(Tarocco) from the coast of Sicily.

The color of exotic fruits does not indicate the degree of maturity. The peel can be from light yellow to orange-red with greenish areas. The main indicator of fruit maturity is juicy pulp.

You can definitely find a ripe and tasty orange by the following signs:

  • small size;
  • smooth or bumpy surface without dents and skin defects;
  • greater weight when compared with other fruits of the same size;
  • persistent citrus scent.

Varieties of navel fruits can be attributed to a win-win option. Their name is associated with the presence of an additional rudimentary fetus. Navel oranges are sweet, have virtually no grains, and peel well. But from the thickness of the crust taste qualities the pulp is absolutely independent.

The child constantly asks for oranges - what is he missing?

Experts say that the human body itself tells what it lacks for productive work. If one adheres to this theory, then the child with constant thrust on oranges, most likely, needs vitamin C. But such a conclusion is questionable.

With a balanced and varied diet of deficiency in vitamins, trace elements and other substances necessary for growth and development children's body should not experience. Rather, the reason lies in the formation of new taste preferences, where the orange took a prestigious place.

Another thing is if the child has frequent colds. Vitamin C is actively involved in the formation of immunity in order to give a decent response to infections.

It is impossible to meekly indulge the desires of the baby - you need to find a replacement for the coveted orange. More benefits will bring the usual fruits and vegetables, inferior in beauty to overseas exotic, but surpassing it in content ascorbic acid: , sea buckthorn, blackcurrant, Bell pepper, Brussels and cauliflower, and dill.

Other citrus fruits in the baby's diet

  • AT children's menu among the representatives of the citrus family, tangerines compete with oranges - their sweet taste, diluted with a slight sour tinge, and delicate aroma, enclosed in a bright peel, children meet with pleasure.
  • Lemon, kumquat (fortunella) and lime, due to their pronounced sour taste, are used to make drinks and more complex culinary experiments.
  • differ from oranges in less sweet taste. They are not sour, but have a specific bitterness. They are offered to children in a purified form - first, a bitter translucent film is removed from the slices.
  • The largest exotic fruit is pomelo. The sweet taste of yellow fruits resembles an orange, red ones are similar to grapefruit, and the smell of green ones slightly gives off needles.

At what age can children be given citrus fruits?

  1. up to 3 years is undesirable .... citrus and everything that is red (apples, strawberries, cherries, strawberries, cherries, tomatoes, etc.

    I gave at first a little bit then increased the dose .... and examined him every night for the whole (body)

  2. If the child does not suffer from any allergies and dermatitis, after 1.5 years you can stay, but a little, look at the reaction, because citrus fruits still cause allergies in many.
    Let me tell you about my son. From 3 months to almost 2 years old, he was diagnosed with: atopic dermatitis, and in the beginning there was a simple diathesis ("THANK YOU" to our DOCTORS). Then everything calmed down (after the sea), the skin became clean, the child really wanted tangerines and oranges (especially in New Year- they always have kilograms at home on this holiday), I was afraid to give at first, but then I tried a slice or two ... now he kills them half a kilo a day (he is 3 years old), and you know, pah-pah - no stains, nothing.
  3. I gave mine a little from a year old. Introduce these fruits into the diet very carefully, my friend still (and she is already 20) cannot eat them.
  4. If there is no diathesis, then it is possible from 3 years old ....
  5. Citrus fruits are one of the most allergenic, so you need to give little by little ...
    start with juice... That's what our pediatrician advised.
    we started with orange juice diluted. water 1 to 1. . Started giving at 5 months... gradually decrease. proportion of water in juice and only then. . they gave us fruit!
  6. Citrus fruits are strong allergens. In addition, the fragile ventricle and intestines of the child may suffer from the acids contained in citrus fruits. It is for these two reasons that citrus fruits are introduced into the children's diet quite late (we are talking about the recommendations of doctors, and not the experiments of mothers in feeding the baby, even if they were successful). However, if you fed a child a tangerine or gave him orange juice to drink, and he had an allergic reaction, this does not mean that he will never be able to eat citrus fruits in his life. It is possible that if you pause in feeding a child, potentially allergenic products, then later it will again be possible to introduce citrus fruits into the baby's diet drop by drop. After all, often allergies appear precisely after a large amount hazardous products. Therefore, it is recommended to use citrus fruits in a small amount, just as much as is necessary for the health of the baby, but without busting.

    In general, citrus fruits (lemons, tangerines, oranges) are widely used in baby food, more often in the form of juices both separately and together with other juices, for example, apple, carrot. But mashed potatoes do not make a little pulp, one peel, films and bones.

    With what and at what age is it better to start introducing a child to citrus fruits? According to the American Complementary Feeding Scheme, Orange juice is almost the first thing the baby tries after mother's milk, however, this happens not earlier than six months. According to our, Russian scheme, the baby can be given something in the form of juice, except breast milk already in 3-4 months. And since oranges are not a traditional food for Russians (in the USA they are eaten much more), the first child is given Apple juice. And already from six months you can give citrus juices, but literally drop by drop.
    Citrus juices should be given very carefully: by the year a child can receive no more than 50 grams of juice per day, and then 140-150 grams. It is better if these are not freshly squeezed juices, but bought in a store in industrial environment control the level of acidity of juices intended for baby food, and at home it is very difficult to do this (the method by eye is not suitable). By the way, it is not at all necessary to give juices as they are; they can be added to other juices, compotes. When a child is one and a half to two years old, he can already be given separate slices, but in minimum quantity- after all, we do not know how a child's body can behave: some doctors generally do not recommend giving oranges to children before three years of age. The best option is to give the baby from your table half, and then a whole slice of orange or tangerine, peeled from films (they can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa). By the age of five, a child can eat a medium-sized orange or a couple of tangerines a day. However, you should not do this every day, this food is still not typical for us, so eating citrus fruits too often or eating juices (and even in non-childish doses) can cause an allergy in a child, provoke gastritis and not very good for the teeth ( acid though). And occasionally indulge, and even with benefit ... why not?

  7. Better since 5 years old
  8. From the age of 3, but little by little and nothing more. To follow the reaction

Citrus fruits are the most affordable and widespread exotic fruits. Toddlers are among the first to try them. But these fruits are strong allergens, so doctors advise not to eat them for mothers and babies in the first months after birth. In order not to harm the baby, it is important to know at what age you can give your child tangerines, oranges and lemons.

Experts do not have a single position on the question: when can citrus fruits be given to a child? Some believe that babies can eat fruit from 6 months.
According to others, if the baby does not have allergies, it is recommended to try an orange from 9 months. With diathesis, citrus can only be introduced into the diet one year old baby. Children with asthma, dermatitis, and food allergies should be fed citrus fruits after 3 years of age.

The benefits of orange for children

Fragrant orange fruit not only has a rich taste, but also contains iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iodine, fructose, glucose and vitamins C, A, E, B1, B2 necessary for the body. Regular consumption of citrus contributes to:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • protecting the body from infectious diseases;
  • cancer prevention;
  • strengthening teeth and bones;
  • getting rid of constipation;
  • reduce the risk of kidney stones and ulcers;
  • elimination of muscle pain.

Why are people allergic to oranges?

An allergic reaction can also be caused by substances used by manufacturers to increase the shelf life of fruits. However, having an allergy to oranges does not mean that lemons or tangerines will cause a similar reaction.

Citrus intolerance can be hereditary. Allergies also occur as a result of a woman consuming a large amount of fruit during pregnancy and lactation. The reason for its appearance may be autoimmune disease, the weakening of the body's defenses and the lack of adaptation of the child's digestion to an exotic fetus.

Signs of citrus intolerance are:

  1. Itching, accompanied by redness, peeling, rash on the skin.
  2. Swelling of the tongue and throat, itching in the oral cavity.
  3. , diarrhea, abdominal pain, belching.
  4. The appearance of a runny nose, tearing, swelling of the nose or eyelids;
  5. Coughing and sneezing.

When such symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist doctor who will select a method of treatment.

Allergy is not the only problem caused by the use of citrus. It is not recommended to eat hyperacidity and ulcer. Orange is contraindicated for people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, stomach diseases, pancreatitis.

How to include citrus fruits in your child's diet

Citrus fruits should be introduced into the diet of the mother of the child gradually so as not to harm the newborn. Before the baby tries the fruit, it is necessary for the mother to start eating them. When the baby is 3 months old, a woman can drink lemon tea or eat orange slices.

It is contraindicated for a baby under 1 year old to eat fruit slices. You can only try a few drops of juice in compote, water or tea. If an allergic reaction does not appear, after 3-4 days it is recommended to slightly increase the portion.

It should not be administered along with orange, kiwi, lemon and mandarin other unknown to the child products. With the development of allergies, it will be difficult to understand which product should be excluded from the diet.

Eat citrus fruits in moderation. Pieces of fruit should be given without the peel and pits so that the child does not choke on them.


Introduce the child to exotic fruit better after 3 years, as there is a risk of an allergic reaction.


You can offer tangerines to your baby with. But if there have been cases of food allergies, then acquaintance with the fruit should be postponed for another 2 years.


Clementines improve appetite, relieve abdominal pain and colic, and therefore are very useful for children. They, like tangerines, can be gradually introduced into the diet from 12 months.


Pieces of lemon can be given to babies from 10 months. Lemon juice diluted with water is included in the diet even earlier - from 6 months. But it is better to start with small portions (1-2 drops) added to tea or water. When introducing a new product, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the child.

In what form can you give citrus fruits to a baby

The orange slices are the only way eating citrus fruits. From the fruit you can make fresh orange juice, a delicious dessert, homemade lemonade and sweet candied fruit.


Citrus juices can be given to a baby after a year and a half, and preferably after 3 years. The drink should be offered in small quantities: preschoolers - up to 50 ml, junior schoolchildren- no more than 100 ml per day.

Before use, the juice must be diluted with boiled water in equal proportions. It is recommended to drink it during a meal, or after it. To keep the drink beneficial features, it should not be poured into metal dishes.

Only a product prepared at home will benefit, as dyes and preservatives are added to packaged juices.


Starting from the age of 3, tasty and healthy desserts, such as a salad with oranges, can be included in the child's diet. Citrus goes well with other fruits: pineapple, apple, banana and kiwi. Before adding it to the dish, it is necessary to remove all membranes, peel and white fibers. A suitable dressing for such a salad would be kefir or natural yogurt.

A one-year-old child can be offered a dessert of carrots and oranges. For its preparation, the ingredients are taken in equal quantities. The fruits must be peeled and chopped (orange - cut, and carrots - grate). Then the components should be mixed, add a little pre-soaked raisins, and season with sour cream.

Candied fruit

Candied oranges are a healthy and tasty substitute for sweets. Dried fruits are a great addition to cereals or desserts. However, this product contains a large number of sugar, so not suitable for babies with overweight and diabetics.

The norm of oranges for a child per day

There are no specific rules governing the age at which an orange can be given to a child. But you need to eat fruit in moderation. Otherwise, a pseudo-allergic reaction may occur when the child is not allergic to citrus fruits, but an excessive amount of them causes symptoms of intolerance.

Oranges contain vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the child's body. However, when choosing the time to get acquainted with an exotic fruit, it is necessary to take into account the state of health of the baby and the opinion of a specialist doctor.

Citrus fruits, including tangerines, are strong allergenic foods. Therefore, they are not recommended for nursing mothers in the first months of lactation and small babies. In this article, we will take a closer look at the age at which tangerines can be given to a child without risk to the health and well-being of the crumbs. And we will find out how much tangerines can be given to children.

Composition and useful properties

This fruit has the following beneficial properties:

  • Improves mood and relieves stress;
  • Gives vivacity and energy;
  • Improves immunity, protects against colds and viral diseases;
  • kills harmful bacteria and microbes, speeds up recovery after a cold;
  • Tea and decoctions from tangerine peel cleanse the body, remove toxins, eliminate coughs and sore throats;
  • Tangerine juice cleanses the bronchi and relieves swelling, quickly quenches thirst;
  • Saturates the body with vitamins, minerals, useful amino acids and essential oils;
  • Strengthens bones and nails, improves hair condition;
  • Prevents the development of heart disease and blood vessels, atherosclerosis;
  • Prevents the accumulation of excess cholesterol;
  • Improves metabolism and increases blood glucose levels;
  • Beneficial for functioning nerve cells, improves tone and improves memory.

In spite of useful composition and the properties of the fruit, it is necessary to feed the child with tangerines very carefully. This product causes an allergic reaction and in excess may cause serious harm baby. In addition, it contains increased amount sugar, which leads to overweight and the development of diabetes.

Harm of tangerines for babies

  • Allergy to tangerines in children manifests itself in the form skin rashes and redness, itching and irritation, indigestion and stool disorders, allergic rhinitis and cough. While allergies to citrus fruits are less common than allergies to latex (latex nipples) or cow's milk;
  • Excessive use may lead to toxicity or food poisoning. Overeating causes nausea and vomiting, deterioration of health, indigestion, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, sometimes fever;
  • If a nursing mother eats tangerines, baby up to three or four months, gas formation will also increase;
  • High sugar content can cause diabetes mellitus and provoke the appearance of excess weight;
  • Tangerines should not be eaten with inflammation of the intestines, with gastritis and stomach ulcers, with increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • Fruits are not recommended for use with nephritis, hepatitis and cholecystitis, with diabetes and individual intolerance. Next, we will analyze when you can give tangerines to a child.

The introduction of tangerines in the diet

Tangerines are not recommended for one-year-old children and younger babies. If the baby is not predisposed to allergic reactions, you can give fruit a year. In case of allergies, it is better to postpone the introduction to three years or to exclude the product from the diet altogether.

For the first time, give your baby a piece of fruit or a sip of tangerine juice, half diluted with water. For the smallest crumbs, clean the slice from seeds and film. Watch the child's reaction. If signs of an allergic reaction appear, postpone administration and consult a physician. Detailed symptoms of food allergies are presented.

If the baby feels good, tangerines can be eaten in small quantities. In this case, it is important to comply with the norm and not overeat. At first, give a few slices and half a glass of juice no more than once a week. In addition, tangerines can be whipped with a blender and eaten as a fruit puree. Such food is easier to digest and does not put a heavy burden on the digestion of crumbs.

Gradually increase the dosage to a whole fruit and a full glass of drink. However, it is better to dilute the juice with water, then it will be absorbed better and faster, reduce the risk backlash. Before the introduction of tangerines, the main fruits and berries should be introduced into the child's diet, including apples and pears, bananas and oranges, peaches and apricots, plums.

The use of tangerines by the baby

After eating a tangerine, do not rush to throw out the peel. It is very useful and contains vitamins A, C, P and group B, essential oils and pectin elements, organic acids. From the peel you can cook compote or brew tea. For cooking fragrant tea it is enough to brew the crusts for 20-30 minutes. Get an excellent healing flavored drink to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds. In addition, tangerines can be used to make pies and delicious desserts, fruit salads.

Such dishes can be prepared for children aged 1.5-2 years and older. They will expand the menu and diversify the child's diet. When cooking, use a minimum of spices and seasonings, it is advisable to dispense a small amount salt. Do not take mayonnaise and others for dressing similar sauces! They are very dangerous for the child. Better to use vegetable oil or lemon juice. Lots of tasty, interesting and healthy meals, including with fruits, you will find in the article.

Which tangerines to choose

Today on the counter you can find five main varieties of fruit, depending on the country that grows the fruit. Abkhazian tangerines are considered the most natural and safe, as they are grown in an ecologically clean conditions. They have a light orange color and a juicy sweet and sour taste.

The cheapest and most affordable tangerines are Turkish. They have a sour taste and a light orange peel. Spanish, Moroccan and Israeli types are sweet. In the first case, these are medium-sized fruits of a bright orange color. Israeli tangerines - with a smooth orange color and thin peel.

Moroccan tangerines have a slight dent. Such tangerines are characterized by small size and thin peel, bright orange and even slightly reddish color. By the way, sweet fruits have a heavier weight than sour ones.

Regardless of the type and variety, the fruit must be fresh and ripe. These are fruits with a uniform color and clear pores without cracks, spots and dark dots. The peel should not be too soft, and when you press the fruit, juice should squirt out of the pores. Do not take soft fruits with a damp smell, sluggish skin and non-uniform color. Heavy and greenish fruits are not ripe yet.

Have you noticed that all fruits are not only tasty, but also look attractive? That's right, nature attracts our attention to them not in vain, because this is the most healthy food for a person. Take, for example, tangerine: color, smell, taste - and pulls him to try.

On the topic of at what age tangerines can be given to a child, doctors agree that this is done upon reaching the age of one.

First given in the form of juice diluted in drinking water, and then bite off a piece if everything went without problems.

If the mother is especially worried, let her consult a doctor. To a small child is being done skin test- a little bit of citrus juice drips onto the baby's elbow. This action will not harm him, but it will reveal intolerance, if any.

The danger of citrus

In the event that a child is allergic to tangerine juice, then the reaction to all citrus fruits will be the same: lemons, grapefruit will also have to be excluded. Later, closer to three years, you can try again, the allergy may not appear.

On the question of whether to offer tangerines to children and from what age, Komarovsky also speaks primarily about allergies. A slice from the year, and from three years the child is ready to eat 1-2 tangerines, but not allergic!

If it so happened that the child began to choke, he severe runny nose and tearing, occurred anaphylactic shock. You need to call an ambulance.

Mandarin - a storehouse of vitamins

  • Vitamin D is needed to prevent rickets and proper growth bones. AT autumn-winter period is not produced. They are given in the form of drops and with products, including tangerine. In addition, tangerine contains B vitamins.
  • Fruit fibers help digestive system. The taste of tangerines invigorates and refreshes. The fruit improves appetite - a lifesaver for little ones.
  • Ascorbic acid thins the blood, is useful for fatigue, fatigue, if a mobile child has run in and has a headache. Prevents recurrence of colds.
  • The most important - fresh fruits benefit in pure form. And the benefits are many times greater than in pasteurized juice, boiled compote or jam. They have the natural sweetness of fructose, and unlike sugar, it won't damage your teeth.
  • Instead of sweets and buns, it is better for a baby to give a tangerine. Let the child clean it himself and divide it into slices, enjoying the juicy aroma. One of the adults should take out all the grains.

bright color tangerine peel cheers up even in the cold, like a small New Year's sun.

It is important not only at what age children can eat tangerines, but how healthy the child is. Unfortunately, some kids shouldn't eat tangerines. These are children with pathology of the stomach and pancreas, gallbladder, kidneys, and, of course, allergies. It is necessary to find a worthy replacement for this fruit. Which one - the doctor will tell you.

Mandarin has quite a lot of sugar, albeit fruity. However, for overweight children, the amount of sweet fruits has to be limited. And move more!

It happens that and healthy child gives a reaction to citrus fruits in the form of skin hyperemia, feels discomfort. "It's because someone is eating too much." Parents should control not only the quality, but also the quantity eaten by the baby.

Right choice

It is advised to choose tangerines from Abkhazia, they have fewer chemicals, the taste is moderately sweet. There are fewer bones in these. They stay fresh longer.

  • Lightly tear off the crust and get the juice in the eye. This is good - it means the fruit is ripe!
  • Easy to clean – double benefit. So, the tangerine is at the peak of maturity.
  • And, of course, it is better to choose a fruit without spots and dents.
  • We store in a cool place without a bag - let the fruit breathe!

It is better to squeeze the juice yourself at home, let it turn out less, but it will surpass the quality of the boxed product from the store. No sugar or anything else needs to be added, just add to clean water- and you're done.

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