Vanga - healing activity Vanga recipes. Predictions of the great clairvoyant Vanga - a list by year

The answer to the question that won second place in the competition.

The reading was conducted by Kairat and Valentina Kinibaeva.

The duration of the session is 27 minutes.

Q. If cancer has a fungal basis, and fungi can only develop in an acidified organism, then isn’t soda the medicine about which Vanga said that this medicine will have a lot of “iron”. Perhaps Vanga meant a lot of metal, saying a lot of iron. Either there was an inaccurate translation, or maybe Vanga herself didn’t really understand, because the pictures went to her.

O. Vanga meant the wording - metal, and not so much iron. The metal magnesium is what destroys cancer cells, and they are formed in the body from its lack.. Without it, cancer subsequently develops.

Q. Not sodium?

A. It is magnesium.

Q. What about soda? Soda - 2NaHCO3 - contains a lot of sodium.

A. This is also metal.

Q. Is baking soda not a medicine?

A. Soda is called the salt of the earth, but this is only a preventive measure. In the fight against such a formidable disease, many components are important. You can not rely only on the use of a certain missing trace element. There must be a combination of many reasons: attitude towards life, ability to respond to situations, our way of thinking, our way of life, our food, environment. All this leaves an imprint on our habits and way of thinking, which subsequently leads to a strong acidification of our body. Soda can be used both for prevention and for the treatment of many problems, but it is unlikely that soda alone can affect recovery.

As for patients who already have such a diagnosis, the main thing for them is to reconsider their life priorities, to tune in to the positive. There must also be forgiveness. And you need to get as close as possible to the natural laws of nature. The easiest way to start is with nutrition, which should be magnesium. Drink freshly squeezed vegetable magnesium juices, such as carrot juice. Eat foods containing magnesium: rosehip infusion, plums, olives, cabbage, beets, carrots, parsley, cheese, calcined buckwheat, whole grains wheat, green pea, wholemeal bread with bran, oranges. All fruits and vegetables should only be eaten fresh and raw. Cereals and cereals should be steamed, soaked, but not cooked. Steams very well buckwheat, and from evening to morning it already turns into ready-made porridge. It is good to use wheat germ.

Sweets are absolutely excluded from the diet, especially refined industrial sugar. There is so much of it in the vegetables and fruits that have been listed. But you can not add it to food and drinks. Salt, white beech products, all types of smoked meats should be excluded. None alcoholic beverages. Need to drink water vegetable juices, from tea you can drink only green tea sugarless. All this creates a detrimental effect on cancer cells Wednesday.

Magnesium is more important in the fight against such a formidable disease.

Q. What about salt?

A. If a person is relatively healthy, the advice is the same for everyone - to cook food without adding salt. It can only be added to an already prepared dish, which is served on the table, directly on the plate. Then the daily salt concentration is significantly reduced. Squeezing out a little lemon juice, you can reduce the amount of salt; or even completely replace the salt in this way. Salt is needed, but it should not be consumed in the quantities that we are used to using it.

To minimize the risk of cancer, you need to reconsider your mind. Our habits and lifestyle are so ingrained that it is difficult to fight them. We know a lot, but it is difficult to change your life in the direction of healthy and correct habits, getting rid of the bad, and moving on to the useful. Everything starts with consciousness. But, unfortunately, we start to seriously think about it only when there is a problem. Whoever has enough willpower to change a lot in himself, he emerges from this situation as a winner; who does not have it, he does not succeed.

Q. What can be added on this issue?

A. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to create conditions unfavorable for abnormal cancer cells. To do this, the body needs oxygen in sufficient quantities. There must be movement, constant regular exercise stress. This is a means of combating not only this disease, but also many others. It all comes down to a healthy lifestyle and a healthy mindset. Living atoms are living cells, and this is more living plant food that has not passed heat treatment. To be guided not by momentary desires - I know that this is harmful, but I really want to. A high level of consciousness allows you to control these desires. How spiritual person the more he practices and develops, the easier it is for him to manage these desires.

Therefore, one must strive for spiritual life, for spiritual food. The spirit must prevail over the body. At least once a day, giving up a bad habit or momentary desire. Analyze it and discard. Instead of watching an interesting TV show or reading an article on your computer, go for a few laps around the house. Instead of serving ice cream, drink a couple of glasses of water or do push-ups several times from the floor. And that will be progress.

By the end of the 80s, publications began to appear in the press about psychics, meditation, reincarnation, and other "exits to the astral plane." The interested public spoke about this, as a rule, with a meaningful squint or enlarged eyes. I will not embarrass anyone with my religious searches, but I will tell you a little about the experiences of meditation. I promised not to mention the names, but I will name one, this is Vladimir Levy. His book in the early eighties served as a key for me, with the help of which the DOOR was slightly opened. I didn't have a mentor, but grafted on military service discipline and caution, saved me from many troubles and troubles on the way to studying meditation techniques. The main rule of "safety": at least the tip of the ear should remain on the pillow. I cite this rule as proof of my competence in this matter. I omit the details, not wanting to harm anyone. Now about the main thing.
Two of my grandfathers died of cancer. My mother died of cancer at the age of 60. At the age of thirty, his wife fell ill with cancer. First diagnosis: malignant synoveomas. The second, according to the same "glasses": rhabdomyosarcoma. After the first operation the tumor got out again in 7 months. After the second one, exactly 7 months later, there are tears at home again. I have a little daughter in my arms. And here a personal need arose to find a cure for cancer. Perhaps this search was one of the answers to the question - "What am I for?" Of course, I didn't think about it at the time. It's just that no one could help me. Neither the “native” party and government, nor Soviet medicine, nor the parents of a childhood friend, professors of oncology, who indifferently advised me to apply to the All-Union Cancer Center in Varshavka. By the way, ten years later, after being discharged from this very center, at home, the next day my good friend died of cancer.
One morning, following the service, as always at the entrance to the metro for 4 kopecks, I bought Izvestia. In the newspaper, an international journalist with mock irony and genuine interest spoke about English schools on "exit to the astral plane" with the help of certain breathing techniques. I clearly remembered that this can only be done under the supervision of an instructor. But life, as you understand, has pinned me to the wall in such a way that it is not up to the instructors. And where can I get them? And in general, what kind of Russian, when he locks up, is looking for an instructor?
In short - there is a goal, there is a direction - forward. I will not tell you how I "went out into the Astral" in order to preserve the health and mind of those who might want to repeat my experience. As a result of the "exercise" I was doing in a separate room with the lights off, the ceiling of the room rose and disappeared. At the same time, I heard the sounds of passing trolleybuses from the street. I want to note that I did not take any substances before. With peripheral vision, from the side of my chin, I saw my body in a cocoon shining with golden light, through which bright flashes ran. I was dumbfounded. Further, against the background of poorly lit furniture, gas columns appeared with a silvery glow (uneven, like smoke from a chimney), up to 50 cm in diameter, slowly moving around the room. One of the shining pillars touched my face, and I felt an unusually pleasant radiation (if such a touch can be described in such a way). Subsequently, I read that this is what energy looks like - PRANA gas. What to do next? Why I looked THERE, I remembered clearly. But what to do? Thoughts flow slowly, calmly, "the tip of the ear on the pillow." I hear how my wife is raising her daughter. I think I need to ask a question. And here comes the understanding that the question must be formulated briefly and extremely precisely. And I asked him. "A CURE FOR CANCER?". I said this phrase mentally once.
The quality of the seen three-dimensional image struck. Such clarity and color to modern TV never dreamed of. Directly in front of me, I saw a well-lit cave, similar to an open human mouth, only without teeth and tongue. Along this bodily cave lay a large bundle of long, straight tubes the color of the mouth. Did you understand something? Me neither. So I mentally said "I do not understand." The image began to slowly increase. To the right of the lying tubes, I noticed a figure with a head, arms and legs, consisting of equilateral trihedral (or tetrahedral), shiny metal pyramids of various sizes. The pyramids were not interconnected, but touched each other. As the image zoomed in, I saw that the figurine was raising the straw with one limb and biting it with the other. And so many times. Again, I don't understand. The image disappeared, and in the ensuing emptiness, some kind of luminous long “worm”, similar to a tapeworm from a school textbook, flew past my face. "I didn't understand". The object approached, and I saw that it resembled a braided trouser belt made of undyed leather. "Not understood". The object zoomed in and the movement speed dropped, as if I was being asked to get a better look at it. And I saw that it consisted of Latin letters, in color and texture reminiscent of tightly closed human fingers from the side of the palm. One of the letters (can't remember U or W) was painted in Blue colour. The image stopped and zoomed in. In practice, I saw only one blue letter, at the bottom of which, on a bend, was attached foreign body. In shape, it resembled a pear on a thin stalk, and in texture and color, it resembled a boiled potato “in uniform” with transverse furrows. Image zoomed in last time, and a metal (same) figure became visible, which was diligently biting the thin leg of this foreign “pear”.
"I didn't understand". The image has disappeared. And suddenly I saw myself rushing along blood vessels together with red balls. Then he watched from the side as red balls in pink tubes poked unsuccessfully into a gray-green, vile tumor. It seemed to me that this was a demonstration of the impossibility of healing from cancer with the help of the resources of the human body. After another “I didn’t understand,” I suddenly found myself in the operating room, next to the patient being operated on by the surgeon. Above the doctor's head glow two triangles (one next to the other), blue and pink. I wonder how you would portray a surgeon who is led by God, i.e. "a surgeon from God." Triangles - Divine. blue and pink colors- masculine and feminine. God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. As it turned out later, it was the surgeon of the Moscow district hospital. He was called there "a surgeon from God."
The next evening I decided to repeat "my experiments." Everything is like last time. Only to the question “cure for cancer?” I was shown a round tray, on which lay a huge druse, consisting of metal, equilateral trihedral (possibly tetrahedral) pyramids-crystals. different size, they sparkled with their mirrored faces. The tray slowly turned and disappeared. Once again I asked my question. The image no longer appeared. Again and again I asked my question and nothing. I thought it wasn't up to me. So the question was asked: “why not up to me?”. And then I distinctly saw a searchlight-lit marine with an M-16 rifle running across the sand. Then I saw a falling, burning fighter, also at night. And he was completely amazed by the reflections on the waves from the shots from the huge guns of the warship. I guessed what it was about military operation against Iraq, which was to begin soon. I asked about the fate of Saddam Hussein. I was shown a skull in a richly embroidered military cap (that is, 12 years before his execution!). When I left the room it was 21:00 Moscow time. The next day I learned that the Coalition troops had entered Kuwait at 04:00 in the morning to push back Hussein's army. Desert Storm has begun.
I was bursting! I "KNOW" THE CURE FOR CANCER!!! With the above information, I went to many doctors. And everyone asked what my specialty was, and “how can a car repair and maintenance engineer know that amino acids in a DNA molecule are denoted by letters English alphabet". I had no idea about this before, but they told me that I had read and forgot all this somewhere before, but in the vision I remembered everything. At the Cancer Center in Varshavka, a graying-haired scientist, wearing significant glasses, said to me wearily: “Young man! In the USSR, cancer is not studied at the molecular level.” This phrase was uttered with a kind of dull, doomed pride. I remembered her well. Thank you for listening. Yes, and you can understand the experts: some idiot walks around with his "astral" and distracts from business.
And I calmed down, and for a long time. Moreover, the third diagnosis, according to the same "glasses", showed that the tumor of his wife is aggressive, but not malignant. And the “surgeon from God”, in the city hospital on Kolomenskaya, has already completely removed two tumors. This whole story literally oozes with religious and mystical cases, coincidences, and revelations, but I do not describe them, so as not to confuse people who are unprepared and unbelievers. I want to note that all my numerous attempts in the future to repeat this unique experience did not work. The step has been passed. As one Moscow told me Orthodox priest– “A rocket flying into space does not drag a spent stage along with it, but throws it away. If it doesn’t drop, it won’t rise higher.”
It is clear that I stopped doing extrasensory perception, meditation and other initial religious practices. I just lost interest. The completed step is gone. The Lord imperceptibly brought me to himself. And for me, the most terrible state was “God-forsakenness”, when, because of your unseemly deeds, you begin to understand that God no longer leads you through life.
But the story didn't end there. Years passed, as they say. Notes and drawings with information about what he saw "THETER" lay in the bottom drawer of my desk in my office. Only one memory very often brought me into confusion to tears.
This is the horror of what is seen in children's department"cancer center", where children with bone cancer were treated. But I remembered the phrase of the scientist: “Young man! In the USSR, cancer is not studied at the molecular level.”
The beggars of the 90s went by. On a dark winter morning, going to work, as always at the entrance to the subway, I bought a popular newspaper with a dashing youth title. We must pay tribute: the journalists there, with rare exceptions, are wonderful. An article was published in the newspaper that (I don’t remember in which city) in Siberia one scientific lady was studying cancer at the “level of chemistry”. It got "warmer". Where there is chemistry, there is the "molecular level". The article also reported that the studies are showing encouraging results. I read it, alerted, but forced myself to forget. I didn’t want to look like a crazy jerk anymore and prove that you weren’t sick in the head.
A year or two later, the realization that my notes might be useful to the aforementioned "learned lady" from the Siberian town, forced me to call the editorial office of a Moscow newspaper. Picked up the phone and called. Winter, the end of the working day. How many laments and groans of the editorial secretary I heard in response to a request to give me the telephone number of the journalist who wrote that article. The main motive of moaning is “why did we publish this article, there is no life from calls from cancer patients and their relatives.” And only after a convincing statement that I and my relatives do not need help, and I myself want to convey interesting information, I, according to big secret, gave the phone number of the author of the article.
The journalist's moaning was loud and prolonged, and the same in meaning as in the editorial office. But I still managed to convince him that I have interesting information for a Siberian scientist. And I heard words that surprised me greatly. “Okay, I'll give you the phone, especially since she came to Moscow today for the symposium. Just don't betray me." An amazing coincidence. Wait more than a year and call the editorial office exactly on the day the “learned lady” arrives in Moscow. When I got home, I called the hotel room on the phone. Again the standard questions: who am I, what is my education. It was especially difficult to explain where I got this knowledge from. Explained four times. You have to give her credit for her patience. And, oh joy! She asks me: “Were the furrows on the “pear” longitudinal or transverse?”. And she was delighted to hear that they are transverse. And then she smeared me with a question: “Didn’t you think to ask the atomic weight of the metal?” And then I realized that I did not ask the main question THERE. We agreed to call, but at first she was busy, then I had a park in the service. Then she left for her Siberia (there were no mobile phones then). And I realized that it is not given. The time has not yet come. There was no Internet yet, and few people knew about the predictions of Vanga and Casey. Until 2015, there were still twenty years.
Do I have the right to publish this material? Whenever I do not know what to do, I ask myself: if you do this, will my soul be joyful, or will it be anxious, embarrassed or upset? And now, remembering those unfortunate children in the corridor of the oncology center, where they were treated for bone cancer, I cannot imagine that I will not publish this information. And if there's even the slightest clue in there for the people who are developing a cure for cancer, I have to do it. And then let whoever wants to judge me. I didn't steal anything and I don't ask for anything in return. If only there were no kids in the "cancer" corridors.
Everything written here is true. In such cases, only bastards lie. Why "clarification of Vanga's prediction"? She may have seen shiny metal, as I have. Perhaps she was told that cancer would be defeated by metal. Probably, a rural woman from metals knew only iron. However, iron also fits the description. But maybe it's some other metal or metal alloy, like gallium arsenide, or thallium arsenide, or whatever. It is clear that the desired metal destroys the bond of the DNA amino acid with a foreign "microbody" that carries a "cancer nature". I am not a scientific oncologist and I do not know how to call all these things. Just a car maintenance and repair engineer. But I "saw" the original nature of cancer and how it was destroyed. Probably this universal scheme treatment for all types of cancer. The scheme is there, the signs are indicated. I earnestly ask you not to distort the part of the text when reprinting, which tells about what you saw "TAM". Information must reach the recipient without distortion. Unfortunately, the notes and drawings have been lost. Everything is in this text.
August 2015

Alexander Grigoryevich, as you know, men are most often diagnosed with cancer of the lung, stomach and prostate. For women, breast cancer is number one. Does childhood cancer have its own specifics?

- Yes, there are - in children these are tumors of the hematopoietic immune system. These diseases are in the first place. In children, the formation of immunity occurs, those cells that, according to biological rules, should exercise control over the body, are capable of undergoing tumor growth. Therefore, leukemias and malignant lymphomas make up the bulk of tumors in children. In second place in children are tumors of the central nervous system. These two groups of diseases account for 60% or more of all neoplastic diseases in children.

In addition, in children, rare tumors occur in various organs and tissues, and they are usually associated with a disturbed embryonic anlage at the time of the child's development. But this happens much less often, so when they talk about childhood cancer, all over the world, first of all, they mean acute leukemia.

According to Rosstat, last year the death rate from oncological diseases in Russia increased by 4%, i.e. total number cancer patients in the country is increasing. Is there a similar situation in pediatric oncology?

— Statistics is a subjective thing, I do not fully trust these figures. This is a very delicate question. Due to the fact that 25-30 years ago a slow but bright revolution in the field of cancer treatment began, cancer is slowly becoming a fatal disease. chronic disease which is to be treated. There was an accumulation of cancer patients. If earlier it was like this: fell ill - died, fell ill - died, but now people live for years. And due to the accumulation of people who do not die from cancer, it seems that the number of people who have this disease is increasing. This is the first reason. And the second - the detection of tumors has become higher. I will give you an example.

Why do people over 60 die? If you look at the statistics, you will see that people are dying from cardiovascular diseases. This may be the immediate cause of death, but if they were opened up and looked to see if there really are tumors, or maybe with the help of special methods carried out such an assessment, then we would see that there the main part is neoplastic diseases. They may not have clinical manifestations, but the beginnings of these cancers are.

Well, the third reason is that life expectancy has increased. This is a serious question. We now in our country have about plus ten years in relation to our parents. I remember my dad, who passed away much younger than I am now. I can say that in terms of my physical abilities, condition, and so on, this is a completely different life. Today, 70-year-old people are in working order. The Russian government is now even considering giving these people the opportunity to work without keeping a pension for those who work, which is a sign that people are living. The increase in life expectancy also coincides with the increase relative to cancer.

But I want to focus on something else. The main thing is that today cancer is a curable disease. This is very important question, and the goal of the medical community is to meet the highest level, the highest bar that exists today.

In this case, how to achieve and maintain high level medical care? What, for example, is being done in pediatric oncology for this?

We have been doing this work in children's practice for many years. We have a range of tools for this. The first such tool is very important - it is the association of doctors into a professional community that could Russian Federation use uniform standardized treatment protocols, which is very important for a child in our large country from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad to receive the same treatment methods, moreover, that they be controlled.

To do this, over the course of 25 years, slowly, step by step, such cooperative groups were created multicenter studies who are busy with just that. And I must say that in this situation we have achieved amazing results: living in a country that belongs to the group developing countries, we have achieved the results of developed countries in the field of pediatric oncology. This was recorded by the World Health Organization at a special meeting of the WHO, where Russia presented its results so that we could broadcast them to those countries where the results are even lower, for example, to Asian countries.

In India, for example, there are 280 million schoolchildren (this is more than the population in our country and, perhaps, in the surrounding countries), and the survival rate for children from cancer is approximately 10%. And here in the Russian Federation, depending on the various forms of cancer, it is almost 80% - from 70 to 80%.

But there are tumors in which there is a higher survival rate with correct staging the issue of diagnosis, with interdisciplinary interactions, the participation of doctors of different specialties, the management of these patients, access to drug therapy optimal and so on. There are a lot of state conditions that we, the Russian Federation, I believe, have achieved here.

Every month, a team of specialists travels to various capitals of the constituent entities of the Federation to carry out relevant work there, namely, to consult patients, conduct training lectures for doctors, including doctors of various specialties, meet, if necessary, with undergraduates and university professors, if there are universities there, hold meetings in oncology dispensaries for adults.

In addition, we have organized in Moscow at the Dima Rogachev Center the so-called school of postgraduate education in our region, and therefore we are preparing personnel for our purposes. We look to the future with great hope, because our goal is to use all the innovations that appear in the world to treat our Russian children and not only Russian ones, because Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia have joined our community in the field of treatment .

And do you send those young specialists that you train to the regions? Why I ask: I often hear that there are not enough qualified specialists in the regions. All the same, everyone from the regions wants to go to Moscow for treatment.

Oncologist: Russian sources for cancer treatment have proven high qualityFirst brachytherapy surgery malignant tumor of the prostate using completely Russian microsources of the iodine-125 isotope was held at the branch of the NMIRC - the Tsyb Medical Radiological Research Center in Obninsk.

“I mean, it's not exactly like that. We really concentrate very serious patients in Moscow. For example, we have been performing transplantation for 25 years. bone marrow Our experts have vast experience. And the volume of work that we carry out is also quite large. But today we are not originals in this field. The institute in St. Petersburg has a very high activity - this is the Institute of Hematology and Transplantology named after. R.M. Gorbacheva. Other regions are also picking up.

In general, a lot depends on staffing. If the cadres are interested, they can learn, they can reproduce any technology that is available. Therefore, every year we accept for training, for training young people who have graduated from universities - not only Moscow, but also peripheral ones, because these guys are trained with us and then leave to work in the regions.

I would like to ask another question. Anyway, when people have the opportunity, they try one way or another to go to America, Germany, Israel for treatment. Is it some kind of fashion or is it really better?

- I'll answer you like this. How much do you think the healthcare budget in the United States is compared to Russia? So, the national budget spent on health care in America is larger than the national gross budget of Russia. Do you understand everything? No questions? No. We will not discuss this issue, because medicine in America is very expensive, many orders of magnitude higher than ours, and health care costs are directly reflected in the salaries of employees who work. The work there is very hard, but the salaries of the entire medical class, the entire medical class are very high - salaries are higher than the average wage in America. You probably have a good idea. We do not have this, so there was a certain outflow of people who were able to work from this industry. This is the first.

There is such an internal opinion that Israel is better. Israel uses American technology, but Israel is our own people. Our. With all the ensuing consequences.

Therefore, as our close friend, who, unfortunately, passed away, the chief pediatrician of America, always said to me: "Sasha, there is nothing in Israel. Israel is a small country." In Israel, the population is smaller than in the Krasnodar Territory.

I want to tell you that the average level of work of people in Russia is no worse than abroad. But there is piece goods, there are some people who are able to shoe a flea. They are both in Russia and abroad.

Well, for example, we had such a case: a teenage girl developed a tumor of the calcaneus, and this is a very complex structure. We turned to our specialists. Our specialists could not perform an organ-preserving operation, they suggested amputation to remove this tumor. We searched for and found such a specialist in Germany, who specializes in this. He came to us here and successfully operated on this teenage girl with our doctors. But this is a piece of work. That is, I want to say, do not think that average doctor in Russia, on average, worse than a doctor abroad.

They also go abroad because people get on the Internet and start looking for doctors. Look at the information field on the Internet public institutions and scientific centers where the most prominent people. You will see that they have very modest sites, because they have such a flow of patients that they are forced to refuse. But private companies have a huge number of invitations, including from Western companies that are registered abroad, while we have their own centers.

- What recent trends would you highlight in the fight against cancer?

Professor Kabashin: nanotheranostics will win oncologyA new strategic academic unit has appeared at the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" - Engineering Physics Institute of Biomedicine. About who will be trained by this structural unit, said its supervisor, research director of the French National Center scientific research Andrey Kabashin.

- Specialists are forced to constantly read, to be in the thick of things. Every year 12-14 medicines come into practice, they all need to be understood how they work. Oncology is rapidly moving towards personalized treatment. That is, each person and his cancer is individual, and the key to this cancer can be found, molecular genetic defects can be found, and there are drugs that need to be treated for them. Therefore, constant training is required, therefore people who work in our specialty are knowledge hunters. They have to do it in order to achieve results.

More and more new medicines, more and more new technology, doctors seem to be getting better, they have more and more knowledge. What is your forecast as an experienced person: what will happen to cancer in the next 10-20 years? Will it be possible to defeat this disease?

February 4 has been celebrated as World Cancer Day every year since 2005. It was founded by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) in order to draw the attention of the world community to this disease.

— I think that 100% will succeed. First, after 2000, the last 15-16 years have been very fruitful in the field of science. It was possible to establish the genetic code of a person. Today, a complete assessment of a patient's genetic status can be made. Each person has his own cancer, even with the same name - stomach cancer, leukemia - it is a large palette different types, with different genetic disorders, for which it is impossible to find a uniform treatment.

I'll give you an example. We have such a disease indicative - chronic myeloid leukemia, in which patients live from three to five years. This tumor is initial stage It seems to be benign in nature and amenable to some kind of treatment, but after some time the patient experiences a so-called blast crisis - a transition from a relatively benign process to a malignant one. All patients died until we found the molecular defect in this disease. Drugs have been picked up for this molecular defect, this medicine is now taken in tablet form by patients. The problem has completely disappeared. There is no need to treat the chronic phase of diseases, no need to use drugs, no need to use chemotherapy drugs, drugs, radiation, operations, hospitals. On an outpatient basis, a person receives treatment and achieves what is called molecular remission, that is, a complete recovery, and can live for a very long time. All forms of cancer are now on this path.

3.M., - a doctor from Russia who visited Banga, testifies that she told about the healers of ancient times with whom she came into contact, their methods of treatment. The visitor was extremely amazed and asked herself and others the question: "How is this possible, how does she know the names of healers who died long ago?"

The topic of human health, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases occupied a large place in Vanga's activities. She believed that almost all diseases can be treated with herbs, that Bulgaria is a blessed country, since many medicinal plants. She was convinced that the day was not far off when humanity would get rid of a terrible disease - cancer. Vanga said: "The day will come, and the cancer will be shackled in iron chains!"

When asked to explain what this meant, she replied that the medicine with which people would be treated for this disease should contain iron, because this element is in human body is getting smaller.

In her opinion, another medicine will be discovered that is necessary to restore human health, which will be made from the hormones of a horse, dog and turtle. When asked why these animals are hormones, she answered: the horse is strong, the dog is hardy, and the turtle lives long.

When treating with herbs, she strongly advised people to douse herbal decoctions, because they best have their healing effect, penetrating the skin.

Vanga never contradicted official medicine and recognized her success in all areas. In this sense, the various recommendations she makes complement rather than negate medical methods treatment.

But she believed that overuse of drugs is harmful, because "they close the door into which nature enters with the help of herbs and restores the disturbed balance in the diseased human body."

Vanga rejoiced at the discoveries in the field of medicine and recognized the newly discovered acupuncture as useful. But this is what she said to a visiting acupuncturist: - Treatment with needles is correct, but in order to achieve success, you need to work not with metal, but with clay needles - as they did in ancient times. They need to be heated on fire, not electricity, because there is electricity in the human body, you amplify it in this way, and this interferes with the correct impact of the needles on certain points of the body.

The doctor objected to her: they say, this means a return, but Vanga answered him: - Well, yes, everything comes back, look around you! From the medical activities of Vanga, some can be distinguished general tips useful to everyone, despite the fact that the herbs and treatments she recommends individual people with the same disease, they are different - Vanga believes that each organism requires specific treatment.

Here are some cases confirmed by letters or personal testimonies of patients that they received relief or recovered thanks to Vanga's advice:

Vanga advised a patient with leukemia to drink an infusion of mallow roots;

A child suffering from the same disease should drink an infusion of mallow fruits;

She ordered a patient with cirrhosis of the liver to drink Jensen's milk mixed with white flour;

To the child's parents, who could not sleep well and beat his head against the wall, she recommended that he bathe him in morning dew. By bathing, she meant the following: - spread a clean cloth in a clearing after the morning dew falls, and then collect adhering herbs and other plants from it. It is necessary to wrap the child in this moisture-soaked cloth. Later, the child's father came and said that the child had calmed down and was feeling well (Vanga attached great importance to morning dew, believing that early morning plants produce a lot healing substances);

To a child who held for three months heat, Vanga recommended bathing in water in which sour grapes were boiled;

To a man with eczema, she offered to collect forest flowers, boil them and bathe in the broth;

A woman suffering from intolerable itching skin, recommended to bathe in a decoction of one kilogram of barley.

To a young man with diseased kidneys, she prescribed to drink a decoction pumpkin seeds, and also crush two packages flax seeds, make poultices and apply to a sore spot;

Vanga advised a man who was poisoned at work by harmful fumes to keep his feet in the evening. warm water;

To a woman who fell ill from hypothermia of her legs and overwork, she recommended a linen compress of wax, olive oil and water, which should be wrapped around her legs;

She advised a child with epilepsy to bathe in a decoction of hay cut in the forest;

Vanga told a woman who had suffered from chest pains for 6O years that she had inflammation of the lining of the lungs, and a lotion made from dough mixed with homemade yeast, with the addition of 100 grams of vinegar, 100 grams vegetable oil and 100 grams of wine;

Vanga, who suffered from a cough, prescribed to drink a decoction of flaxseed for a week and not to drink cold water;

A person who had a rash - advised to swim in the broth oak bark;

She suggested to a woman who had hardenings in her body to make a mixture of foundation (honeycomb), brandy and pounded wormwood and apply to a sore spot;

She advised a patient with neuralgic rheumatism to take sunbathing, and before that, lubricate the hands and feet with fat and gun oil;

About a four-year-old child with a diseased intestine, she said that he was not fed properly and that oil should be severely limited in the diet;

Vanga recommended that people in a pre-infarction state drink a decoction of blackthorn fruits in the morning on an empty stomach for four days;

A woman who suffered from severe headaches after unpleasant experiences was suggested to take a tablespoon of sugar syrup in the evening before going to bed;

A woman with a strong heartbeat on a nervous basis was recommended to cut a pound of lemons, pour them with honey and take one tablespoon in the morning and evening;

A nine-month-old girl began bleeding. Vanga advised me to take some garbage that ants take out of the anthill in the spring, steam it in boiling water and hold the child over the fumes. Soon after this procedure, the bleeding stopped;

She prescribed a decoction of blackberry shoots for a visitor with early-onset diabetes. In her opinion, this slows down the development of the disease.

Vanga believes that people get diabetes and psoriasis as a result severe stress, fright or a very unpleasant experience, a stomach ulcer - from poorly chewed and hot food. Asthma in most cases develops from cold liquids when a person drinks them in a tired state. Metabolic disorders are often the result of malnutrition, and mastitis in women is a consequence of wearing tight clothes and underwear.

According to Vanga, tumors in most cases occur after a fall or injury, and they can appear much later. Kidney disease most often occurs from hypothermia. Infertility, as a rule, is the result of early sexual activity, fear of getting pregnant, wearing very tight underwear, hypothermia; almost all of these causes lead to male infertility.

Below is a very curious case that characterizes the methods of its treatment.

“Late one night, my friend B.N. from the village of Kalarova appeared at our place. His brothers brought him in. B.N. suddenly went crazy: he grabbed an ax to kill his loved ones. the friend was completely unrecognizable ... Vanga said: “Buy a new clay jug, draw water from the river into it, holding it against the current, and pour this water from the jug over the patient three times. After that, throw the jug behind your back, let it break, but don't turn around!".

I wanted to suggest to my friends to postpone the treatment until the morning, but, seeing that the situation was hopeless, I went - nothing can be done! - and woke up the potter who lived nearby. This man, although he was amazed at my nightly visit, still gave me the necessary vessel.

The river in Petrich flows in the center of the city, and our house is located on a high bank. We left the house, went down to the river and did everything that was ordered. Thank God, it was a late hour, and no one saw us, otherwise our "clergy" would have seemed suspicious to anyone. But the most important thing was that my friend, after dousing, came to his senses, slept all night, and woke up the next morning as a normal person.

Another case.

A young man, an excavator driver, came to Vanga. He injured his knee while draining a swamp. After that, his leg began to swell, fester, and the doctors said that it needed to be amputated. But Vanga advised me to do it differently: find a frog, if possible in the place where the person was injured, tear off the skin from it and cover it with this skin sore spot. The man followed this instruction, and slept soundly for two days, although earlier he could not fall asleep at all and took a double dose of sleeping pills. When he woke up, a bandage fell off his leg, and on it was a white purulent rod (like from a boil) about 10 centimeters long. A week later, the wound healed, and the leg was saved.

I was surprised by such a medicine, but later I read in one scientific journal, dedicated to the study of nature, that such substances were discovered in frog skin that, even if the frog is bitten by the most poisonous snake, it will not die from poison, since these substances neutralize it.

Once I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder, which often kept me awake at night. I went to the doctor, who explained that I had a so-called spur and would have a very long painful treatment. And that's when I turned to Vanga. She advised me to take two packets of thyme, grind it into a powder and dilute it with 50 grams of apple cider vinegar. Then apply the mixture on a wool flap and apply to the sore spot for three nights in a row. My pain was gone from this treatment.

My friend from Petrich suffered the same pain, but Vanga offered him another remedy: moisten a woolen flap in gasoline, attach it to a sore spot, and cover it with a very hot copper plate on top - so that it was difficult to endure, and conduct three sessions of such treatment. And his pain stopped.

M. T. from Petrich developed a wart on her arm, which interfered with her work, and one day a woman recklessly picked it off. A week later, the warts went all over the body. Vanga advised her to find a spur plant, crush it into powder, sprinkle it with it and rub the very first wart. After that, all the warts disappeared.

K.S. from Ruse had a child with asthma, and they had to move to live in Sandanske. When K.S. asked Vanga how to cure the child, she advised to collect 40 leaves of the coltsfoot and when they dry, bring them to her along with half a liter of brandy. Holding the leaves in her hands, Vanga ordered her father to soak them in brandy and put them on the child's chest. After this therapy, the seizures stopped.

A. N. from Sandansky was cured of diabetes in the initial stage with Vanga's medicine: pods of ripe beans (he brought her about three kilograms). She held them in her hands for a short time, and then ordered them to cook and drink 1 tea cup of decoction every morning on an empty stomach.

The healer's sister, Lyubka, has almost a whole encyclopedia of Vanga's various recommendations, which helped to cure many diseases. Here is some of them.

Go barefoot in summer. Do not break your connection with the earth. Let the children go outside barefoot and naked in the summer. Let them get bruised, play all over the place to develop immunity from all winter diseases. Let their food be mostly liquid. Do not punish children with dry food.

In addition to washing, children certainly need to wash their feet every evening.

Vanga and I often arrange botany lessons>. I take her through the meadows in Rupa and listen, and she, like a teacher, patiently explains. I don’t know what and how Vanga “sees”, but sometimes she even points with her finger where to look. "Do you know what weed is?" - "I know," I say, "The fruits of this plant are excellent food for anemic children. And if anyone brings home this large plant with triple leaves, he will have nightmares all night, especially if the plant blooms. That's what everyone says! It has flowers like near the bell, but it was brought from a country where there are constant riots and unrest.But now I smell wild celery - it good medicine from rheumatism. Salad from it should be on the table in every home. Peppermint for indigestion. And the grass that grows on the banks of the canal is a wonderful medicine for children who urinate at night. But this grass that we stepped on is a cure for poorly healing wounds .. Plants speak to me, but there are many of them, and I have little time to remember.

Vanga cured a young doctor of a stubborn rash, advising him to drink a decoction of vetch grains for 20 days.

Vanga recommended that a child with large tonsils and enlarged adenoids make a compress on the neck in the form of a "collar" made from dough sprinkled with finely chopped stems of the hellebore plant. The compress should be applied no more than 1 - 2 times for half an hour. The inflammation is completely gone.

Vanga said: “There is a very simple medicine for jaundice that completely cures it in three days. As soon as the disease is discovered, you need to three days in the morning on an empty stomach, drink the juice of one lemon, in which one teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved.

She prescribed a decoction of grains of wheat, corn, oats, rye and millet to a young man with leukemia. Later, the patient said that he felt great and gained five kilograms.

To a young man suffering from seizures, who was recognized as having epilepsy, Vanga said that he had a pinched nerve due to a fall. She advised him to take a piece of cloth soaked in a mixture of olive oil, melted wax and wax and tape it to his spine from top to bottom. The seizures have stopped.

A woman who had some fungal disease and fingernails fell out, she recommended brewing strong coffee and holding hands in it 2-3 times.

To the person who was made unsuccessful operation on the lymph nodes, inflamed as a result of an infection, Vanga said that he needed not a surgeon, but a dentist, since, in her opinion, the infection arose from unsuccessful dentures.

To a woman with swollen legs, she offered next treatment: in a bucket cold water dissolve a packet of rock salt. Then take a towel, soak it in this solution and attach it to the lower back. As soon as the towel warms up, it needs to be soaked in the solution again. After this treatment, the woman's edema stopped.

Lyubka recalls: “When we were small and had malaria, Vanga treated us like this: she put a clean enameled vessel with a fresh chicken egg and 200 grams of pure wine vinegar in the sun. By the next morning, the egg shell dissolved. Then Vanga thoroughly beat the mixture and gave we should drink it on an empty stomach."

Vanga advises those who have been poisoned by fish to dilute a tablespoon of mastic (aniseed vodka) in a glass of water and drink it immediately. Once I myself was so poisoned: I ate stuffed carp and felt very bad. I vomited all night, and the next morning I fell down the stairs and fainted. Vanga demanded to give me anise vodka - otherwise death will follow. After five minutes I felt better, and gradually I completely recovered.

Thousands of examples prove Vanga's exceptional abilities as a healer. It is up to experts to assess her ability and find out if there is a rational grain in her advice and recommendations. The above cases are only a weak illustration of its multilateral activities. And what did Vanga say about how to maintain health ?. "It's very simple. I don't have any special recipes, and any of us knows what not to do. First of all, don't overeat. Products have already become worse from a large number fertilizers, in addition, all organs of the human body suffer from the intake of excess food. If we needed to eat so much, then nature would give us two stomachs, and not just one, right? .. I often say to economic managers "We need to sow a lot of rye, people should eat rye bread in order to maintain health and survive In our time, rye has great importance".

Eat more white food. Drink tea from forest herbs more often. Reduce the fat content of your food. Those who are healthy should gradually eat less and less meat and eventually give it up altogether. Eat boiled wheat at least once a week and be sure to drink water to be strong. Do not smoke.

You can drink before eating no more than 20-30 grams of brandy - for disinfection. Move more and work. Go to bed early - at 22 o'clock and get up early at 5-6 o'clock, this is the most good time for relaxation, so as not to be nervous and restless. Introduce purity into the cult. Do not wash with too hot water, use homemade soap if possible. Beware, because "many unknown diseases will come to us. People will fall in the streets for no apparent reason, no apparent disease, but all this can still be prevented, because it is in your power."

Do not abuse fertilizers and chemicals, because nature is already suffocating. The day will come when they will disappear from the face of the Earth various plants, animals, vegetables - first onions, garlic and peppers, then bees, and it will become harmful to drink milk.

January 31 marks the 106th anniversary of the birth of Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, the world-famous seer Vanga. Both during her lifetime and after the death of the famous soothsayer, journalists sometimes launch the most incredible sensations on her behalf. Now it's hard to figure out if she actually said it. Some are completely sure that Vanga did not have the gift of foresight, and her popularity was supported and used for their own purposes by the Bulgarian special services.

Skeptics argue that it was beneficial for the Bulgarian authorities to have a popular soothsayer, to whom crowds of tourists come in a continuous stream. They also draw attention to the fact that the famous healer rarely made predictions with exact dates and numbers. Most often, its wording was vague and ambiguous, and could be interpreted in different ways.

Nevertheless, there are several predictions that the Bulgarian actually made, and they came true. This is confirmed by Vanga's relatives in their memoirs about her, and the people whom these predictions concerned. website decided to figure out what the soothsayer was wrong, and what turned out to be right.

What came true

Death of Joseph Stalin

Six months before the death of the leader of the USSR, the seer said: "The gates to another world, where Stalin will go, will be open to other rulers of Russia." At the same time, Vanga named the date: March 1953.

Indeed, Joseph Stalin died on March 5, 1953 at his official residence in Kuntsevo from a cerebral hemorrhage. A few days later, Vanga was imprisoned in a Bulgarian prison for six months. They say that after this incident, the soothsayer shared predictions about those in power only with the closest circle of people.

Acquaintance of Mikhalkov and Brezhnev

To the famous Soviet writer Sergei Mikhalkov, Vanga predicted events that absolutely came true. “Upon returning to Moscow, you will personally meet with Leonid Brezhnev. Your eldest son will marry a foreigner and leave to live and work abroad, where he will make films,” the seer said to Mikhalkov. "Having returned from Bulgaria, I met with the head of state," Mikhalkov later recalled Vanga's words.

A year later, in 1980, the eldest son of the writer Andrei Konchalovsky left for the United States. There in Hollywood, he made several films, the most famous of which is the blockbuster "Tango and Cash" with Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell in the lead roles.

As for marrying a foreigner, Vanga did not guess right here. At the time of the prediction, Konchalovsky was already married to Frenchwoman Vivian Godet. After moving to the US, he divorced her and started an affair with Hollywood star Shirley MacLaine, but the wedding never took place.

Assassination of Indira Gandhi

15 years before the death of the Prime Minister of India, Vanga said: "The dress, the dress will destroy her! I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and fire!"

October 31, 1984 Indira Gandhi was supposed to meet in New Delhi with the English writer and actor Peter Ustinov. On that day, she wore a saffron-colored sari while removing her bulletproof vest.

However, Indira Gandhi did not reach the meeting place. An Indian politician was killed by Sikh extremists who infiltrated her entourage under the guise of personal bodyguards.

Perestroika and the collapse of the USSR

This prediction is one of the most controversial in Vanga's life. It does not explicitly mention either perestroika or the collapse of the USSR. In 1979, the healer said: "I see a garden... This is Russia... There is snow all around... A lot of snow. I hear voices: male and female... No, these are not voices - from the depths of the earth Russia is coming extraordinary spring...

The seer mentioned three mighty, but withered trees, about the large and small rings, trodden in a snowy garden. She said that she sees how at dusk people stick branches into the snow, and a man and a woman make a circle around the small ring. After these words, the Bulgarian said that it makes no sense to talk about the garden, which will soon dry up. These words of the healer could have remained misunderstood if not for the memoirs of Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva.

"March 10, 1985 ... Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko died. An emergency meeting of the Politburo was held at ten o'clock in the evening. Mikhail Sergeyevich returned home, and we were then at a dacha outside the city, very late," she recalled. years - the third death.The death of three general secretaries in a row.

“Mikhail Sergeevich was very tired. At first he was silent. Then he says: “Tomorrow is a plenum. It may be a question of me leading the party. "We wandered around the garden, there was still snow. The husband was silent again. Then, as if gradually, he began to think - aloud ... "No, - I heard. “You can’t live like this anymore.”

In the same 1985, grandiose events began in the USSR. Changes in the ideology, economic and political life of the USSR were called "perestroika".

Yeltsin's victory in the presidential election

The first president of Russia never went to Vanga, but his press secretary Sergei Medvedev did. It was to him that people from Vanga's entourage turned when she expressed her desire to make a prediction for Yeltsin. Boris Nikolayevich was skeptical about this idea: they say, do what you want.

According to Medvedev, he went to Vanga, taking Yeltsin's watch. I recorded the conversation on a dictaphone, so that later I could show the recording to my boss. Bulgarian predicted Yeltsin victory in the elections. Indeed, on July 10, 1991, Boris Yeltsin became the first president of the Russian Federation and led the country for two terms.

Vanga also casually mentioned Yeltsin's heart. Subsequently, it turned out that Boris Nikolaevich had a heart attack, which he hid.

The marriage of Kirkorov to Pugacheva

Philip's father, singer Bedros Kirkorov, turned to Vanga in 1971, when his son was four years old. Kirkorov Sr. had a very sore leg, and the healer advised him to massage it clockwise. She also said that the pain would soon go away - and it did.

The fortuneteller spoke about the future of Philip herself. "You have a son, and great fame awaits him. I see him at a height - grief, and in his hands he has a metal stick," Bedros recalled Vanga's words. At first, he decided that his son would become a conductor. But later I realized that the mountain symbolized the musical Olympus, and the stick turned out to be nothing more than a microphone.

The soothsayer also said that at the age of 27, Kirkorov Jr. marries a woman with a name starting with the letter "A". In 1994, this prediction came true with absolute accuracy: at the time of the wedding with Alla Pugacheva, Philip was 27.

The accident on the submarine "Kursk"

In 1980, a Bulgarian soothsayer declared that "at the end of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it." It is not surprising that these words then caused misunderstanding. After all, the city of Kursk is separated from the nearest Black Sea by a distance of more than a thousand kilometers.

The prediction became clear on August 12, 2000, when the nuclear-powered submarine missile-carrying cruiser "Kursk" crashed during an exercise. 118 crew members were killed. According to the official version of the Russian authorities, a torpedo spontaneously exploded on the Kursk.

Attack on the Twin Towers in New York

In 1989, Vanga said: "Fear, fear! The American brothers will fall, pecked by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will spill like a river."

Twelve years later, on September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda terrorists on planes crashed into the towers of the World shopping center in New York. The unprecedented terrorist attack killed 2,977 people.


A cure for cancer

The Bulgarian healer predicted that in early XXI century, the world will get rid of cancer. “The day will come when cancer will be shackled with iron chains,” she said.

Vanga explained these words in such a way that "a medicine against oncological diseases should contain a lot of iron." However, a miracle remedy that could save people from cancer, mankind has not yet come up with.

Genetic Engineering

Vanga predicted that already at the beginning of the third millennium "people will neither sow nor reap, but only grow everything. Animals will breed like plants, and plants - like animals."

The soothsayer was wrong this time. Despite the fact that animal genes are indeed present in genetically modified plants, so far in agriculture seeders and combines are used.

New World War in 2010 year

Vanga said that a destructive world war would begin in November 2010 and last until October 2014. She assumed that first nuclear and then chemical weapons would be used. Fortunately for earthlings, Vanga's prediction did not come true.

Obama is the last President of the United States

The Bulgarian healer predicted that the 44th president of the United States would be black. And then she was right.

But Vanga also predicted that this politician would be America's last leader, because soon the country would either freeze or disappear from the world map after the economic crisis. However, in January 2017, the 44th American president, black Barack Obama, left White House Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States.

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