Toxoplasmosis diagnosis, symptoms, treatment. Signs and symptoms of acute toxoplasmosis. Chronic form of toxoplasmosis

This type infection is extremely common throughout the world, especially due to densely populated countries with low level life. In particular, among the leaders in the number of infected are the countries of Africa and South America. By the way, the proportion of cases on these continents averages 90%. North America, Central Europe and, in particular, Russia have lower epidemic rates, and the number of people affected by this infection is kept at the level of 20-25%.

There are no unequivocal reasons for the manifestation of this infection in the human body and forms of the disease. However, it is scientifically recognized and proven that toxoplasmosis affects people with persistent problems of the immune system more often. For this reason, pregnant women are at risk of the disease, whose immunity is significantly weakened during their position. Toxoplasmosis is very dangerous for a child and therefore is one of the TORCH infections that must be diagnosed when planning and maintaining pregnancy.

Methods of infection

Apart from this method infections include the following:

  • eating foods that are not sufficiently thermally processed, in particular, there is a high risk when eating half-baked meat and eggs;
  • hit dirty hands on the oral mucosa after contact with animals, their excrement, garden soil, raw meat and other manipulations requiring, after their completion, a mandatory hygiene procedure;
  • transfusion of infected blood and transplantology;
  • intrauterine infection from an infected mother to the fetus.

The risk group, as noted above, in addition to pregnant women, often includes children who are more prone than adults to hygiene violations. The incubation period of this type of infection occurs within 2 weeks and passes almost imperceptibly for a person, without showing special forms ailments. In general, the symptoms of toxoplasmosis vary with the forms of the disease.

Acquired toxoplasmosis

It can proceed in the form of an acute, chronic or latent disease, each of which corresponds to the stage of incubation, prodromal and acute manifestation infections. The prodromal stage is characterized by minor ailments, mainly related to problems of the musculoskeletal system. This period can last from several weeks to several months, manifested by pain in the muscles and joints, headaches and general fatigue organism. The transition to the acute stage of infection is usually noticeable and is manifested by a sharp increase in body temperature, severe chills and swollen lymph nodes. Appears on the patient's body small rash, absent only on the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and under the hair on the head. In this case, the clinical picture of the disease manifests itself in the form of myocarditis, hepatitis and pneumonia. AT severe forms diseases, and at the same time the most common, there are abscesses of the brain, accompanied by impaired coordination, memory and perception of reality, encephalitis and meningoencephalitis.

Acute form of acquired toxoplasmosis

Appears suddenly high fever and malaise, later a rash joins and inflammatory processes in internal organs digestive system. With absence timely diagnosis high risk of transition to inflammation of the membranes of the brain. Depending on which system of the body has suffered more damage, typhoid-like, encephalitic and mixed forms of acute infection are distinguished.

Chronic form of toxoplasmosis

It is characterized by the presence of exacerbations and remissions, during the last of which the symptoms are erased, and the patient does not notice persistent disorders in his body. However, periods of exacerbation have a rich set of signs from many body systems, in particular:

  • eye problems associated with visual impairment and rapid deterioration of vision;
  • violations gastrointestinal tract, manifested by diarrhea and constipation, bloating and heartburn, aching pains;
  • myositis and myocarditis, the first of which is easily detected in the form of subcutaneous seals;
  • a slight but persistent rise in body temperature within 37-38 C;
  • work disruption endocrine system and hormonal disruptions, accompanied by disruptions in the menstrual cycles in women and impotence in men;
  • manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia mixed type in the form of anxiety, tachycardia, dizziness and deterioration in general well-being;
  • nervous disorders.

Latent form of the disease

It is difficult to diagnose and therefore has no pronounced symptoms. This form of toxoplasmosis often leads to serious complications brain and lethal outcomes, is typical for patients with the presence of various forms immunodeficiency. The latent form of infection often causes death in patients infected with HIV or AIDS.

In addition to the acquired, there is also congenital toxoplasmosis. What it is? Infection is carried out in the process of carrying a pregnancy. As a rule, infection in the first trimester leads to miscarriage, in the II and III - to serious complications. Such a child is usually born in the midst of the acute stage of infection and already has severe brain damage. An infected child usually has an enlarged head with thinned skull bones, optic nerve atrophy, or other visual pathologies. Even those children who survive beyond the first years of life have serious violations in the work of the body: oligophrenia, developmental delay, depression and obsessive states, jaundice, complete or partial blindness. Today, modern medical and pharmacological technologies make it possible to cure completely or partially children with congenital toxoplasmosis, which was previously impossible. The degree of recovery in this case depends entirely on the degree of damage to the child's body.

Infection Diagnosis

➡ Immunological methods for determining toxoplasmosis in humans are the most widely applicable and are able to reliably determine the stage in a short period of time infectious disease, episodes of the transfer of the disease in past periods. Often, to find Toxoplasma, they take skin tests and various serological studies reflecting the presence of antibodies in human blood to this infectious agent. A blood test determines the presence of immunoglobulin G using enzyme immunoassay, complement reactions and fluorescence reaction. Due to the fact that high level antibodies in the blood, toxoplasmosis reaches 1-2 months after infection, first a blood test for Ig G is prescribed. acute stage disease and confirmation of the fact of infection of the patient. A slight excess of IgG in the human body is acceptable in the case of previous toxoplasmosis and the patient has immunity to this pathogen infections. Analysis skin used in carrying out allergic test with toxoplasmin, negative meaning which reflects the presence of an acute or chronic infection toxoplasmosis.

Apart from laboratory research also takes into account the patient's complaints, assessment of his general condition and clinical picture symptoms.

Drug treatment of toxoplasma

The drugs pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine in combination have antimicrobial action in daily doses of 0.05 g and 0.2 g, respectively. The duration of therapy is limited to 5 days, after 10 days - repeated in total 3 courses.

In addition to antibiotics of the sulfonamide class, which include the above drugs, the use of antibiotics of the lincosamide and macrolide class is acceptable. Chronic form toxoplasmosis responds well to Chloridine in combination with the use of folic acid to reduce the risk of blood clots at doses of 0.025 g and 5 mg per day, respectively. It is important to use, in addition to antibacterial drugs immunostimulating drugs in combination with vitamins and desensitizing agents.

In severe forms of toxoplasmosis, Fansidar is used in injections of 2.5 mg every other day in a course of 5 doses, after which they switch to the use of the same tablets. In addition, the drug Limcomycin hydrochloride is prescribed, 1 g per day.

Folk methods of treatment

Traditional methods of treating toxoplasmosis are effectively complemented by methods traditional medicine, for which help is often sought when it is impossible to use antibiotics, allergic reactions and simply to alleviate the symptoms of the infection. Young children, pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals are widely used following methods folk treatment Toxoplasma causative agent:

Herbal preparations

Pumpkin seeds

Propolis and other bee products

These are excellent immunomodulators. Propolis, known for its broad useful properties, perfectly cures toxoplasmosis in combination with alcohol infusion. Crushed propolis in the amount of 100 g is mixed with 500 ml of pharmacy alcohol and infused for 3 days. After that, an infusion of 40 drops dissolved in a glass of boiled water is used for a week 30 minutes before meals three times a day.


The crushed product is boiled in 200 ml of milk, after which it is consumed small quantities during the whole day. The course of treatment with garlic with milk is carried out in 10 days.

bird cherry

It acts as the basis of a decoction from toxoplasmosis, in which 100 g of young chopped branches are boiled in 2 liters of water. A decoction of bird cherry is insisted for 3 hours, after which they use a quarter cup three times a day for 30 calendar days.


A spoonful of grated fresh horseradish mixed with sour cream is consumed with meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment in this way is only 3 days.

In addition to the above recipes of traditional medicine, there are many others. effective ways fight against toxoplasmosis. However, the use of this type of treatment implies the permission of the attending physician in order to avoid aggravating the patient's condition and avoiding an allergic reaction.


Prophylactic methods to prevent toxoplasmosis are limited general recommendations that reduce the risk of infection, in particular:

  • cooking must strictly comply with thermal requirements, especially when cooking meat products, the death of Toxoplasma in which occurs at 70 degrees;
  • when cooking meat, it is strictly forbidden to taste it until the product is fully cooked;
  • it is important to monitor the condition of pets and after direct contact with them or their biological masses - to carry out hygiene procedures;
  • compulsory hygiene is subject to children playing in common playgrounds and sandboxes and adults after contact with the ground in vegetable gardens and orchards;
  • pregnant women must be tested for the presence of antibodies to toxoplasma, and if IgM is detected, they are subject to urgent therapy or termination of pregnancy.

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What is toxoplasmosis, what animals are its carriers and how dangerous is the pathology for newborns - answers to these questions can be found in the article.

General information about the disease

Almost every inhabitant of our planet has home pet. Scientists unanimously argue that pets are the best remedy to relieve stress and tension after a tiring day at work. The owners have fun with them, sometimes not even realizing what danger they expose themselves and their environment.

Giardiasis, ringworm and many other pathologies hide in the fur and under the claws of pets. Of particular danger to humans is toxoplasmosis. This disease occupies a weakened body and begins its destructive activity. Only rapid detection and treatment can save you from dangerous complications.

The person who has good health may be a carrier of infection for many years. The blood of every fifth Russian contains Toxoplasma gondii.


Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic disease infectious nature. Especially often this infection occupies the body of birds and representatives of the cat family.

Having penetrated into the human body, the pathogen is located in small intestine where it enters the blood. Together with the blood, the infection spreads to the lymph nodes, where the active reproduction of bacteria begins. After some time, the blood spreads Toxoplasma throughout the body.

An infected person develops dangerous pathological conditions requiring immediate therapy.

Chronic toxoplasmosis is accompanied by cold symptoms, severe mental disorders, etc.

The acute form occurs rapidly and has all the signs of serious poisoning.

The causative agent of toxoplasmosis - the simplest microorganism "Toxoplasma gondii" penetrates into the human blood and is activated at the slightest immune failure:

  • past illnesses that require long-term therapy;
  • nervous disorders;
  • bad ecology;
  • increased radiation;
  • medications;
  • pregnancy.

Immunity is transmitted to newborns and protects during the first year of life. However, if the pathogen enters the body during pregnancy, the child is diagnosed with congenital toxoplasmosis.

Pathology can lead to irreparable complications, occupying the body of a pregnant woman. best measure for guard own child- pre-take a blood test for toxoplasmosis.

A recovered patient develops igm antibodies, opposing infections and exclusive reinfection toxoplasmosis.

How can you get toxoplasmosis?

The disease belongs to a group of pathologies that are transmitted from mother to child. In other cases, it is not transmitted from person to person.

The main ways of infection:

  • alimentary - a consequence of the use of infected and unprocessed food. At risk - infected pork and lamb;
  • oral-fecal - a consequence of ingestion of contaminated dust, which is formed in places of cat feces (garden, children's sandbox, flower pot, etc.). You can become infected if you do not wash your hands after contact with an infectious animal, on the coat of which particles of feces remain;
  • vertical or transplacental (through the placenta). This path is the most dangerous, because it leads to fetal pathologies (epilepsy, blindness, mental disability, etc.). If the infection occurred in the first trimester, the child dies.
Infection process

Is toxoplasmosis transmitted from dogs?

Toxoplasmosis in dogs also occurs, but does not pose any danger to humans.

The main causes of toxoplasmosis:

  1. The use of insufficiently processed meat dishes in food.
  2. Use not boiled water from dubious sources.
  3. Unsanitary conditions.
  4. Transfusion of infected blood.
  5. Animal care.

Can you get toxoplasmosis from a domestic cat?

The cat is a carrier this disease. Therefore, you can get infected, because. "Toxoplasma gondii" lives in feces sick animal 21 days. However, fresh stools do not pose any danger.

If there are skin lesions on the hand, infection occurs when the cat litter is replaced. Therefore, cleaning is best done every day and, just in case, in latex gloves.

Forms, signs and complications of toxoplasmosis

The first form is congenital, when the pathology is transmitted in utero. Occurs when toxoplasmosis occurs in women during pregnancy.

This form of the disease is divided into two groups:

  • early, occurring if infection occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Early toxoplasmosis very often leads to fetal death. Therefore, an analysis for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy is necessary so that the board of doctors can take appropriate measures. In most cases, abortion is used.
  • late - a pregnant woman becomes infected after 16 weeks and transmits toxoplasmosis to the newborn. A child born with late toxoplasmosis often has some abnormalities (enlarged liver, spleen, etc.).

The second form is acquired when infection occurs during life.

Contagion presents serious danger if the infected pregnant woman has not previously had toxoplasmosis. Pathology is detected in 1% of expectant mothers. Even if the tests showed toxoplasmosis in a pregnant woman, this does not mean that the fetus is also infected.

Congenital toxoplasmosis in newborns has several forms, depending on the time of infection of the mother:

  • In the 1st, 2nd trimester - the possibility of infection of the fetus is about 15%. Infected children develop dangerous pathologies of the heart, brain, eyes. Toxoplasmosis of the brain leads to mental retardation;
  • If the infection occurred in the 3rd trimester, 70% of newborns become infected. The child develops encephalitis, meningitis, and blindness;
  • If toxoplasmosis infection enters children's body just before birth, acute toxoplasmosis develops. The baby begins jaundice, pneumonia, anemia;

Based on all of the above, it can be seen that infection of a pregnant woman has the most deplorable consequences for the fetus.

Non-congenital toxoplasmosis in children proceeds rapidly and acutely. The first signs of pathology appear on the third day.

Very rarely, an infected person develops brain toxoplasmosis. This complication occurs when the disease becomes chronic, in pregnant women, HIV-infected.

It can manifest itself in the form of inflammation of the brain, encephalitis, convulsive syndrome. A person develops migraines and other signs of brain disease.

If encephalitic toxoplasmosis develops, speech, motor functions are disturbed, and emotional disorders begin.

without timely and adequate treatment, the disease leads to cerebral edema and death of the patient.

Symptoms of pathology

What are the symptoms of toxoplasmosis in adults? acute form:

  • a sudden jump in temperature to a critical point;
  • chills;
  • the body is strewn with inflamed pimples;
  • inflammation of the lungs and other pathologies develop;
  • develop brain diseases.

This form develops at lightning speed and, without medical intervention, leads to the death of the patient.

The symptoms of the chronic form are mild, sometimes appearing, then disappearing:

  • the temperature rises slightly;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • nervousness;
  • weakening of memory;
  • diarrhea.

Progressing, the pathology acquires the following symptoms and complications:

  • Impotence in men.
  • Violations menstrual cycle among women.
  • Bumps, seals in the muscles.
  • Damage to the heart muscle.
  • Decreased visual function.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes (in the occipital region).
  • Migraine attacks.
  • Loss of interest in life.
  • Low pressure.

Symptoms of congenital toxoplasmosis

  • obvious signs of poisoning;
  • fever;
  • yellow skin tone;
  • inflamed rash on the face, limbs and trunk;
  • headache;
  • eye inflammation;
  • encephalitis;
  • excess fluid in the brain;
  • underdevelopment;
  • inflammation of the vessels of the eye;
  • convulsive epileptic seizures.


  • Blindness.
  • Brain damage.
  • Death.

However, the disease is safe for healthy person with high immunity. In this case, antibodies will be produced in the body, which will become an obstacle to re-infection.

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women

  • a sharp jump in temperature;
  • muscle soreness;
  • weakness;
  • sleep loss;
  • chronic fatigue.

If the chronic form worsens, the following symptoms may appear:

  • stool disorder;
  • flatulence;
  • deterioration of visual functions;
  • mental disorders.

At the first symptoms, you should undergo an examination and begin treatment. Otherwise, the consequences of toxoplasmosis in a pregnant woman can lead to the death of the fetus before birth.

However, this can be abandoned, but it should be remembered: if the infection is found in the amniotic fluid - birth healthy child unlikely.


To determine toxoplasmosis in humans, it is necessary to conduct a series diagnostic measures. Diagnosis is carried out several times, maintaining an interval of 15-30 days.

The most productive method serological study- IFA. With help serological analysis antibodies are detected, if any.

  • If a person has ever been ill with toxoplasmosis, immunoglobulin G is found in him.
  • If antibodies M are found in the blood, the disease proceeds in the acute stage.

Deciphering the analysis for toxoplasmosis

  • not detected IgG antibodies, IgM - no resistance;
  • toxoplasmosis IgG positive, IgM was not detected - the disease is in a chronic form, a period of recovery;
  • antibodies IgG and IgM - exacerbation of the disease;
  • detected IgM and IgG antibodies - acute form.

In order for the diagnosis to be complete, the following measures are carried out: ultrasound, MRI.

How to treat toxoplasmosis: drugs and alternative methods

Drug therapy is necessary for any form of the disease. If the form is acute, immediate treatment under the guidance of a specialist is necessary. Based on research results, experienced doctor will draw up a treatment regimen, select an effective and safe drug.

If a pregnant woman becomes infected, in the second trimester, they are used for treatment strong antibiotics, which is detrimental to the health of the unborn baby. Before this period, treatment is not applied.

How to cure toxoplasmosis?

The following medicines are used to treat toxoplasmosis:

  • "Rovamycin" - macrolides.
  • "Cycloferon" - immunomodulators.
  • "Timogen" - hormonal.

Very popular treatment folk remedies. But it should be remembered that self-medication can play bad joke and worsen the patient's condition. Use folk recipes should be taken simultaneously with medications and only with the consent of the doctor.

Folk remedies for toxoplasmosis

Crush 5 cloves of garlic and add to a glass of milk. Put on low heat and cook for 15 minutes. Drink throughout the day, in small sips. The duration of treatment is 10 days. After a while, you can repeat.

Raw pumpkin seeds grind as finely as possible. 1 tsp Add the resulting powder to 200 ml of milk and drink on an empty stomach.


To protect yourself from infection, you should follow the following rules:

  1. Wash hands before eating.
  2. Wash fruits and vegetables with boiling water.
  3. Boil drinking water and milk.
  4. Handle knives and cutting boards carefully.
  5. Exclude from the diet not fried meat, shellfish (raw).
  6. Clean the cat litter box and treat with an antiseptic.
  7. After a walk, you should show the cat to the veterinarian, do an analysis for toxoplasmosis. Treatment of toxoplasmosis in cats is a measure against the spread of the disease.

Do you need a toxoplasmosis vaccine?

In the absence of contraindications, a person is vaccinated against toxoplasmosis.

To protect your unborn child from dangerous pathologies and safely endure pregnancy, an antibody test should be done in advance. Future mom must monitor her well-being, limit contact with animals and cut meat only with latex gloves.

To protect the cat serious illness he is being vaccinated. In this case, the minimum concentration of the causative agent of the pathology is introduced. After the introduction of the vaccine, the antibodies necessary for resistance to the disease are produced in the body of the animal.

The most poorly understood is toxoplasmosis in dogs. Officially, cats are considered to be its carrier, but four-legged friends can also be intermediate host. However, there is a difference here. The body of cats works in such a way that the pathogens of toxoplasmosis are excreted into the external environment. The dog becomes infected through food and water, which is especially possible if animals use the same feeders. But the disease in a dog has no way out into the external environment. However, to determine early stages that your pet is a carrier of intracellular parasites is almost impossible.

Dangerous or not

In fairness, it should be noted that the probability of infection of the owner from the dog is negligible. Today we are not talking about getting rid of pets immediately, but about how to prevent this disease and cure your pet if symptoms have already appeared. Therefore, there is no need to get rid of a sick animal. Maintain personal hygiene and visit the veterinarian.

Diagnostic methods

Toxoplasmosis in a dog begins to manifest itself during the period of exacerbation. However, even at this time, one can guess the presence of pathology only by indirect signs. Palpation reveals enlarged lymph nodes. There may be coughing and purulent discharge from the nose. maybe sharp rise temperature, but it will soon return to its normal values. Frequent diarrhea is also an indirect symptom.

There are also common signs for which toxoplasmosis can be suspected in a dog. This is a loss of appetite and, as a result, weight loss, a state of apathy and even nervous breakdowns. Agree, to understand immediately what's what, even an experienced doctor will not be able to. Symptoms are often confused with signs viral diseases. A disease can be correctly diagnosed when treatment has not yielded results. After that, the doctor prescribes an enzyme immunoassay, which allows you to detect the presence of antibodies in the blood and plan therapy.

Disease progression

Toxoplasmosis in dogs can develop in different ways. The chronic form remains almost invisible to the owner. However, in some cases, a different picture is observed. The incubation period lasts up to 6 weeks. In this they multiply in the organs of hematopoiesis. Having accumulated in sufficient quantities they are distributed throughout the body. First of all, it is affected digestive tract, liver, spleen. As a result, we observe loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Sometimes against this background develop skin diseases, dermatitis or eczema.

Acute toxoplasmosis

The sooner the diagnosis is made, the more chances for recovery the animal has. AT rare cases You can see how toxoplasmosis occurs in dogs. Symptoms develop rapidly, with damage to the central nervous system and destruction of certain centers in the brain and spinal cord. At the same time, paresis and paralysis develop, convulsions are possible. Toxoplasmosis can affect the kidneys and pancreas, causing severe pain in the abdomen. If the lungs are affected, then there is severe shortness of breath. But organs are most often under attack. abdominal cavity. Foci of destruction in the liver and spleen lead to rapid exhaustion. Such rapid can be toxoplasmosis in dogs. Symptoms of a severe form of the disease are quite rare, but it is extremely difficult to distinguish them from canine distemper.

pet treatment

If a dog gets sick, it's a tragedy for every owner. Find a veterinarian, set aside time to visit the clinic, conduct daily necessary procedures- this is additional load but the hardest thing is to watch and be unable to help. However, toxoplasmosis rarely leads to severe lesions. Usually, the owners may not notice short-term signs that disappear as soon as the disease becomes chronic.


Main directions

Do not self-medicate, your pet should be prescribed therapy by a doctor. Since it takes a long time to treat toxoplasmosis, you need to know exactly what and in what dosages you should use. In fact, this disease is not treatable. With the help of a special complex, it is possible to put it into sleep mode, which will not disturb the animal. But if you ignore the symptoms, you can earn severe consequences in the form of damage to any internal organ.

Be sure to keep the area where your pet sleeps clean. Weekly you need to clean the litter and perform a wet cleaning. In addition, it is important to limit the dog's interaction with street animals and make sure that there are no rats and mice in the house.

Basic preventive measures so that your pet does not suffer from toxoplasmosis in the future.

How toxoplasmosis is transmitted through domestic cats is very clear, but there are other ways to get toxoplasmosis. This is the meat of farm animals, used for food, without sufficient heat treatment. This is especially true of pork, lamb and venison. After contact with raw meat, hands, as well as knives and utensils, should be thoroughly washed. Board for cutting meat, you need to have a separate one.

In addition to the above methods of penetration of Toxoplasma into the human body, intrauterine infection of the fetus is also possible. How do children become infected with toxoplasmosis before they are born? Once in the bloodstream of a pregnant woman, Toxoplasma enters the body of the fetus, causing severe damage to the nervous system, as well as many other health problems. It is for this reason that toxoplasmosis is dangerous during pregnancy, as well as at the stage of its planning.

  • heart muscle;
  • brain;
  • organs of vision;
  • liver.

In most cases, toxoplasmosis in humans is indolent or chronic course, but cases of an acute form of toxoplasmosis with severe violations from the central nervous system. How to detect toxoplasmosis? Knowing the symptoms of the disease will help in this.


How does toxoplasmosis manifest itself in the human body? The symptoms of a disease in a person largely depend on how the patient was infected, whether toxoplasmosis was congenital or acquired. Also, the symptoms depend on the form of the course of the disease, namely: chronic, acute or latent.

After toxoplasma enters the human body, incubation period, which lasts an average of 2-3 weeks. At this time, the immune system actively produces specific antibodies, preventing the disease from progressing. Thus, the infection passes into the primary - latent form. If this does not happen and the body is unable to fight the pathogen, then the rapid development of the disease or an acute form of toxoplasmosis occurs. It is characterized by a sudden onset, and the symptoms will depend on which organs were affected.

There are encephalitic, typhoid-like and mixed forms of acute toxoplasmosis. Often, the acute course of the disease causes paralysis of the limbs, impaired motor function eyes, the occurrence of convulsions, liver damage and, as a result, an increase in the yellowness of the skin, as well as an increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure.

But there is also general symptoms that appear in all patients with acute course toxoplasmosis:

  • sustainable heat body;
  • weakness;
  • skin rashes;
  • loss of muscle tone;
  • muscle pain;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headache;
  • eye disorders;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

Usually the acute phase lasts no more than 7 days and turns into a chronic one, with periodic exacerbations. How to cure toxoplasmosis in this form, your doctor will certainly advise you.

Acquired toxoplasmosis

Chronic toxoplasmosis is characterized by muscle tissue as well as myocardium. From the side of the nervous system, vegetative-vascular dystonia and neurasthenia are possible. With damage to the organs of vision, myopia, atrophy develop optic nerve, eye movement disorders.

Congenital toxoplasmosis

With intrauterine infection of the fetus, congenital toxoplasmosis develops, which in itself is very dangerous for a newborn child. The severity of the disease depends on the trimester in which the infection occurred. The sooner this happens, the more serious the consequences will be.

There are three forms of congenital toxoplasmosis, which follow one after another:

  1. The acute form is characterized by severe intoxication of the fetus, an increase in the spleen and liver. This course of the disease causes various eye lesions. If the infection occurred shortly before childbirth, then the symptoms may appear a couple of days after birth, in the form of reddening of the skin and rashes on it. Often there is yellowness of the skin, due to liver damage. There is an increase in lymph nodes, sensitive to palpation. The child reacts painfully to touching them. Swelling of the face and lower abdomen is possible.
  2. The subacute form causes encephalitis and meningoencephalitis, characterized by the formation of lesions of the brain membrane. Symptoms are reduced to drowsiness, prolonged or short-term convulsions, paralysis and paresis of the limbs, increased pressure cerebrospinal fluid- CSF, the formation of calcifications in the brain and its edema. All these lesions lead to a developmental delay, as well as numerous eye pathologies.
  3. The chronic form indicates that the previous two the child was ill in utero. The consequence of this are pathological irreversible changes in the nervous system and organs of vision. Toxoplasma continues to actively multiply in the body of a sick child, which leads to recurring exacerbations.

If the infection occurred at the embryonic stage of fetal development, then this often leads to miscarriage or death in the first days after birth, which is why toxoplasmosis is dangerous.

Congenital toxoplasmosis can occur in mild form, which does not exclude its manifestation months or years later. Can congenital toxoplasmosis be cured? You can cure the disease, but birth defects will not go anywhere.

Acquired toxoplasmosis in children

Apart from intrauterine infection, children also often get sick with acquired toxoplasmosis. This happens mainly when in contact with a sick animal, which children love very much. Also dangerous place can be considered sandboxes in kindergartens and playgrounds. Since for the most part they are not closed, and any stray cat has access to such sandboxes.

As in an adult, toxoplasmosis in a child in a chronic form occurs with symptoms similar to colds and flu. Therefore, parents who self-medicate their baby may miss the onset of the invasion, and not know about the disease until it worsens.

If the child has clinical symptoms, then prescribe the treatment of acute toxoplasmosis:

  • antimicrobial and antiviral drugs With simultaneous reception probiotics, to restore intestinal microflora;
  • vitamin complexes aimed at strengthening immunity;
  • symptomatic treatment depending on the symptoms.

Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy

Toxoplasmosis is pretty insidious disease, which poses a huge threat to the life and health of an unborn child. It is for this reason that women planning a pregnancy are advised to take an analysis for the presence of antibodies in the body before conception. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis should be carried out periodically throughout pregnancy. If the expectant mother had been ill with toxoplasmosis long before the onset of pregnancy, then there is nothing to worry about, because specific antibodies have already been developed in the woman's body, which overcame the disease.

If the pathogen is found in a woman on early dates pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend an abortion. If the infection occurred in later dates and abortion is not possible, then appointed potent drugs dangerous to the fetus. This is done for the reason that the alleged harm from medicines significantly lower than from the disease itself. Treatment of toxoplasmosis with antibiotics is possible from 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, not earlier.

Infection of the fetus can occur only once, and even if the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage or the birth of a child with abnormalities, then in the future the woman will be able to give birth to a normal healthy baby. Women who have not been ill need careful prevention of toxoplasmosis.

Complications of toxoplasmosis

As it has become clear, toxoplasmosis dangerous disease which you may not even be aware of. Since the percentage of infection is very high, you must carefully monitor your health and consult a doctor in a timely manner if anxiety symptoms. And this applies not only to this disease, but to all others.

Dangerous consequences of toxoplasmosis, which can lead to lethal outcome diseases:

  • toxic shock - a disease that provokes the failure of all vital organs;
  • encephalitis or inflammation of the brain;
  • cerebral edema;
  • arachnoiditis - defeat spinal cord or arachnoid membrane of the head;
  • epilepsy;
  • paralysis;
  • paresis of the limbs - loss of muscle tone and a violation of their motor function;
  • optic nerve atrophy leading to blindness due to replacement nerve fibers connective tissue;
  • endocarditis - inflammation of the inner lining of the heart;
  • pneumonia.

Among other things, toxoplasmosis significantly depletes the human immune system, which entails a lot various diseases. It is this pathogen that causes the death of most HIV-positive people. Toxoplasmosis in men also threatens with sexual dysfunction, and in women during pregnancy it causes fetal pathologies, and even miscarriages.

Disease prevention

sticking to simple rules, you can protect yourself from infection, since treating toxoplasmosis is more difficult than preventing it. Prevention of toxoplasmosis is:

  1. You can not eat meat that has not passed heat treatment as well as unwashed vegetables and fruits. Refrain from buying prepared food in dubious places, because you cannot be 100% sure of the quality of the products and the way they are prepared.
  2. Taking a cat from the street, have it diagnosed by a veterinarian. Testing is also required domestic cat having free range.
  3. Wash your hands well after working in the garden or playing in the sandbox, because there may be animal feces containing Toxoplasma.

And finally, I would like to remind you that your health may depend on timely treatment to a specialist, and self-medication will only aggravate the situation.

However, women infected toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, and people with weakened immune system should be aware that toxoplasmosis can have serious consequences.

Epidemiology and risk factors

Infection is highest in areas of the world that have hot, humid climates and lower altitudes.

Toxoplasmosis is not spread from person to person, except through (congenital) transmission from mother to child, blood transfusion or organ transplant. People become infected in three main ways.

  • food
  • From an animal (zoonotic)
  • From mother to child (congenital)
  • Rare ways of transmission

Always cook meat thoroughly, use clean knives, utensils, cutting boards on all food items. (CDC photo)

food transfer

  • undercooked food, contaminated meat (especially pork, lamb, and venison).
  • Accidental ingestion of cooked, contaminated meat after careful handling is not washed hands (Toxoplasma cannot enter through intact skin)
  • Eating food that has been contaminated with knives, cutlery, cutting boards that have come into contact with raw, contaminated meat

Animal-to-human (zoonotic) transmission

Kittens and cats pass millions of oocysts in their faeces in the three weeks following infection. If a cat is allowed to walk outside, it pollutes the soil or water.

Have someone clean the tray. (CDC photo)

The woman who is infected toxoplasmosis can pass the infection to her unborn baby during pregnancy (congenital infection). A woman may not have symptoms, but there may be serious consequences for the unborn child, such as diseases of the nervous system and eyes.

Rare cases of transmission

Organ recipients can be infected by receiving an organ from Toxoplasma-positive donor. Rarely, people become infected through a transfusion of contaminated blood. Laboratory workers who handle infected blood become infected by accidental inoculation.

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