What is the use of the Internet - the benefits and harms of the World Wide Web. What is useful and dangerous Internet

With universal access to information and rapid communication, it's easy to understand why people around the world are becoming addicted to the Internet. The convenience of using the World Wide Web is beyond doubt, but there is also a “reverse side of the coin”. Increasingly, psychologists state the negative consequences of people's interaction with the Internet: lack of control over sources of information, open access to personal data, Internet addiction, etc. Children and adolescents who are very actively exploring the World Wide Web suffer from these consequences. What dangers can lie in wait for the younger generation on the Internet?

This sounds rather ironic and paradoxical. After all, one of the tasks of the creators of the Internet is to bring people from all over the world closer, giving them the opportunity to communicate at a distance. However, many more and more often choose not real, but virtual communication: it is convenient, simple, prompt and confidential. Developers of various messengers, chats and social networks regularly offer new applications. Teenagers are especially active in them. Gradually, virtual reality begins to replace their live communication. It is much easier for them to write to their friends than to say something to them in person. Such behavior negatively affects the personal relationships of adolescents, including with their families.

2. Lack of creativity

Decreased creativity in teenagers and students is another of the negative consequences of excessive use of the World Wide Web. The fact is that an important feature of the Internet is unlimited sources of information. This allows you to find answers to almost any request. But such accessibility literally kills creativity and imagination. Teenagers and students, instead of thinking about a given project, immediately go on a journey through the world wide web in search of a ready-made answer. Then the appropriate solution is simply copied and handed over to the teachers. It is not surprising that the problem of plagiarism and copyright infringement is very relevant in the modern world.

3. Cyber ​​bullying

This term appeared in the age of the Internet. They call bullying, offensive actions towards a person with the help of the worldwide network. This phenomenon can be considered one of the worst negative consequences of the Internet for children and adults. It is much easier for people to insult and write something negative in virtual reality than to say it in person. While this type of harassment is not considered as painful as physical bullying, victims of cyberbullying can experience extreme discomfort and humiliation due to malicious comments or opinions.

The emotions of adolescents, especially during puberty, are very acute. And cyber-bullying can have a strong negative impact on them, up to the deterioration of their physical and mental condition. According to research results, older schoolchildren and first-year students most often suffer from cyber-bullying. In some cases, such pressure led teenagers to clouding their minds and even to suicide.

4. Loss of time

This shortcoming of the Internet seems safe at first glance. However, if it is not controlled, it can create a lot of trouble in both the business and personal spheres of a person. If you stay too long on the Internet, you will have to reduce the time for other activities. Resembling an endless repository of entertainment, the World Wide Web easily turns into a "black hole" that sucks in, leaving no chance of salvation.

Many parents complain that with the advent of the Internet in their home, children are less and less likely to walk, play sports, take lessons, and just meet friends. Teenagers began to devote most of their lives to walking on the World Wide Web, forgetting about real business. As a result, the performance of pupils and students is seriously falling, while the payment of bills for electricity and the Internet is only growing.

Students and teenagers, carried away by virtual reality, forget not only about their daily activities, but also about communication with loved ones. However, parents are also to blame for this: when a child is busy with the Internet, adults have free time, which they often abuse. Gradually, the virtual world becomes closer and more understandable for children than parents. This leads to dangerous, and sometimes irreparable consequences.

6. Loss of privacy

With the free flow of information on the Internet, the threat to privacy is becoming another concern. Teenagers often share photos and personal information on social networks, even posting their phone numbers, the names of relatives, school and class numbers, home addresses, etc. All this can be a godsend for various kinds of criminals: from thieves, scammers to maniacs. Parents should strictly warn their children about the rules of using the Internet, especially about posting personal information online.

7. Insomnia

Sleep is an important part of human life, especially in children and adolescents. They account for a lot of loads that weaken the still fragile body. If the sleep pattern is disturbed, a person cannot replenish the spent energy reserves in a timely manner, which leads to various health problems. Excessive sitting at the computer in the network, especially before going to bed, often causes insomnia. Some teenagers are ready to spend time on the Internet all night long. This has a bad effect on their general well-being, development, mental and physical health.

8. Hypodynamia

Spending time at the computer, teenagers become less mobile. And physical inactivity is no less harmful to health than insomnia. Mental development for children is just as important as physical development. Sitting on the Internet for a long time without breaks for a warm-up or a walk is fraught with problems such as obesity, back pain, deterioration in the cognitive functions of the brain, atherosclerosis, etc.

9. Internet Addiction

Internet addiction is no less dangerous than other bad habits. People who suffer from this kind of addiction practically do not part with their smartphones, tablets and laptops. They become nervous, easily excitable, aggressive. They have difficulty controlling their emotions. Especially dangerous is gambling, which often develops thanks to the Internet. The virtual world is beginning to replace reality for teenagers. Psychologists say that children who spend a lot of time on the Internet are more likely to be stressed and depressed.

The interaction of children with the Internet creates many problems for both parents and teachers: it has become much easier for schoolchildren and students to deceive their teacher by quickly finding the answer to all homework assignments without much effort. Gradually, deception becomes a habit, and children increasingly begin to lie to their parents. Aware of the ease in finding information, teenagers may lose respect for adults. This entails negative actions and deterioration of the culture of children's behavior.

11. Wrong landmarks for kids

The planting of false guidelines and moral values ​​is one of the urgent problems of the modern world. The main reason for its appearance was the Internet. In addition to useful and necessary things that can be found on the net, there is a lot of harmful and dangerous information in it. Children and adolescents are especially susceptible to it, for whom it is still difficult to navigate the norms of morality. This also affects their mental development. Therefore, it is very important for adults to control what kind of information is available online for their children.

The decisive factor between the pros and cons of the Internet is the balancing act between fiction and the real world. The World Wide Web was created as a support system for real life, not a replacement. It is important to explain the nature and tasks of the Internet to teenagers in a timely manner and to observe the mode of their stay in the network.

Today, most people cannot imagine their existence without the Internet. It has entered our life very firmly and has long become not just entertainment, but a necessity, a modern reality, from which there is no escape.

According to statistics:

The benefits of the Internet for humans

Most people, especially netizens, will agree with the statement that the Internet is a huge achievement of humanity. It is an inexhaustible source of information, helps to obtain the necessary knowledge and solve complex problems. The World Wide Web will help you become smarter, more erudite, teach you many interesting things.

In addition, the use of the Internet is that it seems to erase the boundaries between countries or even continents. People can communicate without problems, even if they are thousands of kilometers away from each other. The World Wide Web makes it possible to find new friends or even love.

Time on the Internet can be usefully spent watching programs, gaining new knowledge, mastering foreign languages. Some even manage to use it to get a new profession or get a good job. And the Internet itself can become a stable source of income. Over the past few years, a lot of professions have appeared that are specifically related to the World Wide Web.

The dangers of the Internet for health

Of course, the benefits of the network are enormous and you can’t argue with that. However, the harm of the Internet can be considerable. First of all, when it comes to the harmful effects of the World Wide Web, Internet addiction comes to mind. But this is not just some mythical term.

It has been scientifically proven that about 10% of Internet users are addicted to it, with a third of them considering the Internet as important as home, food and water. In South Korea, China, and Taiwan, Internet addiction is already regarded as a national problem.

However, not only this can harm the Internet. Too long stay at the monitor does not affect the vision in the best way, being in the wrong postures for a long time has a detrimental effect on the musculoskeletal system.

The disadvantages of the Internet include the presence in it of information that can harm the psyche. With the help of the network, scammers can find out personal information about a person and use it for their own purposes. And the World Wide Web often becomes a distributor of viruses that can harm a computer system.

Of course, the benefits and harms of the Internet are on different scales. It has many more advantages. Well, many of the harmful effects of the Internet can be avoided if you use it wisely.

Internet for children

The younger generation uses the Internet even more than adults. The benefits of the Internet for children are also great. This is access to the necessary information, the opportunity to develop, learn, communicate and find new friends.

Many of the teenagers spend most of their time online, and not just their free time. It's no secret that the Internet greatly simplifies homework.

By solving many problems and finding the necessary information using the Internet, children not only learn new things, but also load their brain less and less. Why spend hours puzzling over a complex example or remembering the right formula or rule if the answer can be found on the World Wide Web.

However, the harm of the Internet for children is more manifested not at all in this. The World Wide Web is full of information (pornography, scenes of violence) that can harm a fragile child's psyche. In addition, constantly staying in the virtual world, children lose the need, and the ability to communicate with real people.

The child is more likely to become addicted to the Internet. Constant stay in the network leads to the fact that children are not enough
move, almost never in the fresh air. This can cause obesity, spinal diseases, visual impairment, insomnia, and lead to neurological problems.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, parents need to monitor their children, clearly stipulate the time that they can spend on the Internet. You need to check what exactly they are viewing and reading. Well, you can protect your child from negative information by installing filters or special programs.

The benefits and harms of the Internet

It is already difficult for modern youth to imagine their life without the World Wide Web. The Internet has firmly entered the life of every person, institution and enterprise. And even children consider the Internet an important part of life.

What is the use of the Internet?

Researching the benefits and harms of the Internet, scientists and doctors disagree. No one denies that the Internet has greatly simplified many things. It has become easier for schoolchildren and students to study because they have free access to a huge amount of educational materials. Businesses can now share information much easier and faster. Thanks to the Internet, everyone can have an interesting time without leaving home. Social networks allow you to connect with people from all over the world.

Along with this, doctors are sounding the alarm, as the Internet contributes to the development of various diseases. The presence of the Internet increases the time spent at the computer. And, as you know, it is a sedentary lifestyle that is the cause of many diseases. Problems with vision, cervical spine and postural problems are also increasing as the number of active Internet users grows.

The harm and benefits of the Internet for students

The main benefit of the Internet for students is the availability of educational information. It has become much easier to write abstracts, reports, find material for creative work. However, this opened up access to a mass of ready-made essays and homework, which reduces the creative potential of students.

But the biggest problem of the Internet is that it causes addiction in children due to the fact that their psyche has not fully strengthened.

Children should be taught how to use the Internet correctly and how to spend time on the Internet with benefit. Although it would be much more useful for them to chat with friends face to face and take a walk on the street.

It is useless to talk about whether the Internet is needed or not - it is there, and nothing can be done about it. The World Wide Web has become as integral a part of our lives as plumbing or a car. No one is trying to “ban” the Internet anymore, but when traveling on the World Wide Web, you need to remember that this journey can be far from safe, first of all, for the health of the user.


The first thing that comes to mind when talking about the dangers of the Internet is the so-called Internet addiction. But to explain what it is, not everyone can. Psychologists distinguish five types of Internet addiction:

1. An irresistible desire to visit erotic and porn sites and engage in "virtual sex".

2. An irresistible desire to make more and more new acquaintances, the desire to gain as many “friends” as possible in various social networks.

3. An obsessive need for the Internet: many hours of debate on forums, participation in various promotions, etc.

4. Internet information overload, which is expressed in the constant search for information, endless travel to news sites, etc.

5. Dependence on online games, from which a person literally cannot tear himself away.

Symptoms of any form of Internet addiction are

An obsessive desire to constantly check the "PM" in social networks, e-mail;

Irritability, bad mood when it is impossible to access the Internet;

Feeling of euphoria during Internet sessions;

Increase in time spent online;

Reduction to a minimum of contacts in the "real";

Neglect of their labor and educational duties;

Changes in sleep and wakefulness, insomnia;

Neglect of their appearance and personal hygiene.

Some researchers believe that people belonging to the so-called dependent personality type are most susceptible to Internet addiction. In addition to being addicted to the Internet, they can be just as susceptible to addiction to gambling, alcohol, drugs, food, and so on. As a rule, these people, on the one hand, are afraid of being rejected by society and experience fear of loneliness, on the other hand, they have a rather narrow circle of contacts, they cannot tell others about their experiences. Often they do not know how to make decisions and take responsibility for their lives.

In order to get rid of Internet addiction, professional psychotherapy is needed. In fact, work with this problem is carried out in the same way as with any other addiction, and the success of treatment is determined by the desire of the person himself, the properties of his personality, as well as the depth of the problem.

Peripheral nervous system

Neurologists believe that an excessively long daily stay on the Internet can cause sleep disturbance, increased nervous excitability, meteorological dependence, a tendency to irritability and depression.

People who spend too much time online turn to neurologists with complaints of dry eyes and back pain. They also have carpal tunnel syndrome, which is characterized by damage to the nerve trunks of the upper extremities, which is associated with long-term overstrain of the motor muscles.

You can reduce the risk of these problems by observing the sanitary standards of working at a computer: take breaks every 1.5 - 2 hours, make sure that the distance from the eyes to the monitor is optimal (about 70 cm).


Ophthalmologists believe that active Internet users are at serious risk of acquiring a disease such as computer vision syndrome (CTS). Its manifestations are varied: a burning sensation and "sand" in the eyes, pain when moving the eyeballs, pain in the cervical vertebrae and in the forehead. With the progression of the disease, myopia, a general decrease in visual acuity, double vision, and other unpleasant consequences may develop.

To avoid this, doctors recommend using moisturizing eye drops to get rid of excessive drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes; work at a monitor frequency of 85 Hz, and also make sure that the distance to the monitor is at least 60-70 cm. It is also harmful to work in an unlit room at night.

Musculoskeletal system

Orthopedists believe that many hours of sitting in front of the screen in an uncomfortable chair has an extremely negative effect on posture: the spine is deformed, curved, osteochondrosis develops and worsens. This problem is especially relevant for gamers who spend many hours in online battles.

So that your posture does not suffer during Internet sessions, you need to take breaks to warm up, and also take care of a comfortable work chair with lumbar support, which can significantly reduce the load on the spine.

What is the use of the Internet?


I believe that a large number of people
is engaged in the Network, well, just ... prostitution
Stanislav Lem
One of the most basic qualities that distinguishes a reasonable person from an unreasonable one is the ability to separate, as they say, the grain from the chaff: the necessary from the unnecessary, the important from the unimportant, the main from the unimportant. A person learns this all his life, some do it better, others worse, others don’t succeed at all, and they remain until the end of their days clockwork cars that run somewhere, do something, swear with someone , for some reason they fuss, but why - they themselves do not know. Unfortunately, most of us are like that.
Therefore, the Internet is like this: not even 95%, as Lem said, but, perhaps, all 99.9% is complete nonsense, no one needs it, except for those who published this nonsense, and if you think about it, they don’t need it either . But 0.1% is still grain. Moreover, such grains, which you will not find anywhere except on the Internet. Some of them are more important, others are less important, but for them it is worth spending hours sitting at the computer.
What do people do when they connect their computer to the Internet?
News, weather, abstracts. "I love online games! - Yes!" Read e-mail. Looking for pornography. They tremble on ICQ. All this, with the microscopic exception of those cases where the Internet is the only means of communication at the moment, is a waste of time. Time that people just don't know what to do with. And the Internet is a place where you can find a lot of things - often completely unexpected and therefore interesting.
Generally speaking, it was the indestructible love of a person for everything new and unexpected that gave birth to the Internet, as it had given birth to television, radio, newspapers and magazines, travel, trade, money and the wheel. That is, the Internet today is the top of that mountain that a person began to build as soon as he realized that you can kill much more bison with a stick than with your bare hands. And therefore, to say that the Internet is harmful and it is high time to close it is at least unreasonable, as well as to complain that it contains a lot of unnecessary information. Yes, there are many, many of them in libraries, and on newspaper stands, and in shops, and in the subway, and at a party at Decyl's house.
But the Internet has one indisputable advantage over all these institutions - the ability to search and filter.
Already, almost everything that is of humanitarian value can be found on the Internet - texts of books, music files, images of paintings and much more. Copyright issues - I'm sure - sooner or later will lose their sharpness, at least in relation to the Internet. Because there are no and cannot exist such means to cancel a person’s desire to exchange information with each other, well, except that you can really close the Internet forever, cut off all telephone wires, confiscate all computers from the population and, for the sake of fidelity, put everyone in jail.
The knowledge of our people in foreign languages ​​in general and English in particular is so small that the planting of any language can be considered charity, and even more so English, which is spoken by the whole world, with the exception of the Spaniards, because they have their own pride. Well, also Russians, because they don’t know how.
And even the fact that thanks to the Internet our native Russian language is greatly degrading is a rather controversial statement. It is based on the fact that now everyone has suddenly become writers and journalists, suddenly remembered the epistolary genre and began to write as many letters every week as they had not written in their entire pre-Internet life. And, of course, they write with errors. Thus, forcing others, more literate, to suffer, reading all this disgrace, and less literate - to take on faith everything that is written with errors.
Everything that happens in the world, and the Internet is no exception, has its positive and negative sides. Entertainment. That's what made the Internet truly massive.


You can do anything in it, play, listen to music, communicate, download a lot of useful information, write essays, term papers, learn languages, art, etc.
On the Internet, in the web of worlds and passions
There is a country of radiant light. ... It's a pity not everyone knows about it.
Let the road be mastered by a person going to goodness, patience, understanding!
And a light appeared, calling into the distance, drawing everyone's attention.

Composition reasoning harm and benefit of the Internet

Anna Angova

Fedor Samkov

Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch movies, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But is there any harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm!!! The Internet takes more and more time from us. We sit too much at the computer monitor and this is especially felt by our children. They don't play games anymore, they don't go downhill, they don't ride roller skates, or they play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandparents. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network as an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either , he is often able to help

Anya Marfenko

Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch movies, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But is there any harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm!!! The Internet takes more and more time from us. We sit too much at the computer monitor and this is especially felt by our children. They don't play games anymore, they don't go downhill, they don't ride roller skates, or they play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandparents. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network as an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either , he is often able to help

Artemy Trifonov

Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch movies, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But is there any harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm!!! The Internet takes more and more time from us. We sit too much at the computer monitor and this is especially felt by our children. They don't play games anymore, they don't go downhill, they don't ride roller skates, or they play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandparents. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network as an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either , he is often able to help

kryyy kryyy

Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch movies, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But is there any harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm!!! The Internet takes more and more time from us. We sit too much at the computer monitor and this is especially felt by our children. They don't play games anymore, they don't go downhill, they don't ride roller skates, or they play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandparents. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.

I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch movies, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But is there any harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm!!! The Internet takes more and more time from us. We sit too much at the computer monitor and this is especially felt by our children. They don't play games anymore, they don't go downhill, they don't ride roller skates, or they play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandparents. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network as an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either , he is often able to help

Vasil Khismatullin

Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch movies, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But is there any harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm!!! The Internet takes more and more time from us. We sit too much at the computer monitor and this is especially felt by our children. They don't play games anymore, they don't go downhill, they don't ride roller skates, or they play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandparents. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network as an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either , it is often able to help the Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch movies, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But is there any harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm!!! The Internet takes more and more time from us. We sit too much at the computer monitor and this is especially felt by our children. They don't play games anymore, they don't go downhill, they don't ride roller skates, or they play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandparents. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network as an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either , he is often able to help

Internet - good or bad?

Internet is 10% of information, the rest is rubbish,

Dima Dima

Computer addiction? Can this be? Well, smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction are understandable: asocial addictions that fall under people with deviant, asocial behavior. But what does it have to do with a computer that is available in almost every Russian family? It seems that everything is so good, so decent: the children are engaged in an interesting business, intellectual work, and do not meet somewhere on the street with a dubious company, do not drink in doorways. Why did the World Health Association classify computer game addiction as a serious disease? And now experts say that there is a kind of drug withdrawal syndrome, because computer virtual reality is the same drug.
Remember how a few years ago we found ourselves in the "captivity" of slot machines that flooded the streets of our cities and dragged into their networks not only adults, but also schoolchildren and teenagers. We did not have time to look back, as slot machines became the main "subjects" in the lives of many people, dictating their own laws and rules to them.
And if recently the boom of slot machines has somewhat subsided, the Internet has fully declared itself.
Western ideologists are investing millions of dollars to take over the minds and souls of our children, and, above all, students. Because students are an age that involves the development of powerful social energy and the transformation of society. And young people, in order to take place as individuals, need very high social standards.
In fact, the "leaving" of young people into computer games and the Internet, into virtual addiction, entails the loss of the meaning of life, spiritual height, and love.
Recently, a sociological survey was conducted among our students in order to find out the problems that young people pay the most attention to today. Firstly, this is an analysis of children's and teenage literature and the offer that is on the information market today.
To date, the media offer 99% of publications for children, imposed by the consumer society. In our kiosks where printed materials are sold, there are practically no magazines containing topics for the intellectual and spiritual development of children.
Or take thick glossy magazines for teenage girls and young women - publications about the role of women as the basis of the family are completely absent in these magazines: there are practically no articles related to the main functions of a woman - a mother and a homemaker. The heroines of publications are mostly actresses and top models, women who are successfully involved in business or sports. So they become idols for our younger sisters, daughters and granddaughters.
The second major study is related to the penetration of the Internet into the modern Russian space. If you look at the currently available scientific and popular science works on this topic, you can see in them an analysis of only positive aspects.
Probably, it is not necessary to say that the Internet is very bad. From the point of view of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, this is a necessity, a modern reality, from which there is no escape. But behind the visible positive moments, there are a lot of dangers. And if we do not know them and talk about it both to the younger generation and to people of other age groups, then we will not be ready to resist it.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet?
Pluses are the acceleration of various processes, fast and high-quality communication, this is a source of information. The danger is that it is primarily a good tool for manipulating various age groups, primarily young people. We know from the latest sociological studies that today 25% of the population of the Russian Federation “sits” on the Internet, of which

Once upon a time, when the Internet was present only on the pages of science fiction books, the future seemed like a brilliant and magical fairy tale. A single information network that linked together every inhabitant of the planet promised not only unprecedented benefits for personal development, but also a powerful impetus for the entire world economy. Today's technological achievements in the field of information technology have surpassed even the wildest forecasts of science fiction idealists of the past. However, are they really useful to us?

Not always and not everywhere. And that's why.

1. Instead of competition - monopolies. We expected the creation of a favorable environment for competition and entrepreneurship, but we got monsters in the face of Google, Amazon, Apple. They have concentrated enormous forces and means in themselves, and competition with them is a completely pointless exercise. As soon as some fresh and extraordinary project appears, it is immediately absorbed by the monopolies. Or dying.

2. Instead of new jobs - unemployment. No one is surprised by the situation when machines replace people in places that require monotonous physical work. But the smarter technology becomes, the more the list of “extra” professions expands. Today, computers are already ousting us even from those activities that have always been considered the prerogative of man.

3. The destruction of privacy and secrets of private life. Not a single step you take today remains without attention and fixation. None of your letters, documents, photographs will ever be lost, they will always be available to interested people. This is already happening today, and what the near digital future will offer us is scary to even think about.

4. Instead of pulling up the lagging behind, we got another degree of inequality. Digital technologies promised us an era of universal equality, in which every person and every country receives equal conditions for development. In fact, the technologically advanced countries are getting even richer, and the laggards have no chance at all in this race.

5. Instead of a cultural renaissance, we got the destruction of music, books, art. The first blow was dealt by the Internet with its cult of free access to any content. As a result, the entire system of production and distribution of objects of creative labor was destroyed. And what is finishing off modern culture is the ubiquitous availability of tools for creativity. Today, to create and publish a novel, a song, a picture, an ordinary computer connected to the Web is enough. And millions of people did not fail to take advantage of this opportunity, drowning a few worthy works in the ocean of mediocre "creativity".

6. Instead of attention to every individual and tolerance, we got the power of the crowd. Yes, you can express your opinion on any occasion. Yes, you can object, overthrow authorities and argue. The only problem is that in the general chorus of voices, most likely, you will not be heard. The Internet has brought to power aggressive anonymous, completely ignoring any opinion that differs from the generally accepted one.

7. Instead of education - the stupefaction of the youth. Google knows all the answers. Why study anything when you can look it up on the Internet? There you will also find free essays, research by British scientists on any topic and many, many cute cats.

8. Instead of knowledge - doubt. Free access to any information should, logically, lead to the triumph of science and the disappearance of all obscurantism. However, exactly the opposite happened. Today, the sites of various psychics, magicians and occultists gather adherents much more successfully than representative offices of serious scientific institutions. The Internet is an ideal and completely uncontrolled medium for the spread of controversial ideas, alternative theories, totalitarian cults and other shameful things that the real world has learned to deal with.

9. Instead of economic growth - its weakening. We are all very pleased when we manage to get something for free or at least in exchange. On the Web, there are services for the exchange of books, games, things, services, travel. Even a new direction of the economy was born, which is called the sharing economy (joint consumption). New marketplaces such as TaskRabbit, ParkatmyHouse, Zimride, Swap.com, Zilok, Bartercard, and thredUP allow the exchange of skills, items, services, and money. That's just consumption from this falls, production is closed, and people ... people are forced to save and start looking for a new way to get something for free. Here is such a vicious circle.

10. Instead of freedom - slavery. Digital technologies allow us to work at any time and anywhere in the world, and this is presented as a huge achievement. However, if earlier you could clearly separate your working time from rest, now it is impossible. You are always available, always ready to take on new assignments and you can always continue working. The 40-hour work week that the grimy workers of the last century defended turned out to be inaccessible to their clean computerized descendants. Well, isn't it funny?

Yes, the Internet project turned out to be completely different from what it was imagined in the past. The digital economy is slowly but surely making us poorer, dumber and more vulnerable. This process has just begun, and it is completely incomprehensible to what troubles it is still capable of bringing us.

Today it is difficult for us to imagine what the world would be like without the World Wide Web. Moreover, we are assiduously told that this world would be terrible. But is it really so? Your opinion?

For a long time there has been a heated discussion on such questions: how is the Internet useful for a person? Is it harmful to our health?

Today, no one can imagine their existence without the Internet. He entered our lives too quickly and sat down too firmly there. The Internet for people is already a necessity that is needed like air.

Let's give you some statistics:

95% of teenagers use Internet;

85% of adults use the Internet;

Every seventh person is registered in facebook;

By 2016 nearly 3 billion of people use the Internet;

If for a moment imagine the Internet as a separate country, then it would occupy the 5th place in terms of economic level, thereby ahead of Germany.

How useful is the Internet for a person?

Undoubtedly Internet- a huge achievement of mankind. With its help, we can watch movies, find new friends, communicate with relatives and friends who live far away, look for answers to our questions, solve complex and incomprehensible tasks for us, find useful and interesting information, learn various events and news. The Internet helps us to become developed and erudite people.

One of the main advantages of the Internet is considered to be "blurring". We can communicate with people who live on other continents and in other countries, while finding new friends, and possibly love.

Some people, in order to become more educated, study foreign languages ​​on their own, watch various trainings, online courses, etc. Many even manage to get through Internet for a good job with a decent salary, and this is not the limit. The Internet itself is already considered a good source of income. Today, there are many professions associated with it.

How does the Internet harm a person?

“With the naked eye” it is clear that the Internet can bring a lot of good and useful things to a person. But, unfortunately, it brings no less harm. First of all, the main problem is Internet addiction. It has already been proven that 10% of people are dependent on Internet. They consider it as important and necessary as family, home, water and food. In some countries, Internet addiction is already regarded as a national problem.

Also, one of the most common problems was poor vision and deterioration of the musculoskeletal system in people due to a long stay at the computer.

The disadvantages of the Internet include the fact that there are many scammers. They, in turn, can take your personal information and use it for their own purposes.

If we compare the benefits and harms of the Internet, then the benefits, of course, "outweigh" the harms, but this is only if you use Internet wisely.

Internet and children.

Today, children use the Internet much more often than adults. Of course, it also brings a lot of useful things for them: new friends, communication, reading books, watching historical and documentary films, and much more.

Everyone knows that the younger generation is increasingly doing their homework using the Internet. Why do you need to "puzzle" over a complex problem, if you can just "get into the Internet" and find the right solution with the answer?

But the main problem is not this. Internet it is simply teeming with such information that can simply harm the healthy psyche of a small child - this is pornography, violence, blood, murder, etc. In addition, children are completely immersed in the virtual world, forgetting about their "live" and "real" friends.

In addition to this, children are more vulnerable than adults. It is much easier for them to “sick” with Internet addiction. Due to the long stay at the computer, children are prone to obesity, insomnia, and poor eyesight.

In order for you to be able to avoid all this problems, negotiate with your child a specific time spent at the computer, and also carefully monitor what he is browsing on the World Wide Web.

You can't forget about yourself either. You should also control your time at the computer, give your eyes a rest, get up more often and walk "back and forth."

Take care of your health, walk on the street more often, communicating with “real” people!

Computers and other devices with free access to the global web of the Internet today are in any home, and not only adults, but also children can use the network. On the one hand, the ability to have access to all sorts of cognitive information is only a plus for the development of the child, but why then do child psychologists sound the alarm and say that the influence of the global web on the child's psyche can be dangerous? Let's deal with this dilemma together and find out how the Internet can be useful for children, and what is its harm to the child.

With excessive enthusiasm for the baby sitting in social networks and network resources, the child may lose touch with reality

Harmful consequences of excessive fascination of the child with the Internet

The main danger of the Internet for the child's psyche is that if the child is too fond of sitting in social networks and on network resources, the child may lose touch with reality. Unlearn the skills of live communication and completely go into virtual communication. And such a consequence is harmful both for the mental and social development of the child - it will be difficult for a person dependent on virtual reality to realize himself as a person in the real world, it is difficult to build personal relationships, create a family. Therefore, parents should definitely limit their children's stay on the Internet.

Another harmful consequence of the constant visits to the Internet by children is due to the fact that on the Internet there is not only useful and educational information, but also pornography, videos that show violence and cruelty. Viewing such videos and pictures, which are found even on apparently quite safe resources, has a destructive and corrupting effect on the psyche and personality of the child.

There are more real threats from uncontrolled Internet use by children. For example, the credulity of a young and yet unintelligent network user can be exploited by an intruder, a robber, a pervert. Due to his inexperience, the kid can give some information from the field of personal data, and scammers can write off money from family accounts. In general, there are many dangers associated with children and the Internet, and maybe it would be worthwhile to prohibit your own child from visiting the global web altogether? Child psychologists assure: there is no need for such a strict ban, because the Internet can be useful. Let's find out about the possible usefulness of the World Wide Web for children.

The benefit or harm will bring the Internet to the child - largely depends on the position of the parents

What are the benefits of the internet for child development?

There are a lot of really good educational sites on the Internet where a kid can watch interesting documentaries about animals, about the development of science and technology, and history. Find some thematic workshops for creative development.

Young mothers can watch educational cartoons with their baby that will help the child to better remember letters, numbers, new words, or even start learning a foreign language. In addition, visiting the Internet can become a certain motivation for a child: for example, a child will be interested in learning about the creators of Facebook or VKontakte social networks, and the personal example of successful people will encourage him to better education, to strive to achieve something in life.

The benefit or harm will bring the Internet to the child - largely depends on the position of the parents. If parents are indifferent to what the child is doing when visiting the global web, positive results of the crumbs' enthusiasm for the Internet should not be expected. But if mom and dad control and competently guide the interests of the child, the Internet will become for him a treasury of useful knowledge, a source of certain experience, a piggy bank from which you can learn some skills.

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