Why is sleep lost at night. Treatment of sleep disorders in adults: causes, consequences, prevention. I don't sleep well at night

Sleep problems are one of the most common. A person either sleeps superficially or does not sleep at all. And the consequence of this is one - the inevitable weakening of the nervous system. The question "what to do?" we definitely decide! Below are some simple and effective methodologies how to improve your vacation. Choose the one you like!

I sleep badly at night: what to do

Causes of sleep disturbance

Sleep can be disturbed for a number of reasons:

1. Stuffy room. The optimum air temperature in the room is +18 degrees.

2. Distractions - noisy neighbors, loud noises, phone calls, noise from the street.

3. Late dinner. Sleeping on a full stomach is very difficult. Doctors do not recommend eating later than 18:00. If the stomach strongly requires food at night, satisfy your hunger with yogurt or kefir.

4. Evening cup of coffee. It is difficult for a working person to refuse fragrant drink that improves concentration. Caffeine really activates the brain for a specific task. Only its exciting effect remains at night, making it difficult to fall asleep.

5. Bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes only relieve stress for a short time. long term they weaken the already fragile nervous system.

6. Own thoughts. Knowledge workers continue to mentally solve work problems even outside of working hours.

7. Stress. nervous tension is the most common cause of insomnia.

8. Objective health problems. When your head hurts, your joints break, or any organ is disturbed, it is unrealistic to fall asleep.

The listed 8 reasons are the most common violators of night rest. So, if you are concerned about the question of what to do if I do not sleep well at night and often wake up, first of all, make sure that none of the above is bothering you.

I sleep badly at night - what to do?

Understand the reason that interferes with your sleep. The most common disturbers of a night's rest are noise and light. Therefore, it is necessary to create silence and darkness in the room.

For some people, background sound, such as soft music or a series on TV, helps them fall asleep. Learn to relax no matter what. external factors. So you guarantee sound sleep in any conditions - even where there are no benefits of civilization.

I sleep badly at night, I wake up often

Useful prevention

Here are some simple steps you can take to improve the quality of your sleep:

Fresh air in the room. Don't forget to ventilate the room;

Comfortable bed. Pillow, blanket, mattress should relax the body as much as possible;

Getting rid of external stimuli. Sound sleep is most likely in darkness and silence. Therefore, blackout curtains and good sound insulation are your true friends;

No bodily discomfort! If something is bothering you, see a doctor as soon as possible.

What will help you fall asleep: specific techniques

I have already created silence and darkness in the bedroom and still I do not sleep well at night, I wake up - what should I do? Then you just need to relax the nervous system. Here are a few useful tips to help you sleep:

1. Walk in the evening. If there is a park or square near the house, go there. Communicating with nature is a great pastime before a night's rest.

2. Warm bath. if you have sea ​​salt, bubble bath or herbs, add them to the bath. First, they have nice smell. Secondly, they have a relaxing effect. After a soothing bath, you will fall asleep as quickly as possible, and your sleep will be strong.

3. Reading interesting book. A few pages from a fascinating book or informative magazine will distract you from your restless thoughts. Only no working literature!

Unloading the subconscious

The human subconscious is an unknown abyss in which a sea of ​​​​information is stored. Consciousness controls the subconscious during wakefulness, during sleep - vice versa. Anxious sleep and nightmares arise due to the active work of the subconscious.

Psychologists recommend engaging the subconscious mind with urgent tasks. To do this, in the evening we take a notebook and write down important events the past day. During sleep, the subconscious mind will process current events, and not splash out deepest fears into bad visions.

wish sound sleep and great mood!

Insomnia undermines health, can lead to depression, reduce performance. Sleep disorders can occur in anyone and at any age. They cannot be tolerated. And first of all, you need to determine why the sleep disorder syndrome arose.

Causes of insomnia

Often, to get rid of lack of sleep, it is enough to eliminate what is causing insomnia. Experts advise keeping a diary, in which for several days you need to record in detail the events of the day and your reactions to them, as well as the time of meals, menus, preparation steps for sleep and note the quality of sleep. Reviewing the records will help you determine why you are having trouble sleeping.

Most often this is the cause of insomnia, which you can eliminate yourself:

  • sleep hygiene disorders (strong lighting in the room, uncomfortable bed, stuffy room, uncomfortable air temperature, loud noises, etc.) stressful situation (inability to sleep due to constant thinking about the problem)
  • malnutrition can also cause insomnia (hunger or overeating before bedtime, heavy and fatty foods for dinner)
  • circadian rhythm disturbances (flights from one time zone to another, night work or leisure in nighttime)
  • reception of stimulating nervous activity drinks and drugs also contribute to sleep disturbance (tea, coffee, alcohol, nicotine, cola, narcotic drugs)

Reduction physiological need in prolonged sleep is normal in old age, when there is a decrease physical activity and metabolic processes in the body. This is not a sleep disorder and no medication is required.

In adolescents, sleep disorders often occur due to anxiety, since at this age boys and girls are very emotional and often think about their problems while lying in bed. In women, sleep disturbances often occur for the same reasons.

There are a number of causes of sleep disorders, the treatment of which is possible only with the help of a specialist:

  • diseases of the nervous system (concussion, depression, neuroses, neuroinfections and others)
  • any pain or discomfort
  • snoring, which can lead to sleep apnea (disturbed breathing during sleep)
  • hereditary tendency to insomnia

If there are such sleep disorders, treatment should begin with getting rid of the underlying diseases, as well as using medicines from insomnia.

Common complaints associated with insomnia:

  • I don't sleep well at night

    “I don’t sleep well at night, I wake up often, what should I do?” - Patients with insomnia turn to the doctor with such a complaint. Superficial and unsatisfying sleep is one of the varieties of sleep disorders. Such a dream is more like a nap with frequent waking up due to extraneous sounds. This sleep disturbance is characterized by nightmares and early morning awakenings. At the same time, a person does not feel morning vivacity, feeling tired and sleepy. He complains to his loved ones: "I don't sleep well at night." This is a debilitating sleep disorder, and treatment and medications must be started immediately.

    Superficial sleep is one of the phases of normal sleep. At small child it can reach 60% of the total sleep time. However, in adults, a superficial phase with a total duration of more than 20% of the total time is considered a violation. What to do if the quality of sleep is disturbed? If you can’t sleep, then you can improve the quality of a night’s rest with the help of special preparations, such as the adaptogenic medicine Melaxen. It gently regulates falling asleep and the depth of sleep, acting like a natural melatonin (sleep hormone).

    Before treating a sleep disorder with medication, pay attention to preparing for falling asleep. The bed should be as comfortable as possible, preferably with an orthopedic mattress. Be sure to ventilate the bedroom. Dinner should be light, and you can drink a little before bed warm milk or water. For sleep disorders, treatment may include soothing teas, for example, a decoction of chamomile, thyme or lemon balm. If these methods do not help, then you need to contact a somnologist who will advise what to take in case of sleep disturbance.

  • I often wake up at night

    normal sleep should be continuous and last 6-8 hours. If you often wake up at night, and this is not obvious reasons, then you need to seek help from a specialist for the treatment of insomnia. There are many reasons for frequent awakenings at night. The most common of these are convulsions, respiratory disorders, pain, nightmares, overexcitation, and some diseases.

    Chronic insomnia can also occur with seizures. Their appearance at night requires a consultation with a neurologist. Sometimes seizures occur when taking statins for cholesterol. This result can be achieved by taking fatty foods disrupting blood circulation. An uncomfortable bed can also cause cramps.

    If frequent night awakenings are caused by respiratory disorders (asthma, sleep apnea) and heart disease, then it is urgent to start treating the underlying diseases. Symptoms of sleep disturbance of this type are expressed in a sudden awakening and a feeling of lack of air. Feelings of fear may be present.

    Nighttime awakenings can be caused by headaches, cough due to acid reflux, thirst due to hypothyroidism, urge to urinate due to prostate problems or bladder. In the treatment of insomnia in such cases, it is necessary to get rid of the diseases that caused sleep disturbances. But to increase the effectiveness of any treatment, it is necessary good sleep, therefore, you should start taking Melaxen, which safely and naturally regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

    Unresolved issues and stress can induce nightmares leading to frequent awakenings. This is the work of the subconscious, and in order to treat insomnia, you need to change the picture of sleep with positive emotions: pleasant thoughts, reading positive literature, watching comedies before bed, etc. Helps in the treatment of insomnia pleasant procedures such as warm bath, aromatherapy, herbal teas.

    Epilepsy, hypertension, ulcers, angina, and many other conditions can also cause sleep disturbance. In addition to the treatment of underlying diseases, it is necessary to take care of sleep hygiene and intake safe drugs to improve falling asleep, such as Melaxen.

  • Tormented by insomnia

    Have you lost your sleep, tossing and turning in bed for a long time and cannot fall asleep? It means you suffer from insomnia. It can be episodic (not more than once a month) and chronic. Episodic include the so-called jet lag (time zone change syndrome), as well as lack of sleep due to external stimuli (noise, bright light, heat, etc.). In such cases, the elimination of the irritant and the normalization of sleep by taking Melaxen will help.

    If you suffer from chronic insomnia, you will need complex treatment. The reasons for its occurrence can be different: prolonged depression, uncomfortable bed, painful conditions, hereditary low production of melatonin, hard work and others. Often the reasons for not sleeping at night are implicit, and only a somnologist will help to sort out the situation.

    A set of measures will help get rid of insomnia, consisting of taking medications, improving sleep hygiene and eliminating physical and mental causes disruption of the sleep-wake cycle.

Treatment for insomnia

The fight against insomnia should be started immediately after the problem appears. It's always whole complex measures to normalize the sleep/wake cycle. In half of the cases, in order to get rid of insomnia, independent measures to improve the environment and the stages of preparation for falling asleep are sufficient.

But every person in life there are situations when it is impossible to avoid negative factors that affect sleep: change of time zones during business trips or travel, daily work, attending nightly entertainment venues, etc. To get rid of insomnia and minimize damage to the body, you should use drugs that act as natural hormone sleep - melatonin. These include Melaxen, an effective adaptogenic agent.

Methods for dealing with insomnia

In addition to the use of medications, you can use methods to combat insomnia, stimulating sleep and reducing anxiety. It’s best to start by preparing the bedroom. The temperature in it should be comfortable for the body. It will be difficult to fall asleep in a hot room. An hour before bedtime, the bedroom should be ventilated. Dry air in the room does not contribute to quality sleep, so you should buy a humidifier.

“I often wake up at night and lie down and look at the clock,” this can be heard from those who complain about sleep disturbance, the treatment of which would like to begin. To get started, just remove the clock from the bedroom. They make you feel anxious, look for the cause of insomnia, thereby exacerbating the situation. Use the bed only for sleeping. Do not watch TV while lying in bed and do not do needlework or read books. When you suffer from insomnia, and you don’t know what to do, don’t toss and turn in bed for a long time, but rather get up and do something relaxing. Such wakefulness will be more useful than torment in bed.

“I don’t sleep well,” a heavy dinner lover might say. Plentiful food - common cause insomnia. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, spicy food harm sleep by stimulating the nervous system and delaying falling asleep for several hours. But buckwheat or oatmeal, bananas and milk for dinner will help you fall asleep faster.

Regulation of the sleep-wake cycle

Violation circadian rhythms(daily biorhythms) is fraught with insomnia. If you go to bed at different time the body can't adjust. Therefore, the treatment of the sleep-wake cycle is to establish a regimen and strictly follow it. Define for yourself convenient time falling asleep and waking up - and follow it clearly even on weekends. Between falling asleep and waking up should be 8 hours. Such a fight against insomnia in a few days will give the desired result.

daytime sleep often knocks down The biological clock, causing severe violation sleep in the form of insomnia, so it should be excluded. This rule does not apply to children under 6-7 years old who need more long time sleep per day.

Treatment of disturbed circadian rhythms is possible through the use of adaptogenic agents with a mild hypnotic effect. This is Melaxen. It helps to make falling asleep fast, and sleep is full. Having accustomed the body with the help of Melaxen to fall asleep at the same time, in the future you will be able to do this without the help of drugs. With this tool, the regulation of the cycle of sleep and wakefulness occurs gently and effectively.

The use of Melaxen is especially important during periods when sleep disturbance is forced, for example, caused by a change in time zones or daily work. This drug does not affect the body's production of the sleep hormone (melatonin), and therefore its use and cancellation occur without consequences.

Treatment of chronic insomnia

Chronic insomnia is always caused by a complex of reasons. This may be a violation of the sleep/wake cycle, the habit of having a heavy dinner, physical illness, prolonged stress and depression. But whatever the cause, you need to immediately start treating insomnia.

There are pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for chronic insomnia. The first consists in taking sedatives to patients and sleeping pills, as well as drugs for the treatment of diseases that cause insomnia.

Non-drug methods are in the regulation of human behavioral skills. Specialists who devote their time to treating insomnia use the following techniques:

  • stimulus control therapy (reducing the patient's anxiety about falling asleep)
  • sleep restriction (reducing stay in bed before falling asleep)
  • relaxation (teaching methods of physical and psychological relaxation)
  • cognitive therapy(change of the patient's stereotypes related to sleep)
  • sleep hygiene training proper preparation to sleep)

Observing general rules sleep hygiene by adjusting the regimen and reducing the level of stress in Everyday life, you can permanently get rid of such complaints as “I don’t sleep well”, “I often wake up” and other manifestations of insomnia. Sleeping pills soft action, such as Melaksen, will help you quickly recover from forced mode failures. As soon as possible to establish the causes and treatment of insomnia to begin - these are the main tasks. In difficult cases chronic disorders sleep, you need to seek help from specialists.

According to scientists, women experience insomnia more often than men, especially women who exercise mental labor. There is no exact question for the answer "how much a person should sleep."

Doctors say - 7.5-8 hours, but in fact, for some people, only 2-3 hours of sleep per day is enough, and some need to sleep at least 10 hours to feel normal. But not only the duration of sleep is important, but also its quality. Exactly quality sleep helps the body recover. And insomnia and sleep disorders have a bad effect on a person’s well-being, on his performance and appearance.

Almost every person knows the signs of insomnia - thoughts are jumping, muscles are tense, constant tossing and turning in bed, all this does not let you fall asleep. And only in the morning it turns out to fall asleep, but the dream is restless, sensitive. It may last only one night, but it may last a whole week, or a month. This is what is called insomnia - a violation of some properties of sleep, or a combination of these violations - difficulty falling asleep, constant awakenings, and as a result, a state of weakness in the morning.

Why do I sleep badly?

Usually the cause of insomnia is stressful situations, in which case you can deal with it on your own. But if sleep disorders do not last 1 or 2 days, then this is already chronic insomnia which may require medical attention.

The main factors that provoke insomnia include: difficulties in relationships with loved ones, severe stress, conflict situations at work, flexible working hours, depression, alcohol and drug use. In addition, insomnia can be a consequence of health problems or be inherited.

In order to get rid of insomnia on your own, try the following methods:

1. the best way fight insomnia are exercise. Only 20-30 minutes will be enough physical activity in a day. It is best to exercise 4-5 hours before bedtime. It happens that there is simply no time for this, then you can take a little walk before going to bed in the fresh air.

2. If you suffer from insomnia, try not to eat before bed. But going to bed hungry is also not an option. It is very good to drink a cup of warm milk with one spoon of honey before going to bed.

3. Try not to consume foods containing caffeine after 4 p.m. - coffee, chocolate, tea, tonic drinks.

4. A warm bath will help you fall asleep. aromatic oils. The water temperature should be 36-37 degrees. And from the oils it is best to use lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, pine needles extract and mint. Citrus scents are not suitable here categorically. Their role is morning awakening.

5. To speed up the process of falling asleep, moisten with perfume, cologne, alcohol-based lotion or boric alcohol small pieces of cotton and put them in your ears.

6. Good for helping you fall asleep light massage faces - close your eyes and tap on your forehead with the pads of your middle fingers, slowly making circular motions. Do the same movements around the eyes, then massage temporal regions, chin, cheekbones, back neck.

7. If you are very excited, drink soothing herbal tinctures - valerian, peony, motherwort.

Often people think that insomnia is the lot of the elderly, and they are very lost when they themselves begin to suffer from sleep disorders. No need to panic, try our tips, and some of them will definitely help you restore sleep.

Your witch Annka

Very often people have trouble sleeping and don't know how to fall asleep very quickly. If you often have a thought in your head - I’m not sleeping well, what should I do?, find out ways to help restore sleep right now from this article! We will tell you how to fall asleep quickly and always feel rested and full of energy!

What to do when you sleep badly: causes of insomnia

First of all, you need to find out the causes of your problem. The main problem is the noise and light that bothers you. Even if you are used to falling asleep to the hum of the TV, try to get rid of this habit. Also, don't decide before bed. important questions, quarrel and think about unpleasant things.

Better leave it all until the morning. Even if you are very hungry, it is better to postpone the meal until breakfast, your stomach also wants to rest. Alcohol and nicotine also interfere with your rest, so it's best not to consume these substances later than 2 hours before bedtime. I do not sleep well at night, I wake up often, what should I do? - if this is about you, then read the tips and remember!

Maybe if you drive sedentary image life and almost do not go for walks, a short walk before falling asleep will help you. Be sure to take someone with you. You will not only have a good time with a loved one, but also benefit your body.
How to fall asleep quickly with water procedures? Take a warm bath with foam, you can add to water and essential oil. Try to distract yourself from unpleasant thoughts and relax completely.
What to do to fall asleep quickly is to read good book. Just do not take literature related to your work, let it be something easy. A couple of pages before going to bed will make you forget forever about the diagnosis - I sleep badly at night.
It is very important to wear light clothing made from natural fabrics. Put your synthetic pajamas away in a drawer. You should also have a comfortable bed with an orthopedic mattress.
If you want to know how to fall asleep quickly in 5 minutes, then pills are indispensable. If you don't want to take special medications, try allergy pills.
Another way to fall asleep quickly is yoga. Search the internet for the most simple exercises they will help you relax.

There is no way to fall asleep quickly if you do not want to sleep. To do this, you should establish a sleep pattern by following our advice. Go to bed on time and don't stay up late watching a movie. But to the question of how to fall asleep faster at night, the answer is simple - try not to go to bed during the day.

Sleep disturbance is a very common occurrence. Approximately 8-15 percent of adults complain of poor sleep, and 9-11 percent take different means with hypnotic effect. And given statistics much higher among pensioners. Intermittent restless sleep can occur at any age, even in infants.

For each of age groups have their own types of disorders. Nocturnal enuresis, sleepwalking and fears occur in childhood, and a pathological feeling of drowsiness, insomnia, sensitive disturbing sleep are more characteristic of older people.

especially often various violations women over 50 who have menopause are affected. Sleep problems in those over 60 are 3 or even 4 times more common than in middle-aged people.

There are also sleep problems that arise from childhood accompanying a person throughout life, for example, narcolepsy. In such cases, it is urgent to contact a specialist for treatment.

The normal duration of the period when a person sleeps, each has its own - from 4-5 to 10-12 hours a day. This means that there are healthy short-sleepers and long-sleepers. The main indicator of the norm of sleep is the feeling of rest. Loss of it is a reason to suspect complications in the sleep-wake cycle.

If the performance in daytime hours decreased significantly due to chronic fatigue, which is preserved for a long time, despite regular sleep at night, it is worth carefully examining the body.

Causes and types of violations

Studying the pathogenesis of sleep disorders, scientists have established a number of factors that provoke it. bad dream at healthy person may occur for the following reasons:

  1. The habit of having dinner late (3-4 hours before falling asleep).
  2. Restless state (overexcited). It is caused by: increased intensity training or mental work, the presence of a strongly pronounced emotion (it can be both positive and negative due to stress); working on a computer, watching TV, loud noises; abuse of energy drinks (strongly brewed tea, coffee drinks).
  3. Little mobility during the day, lack of exercise and motor activity, late rise, sleep in the daytime.
  4. Discomfort bed: Poorly fitted mattress with pillow and bedding, raised or lowered temperature regime air, etc.
  5. Frequent changes of time zones, work at night.

Sleep disorders can be primary (no connection with pathology in the organs) and secondary, caused by various ailments. Sleep disorders are often provoked by diseases of the central nervous system. It may be the result of mental disorders.

Many somatic diseases lead to difficulty in sleeping at night due to pain, coughing fits, heart problems such as angina pectoris or arrhythmias, itching. The problem is often observed with intoxications of various origins.

Sleep can also be lost due to a disturbed hormonal background. With the phenomenon of shallow short sleep women experience during pregnancy (especially in the third trimester due to a drop in progesterone levels before childbirth) and during menopause.

Among hormonal disorders leading to such deviations, diseases characterized by pathology of the hypothalamic-mesencephalic region can also be attributed. It's about about epidemic encephalitis, tumors.

Violations can be classified into four main types:


One of the most common is insomnia - insomnia. This is a disorder associated with the process of falling asleep and sleeping. Insomnia is characterized by insufficient depth of sleep (it can be called superficial), numerous awakenings, and difficulty falling asleep after each of them.

A person can toss and turn all night, periodically falling into a short and light sleep, and in the morning feel overwhelmed and tired, completely sleepy. A similar problem can be observed in people suffering from hypertension, especially if it appeared after a stroke.

It is also caused by neurosis, depression, drug addiction, alcoholism, diseases affecting the liver and kidneys, chronic pain syndromes. Often, insomnia occurs in those who have skin ailments, accompanied by itching, which disturbs night rest. Insomnia happens:

  1. Psychosomatic (depending on psychological state). Has a situational (temporary) or permanent character.
  2. Caused by exposure to alcohol (especially when drinking heavily) or taken medications that affect the central nervous system, depressing or toning it.
  3. Provoked by mental disorders.
  4. Accompanied by apnea or decreased alveolar ventilation.
  5. Caused due to the syndrome, which is called "". This ailment is often observed in those suffering from Parkinson's disease.
  6. Arising from other pathological problems.

You can learn more about the causes of insomnia and how to deal with it from the program “Live Healthy” with Elena Malysheva.


Another common disorder is hypersomnia. We are talking about a pathological increase in the duration of sleep ( increased sleepiness). Influence at this problem have neurological, endocrine, rheumatological diseases.

She is usually accompanied depression, increased irritability, causeless anxiety. After waking up, a person does not feel that he has rested during the night. He lacks sleep, walks all day nervous, lethargic, drowsy, wants sweets. Hypersomnia can be:

  1. Psychophysiological origin with a temporary or permanent character.
  2. provoked alcoholic drinks or medicines;
  3. The consequence of mental illness;
  4. Associated with disturbances in respiration at night;
  5. caused by narcolepsy.
  6. As a consequence of other pathological conditions.

Wrong mode

Failure to comply with the night and day mode causes sleep disorders

  1. Temporary. They can occur with a sharp change in work schedule or time zone.
  2. Permanent. With them, delayed premature falling asleep is observed.


Another type of deviation is parasomnia. We are talking about violations in the functioning of organs associated with sleep or morning rise. Parasomnias include the following:

  • somnambulism is the unconscious actions performed by a person when he is sleeping. In this state, people can climb into dark time days out of bed, move and even do something. Moreover, they perform these actions without waking up. When trying to bring them to consciousness, they show resistance and can be dangerous at such moments for themselves and others. Mostly, similar condition lasts no longer than 15 minutes. Then the somnambulist goes back to bed, continuing to sleep, or wakes up. It is noted that somnambulism has a connection with the phases lunar calendar. Deterioration, according to experts, occurs on the full moon;
  • enuresis - involuntary urination at night;
  • fear and anxiety. Fears often appear at the beginning of dreams. A man jumps out of bed screaming, he has observed panic attacks that accompanies heart palpitations, excessive sweating, shortness of breath, dilated pupils. A few minutes later, the person comes to his senses and falls asleep again. When he wakes up, he remembers nothing of his nightmares;
  • other.


Common signs of sleep disorders include the following:

  1. Feeling of insufficient rest at night.
  2. Presomnic disorders, expressed in the inability to fall asleep in evening time turning from side to side. They are often accompanied by anxiety, obsessions and fear.
  3. Intrasomnic deterioration. They can be recognized by their surface disturbing sleep with occasional awakenings.
  4. Postsomnic disorders. With good sleep, the patient gets up earlier than usual, then he fails to fall asleep again, or he falls into restless sleep. It often manifests itself in the fairer sex and elderly men, as well as in people in a depressed state.
  5. Feeling of lack of restored strength in the morning.
  6. Feeling sleepy. The patient begins to doze off during the day.
  7. Fatigue state.
  8. Anxiety before sleep.


Problems with night rest can serve as evidence of the presence of various diseases, moreover, quite serious ones.

Diagnosing such disorders is prescribed for difficulty breathing, snoring, abnormal behavior in babies, difficult getting out of bed, fear, enuresis, narcolepsy, ADHD syndrome, developmental pathologies, apnea, epilepsy and insomnia.

To find out the reasons why there were difficulties with falling asleep and resting at night, one should resort to polysomnography (PSG).

PSG is diagnostic method, which includes an EEG recording (4 channels), an oculogram, an ECG, a myogram, fixing the oxygen content in the blood, recording the movement of arms and legs, measuring breathing and humidity.


The elimination of disorders associated with the state of rest at night is a set of measures aimed at improving the patient's condition. It's about special exercise, relaxation techniques, psychotherapy, aromatherapy, drug treatment.

For each individual case, the specialist selects therapy individually. Many disorders, such as insomnia, cannot be treated with sleeping pills. Taking such drugs does not give long-term results, and in some cases it is completely contraindicated.

So treating a sleep apnea problem with sleeping pills or sedatives poses a risk to the life of the patient. It is possible to get rid of insomnia or hypersomnia that have arisen against the background of such a disease only by strictly following the instructions of the attending physician.

Any drug therapy sleep disorders should be prescribed by a specialist.

It is usually prescribed when other methods, including psychotherapy, do not give positive effect. Medicines are chosen carefully, especially when it comes to their dosage. Self-medication is unacceptable, as it can aggravate the situation and lead to serious consequences.

Home remedies that can be applied to combat this problem include the following:

  1. Compliance and wakefulness.
  2. Retreat to night rest with first signs of drowsiness.
  3. The habit of falling asleep exclusively in bed. Many people fall asleep while watching TV or reading a book in an armchair, and then they are forced to interrupt it to go to the bedroom. This negatively affects the quality of the state of rest in the dark.
  4. Refusal to eat heavy meals four hours before going to bed.
  5. Teaching yourself to stop napping during daylight hours.
  6. Introduction to your life relaxing evening ritual. They may be the habit of walking in the late hours on the street, taking a warm bath, reading.

Many healing herbs help to effectively deal with sleep disorders at home. There are many effective recipes traditional medicine used for this problem:

  1. Herbalists recommend drinking a decoction of valerian roots on the eve of departure for a night's rest.
  2. Melissa infusion has a good effect.
  3. You can solve the problem of insomnia thanks to warm baths with a decoction of hop cones. It can also be taken orally.
  4. Helps fight frustration drug collection, which includes marjoram flowers, lavender and hawthorn. It is advisable to drink an infusion of these herbs warm before falling asleep.

Most cases of sleep disorders can be eliminated by adequate therapy with the elimination of symptoms of the main disease. In order to prevent them, it is recommended to observe the regime of the day, to conduct healthy lifestyle life with normal physical and mental stress, do not abuse medicines affecting the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

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