How to put a baby to sleep at 2 months. Getting ready for bed - how to put your baby to bed. Evening rituals before bed

Starting at six one month old, children, before most sleeping peacefully in their beds for days and waking up for a short time to eat and smile at their mother, they suddenly begin to act up, cry and give their parents a lot of trouble. Young parents who first encountered this problem should know that it is useless to be nervous and worried - there are enough reasons for unwillingness to sleep in children, and their identification is a paramount task. Having solved it, the child’s anxiety will also be eliminated, which means that the problem itself will disappear, how to put the child to sleep without whims and tears.

Sleep is a natural need of the body, but each has its own characteristics, which are inevitably superimposed on falling asleep and night rest.

Genetically, a person does not have uninterrupted sleep all night. In addition to biological individuality, a person, as a member of society, is also guided by social motives. For years, getting up at the same time for work, a man and a woman form a certain ritual of going to rest, get used to falling asleep in certain time for a specific number of hours.

When changing professional activity All these habitual stereotypes can also change. What can we say about a child who has just been born - his physiology has not yet been fully formed. And when the baby begins to grow, he has other priorities besides sleep and food. The child learns to cognize the unfamiliar world around him, and it is quite logical that after the amazing daytime discoveries and impressions, he cannot, and does not want to fall asleep immediately.

In addition, the temperament of the child and the personal properties of his nervous system are laid down in him by nature even in the mother's womb, and it will not be possible to remake them. This means that parents will have to get to know their baby better and try to help him and themselves.

In fact, there are only three common causes of violation baby sleep:

  1. physical ailment;
  2. external stimuli;
  3. Features of the psyche.

Even inexperienced parents eventually begin to understand the prerequisites for the discontent of the baby before the upcoming sleep. The test is long sleepless nights does not pass in vain, and soon dad and mom can distinguish a simple whim from a sickly condition of the baby.

What keeps the baby from sleeping?

The main reasons that the child wakes up, cries and is naughty, are quite natural phenomena:

  • Sometimes the pain in his tummy does not let him fall asleep - intestinal colic occur in children from 2 to months to six months. This may be due to imperfect digestive system baby, which is actively developing. In addition, caught in time breastfeeding air causes indigestion, which is why after eating it is necessary for the baby to burp. To do this, you need to hold it for a while. vertical position (
  • Another prerequisite for restless sleep and tears is teething - it can begin at 4 months. If, in the case of colic, the child can be given the means intended for this, for example, Espumizan, then it will not be learned to eliminate pain when teeth are cut. The only thing that can be done is to lubricate the baby's gums with a special cooling cream, and while he is awake, you should give him rubber teethers. Painful condition may accompany fever. Doctors advise using children's Nurofen and similar drugs in order to not only reduce fever, but also to produce pain relief.
  • Also, the child may not sleep due to elementary hunger. A growing organism requires the necessary nutrients every 3-4 hours. You should not wait until he wakes up on his own and starts to get nervous - when receiving a breast, the baby immediately calms down, without reaching crying, and he can eat in a sleepy state.
  • Natural emptying in a dream gives the baby discomfort and it is quite natural that he wakes up. This is the most harmless simple reason, which is easy to fix by changing the child's diaper or diaper. To avoid unnecessary neurosis, children's accessories before going to bed should be replaced with clean ones. It does not hurt and it is convenient to re-lay the children's bed linen.
  • An unfavorable environment in the house and extraneous noise is unacceptable if parents want restful sleep his child. A TV, even turned on in another room, can disturb children's peace. The apartment must have calm atmosphere As for the children's room, silence is preferable there.
  • You should also pay attention to the climatic indicators of the room where the baby sleeps. The optimum temperature is 21-24 degrees, the room must be ventilated. With average humidity and the absence of drafts, the child's sleep is normalized.
  • Another factor that can affect nighttime rest infant- games before bedtime, especially active ones, lead to overexcitation of the child's psyche, which negatively affects further rest. In a couple of hours, or even earlier, the child should be calmed down - you can bathe him in warm water, let him listen to pleasant, quiet music or tell him a fairy tale.

Parents should know that hysteria and tears cause harm to the child, shaking the still fragile nervous system, so you should not leave him unattended in any case.

If there are no symptoms such as fever, the diapers are dry and all irritants are removed, but nothing helps and he still continues to cry, you need to see a doctor - perhaps there is serious illness that needs to be recognized and treated promptly.

How to put your baby to sleep without crying

Children's specialists and experienced moms can give advice to help new parents cope with the situation.

To do this, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • It is important that before going to bed the child is fully fed, it is better to carry out the last feeding as late as possible. A hungry baby will definitely wake up, after some time, which will add to his anxiety, and to his parents - hassle.
  • It is necessary that before a night's sleep, the baby does not sleep for at least 4-5 hours. Maybe he sleeps well during the day, so daytime sleep it's better to cut it down a bit. Children who like to sleep during the day should be awakened, of course, doing this carefully and affectionately. Change to normal night sleep must be gradual.
  • Preparation for sleep should be akin to a ritual, so that the baby associates it with rest. It can be swimming, reading a book. Following a certain algorithm will help teach children to calmly go to bed.
  • AT evening time need to refuse charging, active exercise, noisy games. The hyperactivity of the child will not allow him to quickly calm down, and will violate normal sleep at night. It is advisable to postpone all fun for the morning.
  • You should not wrap the baby too much at night or, conversely, leave him half-dressed - if he is hot or cold, this will affect the quality of rest.
  • When a child cannot fall asleep for a long time, you can help him with this by doing a body massage using baby cream or oils.
  • It has been observed that children who spend a lot of time with their mother fresh air sleep much better. Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of walking. The children's room should also be thoroughly ventilated - this will help the child fall asleep quickly and soundly.

A simple observation of the individual life biorhythms of the crumbs helped many mothers to competently organize the sequence of feeding and sleeping of the baby. As soon as the child shows signs of lethargy, yawns and is naughty, he must be put to bed. Over time, parents begin to understand when he needs rest, and when he needs fun. If there is some temporary discrepancy, a gradual adjustment will allow everyone to get enough sleep - both the baby and his parents.

In addition to these time-tested tips, there are also special ways how to put a child to sleep without tears and tantrums.

Several methods for laying down and sleeping

When dad and mom chronically do not get enough sleep, all known ways to calm the baby are used. In spite of modern techniques, the well-known old ones, such as motion sickness and singing lullabies, still help parents cope with a difficult situation.

  1. 1.motion sickness, accompanied by a quiet song or calm music, is very effective. At the same time, you can hold the child in your arms - clinging to the warm mother's chest, he feels secure and quickly calms down, and monotonous singing contributes to this. True, after this, the sleeping baby will have to be put to bed very carefully. You can rock the baby in the crib, but for this, be sure to gently stroke and hug it with your hand. Some moms put their favorite on him soft toy, a soft folded towel or your still warm underwear. So the child will feel the warmth and smell of the mother.
  2. If mom didn’t work out with vocals, then you can for the night read fairy tales to a child or tell a story about something new and interesting that happened during the day. This should be done quietly, periodically repeating that the parents are nearby and the baby will fall asleep soon. This is a kind of suggestion, which, however, has a calming effect on the child's psyche, relaxes the baby and prepares him for sleep.
  3. Rituals for sleep, although initially incomprehensible to children, have an amazing positive action. And over time, they begin to understand the obvious meaning of what is happening and quickly fall asleep.

If every day, half an hour before bedtime, the child sees and feels the same actions, he will soon get used to it - pleasant words, sounds, strokes will be associated with him with the moment of falling asleep.

How to get your baby to fall asleep on their own

If small child until about a year old, a close relationship between feeding and sleep remains, and simple ritual actions are suitable for falling asleep, then in the future he must learn to fall asleep himself. Just as parents teach their children to dress themselves, wash their faces and hold a spoon, they should teach their child to fall asleep. To do this, you need to change the stable association that sleep is associated with food. You can use special methods from the age of nine months.

soft method

The soft method is based on gentle training for one and a half to two months. Immediately before the planned sleep, the mother refuses to breastfeed the child, trying to captivate him with an interesting conversation, looking at bright pictures, reading. You can use everything that interests the baby and gives him pleasure.

In the future, children should be weaned from night feedings - you can sit with the baby, stroking him on the back, say familiar phrases that dad and mom are nearby, give him a drink. Parents who act in this way notice that the child wakes up less and less at night and no longer requires the mother's breast.

hard method

The most severe method is that, after putting the child to bed, the mother leaves the room for a few minutes. At first, a child who does not understand what is happening should be reassured affectionate words and touches, and then exit again. These actions are repeated until the baby falls asleep. Despite a certain cruelty, the method is very effective - after two weeks, the baby begins to fall asleep on its own.

To wean children under 2 years old from the breast, there is a method of explanation. It can also be used when switching to artificial feeding. The child is explained that for some reason there will be no more milk at night. This sad story must be told several times a day, and reminded of this in the evening, before going to bed. So the baby gradually weaned from the evening feeding.

In special literature and the Internet, you can find other ways to put the child to sleep. But the main emphasis must be placed on the individuality of the baby. What works for one child may not work for another. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand the natural features of your daughter or son, so as not to harm their health and psyche.

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A child who always pleases parents with a sound childhood sleep does not occur as often as we would like. Usually even a calm and balanced baby turns into a little tyrant or crybaby when it's time to go to bed. If mom and dad accustom the baby to sleep according to the rules, and not let this delicate process take its course, then the child will not have any problems with sleep. Accordingly, his parents and other family members will not have problems with lack of sleep and fatigue.

Authoritative pediatrician and author of numerous articles and books for parents about children's health Evgeny Komarovsky knows how to properly teach a child to go to bed. And he always willingly shares this knowledge with parents who can not establish a rest regimen for their baby.

Children's sleep

Parents should be puzzled by the organization of children's sleep immediately after returning from the hospital. And even though a newborn baby sleeps up to 20 hours a day, this is the most right time for the establishment and the first "break-in" of sleep and wakefulness. If this is done, then rarely at an older age the baby will have problems falling asleep.

But if the baby was not helped from the very beginning to live according to a certain regimen, then the situation may worsen later.

The rules of children's sleep will be told by Dr. Komarovsky in the next video.

Nighttime and daytime sleep are very interconnected. If a child does not sleep well during the day, then, most likely, he will have difficulty resting at night, which means that the whole family will not get enough sleep.

Of course, all children are different, as are the families in which they grow up, but doctors tried to calculate daily requirement in a dream for children different ages. In their opinion, a child can develop normally only when the duration of his sleep is at least approximately close to these rather average standards:

  • Newborns and children up to a month 9 hours of daytime sleep and 11-12 hours of nighttime sleep (with breaks for snacks) are allotted.
  • Up to 2 months the child usually has 4 daytime dream episodes and 10 hours of nighttime rest.
  • By half a year the baby can sleep 2-3 times during the day, and at night he sleeps at least 9-10 hours. It is no longer necessary to feed him at night.
  • For two daytime sleep, the baby goes to 7-9 months, the duration of the night rest remains the same. 10 hours at night and 1-2 daytime sleeps of 2 hours are needed for a baby at the age of one year and a little older.

Once again, I note that these norms are quite general, and babies are not at all obliged to comply with these figures and recommended values ​​​​with pharmaceutical accuracy.

Children sleep differently than adults. They, according to research by scientists from the UK, have a completely different sleep structure, a different pace of alternating slow and fast phases.

Children under 6-7 years old do not see dreams as often as adults think, but more often they suffer from parasomnias (these are the same sleep pathologies that so greatly complicate the process of normal rest for the whole family). Most often, parosomnias are expressed by nightmares, sleepwalking, involuntary movements of the limbs during sleep, sleepwalking. All this is characteristic of perfectly healthy children, there is no talk of diseases of the nervous system.

But any parasomnia that the baby has experienced the day before can increase the fear of falling asleep, and it will not be so easy to put the baby to bed.

Rules by Evgeny Komarovsky

A well-known pediatrician notes that the importance of sleep should never be underestimated. The child needs it no less than good nutrition, vitamins, fresh air and parental love and attention.

Evgeny Olegovich names ten main components of normal sleep:

  • Everyone's sleep matters! This means that the child should not sleep due to the insomnia of the mother, who cradles him all night, or the father, who has to go to work in the morning. It is necessary to strive to ensure that all family members sleep at the same time and get enough sleep.
  • You need to sleep according to the regime! The child should sleep when it is most convenient for mom and dad. Bedtime is determined by parents, based on many factors - work schedule, family rules. But it is important once choosing it, to adhere to just such a regime constantly.
  • Sleeping place. Practiced now co-sleeping Parents with a child have little in common, according to Komarovsky, with healthy children's sleep, in any case, joint sleep does not affect the strength of sleep itself small dick families. In this matter, it is also better to decide for reasons of convenience for parents - if you want to sleep with a child - please. But Evgeny Olegovich still recommends giving the baby his own bed. If the living space allows, it should stand in the children's room, if not - in the parents' bedroom.
  • Wake up without regrets! If the child sleeps well during the day, and then cannot lie down in the evening, then Komarovsky advises not to be afraid to wake the baby if he has exhausted the entire daily dream limit. This will make it easier to put the baby to bed when it's time to go to bed in the evening.
  • Food. Some children after eating want to play and actively enjoy satiety, others (and most of them) begin to fall asleep after eating. Komarovsky recommends optimizing the baby's feeding regimen so that before bedtime (evening or afternoon) feeding is more satisfying and dense. This will help your baby fall asleep more easily just when the mode is set to a quiet hour or a night's sleep. And if the child is drawn to play after eating, then it is better to feed him in advance, an hour and a half before the expected time "H".
  • Microclimate. It will be much easier to put the baby to bed if parents remember that it is difficult to fall asleep in a hot and stuffy room, and it is disgusting to sleep. The doctor names the optimal parameters of the microclimate as follows: the air temperature is not less than 18 and not more than 20 degrees, and the air humidity is 50-70%. Don't forget to ventilate the bedroom or children's room before every sleep.
  • Bathing. It is quite possible to put the baby in literally 5 minutes, says Komarovsky, if you bathe him in bed before going to bed. cool water and then put to bed and cover warm blanket. The baby will warm up and begin to fall asleep without motion sickness, which grandparents so insist on.
  • The bed must be right! No downy duvets and soft blankets, Yevgeny Olegovich warns. Only a flat and hard mattress, preferably a special children's orthopedic one, so that it does not “fall through” and does not bend. A baby under two years old does not need a pillow at all. After this age, you can sleep on a pillow, but it should not be too big and too soft. And no feathers! They can cause severe allergies.
  • Delicate issues don't have to worry! Komarovsky advises parents to be very careful when choosing a diaper for a baby. The better it is, the better the child will sleep. And if the child is already going to the potty, then before going to bed you should definitely take him to the toilet. Gradually, this will become a ritual, which in itself will remind the child of the imminent going to bed and mentally prepare him for this.

motion sickness

There is no benefit in motion sickness for the health of the child, but there is also no harm, however, either, says Dr. Komarovsky. If the child refuses to fall asleep without this, then parents need to know what the baby wants and requires with a heart-rending cry not the motion sickness itself. He has a need (conditioned by nature) for a sense of security. Naturally, in the hands of the baby feels protected.

This instinctive need passes with age itself, the child "outgrows" it as it grows up. Thus, rocking the baby, parents only prolong the "life" of the instinct, which is still destined to become a thing of the past.

If you want to download - please, says Evgeny Olegovich. But remember that this is unhealthy for parents, who can spend this time on something more useful than motion sickness.

It is not so difficult to wean from motion sickness before going to bed, Komarovsky believes. It is enough to eliminate the cause of anxiety, because it is not the absence of motion sickness that prevents the little one from falling asleep, but, as a rule, more real problems - he is wet, hungry, something hurts him.

If the baby cries until he is picked up, and starts to cry again as soon as he is put back in the crib, then we are talking about bad habit, which was formed from the wrong attitude of mom and dad to the needs of the baby.

In this situation, families are faced with a difficult choice - to let the child scream and then enjoy the silence, as he will fall asleep anyway, or still take it and shake it. If it’s easier to shake and do it every day, or even several times a day, then you need to choose the second one.

Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that parents who decide to endure the cry and remove the issue of motion sickness once and for all are by no means heartless or bad. In addition, the goal is quite clearly visible over the horizon - children's cries of protest basically last only a few evenings, and then the sleep of the whole family will become calm, strong and healthy.

How to put the child to sleep? Tips for different ages.

Sound baby sleep is a guarantee Good night and wellness mothers. But what if you can’t set up a sleep schedule? The child is mischievous, does not let his mother go and is ready to prolong lullabies and bedtime stories for the whole night. This is partly a matter of ritual, partly a matter of discipline. Before you adjust the regime, you have to sweat. But then later healthy sleep you are provided.

How to put the baby to sleep? General rules

The question of the departure of babies to sleep depends on age. If babies can be put to sleep with motion sickness and milk, then for older children it is more question disciplines. However, there are a few common things that every mom should consider. If your baby is not sleeping well, check the following.

  1. The situation in the children's room. Maybe it's too hot and stuffy in there. Or the baby is annoyed by the light of passing cars from the window. Maybe he doesn't like the smell of the laundry detergent you used to wash your sheets and blankets. Or he is afraid of the toy you put in his crib. Nuances can be many
  2. Does daytime sleep overlap with nighttime sleep? If your baby rubs his eyes at 7 pm, resist the temptation to put him to bed. Even if the dream lasts only an hour, then there will be no hope of laying it down at nine or ten.
  3. Pastime before bed. Maybe it was at this time that dad comes home from work and starts playing with the child so that the whole apartment is shaking. After that, the overexcited baby cannot fall asleep for a long time.
  4. Lighting in the nursery. Bright light in the room in the evening can be confusing The biological clock baby. His body will think that the sun has risen, and you can forget about sleep. Try dimming the lights an hour before bed

What time should children go to bed?

When to put the baby to sleep at night? Most children will tell you this themselves. Their biological clock has not yet been disabled by evening vigils over extra work, night trips to the club and early awakenings in order to catch public transport.

Children begin to rub their eyes and grimace at 8-9 pm. Times may vary depending on the season. This is the most natural time for our biorhythm to go to bed. The task of parents is not to bring down these clocks.

Now you just need to help the baby fall asleep. There are several ways to do this:

  • motion sickness
  • feeding
  • Dr. Hamilton's appointment
  • monotonous noise
  • active day
  • bathing
  • mode
  • ritual
  • discipline
  • interest

There are ways for every age. Below we will talk about this in more detail.

How to put a newborn baby to sleep? How to put a child to sleep without motion sickness?

So, what are the ways to put a fidget to sleep? The first few tricks are only suitable for babies. Most moms use them.

  • Motion sickness. Pediatricians unanimously declare that there is no benefit in motion sickness, and that the baby can easily fall asleep without it. For most kids, it's just a habit. What the baby really needs is tactile contact with mom. He feels her warmth, heartbeat, smell and calms down. But we, taking the baby in our arms, instinctively begin to rock it. If you have not yet accustomed your baby to this ritual, try to avoid it. If your child can no longer sleep without motion sickness, try to “shake” him less, and then generally reduce movement to nothing.
  • Feeding. Moms notice that babies quickly fall asleep at the last feeding before bedtime. The sucking process calms the baby. There is no harm in this, because it is not dangerous for such crumbs to eat at night. The only "but" is that there is a danger of accustoming the baby to sleep at the breast. Mom will not get proper rest. Therefore, always shift the crumbs to his crib as soon as he has eaten.

Dr. Hamilton's appointment. American pediatrician Robert Hamilton invented a technique in which babies quickly stop crying and acting up. This is a special way to hold the baby and rock him. The baby's arms should be crossed over the chest. At the same time, you put it with a breast on one of your hands, and hold the other under the ass. And in this position, smoothly shake the baby. “Note that I am holding the baby at a 45-degree angle,” says Dr. Hamilton. - Never hold your baby upright. He can throw his head back and you can easily lose control."

How to put a child to sleep at 1.5 years old?

  • When the baby has crossed the line of one year, the above methods stop working. The child is already too heavy to swing it in your arms for half an hour. Most often, by this age he is already weaned from breastfeeding. Now other techniques work
  • monotonous noise. Most babies do not respond to the noise of the world around them, which can disturb their sleep. Adult children are able to wake up from any new sound. Did the voice of dad come home from work in the hallway? And now the baby is no longer sleeping, but demands that dad come and play with him. Beeped the signal of the microwave, reheating dinner? And then the baby asks for food. good way out Surround the baby's sleep with background sounds. It can be a special mobile that sings lullabies. The quiet gurgling of a humidifier also helps, which, moreover, will make the atmosphere in the room much more pleasant.
  • Active day. Many children do not want to fall asleep because they spent the whole day in front of the TV screen, or sat, pressing the buttons of singing books. They didn't waste their energy, they didn't get tired, and now they don't want to sleep. Nature has laid a lot of energy in children so that they can tirelessly explore the world. Our task is to help them use up these supplies in a day. During the day, you definitely need to take a walk and run on the street with mom, and in the evening - play and play tricks with dad. Then, by the time of sleep, the child will be so exhausted that he will ask to go to bed.

  • Bathing before bed. Bathing and washing is Different things, notes the famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky. You need to bathe in an adult bathroom. The water must be cold. “After a good bath, when the child is tired and cold, he eats well and sleeps well,” the doctor explains. - Therefore, you need to bathe him before the last feeding. After that, he will eat, pass out and sleep through the night. Mom will sleep too. It will help make motherhood happy

How to put a child to sleep at 3 years old?

At three years old, you can already talk to a child like an adult. Now timely going to bed is not so much a matter of cunning tricks and manipulations as a matter of discipline. Now you need to mobilize all your parenting talents to put the baby on time.

Mode. If you put your baby to bed at the same time every day, then all biology will work for you. The little fidget himself can be stubborn and capricious. But after ten or fifteen minutes, his eyes will begin to close by themselves.

Ritual. The same mechanism works when you follow a certain sequence of actions before going to bed. For example, if every time after the bath the baby is put to bed, then he will quickly form a habit. You can make such an evening ritual a fairy tale before bedtime, or a glass of warm milk.

Discipline. Often at this age, kids test your prohibitions “for strength”. Be a kind but firm parent. If you said that it’s time for the baby to go to bed, but after his tears you changed your mind, then get ready for the fact that he will cry every night.

Interest. Get your baby interested in sleep. The child should not take it as a punishment when he is sent to a dark room without toys. Read the fairy tale to the baby, and then tell him that when he falls asleep, the heroes of the fairy tale will come to him in a dream.

How to put a hyperactive child to sleep?

A hyperactive child needs to watch his daily routine especially closely. Only discipline can help him fall asleep on time. For such children, it is especially important that they manage to use more energy during the day. Sign up such a kid for a sports section or dancing so that he is more tired by the evening.

Never argue with your baby before bed. Refrain from talking in raised tones.

How to put a child to sleep during the day?

For daytime sleep, as well as for nighttime, the mode is very important. reconsider age norms sleep. Perhaps your baby does not want to go to bed just because he sleeps a lot at night.

Why does a baby cry when put to bed?

Reasons for baby crying there may be many before bed. All of them strongly depend on age. If the baby is crying because he has infantile colic, then three year old child maybe just a crisis peculiar to this age. Your task is to make sure that he is full, he is not thirsty, he does not have any pain or discomfort. Then you can use all your educational techniques.

How and when to put your baby to sleep: tips and feedback

Plenty of women on uniforms share little secrets that have helped them get their kids into a normal sleep routine.

“My daughter falls asleep only to the sound of a hair dryer or a vacuum cleaner. So on the changing pad we have, among other things, also a hair dryer. At night, that's the only way I calm down.

“If the baby is naughty, I let him roar for five minutes. After that, he gets tired, and when I go in and start rocking and singing a lullaby, he passes out instantly!

“We don’t sleep without motion sickness. My arms and back are falling off. Had to buy a special deck chair. It runs on batteries. He pumps himself, and even sings songs. Then, as soon as my son falls asleep, I put him in bed.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky - Rules for children's sleep

1 rule. Need to set a permanent early time going to sleep.

A child jumping around the apartment at 11 pm is an overworked child. His nervous system was overexcited because his parents hadn't put him to bed an hour and a half to two hours ago. If you put the child to bed too late, then his overworked nervous system it will be more difficult to adjust to sleep mode. Falling asleep will last longer. And possible restless sleep with awakenings. And if you put the baby to bed at the same time, then the child's body will feel tired by the time you start preparing for sleep, the child will "ripen" for sleep at the time you set.

The same applies to daytime sleep. The baby will fall asleep easier if there is a schedule and a clear time for a quiet hour.

2 rule. Compliance with the daily routine.

Sleep is only one episode of a day in a child's life (more precisely, two - day and night). But it is influenced by many events and factors adjacent to it in time. Active games, food, activities should alternate at about the same time. If you establish a competent daily routine, you will greatly simplify the process of falling asleep for your baby.

3 rule. Create a "ritual" for going to bed.

Ritual - only sounds formidable. Think of 3-4 simple steps before going to bed. They must be repeated every day. For example, reading a book - brushing your teeth - turning off the light in the aquarium - a pot - a bed. Or a bath - pajamas - a potty - a fairy tale or a lullaby in bed. The sooner you create your ritual (you can start from 3 months of age), the faster this one will start working. At first it is like a barely visible path in the thicket, but you walk along it every day, without changes. And after a while it will turn into a trodden road, along which the child easily gets to a sweet dream. And also the ritual is a wonderful opportunity to communicate with the baby, discuss the events that took place during the day, and tell the baby about plans for tomorrow.

4. The child should go to bed already sleepy, but not yet sleeping.

Teach your baby to fall asleep on their own. Babies under 2 often wake up between sleep phases. So the baby, who knows how to fall asleep on his own in the evening, will simply roll over to another side, and the one who is used to falling asleep in his mother's arms will call his mother. There is no need to talk about the fact that this is not good either for the child or for the mother.

How to put a child to sleep is not a difficult question at all. Parents need only persistence. Children get used to any changes very quickly. Be consistent and kind.

My daughter still falls asleep only in my company, and I began to wonder, how to put a child to sleep without motion sickness, because we will soon be in kindergarten. My attempts to lay her separately end in tears. It takes skill to put a child to sleep without tears, day or night. It turns out that there are at least 9 ways to put your baby to sleep.

How to put a child to sleep without a tantrum: 9 ways

I tried almost all the methods, but since my princess is old enough, only a few were successful. Conclusion: if a newborn baby does not sleep, then any method of how to put the baby to sleep will work. Often cause bad sleep newborns are physical discomfort:

  • teething
  • gaziki
  • This often happens in the form of a leap in development (overexcitation)
  • less common intracranial pressure

The way to put a child to sleep without tears - motion sickness

If a newborn baby is not sleeping, a fitball (a large exercise ball), a sling (a kind of huge scarf where you put the baby in, leaving your hands free), an arena on wheels, or a cradle will come to your aid.

On the picture sweet Dreams with your favorite hare

Of course, in the arms, babies fall asleep the fastest, this is facilitated by their mother's smell, heartbeat (everything is like in those days when the little one was in the tummy). If you have an arena on wheels, then you immediately get 2 pluses in 1. The first plus is that the baby falls asleep under a leisurely motion sickness, and the second plus is that he learns to fall asleep on his own in his crib.

The sling is convenient only with newborns, as the matured little ones try to get out, and the mother’s back can hurt from the weight of a one-year-old child. The fitball works great if you can catch the right beat and the position of the crumbs. After all, even at a young age, some fall asleep on their tummy, while others like to do it on their backs.

Putting to bed at mother's breast with a bottle

I think these 2 ways to put a child to sleep are the most effective until almost 2 years old. Most babies fall asleep while feeding, keeping this habit for long time. In fact, at these moments, mom can finally relax (lie down / watch TV) at the same time, which are needed for immunity. Falling asleep with a bottle too great method, but only if it's not a full bottle of water, but children food. Babies don't need in large numbers water. This creates a false feeling of satiety, and soon the little one will wake up from hunger.

Co-sleeping as an option to put the baby to bed without a tantrum

If a newborn child does not sleep, and it is not possible to put him to bed, a good A way to put a child to sleep without tears is co-sleeping.

The 4th method can be considered the most correct, allowing you to put the child to sleep without motion sickness.

It's like a symbiosis of motion sickness and falling asleep in mother's breast. The baby calmly sinks into sleep, surrounded by his mother's smell, and even if he is also breastfed, then this is the perfect combination. Good set weight is guaranteed, as is undisturbed healthy sleep. Nursing mothers who practice co-sleeping with babies get better sleep (there is no need to go to the arena, separately feed, rock and shift to the arena).

This method of putting a child to sleep has its drawbacks. The baby's dad does not receive enough attention and some jealousy may even arise. Over time, the little one grows, and mother's sleep will no longer be so comfortable. In addition, a persistent habit of sleeping with mom will be formed. It is very difficult to wean from which in the future.

How to put your baby to sleep without motion sickness

Systematism and regularity of the same actions. First, follow the order in which everything happens before going to bed, and make it a rule. For example, dinner, bathing, a fairy tale and a dream. Moreover, the exact schedule is important (as in kindergarten). If you put your child to bed at 21, then put the baby to bed, always at this time. Not at 21.40, or 22.10. It is clear that this is difficult, especially if there are other children, grandparents in the family. The result of this behavior will be noticeable after 4 weeks. At 8 pm, the little one will begin to rub his eyes. The main thing is to achieve what you want, and put the child to bed without tears, do not quit what you started in the middle. With the advent of summer, this schedule can be slightly shifted.

if a newborn baby is not sleeping, don't despair, there is a way to put the baby to sleep without crying.

How to put a child to sleep during the day - the alarm clock method

5 method called "alarm clock" will put the child to sleep during the day (for many this is a problem).

All attentive mothers notice that children develop their own schedule of sleep and wakefulness over time. Sometimes, after a year, children wake up at 6 in the morning, run until 9, and that's all ... whims begin because the little one is tired. As a result, he is already snoring at 10 am. By 12, of course, you can’t put him to bed, and daytime sleep is skipped. By 6 pm the child was exhausted, but did not go to bed, did he go to bed at the beginning of 7 pm? Somehow they reach 8, and the baby calms down, but ... the surprise is that he can wake up at 9 pm, and then what should parents do?

Establish that your treasure should go to bed at 12, then at 17 (my daughter, for example, sleeps 2 more times a day) and a night's sleep by 21.00. The most difficult thing is to stretch the period from 6 in the morning to 12. If the child whimpers and frankly rubs his eyes, shift the sleep schedule gradually, approaching the desired time period. My teacher taught me this secret kindergarten. AT junior group children often come with different regime sleep. Previously, my treasure woke up at 10 am, but we will soon go to kindergarten and I gradually began to wake her up a little earlier. Now she wakes up at 7 am according to her internal alarm clock.

How to wean a baby from sleeping with you together - shifting to an arena

Step 6 how to put your baby to sleep.

I will make a reservation right away that this method did not work for us, since we practice co-sleeping. An option for persistent mothers who, having rocked the baby, shift it half asleep to the arena.

What if he woke up again and whimpered?

this is how you can put your baby to sleep without crying

It is difficult to put a child to sleep without motion sickness in such a situation. Check if the light from the lamp shines in his face, if the TV is loud. Stand by and hum the song/rhyme very quietly, but don't start feeding/rocking the playpen. Here it is important not to disturb the half-asleep state. One mother shared a secret that she arranged a teddy bear in the playpen, which she sprayed with her perfume in advance (in the afternoon). The main thing is not to make eye contact with the little one. As soon as he catches your eye ... there will be tears. If after 10-15 minutes the baby did not fall asleep, but began to cry loudly and you understand that a tantrum may begin, take it in your arms. Stroke on the back, calming, and then return to the crib / playpen again. It might not work on the first try. In time, it should not take more than an hour. The result will be outlined in 2 weeks, and in a month the baby will calmly fall asleep on its own.

Taking a bath before bedtime, as an option to put the baby to bed without motion sickness

The 7th method of how to put a child to sleep without motion sickness is boldly called a warm bath.

We add an infusion of string to it (valerian is contraindicated for children up to a year, it excites them). Gently water your baby warm water without excessive emotions, so as not to cheer up the baby. Speak in a lower voice. One mother, while still pregnant, installed light switches everywhere with adjustable intensity. She said that she bathes her daughter in very dim light on a baby circle (around the neck). The child sways on the water and even fell asleep a couple of times in the bath. As soon as you see that the baby rubs his eyes and is ready to fall asleep without unnecessary uti-way, wrap him in a baby bathrobe and take him to the nursery. By the way, it is quite possible to do without light there by attaching a lot of luminous elements to the ceiling (animals, stars, clouds).

8 way to put a child to sleep without tears and motion sickness is "white noise".

These are called monotonous, rather vibrating sounds from household appliances. Work washing machine, the buzzing of a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a music center. Modern parents from the first days include fairy tales with a brass band and other classical music for children. Having found a melody, a sound that has a soporific effect on the baby, turn it on constantly during periods of preparation for sleep.

9 way, suitable to put the child to sleep without tears, many consider the "nest".

It must be practiced by a newborn from the first days. The abundance of open space scares the kids (it was cramped in the tummy, but cozy). A cocoon twisted from a blanket reminds the baby of spending time in his mother's tummy. Also warm, cozy and safe.

And here is a video for you that looks at similar ways to put a child to sleep without tears.

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