Statistics of believers: official data by country. China has the highest percentage of atheists in the world

Refers to "The Role of Religion in Modern Society"

The statistics of believers demonstrates the ambiguous attitude of people towards religious canons, the fulfillment of which is required by a particular denomination.

As the statistics of believers show, most of the world's population is adherents of a particular religion. However, people who identify themselves with one or another belief do not always strive to perform the prescribed rituals.

Believers in Russia

According to the Russian Orthodox Church, 80% of Orthodox believers in Russia. Today, faith in God has become fashionable and is actively promoted at the highest level. At the same time, not everyone has an understanding of what it means to classify oneself as a member of the church. Rather, it is the installation of an equal sign between the concept of Russian and Orthodox.

In the USSR, state policy was aimed at eradicating "remnants of the past." Atheism was actively planted in schools, schoolchildren tried to convey to their believing grandmothers the foundations of materialism. The eradication of Orthodox traditions could not pass without leaving a trace. When the people received not only permission, but also recommendations for faith in God, it turned out that few people know how to do it.

The statistics of believers in Russia show that out of 80% of people who have declared themselves Orthodox, only 18–20% go to confession and communion 1 to 2 times a year. The rest come on Easter to bless Easter cakes and sometimes run into the church for personal needs. It is possible to determine how many believers in Russia are not by surveys of involvement in the faith, but by the number of people who observe fasting, celebrate church holidays, read the Bible, and know prayers. The number of people who visited the church on Easter by year:

Signs of believers:

  • regular temple attendance (several times a week);
  • fulfillment of church rules (fasts, prayers);
  • communication with clergy.

There are no official statistics of such people, but according to approximate estimates, they are no more than 1%. Considering how many believers there are in Russia, the statistics cannot bypass the representatives of Islam. Russia is currently inhabited by approximately 18-21 million Muslims (14%). According to the 2010 census, there were 15 million of them.

As in Orthodoxy, not every Muslim follows the prescriptions of religion, from halal food to five daily prayers. Religious holidays allow people who identify with their faith to express their attitude towards religion. On June 25, 2017, 250,000 Muslims came to pray on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr in Moscow.

Believers and atheists

The religiosity of the population is largely connected with the traditions of the state. If the country went through a period of persecution of believers, then atheism was fed in the form of derogatory assessments of the mental abilities of believers. In the Soviet Union, religious people were considered backward, "dark", poorly educated. Now this position has changed, although some scholars equate religiosity with a lack of education.

However, there is a difference between belonging to a religion and believing in God. Some religions, such as Buddhism, do not consider the existence of a higher being at all. People can believe in otherworldly forces, witches and sorcerers, fairy-tale characters, energy flows, and at the same time not consider themselves believers. On the other hand, Orthodox Christians often turn to pagan rites and rituals (fortune-telling).

Distribution of religions in the world

According to Wikipedia for 2010, the distribution of believers by confession is as follows:

  • Christians make up about 33% of all believers. These include Catholics, Protestant believers (Baptists, Lutherans, Pentecostals), Orthodox (15 autocephalous (local churches)), believers of pre-Chalcedonian churches (ancient Eastern churches). Additionally, representatives of non-canonical churches, as well as Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are taken into account;
  • Muslims - 23% (Sunnis, Shiites, Islamic schismatics);
  • Hindus - 14-15%;
  • Buddhists - 7%;
  • Jews and representatives of ethnic religions - about 22%.

The number of believers by religion puts Christianity, Islam and Hinduism among the most widespread denominations in the world. However, not all believers in Jesus Christ know that the system of religion, both Christians and Jews, is built according to the Bible. The difference is that Judaism takes the Old Testament (Torah) as its basis, while Christians take the New Testament (Gospel). The diagram shows the distribution of believers by religion and how many atheists there are in the world:

Today, politicians in Russia are actively conducting indirect propaganda of Orthodoxy among the masses. The participation of the highest officials of the state in church holidays, the conversations of the head of state with the Patriarch and much more demonstrate not only a loyal attitude towards the church, but also mutual cooperation.

It is possible to explain where the “believing” politicians came from by the fact that in modern Russia it is difficult to formulate a national idea, which is the starting point for creating the standard behavior of a citizen of the country.

On the other hand, the Christian commandments, which form the qualities of a believer (“Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt not steal”), are capable of laying the framework of a young person’s personality. In the absence of Komsomol and pioneer statutes, religion is able to convey moral norms to the minds and hearts of citizens.

Religion and prisoners

Church ministers working in prisons know more about criminals than investigators, but the secrecy of confession imposes restrictions on them. Confession of believers in prisons and spiritual conversation defuse the heavy atmosphere in places of detention. According to the 2009-2010 census of convicts, the number of believers (Orthodox) in places of deprivation of liberty is 67%.

According to the statistics of believers in 2017, 4.3 million people in Russia visited churches on Easter. Distribution in some areas:

Religion and EU countries

It is rather difficult to determine how many believers there are in the world. The data varies depending on the survey methods. You can track some of the trends taking place in Europe. The data provided by the Catholic and Protestant Church on believers in Germany in 2011 indicates a decrease in the total number of adherents of religion from 64.5 to 61.5% over the previous five years. A New Humanist survey in 2010 showed that the number of believers in England has decreased by 20% in 30 years. Today, half of Britons do not identify themselves with any of the confessions.

Religion and the army

Attitudes towards military service among Christians are ambiguous. There are young people who prefer alternative ways of doing military service. Others believe that a strong army can prevent the outbreak of conflicts. All believers in the army consider war to be evil, and whether or not to take up arms, everyone decides for himself.

According to the statistics of atheists, their number is increasing every year. The number of non-believers usually depends on the level in the country. At the same time, the percentage of atheists differs in different countries.

Believers often dream of health and fidelity. And what do atheists believe? An atheist is defined as a person who denies the existence of God. They are convinced that there can be no otherworldly forces. Atheists believe that a school should be built instead of a church. For them, the material side of life, career growth, prosperity are more important. Religious people also dream of living comfortably, but they think about it less often.

Religion brings us closer to the moral ideal, spirituality. Awareness helps to let go of problems and start dreaming. Believers know that after death another life awaits them. Whereas every seventh atheist believes that there is no need to dream.

The core belief of atheists is that there is no objective reason to believe in the existence of God.

According to research by British scientists, the level of intelligence is higher in people who consider themselves non-religious. Historically, the existence of otherworldly forces has been questioned by more educated individuals. The work of Florida psychologist Tod Shackelford confirms the veracity of these studies. His conclusions are based on the results of the largest studies in the last hundred years. Practice has shown that more educated people are less likely to turn to. But does this mean that they are right?

How Atheistic Beliefs Are Formed

The appearance of certain beliefs leaves an imprint from the past. Children raised in a religious family will believe in the existence of God. They have been accustomed to going to church since childhood. A person in whose upbringing there was no place for religious beliefs does not believe in God and will grow up as an atheist. If you tell an atheist about the existence of God, he will smile.

Scientists are trying to determine the conditions that affect the growth of the number of non-believers. Religion is attractive because it gives a certain sense of security in a world full of uncertainties. There is no need for countries with a high level of economic development.

In addition to the above aspects, the reasons for being an atheist lie in the economic situation. As the statistics of atheists show, in countries with a low standard of living, people are more likely to turn to faith. There is such a principle - the lower the standard of living, the more religious. In developed countries, they turn to God for help less often, they visit churches less often.

If we take this factor as the basis of beliefs, then in the richest countries of the world there should not be believers at all. However, in Denmark, where a very high standard of living and social security of citizens in 2010 was almost 83%. Therefore, the previous conclusions of the American psychologist look a little strange.

In 2007, America was 51.3% Protestant and 23.9% Catholic. However, it is difficult to argue with the fact that in poor countries the number of believers is greater:

Country Number of believers, % per capita, thousand dollars
Nigeria 93 2,6
Kenya 88 1,7
Cameroon 82 2,3
Serbia 77 10,6
Belgium 59 37,7
Switzerland 50 43,4

How many unbelievers in the USSR

Anti-religious propaganda in the USSR was carried out along with the popularization of scientific knowledge. The increase in the number of non-believers was part of the country's ideology. The institute of scientific atheism was created, which existed from 1964 to 1991. In Soviet schools, they explained that there is no place for religion for believers either, explaining this with ordinary ignorance.

The percentage of non-believers in the Russian Federation

How many atheists are there in Russia according to statistics? There are no reliable data, as people understand the term "atheism" in different ways. According to sociological surveys conducted in Russia in 2012, there were almost 13% of non-religious people.

The Russian non-governmental organization Levada Center claims that in 2012 there were only 5% of atheists. And citizens who do not identify themselves with any particular religion - 10%. In 2013, the FOM conducted another survey. According to his results, the statistics of atheists consisted of 25% of non-believers.

The study of sociologists to determine the level of religiosity of the majority of Russians on a scale from 0 to 10 points, stopped in the middle. When conducting a survey in Ukraine, similar data were obtained.

According to a study conducted by VTsIOM in 2016, the statistics of atheists show a decrease in the number of non-believers compared to 1991. Compared to how many atheists there were then, in 2016 their number decreased by 7%.

Among Soviet and Russian celebrities, well-known atheists are V. Ginzburg, S. Dorenko, V. Pozner. And V. Ginzburg opposed the introduction of discipline into the school curriculum - the basis of Orthodox culture. Russian journalist S. Sidorenko often makes anti-religious statements.

Percentage of atheists in countries

Phil Zuckerman, a California researcher, states that almost 85% of non-believers in Sweden are citizens. The statistics of atheists in the world demonstrates high rates of the number of non-believers, typical for Japan, France, and Denmark. The number of believers in the United States decreased by 7%. The percentage of non-religious citizens is shown by the statistics of atheists in different countries:

Country Number of atheists, %
China 47
Czech 30
Germany 15
South Korea 15
Austria 10
Ireland 10

The researcher believes that the number of unbelievers on earth is increasing. Data taken from a study by Gallup. Was analyzed and atheists in the world for the period from 2005 to 2011. More than 50,000 people from 57 countries participated in the study. According to the results, the number of non-believers in the world increased by 13%. The statistics of atheists and believers are presented in the diagram:


Summing up, we can say that the question of faith remains still open. These figures poorly reveal the essence of the problem. Moreover, the number of believers significantly exceeds the number of people who deny the existence of God. And arguments about God's reality surround us every day (Numbers 14-21).

What do atheists believe? In the scientific approach and in ourselves

An atheist is a person who denies the existence of any gods. In a more extended sense, an atheist denies the existence of any non-material beings, souls, etc. From the point of view of an atheist, the natural world is completely self-sufficient, and all religions are exclusively human in origin. Atheists do not have a single philosophy, ideology, behavioral patterns.

What is an atheist?

Initially, the term "atheist" was applied to any person who is in confrontation with official religion, regardless of his views on the supernatural. Over time, this term began to mean a specific philosophical position of a person. Today this word is used, including as a self-determination.

To date, there is no unambiguous meaning for the word "atheist". First of all, because there is no clear definition of the concepts of "deity", "supernatural". An atheist can be either a person who does not accept the idea of ​​God as an independent and actively acting person, a creator, or a person who denies the possibility of the existence of non-material spheres, up to Buddhist concepts.

Scholars identify several ways of classifying the various currents of atheism. Atheists can be "strong" or "weak". A "strong" atheist defends the claim that gods do not exist. A weak atheist may admit the possibility of the existence of God, but denies the existence of the immaterial.

There is also a division into spontaneous and scientific atheists. Scientific atheism is based on the natural sciences, and denies the existence of the supernatural with the help of the scientific method and works with very specific data. Spontaneous atheists are not guided by scientific developments and methods, they are often skeptics or simply not interested in the non-material world and religion.

Practical atheists stand out in a separate group. They do not deny or affirm anything, but they can recognize the existence of the non-material world as meaningless and optional.

There are several prerequisites for the emergence of practical atheism:

  • Lack of interest or unfamiliarity with religious issues, movements, teachings about the supernatural and non-material.
  • Ignoring issues of a religious nature, both in theory and in practice.
  • Lack of serious motivation. The presence or absence of faith in God or something intangible practically does not affect human life. Which means that an atheist in this is practically no different from a religious person.

Video about the worldview of atheists

How many atheists are there in the world?

It is impossible to accurately calculate how many atheists there are in the world. Let's take Russia as an example. According to statistics from 2012, about 10 percent of the population regularly attends the church. Approximately the same number of people position themselves as atheists. What others believe, and whether they believe it, is hard to say.

It can be said that most of the atheists are in Western countries, where the economy is sufficiently developed. There are very few atheists in the poorest countries, sometimes their number does not exceed 1-2 percent.

In some Muslim countries, where criminal and other law is based on religious foundations (Sharia), open atheism is regarded as a rejection of the Islamic faith and is punishable by death. At the same time, one of the most religious countries is the United States, where the number of believers reaches 90 percent.

Atheists do not have a single ideology and philosophy, but there are often attempts to unite them. So, various atheistic symbols, signs, etc. periodically appear. The most famous symbol of atheists is a stylized image of an atom. Another sign of atheists is the atheistic red and black ribbon of solidarity.

What do atheists believe?

Atheists deny the existence of the non-material world. They do not believe in otherworldly forces, in gods, in something that a person cannot explain and give a suitable justification.

There is no unambiguous ideology of atheism. However, from the fact of denying the existence of God, some atheists draw a number of conclusions:

  • Each person is responsible for himself, his actions, words, thoughts. From the atheist's point of view, religious redemption or salvation is an illusion.
  • There is no hell and heaven. Therefore, there is no point in being afraid or fawning.
  • There is no omnipotent being who listens to prayers. If a person wants something to work out, he must do it on his own, not hoping for help from above.
  • There is a nature that does not have good or evil intentions towards man. There is a life to be lived.

Atheist scientists propagate the inherent value of man as such, without the intervention of external forces. And they consider human life to be valuable in itself, and not a preparation for subsequent immortality.

Every atheist has his own views and beliefs. They are united only by faith in the absence of higher and otherworldly forces actively interfering in the affairs of mankind, and the consciousness of the full responsibility of mankind for their actions.

How are atheists buried?

The funeral of atheists is held in accordance with the standards and customs of the country of residence. For example, it is enough to visit the nearest cemetery and try to determine who is in which grave, where is the believer, where is the atheist.

There are some differences in the ritual itself. The funeral of atheists takes place without the presence of a priest, without a funeral service. A cross is not erected on their grave, as well as later on a monument. There are also no other attributes characteristic, for example, of Orthodoxy: a ribbon on the forehead, an icon in the hands.

There are no secrets in how atheists are buried. Some prefer not a traditional burial in a cemetery, but cremation, followed by scattering of the ashes in memorable places.

Video about what atheists believe

Celebrity Atheists

To date, recognized atheists among celebrities are quite rare. Fashion is belonging to any confession, sect, up to neo-pagan. Interest in such sects is also spurred on by society, for which this is an alternative to traditional religions.

The first person who with full justification called himself an atheist was the French baron and philosopher Holbach. From his point of view, the Universe functions on completely materialistic foundations. Several of his writings were condemned and publicly burned in the square. However, a start was made, and over time, the number of atheists in the world only increased.

Among the famous philosophers who were agnostics or atheists, we can name Ludwig Feuerbach, Friedrich Nietzsche, Marx. In the 20th century, Marxist atheism was one of the most widespread atheistic currents in the world. According to this teaching, religion comes from the inability to explain and fight the forces of nature. A minority begins to use such fears to their advantage, resulting in a priestly class. Such was the worldview of atheists of the Marxist persuasion, to which V. I. Lenin and many Soviet philosophers and scientists belonged.

Famous atheists or agnostics are found in all spheres of human life. These are scientists, politicians and public figures, philosophers, writers, cultural figures. Among them are such famous people as the founder of biogeochemistry V. I. Vernadsky, philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell, who at various times called himself an agnostic and atheist, physicist and popularizer of a number of scientific disciplines Stephen Hawking. Among the living atheists who actively promote their views, one can single out the biologist Richard Dawkins, according to which God is nothing more than an illusion, and all agnostics can be classified as atheists, and the famous designer Artemy Lebedev.

How to become an atheist?

Before you become an atheist, you need to decide whether you really want it, and why. It is worth getting acquainted with the main religious movements, their pros and cons. If a person becomes not spontaneous, spontaneous, but a scientific atheist, it is necessary to study the corresponding natural science disciplines. In any case, it must be a completely conscious choice. Many remain agnostic, not being absolutely sure of the existence or non-existence of higher powers.

Today, many believe that children are born atheists. Until the 19th century, such a theory did not exist; it appeared with the development of freethinking. What happens at a conscious age is the result of upbringing, the external environment and one's own thoughts.

Do you consider yourself an atheist? Why did your choice become like this? Tell about it in

The religiosity index represents the percentage of the population who identify themselves as "religious" whether they visit places of worship or not, "non-religious" or a confirmed atheist.

Some interesting observations were made during the study:

1. Poor people are more religious than rich people. Low-income people are 17% more religious than high-income people.

2. Globally, the number of people identifying as religious fell by 9% from 2005 to 2011, while the number of people identifying as atheists increased by 3%.

3. Four countries experienced a drop in religiosity among the population, which increased by more than 20% between 2005 and 2012. In France and Switzerland, the number of religious people decreased by 21%, in Ireland by 22%, in Vietnam by 23%.

  • Ghana - 96% religious

According to the 2000 census, Ghana is 68.8% Christian, 15.9% Muslim, followers of traditional cults 8.5%, others 0.7%.

  • Nigeria - 93% religious

The majority of Nigerians are Muslims - more than 50%, Protestants - 33%, Catholics - 15%

  • Armenia-92% religious

In religious terms, the majority of the believing population of Armenia (94%) are Christians.

  • Fiji - 92% religious

Christians - 64.5%, Hindus - 27.9%, Muslims - 6.3%, Sikhs - 0.3%.

  • Macedonia - 90% religious

Christians are the majority in the Republic of Macedonia (64.7%), Muslims make up 33.3% of the population.

  • Romania - 89% religious

There is no official religion in Romania, but the vast majority of the population are Orthodox Christians - 86.8%.

  • Iraq - 88% religious

The majority of the Iraqi population is Muslim. According to some sources, Shiites in Iraq represent 65% of the population, Sunnis - 35%

  • Kenya - 88% religious

Religions in Kenya - Protestants 45%, Catholics 33%, Muslims 10%, Aboriginal cults 10%, other 2%.

  • Peru - 86% religious

According to the 2007 census, the religions of Peru are Catholics 81.3%, Evangelicals 12.5%, others 3.3%.

  • Brazil - 85% religious

According to the 2010 census, about 64% of the country's population are adherents of the Roman Catholic Church, about 22% of all residents profess Protestantism.

  • Ireland - 10% atheists

Christianity is the dominant religion in Ireland.

  • Australia - 10% atheists

Christianity is the predominant faith in Australia - 63.9% of the population. Religious minorities in Australia also practice Buddhism (2.1% of the population), Islam (1.7%), Hinduism (0.7%) and Judaism (0.4%). 2% percent of the population said they adhere to other religions.

  • Iceland - 10% atheists

Main denomination Iceland- Christianity - 92.2% of the total population of the country.

  • Austria - 10% atheists

Among religions in Austria the most common is Catholicism. According to the 2001 census, 73.6% of the country's population identified themselves as Catholics, 4.7% as Protestants (Lutherans)

  • Holland - 14% atheists

Holland is a secular state with no state religion. However, there is freedom of religion in the country. Historically, the country is dominated by Christianity. 43.4% identify themselves as Christians.

  • Germany - 15% atheists

The majority of Germans are Christians, making up 64% of the country's population.

  • South Korea - 15% atheists

The main religions in South Korea are traditional Buddhism and relatively recently introduced Christianity.

  • France - 29% atheists

Until recently, it was believed that France is the only country in the world where the absolute majority of the population are atheists (57%). The percentage of French atheists has decreased due to the flow of immigrants

  • Czech Republic - 30% atheists

The Czech Republic is a traditionally Catholic country. But for 40 years of communism, the Czechs have become atheists.

  • Japan - 31% atheists

Buddhists and Shintoists make up, according to some estimates, up to 84-96% of the population

  • China - 47% atheists

The main religions in China are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism.

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According to a new survey by Gallup International, the highest proportion of atheists in the world is in Chinese society, The Christian Post reports.

Gallup polls were conducted in 68 countries around the world, they involved more than 66 thousand people.

According to the study, 70% of the world's population professes one faith or another. At the same time, China has the highest proportion of non-believers - it reaches 67%, while only 9% of the Chinese are believers.

Following China on the list is Japan, where 29% of the population does not believe in God; in third place in terms of disbelief is Slovenia (28%), followed by the Czech Republic (25%) and South Korea (23%).

The polls also disproved the popular misconception about the decline of faith in Europe. It turned out that in Belgium and France, only 21% of citizens consider themselves unbelievers; in Sweden it is 18%, and in Iceland it is 17%. In Thailand, disbelief is considered a rarity - there 98% of the population believe in God.

In general, 62% of the population professes this or that faith in the world. At the same time, 74% of respondents believe that every person has a soul; 71% believe in one God; 56% believe in the existence of the Kingdom of Heaven; 54% believe in life after death and 49% believe in the existence of hell.

According to Acting President of Gallup International Vilma Scarpino (Vilma Scarpino), religion remains "an essential element of human values, spirituality and culture around the world."

“At the same time, the history of each particular country, the general level of education of the population and some other factors have a significant impact on the perception of spiritual values,” the publication quoted her as saying.

It is noted that, while the overall percentage of unbelief is still high, the number of Christians and underground Christian cottage churches in China is currently growing rapidly and persistently, despite the constant arrests of parishioners by the authorities and the state policy of persecuting Christians.

“The top leadership of the country is concerned about the rapid spread and growth of the influence of the Christian faith in China, its growing presence in public life. The Chinese Communist Party perceives with fear the fact that the number of Christians in the country has long and far exceeded the number of party members,” Bob Fu, president of ChinaAid, a Christian charity, was quoted by The Christian Post.

In the course of the struggle against the growing influence of the Christian church, the authorities raided underground cottage churches, arrested priests, knocked down crosses from the walls and domes of permitted churches, and persecuted and interrogated Christian human rights activists.


Atheism in the broadest sense is the rejection of the belief in the existence of God, in a narrower sense, the belief that God does not exist. In relation to religion, atheism is a worldview that denies religion as belief in the supernatural.

Atheism is characterized by the belief in the self-sufficiency of the natural world (nature) and in the human (not supernatural) origin of all religions. Many of those who consider themselves an atheist are skeptical of all supernatural beings, phenomena and forces, pointing to the lack of evidence for their existence. Others argue for atheism on the basis of philosophy, sociology, or history. Most atheists are supporters of secular philosophies such as humanism and naturalism. There is no single ideology or pattern of behavior common to all atheists.

The term "atheism" originated as a derogatory epithet applied to any person or doctrine that was in conflict with established religion. And only later this word began to mean a certain philosophical position. With the spread of freedom of belief, freedom of thought and conscience, scientific skepticism and criticism of religion, this term began to acquire a more specific meaning and began to be used by atheists for self-designation.

The term "atheism" originated in 16th century France, but there is evidence that ideas that today might be regarded as atheistic were already present during the times of Ancient Sumer, Ancient Egypt, the Vedic civilization and Antiquity.

A 2005 Encyclopædia Britannica study found that approximately 11.9% of people are non-religious and about 2.3% are atheists.

In 2005, the Pew Research Center investigated the attitude of Americans towards representatives of various faiths and worldviews. Sociologists have found that atheists are the least respected. 35% of Americans view them positively, 53% - negatively.

According to a 2012 Pew Research Center poll, over the past five years, the proportion of US citizens who identify themselves with no religion has increased from 15% to 20%. Share of atheists in the period 2007-2012 increased from 1.6% to 2.4%, agnostics - from 2.1% to 3.3%. Two-thirds of US citizens believe that religion in general is losing its influence on the lives of Americans.

In November - December 2006, a survey among citizens of the United States and five European countries, published in the Financial Times, showed that Americans are more likely than Europeans to believe in something supernatural (73%). Among the adult population of Europe, the Italians are more religious (62%), while the French are the least religious (27%). In France, 32% of those polled identified themselves as atheists and another 32% as agnostics.

The official poll of the European Union gave the following results: 18% of the EU population do not believe in a god, 27% admit the existence of a supernatural "spiritual life force", while 52% believe in any specific God. Among those who stopped schooling before the age of 15, the ratio of believers rises to 65%; those of the respondents who considered themselves coming from strict families are more likely to believe in God than those whose families did not have strict internal rules.

In 2007, a survey conducted by the Institute for Social Research (USA) showed that the United States is the most religious country among industrialized countries - 90% say they believe in God, 60% pray daily, 46% go to church (synagogue or mosque) weekly . The share of active believers in other industrialized countries is much lower - 4% in the UK, 8% in France, 7% in Sweden and 4% in Japan.

In 2005, the first place in the list of the 50 most atheistic countries in the world, compiled by the American College Pitzer, was Sweden (85% of the inhabitants were atheists). It was followed by Vietnam (81%), Denmark (80%), Norway (72%), Japan (65%), Czech Republic (61%), Finland (60%), France (54%), South Korea (52%) ) and Estonia (49%).

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