How to treat pneumonia in adults. Possible complications in self-medication. When can pneumonia be treated at home?

Acute pneumonia is a disease characterized by inflammatory process in the lungs. This form of pneumonia is acute, that is, the symptoms and signs of the disease make themselves felt sharply, the disease progresses very quickly. At acute inflammation high risk of death. given form disease in 70% of cases leads to death. First of all, this is due to the unformed immune system.

Unfortunately, in adults, pathology has unfavorable forecasts. It is necessary to start treatment as soon as the pathology was diagnosed, in which case it is possible to defeat the disease and avoid complications. Consider the causes and treatment acute pneumonia in adults.

The disease develops due to pathogenic microorganisms to the respiratory organ. In most cases, this happens for the following reasons:

  • According to statistics, in 80% of cases, acute pneumonia in adults occurs due to bacteria, specifically pneumococci and staphylococci. They can enter the patient's body different reasons, for example, when using the same personal hygiene items with an infected person. It should be noted that infection can occur after recovery. Incubation period pneumonia is up to 20 days.
  • The second most frequent occurrence is viral infection. AT this case, acute pneumonia occurs as a complication after influenza various etiologies or with inflammation of the adenoids.
  • AT official medicine cases were recorded when the inflammatory process respiratory organ caused by candida fungus.
  • Also, the disease can be caused by intoxication of the body, which arose due to the consumption of low-quality foods (food with mold or with pathogenic microbes such as botulism).
  • The development of the disease after an allergic reaction is less common. This is possible if the person long time contact with the allergen.

Reference! Acute pneumonia occurs more often in people with reduced immunity.

Indirect factors affecting the occurrence of the disease include the following:

  • Tobacco smoking for more than 5 years.
  • Chronic diseases of the lower respiratory tract.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Foreign body in the airways.

Reference! Also at risk are people who are forced to stay in lying position for health. Sputum stagnation occurs, which provokes acute pneumonia.

Symptoms of the disease

The clinic of acute pneumonia begins abruptly. In the morning a person can wake up in excellent health without visible signs pathology, and by the evening the symptoms develop rapidly and cause discomfort. Consider the symptoms of acute pneumonia:

  • Body temperature rises to critical levels (39-40 degrees).
  • The patient feels weakness and chills.
  • Shortness of breath is typical after any physical exertion.
  • During inhalation and exhalation, there are pain localized in the chest area.
  • There is a cough. Depending on the cause of the pathological process, the cough can be dry or wet.
  • When coughing, sputum may be separated with an admixture of pus or blood.
  • With calm breathing, wheezing is observed, which is audible even to an outsider.
  • The heart rate is higher than normal.
  • Blood pressure is below normal.


Acute pneumonia is classified according to severity. Each stage of development is characterized various symptoms and possible complications. Let's take a closer look:

  • First degree. It is characterized by standard manifestations of the disease: cough, moderate shortness of breath, fever. Purulent or sanious secretions missing. With timely therapy, the prognosis is very encouraging. You can completely get rid of the disease in 4 weeks.
  • Second degree. In addition to the standard manifestations of the disease, there is a moderate intoxication of the body. In the second degree of severity, the main complication is the acquisition chronic form diseases. Adequate and timely started therapy will help to avoid consequences. Treatment lasts up to 2 months.
  • Third degree. There is intoxication of the body. There are malfunctions respiratory system. The sputum may contain pus or blood. The disease is fraught serious complications associated with the heart. Often, against the background of intoxication, meningitis or sepsis develops.

Disease classification

Depending on the localization of inflammation, the following groups are distinguished:

  • Acute lobar pneumonia. The inflammatory process enters the lung completely. The pathological process can be observed in the right, left, or both lungs at once.
  • Acute focal pneumonia. More often occurs with concomitant diseases, for example, with bronchitis. The infection descends lower, affecting the alveoli of the lung. The inflammatory process is observed in the lower part of the respiratory organ. Acute lower lobe pneumonia (right or left) is treated in the same way as with complete organ damage.

Depending on the form of manifestation, pathology is divided into the following types:

  • Out-of-hospital. The disease manifested itself at home without suggestive signs.
  • Hospital. The disease was diagnosed in stationary conditions when the patient was treated for any other pathology. According to statistics, nosocomial pneumonia has disappointing forecasts especially when it comes to the seriously ill.
  • Aspiration. The disease arose in a bedridden patient. The cause of development is stagnation of sputum in the lungs.
  • Immunodeficiency. From the name you can understand that we are talking about people with pneumonia due to reduced immunity to a critical state. It is very difficult to cure such a disease.

Diagnosis of pathology

As soon as a person notices changes in well-being, you should immediately contact medical institution. As a rule, you first need to visit a therapist. After a series of tests and diagnostics, the patient can be referred to a specialized specialist - a pulmonologist. Diagnosis of acute pneumonia is based on the following:

  • First of all, doctors prescribe their patients to pass general analyzes blood and urine to judge the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • AT without fail x-ray required chest. As a rule, with an inflammatory process of the lung, blackouts are visible on the x-ray image in the area of ​​localization of inflammation.
  • If after the course of treatment the patient did not feel better, and the disease only worsened, it will be necessary to undergo computed tomography for a detailed examination of the respiratory organ.
  • Produce bacterial culture of separated sputum. First of all, the procedure is necessary to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial agents, as well as in order to identify the composition of the secret.

Treatment of acute pneumonia

The main therapy for acute inflammation of the respiratory organ are antibacterial drugs. As soon as they discovered pathological process recommended to start antibiotics immediately a wide range actions. As soon as the results of bacterial culture of sputum are known, antibiotics can be changed to the most appropriate ones. To make the treatment as effective as possible, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of injections. The most commonly used drug is Ceftriaxone. Also, the treatment of acute pneumonia includes the following:

  • Drugs that help thin and loose mucus naturally. These include various powders or syrups, for example, ACC or Fluditec.
  • Means that dilate the bronchi. In most cases, such drugs are prescribed for inhalation. Not bad proved drug Berodual.
  • To reduce swelling of the organs of the lower respiratory tract, antiallergic drugs are prescribed. More often prescribe drugs in tablet form - Claritin or Zirtek.
  • Since the disease significantly reduces the body's resistance and immunity, vitamin courses are shown to patients.

In addition to medicines, the patient must comply with bed rest and some rules:

  1. Take as much as possible pure water. If there are no problems with the kidneys - 2 liters per day.
  2. In addition to water, you need to drink decoctions and infusions based on berries and herbs that have natural antiseptic properties.
  3. Eat only healthy food rich in vitamins and at the same time low in calories.
  4. Carry out daily wet cleaning in the room.

Folk remedies

Therapy folk recipes prescribed in combination with the use of medications. In no case can one treat pathology alone folk remedies. Consider safe recipes, which are allowed to be taken with pneumonia, even for children:

  • 100 grams of rose hips are brewed with boiling water. The infusion is drunk throughout the day, a total of about a liter per day. The drink helps to eliminate toxins, and also has a natural antibacterial effect.
  • Put fresh or frozen cranberries in an enamel pan and fill with water. Bring to a boil and cool to a temperature of 35-37 degrees. During the day you need to drink at least a liter.

Since many disorders in the body predominate in acute pneumonia, immediately seek help from the hospital at the first symptoms. You should also be careful when persistent cough, which does not pass during the week. In no case do not try to cure the pathology on your own, this will help to avoid many complications and consequences. In a timely manner Taken measures significantly increase the chances of completely curing the disease.

Among the most insidious diseases, physicians include those ailments, the development of which occurs asymptomatically. For example, general symptoms pneumonia in adults may be absent if the disease occurs in a latent form.

Due to late treatment, treatment of patients with similar pathologies complicated by the neglected nature of the state of their respiratory system. Frequent and fatal outcomes.

Causes of pneumonia without fever and cough in adults

Pneumonia is a disease of the respiratory system in which there is inflammation of the areas lung tissue, alveolar damage and formation a large number exudate in the tissues of the body.

At certain conditions, the development of pneumonia can provoke viruses, bacteria or fungi.

In most cases, lung tissue damage occurs against the background of:

  • low immunity. decline defensive forces the body occurs as a result of irrational nutrition, poor environmental conditions, violation of the regime of work and rest, taking antibacterial drugs;
  • history of severe respiratory disease- untreated inflammation, chronic infections and their complications gradually weaken the immune system, involving the main body systems in the pathological process;
  • taking medication, overwhelming cough reflex and sputum discharge - accumulation in the body pathogenic microflora contributes to the development of infection;
  • antibiotic treatment, to which the causative agent of the disease has developed resistance - this is possible when using drugs without a doctor's prescription.

In elderly patients, a latent form of pneumonia may develop against the background of sedentary image life. Low activity respiratory functions leads to stagnation of blood in the lungs and promotes the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

In some cases, the development of a latent form of pneumonia can be caused by several etiological species at once, which greatly complicates the diagnosis of the disease.

About 7 million people die from pneumonia each year.

Symptoms and signs of pneumonia

Unlike traditional types of pneumonia, the latent form is not accompanied by cough, chest pain, or fever. The only way to detect the disease in time - pay attention to indirect signs characteristic of its course.

Doctors recommend immediately contacting a pulmonologist if the following symptoms of pneumonia are found in an adult:

  • shortness of breath, especially during periods physical activity, including walking;
  • painful spotted blush of the cheeks;
  • shortness of breath with a characteristic whistle;
  • chest pain in sudden movements and turns;
  • general weakness and drowsiness;
  • decreased or loss of appetite;
  • difficulty trying to take a deep breath;
  • frequent bouts of thirst;
  • tachycardia;
  • increased sweating.

As the disease develops, a cough, soreness in certain areas of the chest, and intense thirst may appear.

These signs cannot be regarded as the basis for accurate diagnostic conclusions. Often, minor health deviations can be manifestations of colds or viral diseases.

Men get pneumonia three times more often than women.

Features of the course of the disease

Latent pneumonia is classified as atypical, that is, a disease whose development is characterized by the absence typical signs clinical course. In this case, atypical pathogens can be bacteria, fungi or protozoa unicellular - pneumococci, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, legionella, various types of viruses, including influenza viruses, etc.

The starting point of the mechanism of the onset of pneumonia is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissues of the lungs.

The ways in which microbes enter the body can be different:

  • bronchogenic - the result of inhalation pathogenic flora from the environment;
  • hematogenous - the spread of infection through the bloodstream;
  • lymphatic - pathogens infect the body, moving along with the lymph.

Once in favorable environment, infectious agents begin to actively multiply and gradually affect areas of tissue located outside the respiratory bronchioles. This is how one or more foci of inflammation develop.

Among the factors contributing to the development of pneumonia are smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, diseases of the heart, bronchi and lungs, as well as a long time in a horizontal position.

Studies show that some forms of pneumonia may be the result of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

Methods for diagnosing latent pneumonia

Determine the latent form of pneumonia by means of visual inspection is not always possible due to lack of visible symptoms diseases. Therefore, pulmonologists use a set of diagnostic measures, both basic and additional.

The main diagnostic measures include:

  • blood tests - general to determine the quality of the blood composition, and biochemical, to assess the work of internal organs;
  • sputum culture - to determine the type of pathogen;
  • Gram sputum examination helps to identify or exclude bacterial nature pathology;
  • chest x-ray is the most informative method diagnosis of all types of pneumonia. Allows you to detect inflammatory foci in the lung tissues and assess the degree of their change;
  • Computed tomography is a method for detailed imaging of the respiratory organs.

As additional diagnostic procedures doctors use electrocardiography, urinalysis, bronchoscopy and biopsy of the lung, pleural cavity and pleura.

The final diagnostic conclusions about the type and nature of pneumonia can only be made after a thorough study of the data obtained through the study.


Features of the therapeutic effect in case of latent pneumonia are determined by the degree of development of the disease and the presence of complications. The therapy is based on drug treatment with antibiotics and physiotherapy. However, surgery may be needed to improve the patient's condition.

Medical therapy

The choice of drugs for drug treatment is made on an individual basis, taking into account the specifics of the patient's body and provides for the achievement of the following tasks:

  • complex effect on the causative agent of the disease;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes - anti-inflammatory drugs (fluoroquinolones, penicillins, macrolides, carbopenems);
  • restoration of respiratory functions, cleansing of the bronchi and sputum withdrawal - expectorants (Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Eufillin), rubbing ointments;
  • increased immunity - immunomodulators, vitamin complexes;
  • elimination of symptoms - taking antipyretic and pain medications.

Patients with pneumonia are contraindicated in physical activity and motor activity.

Minimum treatment course with atypical pneumonia, according to the WHO protocol, is 14 days.


The use of surgical intervention for pneumonia is indicated in cases of development of such severe complications as abscess, pulmonary gangrene, pleurisy, empyema.

The surgical intervention involves the installation of drainage systems for patients to ensure the outflow of purulent contents from the lungs, as well as the removal of necrotic tissues.

Folk remedies for pneumonia

With skillful use, traditional medicine able to provide effective help in the treatment of pneumonia. According to pulmonologists, the use of folk remedies is relevant only in combination with traditional therapeutic measures.

Among the most effective traditional medicine:

  • thyme infusion- two tablespoons of herbs in a glass of boiling water. They insist four hours. Take half a cup three times a day;
  • fig drink. Two fruits are boiled in a glass of milk for several minutes. Take a portion after a meal;
  • decoction of willow-tea. A teaspoon of herbs is brewed in a glass of water, kept for about an hour. Take two large sips three times a day before meals. Course 10 days;
  • pine bud syrup. Young pine buds are poured with sugar in a glass container, covered with gauze, and kept in the sun for several days, shaking occasionally. Take a tablespoon three times a day. Store in a dark place. Shelf life one year;
  • compress from cottage cheese or potatoes. A small portion of warmed cottage cheese or hot boiled potatoes is mixed with honey and placed on the chest before going to bed. Then they carefully wrap themselves up and drink a cup of diaphoretic tea (with linden or raspberry). In the morning, remove the compress, take a shower and change clothes. If yellow or green spots appear on the curd after the compress, this is a sign of a severe form of pneumonia;
  • aloe with honey. Grind a few leaves of aloe and mix with an equal amount of honey. Take a spoonful before meals;
  • nuts with honey. Ground nuts are mixed with an equal amount of honey. Take a spoonful before meals.

Despite the overall effectiveness of folk remedies, it is impossible to completely cure pneumonia with their help. Recommendations traditional healers should be considered as additional measures to improve the patient's condition.

Consequences and complications of the disease

The likelihood of complications in occult pneumonia is quite high, since the diagnosis is confirmed by later dates the course of the disease.

In most cases, advanced forms of the disease lead to damage to the bronchopulmonary and cardiac systems:

  • decrease in lung volume;
  • the formation of sclerotic areas in the lung tissues;
  • the development of pleurisy;
  • the formation of voids in the lungs;
  • accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity.

Against the backdrop of AIDS, tuberculosis and other severe pathologies, latent pneumonia is complicated by the development of sepsis and multiple organ failure. In 35% of cases, patients with such complications cannot be saved.

A favorable prognosis of the disease is possible only with intensive care relevant antibacterial drugs with subsequent preventive support of the body.

Preventive measures

Even after complete recovery, patients need to maintain a good body condition to avoid recurrence of pneumonia. The main preventive recommendations of pulmonologists are a healthy lifestyle.

For this you need:

  • give up bad habits- smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • ensure balanced diet by introducing more fruits and vegetables, seafood, greens, as well as nuts and seeds into the diet;
  • normalize the microclimate in the house - ventilate the rooms, regularly do wet cleaning;
  • Limit contact with sick people public transport, at work;
  • support physical form and stable weight;
  • take care of timely and full sleep;
  • refuse self-medication, consult a doctor in time and undergo an annual examination.

There are also special preventive measures- Vaccination is indicated for patients with a weakened body, as a way to increase resistance to pneumococci.

Any medical measures should be carried out only on the recommendation and under the full supervision of doctors. The accuracy of the implementation of medical recommendations is the key to a complete recovery and restoration of strength.

Pneumonia is a severe infectious and inflammatory disease, which is an inflammation of all structures of the lung tissue and lower respiratory tract (bronchi, alveoli, bronchioles). It is both infectious and bacterial in nature.

The goals of alternative treatment of pneumonia

Treating pneumonia at home is common in modern world. Many people refuse hospitalization due to personal circumstances or attend a day hospital. It is recommended to treat pneumonia on your own only after consultation with a specialist and complete diagnosis diseases.

The main course of therapy is prescribed by the attending physician or pulmonologist. Along with antibiotic therapy The treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies and methods is widely used.

Traditional medicine uses treatment with herbs, plants and fruits. Recipes are passed down from generation to generation, published in periodicals and books, and therefore it will not be difficult for an adult to find methods suitable for themselves.

Treatment with folk remedies involves individual approach, it is necessary to take into account the possible allergic reactions existing chronic diseases.

The main symptom of pneumonia is a persistent dry cough (increased at night) without sputum discharge, combined with high body temperature. After a few days, as mucus forms in the lungs, the cough becomes wet. Often, against its background, there is pain in the muscles of the chest, breathing becomes difficult. This is caused by overexertion of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

The use of alternative methods of treating pneumonia in adults is designed to achieve the following goals:

  1. Expectorant effect (removal of bronchial secretions from the lungs).
  2. Mucolytic effect (sputum thinning).
  3. Removal of inflammation.
  4. Antipyretic action (using the diaphoretic properties of herbs).
  5. Relief of breathing.
  6. Enhance immunity.

Basic recipes include:

In pharmacies, there are ready-made herbal antitussive preparations. At home, with the availability of ingredients, it is easier to prepare a folk remedy on your own.

Effective antitussive decoctions and drinks

To achieve anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, expectorant and immunomodulatory effects, treatment methods are used based on the use of the following components:

The name of the tincture (decoction) Cooking method Application
Clove and garlic tincture Mix 5 clove buds with 3 cloves of garlic, boil in 0.2 l of water with red wine (0.2 l) Take hot. After recommended bed rest.
Decoction of oatmeal 1 st. grains + 1 clove of garlic put in 2 liters of milk and cook, reducing the heat, for at least 2 hours 1 glass at night
Althea infusion 20 g of marshmallow leaves pour 0.25 liters of boiling water, let it brew under the lid and clean the mixture 3 times a day for 3 tsp.
Collection of coltsfoot with chamomile Mix coltsfoot, chamomile and oregano in a ratio of 2:2:1 and pour boiling water (0.5 l) 3 times a day, 0.1 l
Milk and honey 6 tsp honey stir in a glass of warmed milk drink at night
Milk and ginger little piece ginger root chop, pour into 1.5 liters of milk, boil for 1 minute Drink warm milk 2-3 times a day
Garlic and milk Dip 1 clove of garlic in 900 ml of milk, adding 2 tsp. butter, cook 5 minutes Drink warm 1 teaspoon
Radish juice Cut a few black radishes into slices, sprinkle with sugar, wait for the juice to separate Take 3 tsp. juice 4 times a day
Motherwort infusion Combine 20 g of motherwort herb with 1 glass of water, boil, let it brew, clean the mixture Take 6 tsp. 4 times a day
Tincture of garlic Grate 10 garlic heads, dip in 1 liter of vodka, let it brew in a dark place for 1 week 3 times a day for ½ tsp.
A decoction of rowan and wild rose 9 tsp ground berries + 0.5 l of water, boil for 10 minutes Daily 4-5 times a day instead of water
Infusion of pine buds 3 tsp ready mix ( pine buds, sage leaves, licorice root) + 2 cups of water, boil and cool Drink 1 week several times a day
Decoction of thyme 0.2 liters of water pour 1 tbsp. l. thyme, boil for 10 minutes, strain and dilute with clean water Take 6 times a tablespoon
Milk with figs Dip 2 figs in 1 glass of milk, cook for 20 minutes Take a teaspoon once a day

An excellent folk remedy for pneumonia is the use of herbal teas from linden, raspberry, elderberry and oregano. These methods are well suited for both adults and the elderly.

Compresses and lotions

These treatments are used before bed. Heat dilates blood vessels and activates pulmonary circulation. To prepare the compress, bandages, plastic wrap (protects against leaks) and a towel (for insulation) are used.

The process of preparing and conducting a compress is as follows:

Inhalations at home

Inhalation is the inhalation of vapors of medicines through the mouth or nose. Causes liquefaction and rapid discharge of sputum. An additional plus is the removal of inflammation and swelling.

Inhalation is advisable to do in the absence of temperature. Duration of therapy: 3 times a day for no more than 1 week.

Pneumonia is treated with inhalation in the following ways:

This method of treating pneumonia at home is contraindicated for allergy sufferers, people with nosebleeds and purulent discharge.

Preparation of natural ointments for pneumonia

Massage can help treat pneumonia at home more effectively. Rubbing medicinal ointments aimed at strengthening pulmonary circulation and improved expectorant effect. This manipulation is best done at night and combined with hot drinks (tea with honey, linden).

The composition of the ointment Mode of application
To warm a mixture of 50 g of propolis and 50 ml of sunflower oil, strain and chill Rub chest and back 2 times a day
badger fat Rub into the skin of the back before going to bed, wrap the patient
goat fat Heat a small amount of fat, pour in honey and rub the patient's feet and back
honey rub At night, apply honey on the chest and back.
goose fat Melt fat, mix with 6 tsp. vodka and rub your chest
pork fat Make a mixture of 3 tablespoons of fat, honey and vodka

What else can be used for a warming effect? Along with animal fats, rubbing with vodka is widely used, vegetable oils(cedar, fir, pine).

Because pneumonia is a disease severe course, capable of causing dangerous complications(pleurisy, meningitis, heart disease, pulmonary edema, and others) and is recurrent, it is advisable to take preventive measures and follow the following recommendations:

It is important to observe the correct drinking regimen (3 liters of fluid per day), bed rest, organize high-calorie nutrition and vitamins.

Remember that self-treatment in acute form of pneumonia is dangerous to health.

Some folk remedies? Definitely not. Folk methods should be used in combination with antibacterial drugs prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist can establish accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Acute infectious pathology, which is characterized by damage to the lung tissue, is called pneumonia. This disease is better known as pneumonia. There are many varieties of the disease. And all the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult depend on the form of pathology. Understanding such a subtle nuance is an effective key to its treatment.

Brief description of the disease

Pneumonia develops if an infectious-inflammatory process localized in the respiratory system extends to connective tissues lungs and alveoli. Of course, this greatly affects the functioning of the body. Indeed, in the alveoli, some of the fibrin and blood are sweating. The patient has difficulty breathing normally, a violation of gas exchange develops.

The disease can manifest itself in different ways. The symptoms of pneumonia in an adult depend on the area of ​​​​the lesion and the localization of the focus. Sometimes intoxication develops. Blood clotting may be impaired, bronchial patency worsens.

Despite the rapid development modern medicine pathology is quite common. And even today it can lead to death. Therefore, you should know the symptoms of pneumonia in an adult. After all, it is very important to identify the disease in a timely manner and begin adequate treatment.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Basically, pneumonia occurs due to exposure to microorganisms:

  • bacteria (streptococci, pneumococci);
  • viruses (causative agents of influenza, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses);
  • fungi (aspergillus, histoplasma).

In addition to the above, in the development of pathology can take part special types: legionella, chlamydia, mycoplasma. It is the latter group that provokes the development of atypical pneumonia in adults.

But even if the pathogen enters the body, a person will not necessarily develop a pathology. Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult will appear only if there are factors that reduce immunity.

These include:

  • any chronic pathologies(diseases of the urinary system, blood circulation, oncology, liver diseases, HIV infection);
  • bad habits;
  • mechanical injuries in the lung area;
  • complete immobility, prolonged hypodynamia;
  • malnutrition (lack of minerals, vitamins);
  • professional hazards;
  • exhausting physical activity;
  • fatigue, neurosis, chronic stress;
  • elderly age;
  • taking certain medications (immunosuppressants, chemotherapy, hormonal drugs);
  • penetration of chemical agents into Airways.

General signs of the disease

Symptoms of pneumonia in an adult are divided into:

  • typical (pulmonary);
  • atypical (extrapulmonary).

Of course, self-diagnosing an ailment at home is very problematic. However, if you know common features, which manifest dangerous pathology, then it is quite possible to distinguish it from the banal ARVI.

But it should be understood that the following are common symptoms of pneumonia in an adult.

So to pulmonary signs include:

  1. Cough. Often it is wet, with the presence of copious sputum. However, the elderly may experience dry.
  2. Dyspnea. Its occurrence is associated with physical activity. As a rule, it is moderate.
  3. Pain. Patients feel severe discomfort in the sternum, exactly in the place where the inflammation occurred. When pneumonia is located in lower sections lungs, a person feels symptoms of irritation of the diaphragm. Pain occurs in the abdomen.
  4. Wheezing, rapid breathing are heard.
  5. In case of effusion in pleural cavity the patient has fluid sharp pain aggravated by coughing, shortness of breath, severe discomfort with movement, or deep breath. In some cases, a violation of hemodynamics may develop: pressure will decrease, the pulse will become more frequent, and hypoxia will develop.
  6. The nasolabial triangle acquires a bluish tint.

Like many infectious pathologies, pneumonia leads to intoxication. In this case, extrapulmonary signs are observed.

These include:

  • hyperthermia;
  • worsening condition: loss of strength, weakness, fatigue;
  • headache, discomfort in the joints and muscles.

However, it should be understood that the clinical picture will be quite diverse in a pathology such as pneumonia. Symptoms in adults, treatment depend on many factors. Among which: the causative agent, the mechanism of the development of the disease, the conditions for the onset and course of the disease, the spread of the process, the presence of complications, the severity.

Types of pathology

There are several classifications. Let's consider some of them.

If we take into account the causative agent of the disease, then the following types of pneumonia are distinguished:

  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • mycoplasma;
  • fungal;
  • mixed.

According to the mechanism of development, the disease is classified as follows:

  • primary ( independent disease respiratory system);
  • secondary (complication of some pathologies);
  • post-traumatic;
  • postoperative;
  • infarction-pneumonia (provoked by an embolism pulmonary arteries or thrombosis).

According to the prevalence of the inflammatory process, pneumonia can be:

  • one-sided;
  • bilateral.

Depending on the course of the disease, the following forms are distinguished:

  • acute;
  • protracted;
  • chronic.

Classification by predominant lesion:

  • parenchymal pneumonia (croupous, lobar);
  • focal (bronchopneumonia, lobular);
  • pathology with damage to the connective tissue.

Consider the most common types. Let us analyze what causes pneumonia symptoms in adults, the treatment of the disease and the main features of the pathology.

viral disease

This pathology has its own characteristics. However, in pure form it is extremely rare. In adults, viral-bacterial pneumonia is most often diagnosed.

As a rule, pathology is a complication of SARS, influenza. If diagnosed viral pneumonia symptoms in adults are as follows:

  • muscle pain;
  • runny nose, nasal congestion;
  • fever;
  • general fatigue;
  • headache;
  • cough with whitish transparent sputum;
  • chills;
  • pain in the sternum, aggravated by deep inspiration, coughing.

Asymptomatic pneumonia

In some cases, inflammation of the lungs can be observed, which is manifested by almost no signs. This pathology is characterized as a latent form of the disease.

Pneumonia without symptoms in an adult - dangerous state. As a result of the absence characteristic features the necessary treatment is not carried out. And this, in turn, can lead to quite unpleasant consequences.

In addition, a person does not even suspect that he is contagious, and leads a normal life. The danger lies in the fact that it continues to infect the surrounding people.

A latent form of pneumonia can develop as a result of reduced immunity, taking certain medications (antitussive drugs, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids).

Nevertheless, pathology can be suspected by the following symptoms:

  • pallor of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • shortness of breath
  • rapid pulse;
  • fatigue, weakness;
  • unusual blush;
  • wheezing breath.

Croupous pneumonia

In pathology, an entire lobe of the lung is affected. Sometimes inflammation covers several lobes. Development lobar pneumonia caused by pneumococcus. The causative agent is highly pathogenic. Therefore, there are severe symptoms pneumonia in adults: with fever, intoxication of the body.

The following signs of the disease are characteristic:

  • chills;
  • hyperthermia (up to 39 degrees Celsius);
  • cough (the first 2 days - dry);
  • pain in the sternum of a stabbing character;
  • "rusty" sputum due to streaks of blood (appears on day 3);
  • difficult shallow breathing.

In case of complication of the pathology, skin hyperemia, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle, herpetic rash on the chin, cheeks, nose, pressure decrease, wheezing in the chest are observed.

Focal pneumonia

This ailment is characterized by a gradual, inconspicuous onset. In this case, symptoms of pneumonia are observed in adults with a temperature of 38-39 degrees.

The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the temperature rises to febrile;
  • weakness;
  • cough with phlegm;
  • sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest when inhaling, coughing;
  • hard breathing;
  • acrocyanosis.

Atypical form of the disease

Sometimes there are symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without fever. This form is provoked by atypical microorganisms:

  • mycoplasma;
  • legionella;
  • chlamydia.

SARS can also be caused by viruses, fungi, and protozoa. The symptoms of pneumonia in an adult without fever are very similar to a cold.

The main signs of the disease:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • headache;
  • stuffy nose, runny nose;
  • dry cough, much worse at night;
  • sore throat;
  • shortness of breath, wheezing;
  • nausea, vomiting.

However, if the pathology is provoked by the Legionella microorganism, then the temperature may rise. Pathology is characterized coughing. A slightly different clinic is observed if pneumonia is provoked by chlamydia, mycoplasmas. Symptoms in adults without fever are a characteristic manifestation of such a pathology.

This form of the disease is subject to:

  • smokers;
  • living in common enclosed spaces(barracks, hostel);
  • people with weakened immune systems;
  • patients suffering from chronic lung diseases;
  • children;
  • young people.

Radical pneumonia

This is a very serious form of pathology. Symptoms of hilar pneumonia in adults may not appear for a long time. However, this often leads to dangerous consequences. The insidiousness of pathology lies in the difficulty of diagnosis. After all, the focus of inflammation is localized at the root of the lung.

The disease proceeds much brighter than a simple pathology. It should not be forgotten that radical pneumonia is very dangerous. Symptoms and treatment in adults should be observed by a doctor. After all, at wrong therapy high risk of complications.

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • wheezing in the lungs;
  • severe cough (dry or with a lot of sputum);
  • fever, not straying medicines;
  • discomfort in the throat, perspiration;
  • runny nose;
  • weakness, chills.

The main method of combating pathology is antibiotic therapy. If the treatment is chosen correctly, then already for 2-3 days the patient becomes much easier. Often used and physiotherapy.

Treatment of the disease

The approach to the fight against the disease should be comprehensive. The mainstay of treatment is antibiotics. Preference is given penicillin drug. However, in some cases, other medications may be prescribed.

The most popular antibiotics used to treat pneumonia are:

  • "Augmentin".
  • "Amoxicillin".
  • "Cefazolin".
  • "Amoxiclav".
  • "Cefatoxime".
  • "Azithromycin".

In addition, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. Expectorants are recommended to the patient restorative means, antipyretic drugs. Depending on the form of the pathology, mucolytic, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed.

If symptoms characteristic of a form such as SARS are observed in adults without fever, then antibiotics are selected depending on the bacteria that caused the disease. As a rule, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • "Erythromycin".
  • "Azithromycin".
  • "Tetracycline".


Any form of pneumonia today is successfully cured. But the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and fully comply with the treatment prescribed by him. Implementation of such simple rules will give fast recovery. Health to you!

Pneumonia is a disease so common that almost everyone hears about it. Either the person himself, or someone from his environment, must have met her. So what is the best way to treat pneumonia, as it is also called, and which medicines for pneumonia are safer, which ones should not be abandoned in any case.

As practice has shown, both one and the lungs can be affected, and the perpetrators of infection, most often, are bacteria, fungi and viruses. It is they, when they enter the body, that provoke the onset of the disease, and in the past, before the first antibiotic was invented, death from pneumonia was one third of all visits to the doctor.

To date, the situation has improved, new methods of treatment, drugs have appeared, to diagnose left-sided, or right-sided pneumonia became easier.

But, despite all the innovations, to this serious and insidious disease should be taken very seriously.

Until now, doctors do not discount pneumonia when we are talking about dangerous and deadly diseases. It is also alarming that viruses, transforming and mutating, continue to infect the lungs. The respiratory system, the nasopharynx, is the first obstacle in the way of viruses, and, taking a hit, the body does not always succeed in repelling the attack. Therefore, it is so important to identify it and understand how and how to treat pneumonia in adults, only timely appeal a specialist can guarantee effective treatment.


There are several ways, and the simplest and most common is airborne. The secretions that come from a person affected by viruses, freely penetrate to a healthy one, and, under certain conditions, begin destructive work.

Bacteria and viruses that cause disease can be present in the body but suppressed by the immune system. The state in which it plays a decisive role, whether a person gets sick or not, being a carrier and getting sick is not the same thing.

Only with hypothermia, or with a general weakening of the body for various reasons, the activity of viruses and bacteria increases.


There is no single clinical picture, which would give an unambiguous conclusion that it is pneumonia, drugs can be prescribed against the flu, and the patient's condition is only getting worse. it dangerous situation, having launched the disease, it is already difficult to curb it without consequences for the body. As a rule, this is fraught with complications and hospitalization.

There is a variant of the asymptomatic course of the disease, when there is no fever, cough, there is minimal resistance to the virus. But most often observed the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • fever;
  • cough;
  • chest pain;
  • color change skin, cyanosis;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dyspnea;
  • heat.

In the pleural form, particularly acute pain occurs, and this makes a person see a doctor. The pain is localized precisely in the area where the focus of inflammation. In cases where the infection directly affects the respiratory tract, penetrates deep into the lung, there is not even a slight cough. Cyanosis may occur, in which the complexion also changes, the head hurts a lot, some lose consciousness.


It is quite difficult to suspect pneumonia on your own, as a rule, the first suspicions arise from the doctor, and he sends the patient for examination. It depends on the accuracy and timing of the diagnosis, how long the disease will last, how difficult it is, and what medicine will be prescribed.

The main tool that allows to determine the disease and its degree with a sufficiently high accuracy is fluoroscopy. The pictures clearly show inflammatory focus, and it can be both shared and have an extensive area of ​​​​damage.

The study of sputum also gives a good idea of ​​the course of the disease, it departs when coughing. The study establishes the presence of bacteria and viruses in it, this allows you to establish the nature of pneumonia. An important factor is the time at which sputum will be transferred to the laboratory for research, later testing affects the quality and accuracy.

A blood test is also able to show what condition the patient is in, since the presence of a large number blood bodies white color indicates the presence of bacteria and viruses.

If you suspect serious violations in the work of the lungs they carry out an unpleasant, but effective procedure- bronchoscopy. The bronchi are studied in this case deeply, and there is the possibility of taking the content from the focus of inflammation. Only in this way can it be determined that a large amount of liquid has accumulated, it is removed by piercing lung large needle. In some, more complex cases, surgery may be necessary.


With pneumonia in adults, first of all, the degree and severity of the disease should be determined. It depends on where the treatment will be carried out, at home, or in a hospital, since in difficult cases pneumonia is treated only under the supervision of doctors.

There are three forms:

  • focal;
  • segment;
  • total.

If the patient is diagnosed with the last two forms, then such a disease is treated only in a hospital setting. This is due to the fact that not only the daily supervision of a doctor is required, but also the possible connection of equipment related to the improvement of respiratory activity.

It is necessary to take antibiotics, and for any form of pneumonia. To cure inflammation without their use seems to be an extremely problematic task. And even antibiotics eventually fail in the fight against it, for example, all penicillin group does not affect viruses and bacteria. They developed a strong defense and became resistant to this drug. Only new generation antibiotics are able to localize the infection, for example, Amoxicillin helps to cope.

Since fungi often become the cause of the development of the disease, sulfur-containing drugs are used to block them for the treatment of pneumonia.

A good effect is provided by drugs such as:

  • Cephalosporin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • clavulanate;
  • Levofloxacin;
  • Sulfamethoxazole.

Cases are known where complex treatment. If the infection is caused by rhinorotoviruses or influenza, then it is mandatory to add antiviral drugs. fungal forms inflammations require a different approach, and after accurately determining the type of fungus, a drug is used that acts specifically on this pathogen illness.

Bicilin-5 copes well with the infection, and with a course of 10 days it helps to cure the patient completely.


Many consider the main problem to be the fact that the treatment was not started on time, and this leads to significant disruptions in the work of not only the respiratory system, but the whole organism as a whole. Only a timely visit to the doctor and accurate diagnosis can give a guarantee that the patient will not receive a number of complications, there will be no death.

Since the result can only be achieved with complex therapy, only a qualified doctor can choose the right treatment regimen and a list of medicines. Self-treatment comparable to the lottery, where the chance of recovery is equal to the percentage of the lucky winners of the winning ticket.

The duration of therapy in the absence of complications is about 4 weeks. Often the cause of the complication is the situation when the patient is relieved after the main colony of viruses or bacteria is suppressed. This is perceived as a recovery, and the person stops all procedures, stops taking medications.

Therefore, so often the inflammation resumes after a few weeks, and the process moves in a circle. When the intake of the drug is stopped, the dose of the active ingredient is reduced, pathogens feel relaxed and multiply freely. It is according to this scheme that chronic infections develop, which are most often incurable.

A prerequisite is the exact following of the instructions for taking the drugs, the recommendations of the doctor and the observance of important diets, bed rest.

If bed rest is not observed, the body has to expend additional forces on movement, performing certain work, and this is very difficult during the period of illness, it will be quite difficult to achieve recovery.

It is possible to supplement the treatment of pneumonia with folk remedies, but in no case should they replace a full-fledged therapy. The doctor will give recommendations which of these remedies are suitable for the particular patient who turned to them.

  1. Dieting. The food should be free from large amounts of carbohydrates, such as are found in cakes, sweets and rolls;
  2. Fatty foods require additional body strength. By excluding it, or reducing it to a minimum, we will help activate the energy reserves of the body;
  3. Enrich your diet large quantity fruits. They play the role of neutralizing bacteria;
  4. Drink plenty of fluids. Toxic Substances removed from the body and neutralized. During the day, drink milk, mineral water, tea with lemon, various juices;
  5. Simple and energy-saving exercises are possible, which are recommended in the second phase of the disease;
  6. Refrain from staying on the affected side, especially during sleep. This can make it difficult for the lungs to function.

The opinion that antibiotics are harmful has spread, and sometimes interferes with doctors, as some refuse to take them. Only a doctor can answer the question of how to treat pneumonia, taking the recommended remedies will help the body cope with the disease, and relying on dubious recipes, or hoping that this will pass is extremely unreasonable.

Folk remedies

A remedy for pneumonia, which is especially helpful. A decoction of raisins can be prepared independently. Grind half a glass, and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes and drink throughout the day. Dried figs are poured with milk and boiled over low heat for about 30 minutes. Drink 2 glasses a day, these remedies will help relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Not really

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