Sedentary spermatozoa - how to overcome infertility. How to increase sperm motility - what to do with low sperm activity

Have you been living with a girl for more than two years without protection, but still no pregnancy? Has your partner gone through a lot of examinations and claims to be healthy? So the man needs to be tested. Having passed the spermogram, a person can immediately find out what the problem is. If the cause of infertility is low sperm motility, a man who wants to become a father will have to completely change his lifestyle, take special drugs and vitamins for a long time.

Why does sperm motility decrease?

A pathology in which sperm activity decreases is called stenozoospermia by specialists. It is not isolated into a separate disease, it can be combined with teratozoospermia - the production of an excessive amount of atypical sperm. Lead to deterioration in sperm quality:

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Injuries, bruises of the genital organs, surgical operations on the pelvic organs.
  • Congenital pathologies of the prostate, testes, vas deferens.
  • Genetic mutations in sperm.
  • Varicocele, stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic organs.
  • Violation of the temperature regime - hypothermia or severe overheating of the testicles.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the genitourinary system.

Sedentary work of a man has a negative effect on sperm motility. Also, the activity of spermatozoa in a person working in the chemical industry, in the oil refining industry, under radiation or radiation exposure is reduced.

A smoking man has a lower number of motile sperm than a man who has never taken cigarettes in his mouth. If a man abuses alcohol, his blood vessels are destroyed, the brain ages prematurely and the parts of the nervous system responsible for laying the genetic material die off.

A natural decline in sperm motility occurs with age. More precisely, a man over the age of 50 will naturally have only 25-30% of active livestock.

When a laboratory assistant conducts a sperm motility test, he counts the number of sperm that move actively in a straight line, takes into account those live ones that do not move at all or make a “run in place”. It is normal to have more than half of the motile sperm moving straight ahead. If there are less than 29% of such spermatozoa in the ejaculate, the man is shown treatment that will improve the quality of sperm.

Medical increase in sperm activity

Of course, if the reason for the decrease in sperm activity is in a certain disease, you need to start with its elimination. With infections of the genital organs, the urologist prescribes to the patient the intake of antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs.

If a man has diabetes, he needs to regulate the level of sugar in the blood, achieving a constant normal balance, otherwise the blood vessels crumbling due to sugar will not allow sperm to move normally.

But there are situations when a man is, in principle, absolutely healthy, and his sperm are inactive. In such cases, a special treatment for sperm motility is prescribed, which includes diet and medication.


Preparations for the normalization of spermatogenesis are prescribed in a complex manner. To improve blood circulation, vasotropic drugs, blood-thinning drugs, drugs to strengthen blood vessels are indicated. These include:

  • Trental. Stabilizes venous outflow, reduces capillary fragility, improves metabolism in the vascular wall.
  • Actovegin. A natural medicine based on the blood of calves. Improves blood composition, relieves thrombosis, normalizes cholesterol.

Long-term use of these drugs helps to improve the functioning of the prostate, increase the performance of the seminal vesicles.

To stimulate the production of zinc and improve the quality of sperm, men are prescribed:

  • Speroton.
  • SpermoPlant.
  • Tribestan.
  • Zincteral.

These medicines are taken to improve sperm motility. Basically, each drug consists of an optimal set of natural ingredients: an extract of argyrea roots, orchis, tribulation, velvet bean seeds, leptademia stems and others. In combination, they have a stimulating effect on the prostate gland, improving the production of a secret that helps sperm move normally.

In addition, with the help of these drugs, cellular metabolism is normalized, the permeability of the cell membrane improves, and immunity increases. For example, Tribestan is used to treat immunological infertility, normalize erection and eliminate asthenozoospermia.

How to Increase Sperm Motility Naturally

hormone therapy

Hormonal imbalance, increased production of female hormones, lack of testosterone also lead to a decrease in the mobility of livestock. In this case, a sexologist may recommend taking drugs for sperm motility that stimulate testosterone production:

  • . Helps restore testosterone production even in the presence of anatomical deficiencies that led to loss of fertility.
  • Proviron. Stimulates the production of male hormones, increases the functionality of the gonads, normalizes potency.

With a low level of gonadotropic hormones, the regulation of gonadal activity worsens, the production of secrets and nutrients necessary for sperm maturation is disrupted. Such problems are noted in men with a cystic formation on the pituitary gland or underdevelopment of this gland, as well as in patients who have had a head injury. Deficiency of chorionic gonadotropin leads to the fact that although sperm are produced, they have poor mobility or a violation of the trajectory of movement.

To normalize the hormonal background, the following gonadotropins are prescribed:

  • Menogol.
  • Pregnyl.
  • Profazi.

Before increasing sperm motility, you need to make sure that stimulating therapy for androgen deficiency is required. To do this, a man needs to donate blood for hormones and determine which elements are not enough for normal spermatogenesis.


Every man with asthenozoospermia is prescribed vitamin E. It has a beneficial effect on the sex glands, stimulating the production of healthy active sperm. Vitamin E normalizes regeneration processes, helps to improve reproductive function.

  1. Zinc in its pure form is essential for the production of testosterone. In addition, without zinc, germ cells will not be able to ripen. With the help of this substance, it is possible to achieve an increase in the volume of seminal fluid and improve its composition.
  2. With a decrease in the activity of livestock, a man must definitely take vitamin C. It stabilizes the processes of thickening / liquefaction of sperm, which are necessary for the normal permeability of spermatozoa through the vaginal mucosa.
  3. To normalize the production of germ cells, men are shown folic acid. Not only does sperm production decrease without this vitamin, but the risk of developing genetic material with mutations and genetic abnormalities increases.

With a lack of selenium, testosterone production decreases. In this case, the man's fertility worsens. It is necessary to drink selenium for those who want not only to increase the number of active sperm, but also to avoid the appearance of underdeveloped, atypical gums.

Vitamins for sperm motility can be taken individually or in special complexes. Men with asthenozoospermia are prescribed:

  • Gerimaks with ginseng.
  • Magne B6 + Selenium + Zinc.
  • Verona.

If a man wants, he can not only drink vitamins, but also completely change his diet, adhering to a vitamin diet that helps to increase the mobility of livestock.

Of course, it is possible to improve the quality of seminal fluid by using herbs to improve sperm motility. But we must remember that alternative treatment only complements the traditional one. Most popular recipes:

Before you increase sperm motility with products containing bee products, you need to find out if a man is allergic to honey.


Weak potency, a flaccid penis, the absence of a long-term erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man get a stable erection for sex, but they all have their drawbacks and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules not only help to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as a prevention and accumulation of male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

How to increase the activity of livestock with nutrition

It is believed that it is better to get vitamins from food, and not from synthetic drugs. To replenish vitamin C and restore normal spermatogenesis, a man can eat:

Peas normalize the pH of seminal fluid, which helps to increase sperm motility. Asparagus, beans, and other legumes have the same effect.

Men need to constantly eat natural dairy products. It is not in vain that they offer to feed the husband with sour cream in order to achieve the appearance of offspring. Dairy products and meat contain L-carnitine. According to recent studies, this vitamin helps increase sperm activity by 4 times.

To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, you need to eat food rich in omega-3 acids. These are shrimps, mussels, oysters, crabs, seaweed and other seafood, nuts and seeds.

If low sperm motility is caused by a lack of zinc, a man needs to add the following foods to his diet:

  • Spinach.
  • Eggs.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Red meat (especially beef and turkey).
  • Sprouted wheat, rye.
  • Liver.
  • Corn.

To compensate for the lack of folic acid, a man needs to eat cabbage, green apples, cucumbers, avocados, greens. You can build your diet so that each dish will include onions, onions or greens.

Lifestyle change

It is clear to every person that if a man smokes, moves a little, still visits a hot bath or bathes in a hot bath, he may never restore sperm motility, which corresponds to the norm. If a couple is seriously concerned about the appearance of offspring, a man will have to completely reconsider his lifestyle. To improve reproductive function, it is necessary to play sports:

In order not to expose the scrotum to temperature tests, it is necessary to wear underpants made of natural fabrics, to abandon tight synthetic underwear. In winter, wear tights under trousers.

  • Increased irritability;
  • Lack of desire;
  • flaccid erection;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! and find out how experts recommend treating...

Sperm motility is determined by means of a spermogram. This is an analysis that helps determine a man's ability to conceive and check his general condition. Any deviations can affect the fertilization process or completely lead to infertility. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, two partners need to be tested. How to increase sperm motility in a short time should be decided with a competent specialist.

The need for an analysis

If a young couple is completely healthy and is about to conceive a child, this process will take approximately 3 months. In most cases, pregnancy occurs within the first six months without the use of contraception. If, after a year, conception has not occurred, it is necessary to pass tests. At the same time, not only a woman, but also a man should be checked. After examining the sperm, the doctor can give a complete conclusion about the state of health and the possibility of conception. If there is low mobility, you will have to identify the root cause and deal with the complex elimination of the problem.

Unfortunately, not all men seek to visit a specialist's consultation. Therefore, conception may not occur for many years. It should be understood that the inability to fertilize the egg is a pathological process. In the absence of pregnancy, men begin to blame the woman for this. But this should not be done, because it does not always depend on her. You just need to go through a joint examination. Indeed, in most cases, the problem lies in the man.

What to do if low sperm motility is detected? To do this, you need to follow some basic rules. These include the following:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • minimization of stressful situations;
  • treatment of concomitant diseases;
  • establishing a healthy lifestyle;
  • the correct rhythm of sexual relations.

These recommendations have little effect on the increase in sperm motility. They are preventive measures. For the appointment of high-quality and proper treatment, a man needs to undergo a complete examination. After all, the problem may be hiding in the presence of a serious concomitant disease.

In some cases, an increase in sperm motility occurs with the normalization of lifestyle and nutrition. This is an individual process, so the treatment regimen or recommendations should be given by a specialist.

Spermogram result

The most common cause of decreased mobility is high temperature. Frequent visits to the bath, sauna and taking a hot bath negatively affect sperm. Even frequent cycling can make some adjustments to this process. There is an opinion that ordinary soda negatively affects sperm. Therefore, there can be many reasons for the decrease in sperm motility.

To identify the state of men's health, it is necessary to pass the so-called MAR test. It allows you to determine the root cause of the decline. If the test is positive, spontaneous conception is impossible. In this case, it will be possible to fertilize the egg only with the help of IVF.

Problems with the endocrine system can affect the decrease in mobility. In this case, a man needs to be tested for hormones. In many cases, the cause of this condition is. This hormone affects mobility and. The most common reason for low testosterone levels is being overweight. However, there are several other factors, including the following:

  • testicular injury;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • pathological processes.

Thyroid hormones and prolactin can affect sperm quality. Normalizing the level of vitamin D in the body allows you to cope with the problem.

The immobility of spermatozoa may be due to the expansion of the veins of the spermatic cord. Usually, the pathology can be eliminated with the help of drug treatment. But if within 2 years it is not possible to conceive a child, they resort to surgical intervention.

Complex treatment

If, according to the results of the analysis, immobile (bad) spermatozoa were found, it is necessary to begin complex treatment. The first step is to review the diet. A healthy lifestyle is the key to a normal conception. You should include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. It is recommended to consume dairy products, cereals and nuts daily. Regular and nutritious nutrition can increase sperm motility. However, a certain diet will not help eliminate the problem. It is important to take vitamins E and C: they are responsible for the functioning of the gonads and affect the activity of spermatozoa.

Comprehensive treatment involves abstinence from sexual relations. If a man does not have them for several days, then the concentration of spermatozoa increases significantly. This action will also increase the chance of fertilization.

In order for spermatozoa to always remain mobile, you should lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor your own condition. It is necessary to systematically visit a urologist, eliminate infections and concomitant diseases.

You can increase mobility with the help of special stimulants. It is necessary to take them along with compliance with all recommendations regarding nutrition and lifestyle. Stimulants are used for 3 months. This time is quite enough for the full maturation of spermatozoa. In some cases, medications need to be taken much longer.

Medical therapy

Drug treatment involves the use of vitamins C and E. They affect the activity of spermatozoa. To improve blood flow, drugs such as Actovegin and Trental are used.

Along with these medicines, agents are used that increase the level of zinc in the body. For this, Speman and Klostilbegit are used.

If the problem is due to low testosterone, you should take the means to normalize the level of the hormone. How to increase mobility in this case, the doctor decides on the basis of the received. Most often, Proviron, Menogon and Profazi are prescribed.

How to increase sperm motility with Speman? This tool is actively used for. It has a pronounced androgen-like property. This is due to the rich composition of the drug. It is based on plant components, including beans and orchid. To improve the properties of the drug, the composition is supplemented with mineral compounds. Speman activates immobile spermatozoa. Also, the tool is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

For increased sperm activity, all doctor's recommendations should be followed. In many cases, the restoration of sperm motility takes a lot of time. This is due to non-compliance with all recommendations and the abuse of bad habits.

Not only the reproductive function of a man, but also the general state of his sexual health depends on the activity of spermatozoa.

Bad sperm can be a consequence and cause of the development of many diseases that lead to the development of infertility or significant potency disorder.

The reason for the development of this condition can be both the existing inflammatory processes in the body and the impact of negative external factors.

    Sedentary spermatozoa

    In the male body, spermatozoa are in a stationary state. Activity begins only after they enter the reproductive organs of a woman. The term "inactivity" includes several concepts that relate not only to the ability of spermatozoa to move, but also to fully carry out their functions. Bad sperm can be:

    • inactive;
    • motionless;
    • lethargic;
    • slow;
    • lazy;
    • dead.

    These varieties of the state of sperm directly affect the likelihood of conception.

    Having studied the list of reasons why there may be low sperm motility, a man can independently identify the negative factors that affected his health and reproductive function, however self-medication is not recommended. Some concomitant diseases imply complex and long-term treatment.

    The reasons for the development of bad sperm can be the following factors:

    • intoxication with substances contained in alcohol, nicotine or drugs;
    • lowering the level of the immune system in the body;
    • development of varicose veins in the testicles;
    • malnutrition;
    • the negative impact of high temperatures;
    • development of endocrine diseases;
    • lack of folic acid in the body;
    • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
    • infectious diseases;
    • inflammation of the prostate gland;
    • genital trauma;
    • the patient's age is over 45 years.

    REFERENCE! The reason for low sperm motility may be the result of the negative effects of chemotherapy or radiation exposure. Some medications can also provoke this deviation (for example, long-term use of potent drugs of the antibiotic category).

    Diagnosis and possible diseases

    Based on the study, not only the quality of sperm and spermatozoa is revealed, but also possible disease diagnoses. The doctor analyzes the general condition of the patient, the presence of negative external and internal factors. If necessary, an additional examination by specialized specialists can be assigned.

    Impaired sperm motility can lead to development of the following diseases:

    • teratospermia (a large number of sperm with a violation of the structure);
    • necrospermia ("dead spermatozoa");
    • asthenozoospermia (inactive sperm).

    IMPORTANT! Some diseases accompanied by poor sperm motility can be inherited. When diagnosing, it is important to exclude or identify the risk of a genetic predisposition. This type of deviation is the most difficult to correct.


    One of the main components of the course of treatment and increase in sperm activity is change in diet. A man needs to eat foods that increase sperm activity.

    Foods that replenish not only the supply of vitamins in the body, but also increase the level of folic acid. The diet must contain orange juice, legumes, peanuts, sunflower seeds, liver and beef.

    Restoration and increase in sperm motility occurs in several stages:

    • identifying and eliminating the cause of the deviation;
    • spermogram(the procedure is repeated several times);
    • change in lifestyle and diet;
    • laboratory study of ejaculates;
    • a course of treatment with vitamin complexes;
    • drugs to increase sperm activity and improve sperm quality (Speman, SpermaPlant, Verona, Tribestan, etc.);
    • antibacterial drugs (in the presence of infections);
    • androgen intake;
    • adherence to a therapeutic diet.

    ON A NOTE! Treatment is mainly aimed at eliminating the cause of the deviation. After the diagnosis is made, wearing tight underwear or trousers, hot baths should be avoided and, if possible, the abuse of bad habits should be reduced.

    How to increase sperm motility on your own?

    If the diagnosis did not reveal significant deviations in the work of the genital organs, but was disturbed as a result of the negative impact of external factors, then it will be necessary to restore the condition an average of three months. During this time, it will be necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor, and pay special attention to lifestyle.

    Tips to help increase sperm motility:

    • elimination of excess weight, if any;
    • the introduction of healthy foods into the diet (vegetables, fruits, seafood, etc.);
    • reduction in the use of pastries, smoked meats, fatty foods and other harmful foods;
    • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol;
    • regular physical activity (excluding a sedentary lifestyle);
    • psychological state control;
    • exclusion of overheating of the genital organs;
    • timely treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system;
    • regular sexual intercourse (once every three days).

    You can increase your activity with folk remedies. Good results of treatment show folk methods.

    For example, the use of decoctions from the root of kolgan, plantain, ginseng, the introduction of parsley and perga (a beekeeping product) into the diet. You can improve the mobility, production and quality of sperm by taking a bath with the addition of chamomile decoction.

    If it is not possible to normalize the condition and increase sperm activity by the indicated methods, then a course of treatment with special preparations may be necessary, and the only way to conceive will be artificial insemination female egg.

One of the causes of male infertility is sedentary spermatozoa. The process of formation of male germ cells lasts about 2 months. Spermatozoa with a normal structure are formed from sperm cells. The process of spermatogenesis is controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary system. To ensure sufficient speed of movement, some changes occur during their maturation. Chromatin loses excess proteins, the remaining ones are connected to DNA molecules, which reduces the size of the cell nucleus. The cell loses most of its mass, leaving only the necessary components. If these processes are disturbed, the large size of the sperm negatively affects the speed of its movement.

The movement of male germ cells is carried out by rotating their tail parts, the highest speed is 30 cm / h. This allows the sperm to travel the distance from the cervix to the fallopian tubes. The spermatozoa in the body of a man are practically immobile, they move forward due to the movement of the muscles of the penis. They are activated after ejaculation, an important role in giving male germ cells mobility is played by the secret of the prostate gland. Once in the cervical canal of a woman, spermatozoa are directed towards a decrease in acidity. Once in the uterus, spermatozoa find themselves in favorable conditions, here the most stable of them can live up to 3 days. In the uterine cavity, the speed of movement of male germ cells increases.

Causes of impaired motility of germ cells

Under the influence of various reasons, the process of sperm formation can be disturbed, they become inactive or immobilized. Perhaps the formation of cells with an abnormal structure. In the sperm of a healthy man, about half of the cells are characterized by reduced mobility or irregular structure. Under the influence of certain reasons, there are more of them, which affects the likelihood of fertilization. Since a mature egg cell lives no more than 24-48 hours, the speed of spermatozoa movement is decisive in conceiving a child. Its decrease may be due to a change in the chemical, physical or anatomical characteristics of the sperm.

The greatest influence on sperm motility is exerted by the density of the ejaculate and the time of its liquefaction. Normally, semen has a viscous consistency, it takes 15-60 minutes to liquefy it. With an increase in the liquefaction time, spermatozoa lose their mobility. The viscosity of the ejaculate is affected by a substance produced by the seminal vesicles. Experts believe that it helps to maintain spermatozoa in an inactive state until they leave the body of a man. After sperm enters the woman's vagina, this substance breaks down under the influence of a proteolytic enzyme produced by the prostate gland. Therefore, immobile spermatozoa are often found in men with diseases such as prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Another indicator that indicates a decrease in sperm motility is the volume of the ejaculate. Since semen mainly consists of prostate secretion and seminal vesicles, dysfunction of these glands can contribute to a decrease in its volume. An insufficient amount of secretion leads to a lack of nutrients that provide sperm with mobility. Increased acidity in inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system is another reason for the deterioration of sperm quality. The acid dissolves the cell membrane and contributes to their destruction.

Their morphological qualities have a great influence on the speed of movement of spermatozoa, the optimal speed of movement is determined by the sizes and shapes of cells laid down by nature. Cells with an enlarged head, an elongated body or a short flagellum are weak, slow spermatozoa that are not capable of fertilization. Therefore, the concept of "inactive spermatozoa" is often combined with the diagnosis of "teratospermia" - an increase in the number of cells with an abnormal structure.

When is asthenozoospermia diagnosed? A similar diagnosis is made when more than 60% of sedentary spermatozoa are found in the ejaculate. Why do immobile and sluggish spermatozoa appear? There are many reasons leading to the deterioration of sperm quality - prolonged absence of sexual intercourse, alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction, electromagnetic or radiation exposure, overheating, decreased immunity, infectious diseases, testicular injuries, varicocele. Treatment begins with the elimination of the cause of the decrease in the mobility of male germ cells. The results of the spermogram may be incorrect if the rules for taking the material are violated. Before taking tests, you can not take a hot bath or go to the bathhouse. For research it is necessary to take the material obtained by masturbation.

Basic Treatments

The therapeutic regimen is selected depending on the cause of the appearance of sedentary spermatozoa. In case of intoxication of the body, one should stop drinking alcohol, smoking, and using drugs. Drug treatment involves the use of vitamins, immunostimulants, tonics. Smoking negatively affects the quality of sperm, as nicotine contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels. Violation of the blood supply to the testicles affects the processes of sperm formation and hormone production. Treatment of diseases leading to the appearance of sedentary spermatozoa does not give any results if the patient does not reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

The elimination of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system begins with the detection of the causative agent of the infection. Depending on its type, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal drugs are selected. The use of proteolytic enzymes helps to increase the permeability of cell membranes for better penetration of active substances. Treatment of inflammatory processes in the testicles with the help of such drugs leads to a decrease in the severity of cicatricial changes in the tissues. This facilitates the process of movement of sperm through the vas deferens.

To conceive a child, a man must have healthy sperm. In addition, they must be active in order to reach the egg through the cervical canal and pierce the vitellin membrane. However, often in men there is such a deviation as sluggish spermatozoa.

Male infertility: slow sperm

Infertility in men is primarily associated with an insufficient number of healthy sperm in the semen, their lethargy. In the modern world, almost half of the cases of childlessness are associated with male infertility. Although recently the situation among the stronger sex was much better. The reasons are the modern rhythm of life with many negative factors.

Today, the presence of more than 50% of active spermatozoa in semen is considered the norm.

If their number is less than half of the total, then the man is diagnosed with infertility.

The activity of spermatozoa is determined using a special study - a spermogram, which is carried out in specialized medical centers.

If it is revealed that the number of slow spermatozoa is too high or they move in a circle, then it is impossible to conceive a child. In this case, the cause of the development of pathology is revealed and treatment is carried out.

What determines the presence of sedentary spermatozoa? The following factors may be the reason:

  1. Wrong nutrition. The speed is provided by mitochondria, which burn hormones. The cause of inactivity can also be a lack of folic acid, zinc and vitamin C.
  2. Influence of elevated temperatures. When the sperm is exposed to high temperature, the speed of spermatozoa decreases. This happens with a disease of varicocele, long-term use of hot baths.
  3. Presence of infections. Various infectious diseases, not necessarily sexually transmitted, can lead to testicular atrophy. This, in turn, leads to immobility of the man's seed.
  4. Smoking. Tobacco negatively affects the number and motility of spermatozoa. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended to stop smoking before planning to conceive a child.

Depending on the motility of spermatozoa, they are divided into four main classes:

  • progressively mobile seed - class A;
  • slowly progressively mobile seed - class B;
  • seed with misdirected movement - class C;
  • immobile spermatozoa - class D.

Means for improving the quality of sperm

The reason for the formation of slow sperm can be a lack of folic acid. An insufficient amount of this substance in a man's body leads to DNA damage, as well as deterioration. Therefore, if a married couple decides to have a child, it is necessary to ensure that a certain amount of folic acid is received by a man. To do this, you should eat foods containing this substance. These foods include beans, seeds, peanuts, orange juice, and liver.

Vitamin C also affects the quality of sperm. The intake of this vitamin improves sperm motility. At the same time, according to studies, the intake of fruits and vegetables brings more results, and not complex vitamin preparations. Therefore, you should eat vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, leafy vegetables, carrots, oranges, and so on.

Treatment of the disease

Before treating sedentary spermatozoa, it is necessary to determine the causes that caused the deviation. In some cases, a man should only change his lifestyle: start dieting, stop smoking, be less nervous, etc. In addition, it is recommended to use various supplements, which include vitamin C, ginseng, lycopene, zinc. This can help sperm to become more active.

If the cause of infertility is varicocele, then the disease can only be eliminated surgically. Hot baths should be avoided. In addition, wearing loose clothing helps to reduce the temperature of the testicles. But tight jeans, tight-fitting swimming trunks negatively affect the reproductive ability of a man.

If these actions fail to help, they resort to medical treatment. It is worth noting that this method will cost a round sum.

However, in medicine, treatment does not consist in restoring the physiological ability of a man, but in the artificial insemination of a woman. Intrauterine or in vitro fertilization is practiced.

Thus, sluggish sperm can cause infertility in men. The easiest way to get rid of the disease is to maintain the right lifestyle. If this does not help, then in this case it is already necessary to use specialized medical services.

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