The hormone is produced during sleep. Who benefits the most? Helps ease jet lag

Melatonin, or sleep hormone, is the main hormone synthesized by the pineal gland.

This chemical is sometimes referred to as the longevity hormone because it has an extensive antitumor activity, stimulates the proper functioning of the immune system and performs anti-stress functions.

The sleep hormone melatonin is so important that it needs to be maintained at the right level for normal life person. Therefore, in addition to natural synthesis in the pineal gland, melatonin can be introduced into the body in the form of drugs or consumed as part of food.

Our body is controlled in two ways. The first, fast, is built on the use of electricity: the brain with the help of nerve endings transmits impulses that trigger certain systems in the body. These, for example, include muscle movements, commands to launch certain organs, and so on.

The second way is chemical. It is not as fast as the first, but its principles are much more complex and still not fully understood by science. We can safely say that the vast majority of the functions of our body are controlled by hormones, which are the signals that carry out chemical method management. Hormones are produced by glands internal secretion.

Hormones are responsible for all the processes of our life: from mood and digestion of food to growth and reproduction. Melatonin is one of the most important hormones, which is not only responsible for sleep, but also ensures that our body's work is tied to time.

The main function of melatonin is to regulate human biorhythms during the day. Thanks to the work of melatonin, a person can fall asleep and wake up. The hormone itself was discovered relatively recently - in 1958, however, as it was studied, new, previously unknown properties were discovered in it.

In addition to the main function, melatonin is able to do the following:

  1. Activates the functions of the endocrine system.
  2. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it rejuvenates the body.
  3. Promotes rapid adaptation in traveling people when changing the time zone.
  4. Suppresses seasonal depressions, reduces the effect of stress.
  5. Adjusts the amount blood pressure.
  6. Strengthens protective functions organism.
  7. It has a beneficial effect on neurons.
  8. Slows down processes natural aging cells.

Thus, it is difficult to underestimate the role of melatonin in all manifestations of its effects on our body. Deficiency of this hormone leads to phenomena completely opposite. A person does not just look like sleepy: the amount of free radicals, which automatically leads to the accumulation of systematic failures in its operation. It leads to a large number negative consequences: from obesity to the global acceleration of the aging process. Significantly increases the likelihood of oncological diseases.

This organic substance, unfortunately, is not capable of accumulation in the body. This is explained by the fact that under the conditions that take place inside the human body, melatonin is unstable: on average, every 45 minutes its concentration is halved. Consequently, the body cannot stock up on them for future use, such as bile or fat.

The synthesis of melatonin directly depends on the measured life of a person, it is necessary to put at the forefront correct mode days, timely meals, stable sleep and wake times.

Many people often confuse melatonin with melanin. Despite the consonance in the names, this is completely different substances. The first is a hormone, and the second is a pigment that determines the color of the skin and hair. However, there is a relationship between them. Melatonin in the body reduces the synthesis of melanin.

Almost all processes in our body are tied to the Sun. Its light acts on tryptophan (an amino acid in our cells and blood), which is converted into serotonin. The hormone serotonin is also called the hormone Have a good mood»; his chemical formula is the basis of melatonin. After some time, when the concentration of serotonin in the pineal gland reaches the required value, it begins to turn into melatonin.

Thus, for the normal production of melatonin in the body, it is necessary to be under the influence of at least an hour a day. sunlight.

The amount of sleep hormone produced in the body depends on the time of day. Most of it, about three-quarters of the total, is synthesized at night. On the other hand, its synthesis depends on the level of illumination, that is, on the brightness of sunlight during the day. If the amount of light is large, its synthesis slows down, if it is small, on the contrary, it increases.

The pineal gland, which produces melatonin, is a small (about 6 mm in diameter) organ of internal secretion, located slightly higher spinal cord. During daylight hours, this organ is inactive. As the light level decreases, the pituitary gland activates the pineal gland, and it begins to synthesize melatonin, which enters the bloodstream.

An avalanche-like synthesis of the sleep hormone from serotonin begins at about eight o'clock in the evening. This leads to the saturation of the blood with melatonin and the person begins to feel a feeling of drowsiness.

With each hour, its production increases, reaching its maximum at about two in the morning. Therefore, at this time you need to rest in a darkened room where there is no bright lighting.

Every day, the pineal gland of a healthy middle-aged adult synthesizes approximately 30 micrograms of this hormone.

The production efficiency can be increased in the following ways:

Compliance with these simple rules will allow the body to synthesize melatonin in enough.

There are many factors that prevent the normal production of melatonin:

  1. Conscious wakefulness at night.
  2. Lack of sleep.
  3. Frequent stress.
  4. Smoking, alcoholism, excessive caffeine intake.
  5. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In case of problems with the normal synthesis of the sleep hormone, it is strongly recommended to reduce the influence of these factors.

Give up an extra cigarette or cup of coffee, try to be less nervous to avoid more serious consequences that can be caused by a violation of natural biological rhythms.

There are two ways to get the biorhythm regulator into our body from the outside:

Consider the first, "natural" way to introduce enough sleep hormone into the body. It may seem incredible, but there is a fairly large list of products that include melatonin. However, it's not just them.

The main condition for the normal synthesis of the sleep hormone is balanced diet. The components necessary for this synthesis must be introduced into the body: proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamin B6.

Thus, nutrition should include not only foods containing melatonin in pure form, but also raw materials for its production by the body.

The finished hormone is found in bananas, nuts, raisins; These are the substances richest in melatonin. It is present in lower concentrations in corn, parsley, and various cruciferous plants. To facilitate the synthesis of the biorhythm regulator, it is also recommended to eat foods containing a melatonin derivative, tryptophan; it is in chicken and quail eggs, milk, almonds.

Vitamin B6 can be obtained from foods such as sunflower seeds, apricots, legumes, and red peppers. There is a lot of calcium in dairy products, oats and soy. However, it should be remembered that calcium is absorbed by the body only during sleep, so these products are best consumed during dinner.

If we consider the production of the sleep hormone over the years of a person’s life, then we can come to a fairly disappointing conclusion. The peak of melatonin synthesis by the body occurs at 10 years of age. At this time, it is produced about 150 micrograms per day. By the age of 30-40, this amount decreases to 30 micrograms per day and continues to fall further. By about 50 years of age, the synthesis of the circadian rhythm regulator stops at a minimum level: no more than 10 micrograms per day can be produced in the body.

That is, until the age of 40, the body practically does not feel the lack of melatonin, however, after reaching this age, no matter what lifestyle we lead, the hormone deficiency already begins to affect the functions of the body.

In order to avoid this negative effect, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of sleep hormone by using various pharmacological agents. These funds are not something very specific and can be purchased at any pharmacy, but their use requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Do not self-medicate! Only professional doctor will be able to choose the optimal remedy in your case and its dosage.

The most popular drugs include:

  • "Melatonin";
  • Yukalin.

Hormonal preparations from this list are effective and proven products that meet the required quality standards. They are indicated if the patient has disruptions in the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, if there is a need for air travel through big number time zones and there are complaints of excessive fatigue. one more positive effect similar drugs is the elimination of depression and partial normalization of metabolism.

However, these tools have certain disadvantages. In particular, all drugs of artificial origin have their own contraindications.

The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug due to possible allergic reactions. They are also contraindicated in people suffering autoimmune diseases. They are also not recommended for pregnant women and during breastfeeding, since the effects of artificial melatonin on the health of the fetus and child have not yet been sufficiently studied.

They should not be used before the age of 18, since during this period the synthesis of the hormone natural way fully covers its needs by the body.

In exclusively rare cases some people have hypersensitivity to melatonin itself, of course, the use of medicines for them is prohibited.

According to doctors, melatonin can have serious help in the treatment and prevention of various cancers.

According to research, melatonin has the following effects: positive impact in the treatment of cancer:

The hormone significantly increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduces its toxic effects on most body systems.

In order to enhance the effect of chemotherapy, melatonin is injected into the body about a week before it starts. Additional effect melatonin in the fight against cancer is the stimulation of the production of the immunostimulant interleukin.

Undoubtedly, melatonin is not a panacea, but this hormone is indispensable for humans, since it plays a key role in synchronizing the processes occurring in the body.

We want to fall asleep from time to time. Melatonin is released cyclically to help the body regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Its amount decreases with age, and it is suspected that this is the reason why young people are less likely to suffer from sleep problems than the elderly.

What is the benefit of melatonin?

Studies show that low doses of melatonin help improve sleep, and it is easy to survive long plane flights, jet lag, and without side effects, which are characteristic of sleeping pills. It also helps improve general state health, strengthen immune system and quickly reduces the number of free radicals in body tissues.

There are currently many scientific research dedicated to melatonin. They are associated with its antioxidant properties, effects on immunity. However, the exact mechanism of action of melatonin in the human body is not yet known in detail, and requires a number of further studies.

Who benefits the most?

These are, first of all, travelers who are struggling with the consequences of jet lag, as well as people suffering from insomnia.
Optimal dose varies individually. According to various studies, nice results were achieved from taking melatonin in amounts from 0.1 to 200 mg! Controlled medical studies have concluded that even a tenth of a milligram (0.1 mg or 100 mcg) helps you fall asleep easily at any time of the day. Thus, start with a very low dose of melatonin taken at night before bed (eg 0.1 mg) and increase this dose every night until the desired effect is achieved.

What are mg (milligram) and mcg (microgram), and what is the difference between these units?

Micrograms and milligrams are units of weight representing a specific fraction of a gram:
  • 1 microgram = 1 microgram = one millionth of a gram (1/1000000);
  • 1 mg = 1 milligram = one thousandth of a gram (1/1000);
  • 1 mg = 1000 mcg.
The 1.5mg tablet contains five times the dose of melatonin compared to the 300mcg (0.3mg) tablet.

Side effects

According to studies, 10% of people who take melatonin do not get any effect from it. Another 10% reported side effects such as nightmares, headaches, increased fatigue in the morning, slight depression and decreased libido. In other studies, in which doses of melatonin 600 to 3000 times higher than normal were used, no signs of intoxication were found.

Additional effects

In animal studies, melatonin has been shown to have a cytoprotective effect, strengthen the immune system, and slow down the growth of certain tumors. Experiments on mice have shown that melatonin can slow down the aging process. However, to what extent these results can be extrapolated to humans is still unclear. Some experts are concerned that so many people are experimenting with such powerful substance- after all, the long-term consequences of taking large doses of melatonin are still not determined. Even a dose as low as one milligram, which is presented by many manufacturers as the lowest possible dose, is still three times more than total total melatonin produced in the body per day.


Due to the fact that the effect of high doses of melatonin on unborn children and infants has not yet been clearly established, it should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women. Since this hormone stimulates the immune system, it is not recommended for people prone to allergies and suffering from autoimmune diseases. Children should also avoid large doses of melatonin because their bodies already produce this hormone at large doses on one's own. High doses may have a contraceptive effect, so women who want to have children should not take melatonin preparations.

Life Extension

Currently, there are no studies proving a direct relationship between melatonin intake and human life expectancy. However, in rats and mice, the lifespan can be increased by 20%. If the use of this hormone really leads to a longer and healthy life, then this is most likely due to:
1. Reducing the amount of free radicals in the body, which stimulate the aging of the immune system;
2. Protective effect on the cardiovascular system
3. Increased secretion of growth hormone.

Melatonin deficiency as a cause of early aging - video

Melatonin improves sex life?

This hypothesis has not yet been confirmed in humans. A rodent study from as early as 1995, however, suggests that frequent use a small amount of melatonin can prevent the age-related decline in testosterone production in men, and thus help maintain an active sex life and in old age.

Can melatonin poison you?

Melatonin is one of the least toxic substances. Under carefully controlled medical research, melatonin doses as high as 6 grams (600 to 3000 times usual dose), did not lead to any symptoms of poisoning. Overall, there are only four famous cases significant side effects of melatonin. Minor, but more common side effects are drowsiness and a decrease in reaction rate. Most great study to identify side effects was held in the Netherlands. It involved 1400 women who received 75 mg of the drug per day. None developed any serious side effects. Now in this country, melatonin is available in pharmacies without a prescription and, despite this, there have been no reports of its abnormal effects.

What time to take?

Melatonin should only be taken in the evening, about 30 minutes before bed. To avoid the consequences of changing time zones, it is taken right before the plane takes off. The drug should not be taken during the day - otherwise, you can simply bring down your "internal clock".

Does melatonin cause lethargy and drowsiness in the morning?

No, you will wake up in the morning after taking melatonin refreshed and full of energy. But if in the morning there is still a feeling of fatigue, evening dose melatonin needs to be adjusted downwards.

Hormone production methods

Natural, animal or bovine melatonin is produced by extracting extracts from animal pineal glands. Since these extracts are extracted from tissues that are foreign to the body, it can trigger an immune response in humans. In this regard, such drugs are recommended to be used very carefully.

The best is considered to be a drug made in a factory from pharmaceutically pure ingredients. The molecular structure of such melatonin is identical to that of a hormone produced by the body itself. In addition, it is absolutely free from any contamination.

This hormone has the ability to protect a person from stress and nervous shocks, restore youthful skin and quickly relieve fatigue.

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced only during certain hours of sleep.

They talk about it as a real panacea that prevents the formation of cancer cells in the body, it is called the hormone of youth, joy or sleep.

The hormone melatonin regulates important functions of the human body. A few years ago it was believed that it regulates the mechanism of sleep, however, upon closer examination of the properties of this complex organic compound Melatonin appears to be able to influence wide range processes occurring in the body.

Among the most important functions sleep hormone doctors distinguish the following:

  1. Regulation of the cycle of sleep and wakefulness.
  2. Stress protection.
  3. Slowing down the processes of natural wear and tear of cells and tissues, that is, aging.
  4. Strengthening immunity.
  5. Regulation of blood pressure.
  6. Increase the duration and life of brain cells.
  7. Control of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Decreased sensitivity of pain receptors.

Among other things, melatonin prevents the deposition in the body of excess fat.

Hormone production in the body

The synthesis of melatonin in the body is quite long chain transformations of some compounds into others under the influence various factors. So, the "parent" substance of melatonin is the amino acid tryptophan. While a person is under the rays of the sun, this organic compound is converted into the hormone serotonin. It is he who during sleep is converted into melatonin - the hormone of youth.

The described scheme often fails, for example, if a person did not receive the dose of solar radiation necessary for the conversion of tryptophan, or did not fall asleep at a time when serotonin should be converted to melatonin.

Changes in melatonin concentration during the day

Of course, the body partially synthesizes it during wakefulness, but this amount (about 30% of the daily requirement of the average person) is not enough for normal functioning organism.

The lack of melatonin can lead to many negative changes, and therefore it is necessary to prolong normal synthesis this hormone. You can do it like folk remedies and with the help of drugs.

Melatonin is a hormone that helps keep a person young and healthy. It is necessary to know in order to maintain its constant concentration at the right level.

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The role of the hormone in the body

Medium daily requirement human in melatonin - about 30 mg.

Despite such low doses, the role of melatonin cannot be underestimated.

Scientists conducted a series of experiments and calculations, as a result of which it was found that an insufficient concentration of this hormone in the blood can lead to enormous consequences:

  • The aging of the body will occur 20-25 years earlier, that is, already in adolescence. Moreover, this will also be expressed by function failures. internal organs and external manifestations.
  • The body will begin to accumulate an excessive amount of free radicals and toxins. The immune system will not be able to fight them effectively enough.
  • Weight will begin to grow, regardless of what and in what quantities a person eats, and whether he plays sports.
  • Age hormonal changes(menopause, for example) will appear 20-25 years earlier, that is, by the age of 30.
  • The incidence of cancerous tumors will increase to 80%.

The uniqueness of the hormone melatonin also lies in the fact that even with its artificial introduction into the body, a noticeable improvement in the human condition occurs through long span time.

To avoid the difficulties described above and accumulate 30 mg of melatonin per day, it is enough to sleep at least 8 hours a day. dark time days.

Ways to increase hormone production in the body

It is possible to stimulate the synthesis of melatonin in the body without resorting to drugs or complex procedures. It is enough to remember the mechanism of hormone production in the body and follow the scheme laid down in the body:

  • go to bed after sunset, and if this is not possible, dim the light as much as possible;
  • sleep at least 6 hours at night and 1.5 hours during the day, and if daytime rest is not possible, sleep only at night, but not less than 8 hours a day;
  • avoid getting light on the body during sleep;
  • protect the eyes with a special sleep mask so that the light falling on the face does not lead to awakening;
  • stay in the sun for at least an hour during the day.

These measures will be enough to maximize the production of melatonin in the body. As you can see, their implementation does not require the application of forces and the expenditure of material resources. You just need to normalize the mode of sleep and wakefulness.

In addition, it is recommended to refrain from eating foods that can cause excessive excitement. These include hot spices and smoked meats, coffee and alcoholic beverages. It is advisable to use them in the morning. Afternoon it is advisable to drink herbal teas with melissa and chamomile.

It is undesirable before going to bed to think about the problems that a person has encountered during the day. Finally, in a good way increase melatonin levels - become happy, think about life in a positive way and lead an active lifestyle.

Preparations containing a hormone

With age, a lot of changes occur in the human body, including the extinction of the activity of regulatory systems. Hormones and enzymes in the elderly are synthesized in insufficient quantities. This statement is also true for melatonin.

This is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • inability to sleep in the evening;
  • sudden awakenings at night;
  • lack of desire to sleep as such;
  • sudden falling asleep in any place and in any situation.

The reason for such disorders is an acute shortage of serotonin, from which the body receives melatonin. It is extremely difficult to increase its level in a natural way in old age, and therefore doctors in most cases decide on the artificial administration of the hormone. Fortunately, preparations with melatonin and serotonin are included in the list of essential medicines, and therefore they can be easily purchased at the pharmacy.

The list of medicines containing melatonin includes:

  • analogue human hormone melatonin tablets Melaxen;
  • tablets and capsules with melatonin, indoles and pineal gland peptides Melaxen-Balance;
  • prolonged tablets Circadin.

There are also other dosage forms previously mentioned agents in the form of solutions for intramuscular or intravenous administration. Accept listed medications will be required in a small course, usually 2 to 4 weeks. The dosage is selected by the doctor based on the symptoms present in the patient and their severity.

The active compound of drugs with melatonin is very quickly absorbed from digestive tract and after an hour and a half it is found in almost all organs and tissues.

Also, to eliminate an acute shortage of melatonin, drugs with serotonin (Serotonin adipinate) or selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake.

The last group of drugs are compounds that stimulate the synthesis of serotonin in the body.

And these include the following drugs:

  • Sertraline;
  • fluvoxamine;
  • Venlafaxine;
  • Mirtazapine;
  • paroxetine;
  • Citalopram (Oprah).

Unlike melatonin preparations, serotonin and SSRI-serotonin preparations are prescribed strictly according to the indications and only if there have been profound changes in the patient's condition. In most cases, these medicines can only be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. They should also be taken under the supervision of a specialist, because any medicine has side effects and contraindications.

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Melatonin is a sleep hormone, an elixir of youth and beauty. It provides a change in circadian (daily) cycles of bursts and declines in the activity of the body, thereby supporting the processes of human life. The sleep hormone melatonin is produced between 0000 and 0400 hours.

General information

Approximately 70% of the sleep hormone is produced pineal gland(epiphysis). Melatonin protects the body from negative consequences caused by exposure to stress factors.

Also, this hormone performs many other functions.

In particular, during sleep due to the increase in the concentration of melatonin accelerates the repair of damaged tissues, and the muscles return the lost tone. At the same time, the body's resistance to the effects of pathogenic agents increases.

Melatonin dissolves well in lipids, due to which it freely penetrates through cell membranes and affects them from the inside. The pineal gland begins to produce sleep hormone only from three months. Until this age, the child receives the missing melatonin through the mother's milk.

In the early years, the concentration of the sleep hormone reaches maximum values. As a person grows older, the amount of melatonin production decreases.

Hormone functions

Understanding the features of melatonin, why it is needed, opens additional features for human development prevention severe pathologies. In fact, this hormone has a hypnotic effect on the body, thereby contributing to changes in daily cycles.

Melatonin is a natural antioxidant. The hormone neutralizes free radicals that destroy body cells.

Melatonin performs many functions:

  • prevents nervous breakdowns;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • regulates blood pressure indicators;
  • controls the work of the digestive tract;
  • reduces the rate of cell aging;
  • normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism, preventing obesity;
  • participates in the synthesis of other hormones;
  • reduces intensity painful sensations with dental pathologies.

Research has shown that melatonin prevents the development of cancerous tumors in the body.

Deficiency and excess of melatonin in the body

Prolonged lack of sleep hormone provokes earlier aging of the body. If deficiency is detected in children or adolescents, age-related changes become noticeable as early as 17 years of age.

The lack of melatonin contributes to a sharp increase in the concentration of free radicals (5 times in comparison with normal values). In women, the deficiency causes early menopause(at age 30) and increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer by 80%.

The latter is explained by the fact that neoplasms synthesize hormones similar in composition to melatonin. An increase in the concentration of the latter causes an immune response, due to which antibodies appear in the body, preventing the division of malignant cells.

Melatonin deficiency occurs against the background of:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • frequent work at night;
  • insomnia;
  • constant stress;
  • diseases, causing disorder psyche;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • dermatoses;
  • constant alcohol consumption.

Despite the fact that melatonin plays an important role in the functioning of the whole body, an increase in its concentration also negatively affects a person. Exceeding the permissible concentration of this hormone provokes:

  • tachycardia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • muscle cramps.

Due to the increase in the concentration of melatonin, brain function is disrupted, which manifests itself in the form of inhibited human behavior and depression.

Where is melatonin produced?

Approximately 70% of melatonin is synthesized by the pineal gland. Researchers also identify other parts of the body that produce this hormone:

  • blood cells;
  • cortical layer of the kidneys;
  • cells of the digestive system.

The work of the epiphysis is determined by the time of day. That is, in the absence of natural light, the pineal gland begins to produce melatonin. During the day, her activity is reduced to a minimum or suspended.

However, the current time of day does not affect the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, the cells that make up these organs continue to produce a certain amount of melatonin during the day.

Depending on which organ synthesizes the hormone, there are two ways of its appearance:

  • central (involved);
  • peripheral (cells involved).

The described features show that it is impossible to accurately answer the question of when the beauty hormone is produced. At the same time, its concentration in the body changes during the day. The volume of the hormone begins to increase with the onset of the dark time of the day (from about 21 o'clock).

Melatonin appears as a result of a special biochemical reaction. The pineal gland synthesizes an amino acid, which, under the influence of sunlight, is transformed into serotonin (the hormone of joy that keeps a person in a cheerful state). The latter, reacting with certain enzymes, turns into melatonin.

An increase in the concentration of this hormone starts the processes of adaptation of the body to new conditions. In particular, the pineal gland activates the production of melatonin during jet lag.

In view of the fact that the sleep hormone plays a significant role in changing the biorhythms of life, it is important to prevent a decrease in its concentration. For this need to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day being in the dark and avoiding being awake after midnight.

Melatonin in pharmaceuticals

Due to the fact that melatonin plays an important role in the functioning of the whole body, this hormone is available in the form of drugs. Similar drugs are used in the following cases:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • organ dysfunction caused by age-related changes;
  • pathologies that provoke a decrease in the concentration of melatonin.

The drugs are based on a synthetic analogue of the sleep hormone. It is highly recommended not to take this type of medication without consulting your doctor. Medications based on synthetic melatonin are not prescribed for individuals with individual intolerance.

There are also distinguished the following contraindications to the use of such drugs:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • the presence of lymphoma;
  • leukemia;
  • tendency to epileptic seizures.

The action of drugs based on melatonin

An indication for the use of such drugs is an acute lack of sleep or insomnia. Also, drugs are recommended for people who constantly work at night. This is explained by the fact that the failure of biorhythms of sleep and wakefulness increases the risk of developing diseases.

Regular intake of drugs based on melatonin by this category of patients allows to achieve the following results:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • restoration of blood pressure;
  • prevent the development of tumor processes;
  • suppress the development of depression and psychosomatic pathologies.

This group of drugs has complex impact on the body, normalizing the cycle of changing sleep and wakefulness. Taking drugs of this type contributes to the restoration of neuroendocrine functions. Thanks to this effect, sleep becomes strong, and after waking up, a person feels rested.

The use of a synthetic analogue of the hormone increases efficiency and improves mood. In addition, melatonin-containing drugs are recommended to suppress:

  • pain syndrome;
  • spread of metastases of malignant tumors;
  • tissue atrophy.

Of those on the market hormonal drugs, which include synthetic melatonin, the following can be distinguished:

  • "Melapur";
  • "Melaxen";
  • "Dorminorm";
  • "Melaton";
  • "Yukolin";
  • "Circadin".

Hormonal medications should be taken as directed. The drugs are taken 30 minutes before bedtime, 1-2 tablets. Daily dose drugs should not exceed 6 mg.

Preparations based on synthetic sleep hormone usually do not cause side effects. Overdose sometimes seen dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting). Persons suffering chronic insomnia This hormone is administered intravenously.

Melatonin in cancer

AT last years melatonin began to be included in the anti-cancer treatment. This is due to the fact that the hormone stimulates the synthesis of immune cells that suppress the division of a malignant neoplasm. Also, the hormone, strengthening the body's natural defenses, prevents the development of complications of chemotherapy.

Melatonin treatment is indicated even for final stages cancer development. The hormone provokes the synthesis of cytokines that destroy malignant cells.

Ways to increase the concentration of melatonin

To prevent melatonin deficiency, you must:

  • go to bed no later than 10 pm;
  • use subdued lights at night;
  • rest during the day (if necessary);
  • give up nights.

Some foods help to restore the concentration of melatonin. For this, it is recommended to include daily diet meals containing B vitamins, calcium, protein, carbohydrates. In addition, you need to consume foods that include tryptophan. From this amino acid, the sleep hormone is subsequently synthesized.

These trace elements can be obtained if you constantly eat fresh corn, bananas, tomatoes, greens (dill, basil and others), oatmeal and barley porridge. The amino acid is found in nuts, pumpkin, turkey and beef, chicken eggs.

In addition to correcting the diet, it is recommended to abandon some habits. So, in order to avoid a deficiency of melatonin, it is necessary to exclude from the diet ketchups, smoked meat, sausage, energy drinks, milk chocolate. The substances that these foods contain suppress sleep.

It is also important to stop smoking and alcoholic beverages, sedatives. The latter suppress the synthesis of the sleep hormone.

Melatonin does not accumulate in the body. In this regard, it is important to prevent the occurrence of sleep hormone deficiency and, if necessary, take appropriate medications.

Good sleep provides restoration of the human body, strengthens its health, increases efficiency. All life processes are subject to biorhythms. Sleep and wakefulness are a manifestation of circadian (daily) surges and declines in the body's physiological activity.

A good night's sleep is provided by the hormone melatonin, which is also called the hormone of youth and longevity. If a person has no problems falling asleep, he sleeps in sufficient quantities, the body is much more likely to produce complex biochemical, synthetic reactions aimed at the full restoration of all structures.

General information

Melatonin is the main hormone of the pineal gland, regulator of circadian rhythms. The sleep hormone has been known to the world since 1958, its discovery belongs to the American professor, Aaron Lerner.

Melatonin molecules are small and highly soluble in lipids, which allows them to easily penetrate cell membranes and influence many reactions, such as protein synthesis. In newborns, melatonin begins to be produced only at three months. Before that, they receive it with mother's milk. In the first years of a child's life, the concentration of the hormone is maximum and gradually begins to decrease over the years.

During the day, the happiness hormone shows activity, and with the advent of the dark time of the day, it is replaced by the sleep hormone. There is a biochemical relationship between melatonin and serotonin. Approximately from 11 p.m. to 5 p.m. high concentration hormone in the body.

Functions of melatonin

Hormone functions are not limited only to the management of sleep and wakefulness processes. Its activity is manifested in providing other important functions, it has a therapeutic effect on the body:

  • ensures the cyclicity of daily rhythms;
  • helps to resist stress;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • is a powerful antioxidant;
  • enhances immune protection;
  • regulates blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation;
  • controls the work of the digestive organs;
  • neurons that contain melatonin live much longer and provide full-fledged activity nervous system;
  • opposes development malignant neoplasms(research by V. N. Anisimov);
  • affects the processes of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, maintains body weight within normal limits;
  • affects the synthesis of other hormones;
  • reduces pain with headache and toothache.

Such actions are endogenous melatonin(a hormone produced in the body). Pharmacologists, using knowledge of therapeutic effect sleep hormone, created preparations containing artificially synthesized (exogenous) melatonin. They are prescribed in the treatment of insomnia, chronic fatigue, migraine, osteoporosis.

Such medicines blind people to normalize sleep. They are prescribed for children with severe developmental disabilities (autism, cerebral paralysis, mental retardation). Melatonin is used in complex therapy for those who decide to quit smoking (reduces cravings for nicotine). A hormone is prescribed to reduce side effects after chemotherapy.

How and when is the hormone produced?

With the onset of darkness, the production of melatonin begins, already by 21 o'clock its growth is observed. This is a complex biochemical reaction that occurs in the pineal gland ( pineal gland). During the day, a hormone is actively formed from the amino acid tryptophan. And at night, under the action of special enzymes, the hormone of joy turns into the hormone of sleep. Yes, on biochemical level associated with serotonin and melatonin.

These two hormones are essential for the life of the body. Melatonin is produced at night, approximately from 23 to 5 hours, 70% of the daily amount of the hormone is synthesized.

In order not to disturb the secretion of melatonin and sleep, going to bed is recommended no later than 22 hours. In the period after 0 and before 4 hours you need to sleep in a dark room. If it is impossible to create absolute darkness, it is recommended to use a special eye mask and close the curtains tightly. If you need to stay awake during the active synthesis of a substance, it is better to create dim lighting in the room.

Melatonin is produced in the dark. Evil Influence lighting for hormone production.

There are foods that catalyze the production of the hormone. The diet should contain foods rich in vitamins (especially group B), calcium. It is important to balance the use complex carbohydrates and proteins.

How does it affect the body

The normal concentration of melatonin ensures easy falling asleep and full deep dream. In winter, in cloudy weather, when the amount of light is insufficient, the hormone has a depressing effect on the body. There is lethargy, drowsiness.

In Europe, the Life Extension Foundation conducts clinical trials with the use of melatonin in the treatment of cancer. The Foundation claims that cancer cells produce chemical substances, the composition of which is similar to the hormones of the pineal gland. If you act on them with a combination of thyroid hormones and melatonin, the body begins to actively produce cells for immune protection .

For the treatment of depression, as a prevention of many mental disorders it is enough to sleep or take drugs that contain melatonin. It is important at the same time in daytime be in the sun.

Mouse experiments

Mice of the same age, which were introduced with the cancer gene, were divided into 2 groups.

One part of the animals were kept in vivo, the group had daylight and darkness at night.

The second group was illuminated around the clock. After a while, the experimental mice from the second group began to develop malignant tumors. Research has been done different indicators and they found:

  • accelerated aging;
  • excess insulin;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity;
  • high incidence of tumors.

Deficiency and excess of melatonin

Consequences of a long-term lack of melatonin:

  • at the age of 17 appear primary signs aging;
  • the number of free radicals increases 5 times;
  • within six months, weight gain is from 5 to 10 kg;
  • at the age of 30, menopause occurs in women;
  • an 80% increase in the risk of breast cancer.

Causes of sleep hormone deficiency:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • night work;
  • puffiness under the eyes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • anxiety and irritability;
  • psychosomatic pathologies;
  • vascular diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • dermatoses;
  • schizophrenia;
  • alcoholism.

Symptoms of a manifested excess of the hormone are:

  • increased heart rate;
  • lack of appetite;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • delayed reactions;
  • contraction of the facial muscles, twitching of the shoulders and head.

Excess melatonin causes seasonal states of depression.

Analyzes and the norm of melatonin

Daily rate sleep hormone in an adult 30 mcg. Its concentration by 1 am is 30 times higher than during the day. In order to provide this amount, you need eight hours of sleep. In the morning, the normal concentration of the hormone is 4-20 pg / ml, at night - up to 150 pg / ml.

The amount of melatonin in the body depends on age:

  • up to 20 years old high level;
  • up to 40 years - medium;
  • after 50 - low, in the elderly it decreases to 20% and below.

Long-livers don't lose melatonin

As a rule, analysis is done only by large medical institutions, since it is not among the most common laboratory research.

Biomaterial sampling is done through short intervals time with fixed time of day. Passing the analysis requires special training:

  • for 10-12 hours you can not use drugs, alcohol, tea, coffee;
  • it is better to donate blood on an empty stomach;
  • important day for women menstrual cycle, so you should first consult with a gynecologist;
  • donate blood before 11 am;
  • it is not advisable to expose the body to other medical manipulations and procedures.

The sleep hormone melatonin does not accumulate. Sleep in reserve or compensate for the lack of sleep is impossible. Violation of natural daily biorhythms leads to a breakdown in the synthesis of a substance, and this causes not only insomnia, but also exposes the development of diseases.

Lack of sunlight starts natural production melatonin in the body for sleep, disrupting this process, important The biological clock person.

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