How to make blood in photoshop? Red bloodshot dots all over the body: causes and remedies. Bloody appearances on the body in the form of dots how to treat

Establishing the circumstances of the incident in the wake of blood: Methodological recommendations // L.V. Stanislavsky. - Kharkov, 1977. - p.19.

Approved by the Presidium of the Academic Medical Council of the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR (Minutes No. 16 dated May 31, 1977)

/ Stanislavsky L.V. — 1977.

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Establishing the circumstances of the incident in the wake of blood: Methodological recommendations / Stanislavsky L.V. — 1977.

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Establishing the circumstances of the incident in the wake of blood: Methodological recommendations / Stanislavsky L.V. — 1977.

/ Stanislavsky L.V. — 1977.

Traces of blood occupy one of the main places among the evidence that is used by justice to establish the material truth in cases of crimes against human life and health, as well as in cases of poaching and illegal slaughter of farm animals.

Freshly shed blood is a free-flowing fluid. The form it takes, as well as the form of its traces, is naturally strictly dependent on the properties inherent in any liquid: surface tension and viscosity; from the physical factors affecting it - gravity, external energy impulses (their direction and strength), as well as from the properties of the trace-receiving surface. 2-3 minutes after the release, blood coagulation begins, and it soon becomes a gelatinous mass, loses the ability to easily change its previously accepted shape, but retains plasticity and can reflect the subsequent action of friction and pressure forces. Further, the blood dries out, and the shape of the traces formed remains very stable.

All this leads to a significant variety of traces and opens up scientifically based ways for him to obtain very diverse information about what happened - and relatively initial period bleeding, and about subsequent actions to change the relative position of objects.

For the full use of blood traces in order to establish the circumstances of their occurrence, it is absolutely necessary to describe them in detail and fully in the protocol of the initial examination of the scene of the incident, fix the most characteristic groups with large-scale photographs, plot the location of the traces on the diagram and remove all those objects that can be delivered to an expert institution . The presence of blood in the traces must be confirmed laboratory research.

First, separate elements of the traces are subject to study and evaluation, and then their combinations, respectively, two classification systems of blood traces are distinguished.

  1. ELEMENTARY TRACKS- single traces that provide information about the physical factors that formed them and depend on the properties of the surface.
  2. DIFFICULT TRACKS- a set of traces that provides information about the dynamics of their formations.

Each of these systems is divided into types and varieties, specifying the information obtained during the study of traces (see tables 1 and 2).

Table 1


KindsPhysical factorsSurface

(clusters) *

or with little




Surface tension
and wetting phenomenon

gap between two

Gravity and phenomenon

vertical or
with a big slope.

Weight of blood equal to strength
surface tension
along the perimeter of the break.

traces are formed
just below the level
separation of drops.

Impulse of kinetic energy
and the weight of blood, lesser strength
surface tension
but the separation perimeter

Any in structure
and position.

friction and absorption.


pressure and absorption.

A general term for any trace when it is difficult to determine its type due to poor equipment, fuzziness, or even impossible at all - on fleecy or wet objects, after attempts to wash off, scrape off, etc.

* Small concentrations of blood on horizontal surfaces, especially when they are located on various objects and tools, are more conveniently called "clusters".

table 2


VarietiesTerms signs

Puddles from leakage

without other influences
on her

Crisp Edges, Clean Peripherals

Puddles with splashing

Hitting a puddle or
dripping blood from a height

Radiant branches at the edges, lots of spatter all around

Drawing marks

Slip profusely
bloodied massive

Strip with longitudinal linearity

Rejected and intersecting

Change of original
surface position

The direction of some or all of the streaks deviates from the vertical

Jet outflow traces

Movement of the profusely bleeding
object at a certain height
(carrying the victim
or body parts)

Sinuous bands with scalloped edges (the width of the bands corresponds to the diameter at the same fall height)

free falling

Poor bleeding
from a constant height

A group of traces of droplets of the same size. Their diameter, contours and periphery depend on the fall height.

rolling down

Poor bleeding
from a wound with vertical
body position with separation
drops at different heights
and their collision

Traces of drops have different sizes and contours, between them there are many traces of splashes.

from gushing

arterial bleeding

Spatter chains dominated by elements of the same size, intervals are relatively uniform

Splatter from waving bloody

clear from the name

Spatter trails with random variation in size and spacing

Splashes from hitting a bloodied surface

clear from the nameFan-shaped grouping

deformation of traces

Blood falls on the object in the form of drops, splashes or streaks, after which, while the blood is still liquid, blows are struck with this object, causing displacement blood in the above traces

Narrow strips depart from the primary traces, directed centrifugally and forward

Crushing blood-sucking insects, spitting blood, etc.

When describing traces of blood at the scene of an incident, only those terms that make up the content of the first classification group, that is, the names various kinds elementary traces, because their recognition does not require special knowledge. In addition, this protocol must include an objective description of the features characteristic of each type of complex traces (third column of the second table). Conclusions about the conditions for the formation of complex traces and their differentiation according to varieties are carried out in the process of subsequent laboratory research and are documented in the conclusion of the physical and technical examination.

If an object with traces of blood in itself does not have clear design differences between the top and bottom, right and left sides (for example, a pillow, scarf, etc.), then before allowing it to move, you should put a conditional mark on it (pin , flash with a thread) and record this in the inspection protocol. This will ensure the possibility of reproducing its original spatial position. Before packing and transporting all seized objects with traces of blood, they must be thoroughly dried in a straightened state at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight and protect from flies and other insects.


The formation of pools is the result of the outflow of blood spreading over a non-absorbent surface that does not have a steep slope. Small amounts of blood of this origin are more conveniently described by calling them "clumps." There is no fundamental difference between these terms.

Especially extensive puddles are found directly at the site of profusely bleeding injuries, but it is not uncommon for the formation of puddles also after the victim has been moved to another place. To test the assumption about the possible movement of the body, it is necessary to compare the volume of blood in the pool with the properties of injuries in the victim and the degree of his anemization. If the shape of the puddle is relatively regular, then to determine the volume of blood, it is enough to multiply the numbers obtained by measuring its area and the average thickness. It is more reliable to use a large-scale photograph, which makes it possible to determine the area of ​​the puddle of the most diverse configuration. To do this, the image of the puddle in the photograph must be cut out along the contour and weighed on an analytical balance, then a square is cut out of the same photographic paper, the side of which is equal to the length of the image of 10 centimeters on the scale bar of the image, and weighed on the same scales. By dividing the first weight value by the second, the puddle area in square decimeters is obtained.

When examining the description of puddles, one should pay attention to their edges and the state of the surrounding surface. Clear edges and spatter-free periphery are characteristic of the gradual flow and spread of blood. Ray-like branches at the edge of the puddle and multiple splashes outside of it indicate that splashing has taken place. This phenomenon is observed when blood bleeds when the source of bleeding is at a certain height, as well as as a result of extensive trauma followed by a fall from a height or the victim being thrown by an external force (traffic accident, explosion), or after striking an already forming puddle. The above mechanisms of splashing can be recognized by differences in the details of the trace structure around such puddles: the outflow of blood from a height leads to the formation of many similar secondary splashes here, while after impact splashing, ejection phenomena predominate in the form of fan-shaped radial gradually narrowing bands, turning into chains of decreasing spray.

After the formation of a sufficiently dense blood clot in a puddle, it retains a shiny surface only if the puddle itself and the objects that are in it are inviolable. Any mechanical influences leave distinct defects on the convolution. It is necessary to describe the presence or absence of such damage on the surface of the puddle and list all those items that are soldered with clotted blood (the victim’s clothes, door edges, various tools, etc.), this can be very important for the subsequent evaluation of the versions put forward.

If by the time the examination begins, the victim, for one reason or another, is no longer near the pool of blood, then his initial position can be established by arched stepped ridges, often formed on its surface during phase-out gradually flowing blood, they are turned by concavity in the direction from which the bleeding occurred, and their height decreases as they move away from its source.

In cases of moving and hiding a corpse, the remaining pool of blood may be the only source objective information about the time of injury. Then, in order to tentatively determine the duration of bleeding by changes in the outflowing blood, it is necessary to describe the state of the surface of the puddle - shiny or crusted, indicate the width of the rim of the transparent serum that has separated from the convolution along the edges, and fix it with a large-scale photograph, measure average thickness convolution and serum layer, in addition, it is necessary to determine the relative humidity of the air and its temperature. In particularly important cases, in order to evaluate the data obtained, the same amount of fresh blood from slaughtered cattle should be experimentally poured under similar conditions and determined approximate time necessary for the onset of a similar degree of retraction of the convolution and its drying.


Impregnation is found on loose soil, on textile and other porous materials. In some cases, they help to establish the place where the bleeding occurred, in others they allow us to assert that certain objects came into contact with a bleeding object or with a pool of blood.

Impregnation can spread in all directions. including from the bottom up, for example, along the curtain, under which blood leaked. They remain much better than puddles, in particular, impregnating stains on winter clothes and upholstered furniture cannot be completely eliminated without a trace.

Valuable information is provided by impregnations found on multilayer textile objects; by the location of the crusts from dried bundles and the degree of impregnation of different layers, it is often possible to determine the direction of blood seepage (whether it got on the clothes or bed from the outside, or spread from the inside), sometimes the original relative position of the layers, the state of folds and fasteners are reliably restored, which often gives reason to establish exact position clothes and sometimes, thereby, poses. The study of soaking traces of blood on the bags allows us to find out whether they were used as packaging, or as bedding for corpses, or parts of them (both layers of bedding have stains of a similar configuration).


Leaks are formed when liquid blood enters the gap between two closely spaced surfaces, where it is drawn under the influence of surface tension. The spread of blood inside such a shell can occur in any direction, including from the bottom up.

The recognition of blood streaks as an independent classification species is important because these traces differ from other blood traces in their secrecy. They are not conspicuous, and therefore, when the criminal tries to destroy the available evidence, it is the streaks that often remain preserved and can be used to solve the crime. They can only be found with a skillful search. They should be looked for in the crevices of furniture, floors, under skirting boards. Light furniture needs to be turned over and look for leaks on lower surfaces legs, where they could be preserved after thorough washing up of pools of blood. Heavy furniture must be lifted and inspected from below with a mirror. The same methods should be used to inspect the lower end surfaces of the doors (either remove them and turn them over, or use a mirror). When they step on a puddle with their shoes, streaks of streaks spread between the insole and sole, where they can be identified after the separation of these layers. They need to be looked for in the slots near the buckles of the waist and watch straps.

If during the commission of a crime two objects were in contact, and then, after the blood that had fallen between them dried up, they were separated and stored separately, then the shape of the streaks on each of them remains the same. This allows you to prove their previous contact with each other and with blood.


These traces are formed when blood gets on steep or inclined surfaces, when a complex physico-chemical interaction occurs between the liquid and the carrier surface. The consequence of this is the obligatory division of blood into narrow strips, always directed downwards. The specific width and length of the resulting spike-shaped streaks has a strict mathematical dependence on the specific gravity of the blood, its surface tension, the degree of surface wettability and its angle of inclination. As the flow lengthens, the weight of blood in its lower part decreases; if it becomes insufficient to overcome the forces of intermolecular attraction, then further lowering of the drip stops and a club-shaped thickening forms at its lower end. On flat surfaces, the streaks are straight, on uneven surfaces they are tortuous.

The importance of blood streaks lies in the fact that they show exactly which lines on the corresponding objects were directed downward at the time of their formation, thus they allow you to determine the original position of the objects, if it has been changed.

Especially significant is the sometimes occurring opportunity to establish exactly how the object moved in the dynamics of the event under study, while the formation of streaks on it has not yet been completed. When blood gets on a fast-moving vehicle the streaks deviate along the diagonal p, which is clearly acting due to the addition of the vectors of gravity and translational motion, When the vertical axis of the object changes its slope before the onset of the clotting of the streak flowing along its surface; then the formation of deflected streaks is observed in the form of branches from their original direction. Re-entry of blood before n after a change in position vertical axis leads to the formation of intersecting or diverging streaks on different sides.

If there is a negative slope of the object (for example, the victim lies with his chest on the stairs and blood flows down the front surface of his body or clothes), then the streaks are formed much thicker than usual and have icicle-like protrusions along the entire length.

Sometimes investigators raise questions about the posture of the victim at the time of the injury. When answering them, it must be remembered that blood streaks on the body and clothing give grounds for determining the position of the latter only after the onset of external bleeding - this should be clearly reflected in the expert's conclusion. The length of time before the onset of external bleeding determines court medical expert who opened the corpse or studied the medical history of the victim.

Abundantly secreted blood sometimes flows in a jet. When the source of such bleeding is mixed at a certain height, then very peculiar strip-like traces with scalloped edges remain under it; the direction of movement can be judged from the radial protrusions and secondary spatter along them; the width of these bands is equal to the diameter of the droplets at the same drop height.

The described picture is observed when carrying the victim or parts of a dismembered corpse. The independent movement of a person with a wound of large arteries rarely leaves traces of jet flow, because the energy of blood pressure splits the strings into splashes, and when blood flows out through clothing or a bandage, the appearance of traces of jets can also occur here.


In the exact sciences, the term “drop” denotes a strictly defined amount of liquid, namely, such that, during gradual accumulation, is initially held by surface tension, and then comes off and falls as soon as the pse of the liquid exceeds the surface tension force along the separation perimeter. The initial velocity of the drops is zero or does not exceed the speed of a pedestrian, as they fall, they increase with an acceleration of 9.8 m / s 2. .

If any forces other than weight act on the liquid, then it is crushed and rapidly flies with a high initial speed - then splashes are formed.

The differences between the concepts of "drip" and "splash" are very important for the analysis and correct interpretation of the incident under study. Differentiation of these traces is carried out on the basis of differences in the physical processes described above.

The dimensions of the traces of freely falling drops depend on the area of ​​the surface of their separation and on the height of the fall. With the constancy of these parameters, traces of the same size are formed. Drops of blood of the smallest size, obtained in the experiment when flowing from the tip of a small surgical scalpel and falling from a height of 5 cm, form traces with a diameter of 0.7 cm. . ed. - A further increase in height no longer changes the diameter of the traces, because the layer of blood in them is too thin.] Therefore, traces of freely falling drops can be reliably recognized when they are found in the form of a group of the same type of elements, the diameter of which is greater than 0.7 cm.

Spatters of blood, even formed at the same time - in one group, always have different sizes, because they break away from different parts of the surface, experience different air resistance in the center and along the edges of the group, and some of them are also crushed in flight from impact. The smallest of them are microscopic in size, and the largest are always smaller than the drops that separate from the same object - this is naturally due to the above differences between their inherent initial velocities.

Differentiation of single similar traces is possible only by additional features: for splashes - according to the location above the maximum possible level of blood release or in the direction of the narrowed ends horizontally or upwards, for drops - according to the presence of radial jagged edges.

The absence of such signs serves as a basis for refusing to establish the mechanism for the formation of single traces; they should be called spots.

When blood falls from a stationary object onto a horizontal plane, the drops are round in shape, but if the drops come off a slowly moving object or fall on an inclined surface, then their traces become oval with one or more additional rays projecting in the direction of movement, and sometimes short streaks. With an increase in the height of the fall, the diameter of the traces increases, teeth appear along their edges, radiance, and then small splashes along the periphery (secondary or second splashing). The degree of their severity depends on the viscosity of the blood. The following criteria can be used to approximately determine the drop height from their tracks on smooth, non-absorbent surfaces:


  • I - The table is based on experiments with donated blood minimum and maximum viscosity - this is the reason for the overlap of indicators of the height of the fall.
  • II - The properties of drop marks on soil, asphalt, unpainted wood and other similar surfaces depend on their roughness and hygroscopicity, so the drop height can only be determined here by experiments under similar conditions.

Detection of a chain of the same type of traces of falling drops will make it possible to trace the path of a person or animal with a bleeding injury on a protruding part of the body or a copiously bloody someone else's bed, allows you to identify areas where its movement has changed, including places of stops.

A different, more complex picture can be observed in cases where the victim has a wound on a non-protruding part of the body and moves independently in vertical position. Then some drops come off at the level of the wound, others first roll down the surface of the body and clothing, then come off at different levels; in this case, splashes inevitably form from the collision of drops with each other and with the body. All these phenomena are displayed along the path of movement in combinations of traces of drops different size and structures and multiple splashes, the totality of which is referred to as traces of rolling drops.

If a person who has been wounded in the upper limb moves with an energetic step, rhythmically swinging his lowered bleeding hand, then behind him remains a kind of trail of traces of blood and, along which elements of three types alternate;

  • 1 - when the hand moves backward, its speed relative to the road is minimal, and round traces of freely falling drops are formed;
  • 2 - when the arm moves forward, its speed is added to the speed of the body, - splashes are formed with ends stretched forward;
  • 3 - at the moment of each step, from the concussion, streams break off from the fingers, forming accumulations of blood with a diameter of 4-6 cm with scalloped edges; the intervals between them are equal to the length of the steps.

blood splatter- a very common type of traces. Their practical importance is determined by the fact that they are the most dynamic mechanism of occurrence. and the formation of most of them most often coincides with the climax of the criminal act. When falling perpendicularly on a plane, the sprays form traces round shape, when moving with a slight inclination - oval, after approaching the object under acute angle- they resemble an exclamation point, the narrowed part of such a trace and its point element are always directed forward in the direction of blood flow. In groups of traces of splashes, elements of all three of the above forms can occur, because the flying blood particles have different kinetic energy, as a result of which they move along different trajectories and meet the surface at different angles.

In the table of complex traces of blood, three types of splashes are distinguished: from gushing from arterial vessels, from waving a bloody object, and from hitting a bloody surface; there are also characteristic signs for them that are subject to mandatory description in the protocol. Spatter detected after gunshot wounds, with point-blank shots or explosions, are not separately distinguished, because they arise from a ballistic shock wave, are fan-shaped and do not have specific differences from the consequences of other strikes.

With the fuzzy expression of the mentioned differential signs the presence of splashes is stated only as elementary traces.

Inspection of those surfaces on which the presence of splashes is expected must be done with a magnifying glass (even when good eyesight), because traces of splashes, which are very important for solving a crime, sometimes have a diameter less than a typographic point. Of course, a good source of light, easily moved to reveal the brilliance, is necessary, a pocket electric flashlight with a full-fledged battery is very convenient.


On blunt and slashing tools used for inflicting damage, very peculiar traces of blood are often found, which differ from the blood traces on all other surrounding objects.

These traces are formed under the influence of inertial forces acting at the moments of the next blows on the liquid blood, which got here from the previous blow. As a result of these conditions, the initially formed traces undergo additional deformation, which is specific for such circumstances, which is very important for identifying traumatic tools among many other bloodied objects. An analysis of the mechanism of trace formation makes it possible to distinguish here:

  • A - primary traces - most often splashes, but sometimes drops, streaks and accumulations;
  • B - centrifugal displacements that occur during successive strokes, when stripes extend from the primary traces, directed along the axis of the tool to its free end;
  • B - shock displacements that occur at the moments of stops of the tool, when narrow strips move forward by inertia from the primary and centrifugal tracks, directed forward in the course of the previous movement;
  • G - traces of bizarre "comet-like" outlines or ordinary traces of splashes, but directed by narrowed ends in opposite sides, - both are formed as a result of the summation of multidirectional movements from the hit on the gun of those splashes of blood that are in air flight from previous strikes.

The detection of inertial displacements of any traces up to types “E” and “B”, both individually and in combination, reliably indicates the use of this weapon for striking; sign "G" is not so convincing and is subject to evaluation but the totality of all other data.

The presence of traces of splashes on the tool without signs of inertial deformation does not exclude assumptions about the application of PM strikes, because traces of splashes are sometimes very stable (especially if they are small) and may remain unchanged with impacts of not very large force.

The presence of traces of drops, streaks or accumulations of blood on the object without inertial deformation makes it possible to reject the possibility of striking them in the period of time after the blood hits it and before it dries.

When drops, streaks or accumulations of blood are found on the object as primary traces, which are then subjected to centrifugal or shock deformation, then we can also conclude that the criminal changed the tools, because the mentioned primary traces could only have appeared on the condition that at first this tool was motionless and he was exposed to blood from the first damage done by something else.


Blots are superficial overlays of blood on various objects. This general term denotes two different types of elementary traces, similar but outward signs, but differing in the mechanism of occurrence: smears and prints.

The term "blot" is also used in cases where the surface structure of the trace indicates the contact of two objects that took place, but the dynamics of their interaction cannot be recognized.

smears- are the result of sliding contact between objects, between which there was a certain amount of blood. Initially, blood could be found both on a moving object (for example, wiping a bloodied weapon) and on a stationary one (for example, smearing fresh drops, splashes, etc.). The shape of smears is usually indefinite, their sizes vary widely, the thickness of the blood layer naturally decreases in the direction of movement, the edges for the most part fuzzy, with blurred contours.

If, in the more intense initial part of the stroke, the presence of a clear edge is ascertained, then this indicates a similar shape of the contour of the sliding object that touched here, sometimes such a stroke partially reflects the configuration of the wiped knife, ax, etc.

The presence against the background of smears of areas of a clean surface, limited by smooth edges, is observed after rubbing a bloody object over the folds of a textile product, which then straightened out. The most intense imposition of blood remains along the crests of the folds; comparing their contours with each other, one can get an idea of ​​the previous mutual arrangement of the crumpled layers.

A special kind of smears are traces of dragging, formed during the sliding movement of a bloody massive object; body of a person, carcass of an animal or other object that has previously been in contact with a pool of blood. They have the form of stripes with longitudinal linearity and are subject to careful study throughout, for. due to the massiveness of the object being moved, an exchange of microparticles necessarily takes place between it and the surface. Beside imprints- are formed as a result of static contact of a bloody object with a flat surface that can absorb a layer of blood. With greater or less completeness, they display signs external structure trace-forming object and can often be used; to identify this item by conducting a trace examination.

Sometimes prints are subtle, so a determined search using good lighting is needed to identify them.

Extremely important for solving crimes are the prints of bloody fingers, palms and bare feet, displaying the details of the structure of skin patterns, suitable for identifying a person. They differ from other stained papillary prints or from their sweat-fat traces in that they are formed only after the onset of bleeding. therefore, their accidental occurrence from long-term contact with the object without connection with injury is excluded.

Very important are the prints that remain on the skin of the victim and on other surfaces from the contact of the offender's clothing, moistened with blood. Using them, it is sometimes possible to establish the structure of weaving, the type of knitted pattern, the nature of the relief of knitted products, or the contours of other details.

Bloody objects that leave traces-prints can be not only various objects, but also bleeding injuries themselves. There are known cases of establishing the identity of criminals but the dressings they lost, on the inner layer of which there were exact imprints of the shape of wounds or ulcers that were on their body. The same role was once played by the prints on the sheet used by the criminal to soak the blood protruding from several scratches on his cheek received by him in the struggle during the commission of rape,


As mentioned earlier, when describing traces of blood in the examination protocol, it is possible to use terms denoting the names of various types of elementary traces, but this is only permissible when attributing the trace to one or another type does not cause difficulties, that is, with a clear contrast between the trace and the background and typical trace structure. If there is any doubt on this issue, the name “spots” is used to designate traces of blood, describing their location, color, quantity and relative position, shape and size, edge structure, uniformity of the layer and intensity of impregnation. If doubts are later resolved (after using better lighting, optical instruments etc.), then in subsequent documents the same traces can be described using specific terms. There will be no contradictions here, because the concept of "spot" is general for all species.

The term "stain" is also used for such traces of blood, the mechanism of origin of which cannot be established at all, when it comes to blood deposits on fur, hay, lace products, melting snow, wet surfaces, and the like, as well as after washing attempts, when coloring the substance of the blood has spread beyond its original boundaries.

In the last section of the classification table of complex blood traces, other, relatively rare varieties of traces find their place. These include traces of crushing blood-sucking insects, according to the mechanism of their formation and appearance, they are similar to smears, but differ somewhat from them in the presence primary focus, within which the intensity of the blood layer does not change. If necessary, the origin of these traces can be clarified by a laboratory study that reveals microscopic remains of the chitinous shells of the insect.

This also includes spitting bloody saliva and sputum - their shape usually differs from traces of pure blood due to the uneven viscosity and foaminess of these impurities.

Blood in a dream is a symbol of life, health, prosperity, kinship, surprise.

If you see in a dream that you are bleeding - a sign of loss and poor health.

A dream in which you saw that blood is coming from your nose means the loss of funds or position in society.

Blood pouring from a wound is a sign of an unsuccessful deal that will bring you a lot of trouble and loss.

Seeing blood on your hands is a sign of danger threatening you due to negligence.

Incest in a dream portends a disease or a painful pride that will cause you a lot of problems.

Blood vessels with blood flowing through them portends well-being.

Blood on the head means getting a fortune soon.

Spitting blood in a dream - to illness or humiliation.

A dream in which you saw that blood is pouring out of you on the floor predicts a win in business or gaining benefits.

Dark blood flowing from you portends liberation from sorrows and worries.

Blood flowing from the throat portends significant events in your life, strengthening the position in society, wealth and prosperity in the house. Especially if the blood is bright red and not caked.

For the childless, such a dream predicts the imminent birth of children. Such a dream also promises you a meeting with a loved one whom you have not seen for a long time.

It is bad to see in a dream that you are spitting blood on bare ground. Such a dream predicts death loved one or relative.

Choking on blood in a dream or swimming in it is a sign of danger or great misfortune that will happen to loved ones.

Dark blood clots in a dream are a sign of a serious illness that is sneaking up on you. The brighter the blood that you see in a dream, the more dangerous and painful your illness will be.

To see a stream of blood in a dream means serious illness fatal over a long period of time.

Someone else's blood in a dream portends the illness of loved ones or acquaintances.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Some pathological formations on the skin can alert anyone. And small dots, similar to rashes, painted in red, are a fairly common reason for contacting a dermatovenereologist. But in fact, such a symptom has a different nature, so pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin make themselves felt, the causes of which, let's look at www ..

Pinpoint hemorrhages on the arms, legs and face can look like flat, as well as dotted spots of a rounded shape. They are painted in a rich red color and can reach one to two millimeters in diameter. They cannot be detected by palpation, such formations do not protrude at all skin surface. Sometimes the size pinpoint hemorrhages reaches the pea. The main feature that distinguishes such a pathology from bites is the inability to consider the central point.

About why there are point hemorrhages on the body (the reasons are different)

Pinpoint hemorrhages on the skin are usually classified by doctors as petichias. Their appearance is explained by capillary hemorrhages (small hemorrhages) inside skin and also in mucous membranes.

The main cause of petechial hemorrhages is some kind of physical injury, for example, swipe over the surface of the skin. Petichias can form in all patients. age categories both in adults and in children.

Quite rarely, petechial hemorrhages on the skin of the face occur in response to a strong cough, vomiting. In this case, strong tension leads to rupture of capillaries near the eyes. Most often, this disorder occurs in children. With the strongest intestinal infection vomiting can lead to a petichial rash on the face and chest, as well as in the region of the anterior wall of the neck.

Petichias may form after pressure has been applied to skin tissue. Such hemorrhages disappear on their own, after about a few days, they are not considered as dangerous phenomenon. So, for example, spot bleeding on the skin may appear when wearing improperly selected underwear (small in size), golf, stockings, etc. In this case, the elements of the rash are localized in areas that have been subjected to pressure.

In certain cases, hemorrhages on the skin occur as a symptom of thrombocytopenia. This ailment develops when the number of platelets in the blood decreases by an order of magnitude. A similar condition may occur after consumption medicines It is also a complication of some infections. With thrombocytopenia, the patient has impaired blood clotting, in which any cut or abrasion bleeds and does not heal for a very long time.

Petichia can be caused by a violation of the functions of blood clotting. Also, capillaries can burst due to the consumption of certain drugs.

So, for example, when consuming acetylsalicylic acid Influenza virus patients may experience a widespread multi-spotted rash over almost the entire body. Drugs intended for the treatment of varicose veins can cause hemorrhage on the skin, as they can worsen blood clotting by an order of magnitude.

With colds viral ailments, patients may develop such pathological condition as disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. Such a violation is manifested just by petichias in different parts of the body.

There are a number of rather serious diseases, one of the symptoms of which can be hemorrhages in the skin. They are represented by lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Wegener's granulomatosis, infective endocarditis, scurvy, periarteritis nodosa, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Also on this list is hypercortisolism, purpura, typhoid fever, smallpox, Werlhof's disease and septicemia.

The appearance of hemorrhages on the skin can be explained even by such a life-threatening condition as sepsis, which develops against the background of long-term inflammatory diseases. This disease requires immediate hospitalization.

It is believed that the appearance similar symptom may be observed in allergic reactions. They make the vessels somewhat more permeable, due to which blood can ooze through their walls, going under the skin. Actually, just such a picture is typical for the autoimmune diseases already mentioned above.

In the event that even a slight physical impact on the skin of a child becomes the cause of a hemorrhage, it is worth considering, perhaps he has some kind of disturbance in the activity of the blood coagulation system. The most famous and at the same time dangerous disease of this type is hemophilia.

In old age, people often experience the appearance of large hemorrhages under the skin. These are petechial hemorrhages on the legs and also on the hands. A similar situation is observed with the loss of a fatty pad, due to which blood vessels become more vulnerable. Such local hemorrhages do not in any way indicate the possibility internal bleeding.

Sometimes under the point hemorrhages under the skin, patients mean the appearance of spider veins. These pinpoint hemorrhages on the face and legs look like a red mesh. Such formations are not at all dangerous to health, they are considered solely as a cosmetic defect. Most often they appear when hormonal disruptions and at varicose veins veins.

When pinpoint hemorrhages appear on the skin, it is worth making an appointment with a therapist or a cosmetologist.

Hemorrhage under the skin usually easy to recognize. For example, if you hurt yourself and the blood from the damaged vessels seeps into the surrounding tissue, you will see a bruise. If you have been bitten by an insect and you constantly comb this place, then it is clear what is happening. local bleeding. If every time during your period you notice small hemorrhages under the skin you probably know that this happens to many women, and do not worry.

But if you suddenly bleed under the skin for no apparent reason, you have to think about the following.

Reaction to the drug. Anticoagulants or aspirin thin the blood, making it easier to bruise or bleed when injured or cut. Suspect any drug (quinine in tonic when you mix it with gin or take it in pill form to prevent leg cramps; quinidine for the heart, antibiotics, diuretics) if you start to bleed under the skin and bruise more easily than usual.

Allergic reaction can make your blood vessels more permeable, allowing blood to seep through their walls and out under your skin. Many autoimmune diseases also give this effect.

Leukemia(blood cancer) attacks the bone marrow, replacing healthy cells that help control blood clotting with tumor cells that don't.

viral disease may reduce the number of platelets, platelets (blood components that play important role in collapse), causing hemorrhage under the skin and, more importantly, internal bleeding.

If your child has from light blow there is a superficial bruise, then, perhaps, he has a hereditary defect in the blood coagulation system. But if the hemorrhage is deep under the skin and comes from the slightest injury, it is possible hemophilia.

Bleeding that happens all the time in the same place, such as from the nose or intestines, may reflect a hereditary pathology of specific small blood vessels. Conversely, when the bleeding is widespread but most noticeable on the legs, you probably have some kind of general disorder blood or blood vessels.

Heredity is very important. If you suspect hereditary disease like hemophilia or weakened walls of small vessels, it is very important to know if your relatives have had such symptoms. If you marry a close relative, you greatly increase the risk that your children will have hereditary abnormal bleeding.

If you started easy bleed under the skin and, moreover, turned yellow - you probably have a liver disease: it does not form enough vitamin K to properly clot your blood.

In the elderly sometimes there are large purple spots superficially under the skin, mainly on the arms and legs.

This happens when aging skin loses its fatty pad and makes adjacent blood vessels more vulnerable to damage. These hemorrhagic areas in the skin do not mean that you also have internal bleeding.

Sometimes purple spots are not the result of aging, but Cushing's syndrome caused by excessive production of cortisone in the adrenal glands. The disease can be localized in them or in the pituitary gland of the brain. Similarly, if you take too much cortisone long time you may experience bleeding; the body is not able to distinguish cortisone in the pill from the one that it itself excessively forms.

Hemorrhage is called the accumulated blood coming out of the vessels and filling the cavity of the eyeball and its tissues. Blood in the eye, what to do? Accurate Diagnosis established by specialists - doctors working in microsurgery and ophthalmologists. Hemorrhage in the eye, the causes and treatment of which must be carried out in a timely manner, is divided into several types.

These include:

  • Hemophthalmos;
  • Hyphema;
  • Preretinal, subretinal and subconjunctival influence, called hyposphagma.

To primary signs phenomena are clustered headache and the appearance of a characteristic spot, swelling under the eye, which impairs vision.

This pathology will not affect vision, but will reduce its sharpness. The appearance of complications is possible if the eyes are regularly filled with blood.

Causes of bruising

Many are interested in what causes hemorrhage in the eye area. Glasses are often replaced with lenses which, if not properly selected, can cause bruising. At such a moment, mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane occurs, the corresponding symptoms appear.

A person has a feeling of sand in the eye, but small vessels are injured. The bruising will disappear without treatment if you do not use lenses for a certain period of time, and in the future choose the appropriate option so that the phenomenon does not appear again.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's body is subject to strong stresses, which can lead to ruptures of small vessels in the eyes. Over time, they disappear without the intervention of specialists. Why floods, pressure or other factors? Sports and heavy physical labor may cause an unpleasant event. In order for smudges to disappear, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of stress on the body.

With long and frequent flights, eye pressure changes, which negatively affects the vessels. They are damaged, causing hemorrhage, which disappears in a few days without medical procedures.

Another reason why eyes bleed is straining cough caused by an infection or allergy. The small red dot in the eye will disappear with the treatment of the underlying disease.

Bleeding eyes can terrify a person, but you should calm down and understand the cause of the phenomenon. In most cases, the appearance of a problem is observed with a head injury, after a blow to the head and torso area.

The hematoma of the eyeball is formed due to rupture of small capillaries, which is not uncommon with sharp temperature fluctuations that are unfavorable. weather conditions, chronic lack of sleep, eye strain, bad habits, hits foreign body and uncontrolled intake of drugs that affect blood clotting.

With one of these factors, one can see blood clot in the eye.

This list of reasons is referred to as harmless manifestations, indicating that it is necessary to change the way of life. Regular filling of the eye with blood leads to the development of blood clots in the retinal area.. If the problem goes away for a long time, then some may mistake it for pronounced vessels in the eyes. This judgment is erroneous.

Attention! Injury is not the only cause of hemorrhage in the eye in an adult. Diseases and pathologies of organs can lead to the formation of bruising.

The main cause of hemorrhage is circulatory disorders and low level blood clotting. Over time, blood vessels lose their elasticity and become brittle., so the blood will enter the sclera of the eye. The treatment of such a phenomenon is much higher than with a normal bruise. When the eye is swollen with blood, this is not uncommon with a complicated diabetes, hypertension, endarteritis and atherosclerosis.

Such a nuisance can be caused by inflammatory processes in the eye.

In inflammation of the main choroid, irises, iritis and uveitis, the blood supply is disturbed, and blood appears in the eye. In a person with myopia, cracks appear in the vessels of the eyes, which lead to the fact that the eye is filled with blood. It occurs after the birth of a child, due to coughing and physical work.

Rare pathologies include tumors of various etiologies. They lead to blood pressure, which provokes rupture of blood vessels, rises. A decrease in the number of platelets and the occurrence of anemia have become one of the rare reasons why the eye is swollen with blood.

The appearance of such a problem in the eyeball should not go unnoticed. It is recommended to immediately contact a specialist, who will select an effective treatment method. In this case, the doctor takes into account all factors, especially the size of the lesion. By severity, the phenomenon is divided into small, medium and strong.

Attention! Minor to moderate hemorrhage can be cured, and severe bruising causes loss of vision, which in many cases cannot be restored.


The localization of the accumulation of blood is different, therefore, they secrete main affected areas:

  • Eye socket. The cavity of the orbit is filled with blood due to contusion of the orbit of the eye resulting from vasculitis or blood diseases. The problem is accompanied by partial loss of vision, bulging eyes, displacement of the eyeball forward, limited mobility of the organ. Eyes filled with blood indicate a fracture of the base of the skull, if the bruise resembles glasses in shape.
  • Anterior chamber of the eye. With hyphema, a red color formation with smooth edges appears. Blood spreads to the entire cavity of the eye chamber, or covers the bottom. There is no loss of vision, and the bloody smudge will disappear with time.
  • Retina. Accumulation of blood leads to blurring of the contours of objects, which makes it difficult to recognize objects. The phenomenon that affects the retina is accompanied by a headache in the region of the temple of the affected eye. At the same time, a bloody veil appears before the eyes.
  • vitreous body. Hemophthalmos is a brown formation that is located behind the lens. This is due to injury to the vessels, without affecting the lens. With complete hemophthalmos, vision is lost. Partial vision loss is often caused by retinal detachment or eyeball atrophy.

Hemorrhage is observed with thin and fragile walls of the eye vessels, while the elasticity of the tissues is lost. A bruise on the squirrel indicates their damage.

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Healing procedures

When a bruise is found in the eye should visit the doctor immediately as long and serious treatment may be required. If the eye is filled with blood, or there is a slight hemorrhage without pain, then special drops are used for hemorrhage to relieve redness.

Of the pharmaceutical preparations are usually used:

  • Octilia;
  • Naphthyzinum;
  • Vizin;
  • Okumetil.

Eye drops from hemorrhage have vasoconstrictor effect and prevent blood flow. Often they are used to reduce intense redness.

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Folk remedies

How to treat bruising at home? Treatment of hemorrhage in the eye must be handled carefully. Among the main methods are the use of ice, compresses from herbal decoctions, brewing tea or juice of home plants.

Bruising is treated:

  1. Compress from strong tea . The seal must be strong. After it has cooled, a cotton ball is moistened in it, wrapped in a bandage and applied to the eye for a quarter of an hour. This will help remove redness.
  2. Chamomile compress. For 2 st. l. dry flowers will need a glass of boiling water. The mixture must be infused and cooled. The infusion is filtered. Further actions carried out in the same way as in paragraph 1.
  3. Curd curd. A teaspoon of the product is placed in a bandage or a piece of natural tissue and applied to the eye, which is filled with blood.
  4. lotion from cabbage juice or cabbage. Cabbage leaf is crushed to a puree consistency. The slurry is placed in a cloth and applied to the eye. Fresh cabbage juice has a similar effect, eliminating a red spot in the eye.

All procedures should be carried out several times a day until the intraocular condition of the victim improves. Vitamin C will help increase the elasticity of blood vessels. To do this, it is enough to use complex vitamin preparations with the content of vitamins of groups P and C, ascorutin and ascorbic acid.

Attention! In summer, people suffering from vascular permeability should eat fruits, vegetables, berries, and in winter - sauerkraut and citrus.

Blood from the eyes is not only a cosmetic defect, but also a cause for concern. Treatment should be timely, and not only folk remedies. Vitamins, drugs, drops, surgical methods eliminate both the phenomenon itself and its consequences.

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