Peppermint essential oil. Menthol oil and peppermint oil are the same or not. Peppermint essential oil for hair

The beneficial properties of peppermint have been known since ancient times. The first mention of this plant can be found in ancient Greek tracts. Peppermint essential oil has a range of beneficial properties. Most wide application she got like healing agent. This plant has found its use in everyday life, this substance repels insects and has a slight disinfecting effect.

Beneficial features

The essential oil of this plant is one of the most popular in the world. It is used in many areas, from treating colds to repelling insects. Among the most common healing properties of this remedy are the following:

Peppermint oil has a complex composition. His pleasant aroma calms the nerves and stimulates blood circulation in the brain. This helps to reduce headaches and improve general well-being. Particularly good at eliminating this disease may help, add a few drops to hot water and leave. As the water evaporates, the aroma of mint will fill the entire room, relieving headaches and spasms.

  • has a tonic effect

In a state of brokenness, and can help well mint oil. It improves blood circulation and tones the body, giving vigor and strength. Also this remedy Helps fight skin aging by stimulating collagen production and preventing dryness upper layers epidermis.

  • improves
  • removes bad breath

This is one of the most well-known health benefits of mint. Thanks to its refreshing effect, peppermint oil eliminates bad smell from oral cavity. However, it must be taken into account that this effect temporary, and if the mouth constantly smells bad, then you need to see a doctor.

  • removes digestive problems

Thanks to its stimulating effect, it contributes to the improvement of work digestive tract. Eliminates heaviness in the stomach and flatulence in the abdomen. However, you need to know that when hyperacidity stomach, as well as in the period of complications of chronic diseases digestive system, it is better not to use it.

  • repels insects

The oil of this plant is used not only in the cosmetic industry, but also for the production of food products and even objects household chemicals. This substance helps well in getting rid of moths and garden pests.

Also essential oil Peppermint is actively used in the cosmetic industry.

Peppermint essential oil for face

This tool is especially great for oily and aging skin. Peppermint oil has the following positive impact on the skin of the face:

  • tones up

Peppermint oil is especially good for oily skin. It helps to remove ugly shine, relieve acne, tones and strengthens the epidermis. Especially the firming effect of peppermint oil is well suited for aging skin. It will help not only strengthen it and make it more elastic, but also slow it down. natural process wilting of the dermis.

  • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
  • removes the vascular network

Peppermint essential oil makes the walls of blood vessels and capillaries more elastic. This contributes to the fact that their fragility decreases and the process of the appearance of an ugly red star grid on the body and face slows down. Also, this substance helps to eliminate and discolor such dermal defects that are available.

  • whitens the skin

In order to enhance the effect, you can combine the use of mint oil with parsley, which also has this effect.

  • stabilizes the sebaceous glands

This is suitable for oily skin that is prone to acne. because of increased output sebum, its pores are clogged, which leads to micro-inflammation and the formation of acne and blackheads. With regular use medical masks with peppermint oil, the risk of acne is significantly reduced, the skin becomes matte and velvety.

Add this product to your face care products, you need no more than a few drops. It must be added to the base when using to avoid direct contact with the skin, otherwise allergies may occur.

Peppermint essential oil for hair

As a means of treating and restoring hair, it is used quite rarely. Basically, this substance is used in the following cases:

  • to improve blood circulation in the scalp

Due to the presence of a large number of nutrients, peppermint oil improves cerebral circulation, refreshes the head, and promotes good memory and mental clarity. It relieves migraines and spastic manifestations of blood vessels in the head.

  • to get rid of dandruff

Peppermint oil is used in many washing cosmetics. It strengthens the hair roots and stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, which helps to remove dandruff from the hair. Often this substance serves as an excellent hair freshener. They become lush and radiant.

  • to give hair a pleasant fragrance

The smell of peppermint is remarkable in itself, in it you can not only feel light notes of menthol, but also a bouquet of complex aromas of other essential compounds that make up its composition. From the use of essential mint oil, the curls become not only soft and elastic, but also acquire a light, attractive herbal-menthol aroma.

  • to stimulate hair growth

By improving blood circulation in the epidermis of the head, hair growth is stimulated. They become thick, fragility and split ends disappear. The skin secret begins to be produced better.

When rinsing your hair, you can put peppermint oil in water, after dropping it into sea ​​salt for better mixing with the liquid. Using medicinal mixtures for hair, you need to drip oil into the base. It should not be used in concentrated form, as this may cause allergic effect and cause hair loss.

Health Application

Peppermint essential oil is often used to treat various diseases. These include the following:

Before using this tool, you need to consult a specialist.

Application in everyday life

Most often, mint is used to repel pests and aromatize rooms. This plant is excellent tool to repel mosquitoes, flies, ants. It also helps keep pests out. garden plot. It is enough to pour a solution with the addition of a few drops of mint oil, for example, onto an ant pile, as insects will quickly disappear.


Peppermint oil has a wonderful refreshing smell due to the presence of menthol and other complex aromatic substances. Aromatherapy is a wonderful way to relax the nervous system and improve mood.

To create a rich aroma in the room, it is enough to drip into an aroma lamp or a container with hot water 5-7 drops of the substance. Aromatherapy will not only improve the atmosphere in the room, but also help eliminate pathogens.


Peppermint essential oil should be used with caution. It has its contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation

During the period of bearing a child, it is better to exclude the use of essential oils altogether. AT given period the woman's body is very susceptible to similar substances and may "respond" with an allergic reaction. During breastfeeding, the use of peppermint essential oil can not only cause allergies, but also affect the quality of breast milk, which can affect the functioning of the digestive system of the baby.

  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder

It is not recommended to use peppermint oil during the period of complications of chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder. This is due to the fact that mint has a tonic effect. She stimulates digestive process and contributes to the production of digestive secretions, which irritate the mucous surface of the stomach and gallbladder.

  • skin diseases

In the presence of diseases such as psoriasis, fungal infections, eczema, etc., the use of peppermint essential oil should be abandoned altogether.

Diseases such as asthma, cancer, Chronical bronchitis it is better not to use this remedy, as it irritates the respiratory system, and can provoke asthma attacks.

  • allergic reactions

Essential oils are concentrated substances. They are an extract from a plant, all of its beneficial features, therefore, before using it, it is necessary to know the reaction of the body to the effect of this substance. To do this, apply it to an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe epidermis, if redness and itching do not appear, then the substance can be put into effect.

  • sleep problems

Since peppermint oil has a tonic effect, it is better to refrain from using it, especially for people suffering from sleep disorders and mental disorders. Peppermint oil is best not to use before bedtime, as well as during a period of strong psychological disorder.

O useful qualities mint essential oil peppery people have known for a long time. It is actively used in the treatment various ailments, in cosmetology, and even in pest control. This substance has many complex compounds in its composition, its pleasant cooling effect from the content of metol is widely known. Peppermint oil has its own contraindications, so you need to use it carefully.

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Who among us does not know the delicious, soothing aroma of mint, accompanied by a slight chill? The fresh, juicy greens of this wonderful plant are so often used in cooking that today they have already begun to forget about mint as a medicinal plant. Meanwhile, and now it is one of the most effective soothing and relaxing agents, and besides, it has a tonic and refreshing effect.

This is one of the oldest plants that were widely used both in the east and in Western medicine, and dried mint stalks were found even in the tombs of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. More than two thousand years ago, mint was considered the main plant for the normalization of digestion. All the virtues of mint, revealed when it is used in its "raw" form, are fully inherent in mint essential oil.


Essential oil is extracted from mint, which is so familiar to all aromatic oils obtained from fresh leaves or petals, by steam distillation, while using almost the entire above-ground part of the plants.

Outwardly, peppermint oil is slightly yellowish or light green, fluid and very liquid. The aroma of mint is very bright: fresh and invigorating, it is both sharp and subtle, surprisingly saturated with nuances, combining cold notes of mint smell with warm shades camphor.

In addition to mint oil itself, peppermint oil is also isolated, with similar characteristics, but with more spicy aroma. Most often, these oils are not separated, signing both, like peppermint essential oil. In addition, peppermint oil is obtained by distillation not from the aerial parts of the plant, but only from the dried flowers.

Complementary to mint oil are aromatic oils, sweet orange,.

Influence on the emotional sphere

Peppermint belongs to the scents of Mercury, it symbolizes the thirst for adventure, charm and courage, while its main effect covers the sphere intellectual development and sociability. Relieving tension, negative experiences and anxiety, mint not only enhances self-confidence, but also helps to establish communication, mutual understanding, and is great for preparing for public speaking.

Energetically, mint is the smell of renewal, restoration vitality. AT emotional sphere the nature of the impact of peppermint oil is restorative. It helps to cope with emotional exhaustion, overcome the effects of fatigue and tension, effectively relieves nervousness and distraction after lack of sleep.

Mint is considered women's oil which is not recommended for young men.

Medicinal properties

The list of beneficial properties of mint and the essential oil obtained from it is not limited to a calming effect. Both in folk and traditional medicine mint oil is actively used to relieve asthenic disorders (including dizziness, motion sickness, nausea), toothache, heartburn attacks, stomach cramps, the consequences of overeating, pain in the heart and muscle spasms with physical overload, painful menstruation.

One of the beneficial properties of peppermint essential oil is the cleansing of mucous membranes, as well as its antibacterial properties are actively used in medicine. Peppermint aroma oil copes well with rosacea. This is one of the most effective means to normalize blood circulation and improve the state of cerebral vessels.

Use in cosmetology

In the field of cosmetology, mint is not used as widely as most essential oils obtained from flowering crops. Mint promotes quick withdrawal skin irritation after contact with traumatic factors or substances, but as a general soothing additive is used quite rarely.

The main use of peppermint oil is to improve protective functions skin, particularly when exposed to extreme temperatures. Thanks to its cooling properties and improved blood circulation, mint aroma oil helps to even out skin tone.

This aromatic oil will also help to cope with the vascular or capillary pattern on the surface of the skin and with acne, especially on initial stages diseases.


Peppermint oil is not among the most strong allergens but use it with caution. This essential oil should not be used in treatments for children under 6 years of age or those undergoing homeopathic treatments. The thing is that mint neutralizes homeopathic remedies any type; mint oil can not even be placed next to herbal remedies.

In addition, mint can cause allergic reactions in case of individual intolerance, so a sensitivity test to this aroma oil is mandatory. allergic reactions usually occur in those who cannot tolerate even fresh mint.

When applied, peppermint essential oil, even diluted, causes a feeling of cold and tingling for several minutes. Even though peppermint is a soothing oil, nervous system it has an exciting and tonic effect, so the oil should not be used for too long. long period without breaks or in the evenings, this can cause.


Peppermint aroma oil is not among the most active and is usually used in standard dosages, but without increasing the recommended doses.

  • If you are using then hot water add no more than 5 drops of aroma oil, but for aroma medallions in most cases 1 is enough, in the extreme - up to 3 drops of mint oil.
  • To take a relaxing and soothing emulsifier, you can dilute no more than 7 drops of oil per procedure, while it is better to start with 3 drops at all.
  • For compresses, rubbing, massage, the oil is used in an amount of about 6 drops with a solvent oil. To cosmetics add no more than 2 drops for every 5 grams of the main composition.
  • Mint very effectively helps to cope with inflammation of the oral cavity: in this case, it is most effective to use the application method, blotting cotton swabs mixed in equal proportions vegetable oil (any) and mint aroma oil.
  • For quick pain relief (for dental or muscle pain) for each share of mint oil, 2 parts of any base aroma oil are mixed.
  • In cooking, it is used in the same way as fresh or dried mint- for flavoring desserts, wine and tea. Up to 5 drops of mint oil are added to 1 liter of drink.

Application in everyday life

With the help of mint or peppermint essential oil, you can get rid of ants and rodents in the garden: just sprinkle essential oil where they bother you, for example, near bulbous plants in a flower garden or near anthills in the garden.

It has many healing properties, known for more than one millennium. It was used to stop bleeding even Hippocrates, Avicenna and Paracelsus. In the seventeenth century, Culpepper mentioned her therapeutic effect for stomach problems. It was also used as an aromatic seasoning in ancient Egypt.

AT ancient Greek mythology one of the nymphs, who was able to heal diseases and predict the future, was called Mint. The essential oil is made from this fragrant grass, which arose at the place where the nymph died. That is why the plant is named so.

And in Roman myths, there lived a goddess named Menta. In ancient Roman mythology, Menta is revered as a goddess personifying the human mind, and therefore philosophers wore wreaths from the stems of this fragrant plant. It was believed that mint improves mental capacity and helps you concentrate better.


Peppermint essential oil is made from dried leaves, flowers, and stems of the plant. It is obtained by steam distillation, when water vapor is distilled from the flowering tops and leaves of the plant. At the exit, it remains from half to three percent. The oil may be colorless, light green or light yellow. Its smell is sweet, grassy and fresh, minty with hints of honey and menthol flavors.


The main ingredient here is menthol. It makes up to fifty percent of the composition of the entire product. In addition to it, mint oil contains methyl acetate, phellandrene, limonene, alpha-pinene, cineole, geraniol, dihydrocarvone and many other useful substances.


Applying such strong remedy, you should consider what oils and substances it complements and has a beneficial effect. They are: rosemary, black pepper, basil, bergamot, benzoin, ylang-ylang, lemon, geranium, marjoram, cypress, juniper, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, pine, sage and all citrus fruit oils.

mint plant

The essential oil is made from a perennial herbal plant. It can grow up to one meter in height. It has a hollow stem and oblong ovate leaves pointed at the ends. little flowers purple gather at the very top. The fruit of the plant consists of four nuts.

It is believed that peppermint originated in the Mediterranean and Western Asia. Now it is actively cultivated in Russia, European countries, North America, Brazil, Egypt and Japan. It blooms all summer, but most of all from late June to September.

Beneficial features

Peppermint oil has a spectrum beneficial action. Among them are the following:

  • improvement of appetite;
  • stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lowering the level of acidity in the body;
  • getting rid of spasms and colic in the digestive tract;
  • normalization metabolic process substances;
  • getting rid of stones in the bladder;
  • regulation of the hormonal system;
  • removal of heart pain;
  • activation of the endocrine system;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • performance improvement respiratory tract with relevant diseases;
  • improvement in tachycardia, angina pectoris, sinus arrhythmia;
  • getting rid of cough and runny nose;
  • decrease in temperature at its elevated values;
  • strengthening gums and eliminating bad breath;
  • getting rid of headache, neuralgic and muscle pain;
  • regulation of menstruation in violation of their cycle;
  • decrease in milk with its excessive release during lactation;
  • removal of nervous breakdown or overexcitation;
  • calming down severe stress and state of shock
  • improvement of blood circulation in the brain;
  • stimulation of activity with mental overwork;
  • skin healing due to insect bites;
  • repel insect pests (can be used both when going out into nature to protect the body, and adding to the wardrobe so that moths are not found).

It is also widely used in cosmetic purposes mint. Essential oil is used in the following cases:

  • for the care of oily, prone to irritability, skin;
  • in order to increase the protective function;
  • to relieve swelling, eliminate acne, eczema, inflammation and itching;
  • increase skin tone and elasticity;
  • refreshing the skin and improving its color;
  • to improve hair growth.


During pregnancy for early dates It is better to stop taking essential oils. Also, it is highly not recommended for children under the age of seven and in case of an allergic rhinitis.

Taking too much of a dose can cause general weakness, dizziness, insomnia, decreased blood pressure and stomach irritation.

Internal application

In diseases of the digestive system and a condition of heartburn, it is recommended that mint be used inside. Essential oil in the first case (from one to three drops) is added to a spoonful of honey or jam and consumed up to three times a day.

If you suffer from heartburn, a couple of drops of the remedy for half a teaspoon of kefir will help. Should be taken with water.

In addition, you can flavor the tea leaf, two hundred grams of which add up to eight drops of oil.

Outdoor use

The aroma lamp has become especially popular in last years. Essential oils are added to it, the use of which helps to achieve certain result. Peppermint is thus used to relieve headaches, colds, coughs, migraines, bronchitis and overexertion. Up to six drops should be added to the aroma lamp per fifteen square meters of the room. If an aroma medallion is used, then only two drops will be required for the same footage.

Essential oils are also widely used in massage. Their use can relieve digestive disorders, nervous strain, fatigue, apathy and different kind pain. In addition to mint, avocado, macadamia and almond oil will help for this purpose. As anti-cellulite products, citrus fruits are the most popular. It is also recommended to take a bath with essential oils.

To get rid of inflammation and irritation on the skin, put compresses. 5 to 7 drops of oil are added to 10 ml of alcohol. If itching torments, then it is necessary to add mint essential oil to any vegetable oil, the properties of which can fight this. unpleasant feeling(for 10 drops vegetable oil up to 7 drops of essential oil will be required).

Application in medicine: official and alternative

Menthol, which is one of the main components contained in mint, is part of many drugs in medicine, for example, validol, valocormid, pectusin, boromenthol, corvalol, equatol, camphomen, menovazine and many others. It has a somewhat cooling effect and a characteristic refreshing smell.

AT traditional medicine leaves of the plant treat burns, neuralgia, colds, digestive problems, toothache and so on.

Peppermint essential oil for scalp and hair

The tool is successfully used for hair care. For this purpose, shampoos and balms are prepared, as well as masks and conditioners. In a regular shampoo, when washing your hair, add up to three drops of oil.

For rinsing, an infusion is prepared from two tablespoons of dried leaves and a glass of boiling water. After cooling, it is filtered and three drops of essential oil are added.

The mask is prepared from two to three tablespoons of castor oil and two to three drops of mint, respectively. It is applied to the hair and lasts at least half an hour.

To greasy hair not so quickly contaminated, use henna with the addition of mint at the rate of 50 g of henna per 7 drops of essential oil. In this case, the product is applied to the hair for two to three hours.

Wraps will also be effective, the recipe of which includes all the same essential oil of mint. Reviews of women who have tried this tool make us believe that oily hair can be easily overcome with it. To do this, make a nettle infusion (half a cup of boiling water - two tablespoons of dried grass) and add 5 drops of oil to it.

Application in the food industry and in cosmetology

Mint flavor can often be found in candy, tea, toothpaste and chewing gum, salads, drinks, and even tobacco. Mint is especially popular in Arabic, Italian, American, English and Spanish cuisines.

In the beauty industry, this oil has found the widest use. Peppermint essential oil for the face is used in the same way as all other types. It can be added to base oils, as well as creams, masks and other homemade products. However, if the skin is too sensitive, then it is better not to use it.

Usually, up to two drops of essential oil are added to one tablespoon of the base. As a base, you can use different variants. Well suited for these purposes, for example, wheat germ oil or grape seed oil. The mixture can be applied both on the whole face and on its problem areas.

Masks will also become even more useful if you add peppermint oil to them. The price of one of his bottles, like other varieties, differs very much depending on the manufacturer and some nuances in the manufacture. It can cost less than a hundred rubles or more than three thousand.

How to cook yourself

It is not necessary to buy oil in the store, because you can make it yourself. The process is not easy, but the output will be filled useful substances means, the main component of which is mint. The essential oil is prepared in the following way.

You need to choose fresh leaves. It is better to collect them yourself early in the morning or, in last resort, buy. The main thing is that they are freshly picked, since it is in such plants that most of the oily substances are stored.

The leaves are washed in running water and dried with a paper towel. In this case, at first it is good to leave them a little in the fresh air.

The components are then rammed into glass jar and pour base oil. The container must be shaken and left for a day, after which the leaves are squeezed out, and the liquid is filtered.

So you need to do this two more times with new mint leaves and an already used base. This homemade oil can be used throughout the year. Store it in a cool place.

Found a lot useful information about the mint in the magazine, I decided to join you.

Around the world, green mint leaves are valued for their aroma and healing properties. It's time to pay close attention to this plant!

For centuries, people have used healing herbs for the treatment of ailments. And the advent of synthetic drugs did not at all diminish the role of the natural magic of plants.

Queen herbs! Fragrant mint is one of the oldest medicinal plants, the benefits of which have been known since the time of Hippocrates. AT Ancient Greece and Rome to fragrant grass they were treated with respect: tables were rubbed with fresh plucked leaves when guests arrived, and the walls were sprinkled with mint water - it was believed that the aroma of mint strengthens the mind and uplifts the mood, contributing to a lively table conversation.

Mint has long been widely used both in traditional and folk medicine and even in cooking, because a lot is known about its benefits and medicinal properties.

Description of mint

Mint is the name of a plant from the Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) family. The most ancient references to mint date back to the Assyrian and ancient Egyptian culture - its description was found on cuneiform waxed tablets, as well as in the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. Mint was mentioned by Hippocrates and Avicenna, describing in their writings medicinal properties this plant. Modern name the plant was given by the ancient Greeks in honor of the nymph Menta. She was the lover of Hades, the lord of the underworld, and when his jealous wife Persephone found out about the betrayal, she turned the nymph into a plant in revenge. Hades was upset, but all he could do was give the plant a characteristic fragrant aroma.

The distribution area of ​​​​mint is in the temperate zone northern hemisphere, and among the 25 species of mint known to science, only one species is cultivated in our time - peppermint. Moreover, this species was obtained as a result of selection in the XVIII century by English gardeners.

The use of mint in cooking

For culinary purposes, both fresh and dried leaves and mint shoots, which have a characteristic cooling taste and a sharp menthol aroma. Fresh mint is added to salads, vegetable soups, fish dishes and cheeses, meat marinades, drinks, sauces and are used in the preparation of confectionery and bakery products. In American cuisine, mint is used to flavor drinks and is added to various fruit and vegetable salads; in English cuisine, it is added to sauces for lamb, lamb and poultry; in oriental, Italian and Spanish cuisines, it is used as a spice or added to various mixtures of spices. From fresh leaves and shoots of mint, essential oil and menthol are obtained, which are widely used in the perfumery, confectionery, alcoholic beverage industry and in the manufacture of medicines.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of mint

Even ancient Greek and Roman scientists mentioned the benefits of mint and its beneficial effect on the work of the brain. Mint has a calming, choleretic, analgesic, antiseptic and vasodilating effect, is part of many medical preparations: mint drops for nausea, anti-spasmodic stimulating appetite and activating the secretion of digestive glands. Menthol, obtained from mint oil, is used for flatulence, angina pectoris, it is part of validol, valocardin, ingafen, olimetin, Zelenin drops, drops and ointments from the common cold, pencils for headaches and other medicines. Both in traditional and folk medicine, mint is used for colds, sore throats, vomiting, headaches, depression, insomnia, nervous disorders, kidney and liver stones, as well as in the treatment of asthma, stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. In folk medicine, mint is used externally for neuralgia and as antiseptic at inflammatory processes, burns, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis, laryngitis, hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice and toothache. Inside - with stomach cramps, intestinal and hepatic colic, as well as with nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, and as an astringent, antitussive and sedative for nervous excitement in PMS time and menopause remedy.

Mint tea has choleretic action and will help cleanse the body: pour 1 tablespoon of leaves into 300 milliliters of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Take 4 times a day, 70 ml for no longer than 3 weeks.

Mint: contraindications

When used in large quantities mint can cause poor sleep, heart pain and decreased libido in men.

Mint is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, during pregnancy and lactation and in children under 5 years of age.

MOJITO (alcoholic)

You will need:

Fresh mint 10 g Cane sugar 10 g

Limes 1 pc. Rum light 80 ml

Tonic 400 ml

Not only professional bartenders can prepare a delicious mojito, you can also make it at home! The main thing to pick up good ingredients. How to cook mojito at home and will be discussed. All necessary products now sold in supermarkets all year round, so you can always pamper yourself with a truly divine taste of mojito, and it is especially pleasant in the summer heat.

The composition of a real mojito is extremely simple - mint leaves, lime slices, cane sugar and, of course, white rum. In order for the taste of the cocktail to be saturated, you need to mix all the ingredients in a certain sequence, Special attention making sure that the mint and lime release as much essential oil as possible into the drink. To do this, they are ground with sugar crystals, sometimes with a special mortar, or you can just use a spoon.

By the way, this cocktail can be prepared without the addition of alcohol.

How to make non-alcoholic mojito?

Surely you have experienced this - adults drink alcohol, children run around and ask for a taste, and you have to explain that this is "adult food"? Now this is not necessary! This recipe will allow you to prepare a non-alcoholic, "children's" version of the world famous cocktail.

We take a glass with a volume of half a liter. I use a beer glass. We squeeze the juice of a quarter of a lemon on one saucer, pour a little ordinary sugar on the other. Lowering the glass top into lemon juice, then immediately into a saucer with sugar. It turns out such a nice "hoarfrost" along the edge of the glass.

Now we begin to prepare the cocktail itself. At the bottom we pour a teaspoon of cane sugar, then we press the juice of half a lime right there. For convenience, the lime can be cut into four parts. Thoroughly wash the mint sprigs. Then you need to pluck the leaves from it, tear them with your hands and add to the juice and sugar. After we take the pestle, crush the mint with sugar and juice, mixing everything thoroughly along the way. If you don't have a pestle, like mine, you can use a small pusher or just a spoon.

When everything is thoroughly mixed, we fall asleep crushed ice up to a quarter cup. At the end, add Sprite to the top, insert a straw and decorate with a slice of lime. Non-alcoholic mojito is ready!

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