Werewolf animal. Werewolves, an ancient legend of history. Theories and the werewolf

A werewolf is a mythological creature that can transform into a dog, wolf, or other animal. Werewolves have supernatural powers, they can move quickly and endure intense pain. Such beings are physically stronger than ordinary people. It is interesting that in history there are real cases of werewolves intervening in life. The most famous of them will be discussed.

Petrus Gonzalez

Gonzalez was also called "the man from the forest". His body was completely covered with thick hair, which is explained by excessive hypertrichosis. Petrus Gonzalez first appeared at the court of the French king, with his unusual appearance aroused the ruler's surprise. There is a portrait of this "werewolf" in the House of Lords.

It is known that the "man from the forest" was married. Gonzalez had 5 children who also inherited a rare genetic disease. It is believed that Petrus's marriage became the basis for writing the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast.

Peter Stump

Stump was accused of selling his soul to the devil himself. Peter was recognized as a werewolf back in 1589. Together with his mistress and daughter, he killed 16 victims, among them 2 pregnant women. In Cologne, Stump was found guilty and ordered to be crucified on a wheel. The mistress, together with her daughter, watched the execution, and then they were burned at the stake.

Peter Stump has been open about his connection with the devil. He claimed to have received a magical belt with which he turned into a greedy and powerful wolf. For twenty years, Peter caught and dismembered his victims, including children. He was fond of black magic, was a "greedy bloodsucker." Stump was even accused of cannibalism, incestuous relations with his own daughter.

Werewolf from Dole

A contemporary of González was Gilles Granier. He turned into a wolf, killed and ate children aged 9-12. According to Granier's testimony, he once met a ghost, from whom he received a miraculous ointment. With the help of this tool, a person turned into a beast.

Gilles Granier at the trial was confused in explanations and testimony. The judges found him guilty of witchcraft, terrible crimes. The werewolf Granier was burned at the stake.

Manuel Blanco Romasanta

After the birth of Manuel, it was not possible to accurately determine his gender, until the age of 6, his parents raised the boy as a girl. Romasanta could write and read, worked as a tailor, and later traveled a lot. The first murder he committed was in 1844, the victim was Constable Leon Fernandez.

Manuel was accused of killing at least 9 people. He said that he was sick with lycanotropy, so he could turn into a terrible beast. The judges recognized that 4 victims died from the teeth of the animal. Romasante was sentenced to garrote (suffocation with a special instrument).

Wolf from Ansbach

In 1685, a dire wolf terrorized the small town of Ansbach. Popular rumor claimed that the wolf was a werewolf. Shortly before this incident, the mayor died. The people of Ansbach claimed that their mayor had turned into an animal and hated the whole city. After hunting and baiting by dogs, the wolf could not survive. The dead animal was dressed up in the costume of the former mayor, attached to him by a beard and put on display in the museum.

wolf cub

75- Traps and Werewolves.

In order to become or find out the truth about them, you need to look at everything in a mirror form, black is passed off as white and vice versa, good for evil, in general, their whole history is presented as fiction, a fairy tale, which means that faith is undermined, which gives the apor of the very night of the werewolf, all the methods described in the ancients books are written in a mirror form, that is, you do not approximate the events, but on the contrary, while biting at the thought of this, trouble awaits in these methods a program for punishment is laid down, for destruction, that is, you will no longer be able to become them, perhaps they are watching now, correcting everything about them, since it is beneficial to someone, even religion has been changed in this matter, in religion we are all slaves, that is, we fulfill someone’s will, and a werewolf as a slave is not good, and what does not serve a person, he usually destroys. At the same time, as if on purpose, the surrounding world is becoming unsuitable for their appearance, it has already turned into a slave, which means that in order to become one, you first need to wash off the seal of a slave from yourself, but this is not beneficial for states because you are smarter and stop caring for someone, and the state can exist only on slaves , because you can’t keep a werewolf with fashion, he doesn’t have a complex of inferiority, he doesn’t trick him into a useless thing, which means he’s useless for this squirrel wheel, for their plans, and even dangerous because the politicians of the boss and not only hide their real face, but the beast sees who is who and they are not comfortable with it. Think about why only one species dominates the planet, it couldn't be simpler, it's just the most useful profitable stupid accommodating kind of slaves. It is quite difficult to wash away what you cannot admit to yourself and count on it, and if faith in them is also lame, then how can you become one. They noticed that we are almost taught from childhood through religion that an animal does not have a soul, immediately devaluing it, making it worthless, and that we are taught to piss and that we have the most precious thing. Thus man elevates himself above all living things.
In religions, we are not taught that we need to propagate fruit and berry plants, we are not taught this in schools, why is it just not beneficial for someone that slaves run away and stop working for food, because if everyone sticks at least one seed into the ground, then food will grow under their feet . I know cases when lakes were poisoned in villages because many villagers were catching and not buying fish in their shop. Pay attention to the United States, they even have gardens prohibited, but how to distance a person from werewolf is to break the connection with nature, because werewolf is inseparable from nature, this is its roots, the beginning of beginnings, we will return to this.
Moon. Many believe that the moon is needed to change, but no one knows that in ancient times, in order to change, it was not necessary to wait for the full moon of energy, and so now a person has exhausted almost all of it on the surface. The moon itself does not give energy, it only influences water, but already it carries energy in itself, raising water raises energy Water is life, there is no life without water, a person deliberately changes the structure of water, destroying it in its energy state. Living water that healed any wounds everyone heard about it in legends, but in the stories about werewolves, they also healed quickly, but someone in search of a way to become one did not think about it, where is the connection, not where is it written about what kind of water drink those who become them obviously do not become a werewolf if you drink from bottles in a store or from a tap.
About the air and the percentage of oxygen contained in it, too, nowhere is it said, we sow the day we believe that dinosaurs, etc., died out due to the ice period, no, they simply suffocated. About werewolves, just no one knows that a person has etched this ability in himself due to a lack of oxygen, these now two percent of the beast, who knows what the simple air we breathe seemed capable of if we restore its composition, even the Germans did not realize this when they crossed different kinds of living beings in the forties. But the man continues to poison everything, just a stupid obedient slave, and the slaves cannot achieve anything, their peak of perfection is fake wealth, only werewolves are not for sale, it is not possible to buy.
The werewolf is often credited with human weaknesses such as greed under the word bloodthirstiness, as I already said that some things need to be understood, otherwise this word appeared from the fact that when he was wounded he lost little blood, it was difficult to trace him in the wake of a bloody beast as an ordinary beast and not from what he loves or greedy for blood, but then someone will figure it out and write down all the murders for the fact that he is thirsty for blood (thirst, drink, blood) these words are so mixed up bloodthirstiness (know the price of blood, blood is life) that the werewolf simply valued his life.
Food, everyone knows that in order to become a werewolf you need to eat a lot of meat and even raw meat, it will surprise you, but here everything is a complete hoax, as in most ways there are traps. No, to become they do not need meat than more raw, and those who have become werewolves do not eat as much meat as their feasts describe, no werewolves do not kill to eat, they do not eat their victims and do not drink their blood. Anyone who tries to achieve the result of becoming them with the help meat falls into a trap cleverly set up by the calculation of NATO that by planting his still sleeping animal inside it is possible for meat, and if after some kind of shape he manages to become them, what is the first mistake he makes, he will try someone on the tooth than by giving himself away and most likely will be killed before he will have time to grow, because he is not trained to correctly find energy for his existence.
We already know where there is more energy, in water, but a werewolf cannot live in water, which means we are looking for the place where water gives off and stores its restored energy, which can be used for reincarnation and vice versa, and not only, remember about the moon that it raises water and what it also raises water from the depths of the earth, right trees vegetation, in other words, the forest is pure energy, this is a place full of energy for reincarnation, someone will say that he could reincarnate in the city, yes, but only this suicide, because you may not have enough energy for the reverse reincarnation and when you understand this, there will be only one source of vital energy left so that you don’t die back after the transformation, that’s right man, that’s the answer why werewolves kill yes, we’re just walking batteries taking away and spending energy on all sorts of things that are around. And this slavish stupidity sometimes irritates the werewolves.
Let's return to the vital energy that we receive through products, we often confuse it with calories, etc. These elements are of course also important, but what about the energy of the products themselves. Who was going to become one, wondered why he couldn’t even follow all the rules, etc. when he came to the forest. It’s all about the sometimes wrong selection of products, I won’t go deeper, I’ll say right away those products that don’t grow in this area are not suitable, and the more on this continent you can’t become a werewolf in Siberia eating bananas, etc. and vice versa, no matter how those products are nutritious and healthy. The best thing for this is what grows in the forest in which you are going to practice, but since more and more often people come to the forest as barbarians for the sake of profit, thinking only about themselves, so do not be surprised that at first you will feel like a stranger there, so that you can quickly tune in to the energy flow of this places you should always come to the forest not empty-handed, it is best with the seeds of some kind of fruit or berry crops, but you can use the seeds already growing there, in the people this is called an offering to the spirits, while a person asks for something, but we did not come there to ask, but establish a strong friendship with nature. And here practicing any meditation will not help. Here you will need knowledge of planting plants. And the more you plant, the easier it will be for you, firstly, in the morning you don’t have to trample the ground once again in search of food, everything will grow nearby, and secondly, you restore balance in nature.
Nature, mother nature, it’s better to call her like that, she loves peace and a sober mind, which means that if you come angry with a head full of problems with hatred for someone or are drugged by something, you won’t be able to change yourself until you find complete peace and sobriety in your thoughts, an attempt to resist is bad the most harmless ends up just getting lost, the worst is if the beast starts towards the settlement with a sense of something not resolved there, I think it’s clear how it will end.

Magic, sorcery in werewolves or a trap. Since werewolfism is built on energies, and what a person does not see and cannot understand is called magic witchcraft from there, and the belief came that to become a werewolf you need to be a sorcerer, a witch and you need some kind of spells or potions, but that's why most of them after preparation become like deliberately narcotic poisonous. And as we know, werewolf is built and rests on living energy and not on dead energy, but we are told the opposite, that it’s not like malicious intent until he tries everything, undermines his health, attaches all sorts of demon essences that will ruin his whole life and he will no longer be up to werewolf, well, if he still finds a way and becomes one, then those entities will not miss this so as not to use your bestial state for their evil purposes, you will black out control over your werewolf, that's where the rumors come from that they say after reincarnation a person does not remember what he did in the bestial shape.
Quite often I heard that with the help of magic you can quickly become a werewolf, yes it is, but let's figure out what is hidden from us here, where the trap is and how the transformation occurs, if you delve into demonology, you can see they know how to take on different forms. It’s hard not to figure out who you need to let in, that is, to become possessed by some kind of demon, that’s where the belief came from that werewolf is a disease and that it can’t be treated correctly, it’s impossible to fly out without knowing that if it’s healthy and fulfills its mission, the price of which is at the end of your soul. And in this way it is easy to ruin the reputation of everything that is connected with werewolves.
To become cursed by someone, being stupid of this way, I haven’t heard anything, you have seen happy people being cursed, I don’t. All the curses, as I know, work as a program for destruction, and even if so, I didn’t hear that they wished or shouted to someone so that you become a beast, they usually wish what they wouldn’t want in life.
It is necessary to purchase a wolf skin and with the help of it it will be possible to become a werewolf, I will not repeat about traps. Let's figure out what a skin is and why this method is terrible. firstly, it is not yours, and most likely the owner did not bequeath it to you, and most likely he was not going to part ways with her, it turns out she was cruelly stolen the price of such a theft was the death of the owner. The skin can and should be considered as a piece of the soul stuck in our world, which should not be. A killed wolf cannot be reborn, which already causes him suffering; secondly, every touch on the skin pulls his dead spirit into our world, this is also not pleasant, it already looks like a mockery of who you are going to become, thirdly, you are familiar with this wolf who you are for him I think his spirit will just be thrown back so that he does not harm you. Around you, too, there are spirits guarding everything around, and then imagine that suddenly an exhausted, angry wolf appears, it’s unlikely that he will say hello, I’m a wolf, let’s be friends, let me get into you. It is clear that you won’t succeed, but you will be punished for perseverance in pulling his spirit in this way, the world of the dead also has its own rules and no one is allowed to break them. And the punishment will be that you have no time not to become one. But if you steal (not buy!) Such a skin, spend three nights hugging it with it, treating it like a living one, put a saucer with milk on its side of the bed, and then in the evening bury it deeper in the forest with honors, that will be right. Vopschem the beast must find peace. After all, perhaps you, too, become a beast.
A lot of training about them has also been written in werewolfism, where everything from Buddhism to yogi was mixed up, the feeling is that there is simply little knowledge about them, but it’s necessary to write what is smart, so they write into werewolfism something that didn’t stand close to them.
A virus, the most common thing in werewolves that one hears about diseases as lycontropia, little people still give out confusing obsession with a disease and vice versa, they try to expel some non-existent demons from psychos, but to make it easier to explain what you can’t understand can be called a virus.

... Drink - maybe it will come out good,
Get your good
There was a wolf cub - there will be a wolf,
Wind, blood and silver.

It just so happened - do not be baptized -
Forge gold claws
There was a kitten - it will become a lynx,
Softly spread, hard to sleep!
(Group "Mill", "Werewolf").

Werewolves exist in the mythology of many nations. This word means a person who can turn into animals, or vice versa. Also, demons, deities and spirits often have this skill. The classic werewolf is the wolf. It is with him that all the associations born by the word werewolf are associated. The turnover itself can occur both at the request of the werewolf, and involuntarily, for example, on a full moon.
Werewolves are not subject to aging and physical disease due to constant regeneration. Therefore, they are practically immortal. However, they can be killed by mortally wounding the heart or brain, or by other means that damage the heart or brain (for example, by hanging or strangulation). It is believed that silver is also deadly for a werewolf.

Although a werewolf is essentially a wolf, while in wolf form, he nevertheless retains human abilities and knowledge that help him kill.
There are several ways to become a werewolf:
- through magic
- be cursed by someone you have harmed (curse of Lycaonia / Lycaeonia);
- to be bitten by a werewolf;
- be born from a werewolf;
- eat the brain of a wolf;
- take a sip of water from a wolf footprint in the ground or from a reservoir from which the wolf pack drank;
- taste fried wolf flesh;
- wear clothes made from a wolf;
- be born on Christmas Eve.
In the first four cases, a person's blood becomes infected or cursed.
A person who becomes a werewolf against his will (birth, curse or bite) is not considered cursed until he has tasted human blood. Once he does, his soul will be damned forever and nothing can heal him.

Werewolves are most often depicted as some kind of monsters. So, for example, among the Greeks it is a skinny sorcerer with the head of a donkey and the tail of a monkey.
From different peoples, werewolves took on the image of different animals: a leopard, a jaguar, a fox, a bear ...

In ancient times, many animals were totems. However, hunters and warriors did not reincarnate into any predator so selflessly and zealously as into a wolf: the ferocity, endurance, luck of the beast delighted the primitive consciousness.
Herodotus transmitted a story about a certain northern European tribe, whose members annually turned into wolves for several days. Such "megalomania" suffered many tribes in different parts of Europe. For example, the Balts had warriors - the servants of the wolf god, who went into battle literally henbane after overeating (taking the drug was part of the ritual). During the battle, such warriors in their hallucination considered themselves wolves. Some of them were irretrievably stuck in the form of a wolf - and then the wolf-man was killed so that he would not cause damage to the herds ...
German wolf warriors, according to legend, were so ferocious that they did not need weapons and killed enemies with their shields.
The ancient Greeks began with the worship of Zeus Lykesinovy ​​("lykos" means wolf)
Christianity, on the other hand, violently eradicated all wolf cults as pagan, and in the end, the “positive image” of the wolf remained only in folklore.

The werewolf, as a fantastic creature, will exist for a long time. Probably, as long as its main component is alive - man, the creature is completely fantastic and unpredictable. And only when the hatred of a person for a person finally turns out to be a fiction, which we have been taking for a long time - forty centuries - for the truth, and distrust turns into a ridiculous relic, the absurd fantasy about a human-non-human will remain unclaimed.

On their account - a huge number of human victims
During the witch hunts in Europe and North America in the 16th and 17th centuries, many women were tried and executed for allegedly being witches. But the same fate befell many men - they were suspected of being werewolves. Our article lists the victims of these persecutions, more modern werewolves, and even a couple of animals that were considered as such. Most likely, many of these people were serial killers and then they were executed for the cause, but there were also innocent victims.

The Man from the Forest (born 1537)

Petrus Gonzalez, also known as "The Wolf Man" and "The Man of the Woods", was not the killer. Apparently, he suffered from general hypertrichosis, that is, his body was completely covered with thick hair, and his head really looked like a wolf. He first appeared at the court of the French king, who sent him to the court of Margaret of Parma, a noble lady and acting regent of the Netherlands.
His portrait is included in the collection of the Chamber of Arts and Curiosities of Ambras Castle, along with other strange paintings such as the portrait of Vlad the Impaler, the prototype of Dracula. Gonzalez was also one of the few men who entered Satan's entourage at the New Orleans Mardi Gras carnival in the 1970s - his image inspired people to create a special costume.

Gilles Garnier was a contemporary of Gonzalez and also spent a lot of time in France. True, he did not suffer from any physical disease - he was a disgusting cannibal and serial killer. Also known as the Hermit of St. Bonnot, this terrible man killed children right outside his house. His victims were boys and girls aged 9 to 12 years.
Legend has it that a certain ghost gave Garnier a magic ointment that allowed him to turn into a wolf. He confessed to four murders and was convicted not only of lycanthropy (turning into a wolf), but also of witchcraft. He ended his life at the stake.

Werewolf of Bedburg (died 1589)

Peter Stump was accused of selling his soul not to some random ghost, but to the Devil, for which he received the ability to turn into a wolf. Together with his mistress Katherine Trompin and daughter Bill Stump, he killed and dismembered 15 victims from 1564 to 1589.
Superstitious witnesses after the hunt for the "werewolf" stated that he, hiding behind a bush, made a last desperate attempt to regain his human form, but he was seized when he was removing his skin.
At the trial in Cologne, of course, he was found guilty and sentenced to the same fate that befell his victims. The judge ordered him to be crucified on a wheel and with red-hot tongs to burn the flesh in several places in order to skin the killer alive. After that, it was necessary to cut off the legs, arms and head with a wooden ax, and burn the body. His mistress and daughter had to watch the execution, and then in 1589 in Germany on Halloween, they were both burned at the stake.

Werewolf of Chalons (died 1598)

This man is known as the Demon Taylor, but history has not preserved his real name. He preferred to cut the throats of his victims and then eat their bodies. The total number of victims is not established, but it seems that almost all of the murders were committed by the Demon Taylor in the town of Châlons near Paris, France.
The alleged werewolf was sentenced to death on December 14, 1598, and burned the next day. A huge crowd of people gathered in front of the fire - everyone came to watch the execution. Witnesses of the execution later said that, unlike other "werewolfs" who repented and admitted all sins, as soon as the flames began to lick their heels, Demon Taylor cursed and blasphemed the whole wide world to the very end.

Wolf from Ansbach (1685)

In the 16th and 17th centuries, wolves were hunted in the same way as "witches" - wolves were treated especially cruelly in the lands of the Germans, who were then part of the Holy Roman Empire. The wolf from Ansbach does not have a human name - apparently, it was a real wolf, and not a man supposedly able to turn into a wolf. However, the residents claimed that this wolf was none other than their mayor, who had turned into an animal and hated the entire city.
The inhabitants hunted the beast, hunted it down with dogs and pursued it to the well, where they trapped it and killed it. Even though the wolf was already dead, the villagers framed him for various murders and then dressed him in clothes and a beard to resemble their former mayor. Just in case, they even hung him on the gallows and only then put the corpse on public display in the museum.

Werewolf Hans (1691)

To the east, the Holy Roman Empire bordered Estonia, where the alleged werewolf also lived - this suspect is known by the German name Hans. The court forced the 18-year-old Hans to confess that the "man in black", most likely Satan, turned him into a wolf, and Hans lived and hunted in a wolf's clothing for two years.
Hans' legs were scarred by canine fangs, which the court used to prove that poor Hans had been bitten by a werewolf. In any case, in those days, the accusation of a pact with Satan was enough to get a death sentence, a person was considered a werewolf or something else.

Livonian Werewolf (convicted in 1692)

Livonia, another Baltic state, also had its own werewolves, the most famous of them being Thiess of Kalterbrun. Just a year after Hans's execution, 80-year-old Thiess began to claim that he was not only a werewolf himself, but had teamed up with other werewolves to fight in Hell against the Devil and witches. Thus, Thiess said he was a "good" werewolf, a "God Hound".
The court did not believe this story, and instead of rewarding Tiss in fear of hellfire, he was flogged with a whip and sent into exile. This particular case has become the subject of scientific articles and books, the last publication was in 2007.

Beast of Gévaudan (1764-1767)

Even in the 18th century, werewolves were still feared in Europe. One of the most famous werewolves in history is the Zhevodansky Beast, but what exactly that beast was is unknown. It could be a werewolf (well, let's say), a lion or even a hyena. It could be a hybrid of a dog and some other predator. Or a beast trained to kill by a group of Christian fanatics, as in the 2001 film The Brotherhood of the Wolf. There could even be several animals, not just one.
One way or another, the beast attacked a total of 210 people, 113 of whom died - this figure exceeds the number of victims of all the other killers on our list combined. As a result, the beast was killed, and its effigy was exhibited in the royal palace in Versailles, but the killings did not end. The fact that they killed the wrong animal became clear, but after about a year, the killings stopped by themselves. Who actually killed the terrible beast, or whether he died a natural death, remained unknown.

In the 19th century, people were still accused of being werewolves, despite the fact that trials of witches and werewolves had already ceased by that time. The world already knew about the existence of serial killers, but sometimes they were still called werewolves.
Manuel Blanco Romasanta is one such killer - he was the first officially documented serial killer in Spanish history. He himself confessed to 13 murders, but was convicted of only nine. He was sentenced to death by hanging, but the sentence was commuted at the last moment.
His life before he became a murderer was strange. His parents considered their son a girl and raised him like a daughter until a doctor confirmed that Manuel was actually a boy. When he grew up, he married, and then lost his wife, and in 1844 he was accused of her murder. Accusations rained down on him until 1850, until, finally, the maniac was tried. Its victims were both men and women with a total number of 10 to 47 people.
The circumstances of Manuel's death are equally mysterious. There are no prison records, and conflicting rumors say that he either died in prison of an illness or was shot dead by a guard who hoped that under pain of death the prisoner would turn into a wolf.

All descriptions of werewolves from the 15th to the 20th century speak of them as deadly monsters known for their inhuman crimes. One of these killers, who really can be called a monster, was Albert Fish, also known as the Brooklyn Vampire, Boogie Man, the Gray Man, the Lunar Maniac and the Werewolf of Wisteria. He is the most vile and disgusting type on our list.
Fish was certainly guilty of at least four murders and was suspected of three more, eventually being convicted of the kidnapping and murder of Grace Budd (1918-1928). The details are too disgusting to write about. Worst of all, he wrote a letter to the mother of a ten-year-old girl detailing how Grace fought back and how he ended up dismembering her.
Fish also provided a vivid description of how he killed and ate a four-year-old child named Billy Gaffney. The authorities eventually learned that Fish had stuck a huge number of needles in his own body and engaged in all kinds of sexual perversions. Not surprisingly, in the end he was sentenced to death in the electric chair.

During the witch hunts in Europe and North America in the 16th and 17th centuries, many women were tried and executed for allegedly being witches. But the same fate befell many men - they were suspected of being werewolves. Our article lists the victims of these persecutions, more modern werewolves, and even a couple of animals that were considered as such. Most likely, many of these people were serial killers and then they were executed for the cause, but there were also innocent victims.

1. Man from the forest (born 1537)

Petrus Gonzalez, also known as "The Wolf Man" and "The Man of the Woods", was not the killer. Apparently, he suffered from general hypertrichosis, that is, his body was completely covered with thick hair, and his head really looked like a wolf. He first appeared at the court of the French king, who sent him to the court of Margaret of Parma, a noble lady and acting regent of the Netherlands.

His portrait is included in the collection of the Chamber of Arts and Curiosities of Ambras Castle, along with other strange paintings such as the portrait of Vlad the Impaler, the prototype of Dracula. Gonzalez was also one of the few men who entered Satan's entourage at the New Orleans Mardi Gras carnival in the 1970s - his image inspired people to create a special costume.

2. Werewolf of Dole (died January 18, 1573)

Gilles Garnier was a contemporary of Gonzalez and also spent a lot of time in France. True, he did not suffer from any physical disease - he was a disgusting cannibal and serial killer. Also known as the Hermit of St. Bonnot, this terrible man killed children right outside his house. His victims were boys and girls aged 9 to 12 years.

Legend has it that a certain ghost gave Garnier a magic ointment that allowed him to turn into a wolf. He confessed to four murders and was convicted not only of lycanthropy (turning into a wolf), but also of witchcraft. He ended his life at the stake.

3. Werewolf from Bedburg (died 1589)

Peter Stump was accused of selling his soul not to some random ghost, but to the Devil, for which he received the ability to turn into a wolf. Together with his mistress Katherine Trompin and daughter Bill Stump, he killed and dismembered 15 victims from 1564 to 1589.

Superstitious witnesses after the hunt for the "werewolf" stated that he, hiding behind a bush, made a last desperate attempt to regain his human form, but he was seized when he was removing his skin.

At the trial in Cologne, of course, he was found guilty and sentenced to the same fate that befell his victims. The judge ordered him to be crucified on a wheel and with red-hot tongs to burn the flesh in several places in order to skin the killer alive. After that, it was necessary to cut off the legs, arms and head with a wooden ax, and burn the body. His mistress and daughter had to watch the execution, and then in 1589 in Germany on Halloween, they were both burned at the stake.

4. Werewolf of Chalons (died 1598)

This man is known as the Demon Taylor, but history has not preserved his real name. He preferred to cut the throats of his victims and then eat their bodies. The total number of victims is not established, but it seems that almost all of the murders were committed by the Demon Taylor in the town of Châlons near Paris, France.

The alleged werewolf was sentenced to death on December 14, 1598, and burned the next day. A huge crowd of people gathered in front of the fire - everyone came to watch the execution. Witnesses of the execution later said that, unlike other "werewolfs" who repented and admitted all sins, as soon as the flames began to lick their heels, Demon Taylor cursed and blasphemed the whole wide world to the very end.

5. Wolf from Ansbach (1685)

In the 16th and 17th centuries, wolves were hunted in the same way as "witches" - wolves were treated especially cruelly in the lands of the Germans, who were then part of the Holy Roman Empire. The wolf from Ansbach does not have a human name - apparently, it was a real wolf, and not a person supposedly able to turn into a wolf. However, the residents claimed that this wolf was none other than their mayor, who had turned into an animal and hated the entire city.

The inhabitants hunted the beast, hunted it down with dogs and pursued it to the well, where they trapped it and killed it. Even though the wolf was already dead, the villagers framed him for various murders and then dressed him in clothes and a beard to resemble their former mayor. Just in case, they even hung him on the gallows and only then put the corpse on public display in the museum.

6. Werewolf Hans (1691)

To the east, Estonia bordered the Holy Roman Empire, where the alleged werewolf also lived - this suspect is known by the German name Hans. The court forced the 18-year-old Hans to confess that the "man in black", most likely Satan, turned him into a wolf, and Hans lived and hunted in a wolf's clothing for two years.

Hans' legs were scarred by canine fangs, which the court used to prove that poor Hans had been bitten by a werewolf. In any case, in those days, the accusation of a pact with Satan was enough to get a death sentence, a person was considered a werewolf or something else.

7. Livonian Werewolf (convicted in 1692)

Livonia, another Baltic state, also had its own werewolves, the most famous of them being Thiess from Kalterbrun. Just a year after Hans's execution, 80-year-old Thiess began to claim that he was not only a werewolf himself, but had teamed up with other werewolves to fight in Hell against the Devil and witches. Thus, Thiess said that he is a "good" werewolf, "God Hound".

The court did not believe this story, and instead of rewarding Tiss in fear of hellfire, he was flogged with a whip and sent into exile. This particular case has become the subject of scientific articles and books, the last publication was in 2007.

8. Beast of Gévaudan (1764-1767)

Even in the 18th century, werewolves were still feared in Europe. One of the most famous werewolves in history is the Zhevodansky Beast, but what exactly that beast was is unknown. It could be a werewolf (well, let's say), a lion or even a hyena. It could be a hybrid of a dog and some other predator. Or a beast trained to kill by a group of Christian fanatics, as in the 2001 film The Brotherhood of the Wolf. There could even be several animals, not just one.

One way or another, the beast attacked a total of 210 people, 113 of whom died - this figure exceeds the number of victims of all the other killers on our list combined. As a result, the beast was killed, and its effigy was exhibited in the royal palace in Versailles, but the killings did not end. The fact that they killed the wrong animal became clear, but after about a year, the killings stopped by themselves. Who actually killed the terrible beast, or whether he died a natural death, remained unknown.

9. The Werewolf of Allariz (November 18, 1809 - December 14, 1863)

In the 19th century, people were still accused of being werewolves, despite the fact that trials of witches and werewolves had already ceased by that time. The world already knew about the existence of serial killers, but sometimes they were still called werewolves.

Manuel Blanco Romasanta is one such killer - he was the first officially documented serial killer in Spanish history. He himself confessed to 13 murders, but was convicted of only nine. He was sentenced to death by hanging, but the sentence was commuted at the last moment.

His life before he became a murderer was strange. His parents thought their son was a girl and raised him like a daughter until a doctor confirmed that Manuel was actually a boy. When he grew up, he married, and then lost his wife, and in 1844 he was accused of her murder. Accusations rained down on him until 1850, until, finally, the maniac was tried. Its victims were both men and women with a total number of 10 to 47 people.

The circumstances of Manuel's death are equally mysterious. There are no prison records, and conflicting rumors say that he either died in prison of an illness or was shot dead by a guard who hoped that under pain of death the prisoner would turn into a wolf.

10. The Werewolf of Wisteria (May 19, 1870 - January 16, 1936)

All descriptions of werewolves from the 15th to the 20th century speak of them as deadly monsters known for their inhuman crimes. One of these killers, who really can be called a monster, was Albert Fish, also known as the Brooklyn Vampire, Boogie Man, the Gray Man, the Lunar Maniac and the Werewolf of Wisteria. He is the most vile and disgusting type on our list.

Fish was clearly guilty of at least four murders and was suspected of three more, eventually being convicted of the kidnapping and murder of Grace Budd (1918–1928). The details are too disgusting to write about. Worst of all, he wrote a letter to the mother of a ten-year-old girl detailing how Grace fought back and how he ended up dismembering her.

Fish also provided a vivid description of how he killed and ate a four-year-old child named Billy Gaffney. The authorities eventually learned that Fish had stuck a huge number of needles in his own body and engaged in all kinds of sexual perversions. Not surprisingly, in the end he was sentenced to death in the electric chair.

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