The benefits and harms of mint for the human body. Who should not use peppermint? Application for weight loss

Mint is a perennial herbaceous plant, which is widely cultivated in household plots and grows in the wild. Usually mint leaves are dried and then added to tea. The fresh plant is used in cocktails and other uses. Today there are many varieties, but the most common of them is peppermint. Consider its benefits and harms.

Composition of mint

Peppermint has found its application in the production of pharmacological preparations, the culinary industry, and cosmetic areas.

The variety is bred by combining two types of mint - water and garden. Today, peppermint grows everywhere, it is easy to obtain and use for its intended purpose.

Particular attention deserves the chemical list of elements that form the basis of the plant. So, mint contains a lot of essential oils. The leaves and stems are rich in methanol, an element that gives mint its flavor and aroma.

The plant is not deprived of acids. Among the most common and useful, it is worth highlighting chlorogenic, ascorbic, ursolic, oleanolic, coffee.

Mint also contains flavonoids, tannins, amino acids such as betaine and arginine, rutin, and saponins. Of the vitamins, it is worth highlighting ascorbic acid, group B, tocopherol and retinol.

A decent list of mineral compounds is concentrated in fresh and dried leaves. These include calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, iron, chromium and others.

You can use not only essential oils, dried and fresh leaves but also mint seeds. They are rich in special substances that normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why many pharmaceutical preparations for heartburn and gastritis have a mint flavor.

Calorie content of a fresh bunch weighing 100 gr. is 67 kcal. But, as a rule, when using mint, no one pays attention to these indicators. An impressive list of useful qualities can cover any calorie content.

The benefits of mint

  1. The main advantage of the plant lies in its ability to put in order nervous system person. Dried or fresh mint tea taken after a heavy labor day, soothe and improve well-being. Mint drink is useful to drink to combat insomnia and chronic fatigue.
  2. Peppermint stimulates brain neurons, which improves memory, visual perception, and concentration. It is very useful to use tea with leaves of the plant for elderly people who are at risk of developing dementia.
  3. The plant expands the blood channels, improves blood flow through the vessels and arteries, and eliminates cholesterol plaques. All this contributes to the mild prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic syndrome.
  4. Since mint is completely natural, it is often replaced by synthetic components of medicines. Also, raw materials are added to the composition of chewing gums. Mint disinfects the oral cavity and prevents caries.
  5. Mint leaves are of particular benefit to the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system as a whole. Mint improves appetite and excretion gastric juice, all this leads to better digestibility food and prevent its fermentation.
  6. mint absorbs toxic substances, radionuclides, heavy metal salts and removes them. The plant has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gallbladder, liver, kidneys, organs of the genitourinary system.
  7. Gruel from fresh mint leaves is used for cosmetic purposes to combat acne, skin rashes, allergies, various dermatological problems. A decoction of mint is useful for rinsing hair, as it eliminates dandruff and itching.
  8. In addition, there are many more diseases in which the plant has a therapeutic effect. Among these ailments are disorders of work digestive system, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and caries, gastritis, migraines and frequent headaches, menopause and menstruation.
  9. Peppermint is used to lower blood pressure in hypertension. The plant is widely used in gynecology. The leaves are effective in respiratory ailments and diseases. respiratory tract. Also, mint tea will help to cope with nervousness and unreasonable anxiety.
  10. AT modern area nutritionists are increasingly recommending their patients to take mint for weight loss. Plant-based decoctions accelerate all metabolic processes, enrich cells with oxygen, against this background they break body fat(cellulite).

  1. Diarrhea. Brew a handful of fresh leaves or a tablespoon of dried raw materials in 250 ml. steep boil. Let the mixture sit for about 2 hours. Then filter in a convenient way. Divide this amount into 2 doses, use at lunchtime and evening time in small sips. There is another way to prepare a mint remedy for diarrhea. Brew strong black tea, supply hot drink 5 leaves and drip 2 drops of iodine. Stir, drink one cup three times a day.
  2. Digestive disorder. Every second modern person faces such a problem. To improve the activity of the digestive system, mix a spoonful of mint with 260 ml. hot water and insist 3 hours. Warm, filter, drink like regular tea.
  3. Colds. In the flu season, with beriberi and low immunity, mint will help you out. Prepare a decoction based on the plant, add a little honey to it and drink a healing potion. Such a remedy will improve health, remove phlegm from the respiratory tract, relieve sore throat and reduce fever during fever.
  4. Sleep problems. If you suffer from insomnia, increased nervousness and excitability, causeless worries, drink peppermint tea several times a day. As an addition, have a drink with dried fruits or add honey to tea.
  5. Acne. If you are experiencing acne, skin rashes, other problems of this kind, you need to wash your face with mint decoction. It is prepared from a handful of fresh raw materials and a cup of boiling water. After cooling, the product must be filtered and used twice a day. This composition will also remove redness on the skin, peeling, hypersensitivity.
  6. Nervous excitement. Especially often mint is used by people who are faced with nausea and nervous overexcitation. To deal with pathological problems, it is necessary to grind a spoonful of dry raw materials into powder, then pour vodka in a ratio of 1 to 20. This remedy is infused for about a half moon, then 15 drops are taken three times a day. Do not forget to drink the tincture with water.
  7. Depressive state. When tired chronic type, apathy, depression should drink a decoction of mint and lavender. Take the plants in a ratio of 5 to 1, pour hot water and let it brew for 3 hours. After that, take half a glass each time before going to bed. For the period of therapy, it is better to limit yourself from stress or learn to respond to them not too emotionally.
  8. Excess weight. If you have problems with overweight, cellulite and other imperfections, make it a habit to take mint baths several times a week. Fill the bath in the usual way, add more fresh or dried mint. Carry out the procedure for half an hour. Such a move will help get rid of body sweating and make the skin smoother.

The harm and benefits of mint for pregnant women

  1. Mint belongs to the category of those plants that must be included in the diet with extreme caution. Here it is important to take into account the opinion of a specialist. As with any product, mint has its pros and cons.
  2. Significant harm can be done during gestation. Be careful with such raw materials. Mint can increase uterine contractions. The plant increases the production of female hormones, hence the tone of the genital organs increases.
  3. Regular consumption of mint lowers blood pressure. The plant contains antihypertensive enzymes. The latter can reduce the pressure to a minimum mark. Be careful.
  4. The composition can provoke an allergic reaction, consider this before taking. This phenomenon occurs during gestation, even if previously mint was easily tolerated by the body.
  5. No more than two cups of mint tea a day will help the fair sex to cope with toxicosis. The drink stabilizes the activity of internal organs and relieves the feeling of nausea. As a result of drinking tea, sleep improves, nervous tension disappears.

  1. Mint is forbidden to be included in the menu of children who are under 5 years old. Experts attribute this to the fact that the plant contains high concentration biologically active substances. These enzymes have different effects on the body. Sometimes there is an increased load on the internal organs.
  2. It is a well-known fact that mint does not in the best way affects male body. Raw materials reduce libido and potency. The effect is achieved due to a strong sedative effect. Of course, mint will help you cope with emotional shock.
  3. Regular consumption of mint in various forms can become a problem for conceiving a child in the fair sex. In the presence of any ailments, the situation is greatly aggravated. Such studies were confirmed in a British laboratory.
  4. Mint negatively affects the health of the girl during gestation. The systematic intake of raw materials complicates the course of pregnancy. Be careful. Always check with your doctor about new foods in your diet. Weakly concentrated tea is allowed in this case.
  5. Consider individual intolerance to raw materials. Mint can cause a number of complications if neglected practical advice. In this case, absolutely all products containing such an extract are prohibited. You may have a strong headache, vomiting, nausea and rashes. Seek medical attention if necessary.

Mint can be beneficial if you stick to the rules and follow the daily allowance. The plant has a specific composition that can cause significant harm. Consider contraindications and individual intolerance to raw materials. If you are not sure that you are completely healthy, be sure to go through medical examination. Do not self-medicate with mint.

Video: useful properties and use of mint

How useful is mint? All about peppermint: beneficial features for the heart, nervous system, sleep disorders. Also, how mint is useful for women for cosmetic purposes.

Peppermint is a fairly popular plant that plays an important role in the life of almost every person. Many dishes and drinks are successfully complemented by mint leaves. The aroma of mint often fills the premises. And many hygiene products often delight with a minty smell.

The main way to use mint is to add it to tea to add flavor.

And the beneficial properties of peppermint deserve attention. Let's study them in more detail.

What is useful mint for the heart and blood vessels

Mint is vasodilator. Besides, it has a pronounced stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system. But before using mint in large quantities, do not forget to consult a cardiologist.

Thanks to peppermint:

  • pain syndromes and spasms in the area of ​​the heart muscle are relieved;
  • heartbeat normalizes;
  • blood circulation is normalized.

Not surprisingly, mint is often included in various heart medications.

Mint for the digestive system

Mint can be grown even at home - in a pot!

Thanks to mint:

  • accelerates the treatment of diseases of the digestive system;
  • inflammatory processes take place;
  • nausea passes;
  • improves digestion.

It is also important to note that mint is an excellent choleretic agent.

Useful properties of mint for the nervous system

With regular use of mint:

Many dishes and drinks are successfully complemented by mint leaves. The aroma of mint fills the premises, and hygiene products often delight with a minty smell.

  • sleep improves;
  • depression and stress pass faster;
  • mood stays good longer.

Mint is also a great sedative. Moreover, it is useful not only to take drugs or drinks with mint inside. Even the smell of mint helps to calm down and relax.

What is useful mint for the oral cavity

Peppermint is very useful and disinfectant for teeth and gums. Thanks to the plant, inflammation disappears, breath is refreshed.

What is useful mint for women

Just one leaf of mint sometimes works wonders!

In fact, mint is very beneficial for the skin - both women and men. Because peppermint is very wide application in cosmetology. It is a part of many creams, masks and especially shampoos. Being active ingredient the latest mint helps fight dry scalp, itching and dandruff .

Thanks to the plant

  • the skin is cleansed;
  • accelerates the regeneration of skin cells;
  • passes itching and irritation;
  • dark circles under the eyes disappear.

In addition, mint has a tonic effect on the skin of any type. No wonder so many women have beauty products enriched with peppermint.

Other Health Benefits of Mint

Peppermint helps in the treatment of:

  • colds and bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • sea ​​sickness;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis
  • gout.

Contraindications to the use of mint

Drink Peppermint Tea for Stress Relief and Good Sleep!

Firstly, mint should not be consumed by children under three years of age. Secondly, mint should be used with caution:

  • with varicose veins;
  • under reduced pressure;
  • before a long car ride.

Peppermint is not only beautiful, but also a very useful plant. The main thing is to use it wisely, and then the beneficial properties of mint will only benefit. Be healthy and beautiful!

Mint has been considered for centuries medicinal plant. It contains essential oils based on menthol, tannins and many others that are beneficial. can be put on a pedestal due to its calming and relaxing properties. But that's not all of her. useful qualities, it is also used for allergic diseases, rheumatic and respiratory diseases. Like most plants, it carries not only benefits, but also harm in several cases. I still want to know all its pros and cons.

The benefits and harms of herbs

Due to its composition, peppermint brings more benefit than harm all because of the same composition useful substances and vitamin.

  1. It is necessary to pour 10 g of dry leaves of the plant into 400 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes.
  2. Strain the resulting infusion.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Peppermint can be used for allergies only on the advice of a doctor. Since the essential oils included in it can worsen the patient's condition!

Peppermint is excellent tool for hypertension:

  1. You need 2 tbsp. l. peppermint and 2 tbsp. l. lemon pour 400 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Take instead of tea.

Important! Do not use peppermint for hypotension!

Always follow the dosage and recipe. It is necessary to take decoctions and infusions in courses, between which to take breaks. And you need to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the body. Peppermint in unlimited quantities can lead to:

  • disorders of the heart;
  • children under 5 years of age may develop allergies;
  • problems with the liver;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • in the fight against insomnia, regular use - will cease to give results, due to the addiction of the body;
  • mint dilates blood vessels, should not be used for varicose veins.
  • With these shortcomings, peppermint looks better in cases of other diseases, where it is used as directed by a doctor:
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, flatulence and others);
  • insomnia, ;
  • hypertension, toxicosis.

This list can be continued for a long time.

For men

Peppermint has various substances that positively affect many systems in our body. The positive ones are:

  • increased appetite, normalization of acid balance;
  • prevents nausea, promotes digestion;
  • sedative effect;
  • tones the body, improves mood;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;

No matter how strange it may sound, but all these factors play an important role in men's health. Peppermint will support him and cheer him up. After a hard day at work, men are recommended to:

  1. Take a bath and drip a few drops (to relieve fatigue).
  2. Drip oil into a bowl of cool water and put your feet up for a few minutes (it will reduce sweating of the feet and help to cope with fatigue).

There is an opinion that mint can reduce potency. There is only a small grain of truth in this. For this to happen, mint must be consumed regularly in very large quantities. And if you add it to the bath to relax, to tea - to enjoy the wonderful aroma and a few leaves to the salad - for an exquisite taste. This will not affect your male health, and perhaps even vice versa.

Important! Know when to use and follow the dosage!

For women

Although women are called the weaker sex, in many ways they are stronger than men. And with regard to diseases, they take on a lot. Almost every woman has a lot of responsibilities and great responsibility throughout her life.

Women want to look good, marry successfully, create home comfort, keep the family together, give love to their husband and children. And for this you need to make a lot of efforts. With all this, the female gender completely forgets about herself and her health.

To help the body get stronger - you need to use peppermint. Which has the properties:

  • normalizes sleep, calms, improves mood;
  • lowers blood pressure relieves headaches;
  • normalizes the processes of digestion;
  • helps pregnant women in the fight against toxicosis;
  • restores intestinal microflora, prevents dental diseases;
  • promotes the process of losing weight;
  • relieves pain during menstruation, helps to overcome menopause;
  • is an anti-inflammatory agent for the female reproductive system;
  • lowers the level of the male hormone in the body, a source of beauty (widely used in cosmetology).

During pregnancy with toxicosis:

  1. Requires 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 15 minutes. Take instead of tea.

Important! Peppermint can bring or harm if used with contraindications!

Women should not use infusions, decoctions and teas with mint if:

  • you have heartburn;
  • menthol causes an allergic reaction;
  • reduced .

Truly, mint is considered a "female plant."

During pregnancy

Peppermint has a number that every pregnant woman needs. Regarding the reception of mint during this period, opinions are rather controversial.
Useful properties during pregnancy:

  • from insomnia;
  • lowers insulin at;
  • recommended for chronic;
  • prevents nausea.

Pregnant women can more easily endure toxicosis, get rid of puffiness and constipation.

Controversial opinions are not in vain. There are still fears of peppermint in this wonderful period:

  • the hormone estrogen can trigger labor;
  • if a woman has varicose diseases and a tendency to low blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions;
  • menthol, which contains mint in essential oils, can terminate a pregnancy, there is a threat of miscarriage.

Important! Taking any medicinal plant without medical supervision has bad consequences.

Like other drugs, peppermint should not be taken on own will. If there is a need for this, the doctor will definitely prescribe a course of treatment for you.

From safer recipes during pregnancy:

  1. Requires 1 tbsp. l. peppermint pour a liter of boiling water.
  2. Let it brew for 5 minutes.
  3. Drink 2-3 cups a day, no more than one month.

For kids

There are sources that talk about the benefits of mint during colic (most often in infants). But all contraindications say that it is undesirable to use it for children under 3 years old. The herb contains menthol, which negatively affects health, can cause allergies, potential toxicity.

Many parents, knowing about the beneficial properties of mint, treat their children on their own: they make inhalations at home. Such methods are not welcome in medicine, it is better to trust the doctor so as not to harm your child. After all, inhalation can lead to spasms of the bronchi.

Be sure to take into account:

  • individual characteristics of the body of your child;
  • get tested for an allergic reaction;
  • determine the exact course of treatment and dosage.

The use of mint, with a strict dosage, will allow you to enjoy all the unique properties of the herb.

A fragrant and pleasant drink that can be consumed regardless of the season is mint tea, the beneficial properties of which were described by Avicenna.

In those distant times, when the terms "hyperexcitability", "hyperactivity", "neurosis" were unknown to mankind, and all this was considered somewhat heightened emotionality, healers advised patients who noticed deviations from the norm to put in order their state of mind with a bowl of mint tea.

Centuries have passed, many new "fashionable" diseases have appeared, generated by stress. To get rid of them, a lot of new ones have been developed. But before taking them, try to brew a cup of mint tea, relax, think - maybe you don’t need it that way, this is an expensive medicine, maybe it will be enough and amazing drink fragrant mint?

Equanimity is your middle name

There are moments when everything got tired - work, the road to the office, rush hours with their eternal traffic jams or hustle in public transport, philistine conversations that one way or another have to be conducted with girlfriends or friends, even the native family does not provide the necessary .

You can free yourself in many ways: beat the dishes or use them for their intended purpose - brew, for example, tea with mint, the beneficial properties of which primarily lie in the ability to quickly put the nervous system in order.

With constant use of the drink, after a few weeks you may be surprised to find that the former irritants practically do not bother you. Crowds of people, queues, bright lights, city noise, morning lectures from the boss - everything is taken for granted and does not cause resentment.

Well, the peppermint tea has done its job and you are well on your way to becoming Mr. (Miss) Equanimity.

female drink

And yet this flavored drink more popular with the fairer sex. And not only because ladies prefer mint tea to other varieties. Its beneficial properties are most noticeable precisely by the female body.

Relieving spasmodic pain on days of menstruation that are not the most comfortable for any woman or relieving the symptoms of menopause, peppermint tea becomes an effective and affordable pain reliever.

It can and should be drunk by pregnant women suffering from toxicosis. But at the same time, the measure should be observed - no more than one cup a day, because what is good for the mother can harm the fetus, especially if the unborn baby is male.

But the list doesn't end there. physiological problems, which helps to fight with mint tea. Useful properties for women also consist in the ability of this rather simple drink to lower the level of male hormones. The property is very valuable for women suffering from excess body hair.

Peppermint tea - irreplaceable aid for all those who are losing weight and dieting: the abundance of essential oils in the mint herb, which dull the feeling of hunger, allows you to use the drink as a “main drink” if you need to lose a few extra pounds.

In the process of losing weight, there are options for drinking mint tea - a pure drink or well-known mixes: green tea+ mint, + mint.

So is it calming or invigorating?

Like any other with mint, it has its own useful properties and contraindications. Not without it. But the main dilemma remains what properties are more inherent in mint tea - soothing or invigorating.

According to herbalists, mint drink is universal: it can be used both as a sedative and as an invigorating agent, the difference is only in quantity.

For example, if you need to calm down, you can not limit yourself to drinking a drink. If you want to cheer up, then two cups a day will be enough.

Why are men afraid to drink mint tea?

With regular use of mint tea, it is possible not only to calm the nervous system, but also to lower male libido, which is undesirable for the stronger sex. Moreover, many of the men consider such a process irreversible and refuse to drink even if necessary (to relieve severe nervous tension).

You should not be afraid, because mint tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been studied so well, affects male power temporarily. It is enough to stop drinking the drink, and everything will be restored.

Mint as an additive

Not only pure mint tea is in honor of his fans. Many are happy to use this plant as an additive to other teas. Linden, thyme, currant leaves, chamomile, herbal preparations are the most common teas, drinks and infusions that may contain mint. Tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which must be taken into account in each individual case, must be used with caution, but never deny yourself the pleasure or, even more so, the need to drink a cup of a healing drink.

One of the recipes that have come down to us from time immemorial consists of mint, thyme, St. John's wort, rose hips and currant leaves and is the best remedy for malaise and loss of strength.

Not only the aroma gives tea with thyme and mint - the beneficial properties in this case are focused on the antiseptic and analgesic effects of herbs. A double whammy for pain is peppermint and thyme tea.

Take during an epidemic

It is impossible not to feel the bright menthol aroma at the touch of a sprig of mint. The plant is indispensable not only as a natural air freshener (although if there is a sick person in the room, you can use mint bouquets as an oxygen purifier from pathogens), but also as a powerful antibacterial agent.

During the period of increasing cases of acute respiratory infections or a starting flu epidemic, consume as much as possible with mint and breathe it. Ideally, if mint grows in a flowerpot - so it can be used fresh all season.

An excellent remedy for raging colds- green tea with mint, the beneficial properties of which are to improve the body's defenses and relieve muscle spasm and headache - the first symptoms of the disease.

What else can mint do?

A useful plant, which contains healing power and which can be grown without hassle in a summer cottage, can stimulate the brain and cardiovascular system, activate the body's metabolic processes, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improve appetite (but also reduce it - all again depends on the concentration of the drink).

Mint tea, the beneficial properties of which have been tested by more than one generation, is drunk for migraines, nervous overexcitation, the first signs of a cold, and is given to hyperactive children (but a weak drink - two leaves per liter of boiling water). Peppermint tea is used as an external remedy for itchy skin rashes.

Who needs to be careful about drinking a drink is people suffering from low blood pressure, varicose veins veins, and those who have an individual intolerance to mint and allergic reactions to it.

Mint is considered an extraordinary plant with a strong aroma. It belongs to the Yasnotkov family. Mint was named after the Greek nymph Minta, who ruled on Mount Mente in the city of Elis. Minta fell in love with God realms of the dead Hades, for which she was turned by his wife into a fragrant plant, which was called mint.

In other languages, mint is called:

  • Mentha spicata - Latin;
  • Gune Minze, Ahrige Minze, Rohmische Minze, Waldminze - German;
  • spearmint - English;
  • menthe verte - French.

This variety of mint has a very strong taste and aroma.


Different types of mint may have external differences. However, in general, they still have more similarities.

Mint belongs to perennial plants, has a branching creeping rhizome. The stem is straight, branching, the shoots spread in a horizontal direction. The length of the stem reaches mainly half a meter.

The leaves have short petioles, located opposite each other crosswise, may be partially covered with hairs. They have an elongated shape, tapering from the base to the top, which ends with a sharp point. The edges of the leaves are serrated.

The flowers are painted in lilac-red tones, accumulate in whorls. In the upper part of the shoot form lush inflorescences. The flowers themselves are small.

Mint fruits are located in the cups. The flowering period is from mid-summer (July) to autumn.

Mint leaves are covered with hairs, and the edges of the leaves have a jagged shape.

Mint blooms with small flowers of lilac or white color


There are over 25 species in the mint genus. There are also about ten hybrids various kinds. The uniqueness of mint is that its different types have completely different metabolite content. Therefore, each species smells differently, and essential oils, depending on this, differ significantly in composition.

Most famous view mint is peppermint ( Mentha piperita). It is grown both in gardens and on an industrial scale. What is most surprising, peppermint is a hybrid of water mint (Mentha aquatic) and spearmint (Mentha spicata).

All species differ in plant height and leaf length. For example, the leaves of pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) can reach a length of only 1 cm. And the leaves of long-leaved mint (Mentha longifolia), as the name of the species already implies, can reach 15 cm in length.

Longleaf mint or wild mint leaves reach about 15 centimeters in length.

In general, the following features of different types of mint can be identified:

  • English green(Mentha spicata v., in German- Grüne Minze, Ahrige Minze, Waldminze, in English - spearmint, in French- menthe verte): has smooth, sometimes slightly curling leaves of an elongated shape. Their color is juicy green, sometimes in dark shades. All veins on the leaves are clearly visible to the eye. Fresh mint is used in the preparation of sauces and jellies. It is an ideal spice for lamb, minced meat, vegetable and pea dishes.

English green mint is used in cooking, especially in confectionery.

  • Greek(Mentha species Dionysos): has a fresh pleasant aroma. The leaves are bright green, smooth, with serrated edges. The veins on them are clearly visible. The maximum height of the plant is 0.8 m, the minimum is 0.3 m. The flowers are painted in bright purple tones. This type of spice is ideal in combination with garlic. This mint is often used to prepare yoghurt sauces for meat or vegetable dishes typical of Greek cuisine.

Greek mint is added to sauces and yogurts

  • English pepper(Mentha x piperita "Mitcham"): one of the most various types. It is a perennial plant, the stems of which have a red tint. The leaves are colored dark green color, smooth, sitting on short petioles. It has a sharp spicy taste, so it is flavored with drinks, salads, desserts, added as a spice to soup or meat. With this mint, especially tasty teas are obtained.

English Peppermint goes well with tea.

  • Pepper "Nana"(Mentha x piperita var. piperita "Nana"): similar in flavor to cumin. The flowers are painted in purple tones, reaches a height of half a meter. The leaves are lighter in comparison with other species.

Tea with mint "Nana" will delight you with its aroma

  • orange(Mentha x piperita var. citrata "Orange"): a species with a pronounced citrus aroma and a reduced menthol content. The leaves are round, light green with a slight red tint. Used in the preparation of desserts or fruit cocktails.

Orange mint has a pronounced citrus flavor

  • Lemon(Mentha x piperita var. citrata 'Lemon'): has a sour lemon flavor. Like the previous type, it is used in cocktails and desserts.

Lemon balm has a pleasant citric acidity.

  • spiky(Mentha spicata, in English - Spearmint): similar in appearance to the well-known peppermint, only has a non-standard flavor of menthol chewing gum. Tolerates cold well.

Spearmint is rich in menthol and has a characteristic menthol flavor.

  • Moroccan(Mentha spicata var. crispa): used in the famous Moroccan refreshing tea. It has a sweet smell with pleasant refreshing notes. Used in desserts and sauces. Its leaves are light green in color, oval in shape and pointed at the top.

Moroccan mint - sweet and refreshing with a mild flavor

  • Water(Mentha aquatic): A wild variety of mint. The leaves have teeth along the edges, their shape is oval.

Water mint is a moisture-loving perennial plant

  • Curly(Mentha aquatic var. crispa): its leaves are wavy and deep green, and grows in abundance. It looks like a thistle, and smells like a cross between camphor and cumin, so it goes well with vegetable and meat dishes.

Spearmint has a tart, spicy taste and goes well with meat dishes.

  • basil(Mentha species "Basilmint"): has spicy aroma and is often added to vegetable salads, especially with tomatoes. The flowers are bright purple, the leaves are green with a red tint. The stem is also red.

Basil mint has a red stem and is added to salads

  • "Mentuccia"(Mentha species "Mentuccia"): its leaves are round and small in size. It grows mainly in Italy. Flowers are bright purple. This species is used in the preparation of salads, as well as legumes and vegetable dishes. Its aroma is related to that of cumin.

Mint "Mentuccia" mainly grows in Italy and is actively used for cooking second courses and side dishes.

  • pineapple(Mentha suaveolens "Variegata"): its leaves are slightly drooping, with a white border around the edges. The plant is not tall, the flowers are white and pale pink. The leaves have a tart taste, but are not very similar to pineapple. This mint is used in drinks, salads, sauces.

Pineapple mint has a characteristic two-tone leaf color.

  • Mountain(Calamintha officinalis): the flowers are painted in bright purple tones, the stem has four edges, the veins on the leaves are clearly cut. Combines the standard mint flavor with camphor notes.

Mountain mint has a minty taste and beautiful lilac flowers.

  • Roman(Calamintha sp.): Known as an Italian spice. Its leaves are oval in shape, slightly expanding towards the bottom. Grows wild.

Roman mint is widely used in Italy as a flavoring for drinks, desserts and other dishes.

  • Korean(Agastache rugosa): grown in North Asian regions. The leaves are pleasant and tender to the touch, the flowers are bright purple. Outwardly similar to hyssop, it has a pronounced aroma.

Korean mint grows mainly in the Mediterranean and has a rich menthol flavor.

Where does it grow?

Mint is grown not only for personal purposes, but also on an industrial scale. It is cultivated in many countries around the world. Perennial varieties are grown in southern latitudes. In cold and temperate climates - annuals.

At the end of the 19th century, mint began to be cultivated in Russia, where it came from English breeders. Mint plantations appeared closer to the middle of the 20th century. Very often, the plant can be found in the middle zone of the country, but it grows throughout the state. Many species are found in Ukraine and Belarus, the Baltic countries.

Since mint loves sunlight, then the best varieties bred in the southern territories. Mint prefers moist fertile soil, without sand impurities.

It is most productively grown in the Caucasus, in the Stavropol Territory, and in the Crimea. Separate types found in Siberia and the Far East.

Mint can grow in both garden and wild environment. Wild mint grows on the banks of rivers and lakes, near swamps, in meadows and fields with a sufficient level of humidity.


As a spice, mint is quite popular due to its pleasant refreshing smell.

  • In order to get the spice, mint leaves are dried immediately after harvest in a dark place where sunlight does not reach. This allows you to save its unique flavor and color.
  • After that, the leaves are crushed and hermetically packed.
  • It is better to store it in a place protected from light and in a tightly closed container so that the spice delights with its aroma for a long time.

Mint is best hung to dry in a room with good air circulation.

How and where to choose a spice?

It is best when you make your own spice from mint, because the technology here is not at all complicated.

But if you buy it, then consider the following factors:

  • spice packaging should be opaque so as not to let in the sun's rays;
  • packaging must be sealed. If you notice that it is open or torn, then it is better to refuse such a purchase;
  • it's hard to make sure that the correct storage conditions have been met, but at least pay attention to how the spice is stored in the store.

If you see that crushed and dried mint stored in a transparent bag in a bright room where the sun's rays pass in large quantities, then such a spice will not be too fragrant. Most likely, it will even have a faded color. Remember that under the right harvesting conditions, the spice will remain as green as fresh mint. Only a slight loss of color is acceptable.

Dry mint should be green

If you purchased mint in a sealed and tight package, but it didn’t please you with either smell or color, then the manufacturer obviously cheated when harvesting. It is better to continue to choose a product of another production.


It is believed that the most famous representative of the genus - peppermint - historically appeared in England. Which is not surprising, because mint is added to many dishes there. Its leaves have a pungent taste. But as food for livestock the plant should not be used at all. With a large amount of mint, hay spoils, and its nutritional value drops sharply. Milk yield will immediately become less, and milk with such feeding will not coagulate well.

It is believed that mint has the properties of a strong aphrodisiac, therefore, in Ancient Greece it was forbidden to give dishes with the addition of this spice to soldiers.


Mint has the following characteristics:

  • grows not only in the wild, but also cultivated by gardeners;
  • is an official medicinal plant;
  • grows almost throughout Russia;
  • grown on an industrial scale;
  • has high content essential oils, especially in inflorescences;
  • is a large honey plant.

Not everyone knows that mint also makes delicious honey. But, unfortunately, not so much of the finished product is obtained from this plant.

Peppermint in the wild has a harsh and not very pleasant smell.

Mint honey is very tasty and healthy

Nutritional value and calories

Mint has the following nutritional value:

You can learn more about mint by watching the video from the program "1000 and one spice of Scheherazade"

Chemical composition

Mint is rich in minerals. The most common type - peppermint has the following components in the chemical composition:

vitamins Macronutrients trace elements
vitamin A (RE)212 mcgCalcium243 mgIron5.08 mg
vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.082 mgMagnesium80 mgZinc1.11 mg
vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.266 mgSodium31 mgCopper329 mcg
vitamin B3 (pantothenic)0.338 mgPotassium569 mgManganese1.176 mg
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)0.129 mgPhosphorus73 mg
vitamin B9 (folic)114 mcg
vitamin C31.8 mg
vitamin PP (niacin equivalent)1.706 mg

Among the main active components:

  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • bitter and tannins;
  • menthol (approximately 60%, depending on the variety).

Hot or cold drinks with mint have a pleasant taste and refreshing effect.

Beneficial features

The list of useful properties of mint is quite extensive:

  • used in folk and traditional medicine;
  • is part of many drugs;
  • is a means of reducing pain and spasms;
  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • known for its choleretic effect;
  • her smell saves from nausea;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • gives an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • helps for hair growth;
  • neutralizes bad smell from mouth;
  • reduces appetite due to the menthol contained in it;
  • improves brain function;
  • has a sobering effect;
  • tones and strengthens the human body;
  • used to cleanse the skin.

Made from mint medicinal infusions, decoctions, tinctures on water and on alcohol

Thanks to its taste and smell, mint is an excellent mouth refresher that also kills harmful bacteria. Mint has been used as a sedative for a long time, it is not for nothing that aromatic herbal teas with mint have gained such great popularity and are recommended for drinking at night. Depending on its use, mint can both cool and warm the body.

Mint can help freshen your breath.

You can learn more about the beneficial properties of mint in the following video of the program "Live Healthy".


When using mint, the following negative consequences are possible:

  • heartburn in overdose;
  • loss of sensitivity to plant components.

With an overdose of mint, you can easily lose sensitivity to menthol and other useful components plants. For example, if you constantly and in large quantities drink mint tea against insomnia, then over time it will cease to have an effect.


Mint should not be used in the following cases:

  • with allergic reactions;
  • in the presence of varicose veins;
  • in the presence of infertility or problems with conceiving a child;
  • with increased drowsiness;
  • with a tendency to heartburn;
  • at low pressure (mint will lower it even more);
  • in childhood.

It is better for children to consume mint with the permission of a doctor, since there is still no consensus on the age at which it can be included in the diet. It is also better for pregnant women to consult a specialist about whether and in what quantities they can use mint. With regard to hypotension, the prohibition in this case not categorical. AT a small amount mint is useful, just do not abuse it.


Unlike peppermint tincture, it cannot be found in pharmacies, since ordinary mint, with all the variety of useful properties, is inferior to peppermint in this, but it is great for treating certain diseases.

But you can prepare an infusion of mint and use it for diseases of the gallbladder or gastrointestinal tract. To prepare the infusion, mint leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water, let them brew warm for 15 minutes, and then take a tablespoon every three hours.

Mint infusion will help to cope with mental overwork


Mint is a real storehouse of essential oils. They are found in large quantities in mint flowers and leaves. The benefits of essential oils are simply invaluable.

Peppermint oil helps to tone the nervous system, recover. Its smell perfectly invigorates and activates mental activity. Peppermint oil is used for colds and loss of voice, providing a softening effect. For blood vessels, this is an excellent antispasmodic. In addition, the essential oil is widely used in preparations for the treatment cardiovascular disease and also has an analgesic effect.

It is effective to inhale the aroma of mint oil when motion sickness in transport or just with an attack of nausea.

In aromatherapy, oil is also used to disinfect the room. However, do not inhale it before going to bed. Due to the invigorating effect, then it will be quite difficult to fall asleep.

Peppermint essential oil has been proven to help with painful periods and promotes lactation.

Peppermint essential oil is used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, and even in cooking.


Mint juice is also a storehouse of vitamins. It is especially good for the gastrointestinal tract, but also helps to restore strength and reduce pain. Very often mint juice is added to bakery products and various drinks.

You can get mint juice even at home:

  • To do this, fresh mint leaves must be thoroughly washed and chopped in a blender or meat grinder.
  • Then the leaves must be poured with boiling water, and 100 g of leaves account for 30 ml of water.
  • The leaves are infused for several hours, after which the liquid is filtered.
  • It must be heated and brought to a boil, and then poured into bottles, sterilized and corked.

You can make delicious mint ice from pre-prepared mint juice


In cooking

Almost everyone loves mint tea. We have devoted an entire article to this tasty, effective and healthy combination. Check out some great recipes.

In world cuisine, mint is a common ingredient.

Its culinary application applies to many areas:

  • mint is a fundamental component of oriental cuisine;
  • fresh mint leaves are often used to decorate desserts and other dishes;
  • mint is used in Food Industry as a natural dye;
  • menthol and mint oil often flavor food and drinks;
  • mint oil is actively used in sweet pastries;
  • fresh mint leaves are added to the meat to spice it up;
  • mint is added to drinks, especially soft drinks;
  • mint can be added to salads, fish meals and vegetable soups;
  • mint increases the shelf life of products.

Fresh mint leaves wither quickly, so be sure to store them in the cold. But if mint is added to the dish during the cooking process, then it will immediately lose all its refreshing properties, so it must be added when serving the dish.

The refreshing effect of menthol contained in the plant is used in the production of chewing gum and sweets, as well as soft drinks. There is nothing better than homemade lemonade with fresh mint.

When using the plant in sauces, they acquire piquancy and a pleasant aftertaste. Mint is combined with almost all products: with fruits, and with vegetables, and with meat, and with desserts. Surely everyone knows the famous mint gingerbread: this chopped herb is just added to the dough for them.

Mint will help to feel the spring freshness of young vegetables, and in such a salad there are only 110 kcal

Mint or mint sauce will give the meat tenderness and fresh taste.

From mint you can make an unusual refreshing mint jam

To keep pickles and homemade preserves longer, mint leaves are also added to them. This especially affects kvass, which not only acquires an interesting taste, but also stays in the refrigerator for much longer.

In Armenian cuisine, mint is added even to certain types of cheese, and in Central Asia it flavors meat dishes.

It is not necessary to use fresh mint; when dried, it also occupies a worthy place among the components of spices.

Mint flavored and alcoholic beverages.

Surely, after all, everyone knows about the famous Mojito cocktail, which immediately loses all its freshness without mint.

You can make a wonderful lemonade according to the following recipe:

  • you need a few large lemons and 2 large grapefruits, 2.5 l drinking water, 2 cups sugar and about 8 mint leaves;
  • lemons are thoroughly washed, cut into pieces and chopped in a blender;
  • syrup is boiled: two glasses of drinking water are boiled with one and a half glasses of sugar until it dissolves completely;
  • prepared lemon puree is poured with the amount of water indicated above;
  • the resulting syrup is added to the drink;
  • within 10 hours the drink should stand in the refrigerator;
  • after this time, the drink is filtered, grapefruit juice is added to it;
  • if desired, you can add half a glass of sugar or more;
  • the resulting lemonade is poured into a jug, and mint leaves are added to it.

mint dessert

You can also make an amazingly delicious dessert from mint itself. For this:

  • a bunch of mint, 1 protein, 75 g of sugar and the same amount of chocolate are taken;
  • mint must be washed, dried and sorted out: leave larger leaves, smaller ones can be set aside;
  • protein is whipped, and prepared sugar is poured onto a flat plate;
  • mint leaves are dipped first in protein, and then in sugar;
  • the leaves are laid out on a separate plate or tray, covered with napkins, and dry during the day;
  • chocolate is melted in the microwave;
  • candied leaves must be dipped in melted chocolate halfway and put on a separate plate;
  • dessert is removed for an hour in the cold.

Mint and chocolate are the perfect combination

In medicine

In medicine, peppermint tincture is often used. It is very effective due to the presence of a large number of medicinal properties.

Mint is generally recognized as a medicinal plant. It is part of many herbal preparations, because it has a wide range medicinal properties.

Most often it is used:

  • to calm the nervous system;
  • to eliminate rashes, skin irritations;
  • as a choleretic agent;
  • to reduce pressure;
  • with nausea;
  • to dilate blood vessels;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • when coughing;
  • to restore potency;
  • in case of poisoning;
  • as an anti-cold remedy;
  • with intestinal disorders;
  • for the treatment of heart diseases;
  • to reduce pain.

With the help of mint, stones are removed from the gallbladder. It is actively used both internally and externally. From time immemorial in folk medicine used the leaves or oil of the plant to reduce headaches. Due to the high content of menthol, mint helps to reduce pain during menstruation in women. At chronic diseases mint infusions are also useful for the liver.

Very often, mint is used to treat toothache or diseases of the oral cavity. It has a disinfecting effect and destroys harmful microorganisms, so it is useful to rinse your mouth with mint decoctions.

During pregnancy, mint will calm, relieve anxiety and alleviate toxicosis

Essential oils and extracts are useful for colds. You can do inhalations to alleviate the cough. In addition, it helps with nasal congestion.

In cosmetology

Due to its antiseptic action, mint can effectively deal with rashes or skin irritations. Cosmetics manufacturers, knowing about the benefits of the plant, actively use mint extracts in their products.

It is known that the plant helps to tone the skin, but at the same time soothe it, reduce irritation to a minimum. Peppermint works effectively as part of skin care products. oily skin, providing a drying effect and narrowing the pores. The herb is also used for rejuvenation, as it allows you to smooth the skin and cleanse it of toxins. Mint infusion, applied to the skin of the face, can easily replace some expensive nourishing cream.

The plant is used in the production of shampoos and hair masks, as mint promotes their rapid growth by stimulating blood circulation, and also prevents dandruff and cares for the scalp.

Mint mask refreshes, rejuvenates and tightens the skin

When losing weight

Mint is actively used in the difficult fight against extra pounds. It is known that the smell and taste of mint significantly reduces appetite, due to the high content of menthol in the plant. Peppermint tea helps reduce hunger and also has a general health effect.

You can also periodically inhale the aroma of mint, fighting off your appetite and thereby reducing your daily calorie intake. If you breathe peppermint essential oil every few hours during the day, you can find impressive results in a week. In combination with green tea, mint will also help cleanse the body of toxins.

To prepare a fragrant mint drink for weight loss, take a few leaves of fresh or dried mint and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Within 15 minutes, the broth is infused. Then it is filtered and drunk little by little throughout the day. This will allow you to get rid of harmful snacks between meals.

In addition, mint relieves the body of toxins that lead to the formation of cellulite. If you add ginger to tea, you can significantly speed up your metabolism. However, you should be careful that excessive consumption of mint tea, and even in combination with ginger, does not lead to heartburn and stomach irritation.

At home

Household use of mint is practically not limited to some areas. It is actively used:

  • for the prevention of diseases;
  • for the treatment of diseases;
  • as a decoration of dishes;
  • as a spice or condiment;
  • in aromatherapy;
  • cosmetics;
  • in perfumery.

Mint is a unique plant that is effective not only in medicine, but also in other areas of human life. Nice smell often used in some perfume compositions, bringing refreshing and invigorating notes to them.


Breeders have made great progress in breeding different varieties mint. Today they exist a large number of not only in Russia, but also abroad. At the same time, the varieties do not have a specific belonging to the species, so it can be assumed that not only the well-known peppermint is the basis for breeding for many varieties.

There are varieties that were obtained back in the Soviet years. However, to this day they do not lose their importance. These include:

  • "Krasnodarskaya-2": the height of plants of this variety exceeds a meter, the content of menthol in them is below 50%;
  • "Prilukskaya-6": the variety was bred a long time ago. Mint reaches a height of a meter, it contains approximately 50% menthol. It takes root better in warm regions, as it does not tolerate cold;
  • "Kubanskaya-6": plants reach a height of up to a meter, the menthol content in them is higher than in previous varieties, but such mint does not tolerate cold well;
  • "Drug-4": already based on the name, it has medicinal properties. It can reach a height of more than a meter, and the menthol content in mint approaches 60%;
  • "Riddle": the variety was bred in Ukraine. It has a high content of menthol, the rate of which is slightly lower than 65%;
  • "Medichka": in this variety, the menthol content reaches 67%. This mint tolerates winter much better than previous varieties.

There are many foreign varieties of mint bred in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and other European countries.


Growing mint is not that difficult as it does not require special care. You need to choose those varieties that are most suitable for the intended climate in which mint will be grown. There are varieties that do not tolerate cold well, and this must be taken into account. It is advisable to provide maximum sunlight and plant the plant somewhere in the open.

You can grow mint at home, in a flower pot. She takes root remarkably, but requires top dressing. It is better to put it on a window where a large amount of light enters.

You can easily grow mint in a pot

To learn how to grow mint at home on a windowsill, watch the following video.

The soil should be moist, without sandy impurities. Mint is propagated by cuttings or seeds. It can be sown directly into the ground. Propagation by cuttings is often used in order to preserve all the useful properties of the variety.

Mint is planted either in the middle of spring or in the second half of summer, closer to August. It grows at a high rate, so it is better to somehow protect it from other plants so that it does not survive them.

Periodically it is required to fertilize the plant, but not too often. Watering should be moderate so that the water does not stagnate. But at the same time, the earth should not be constantly dry.

Mint is susceptible to pest attack, like many others. garden plants. Processing with harmful chemicals is prohibited; in this case, mint will lose its beneficial properties and become unsuitable for consumption. Therefore, you should immediately plant it away from vegetables or plants that are often visited by garden pests.

When planting, a certain distance between plants must be observed - usually at least 0.3 m. Between rows, the distance can be left larger - 0.4 m. At least several times during the summer, the beds should be loosened and cleaned of weeds as often as possible.

Watch the following video of the program "6 acres" - you will learn a lot of interesting things about the cultivation and properties of mint.

  • Our ancestors believed that regular use of mint leads to an extension of life, so the plant was very revered and actively cultivated.
  • It has been proven that mint was mentioned in the Bible, and it was also found in the tombs of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Many other historical references boil down to the fact that it was known to man even before our era.
  • There is folk omen that a mint leaf in your wallet will attract wealth.
  • Dream Interpretations say that if you dream of mint, then this means the upcoming fun and eventful events.
  • It is believed that mint originated from the Mediterranean countries, hence the legend of the beautiful nymph Minta. However, there is no justification for this yet, as the British argue with this version.
  • Many centuries ago, mint leaves with honey beat off the smell of alcohol.
  • It was believed that if you stuff your pillow with mint leaves, you will only have good dreams.
  • Mint spirits were once made in Jerusalem, and the plant was also added as a condiment to lamb dishes.
  • In Asian countries, none before soft drink did not do without mint. And not only refreshing, because mint was added even to milk teas.
  • Hippocrates also spoke about the beneficial properties of mint. He himself used mint infusions to whiten his teeth.
  • In Italy, mint used to be added to wines. Thus, the drink was refreshing and did not leave an alcoholic aftertaste.
  • AT Ancient Rome mint was considered an activator of mental activity, therefore wreaths were woven from the stems with leaves, which the Romans put on their heads.
  • The Slavs added mint even to cabbage soup. And traditional Russian mint kvass perfectly quenched thirst in hot weather and had a long shelf life.
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