Is it possible to soar legs with a diabetic foot. Diabetes. Use of special insoles

According to recent scientific studies, certain leg lesions occur in 30-80% of people with diabetes, and amputations of the lower extremities in this group of patients are 15 times more common than in the general population. Sounds threatening, doesn't it? But these troubles can be avoided by following a number of simple, but mandatory rules for foot care. Here is a list of simple tips, following which will help prevent "troubles" with your legs.

1. Check your feet daily.

It is necessary to carefully examine the foot, especially the plantar part, the interdigital spaces.

Elderly and overweight people may be advised to use a mirror placed on the floor. As a last resort, ask to examine your relatives. This procedure allows you to timely detect wounds, cracks, abrasions.

2. Be attentive to the appearance of fungal diseases and inflammation between the toes and on the nails (this can be determined by a change in the color or structure of the skin, nails or white bloom). If you have any doubts - do not waste time and consult a doctor

3. Wash your feet daily with warm water, but do not soak them in water, as hot baths will wash off the protective layer of the skin and dry it out. Make sure the water is warm, not hot. The water temperature should be 30-35 degrees.

4. Use soap according to your skin type (normal, dry or oily).

5. Do not use products containing alcohol additives (the composition is indicated on the packaging!), because

they not only dry out the skin, but can also cause burns.

6. After washing, wipe your feet dry, not rubbing, but wetting the skin, especially in the interdigital spaces.

7. Dry, flaky, cracked skin is a signal and a warning - "your feet are too dry", and this increases the risk of damage and infection. Regularly lubricate the feet with a fat cream. The cream should not get into the interdigital spaces, and if this happens, remove it with a napkin.

8. "Rough" skin in the heel area and "corns" must be regularly removed with a special cosmetic file for dry processing. No need to try to remove calluses in one go.

9. Update your foot treatments frequently, as fungus can grow in them.

10. If there are corns on the feet, you should not try to get rid of them with a corn patch or special ointments and liquids, as these products may contain substances that damage the skin. You can't cut calluses on your feet!

12. When treating injuries on the feet, iodine, "brilliant green", alcohol and "potassium permanganate" should not be used. They are contraindicated due to the fact that they have tanning properties and impair wound healing, moreover, they themselves can cause burns, and also stain the wound, hiding the ongoing pathological process.

13. In case of cuts, abrasions or abrasions, the injury site on the legs should be washed with a solution of chlorhexidine 0.05% or dioxidine 1%, apply a sterile dressing or a special napkin to the wound. Fix the bandage with a bandage or non-woven plaster. It makes no sense to treat wounds with insulin, since it does not have any healing effect.

14. If your feet are cold, do not warm them with heating pads, electric heaters or steam radiators. Temperature sensitivity may be reduced and you may not feel burned. For the same reason, hot foot baths should not be taken.

15. Wear warm socks (made of cotton) to keep your feet warm. Make sure that the elastic is not too tight and does not leave a mark on the skin of the lower leg.

16. When caring for nails and skin of the feet, do not use any sharp objects (scissors, corn knives, razor blades, tongs). This is one of the most common causes of injury, especially since it can be overlooked with reduced pain sensitivity.

17. Processing of nails should be done only with a file. The edge of the nail must be filed horizontally, leaving the corners intact. If you cut the corners of the nail or round it too much with a file, this can lead to the formation of a so-called ingrown nail, which will require long-term special treatment.

18. Regularly stretch your toes and bend your feet for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day. Remember: you should not cross your legs for a long time, as this disrupts normal blood flow.

19. Exercise improves blood circulation. Take up walking, dancing, swimming, or cycling. Walk daily for at least 30 minutes.

20. Make sure your feet are comfortable in shoes. Wear shoes with round toes and low heels. Shoes should be spacious, with a soft insole, the foot should not be pinched. Never wear shoes with bare feet.

21. Be careful with new shoes: for the first time, you should wear them for no more than one hour and in no case should you break in a smaller one. Pick up shoes in the afternoon: you will be able to determine the size more accurately, as the legs swell by this time.

22. It is necessary to make it a rule to check the inner surface of the shoe before putting it on: if any foreign objects have got inside that can injure the leg, if the leaf has not wrapped up, if the carnations are showing through.

23. Socks or tights should be changed daily. Care must be taken to ensure that socks do not stray in shoes.

24. It is preferable to use white cotton socks, they can immediately notice traces of possible wounds (traces of blood or pus).

27. It should be remembered that smoking further worsens the blood supply to the legs. Do your vessels and lungs deserve such neglect?

In conclusion, it must be recalled that all measures to prevent and eliminate complications that have arisen do not make sense without constantly maintaining blood glucose levels at values ​​as close to normal as possible. Neuropathy can be a consequence not only of diabetes mellitus, but also of regular alcohol consumption. In this regard, excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided. In addition to the level of sugar, patients with diabetes should remember that atherosclerosis (vasoconstriction) is caused by: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight. All these problems require timely identification and elimination.

Diabetes affects many organs and systems of the human body. Legs are one of the targets that the disease hits. Due to the high level of sugar, irreversible changes occur in the nerves and vessels that supply the feet with blood. That is why proper foot care in diabetes is of great importance.

Causes of leg pain in diabetics

  1. Diabetic nerve damage - neuropathy. Over time, under the influence of high sugar, the nerve endings of the feet are damaged. This leads to a violation of their sensitivity. A diabetic loses the ability to feel pain, pressure, temperature. The ability to feel pain is very important for a person, since pain warns of illness, of danger. When this ability is lost, it is very easy to overlook wounds or even ulcers on the legs. That is why the legs of diabetics do not hurt with neuropathy, and they turn to them late for treatment;
  2. Diabetic vascular disease - angiopathy. In diabetes, the function of blood vessels throughout the body worsens. Small (peripheral) vessels of the legs are especially affected, this leads to disruption of microcirculation and cell hypoxia. As a result, the skin of the legs of diabetics is very dry and inelastic. Such pathological dryness is not removed by a moisturizer and causes the appearance of cracks into which the infection enters. Wounds develop, which, due to lack of microcirculation, heal for a very long time;
  3. Diabetic joint disease - arthropathy. Violation of protein glucose metabolism leads to a violation of cartilage tissue, the development of hyperostosis. Therefore, diabetics often have pain in the joints of the lower extremities, especially when walking. Arthropathy begins with swelling and redness of the foot. Over the years, deformation of the fingers appears, pronounced swelling of the foot is observed. In severe cases, dislocations, subluxations, fractures occur, as a result of which the foot shortens and widens.

In modern medicine, all the variety of diabetic lesions is usually referred to by a single term - "diabetic foot".

Manifestation of symptoms

There are many manifestations of diabetic foot injury. Some of them the patient may not attribute to the complications of diabetes, or even not notice. In view of this, every diabetic should know the symptoms of foot damage in diabetes.

They are the following:

  • dry skin that cannot be overcome with a cream;
  • peeling and itching of the skin of the legs;
  • hyperpigmentation and depigmentation of the skin of the lower leg;
  • excessive formation of calluses (hyperkeratosis);
  • hair loss on the legs in men;
  • change in the shape and thickening of the nails;
  • ankle swelling;
  • the skin of the legs is pale and cold to the touch (rarely, on the contrary, it is cyanotic and warm);
  • fungal infection of the skin of the feet and nails;
  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • pain in the legs;
  • violation of thermal, tactile and other types of sensitivity.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms listed above in time, then there are serious consequences of diabetic foot damage.


  • non-healing painless ulcers and wounds;
  • abscesses, phlegmon;
  • arthropathy;
  • osteomyelitis (suppuration of bones);
  • gengren.

Characteristics of pain in the legs with neuropathy

Legs in diabetes mellitus hurt both when walking and at rest, especially pestering the patient at night. As a rule, they are of medium intensity, but intensify over time and prevent the diabetic from leading a normal life. Pain in the feet and legs is localized, large joints hurt less often (with diabetic arthropathy). With this disease, in addition to the fact that the diabetic's legs hurt, symptoms are also observed: cramps, tingling, numbness, weakness in the legs, decreased sensitivity, swelling of the legs.

The causes of the symptoms described above can be different and are not always caused by the development of diabetes - this is the pathology of the joints, damage to the nerves or blood vessels, vein diseases, osteochondrosis. For the correct diagnosis and identification of the true cause, the doctor necessarily recommends an examination.

The treatment for leg pain varies and depends on the primary disease. For example, drugs that are used to treat joint disease do not help relieve pain in the legs with diabetes.

Swelling of the legs in diabetes also has different causes. Often, diabetics have concomitant heart disease, and, as you know, with heart failure, swelling of the feet and legs appears in the evening. Also, swelling can be due to varicose veins of the lower extremities. For diabetic kidney damage, morning swelling of the legs is characteristic.

Foot examinations for diabetes

It is very important to come to the doctor in time to diagnose the complications of diabetes. The patient can accurately examine the lower extremities in the "Cabinet of the Diabetic Foot". Where specially trained endocrinologists, vascular surgeons and nurses work.

Doctors diagnose the degree of damage to the legs, correct the treatment of diabetes, and also prescribe a specific treatment for neuro- and angiopathy. The nurses of this office teach patients proper foot care, carry out hygienic treatment of the feet (cut off calluses, apply healing creams, etc.).

To be examined in the “diabetic foot cabinet” at the initial diagnosis of “diabetes mellitus”, then at least once a year if you feel normal.

Research carried out in the office:

  • examination, with a mandatory check of the pulse on the lower extremities;
  • checking neurological reflexes;
  • ultrasound examination of the vessels of the legs;
  • checking pain, tactile, temperature and vibration sensitivity;
  • electroneuromyography.

Even a slight change in the condition (the appearance of new symptoms) or a slight inflammation on the skin of the legs is a reason to consult a doctor within a day.

Attention and care

Foot care for diabetes is to follow a few simple, but very important rules:

  1. Every day, a diabetic needs to carefully examine his feet, especially the feet, soles, the spaces between the fingers with the help of a mirror installed on the floor or with the help of loved ones. On examination, it is necessary to identify even minor scratches, cuts, blisters, cracks and other skin defects that can become a gateway for infection.
  2. A diabetic should wash his feet daily with warm water and neutral soap, paying special attention to the interdigital spaces. Wipe them with blotting movements of a soft towel.
  3. When the first symptoms of fungal diseases appear, especially between the fingers, such as peeling, white plaque, redness, itching. You need to contact a dermatologist, he will prescribe treatment, usually in the form of an antifungal cream.
  4. A diabetic patient needs to inspect their shoes daily for foreign objects, broken insoles and other defects that can rub or injure the skin of the feet. Any insoles with ledges are categorically contraindicated in diabetes, as they can quietly contribute to the formation of corns, bedsores, ulcers.
  5. Treat toenails with great care, for this it is better to use a nail file, not scissors. File your nails straight, round off the corners and avoid sharp edges, as they can injure other fingers. If the nails are thickened with a file, you need to grind them from above, leaving only 2-3 mm of thickness. Too thick a nail when walking will put pressure on the delicate nail bed and cause a bedsore.
  6. To warm your feet, it is better to use warm socks, but not a hot bath or heating pad. Diabetics have reduced thermal sensitivity, so they do not feel the temperature of the water, which can lead to a burn. For the same reason, diabetics should not steam their feet. When washing your feet, also gently avoid very low or very high temperatures. First, check the water in the bath with your hand and only after you make sure that it is not hot, immerse your feet.
  7. If you find an injury, then remember that due to the tanning properties in diabetic foot, alcohol solutions of greenery, iodine, as well as alcohol and potassium permanganate are contraindicated. Therefore, all injuries must be treated with special therapeutic creams, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, chlorhexidine, betadine, miramistin, and a non-tight sterile bandage should be applied.
  8. As a rule, diabetics have very dry skin on their feet. After washing, it must be lubricated with a nourishing oily foot cream. Creams based on vegetable oils are also suitable for these purposes. It is also useful to apply preventive creams with urea daily on the skin of the legs.
  9. When keratinized skin appears, it must be treated with a pumice stone. In this case, this is the best remedy. However, the pumice stone needs to be changed often, as fungus can grow in it. Do not use scissors or a blade for this procedure. After treatment, the skin must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.
  10. Do not use Salipod patches, callus removers, cutting tools to remove rough skin.
  11. Wear only comfortable shoes. Forget about buying shoes that need to be broken in. Avoid strappy sandals. If your feet are deformed, wear orthopedic shoes. Never wear barefoot shoes, darned or dirty socks or stockings, and do not go barefoot.
  12. Walk every day in comfortable shoes for at least 30 minutes. Do massage and gymnastics for the legs and feet. Quit smoking.

For effective treatment and prevention of diabetic foot, maintain normal blood sugar levels and follow the rules of foot care. This will help to avoid such formidable complications as phlegmon and gangrene.


Feet with diabetes require special attention. With decompensated diabetes in the legs, as in other parts of the body, small vessels and nerves are affected. If the blood vessels are affected, the normal blood supply to the extremities is disrupted. As a result of the wound

On the legs they do not heal well, fester, trophic ulcers can form. Since sensitivity is reduced when the nerves are damaged, the person does not feel pain and does not notice minor injuries, abrasions, diaper rash, therefore, it can easily infect an infection that causes serious complications.

Conventionally, there are "large" and "small" lesions of the feet that occur with this disease.

Small issues include:

Hyperkeratosis (excessive callus formation);

Thickening and reshaping of nails;

Fungal infection of nails and skin (especially interdigital spaces);

Numbness of the feet and other sensory disturbances;

Pain in the legs, which can be caused by various reasons: damage to the nerve endings and blood vessels, diseases of the joints, diseases of the veins. To determine the cause of the pain, a special examination is desirable.

The "big problems" include:

Non-healing wounds and ulcers on the legs;

A special form of joint damage is diabetic osteoarthropathy;

Infectious processes: abscess and phlegmon (suppuration of subcutaneous tissue), osteomyelitis (infectious process in the bone).

These complications can be prevented if you know at least minimum rules for foot care:

1. Wash your feet daily, dry them with a towel, thoroughly drying the skin between your toes.

2. Examine the feet daily to notice scratches, abrasions and wounds in time.

3. Don't cut your nails too short.

4. Do not walk barefoot.

5. Keep your feet warm, protect them from dampness.

6. Do not warm your feet with hot baths, electrical appliances, heating pads, etc. - with reduced sensitivity, it is easy to get burned.

Don't soar your feet!!

7. If the color of the feet changes, swelling or damage appears on them, immediately seek medical help.

8. Do leg exercises every day.

Let's talk about these rules in more detail.

The soles of the feet can be easily examined with a mirror. If you are unable to do this yourself, have a family member examine your feet.

Do not expose your feet to very high or very low temperatures. Check the water in the bathroom with your hand first to make sure it is not very hot. If your feet get cold at night, wear warm socks, but don't use heating pads or other hot items!

Inspect your shoes daily for any foreign objects that have fallen into them, or if the lining is torn. All this can injure or rub the skin of the legs. "Magnetic insoles" (with protrusions) are categorically contraindicated in diabetes mellitus: there are cases when they lead to the formation of ulcers. Buy only those shoes that fit comfortably on the foot from the very beginning; not the one that needs to be broken in (or stretched). Do not wear tight-toed shoes or shoes that pinch your toes. With a significant deformation of the feet, the manufacture of special orthopedic shoes is required. Never wear shoes with bare feet. It is very important to choose stockings or socks that fit exactly and change them daily. Do not wear darned socks or socks with a tight elastic band.

In case of injuries, iodine, potassium permanganate, alcohol and brilliant green are contraindicated. Never use chemicals or preparations to soften corns (such as the Salipod patch) and do not remove corns with cutting instruments (razor, scalpel, etc.). For this purpose, use a pumice stone and similar special devices.

If the skin of the legs is dry, lubricate them (but not the interdigital spaces) with a fat cream (containing peach, sea buckthorn and similar oils) or any baby cream

There is a special a set of exercises for the legs to help keep them in shape.

The best exercise, of course, is considered daily walking at an accelerated pace - lasting from 30 minutes to 1 hour. It is good if you increase the distance every day, and when returning from a walk, quickly climb the flight of stairs, using only the instep of the foot. But if for some reason you can't walk much, at least don't forget to do the exercises.

1. Holding onto the back of a chair, sit down as deep as you can 10 times. The back should be straight.

2. In a standing position, rest your palms on the wall. Place your legs so that your torso is slightly tilted forward. Feet should be in full contact with the floor. Bend your arms 10 times while keeping your back and legs straight. Exercise helps prevent leg cramps.

3. Rise on your toes and drop on your heels 20 times. At the same time, try to shift your center of gravity from one foot to the other.

Now sit down, raise your legs to an accessible height

Stretch your toes forward to the stop (20 times) and with effort on yourself (20 times)

Now circular movements of the legs to the right and left (20 times)

Put your feet on the edge, spread your knees to the sides, make several movements, as when walking.

Throw a crumpled newspaper on the floor and tear it as finely as possible with your toes, then collect it in a bucket

4. Sit on a chair and stand up. Repeat this 10 times. Hands should be crossed on the stomach.

5. Holding on to the back of the chair, alternately rise to the tips of the toes of the right and left feet.

6. Stand with one foot on a platform, such as a large book. Holding on to a chair or table, do 10 swings back and forth with the other leg. Change the position of the legs and repeat the exercise.

7. Sit on the floor, lean back a little and put your hands on the floor behind you. Shake your feet several times until a feeling of warmth and relaxation appears.

If you do gymnastics every day for a month, the blood circulation of the legs is restored, the legs become "warm"

With persistent skin itching, burrs, microcracks, furunculosis, pustules, dry calluses, hyperkeratosis, prevention should be taken. A good way is general baths with medicinal herbs. One bath requires an average of 150-200 g of dry plant material.

Bath collection

Three parts elderflower, 2 parts currant leaf, 2 parts nettle leaf, 2 parts tansy flowers, 4 parts horsetail herb, 5 parts string grass. Two hundred grams of the collection is brewed with 3-5 liters of hot water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat, filtered and poured into the bath. The bath should not be hot (26-38 ° C), duration - 10-15 minutes. They take baths 3 times a week, the course is 10-12 procedures.

Baths with cudweed

With trophic changes in the feet (fragility of nails, cracks, hyperkeratosis) characteristic of diabetes mellitus, foot baths are recommended: 50 g of crushed grass is added to a bucket of boiling water, infused as it cools for 1-1.5 hours.

Chinese baths

With diabetes, you can make foot baths from warm water (up to 40 ° C) with the addition of copper sulfate - about 1 teaspoon per 3 liters of water. Baths should be taken for 10-15 minutes, at least 1 time per week. Vitriol baths are a very strong antiseptic, and legs are the most sore spot in diabetes.

In addition to baths, you can also do baths and compresses with medicinal herbs.

Strawberry leaves have an excellent wound healing effect. Therefore, fresh and dry steamed leaves, applied to purulent wounds and chronic ulcers, are well cleansed of pus and promote healing.

Infuse one teaspoon of crushed strawberry leaves for 4 hours in 1 cup of boiling water, strain. Make a compress 1-2 times a day.

Berry juice and crushed berries are also good external remedies for eczema, rashes and minor wounds.

Two teaspoons of dry bearberry leaves insist 2-3 hours in 2 cups of cold boiled water. Take 1/2 cup 2-4 times a day, and also make a compress on the affected area.

Boil two teaspoons of bearberry for 15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon after 3-4 hours, while applying warm compresses for 30-40 minutes.

Plantain leaves have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound-healing effect. An infusion of the leaves is drunk for skin diseases (rash, acne, lichen). It has an antimicrobial effect and serves as a good means for washing purulent wounds and ulcers, and promotes their rapid healing. One tablespoon of dried plantain leaves insist 2 hours in 1 cup boiling water, drain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 20 minutes before meals 4 times a day. Wrap two tablespoons of washed fresh chopped leaves in cheesecloth. Apply with inflammatory processes of the skin to the affected area.

May your feet never hurt!

Diabetes mellitus is a complex and serious disease that is difficult to treat and is often accompanied by various complications. First of all, the lower limbs suffer from this disease, since under the influence of an increased level of glucose in the blood, nerve endings are damaged and blood circulation is disturbed in them. Therefore, foot care in diabetes is very important and it must occur according to certain rules.

Why take care of your feet with DS?

Diabetes mellitus is a serious pathology, the development of which affects the entire body as a whole. However, as mentioned above, first of all, this disease affects large nerve fibers and blood vessels, which are located in the lower extremities. As a result, diabetic polyneuropathy begins to develop, which is characterized by a decrease in the sensitivity of the skin.

At first, the patient may feel periodic tingling in the legs and numbness. Then he ceases to feel touch and pain, and then his ability to distinguish temperature disappears. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the patient does not even notice that he hit his foot or cut it. And any injuries in diabetes are dangerous, since they can lead to the development of gangrene, the treatment of which is carried out only surgically, by partial or complete amputation of the limb.

Gangrene is a severe complication of diabetes. And it arises due to the fact that with diabetes, metabolism is disturbed and regeneration processes slow down, against which the wounds that appear on the body heal for a very long time. And if an infection gets into an open wound (the feet are the most vulnerable to infections, since you can “get” them simply by walking barefoot on the floor), it begins to fester and trophic ulcers appear in its place, which affect not only the soft tissues of the lower extremities, but also muscle fibers.

Gradually, ulcers begin to spread to all limbs and provoke the development of abscess and sepsis. In type 2 diabetes, these complications are rare. However, do not forget that CD2 can easily go into CD1. And in order to avoid the occurrence of such complications, it is necessary to take care of the feet immediately after the diagnosis.

Proper foot care in diabetes mellitus provides reliable prevention of complications

It is important to know exactly what symptoms diabetic neuropathy manifests in order to promptly seek help from a doctor if it occurs. And this disease manifests itself like this:

  • the lower limbs periodically go numb and constantly freeze;
  • at rest in the legs there is a burning sensation, pain and discomfort;
  • the size of the leg decreases and the foot is deformed;
  • wounds don't heal.

The rate of development of this pathology depends on the age of the patient and the course of the disease. However, it is believed that one of the most important provoking factors of this disease is too high blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is very important for diabetics to constantly monitor sugar and strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

It should be noted that another common complication of diabetes is foot fungus. Since the protective functions of the body are reduced, its development occurs very quickly. And due to the fact that the patient does not notice the signs of the development of the fungus, this leads to its extensive distribution.

It is very difficult to get rid of foot fungus, especially for diabetics, since a large range of drugs is contraindicated for them. And to avoid its development, you must also follow the rules of foot care.

Basic rules for foot care

To avoid the development of complications on the background of diabetes, patients need not only to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels, but also regularly take care of their feet. Every day, diabetics are advised to inspect the feet and interdigital spaces for cracks and wounds. In the event that it is difficult for a diabetic to independently examine the limbs due to limited mobility, a floor mirror can be used for daily examination.

Important! If during the examination you notice an unpleasant smell from your feet, you should immediately consult a doctor. This symptom may indicate the development of a fungus or purulent processes.

In addition to the daily examination of the feet, it is necessary to adhere to other rules, which include a memo for diabetics:

  • In no case should you walk barefoot either at home, or in the pool, or on the beach. Everywhere you need to walk in closed shoes (if at home, then in slippers). This will help prevent accidental foot injury.
  • In the event that a diabetic has constantly cold feet, he should wear warm socks. But when choosing them, you should definitely pay attention to the gum. It should not be too tight and pinch the limbs, as this will lead to even more circulatory disorders in them. If you can’t pick up such socks, you can easily get out of this situation by simply making several vertical cuts on the elastic band of each sock. At the same time, remember that in no case should heating pads be used to warm the legs. Since the sensitivity of the limbs is reduced, you can get burned unnoticed.
  • Wash your feet every day with warm water (no more than 35 degrees). In this case, you need to use antibacterial soap. After the procedure, the limbs should be wiped with a dry towel, paying special attention to the skin between the fingers.
  • Every day, the feet should be treated with creams that contain urea. It provides deep hydration of the skin and promotes regeneration processes. When applying the cream, it is necessary to ensure that it does not fall into the interdigital spaces. In the event that the cream still gets on the skin between the fingers, it must be removed with a dry cloth.
  • If excessive sweating of the lower extremities is noted, after washing the feet, the feet should be treated with talc or baby powder.
  • Do not cut nails with scissors or tongs. The use of sharp objects can cause microtrauma, which then provoke the development of serious complications. For processing nails, it is best to use glass nail files. In this case, special attention should be paid to the corners, rounding them. This will prevent the nail from growing into the skin and causing injury.
  • Every day you need to take walks. They help improve blood circulation in the limbs and provide prevention of thrombophlebitis.
  • Rough skin on the heels, calluses and corns should be removed with a pumice stone. Do not use razors or any other sharp objects to remove them. If there is no pumice, you can replace it with a cosmetic file, but not a metal one. Before the procedures, you can not steam the skin, as well as use special creams and solutions to remove corns. Since the sensitivity of the limbs is reduced, there is a high risk of chemical burns.
  • If self-treatment with nail files and pumice does not allow you to get rid of rough skin, calluses and corns, contact the Diabetic Foot office at the clinic, where you will have a medical pedicure.

If you do not round the corners of the nails, this can lead to the ingrowth of the nail plate into the skin, which will provoke its inflammation.

Important! If you began to notice that your calluses are beginning to darken, then this indicates an internal hemorrhage. If a yellow liquid began to stand out from them, then this already indicates the development of purulent processes. In all these cases, it is necessary to visit a doctor. In no case should you self-medicate, this can lead to sad consequences!

It must be understood that it is necessary to consult a doctor not only if hematomas and purulent processes appear, but also when:

  • burns;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • change in skin color;
  • the occurrence of edema.

It is necessary to consult a doctor even if you notice minor injuries to the feet. However, diabetics themselves should be able to provide themselves with first aid in order to avoid complications. And what it includes, you will now find out.

You need to see a doctor even if small cracks appear on the feet!

Providing first aid

Every diabetic should have a first-aid kit at home, which should contain the medicines necessary to treat the skin in case of damage. Namely:

  • sterile wipes;
  • solutions for disinfecting wounds, for example, 3% hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, Mirastin, etc.;
  • bandages, plasters.

These funds must not only be kept at home, but also taken with you on trips. If during the examination of the feet wounds or small cracks were found, the skin must be treated. The first step is to use a disinfectant solution. They should moisten a sterile cloth and wipe the skin with it. Next, you need to apply a sterile bandage, only you can’t tie a bandage, since it can compress the lower limbs, contributing to circulatory disorders. In this case, patches should be used to fix it.

Before applying a bandage to the feet, the skin must be treated with a disinfectant!

More details about the provision of first aid when receiving foot herbs are discussed by the doctor with patients. Even if a diabetic knows how and with what to treat the limbs in order to avoid complications, after an injury, you should definitely see a specialist.

Important! In no case should alcohol solutions, such as iodine or brilliant green, as well as potassium permanganate, be used to treat the surface of injured skin. First, they can cause burns. And secondly, the use of these products stains the skin, masking signs of inflammation and suppuration, which are characterized by redness.

Remember that if you notice any damage to your foot, be sure to reduce the load on your legs. Walk less and rest more. Do not wear tight and uncomfortable shoes, as this will only aggravate the situation.

What is strictly forbidden to do with SD?

Diabetics need to remember that there are “nos” to foot care that are important to consider at all times. These include:

  • the use of alcohol-containing solutions for the treatment of wounds and cracks, as they dry the skin and contribute to the development of complications;
  • expose your feet to severe hypothermia (it is recommended to wear socks even in summer);
  • wear darned socks, as well as tights and pants with tight elastic bands;
  • steam out the legs;
  • wear uncomfortable and pressure shoes (if you have diabetes, it is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes, which are made individually);
  • use sharp objects, such as a blade or scissors, to eliminate rough skin, corns and calluses;
  • remove ingrown nails yourself;
  • wear the same slippers throughout the day;
  • wear shoes on bare feet;
  • use magnetic insoles;
  • wear heavy shoes, such as boots or boots, for more than 3 hours in a row;
  • use oily creams, because they contribute to the accumulation of bacteria on the surface of the feet.

It is very important to follow the rules of foot care in case of diabetes! This is the only way to avoid the negative consequences of the development of this disease.

Remember that any wrong actions in foot care can provoke the occurrence of complications in the form of sepsis, abscess or gangrene. Therefore, in this case, it is important to take into account all the nuances. If you are unable to take care of your feet due to limited mobility or poor vision, then you should ask for help from your relatives or visit the Diabetic Foot office several times a week, where you will be provided with complete and proper foot care.

Prevention of complications

To prevent the occurrence of complications against the background of diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures that will avoid the negative consequences of this disease.

Prevention includes:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Getting rid of bad habits. The use of alcoholic beverages and smoking are provoking factors in the development of diabetes mellitus, leading to its exacerbation, as they negatively affect blood circulation.
  • To care for the skin of the legs, you can use only those creams and gels that the doctor has prescribed.
  • For the prevention of fungal diseases, you can use baths with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. But remember that when making them, the water should not exceed 35 degrees and you can’t take them for more than 10 minutes.
  • Do not use alternative medicine to treat diabetes and body ulcers. They can not only not give positive results, but also aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Regularly massage the lower extremities, this will improve blood circulation in them.
  • Every day, do therapeutic exercises (you can learn more about it from your doctor).
  • Watch your diet and control your blood sugar levels.

All these activities will help you prevent the development of complications and ensure reliable control over the development of diabetes.

Last updated: September 21, 2019

Diabetes affects many organs and systems of the human body. Legs are one of the targets that the disease hits. Due to the high level of sugar, irreversible changes occur in the nerves and vessels that supply the feet with blood. That is why proper foot care in diabetes is of great importance.

Causes of leg pain in diabetics

  1. Diabetic nerve damage - neuropathy. Over time, under the influence of high sugar, the nerve endings of the feet are damaged. This leads to a violation of their sensitivity. A diabetic loses the ability to feel pain, pressure, temperature. The ability to feel pain is very important for a person, since pain warns of illness, of danger. When this ability is lost, it is very easy to overlook wounds or even ulcers on the legs. That is why the legs of diabetics do not hurt with neuropathy, and they turn to them late for treatment;
  2. Diabetic vascular disease - angiopathy. In diabetes, the function of blood vessels throughout the body worsens. Small (peripheral) vessels of the legs are especially affected, this leads to disruption of microcirculation and cell hypoxia. As a result, the skin of the legs of diabetics is very dry and inelastic. Such pathological dryness is not removed by a moisturizer and causes the appearance of cracks into which the infection enters. Wounds develop, which, due to lack of microcirculation, heal for a very long time;
  3. Diabetic joint disease - arthropathy. Violation of protein glucose metabolism leads to a violation of cartilage tissue, the development of hyperostosis. Therefore, diabetics often have pain in the joints of the lower extremities, especially when walking. Arthropathy begins with swelling and redness of the foot. Over the years, deformation of the fingers appears, pronounced swelling of the foot is observed. In severe cases, dislocations, subluxations, fractures occur, as a result of which the foot shortens and widens.

In modern medicine, all the variety of diabetic lesions is usually referred to by a single term - "diabetic foot".

Manifestation of symptoms

There are many manifestations of diabetic foot injury. Some of them the patient may not attribute to the complications of diabetes, or even not notice. In view of this, every diabetic should know the symptoms of foot damage in diabetes.

They are the following:

  • dry skin that cannot be overcome with a cream;
  • peeling and itching of the skin of the legs;
  • hyperpigmentation and depigmentation of the skin of the lower leg;
  • excessive formation of calluses (hyperkeratosis);
  • hair loss on the legs in men;
  • change in the shape and thickening of the nails;
  • ankle swelling;
  • the skin of the legs is pale and cold to the touch (rarely, on the contrary, it is cyanotic and warm);
  • fungal infection of the skin of the feet and nails;
  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • pain in the legs;
  • violation of thermal, tactile and other types of sensitivity.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms listed above in time, then there are serious consequences of diabetic foot damage.


  • non-healing painless ulcers and wounds;
  • abscesses, phlegmon;
  • arthropathy;
  • osteomyelitis (suppuration of bones);
  • gengren.

Characteristics of pain in the legs with neuropathy

Legs in diabetes mellitus hurt both when walking and at rest, especially pestering the patient at night. As a rule, they are of medium intensity, but intensify over time and prevent the diabetic from leading a normal life. Pain in the feet and legs is localized, large joints hurt less often (with diabetic arthropathy). With this disease, in addition to the fact that the diabetic's legs hurt, symptoms are also observed: cramps, tingling, numbness, weakness in the legs, decreased sensitivity, swelling of the legs.

The causes of the symptoms described above can be different and are not always caused by the development of diabetes - this is the pathology of the joints, damage to the nerves or blood vessels, vein diseases, osteochondrosis. For the correct diagnosis and identification of the true cause, the doctor necessarily recommends an examination.

The treatment for leg pain varies and depends on the primary disease. For example, drugs that are used to treat joint disease do not help relieve pain in the legs with diabetes.

Swelling of the legs in diabetes also has different causes. Often, diabetics have concomitant heart disease, and, as you know, with heart failure, swelling of the feet and legs appears in the evening. Also, swelling can be due to varicose veins of the lower extremities. For diabetic kidney damage, morning swelling of the legs is characteristic.

Foot examinations for diabetes

It is very important to come to the doctor in time to diagnose the complications of diabetes. The patient can accurately examine the lower extremities in the "Cabinet of the Diabetic Foot". Where specially trained endocrinologists, vascular surgeons and nurses work.

Doctors diagnose the degree of damage to the legs, correct the treatment of diabetes, and also prescribe a specific treatment for neuro- and angiopathy. The nurses of this office teach patients proper foot care, carry out hygienic treatment of the feet (cut off calluses, apply healing creams, etc.).

To be examined in the “diabetic foot cabinet” at the initial diagnosis of “diabetes mellitus”, then at least once a year if you feel normal.

Research carried out in the office:

  • examination, with a mandatory check of the pulse on the lower extremities;
  • checking neurological reflexes;
  • ultrasound examination of the vessels of the legs;
  • checking pain, tactile, temperature and vibration sensitivity;
  • electroneuromyography.

Even a slight change in the condition (the appearance of new symptoms) or a slight inflammation on the skin of the legs is a reason to consult a doctor within a day.

Attention and care

Foot care for diabetes is to follow a few simple, but very important rules:

  1. Every day, a diabetic needs to carefully examine his feet, especially the feet, soles, the spaces between the fingers with the help of a mirror installed on the floor or with the help of loved ones. On examination, it is necessary to identify even minor scratches, cuts, blisters, cracks and other skin defects that can become a gateway for infection.
  2. A diabetic should wash his feet daily with warm water and neutral soap, paying special attention to the interdigital spaces. Wipe them with blotting movements of a soft towel.
  3. When the first symptoms of fungal diseases appear, especially between the fingers, such as peeling, white plaque, redness, itching. You need to contact a dermatologist, he will prescribe treatment, usually in the form of an antifungal cream.
  4. A diabetic patient needs to inspect their shoes daily for foreign objects, broken insoles and other defects that can rub or injure the skin of the feet. Any insoles with ledges are categorically contraindicated in diabetes, as they can quietly contribute to the formation of corns, bedsores, ulcers.
  5. Treat toenails with great care, for this it is better to use a nail file, not scissors. File your nails straight, round off the corners and avoid sharp edges, as they can injure other fingers. If the nails are thickened with a file, you need to grind them from above, leaving only 2-3 mm of thickness. Too thick a nail when walking will put pressure on the delicate nail bed and cause a bedsore.
  6. To warm your feet, it is better to use warm socks, but not a hot bath or heating pad. Diabetics have reduced thermal sensitivity, so they do not feel the temperature of the water, which can lead to a burn. For the same reason, diabetics should not steam their feet. When washing your feet, also gently avoid very low or very high temperatures. First, check the water in the bath with your hand and only after you make sure that it is not hot, immerse your feet.
  7. If you find an injury, then remember that due to the tanning properties in diabetic foot, alcohol solutions of greenery, iodine, as well as alcohol and potassium permanganate are contraindicated. Therefore, all injuries must be treated with special therapeutic creams, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, chlorhexidine, betadine, miramistin, and a non-tight sterile bandage should be applied.
  8. As a rule, diabetics have very dry skin on their feet. After washing, it must be lubricated with a nourishing oily foot cream. Creams based on vegetable oils are also suitable for these purposes. It is also useful to apply preventive creams with urea daily on the skin of the legs.
  9. When keratinized skin appears, it must be treated with a pumice stone. In this case, this is the best remedy. However, the pumice stone needs to be changed often, as fungus can grow in it. Do not use scissors or a blade for this procedure. After treatment, the skin must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.
  10. Do not use Salipod patches, callus removers, cutting tools to remove rough skin.
  11. Wear only comfortable shoes. Forget about buying shoes that need to be broken in. Avoid strappy sandals. If your feet are deformed, wear orthopedic shoes. Never wear barefoot shoes, darned or dirty socks or stockings, and do not go barefoot.
  12. Walk every day in comfortable shoes for at least 30 minutes. Do massage and gymnastics for the legs and feet. Quit smoking.

For effective treatment and prevention of diabetic foot, maintain normal blood sugar levels and follow the rules of foot care. This will help to avoid such formidable complications as phlegmon and gangrene.

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