How many units of Botox are needed for the forehead and between the eyebrows. Additional cosmetic options. Demo video of botulinum toxin injection

To prolong youth, cosmetologists often use Botox, a drug for smoothing wrinkles, the main component of which is botulinum toxin. It has a relaxing effect on facial muscles. Usually, injections are made under the eyes, in the area of ​​​​the lips and nasolabial folds, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and forehead.

How does Botox work on the forehead and between the eyebrows?

Botulinum toxin is injected with a fine needle insulin syringe directly into the muscle that forms the fold. After point chipping, blocking is performed nerve impulses. This happens by stopping the release of acetylcholine, which carries contraction signals from the brain to the muscles.

Botox leads to temporary paralysis in the forehead and between the eyebrows. Admission nutrients And the oxygen doesn't stop. After muscle relaxation, the skin with fine wrinkles is smoothed out, and deep folds become less noticeable.

It turns out a kind of mask effect, but since a person has 57 muscles on his face, blocking several does not lead to a serious change in facial expressions. With a frown or astonishment, the area between the eyebrows and forehead remains motionless, which prevents furrows from forming.

After 6-8 months muscle function resumes. Depending on the individual features In humans, this period can be reduced to 3-4 months or increased to a year.

Indications for the use of Botox

Indications for the use of botulinum in cosmetology:

  1. Alopecia, dull hair.
  2. Vertical and horizontal wrinkles in the forehead area and between the eyebrows.
  3. Pronounced furrows in the corners of the lips and nasolabial folds.
  4. Armpit hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).
  5. "Crow's feet" near the eyes.
  6. Wrinkles on the neck and décolleté.

With the help of Botox, blepharospasm, migraine, spastic torticollis and strabismus are treated.

How much Botox should be put on the forehead and between the eyebrows

Botox unit (1U) is an international unit biological activity. How much preparation is needed for a certain area can only be calculated by a specialist, based on the condition of the client's skin. But even an experienced doctor is not able to determine exact dosage, as it is adjusted during the procedure. This is due to many factors: elasticity and thickness, the individual structure of the skin, the number and depth of wrinkles, age.

One bottle contains 100 IU of Botox. At the beginning, before administration, botulinum must be diluted with saline at the rate of 100 IU / 2.5 ml. On average, one area can take:

  1. Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead - 15-25 units.
  2. Wrinkles in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose - 10-25 units.
  3. On average, one point requires 1-2 units.

What can threaten the wrong dosage?

If a woman decides on beauty injections, it is important to find an experienced doctor who knows how to properly dilute sodium chloride with botulinum, calculate units and between the eyebrows.

With the introduction of an insufficient amount of the drug, the result from the injections will be subtle or absent altogether. And increasing the dosage can cause paralysis due to excessive relaxation of the muscles of the face. This condition does not threaten health, but until the substance is excreted from the body, appearance will be unaesthetic.

The first time you need more milliliters of the drug than the next. Neglecting this rule, you can get excessive lifting or asymmetry of the eyebrows.

There are complications that are not related to the erroneous actions of the beautician, but with wrong dosage their likelihood increases. Possible side effects include:

  • allergic reaction;
  • skin redness;
  • impaired mobility of the face;
  • swelling;
  • double vision, dizziness, headache;
  • hematomas;
  • drooping eyelids.

Most of the time, these symptoms go away on their own within a few days.

What is the ideal result?

In the presence of active facial expressions, problems appear already in young age. Elimination of grooves and folds in the forehead and bridge of the nose significantly rejuvenates the face.

Botox helps to even out the skin, make it more elastic and improve general state. The maximum result after the procedure is visible after 2 weeks. This must be taken into account if the patient decided to transform for some holiday or important date.

The choice of preparations for the forehead and between the eyebrows

In addition to the long-familiar Botox, dysport and drugs are actively used in the market for cosmetology services. All of them are produced on the basis of botulinum neurotoxin A and have the same effect on the muscles. But they also have differences, which are analyzed in the table.

BotoxDysportXeominProducing countryUSAFranceGermanyForehead, ED 15–25 45–75 15–25 Between the eyebrows, units 10–20 30–60 10–20 Albumen500 mcg125 mcg1 mgManifestation of the first result4–7 days1–2 day2–3 dayAppearance of the final effect10-14 days10-14 days10-14 daysExcipientsSodium chlorideLactosesucroseCost per unit in rubles 350-400 150 400

Albumin is protein substance softening effect of the toxin. Botox differs from Dysport in that it is less concentrated. And xeomin has more light action, but the result is less.

Botox or "beauty shots" using the properties of the neurotoxin are popular with most women. He is pretty an expensive drug, therefore, it becomes necessary to know the exact amount of the required dose and its cost. Correct Dosage directly affects the result and duration of injections.

Botox is the brand name of an American drug manufactured by Allergan, as well as the subcutaneous or intramuscular injection procedure itself. The drug is based on botulinum toxin type A, one of the strongest poisons. In small doses, it is easily controlled and not dangerous for the body, and its muscle relaxant properties are successfully used in cosmetology.

The poison is extracted from Clostridium botulinum microorganisms, stabilized and purified from protein impurities. The action of a neurotoxin is based on blocking the transmission of nerve impulses. This brings the treated muscles into a state of relaxation, while smoothing the skin adjacent to them. The partial paresis created by the neurotoxin is a reversible reaction. After 4-6 months, muscle activity is restored.

The main nuances of the procedure:

  • Botox injections are effective only in relation to mimic wrinkles formed as a result of high muscle activity;
  • the substance does not act against other types of wrinkles associated with structural age-related changes skin;
  • the result of the procedure lasts up to six months, after which muscle activity is restored again;
  • during this period, the treated muscles remain inactive, the process of forming new folds stops.

The drug has become the standard for assessing the degree of wrinkle smoothing, many cosmetics"with the effect of Botox."


Botulinum therapy is not limited to Botox alone. In one or another concentration, botulinum toxin is contained in the Chinese Lantox, Russian Relatox, French Dysport, German Xeomin, Korean Botulax. The most suitable drug is selected individually by a specialist in accordance with the severity of wrinkles, the strength of facial muscles, their symmetry. The cost of drugs is different, the most expensive is Botox. Cheaper drug to get desired effect more may be required, so the procedure may be even more expensive. The cost of drugs is in the range of 150-350 rubles per unit.

Botox is the most researched and predictable drug. But sometimes the ingestion of botulinum toxin can cause the production of antibodies, leading to allergy symptoms. Usually, injections are first carried out using Botox, and analogues can be used for the following procedures. Such an injection scheme requires a lot of experience from the beautician. To maintain the effect achieved, you will need to calculate the correct amount of an alternative drug.

Average calculation method allowable amount the drug for the whole face is calculated by age. The patient's total years provide an indicative figure. total dosage. For example, a 40-year-old woman will need about 40 injections. Each of the zones of the face has several points for the introduction of the drug. Botox is usually distributed evenly on both sides of the face. The largest portion falls on the area of ​​​​the eyes and forehead. Approximate dosage of Botox for all areas of the face and neck:

  1. How many units of Botox do you need per forehead? Deep wrinkles in the forehead will require repeated Botox injections. For exact definition wrinkles will need to furrow the forehead. On average, the administered portion is from 10 to 30 units.
  2. How many units of Botox do you need per brow bone? This is one of the most noticeable wrinkles, the so-called "muscle of the proud." To eliminate them, you will need from 10 to 25 units. Over time, the eyebrows begin to hang over the eyes, giving severity to the face. You can raise them by making Botox injections with a dose of 2 to 5 units.
  3. How many units of Botox do you need per eye? For each side of the face, to eliminate crow's feet, you will need from 5 to 15 units. You can inject several units of the drug under the eyes to remove signs of fatigue.
  4. The amount of the preparation for lifting the corners of the lips is from 5 to 6 units. The substance helps to correct their shape, but not to give volume. You can increase the size of the lips with the help of an additional procedure for the introduction of fillers with hyaluronic acid. Botox also smoothes the purse-string wrinkles that form around the lips, characteristic of smokers.
  5. To get rid of the "rabbit" wrinkles on the nose and bridge of the nose, you will need from 5 to 10 units of the drug.
  6. Nasolabial folds are creases caused by gravity. They become especially noticeable after the age of 40. To relax the muscles, you need about 6 units of Botox. Filling in creases will require the use of a hyaluronic acid filler.
  7. You can smooth out wrinkles in the chin area by introducing from 2 to 6 units. The contour of the jaw is smoothed after a portion of 40-60 units of the drug.
  8. To rejuvenate the anterior and side surfaces neck, you will need from 25 to 50 units.

With the help of Botox, you can correct the oval of the face, deformed as a result of bruxism. hypertonicity jaw muscles leads to an increase in the volume of the jaw, it acquires a square shape. In addition, the drug is used to combat hyperhidrosis. Getting rid of sweating occurs after the introduction of up to 50 units of the substance on each of the armpits.

The maximum dose of the drug in one procedure is no more than 250 units. The dosage calculated relative to Botox cannot correspond to its analogues. The concentration of botulinum toxin in generics differs from the original, so each drug has its own measurement of units. An incorrectly calculated dose leads to unpleasant consequences. A smaller amount of the drug does not work. An excess of the substance leads to too much relaxation of the muscles, up to temporary paralysis, which turns the face into a mask.

Other features of Botox

There is a procedure called Botox lifting. To correct the deformation of the facial contour, to smooth out wrinkles, injections are made according to a certain scheme. The introduction of the drug is carried out in such a way as to block the contraction of the lowering muscles and preserve the work of their antagonists. Facial asymmetry, consequence neurological disorders, can also be eliminated with Botox. The specialist injects from 2 to 4 units of the drug and aligns the position of the eyebrows, corners of the mouth, and palpebral fissures.

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the correct selection of the dosage. The specialist must know the rules for diluting the drug of the desired concentration and determining exact places for injections. The indicated dosage can be adjusted by the doctor up or down in accordance with the characteristics of the patient.

And Dysport are versions of the same botulinum toxin, like Cola and Pepsi, for example. By 2015, there were practically no differences between these two drugs in all major areas of their use.

As it became known from clinical research, Dysport is likely to take effect in 1-3 days, unlike Botox, which usually begins to take effect in 5-14 days. Some of the patients have stated that the effect of Dysport lasts a little longer (up to 10%) compared to previous Botox injections. This is based entirely on isolated observations and has not been proven in a properly conducted study.

While it is true that one unit of Dysport costs less than Botox, the overall cost is about the same because you will need more Dysport for the same result that you would get with less Botox. 1 unit of Botox is 2 to 2.5 units of Dysport, so it's not a one-to-one dosage.

For example, if you usually use about 20 units of Botox to smooth out frown lines, then you will need about 40-50 units of Dysport. Therefore, if you pay 350 rubles for a unit of Botox, then by paying 150 rubles for a unit of Dysport, in the end you will spend about the same amount.

Thus, both of these products are excellent and equally effective methods treatment mimic wrinkles especially between the eyes outside eyes and forehead.

How many units do you need

Unlike Botox (available in bottles of 50 or 100 units), Dysport is packaged in bottles of 300 units. Most will need about 100-125 units (or, according to at least, this amount can be beneficial), depending on the depth of wrinkles, muscle thickness (the more muscle, the more units needed) and on what result you want to get. Typically, about 40–60 units may be needed to correct the area between the eyes, 10–30 units on the sides of the eyes, and 20–80 units for the forehead. Some will need 100 units; for big people and big muscles or strong correction up to 200-250 units may be needed.

Level of discomfort

No, Dysport injection does not hurt. Most people think that injections are almost painless, so local anesthesia usually not needed, but if you're worried, you can ask to have the area treated with an anesthetic before starting the procedure. Finally, the use of ice packs or cold packs can further reduce moderate pain. They should be used before and immediately after injections.

When does the effect occur and how long does the result last?

As a rule, Dysport starts working in 1-3 days, full effect usually achieved in about 14 days. The effect of the drug can last an average of 3-4 months, depending on the human body. You can go for another procedure before the effect of the drug completely wears off, that is, after about 2-3 months.

Complications and side effects

Some patients have had botulinum toxin injections for over 20 years without any significant problems, so it is safe even at high doses.

As with Botox, the possible side effects are usually minor. In the place where the injection is made, it may be painful, bleeding, bruising, swelling, redness may occur. But this is temporary. Someone experiences heaviness, stiffness and headache during the first few days while the product shrinks.

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Rarely, patients may experience ptosis (drooping) of the eyelids or eyebrows. Although this is also a temporary side effect, it usually lasts for 4-6 weeks rather than 3-4 months (this regular time Dysport actions).

How is recovery going?

There is little to no recovery time after injections, and no dressings or bandages. Usually, after the procedure, you may experience some redness or swelling at the injection site - this is similar to bee stings. Minor bruising can sometimes be observed - in 1 in 40 patients, but this is usually quite easy to cover up with cosmetics.

  1. 7-10 days before the procedure, avoid taking aspirin, NSAIDs (ibuprofen, etc.), fish oil and vitamins.
  2. Smoking, alcohol and spicy food will not affect the results of injections, but smoking and drinking in particular can delay the recovery process by increasing bruising. Therefore, we recommend that you do not drink alcohol directly on the day of the procedure to minimize the chance of bruising.
  3. Intense exercise. Slight bruising is inevitable after any injection, so surgeons urge patients to take time to rest. If observed slight bleeding in the area of ​​​​muscles, and as a result of training, you increase your heart rate and blood pressure this can aggravate the bruising. This is the main recommendation: rest for about 24 hours after the injection.
  4. Sleep face down. You should be careful not to bend over during the first four hours and do not sleep face down during the first day after the injection. This is to make sure that Dysport does not move into unwanted areas. If the substance moves to the wrong muscle, it can cause ptosis (which can cause the lower eyelid to droop). Although in reality the possibility of these side effects unlikely, better safe than sorry.

Tip: over time, if you sleep on your face, this can lead to wrinkles, which Dysport will not be able to remove, because their cause is not muscle contraction, but repeated creasing of the skin in this position.

Botox is a processed and purified or attenuated neurotoxin type A drug that is officially approved for non-surgical correction of frown lines.

But, despite this, given the experience of many years of its use, cosmetologists effectively eliminate with its help " crow's feet» in the corners of the eyes, creases in the neck and folds around the lips. Botox injections can be carried out in almost all areas of the body and face.

Thanks to the drug, it is easy to achieve a lifting effect:

  • chin,
  • neckline,
  • chest.

With it, you can:

  • relieve migraine pain
  • eliminate uncontrolled muscle spasms,
  • and also get rid of excessive sweating.

The drug is actively used to treat children's cerebral palsy, strabismus.

Who should determine the dose

How much Botox needs to be injected into a particular area, as well as the number of injections, is determined by a cosmetologist, dermatologist or plastic surgeon at the first consultation.

But even experienced specialist can't always calculate the right dosage. This is due to the individual structure of the integument, their condition, skin type, the degree of its sagging, the number and severity of wrinkles and the age of the person.

Therefore, the procedure usually consists of three stages:

  1. Initial injection of Botox.
  2. If necessary, repeat injections after 1-2 weeks. At the same time, the doctor evaluates how well the drug has taken and corrects the identified shortcomings with additional injections.
  3. Maintenance injections every 6 to 12 months.

What can threaten the wrong dosage

If the specialist incorrectly selected the number of units of Botox, then this can be fraught with consequences:

  1. After the introduction too small dose substances, the effect of the procedure will either be subtle or not appear at all. This means that the patient wasted his money in vain. After all, the cost of the procedure directly depends on the amount of the drug used.
  2. But it is also impossible to overdo it with the dosage. Then the mimic muscles will relax too much, and in some cases their complete paralysis may occur. And although this situation does not pose a threat to health, until the Botox resolves, the face will not look aesthetically pleasing, resembling an immobilized mask.

Also, the number of units in the initial administration is always greater than in subsequent times. Therefore, turning to another beautician, you need to honestly warn him that the procedure is not done for the first time. Otherwise, out of ignorance, he will introduce large dose drug.

For example, such injections in the area between the eyebrows can be reflected in an excessive raising of the eyebrows, their asymmetry in a week.

How many units of Botox are needed to treat different areas of the face and body

It is important to understand that the data are given specifically for the drug called Botox (Botox) American manufacturer Allergan (Allergan). For other botulinum toxin-based products (for example, Lantox, Xeomin, Dysport), there is a completely different dosage. After all, each of them differs in composition and concentration.

The number of units that is standardly used to correct individual areas of the face and body is shown in the table.

Maximum number of units used

Correction of "crow's feet" (circular eye muscle)

12 each way (24 total)

On the forehead (horizontal folds)

Between the eyebrows (transverse wrinkles)

On the lips (for visual magnification volume and elimination of wrinkles around the mouth)

Nose, nose

Raise your eyebrows

jaw line


In the corners of the mouth (for lifting when they are lowered)


50 each way

Feet and palms

60 in one limb

What should be the result

At intramuscular injection Botox temporarily blocks the transmission of signals from the muscle to its nerve endings and vice versa. Some muscles tense up, others relax.

The skin is literally stretched from the inside, which helps to smooth mimic wrinkles and even large folds.

The result is noticeable already on the second day after the injection. But maximum effect appears only after 2-3 weeks.

There are people (about 1%) who, due to their individual characteristics, are insensitive to botulinum toxin. Also, if the patient has previously had botulism, then protective antibodies have developed in his blood that will not allow the drug to show an effect.

After about six months, the muscles return to their previous mobility, and wrinkles become noticeable again. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically repeat the procedure.

But it is worth noting that Botox accumulates in the body in small amounts, so each time it will take fewer units to administer it. In addition, the muscles get used to the immobilized position. Due to this, a person subconsciously uses facial expressions less actively and grimaces, which prevents deep wrinkles from forming.

Video: Effective Recipe

Unwanted Consequences

If the cosmetologist has incorrectly determined how many units of Botox are needed under the eyes, then ptosis (omission of the eyelid) most often occurs. Less common is asymmetry or visual impairment.

Immediately after the procedure, you may experience:

  • nausea, headache and a slight increase in body temperature;
  • within two days, swelling develops, eyelid spasms may occur, redness and pain may be felt at the injection site of Botox;
  • excessive relaxation of facial muscles of the face;
  • if the injection is too deep or the needle enters the nerve, the sensitivity of the lips may be impaired.

If you miscalculate the number of units of Botox that you need on the forehead, there is a risk of getting a frown effect.

Before deciding to correct age-related changes with Botox, you should heed the advice of experienced cosmetologists:

  1. The specialist who injects must have the right to prick them. A license and certificate is required. It is also important to make sure that he has sufficient experience in working with patients - at least 5 years, and high level knowledge of anatomy.

After all, to determine how much it is necessary to inject the drug in order to only slightly relax the muscles, and not completely immobilize them, not every even a qualified doctor is able to.

  1. The drug used must be certified, and also correspond to the expiration date.
  2. When choosing a clinic, it would be useful to find out about its rating among other institutions, ask friends who have been there, search for information and reviews on the Internet about it.
  3. No drinks containing alcohol should be taken at least 24 hours before the procedure. A qualified cosmetologist is obliged to warn the patient that if this rule is not followed, the effect of Botox will be zero.
  4. Due to the fact that hematomas, swelling and other small but noticeable defects may remain after injections, you should not plan the procedure before important events. It's perfect normal reaction skin that resolves in 2-6 weeks.

Therefore, it should be borne in mind that the covers will acquire a healthy appearance only after this period of time has elapsed. For example, hematomas disappear after 14 days maximum.

It cannot be ruled out that additional correction may be required after the initial procedure, and the recovery will take the same number of days. And if complications arise, everything will return to normal only after 3-6 months.

  1. It is important to remember that more does not always mean better. After all, a face that is absolutely smooth and devoid of facial expressions is far from being a standard of beauty.
  2. Avoid side effects and achieve noticeable positive result The exact implementation of the doctor's recommendation will help. It is especially important to stick to them for several hours after the procedure.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • lower your face, lean forward and down;
  • take the position of the body lying down;
  • swim in hot water;
  • be in direct sunlight;
  • visit a bath or sauna;
  • touch the puncture sites with your hands, press and massage;
  • exercise and heavy physical activity;
  • take medication without first consulting a doctor;
  • drink alcohol.

average cost

Payment in different medical clinics can be done in two ways:

  • per unit of the drug;
  • for the corrected zones.

Botox is available in bottles of 50, 100 or 200 units. The cost of one unit varies from 260 to 350 rubles.

Any woman wants to stay young and beautiful as long as possible, and with the appearance of the first wrinkles, she actively tries to fight them. There are several types of wrinkles, among which are static, located mainly in the lower part of the face and resulting from a decrease in elasticity, as well as dynamic, caused by the work of the mimic muscles of the upper third of the face. This zone includes horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, folds between the eyebrows, "crow's feet" around the eyes. Botox in the forehead is a procedure that allows you to get rid of them for a long time.

"Botox" is trade name attenuated botulinum toxin, a substance obtained from the vital activity of Clostridium botulinum. This is exactly the one pathogenic bacterium, which can cause botulism, was discovered back in 1895. It took about a hundred years to study the toxin, and in 1989 it began to be used in the treatment of blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm and strabismus. side effect from the introduction of the substance there was a smoothing of the interbrow folds and transverse wrinkles on the forehead. A couple of years later, Botox produced in the USA and Dysport produced in France appeared in the world of cosmetology. The toxin is labeled with Latin letters- from A to G, but cosmetologists use type A, it gives the most lasting effect, which can last up to 8-9 months. The mechanism of action is based on the ability to cause muscle paralysis.

Botulinum toxin is a poisonous substance, but its dosage, recommended for the correction of facial wrinkles, is not capable of leading to the development of botulism, so injections are considered absolutely safe.

Botox can remove wrinkles, but not forever, but for 5-6 months, a maximum of a year

To understand how Botox works on the forehead, you will have to understand the principle of the work of facial muscles that are in contact simultaneously with bone tissue and dermis. The manifestation of any emotion causes the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain, which set the face in motion, due to the reduction of its muscle corset. Suppression of susceptibility to these signals allows you to effectively smooth out existing wrinkles, prevent their deepening and the development of new ones.


The result obtained directly depends on the preparation for the rejuvenation session. Most important point- choice qualified specialist, who has sufficient experience, has an excellent command of the injection technique, therefore, understands how deeply the needle is inserted, how many units of Botox are needed for each zone.

The forehead and between the eyebrows are considered one of the most problem areas faces, age-related changes are especially noticeable here. Many women make the final choice in favor of Botox injections in the forehead after seeing photos of patients before and after the procedure.

To reduce the likelihood of unpleasant consequences from the introduction of botulinum toxin, it is necessary to answer the questions of a cosmetologist, which will help to predict possible reaction body:

Feel free to ask any questions that interest you. Find out what the visible effects of Botox on the forehead and other areas of the face can be, how to care for the skin after injections, when you can do repeated procedure. Approximately 7-10 days before the planned visit beauty salon stop taking these medicines:

  • aspirin;
  • antibiotics;
  • vitamin E;
  • ginkgo biloba;
  • ginseng;
  • St. John's wort;
  • ibuprofen;
  • drugs prescribed for Alzheimer's disease;
  • fish oil, omega-3;
  • excedrin.

Avoiding these medications and avoiding alcohol and smoking will reduce the chance of bruising. Some cosmetologists advise a couple of days before the scheduled procedure to start taking arnica, which is homeopathic remedy to prevent bruising at the injection site.

Does Botox injection hurt? Yes. If you notice a particular sensitivity to any procedures, you can take a painkiller before the visit to the beautician

The essence of the Botox injection procedure in the forehead

To perform Botox injections into the forehead, the skin is first disinfected, then the client is asked to wince a little, tensing the muscles of the face to mark the points where the substance will be injected. The injection site should be at least 2 cm away from the eyebrows, the area of ​​​​the approximate action of the toxin is marked by drawing a circle, then the next point is placed. To avoid asymmetry in the future, all points should be mirrored, and the dosage is chosen the same if there are no additional indications for changing it.

Microinjections are carried out using very thin needles, which are directed under the skin at a strictly 45 or 90 degree angle. Botox in the forehead and between the eyebrows is injected slowly, to a depth of about 7 mm. After injections, for even distribution of the substance, the cosmetologist makes light massage, which also reduces the likelihood of swelling and bruising.

Botox begins to act within a day, but the full result is manifested after 2-3 weeks. Women who have experienced the effect of Botox injections notice a significant smoothing of forehead wrinkles, an improvement in skin condition, and a decrease in the severity of wrinkles.

It is estimated that about 1% of people are not sensitive to the anti-aging agent. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body and previous botulism, due to which the blood contains antibodies to the drug, blocking its action.

How often can you inject Botox for wrinkles on the forehead and at what dosage, the beautician will be able to determine. Before the usual activity returns to the muscles, it usually takes about six months, then the procedure is recommended to be repeated. Botulinum toxin can accumulate in the body in a small amount, so subsequent procedures may require the introduction of fewer units. If injections are repeated with another specialist, this should be discussed to prevent the introduction of an increased dosage.

Dose of the drug

Many women are concerned about how many units of Botox are needed per forehead. In addition to healthy curiosity, this can also be explained by approximate calculations of the cost of the upcoming procedure. Even an experienced cosmetologist cannot always immediately determine the exact number of units due to the individual characteristics of the skin, its sagging, the severity of wrinkles, and age. Often, the client needs additional injections to correct the initial result, 10-14 days after the first session.

To smooth wrinkles on the forehead, on average, 10-30 units of botulinum toxin are required, for the area between the eyebrows - 10-25, to slightly raise the eyebrows, usually 2-5 units are enough. The right dosage plays a role important role in achieving the desired result. An insufficient amount of injected Botox for wrinkles on the forehead will give a minimal, almost imperceptible effect, which may not appear at all. Excess required amount units is also highly undesirable. Excessive relaxation of the facial muscles or their complete paralysis will create the effect of a motionless, unaesthetic mask on the face, which will remain so until the substance is completely removed from the body.

Contraindications to the procedure and possible complications

The maximum effect and the absence of side effects depends on following the recommendations after Botox given by the specialist:

  • restrictions in movements, you can not tilt your head down, take horizontal position within 3-4 hours after injections;
  • exclude visiting the sauna, solarium, beach for 7-10 days;
  • avoid taking antibiotics, B vitamins;
  • on the day of the procedure and the day after, do not use cosmetics, cream, do not rub, do not massage the face;
  • exclude alcohol and smoking for several days after anti-aging injections;
  • in case of forced medication or the occurrence of negative reactions notify the beautician immediately.

Botox in the forehead is considered simple and safe procedure, but sometimes it can give such complications:

  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea, headache;
  • swelling of the face, bruising at the injection site;
  • numbness, tingling of the treated area;
  • drooping eyebrows, eyelids, asymmetry;
  • cold and flu symptoms.

Most of the complications are temporary and quickly pass, subject to the recommendations of the beautician. Before injections, it is necessary to find out what contraindications to this procedure exist:

  1. myasthenic syndrome.
  2. Inflammatory process, bumps, acne, acne at the injection site.
  3. Infectious diseases in the acute phase (tonsillitis, influenza, colds, herpes).
  4. High degree of myopia (nearsightedness).
  5. Tendency to allergies or its exacerbation.
  6. Hypersensitivity to the drug used, which could be observed after the last session.
  7. Taking antibiotics and other drugs that can increase toxic effect substances.
  8. Pronounced sagging of the skin, ptosis caused by age-related changes (relaxation of the forehead muscles is guaranteed to lead to drooping of the eyebrows).
  9. Facial surgery less than three months after.
  10. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What to pay attention to

The quality of the drug itself, compliance with expiration dates should also be taken into account, of course, a clinic or salon with a high rating will take care of this on its own. Due to individual characteristics skin hematomas and swelling may appear at the injection site, therefore it is not recommended to plan rejuvenation before important events. Botox injections in the forehead and other problem areas of the face are very popular among women and even many men due to the ease of implementation and quick effect. If the idea of ​​injecting a safe toxin under the skin is not to your liking, the beautician will be able to suggest alternative effective methods fight the signs of aging without Botox.

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