How to get rid of closed comedones. Ways to get rid of comedones. Healing creams and ointments

Most often, girls and guys complain about comedones, although many people and doctors do not consider this to be acne. But since the cause of occurrence is one, it is foolish to doubt.

Closed comedones are a time that is closed, fat accumulates in it and cannot come out, resulting in a white, non-inflammatory head (see the figure below). In fact, there is nothing to worry about, but if a microbe gets into this time, it can cause inflammation.

How to get rid of closed comedones?

It is easier to prevent than to deal with already existing comedones. Therefore, as you notice that your skin is prone to the formation of comedones, start the necessary care that will allow you to avoid many unnecessary problems.

What medicines can be treated?

In general, I would not advise treating them at all, because comedones appear as a result of improper skin care. This is not a disease and as such does not require treatment, but there are remedies that will really help you:
— differin,
- skinoren.

The principle of their action is very simple, they make the skin thin, as if undressing it, due to which the pores open and then do not clog. But the result can be expected only after 3-6 months of continuous use, not earlier.

The products are very aggressive, so I would think a hundred times before I started using it.

What medications DO NOT HELP?

- , since there is not a single component that would affect the cause. Zinc does not count, after all, its super properties are exaggerated.
- although there are such people (but I didn’t see comedones in them) that they claimed that it helped them with comedones. No, no, and again no, it will provoke something extra in you with its dryness than it will help get rid of comedones.

But remember, if you are too lazy to do the procedures that will be described below, then you can use medications to treat acne (differin, skinoren).

What will help get rid of comedones?

Let's first find out with you why comedones appear. The fact is that this is far from a natural process, and not a thorough skin care. There is a clogging of the pores and therefore the fat cannot come out and a white head is formed.

Why is it time to clog:

  • makeup clogs pores
  • bad cleaning,
  • excessive secretion of fat,
  • dry skin,
  • harmful effects of the external environment.

But to say that you are caring badly is also not true, most likely you are doing it wrong.

What can help get rid of comedones?

1. Any means that help reduce the layer of skin:

  • clay,
  • peeling with fruit acids (ANA, BHA-acids),

At least once a week you need to do masks, either with clay or peeling.

2. Use at least once a week.

3. Wash your face with a special foam for washing (BUT ONLY NOT SOAP). It is good if you wash off the foam with a sponge. Remember we are something like a scrub.

4. Use a moisturizer that won't clog pores if your skin is dry.

All these procedures will give results in a few weeks, and possibly months. If you want to quickly get rid of comedones, then you need to do mechanical cleaning in a beauty salon and then carry out maintenance therapy.

What foods should be avoided?

I didn’t notice that from some products I got more comedones, because this is still an external factor and you need to fight it from the outside, otherwise acne will only grow. And you can eat everything, including fatty foods. But remember that fatty foods will increase the skin secretion.

Comedo is a type of plug that forms in the duct of the sebaceous gland. Most often, comedones are smooth or slightly raised above the skin elements that are not easy to get rid of. Comedones can be closed (whiteheads) or open (blackheads or blackheads).

Closed comedones are small, flesh-colored bumps on the skin. They appear due to the large amount of fat in the duct, which expands it, and because of this, peculiar nodules form under the skin. Squeezing out the contents of whiteheads is quite difficult.

Open comedones are the initial phase of acne formation. In this case dust and dirt adhere to the surface of the open sebaceous plug, and a black dot forms on the face.

Causes of comedones

Before talking about the treatment of comedones, let's look at the causes of their occurrence.

1. It is generally accepted that comedones occur due to insufficient and irregular cleansing of the skin. However, this is not entirely true. Of course, it is necessary to cleanse the skin so as not to aggravate the situation, but this will not solve the problem, since The main reason for the appearance of comedones is the hyperactive state of the sebaceous glands., that is, a certain type of skin.

2. Another common cause is hormonal changes in the body. Hormones such as androgens and progesterone increase sebum production.

3. An important factor in the occurrence of comedones is also a genetic predisposition. If any of your close relatives have similar skin problems, don't be surprised.

4. The condition of our skin directly depends on the state of health and the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, with malnutrition, smoking and alcohol abuse, as well as with chronic diseases, comedones can appear.

5. And of course improper skin care leads to an increase in the number of comedones. Remember that you need to wash your face in the morning and in the evening with the help of a product selected according to your skin type. A couple of times a week, you need to use a scrub and a cleansing mask. Also, do not abuse decorative cosmetics and never go to bed with makeup, as cosmetics clog pores a lot.

Treatment of comedones in a beauty parlor

Squeezing out comedones on your own is not recommended, as inflammation may increase. It is best to entrust the solution of this problem to specialists. In the beauty salon, you can offer a number of procedures aimed at treating comedones.

Manual cleaning

During manual cleaning, the beautician cleanses the face, steams and gently squeezes out black dots. Whiteheads are pre-pierced with a sterile needle. Wounds after manual cleaning heal within a few days. In order for the treatment to have an effect, manual cleaning must be carried out regularly, as well as follow the recommendations of a beautician for skin care.

vacuum cleaning

Vacuum cleaning (pictured above) is much more comfortable than manual cleaning. Vacuum cleaning will not remove large and whiteheads, but it will clean the pores well from sebaceous plugs and black dots. Ideally, 2 methods are used: manual and vacuum.

Peeling with fruit acids

The most comfortable of salon methods. It consists in dry cleaning of the face with glycolic acid. The skin of the face after the procedure looks fresh and rested, the production of sebum is reduced, but the comedones disappear in a small amount, although they become less noticeable. As for closed comedones, after several peeling procedures, the skin becomes thinner, the pores open, and the contents of whiteheads easily come out.


This method helps to get rid of closed comedones. Whiteheads are cauterized by current, as a result of which a crust forms, and then disappears.

Pharmacy and store remedies for comedones treatment

Store-bought and pharmacy products will help get rid of comedones, which, when used in combination, give very good results.


The scrub removes impurities and dead cells from the skin, cleanses the pores. Among the popular products are the Clean & Clear face scrub for blackheads, the Clinique exfoliating scrub, the l`Oreal Deep Exfoliation scrub, the Vichy Normaderm gel scrub with microgranules.

Purifying masks

Due to the ingredients included in the composition, cleansing masks free the pores from impurities and fat, regulate sebaceous activity. Products: Delarom White Clay Purifying Facial Mask, Garnier Pure Skin Steaming Mask, Nivea 5 in 1, Oriflame Anti Blackhead Purifying Mask.

Cosmetic patches for blackheads

Blackhead patches or strips pull out the contents of the pores in the so-called problematic T-zone, where there are always more comedones. Featured Products: Nivea Gentle Cleansing Strips, T-Zone Instant Deep Pore Cleansing Strips for Face and Nose, Cettua Nose, Forehead and Chin Cleansing Strips.

Gels for problem skin

Pharmacy gels contain substances that act on the deeper layers of the skin, healing it. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The most effective means: "Klindovit", "Skinoren", "Baziron AS", "Differin", "Zinerit", "Kuriozin".

How to get rid of comedones with home remedies

You can effectively fight comedones with the help of home remedies. Here are some proven recipes for you.

Scrub from black dots

To get rid of open comedones, you can use scrubs:

  • salt and soda mixed in equal proportions with the addition of a small amount of water;
  • black clay (diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream) and soda (proportion - 2: 1);
  • coffee grounds;
  • sour cream and coarse salt;
  • cereals.

Homemade masks for comedones

Masks have a good effect:

  • from brewer's yeast and milk;
  • from egg white, kefir (2 tablespoons) and honey (1 teaspoon);
  • from strawberries and flour;
  • from banana and honey;
  • from olive oil and lemon juice;
  • from kefir.

Mask-film from black dots

Grind 1 tablet of activated charcoal into powder, add 1 tbsp. l. gelatin and 1 tbsp. l. warm milk. Mix everything and heat until the gelatin dissolves. Steam the skin of the face. Allow the mask to cool slightly, and then apply with a brush on the nose, chin and forehead. When it sets a little, apply the 2nd coat. Let the mask dry for 20 minutes, and then tear off the face with a sharp movement.

Any disturbances in the production of sebum and clogging of the ducts of the mouths in the skin are accompanied by pronounced changes in the condition of the upper layer of the epidermis and a deterioration in the general condition of the skin, thereby provoking the appearance, including. Representing a skin capsule with filling, comedones can differ both in the process of their formation and in the external symptoms of the pathological process in the skin.

The pores of the skin, designed to remove waste products, sweat, parts of the epidermis, when their mouths are clogged, begin to become inflamed, swelling appears, which is characteristic of this particular disease. Comendones can also be called a type of acne, which, with progression, has acquired more vivid manifestations and can cause further deterioration.


Comendones can form at almost any age, but most often they occur, like acne, due to the fact that the process of sebum production is activated during some malfunctions in the hormonal system. This is noted in adolescence, when the final formation of many body systems occurs, during pregnancy and other changes in the body.

The frequency of diagnosing comedonons is approximately the same in both men and women. The area of ​​formation of such blockages on the skin is the face (forehead, nose, chin, ears), however, blockages of the mouths of the skin pores (comedones) can also be found on the back, shoulders, hips and buttocks. With increased skin sensitivity, comedones and other changes in the upper layer of the epidermis occur more often.

Closed comedones on the face (photo)


Today it is customary to classify such a skin condition as comedones, which facilitates the process of diagnosing this skin disease and makes it possible to draw up the most effective treatment regimen to eliminate the external manifestations of the lesion. By its type of education, this condition can be of two main types:

  • open comedones- in this case, the presence of the upper layer of clogging, visible to the eye, is noted. This means that the mouth of the skin pore duct is clogged with particles of dead skin, street dust, and cosmetic residues. In this case, a so-called plug is formed in the upper part of the mouth, which gradually acquires a dark or black color due to external pollution. With the open form of comedones, the released sebum gives the site of the lesion a greasy sheen, an open comedone is more noticeable and is more quickly diagnosed even during a routine external examination by a dermatologist. You should know that open comedones are less dangerous than their closed variety, they are easier to treat and leave almost no marks on the skin.
  • Closed comedones characterized by the formation of the same kind of cork from the remnants of cosmetics, skin particles and sebum, but it does not break out, but remains inside the skin. Outwardly, a closed variety of comedones is a small enlarged formation protruding above the surface of the skin. Usually they are not painful, however, the inability to remove the formed cork to the outside is fraught with both long treatment and the possible leaving a mark on the skin after removal of such a comedone.

The division of this skin pathology into varieties depending on their shape and formation allows us to attribute them to a certain type and determine a treatment option that will quickly eliminate the resulting plug and clean the ducts of the skin pores.

The causes of comedones on the face and body are described in this video:


The formation of comedones, like blackheads, is associated with several factors. They can be combined with each other, but the most common causes of comedones include the following:

  • insufficient personal hygiene, which clogs the skin and does not eliminate the remnants of dead skin, particles of cosmetic preparations and sebum in the required volume;
  • excessively active secretion of fat from the pores of the skin;
  • improper or unbalanced diet, the predominance in the diet of foods with an excessively high content of sugars or fat, as well as the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • bad habits in the form and;
  • the use of certain drugs that can cause severe skin problems;
  • prolonged sunbathing without the use of the necessary products designed to protect the skin;
  • tendency to clog the mouths of the pores or their significant narrowing;
  • hereditary factor that is inherited.

Transitional age and malfunctions in the hormonal system can also be called the causes of acne, comedones and acne on the skin.

Symptoms of comedones

External manifestations of the formation of comedones are very characteristic, which allows them to be detected at the earliest stage of development. This speeds up the process of cleansing and healing the skin.

When the mouths of the pores are blocked, a dark or black plug is formed in the upper part of the pore, which can be quite dense. As the disease progresses, the cork becomes darker and harder, and the process of its extraction is difficult. For this reason, identifying the disease at the earliest possible stages makes it easier and faster to clear the skin and eliminate the manifestations of this condition.

The skin in the area of ​​clogged pores becomes more uneven, areas with active inflammation may appear on it, which is provoked by the lack of necessary skin respiration.

Diagnosis, treatment and removal of closed and open comedones on the face and other places are described below.


Methods for diagnosing comedones are simple. The first step in identifying this pathological skin condition is a general external examination of the affected areas by a dermatologist, who can make a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

For a more accurate diagnosis, an examination of the skin areas affected by comedones by such specialists as an endocrinologist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist is required, since this disorder is often accompanied by disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

About how to treat closed and open comedones on the face or other localizations and get rid of them forever, we will tell further.


Treatment options for this condition may vary. Much depends on the degree of skin damage, the severity of the pathological process. Usually, complex treatment is prescribed, which allows you to quickly eliminate the characteristic symptoms and improve the external indicators of the skin.

The most effective can be called drug treatment using general recommendations to improve the quality of personal hygiene.

This video will tell you how to remove comedones from the ears:

Therapeutic way

The therapeutic effect can be attributed to the improvement of the washing process using special cleansers, as well as bath procedures to improve the process of opening the skin pores and removing the plug that has formed from them.

The following procedures also performed well:

  • skin scrubbing - with the help of hard scrub particles, the skin is more completely cleansed of dead cells, dust and dirt;
  • fruit acids, which perfectly dissolve organic impurities on the skin, removing plugs from the mouths of the pores;
  • the use of cosmetics that stabilize the production of sebum and relieve inflammation on the skin.

A complex effect on comedones allows you to get the most pronounced result with minimal time and quickly return the skin to a healthy look.

We will talk about remedies for closed and open comedones on the face below.

In a medical way

Medicines, also cleansing the skin and preventing further progression of the inflammatory process, provide a quick healing of the skin.

Salicylic acid is usually used, which neutralizes inflammation well and relieves external manifestations.

Surgical intervention for the detection of comedones is usually not required. About that, we write separately.

Disease prevention


In the absence of the necessary treatment, as well as in its insufficiency, the manifestations of this disease are likely to worsen with an increase in the area of ​​the lesion, the penetration of inflammatory processes into the deeper layers of the skin. Deterioration of the general appearance of the skin, a significant expansion of the pores and the remaining traces on the skin after the elimination of this lesion are the simplest complications of comedones.


The correct technique for squeezing comedones on the back is shown in this video:

Comedones are one of the varieties of acne (acne), in which a mixture of dead cells and microorganisms forms under the skin.

Despite the fact that outwardly comedones can often remain invisible, they can cause pain. And given that such formations can reach five millimeters in diameter and spread throughout the body, it is undesirable to ignore such a problem.

Unlike open comedones in the form of black dots, closed pimples are white and can appear at any age. But most often, such acne is typical for people aged 12-24 years.

Causes of closed comedones

The main reason for the appearance of closed comedones are various hormonal disorders, but doctors note a number of other factors:

  1. Improper skin care or complete neglect of personal hygiene, resulting in clogged skin pores.
  2. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Genetic predisposition, as a result of which comedones can appear even in those who monitor the condition of the skin.
  4. In some cases, certain medications may be the cause.
  5. In exceptional cases, the appearance of comedones can be influenced by environmental pollution. As a result - clogging of the skin pores with particles of dust, dirt and various compounds, which leads to the appearance of closed comedones.
  6. In men, an excessive amount of testosterone in the body also leads to the appearance of comedones.

As a result of hormonal disorders, comedones often appear in pregnant women, even if all hygiene requirements are met. Endocrine diseases and problems with the gastrointestinal tract also increase the likelihood of such acne.


Closed comedones outwardly can be almost invisible, in addition - for several months and even years, these formations may not cause any pain or discomfort.

But often the following symptoms can indicate the beginning of the formation of comedones:

  • discoloration of the skin of the face (skin acquires a painful gray or greenish tint);
  • peeling;
  • coarsening of the skin;
  • visually noticeable expansion of pores;
  • in women, cosmetics begin to stick poorly (due to an increase in the fat content in the skin).

In advanced cases, closed comedones begin to become inflamed, redness is observed.

In such cases, it is not recommended to self-medicate, and even more so, to squeeze out acne, since as a result of such procedures noticeable scars are formed, and a secondary infection may also enter the comedone.

Methods of drug treatment

If there are several relatively small closed comedones that do not bother or cause discomfort, you can get by with just hygiene measures. It is enough to wash your face twice a day with soap and use lotions that do not contain alcohol to wipe.

But sometimes treatment requires application special means. They should be taken only after consultation with specialists, since these drugs, for all their effectiveness, can have a number of side effects.


This is the best option that allows you to eliminate comedones without the use of external agents.

The main disadvantage of antibiotics is their detrimental effect on immunity because oral antibiotics disrupt the body's immune system. In most cases, two of these drugs are used to treat closed comedones:

A fairly effective antibiotic, but it has a number of contraindications, including pregnancy, hypersensitivity to tetracycline drugs and severe violations of the liver and kidneys.

The cost of the drug varies in the range 340-350 rubles.


The cost of the drug about 100 rubles but it may not be effective in severe cases.

Special creams or lotions

Unlike oral antibiotics, comedone creams do not cause damage to the body, but the course of treatment in this case may last longer. The basis of such creams and gels is benzene peroxide,.

Among the most popular creams, Zinerit can be distinguished, which effectively fights all types of acne, but with prolonged use, the effectiveness of the drug decreases, as the bacteria that form comedones begin to “get used” to the active components of the cream.

The cost of such a tool is about 500 rubles.

Many dermatologists recommend the use of Skinoren cream-gel, which can be used both for spot application (if there are not very many comedones) or for application to the entire surface of the skin. The main side effect of the drug is slight burning sensation.

The average cost is 600 rubles.

Cream Adapalene

A more expensive remedy is Adapalen cream. This drug can be used in combination with other creams and lotions, while it effectively fights even severe forms of acne.

Price 760 rubles.

Among lotions, experts distinguish Holy Land lotion (cost - from 1400 rubles depending on region).

This remedy is considered natural, since extracts of arnica and witch hazel are used as its basis.

The lotion is suitable for sensitive skin and not only quickly dissolves old closed comedones, but also prevents the appearance of new ones.

But firstly, such a tool does not give quick results: it must be used for at least a week twice a day. Secondly, if preventive measures are not followed after the course of treatment, there is always the possibility of the reappearance of comedones.


Among the ointments, the most common are:


A relatively mild remedy that eliminates acne and normalizes the sebaceous glands. The only serious side effect is associated with individual intolerance.

Price 250 rubles.

In addition to the treatment of comedones, the ointment prevents the appearance of new formations on the skin and, in general, makes the skin less oily. The product must be used carefully and in consultation with the doctor.

Price 700 rubles.

Allows you to quickly get rid of comedones (on average, the course of treatment is 2-3 days). Before use, you must make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Price up to 120 rubles.

The most inexpensive remedy among similar drugs, which, moreover, has practically no side effects. But it is advisable to use such an ointment for the separate elimination of a small amount of comedones.

Price 50 rubles.

Cosmetic procedures

In some cases, the use of medications alone does not eliminate comedones, and more effective radical methods are required. These are cosmetic procedures that have their advantages, but are not without drawbacks. Such procedures are assigned individually.

mechanical way

Technically, this is the easiest way to help remove dead skin cells, dirt, plugs and comedones.

The most popular type of these procedures is microcrystalline dermabrasion(microdermabrasion).

In this case, the upper layer of the skin is polished using a special vacuum suction apparatus, which has nozzles coated with diamond dust. In practice, this method can be called peeling, since in this case the top layer is removed (and comedones along with it), after which this layer of skin is completely renewed.

Depending on the number of comedones and their size, the microdermabrasion procedure can be one-time, or it can take place in several stages. The procedure is not very painful, but for people with thin skin it can cause discomfort, therefore, in some cases, local anesthesia is done before peeling.

The procedure is the cauterization of comedones with an electric current, and such a procedure is carried out only in beauty salons where special equipment is used.

In the process of electrocoagulation, a thin film is formed on the areas exposed to the current, which peels off after about a week.

If the comedones are large enough and sit deep, subtle light scars may remain on the face after the procedure.

Treatment with a laser

This effective method allows you to achieve visible results after the first procedure, and thanks to the ability to adjust the depth of penetration, the specialist can work with problem areas without affecting the surrounding tissues.

This procedure not only has no consequences in the form of scars or scars, but is absolutely painless.

There are three types of such laser peeling:

  • Blue laser treatment (frequency 405-420 nm). This procedure destroys bacteria that are deep in the skin and promotes the resorption of comedones.
  • pulsed laser. During processing, bacteria die, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands also decreases. As a result of this decrease in the intensity of secretion, less sebum is produced, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, old comedones dissolve, and the likelihood of new comedones formation decreases.
  • diode laser. Unlike the previous type, this procedure contributes to the complete cessation of sebum secretion. It is quite effective in the treatment of acne, when comedones are formed in large quantities over the entire surface of the face.


There are no special diets that help get rid of comedones.

What's more, claims that avoiding sugary and fatty foods help prevent acne are misleading.

The main thing is to use the following products as the basis of nutrition in such a period:

  • walnuts;
  • not salted mushrooms;
  • barley;
  • oatmeal;
  • buckwheat;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • boiled eggs;
  • steamed fish;
  • onion and garlic;
  • any legumes;
  • green tea;
  • chicory.

Folk remedies and recipes

Traditional medicine is not the best way to deal with comedones, since the problem, at best, can remain at the same level. Sometimes, however, these remedies can only make the situation worse.

But doctors often themselves recommend some traditional medicine, so if you wish can complement the course of treatment such procedures, it is necessary to at least consult with a specialist who will tell you exactly whether this or that method will cause harm.

Really harmless (but not always effective) are scrubs.

One of them can be prepared as follows: ground beans, ground oatmeal and coffee grounds are mixed in equal proportions (a teaspoon each). Half a teaspoon of fine salt is added to this composition. The thoroughly mixed composition is gently applied to the skin, but not rubbed. After a few minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.

Or lemon juice, then everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face for about half an hour.


As in the case of any other dermatological diseases, the main thing in the prevention of comedones is keeping skin clean. You need to wash your face twice a day, and at the same time use soap or special cleansing gels (ordinary soap can lead to dry skin). Twice a week it is recommended in specialized salons or at home to exfoliate keratinized skin with scrubs.

Problematic skin requires special care. So, when it is useful to use special antibacterial lotions based on natural ingredients (juniper, pine needles, chamomile, green tea). You can additionally use menthol and eucalyptus oils, as well as (but in small quantities), clove and cedar. These products reduce skin porosity, reduce inflammation and stimulate blood circulation.

It is also recommended to stick to a healthy balanced nutrition and monitor health in general, since the general condition of the body is almost always reflected on the face, and comedones can occur as external signs of some hidden disease.

Much depends on the selection of the right cosmetics. In some cases, due to the individual characteristics of the skin, certain types of cosmetics can cause acne.

Keeping your face clean and hygienic is the best way to prevent comedones. It is also necessary to monitor the condition of the skin: on a well-groomed clean face, the appearance of such an acne rash is practically excluded.

Comedones are formed on human skin due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands, as well as due to follicular hyperkeratosis (the so-called violation of skin cell renewal). The role of follicular hyperkeratosis in the formation of comedones is predominant, since the process of cell renewal is most significant for the proper functioning of the skin.

Thanks to the process of cell renewal, our skin gains the ability to recover from the negative effects of the environment: ultraviolet radiation, chemical damage and other factors. If there is a place to be follicular hyperkeratosis, then dead cells become much higher than normal, they stick together with the sticky secretion of the sebaceous gland, forming a plug or comedone.

Types of comedones

Comedones are of two types:

  1. Closed comedones are small, flesh-colored or white bumps that protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. From the side, closed comedones can be completely invisible and can only be felt to the touch if you run your hand over the skin. They are felt as a slight roughness or unevenness.
  2. open comedones. They are formed when the contents of the comedone partially come out of it (that is, on the surface of the skin). This is the most visible type of comedones. It looks like black dots.

How comedones form pimples

Open and closed comedones should not be confused with acne, because comedones (both closed and open), unlike acne, do not have inflammation. However, if a comedone becomes inflamed, it turns into a pimple. This is facilitated by fungi and bacteria that live on human skin and feed on the secretions of the sebaceous glands. Propionobacteria acne are the most common culprits for inflammation, as they can multiply without the presence of oxygen. If bacteria of this species penetrate the comedone and begin to multiply there, then they begin to release toxic substances that irritate the walls of the sebaceous gland. This is how the inflammatory process in comedones begins.

In this case, the deeper the inflammation began, the larger the potential pimple will be.

There can be several options for the course of the inflammatory process in the comedone:

  1. Independent resorption of the abscess (inside). This happens very rarely.
  2. The abscess is torn from the inside, pus penetrates into the surrounding tissues, causing the spread and prolonged course of the inflammatory process.
  3. The abscess comes out. In this case, when pressing on the pimple, a “purulent column” shoots out.

Causes of comedones

There are several main causes of comedones:

  1. Wrong skin care. This includes not only insufficient (or improper) cleansing, but also the use of cosmetics and makeup based on fats. Also, the habit of going to bed without washing your face leads to very negative consequences for the skin of the face. This provokes the accumulation of particles of dead cells on the skin, from merging with sebum, dust, and, consequently, to infection with bacteria.
  2. genetic predisposition. You should especially carefully monitor the skin of the face if you have a hereditary tendency to problematic skin in your family.
  3. Hormonal disorders in the body. In particular, the formation of comedones contributes to an increased level of testosterone.
  4. Taking certain medications (mainly hormonal) may be accompanied by the appearance of comedones. True, in most cases, comedones disappear as soon as a person stops taking these drugs.
  5. Frequent exposure to stressful situations. It has been observed that in people under stress, the composition of sebum changes. In addition, in a depressed state, a person devotes much less time to hygiene and skin care, which leads to the formation of comedones. Often, after getting out of stressful situations, comedones that appeared during this period pass on their own.
  6. Living in a humid climate and polluted air. This combination is extremely negative for the skin, since it contributes to active contamination of the skin and, therefore, provokes the formation of comedones.

How to understand that you have comedones? One of the first signs of comedones, which appears even before they are visible on the skin, is the expansion of pores and coarsening of the skin. Here at risk are people with oily skin, which, however, can also be prone to peeling. Another sign of the formation of comedones is poor retention of cosmetics on the face. It seems to "drain" from the skin. This phenomenon occurs due to the high degree of oily skin. It is believed that it is at this stage that anti-comedone therapy will be most effective, since during this period the formation of comedones is at a stage when the mouth of the follicle is completely closed. A certain amount of sebum can still be evacuated from the follicle, part of it also remains inside (this is just the above-described stage of the appearance of tubercles, which can be felt by touching the face). The most common place on the T-zone of the face, as well as the chin. In the future, open comedones appear, which outwardly resemble a nodule with a black dot due to the oxidation of the surface part of the sebum. Closed comedones are located under the skin, and therefore, not being able to evacuate the contents, they often become inflamed. Further transformation of comedones is hard not to notice, since this is already the appearance of open comedones (red pimples with unchanged or inflamed skin on top).

Improper self-squeezing of comedones can lead to the formation of scars and scars, as well as lead to infection of a purulent nature and the development of pyoderma.

It is necessary to treat comedones because if there are no comedones, there will be no acne.

How to get rid of comedones

Finding a way on your own - how to get rid of closed comedones - you most likely will not succeed. You should not try to achieve this, as very unpleasant consequences can arise. For example, acne scars will appear, which are very difficult to remove. Comedones require complex treatment. Therefore, the basis - the basics of the fight against comedones - is the cure of the underlying diseases (if any). For any type of comedones, it is worth consulting not only with a dermatologist, but also go for a consultation with a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. Only after the stage of therapeutic treatment, it is possible to start treating the skin with cosmetic procedures aimed at balancing the production of sebum and removing dead cells. As a rule, such treatment should begin with procedures such as microdermabrasion or peeling with fruit acids. Further, it is possible to use cosmetic drugs with anti-comedogenic properties. Those places on the skin where there are already blackheads should be wiped with salicylic alcohol and applied to them with an antibacterial gel. Also, it will not be depriving you to take vitamin complexes and follow a special diet, which involves reducing the consumption of sweet and fatty foods. If a secondary infection occurs, the doctor may prescribe local and internal antibacterial drugs.

Black dots comedones (video)

Methods for removing comedones

Comedones should be removed only in a beauty parlor. In addition to the above methods, comedones can be removed by the following methods:

  1. Method of mechanical cleaning of the face. This extrusion procedure after steaming the skin, carried out under sterile conditions, requiring periodic repetition.
  2. Method of atraumatic cleansing of the face. With this method, sebaceous plugs are not squeezed out, but dissolved, after opening the pores and applying fruit acid masks to the skin.
  3. peeling method. Peeling products can have a different composition of components: anti-inflammatory, keratolytic, anti-seborrheic. Peeling cleans not only superficial comedones, but helps to raise deep ones for the possibility of mechanical cleaning.
  4. ultrasonic cleaning method. In this case, the skin is cleansed by means of ultrasonic waves, causing the skin cells to vibrate and push the sebaceous plugs out. This is a modern, non-traumatic and very effective method of getting rid of comedones.

Treatment of comedones at home

There is a whole range of products, drugs and procedures with which it is recommended to treat skin with closed comedones:

  • In the morning and evening, the face should be thoroughly cleansed with a special foam using a sponge or sponge. The face should be moistened, apply foam on it and beat it until small bubbles appear. Then rinse with a sponge. This procedure well removes particles of fat, dead cells and dirt.
  • Weekly peeling or scrub with fruit acids is very useful for comedones, however, these procedures should not be done at the same time, this can lead to peeling and irritation of the skin.
  • Clay or badyaga masks are a great addition to the complex treatment of comedones. It is fashionable to do masks from one to three times a week (depending on the availability of other procedures).
  • Makeup removal at night is a must! This can be done using alcohol-free tonics or cosmetic milk. For dry skin, use a light moisturizer.
  • To get rid of closed comedones, you can make masks from fresh vegetables, after rubbing them on a fine grater and adding a little olive oil or lemon juice. This mask should be kept on the face for 15 minutes and then washed off with water.
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